#I think I’m finally cured of my artblock
dannybobany · 8 months
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I'm alive!
Tut mir leid, diesmal gibts nur Englisch, ich bin zu faul, ihr könnt mir aber gerne auf Deutsch antworten ♥
At the beginning of the year I had to fight against artblock. I really missed coloring with watercolors, but I had to make some lineart (which I kinda messed up, but f*ck it I’ll color this anyway ). Then I decided to relax a bit and scribble stuff that I adore. The result was a simple but lovely sketch of a jaguar and I colored it instantly. And this cured me!!! I’m in love with the final artwork, so much that I framed it and set it in the living room.  
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Another thing that freed me from artblock was playing around with shrinking plastic. So much fun guys! Unfortunately it only works with “6 PS” plastic, and it’s kinda rare in Germany. I found a sushi-box from the delivery service but the rest… I think I’ll purchase some shrinking-foils in the future  
[singlepic id=350 w=400 h=600 float=center]
How are you doing guys? Have you ever been crafting with shrinking plastic?
I’m alive! was originally published on Mia, ganz (Un)-Verblümt
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