#I think I’m so upset because her scene with mary in 1.09 really struck me
scriptmyworld · 2 years
you have a man who you heavily imply in the first season, and explicitly say in the next, is abusive, manipulative, and evil. and you have the woman who’s been buried under her family’s legacy her whole life, who you show us has come from a cold, unforgiving, unaccepting home. a woman who’s never been able to make a choice for herself in her life. who’s entire emotional arc was about reconnecting with her sisters. who is brave, who is loyal, and who is way more giving than she would let anyone know.
and you pair them together???? like some sick twisted love story???? you make her his obedient servant?????
lilith’s arc this season makes so little sense to me and it makes her look stupid. there was literally no reason to untether her from her family like this. you could’ve even had her learn more and then dip!! actually make a decision for herself!!! but instead she’s once again at the whim of another power and you’re framing it like it’s her freedom. this plot genuinely made me ill.
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