#I think I said something like sukuna and yuuji’s fight would be more mental and maybe he’d communicate to megumi through innate domain
lavenderjewels · 2 months
the latest jjk chapter was so unbelievably good. I was soaking in every page. one of the best chapters personally
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redtsundere-writes · 5 months
Jinx | Sukuna Ryomen
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mmafigther!sukuna ryomen x femcoach!reader
Part 11. The Other One
Beginning. ← Previous | Next →
Sypnosis: Sukuna is a world champion with anger issues. It's believed by many that he is untrainable. Yeah, you can't train him, but you can dominate him. Contents: Fighting. Sukuna being Sukuna. Female reader being dom. Jinx AU (the BL, not the character from lol) Yuuji, Choso and Sukuna are brothers. Warnings: Cursed words. I only read it once lol Word Count: 4667 words. Author's Note: We are so close to the end. I already want to get to the grand finale, but I can only write one chapter at the time. uwu Thanks for all the support so far!
Btw I made a PLAYLIST
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“Salmon or hake?” I wondered as I compared the two frozen fish. I was in the frozen section of the best supermarket in the city.  My exposed skin was cold by being exposed to the bed of ice and near the refrigerators full of snacks and fast foods. The nerves in my hands were beginning to tighten from holding the frozen packages for too long.
Ladies slowly dragging their carts through the white aisles, children crying to their mothers who already want to go home and the employees running from side to side behind me. The popular music framed my thoughts as I read the nutritional facts for each product, focusing on the grams of protein. Since I was in charge of cooking for Sukuna’s birthday, I had to choose the best products to make him the best dinner he ever had
Salmon has 20 grams of protein, 13 grams of fat and zero carbohydrates. In addition to its contribution of Omega-3, for high-performance athletes it is the ideal fish to eat, since it has a very good ratio of proteins and healthy fats. If I baked it in the oven, I was sure it would be delicious. The only problem? The famous mercury. Although, according to some studies, it is true that salmon is the fish that contains the least amount. Hake is usually its alternative, which has less fat, but the same or more amount of protein, also it digests better.
“Salmon has more potassium, selenium, and vitamin B12." A female voice interrupted my mental debate.
My eyes widened when I saw the beauty next to me. A thin and tall blonde woman. Her blonde hair was long and her bangs looked great on her. His thin eyebrows framed her big brown eyes. His tight-fitting black turtleneck shirt and high-waisted pants made her look phenomenal. It was like admiring a beautiful porcelain statue, you could easily get lost in the details of her person.
"Oh, thanks. Are you a nutritionist or something like that?” I asked curiously as I returned the hake to the bed of ice.
"I'm a jiu-jitsu coach. I never thought I would meet the Medusa Snake in a supermarket,” she joked.
I should have seen it before. Her physical build was magnificent for a jiu-jitsu fighter. Her arms were perfectly toned, and his long legs could knock down any rival with one kick. I started to envy her body.
"I was told you were Ryomen's coach, I see that you are… very close," she said as she looked directly at the bracelet that Sukuna had given me earlier this morning. That was strange.
"It is a complicated task, but I think that every day we understand each other more," I answered honestly.
"I wanted to be his coach, you know?” she told me as if nothing had happened.
Something in me set off a warning alarm. I could sense that this conversation had a double intention. Was she threatening my position? Did she know that I wouldn't be Sukuna's coach anytime soon? Was she just trying to have a nice conversation in the middle of the frozen section? She was a beautiful woman to admire, but I didn't like where this was going.
"Who are you?" I asked confused, completely breaking the flow of the conversation.
"My name is Yuki Tsukumo," she introduced herself with a smile. “This is the Yuki who sent the bracelet to Sukuna!” I thought, trying not to reflect surprise on my face, but I'm not sure if I did it. “I see he received my gift, it's a shame he didn't want to use it."
"Sukuna doesn't like receiving gifts, that's why he gave it to me,” I answered, my tone sounding more defensive than I intended.
"Thank goodness he didn't throw it in the trash," she said before taking the hake I left. "I hope he doesn't throw you away either." With that threat, she walked away, getting lost in the cereal aisle.
I just saw the beautiful woman swinging her hips away, like a poisonous viper with beautiful colored scales. I couldn't help but see the gold bracelet that rested delicately on my wrist. My gaze hyperfixed on the letters engraved on it, wondering what kind of relationship this strange woman had with Sukuna. I put the salmon in my basket and continued with my shopping in an attempt to forget the unusual conversation.
After paying for the salmon and the rest of the ingredients I would use for the special dinner, my phone started ringing. I arranged the plastic bags in one hand to get my phone out of my pants. It was Yuuji.
"Hello, Y/n!" His friendly voice sounded from the other side. "Do you have any plans for tonight?"
"Not really. I am only going to make Sukuna’s dinner for his birthday,” I answered as I walked back home.
"Cancel that. My parents just invited me and my brothers to dinner at the restaurant they just opened in the bay.” I stopped dead and sighed. “The salmon will have to wait until tomorrow.” "Do you have a pretty dress?" he wondered out of nowhere.
"Why you ask?". I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I asked my parents if you could come. When they found out you were Sukuna's friend, they said yes.”
"Why did you do that?" I asked him, even more confused. This couldn't be good.
"Because Choso is going, duh," he answered as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
Because I was thinking about Sukuna 24/7, I had completely forgotten about Choso's existence. Yuuji still doesn't know that I like his other brother now. Plus, his parents will be there. Oh no, this can't be happening. This would be a disaster, I could sense it. Did I really have to go? My feelings churned in my chest the further I walked down the sidewalk. I stopped when I reached the crosswalk. The traffic light was red.
"I don't think this is a good idea..."
"Don't say that! It's the perfect opportunity for Choso to see you slay like the queen you are,” Yuuji lifted my spirits that I was dragging on the ground.
"Hang up the phone now!" I heard Gojo yell at him from a distance, Yuuji was still be in the gym, training with Sukuna.
"See you in the afternoon," he said goodbye before hanging up.
The light turned green, but I still couldn't cross. I stood frozen on the sidewalk, stunned by the unusual invitation. I felt lost. I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to go because I really like hanging out with the boys, but I was afraid to find out what my true feelings were for Choso and Sukuna. Also, I raised Choso’s hopes up. What if I didn’t like him anymore because I liked Sukuna? Thai was a mess. 
The traffic light turned red again. Why was I questioning my feelings for Choso? It's true that I liked Sukuna, but I liked Choso the moment I saw him. Sukuna had been an acquired taste from the times we've slept together. The gifts and me living with him seemed to have no meaning to him. I was in a dangerous situation, and he just wanted to protect me, right? Everything was so confusing. Maybe if I was to go to dinner, I had to find out what my true feelings were.
The traffic light turned green again.
After picking my outfit, an everything shower and doing my makeup, I was ready. It had been a long time since the last time I dressed up like a fine lady for dinner. I always have to wear sporty clothes due to work. Putting on a cute pink dress and applying a small wing eyeliner made me feel like a pretty princess. I brushed my hair in front of my large bathroom mirror while my stomach churned nervously. Seeing myself so different from how I normally look was like seeing an old friend I hadn't seen in years. As I put the brush back in its place, I noticed that I still had Sukuna's bracelet on my wrist. 
“I don't think it's a good idea to wear it today,” I thought aloud before taking it off and putting it in a jewelry box.
I went down to the entrance at the time Sukuna and I had agreed to leave. My heels echoed with every step I took. I already wanted him to see me as “the queen” that I am, Yuuji's words. I went downstairs with every intention of surprising him, but I was the one who ended up surprised. He was already there, fixing his elegant suit in front of the mirror. I never thought I'd see a man like Sukuna, who always dresses in T-shirts and shorts, wearing a sharp black suit with an ivory turtleneck sweater. This was not the cranky man I coach, this was a millionaire man with a mobster vibe straight out of a romance novel written by a woman. From the shine on his shoes to his well-groomed hair, Sukuna looked like the jackpot. 
“You look... different,” he said as he analyzed my whole body. “Of course I look different! What kind of compliment is that?!” I thought annoyed. 
“You look different too.” I told him reluctantly. 
“Are you ready to go?” He asked. I just nodded excitedly before following him out the door. 
In the nighttime tapestry of the city, the bright lights painted a surreal panorama. The asphalt shone like an ebony river, reflecting the headlights of passing cars like wandering fireflies. The city had an air of mystery and adventure. Tokyo was a place where anything could happen, where dreams came true and nightmares lurked in the shadows. The steering wheel turned under my fingers like a rudder guiding a ship through a sea of ​​metal. The roar of the engine was a discordant symphony that echoed in the silence of the night.
“How did training with Gojo go?” I asked him to get a topic of conversation.
"Everything was going well until I had to train again with the useless rookies,” he muttered in annoyance, gripping the steering wheel firmly. "Have you thought about who your replacement will be?" He asked.
"I have a few candidates in mind,” I answered. "In fact, a coach approached me when I went to the market, but she didn't give me a good vibe.”
"Why?" he asked, curious.
"I think you already know each other."
"What's her name?”
"Yuki Tsukumo." Sukuna braked the car in its tracks, making us bounce in our seats. Thank God we had our seat belts on. If we hadn’t, I would have slammed into the glass. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I exclaimed with my heart in my hand.
Sukuna didn't answer me. He squeezed the steering wheel, clearly annoyed, to park next to the curb. He took off his seatbelt to lean back on the steering wheel. Who was this Yuki Tsukumo that could make Sukuna act like this? An ex-partner? Impossible, Yuuji told me that he has never had a girlfriend. Someone he slept with in the past? I don't blame him, she's beautiful.
"You better not tell Choso or Yuuji that you ran into he," he told me after letting out a long sigh.
"Why not? Is there something I should know?” I asked him confused with the whole situation.
"She is Choso's ex-fiancée,” he answered before holding his forehead in concern.
"Oh…” I could not believe it.
Sukuna POV
I couldn't believe this blonde bitch had shown up again. Finally, when we had all left her in the past, she decided to come back for more. I clearly remembered the first time I saw that stupid girl smiling from cheek to cheek as if she were a pure soul. Choso looked so happy and proud to introduce her as his future wife. Poor asshole, he didn't know what he was getting into... and neither did I.
He still vividly remembered the night where everything turned into a shit show. The UFC had paid me the best suite in Las Vegas for my first championship fight. Sometimes I closed my eyes to return to that majestic place. Admiring the Strip, a glittering ribbon of casinos, hotels, and attractions that never sleeps, Paris's iconic Eiffel Tower twinkling with a thousand lights, and the High Roller Ferris wheel rising above the horizon like a giant lighthouse. I fucked a prostitute in the middle of the wide balcony, enjoying the panorama that stretched out in front of me.
"Sukuna!" The whore screamed my name desperately.
My hips didn't stop pounding into ramming her. Her tits were bouncing in my face and her legs were spread across the couch. I opened her ass to reach the deepest part of her being. He had paid a good amount for her, he was willing to destroy her physically and emotionally. I pulled her hair while my cock hit her cervix, her limit. I was so close to reaching the climax, ensuring my future victory... but some idiot had to ring the bell at that moment.
I was so close that I didn't care that the person would stay outside all night. I didn't care if it was Choso, Gojo, Yuuji or my parents. I was very busy. The idiot didn't seem to want to understand that I wasn't going to open it, so he kept insisting on the fucking doorbell. Ding-dong. Ding-Dong. Ding-fucking-Dong. The annoying sound made me lose concentration.
"Fuck!" I screamed before pulling my cock out of the whore. She sighed in annoyance, plopping down on the couch. "Hide in the closet or something, I'm not done with you." I told her before wrapping a towel around my hips.
"I'm going to charge you extra!" She yelled at me before following my instruction.
I straightened my towel before reluctantly opening the door. In front of me was the last person I thought I would meet. It was Yuki, Choso's guest. What the fuck was she doing here at midnight? Especially alone. From her pajamas and her slightly messy hair, I could tell she had escaped from the bed she shared with my younger brother.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked her, annoyed. "It better be important."
"I want to talk about business, can I come in?" she asked me with her usual flirtatious smile.
"No. Just tell me what you have to say so you can leave me alone,” I answered. I could already feel my balls turning blue.
"Do you kiss your mother with that filthy?" she joked.
"I'm not in the mood, spit it out before I slam the door in your face," I blurted out. It was the last warning I was going to give her.
"I noticed that you don't have a trainer who specializes in jiu-jitsu. I know you don't accept women in your gym, but if you allow me to be part of your team, I can…".
I couldn't help but laugh in her face, cutting her off completely. Did she just interrupt my good luck ritual to offer herself as my trainer? I knew she was a jiu-jitsu trainer at a local gym, but I never thought she had the balls to ask me to recruit her. Couldn't she do this another day or in the morning? Why right here when Choso is surely sleeping peacefully thinking that she is by his side? Was this shit serious? There were so many questions about her behavior that I could only laugh.
"I don't see what's funny about it," Yuki said, crossing her arms.
"Then you have a terrible sense of humor," I answered. "Is that all you have to tell me?"
"I'm sure I'm a better fighter than you, I could kick your ass if I wanted to," she said annoyed.
"I want to see you try," I said. “She wouldn't dare,” I thought for sure.
Well, she dared. She attacked me by surprise with a kick to the abdomen. I lowered my arm, preventing it from connecting completely, but it did hit my side. I couldn't defend myself well while just having a towel on. One wrong move and I was already naked. I backed away out of inertia, allowing her to enter the suite. She jumped at me to continue hitting me.
"Bitch!" I screamed while covering my private parts.
"I'm going to show you that you need me on your team!" she shouted with a smile on his face.
"I don't want anyone else on my team!" I exclaimed.
How the hell did we get to this situation? I wasn't sure, but I had to do something about it. She pulled and punched me, trying to take me down like any jiu-jitsu fighter would do. She launched another kick at me, this time I evaded it in time, but she broke a lamp in the process. I was debating in my mind whether I should knock her out with one punch. I could not do it. Even though she was crazy, she was Choso's fiancée. My first option was to call one of my brothers or someone saner.
"Just think about it seriously, with my brain and your muscles I could make you a millionaire in less than you think," she told me excitedly.
So she was after the money. Which is normal… but that didn't explain why she was acting so secretive. Why didn't she tell Choso he wanted a job on the Team Black? There was something else she wasn't telling me. I entered the master bedroom as quickly as possible without exposing my cock to grab the phone, but she ended up cornering me against the closet before I could get to it. At the sudden knock, the prostitute screamed.
"Who is it?" Yuki asked me confused.
"I didn't know he had a wife!" The whore screamed opening the closet door. “Oh no,” I thought. "Please don't hit me!" The poor girl yelled as she fled the scene.
"Hey! We're not done yet!” I yelled.
And as if fate was mocking me, I dropped the towel. I was in the middle of a teenager's worst nightmare. Yuki shamelessly looked down, making this more awkward than it already was. By this point I was praying that this was a bad taste prank. I just wanted Yuuji or Gojo to come into the room with a camera in hand, mocking my reaction, but that never happened.
"Nice girl you hired," she laughed at me. And just when I thought this was only going to get worse, I heard the voice of my potential savior.
"Sukuna!" I heard Choso's voice from the door as he rang the doorbell as if his life depended on it.
"You worried your future husband," I told her before pushing her to let go, so I could put the towel back on.
"Hire me or I'll tell Choso I cheated on him with you," Yuki threatened me.
"What?!" I asked him, frowning at the tremendous bullshit she just said.
That's when it hit me. Yuki came to ask me for a job without Choso because she is only with him for convenience. She's only with him to blatantly get close to me. Since I don't accept women in the gym, this was his solution to get to me. I should have seen it before. I remember how at dinner with our parents he spent the time talking about jiu-jitsu and the UFC, sharing his extensive knowledge on the subject. Everyone was delighted with her, but she drove me crazy. 
"Are you that desperate for money?" I asked him, not believing what was happening.
"You don't have much time,” Yuki crossed her arms as the ringing continued.
"Sukuna!" Choso exclaimed again.
"I trust Choso, he is not stupid enough to fall for something like that."
End of Sukuna POV
"Choso was stupid enough to fall for that,” Sukuna blurted out after recounting the tragedy that happened that day. "He knew about my lucky ritual and to this day he still thinks I fucked his fiancée," he said as he looked towards the car in front of us.
I was just listening to him while Sign Of The Times by Harry Styles was playing on the radio. We were still parked so that Sukuna could tell me in great detail what had happened with Yuki and Choso. It was a hard story to believe. A woman interrupting his suite in the middle of his lucky ritual and then threatening to break off his relationship with his brother over a measly coaching job is not something you hear every day.
"I tried to explain to him several times what happened, but he never wanted to listen to me. Then he told Yuuji and since that idiot doesn't know how to shut up, everyone in the gym knows,” he explained. "It's an absurd story, I know, but…".
"I believe you," I told him before he could finish his sentence.
"You do?" he looked at me, confused.
"Why are you surprised? I believed you when you told me about your lucky ritual.” I said. "Is it a strange story? Yes, but we are a team. If you tell me the sky is pink, I believe you. If you tell me that pigs fly, I believe you. If you tell me that Yuki Tsukumo is a son of a bitch, I'll believe you.”
Sukuna smiled at my response. He looked relieved, as if a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders. I smiled back at his reaction. Sukuna always has been honest with me, I had no reason to doubt him. Even though I had little time left as his coach, I planned to continue by his side. I don't know if it was the sad story or my feelings towards him got in the way that made me take off my seat belt to reach him. He didn't know what exactly was going through his mind, but whatever it was, he needed a hug.
My body felt light when he reciprocated the gesture. Our bodies melted in the warmth of the moment. His hands traveled down my back to press me closer to his broad chest. I would have liked to stop time to stay here all my life. Maybe Sukuna didn't like me back, but I knew I someone important to him, and I was happy with that.
The luxurious restaurant at the Grand Palace Hotel had an elegant atmosphere with high ceilings, panoramic windows and sparkling chandeliers. Sukuna and I made our way among the tables covered with white tablecloths and velvet chairs that invited guests to delight in an exquisite menu. In the distance, we saw his family. They were happy to see us, but they were also clearly disappointed for arriving 20 minutes late. Everyone looked elegant and sophisticated, especially Choso. He always looked good, but today he looked phenomenal in his gray suit and white shirt. He greeted me with a smile on his face as soon as we approached the table.
"You look beautiful,” he complimented me. My heart skipped a beat with happiness. “Are you watching, Sukuna? This is how you give a compliment,” I thought with blushing cheeks.
"I thought I raised you to always be on time," the mother scolded Sukuna.
According to Yuuji, Kaori Itadori was a highly sophisticated and strict mother. She has always focused on giving his children the best education so that they would grow up to be strong men and providers. An extremely traditional and Catholic woman. She sounded like the worst mother-in-law you could have.
"There was a lot of traffic," Sukuna answered reluctantly as we sat at the table.
Choso helped me, pulling my chair like a perfect gentleman. I was so nervous having him so close, since Yuuji gave me his seat, so I could sit next to him. My mind was at peace realizing that I still liked Choso a lot.
"At this time? The report says that the streets are quite clear,” his mother challenged him.
"Honey, it was only 20 minutes. You're going to scare his girlfriend away,” her husband, Jin Itadori, told her. He was like any dad, pretty chill and care free. 
"She is not my girlfriend. She's my coach,” Sukuna clarified, starting to get annoyed.
"But you live together," his mother said.
"You live together?" Choso asked me confused. “Oh no,” I thought. I had barely arrived, and I already wanted to go home. I had a feeling this woman was going to try to embarrass me in any way possible the rest of the evening.
"It is a long story," I said, trying to cut the tension.
"You see, Sukuna kicked his ex's ass. This ex almost raped her in the past, so Sukuna offered her to live with him so she would feel safe,” Yuuji explained the situation.
"Yuuji!" Sukuna and I scolded him.
"I'm just trying to help!" Yuuji defended himself.
I wanted to die. Yuuji just told the whole table my life trauma as if it were the plot of a movie he watched on Netflix. I hid in my hands from shame, praying that the earth would swallow me whole.
"I'll take a smoking break," Choso said before getting up from the table to retreat to the balcony.
"Is it necessary to ask those kinds of questions now?" Sukuna asked his mother, already annoyed.
"You know what I think about concubinage," His mother reproached him, disappointed.
"We're not a couple. We just work together.” Sukuna rolled his eyes.
"Besides, Y/n likes Choso, don’t you?" Yuuji asked me to make his mother stop bugging me with questions about my relationship with her son.
"I need fresh air," I excused myself to get out of there as quickly as possible.
I knew this was a bad idea from the start. I should have said no to Yuuji. I went out to the balcony to breathe deeply and admire the view of the city. I looked at Choso to explain what was happening. I found him smoking on the other side of the balcony, just as he had told us. He looked so elegant and mysterious in front of the pretty city lights. A beautiful contrast between brightness and darkness.
"Long time no see," I greeted him, approaching him.
"Does Sukuna treat you well?" He asked me, ignoring my greeting. It seemed like being straightforward ran in the family.
"I can not complain," I answered honestly. "Sometimes he's a jerk, but you already know that," I joked. He smiled with the cigarette between his lips.
"I know… very well," he said as he blew the smoke into the wind, being careful not to blow the smoke in my face.
"Does it bother you that I live with him?" I asked him worried.
"Of course not, I just didn't expect it," he answered. "Yuuji told me that you're going to quit soon, is that true?" I was happy to see that he was treating me as always.
"That's right, I'm very excited to return to the gym with my team," I explained with a smile.
Choso despite having some similarities with Sukuna, he was so kind in comparison. His voice was sweet, his touch was pleasant, and his words filled me with joy. My heart moved every time he spoke to me. In the end, I realized that I still liked him, and I was very happy that it was that way. He was my ideal man.
"Are you still thinking about calling me when you become the protector again?" He wondered with a thread of hope. My cheeks blushed redder as I listened. I had already forgotten what I had said to him that night at the bar.
"You know it," I answered him with a smile.
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cursedvibes · 5 months
what are your thoughts on the new jjk chapter?
I think it's pretty good. Definitely the most interesting one we've had for a while. I really missed actually being invested in leaks and reading the raws (as far as that's possible), coming up with theories etc. I have to say, I would prefer it if Yuuji and Sukuna were not related at all, but I think the uncle/nephew thing is way more interesting than having them be twins or Yuuji being the reincarnation of some ancient guy we don't know. With Jin it's a bit convoluted, but I like that it gives him a more personal connection to Kenjaku and a reason to work with them. Makes him a bit more sinister too, if he remembers who he is and was willingly going along with Kenjaku's plan for his own benefit. He was always a bit fucked up and creepy in my eyes, the way he looked at Yuuji in that flashback seemed quite a bit obsessive, not like a doting father. I'm really curious about more details on this. The relationships between Jin, Kenjaku, Wasuke and Kaori and consequently their different intentions for Yuuji have become a lot more tricky now. I wonder how Kaori fits into all this. Smells a lot like set-up for future Heian era and/or Itadori family flashbacks.
It also confirms a lot of theories about Sukuna's origin. He absorbed his twin, which explains his physique and he achieved more power through it. Besides that, I think Kenjaku being Sukuna's sister-in-law is genius lol
So, beginning of the chapter really nice. The rest...hm...well, I said that I have mixed feelings about this relation of Yuuji to Sukuna and that's mostly because I don't like him gaining Sukuna's cursed technique, although it is nice that there's at least a personal touch to it. It still seems pretty cheesy and cliche. Thank god the main character got his power-up. I also don't see this being all that necessary at the moment? Most of the damage comes from the Black Flashes + Soul Punches. I don't feel like Yuuji needed to be able to do this to get the edge over Sukuna. Feels completely unnecessary to me. The "surpassing" Sukuna was also... eh. It's not important that Yuuji is more powerful than him, he was already way above Sukuna mentally and spiritually and he was beating him up just fine too.
Might be a setup for Yuuji doing something else with Sukuna's technique that relates to the black box. Speaking of which, it's strange that this entire fight since Gojo's death all Sukuna does is spam Cleave and Dismantle, no other functions of his technique. Maybe he'll do that now. If not now, then when? While he's at it, he can also start the merger to take advantage of the chaos. I'm glad we are finally past the formulaic part of the fight (I hope). Only took us 30 chapters... now things are shaking up and become a bit more unpredictable again. Hopefully this will lead to some flashbacks and more reveals of Yuuji and Sukuna's backstories. Megumi should've woken up now too. Hard to miss Yuuji rattling his cage this much, even if you're depressed. I'm surprised we haven't seen him yet or that Yuuji made contact again during one of his Black Flashes, but maybe next chapter.
Despite some of my complaints, it's nice to be finally excited for a new chapter again. Let's see how Gege keeps it up.
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hxhhasmysoul · 2 months
I saw a post about yuji not having a sense of self and his cog mentality and he needs to first save himself, I would like to know what you think of it and if you agree then how will yuji gain it back?
Tbh I am asking this because having a sense of self is equivalent to having a strong soul in jjk which is basically to understand ourselves thoroughly and yuji knows himself. He already possesses a high sense of self which is to help/save people and because he doesn't want to die alone that's why he was able to suppress sukuna and sukuna also acknowledges that yuji's soul is indomitable/ unbreakable.it never changed. Like remove him from jujutsu world and he still would do something similar to that, gege also said if not sorcerer he would be a firefighter saving people.. He lost his will to fight but as soon as to do showed him a thread to hold on he took that instantly .same happened when todo appeared a second time and yuji was worried about others being killed
I personally see his cog mentality as his coping mechanism because sukuna and mahito destroyed his perception regarding curses and jujutsu world,his reason to fight kind of like until shibuya he never really understood the reason why he has to die as vessel .. They kind of opened his eyes and showed him what he is actually up against. It's just like mahito said that this wasn't some kind of pest control , he isn't naive but he repeatedly failed in his goal which weakened him. His desire to save people is both his strength and weakness.
Even when yuta wanted to kill him he defended himself although half heartedly , he even then didn't want to die ,was looking for reasons to save people and that is before megumi showed up . And he started to rely on others more. Even hakari notices that he calls himself cog but his behavior isn't like one... Megumi is the perfect example of cog.... I am waiting for his reaction to yujo to determine whether now he will finally acknowledge the reality of the jujutsu world and try to take matters into his own hands..
I mean, if Yuuji ever truly lost his sense of self and his strong soul, Sukuna would’ve taken over because that’s how that vessel business goes.
I agree that the cog mentality was a defence mechanism. Mahito did force Yuuji to admit to wanting to kill instead of save, and right after as you mentioned Sukuna’d made Yuuji realise why he needs to die. And then Megumi decided to make Yuuji feel more guilty for everything that had happened, because I’m sure Megumi felt super fucking guilty for releasing Makora. Megumi expected two people to die, Haruta and himself, not the whole fucking district becoming a crater. So he tries to spread the blame. 
And the cog mentality helps to deal with guilt. It absolves to some extent because it lets both Megumi and Yuuji offload some of the responsibility onto greater powers and the jujutsu system. 
And you’re absolutely right about Yuuji. The thing about him is that his core convictions are unshakable. He always values human life even if he stumbles, even if it’s not 100% selfless. 
To me that’s a very nice portrayal of someone who is heroic, because it feels true. It’s not mindless, it’s not divorced from who he is or what he’s going through. He wants to save people but he is allowed his weaknesses, he’s allowed to fear and to not want to die while at the same time saying he’s ready to die to take Sukuna with him. He’s human, not an icon so he is full of contradictions. To me it makes his attempts to protect others more sincere because they come with him constantly trying to reconcile his inner contradictions, it is his strength and his weakness. He constantly rebuilds his sense of self because life makes it clear to him that it’s impossible to be just selfless and pure and good. That’s inhuman and Yuuji is amazingly human and a good person. He probably doubts the latter but I think that a part of being a so-called “good person” is being aware of your own limitations and actually being open to the world around you. Like not deciding up front what is good and what is bad and sticking to it no matter what, even if the world gets complicated around you. I don’t know if it makes sense XD But a strong sense of self to me is not something rigid and static, it's something that constantly grows with the person. That constantly reconciles the self and the world that the self is a part of. And it is one that isn't afraid of reality.
Yuuji wins with Mahito because Mahito thinks that his soul can adjust to anything but it actually can’t. He manages to bring darkness out of Yuuji and Mahito’s world changes. He was the nihilist to toy with everyone, the one to torment Yuuji’s soul. He was the strong one in that relationship but instead of breaking Yuuji, he created a monster. His sense of self was built on human life being meaningless, souls being a dime a dozen but suddenly his own soul is on the line. He can’t be nihilist about his own soul, it’s an inner contradiction he can’t reconcile in the moment. Another being that from a predator he became just a curse, like all other curses hunted by a sorcerer. Curses seem to think that because they can’t lie, they always see the truth. But truth comes from perception, as long as something seems true to someone it’s not a lie. And it’s a huge shock to realise you haven’t seen the whole truth even when you were so convinced you are the ultimate truth seer because you could see souls. 
Yuuji manages to incorporate the contradiction Mahito forces onto him into his sense of self. Also I won’t get into it but I personally find the equivalence between humans and curses as kinda forced and not truly holding up to scrutiny upon inspection. 
Sorry it took me so long to answer. Thank you for the ask. I hope my answer makes sense XD
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jojikawa · 2 years
𝙞 𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪. 𝙄𝙄𝙄: 𝙩 𝙧 𝙖 𝙣 𝙨 𝙥 𝙖 𝙧 𝙚 𝙣 𝙩 𝙨 𝙤 𝙪 𝙡.
𝘚𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘶 𝘎𝘰𝘫𝘰 𝘹 𝘍𝘦𝘮!𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘵. 𝘒𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘕𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪
✿ wc: 6k
✿ warnings: fluff, jealous!Satoru, Possessive!Satoru, Kento has a crush on the reader, descriptive violence. POC reader-friendly~
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Thanks to Satoru’s ability, the two of you arrived at your destination. You had to admit sometimes that you were impressed by him. He was able to use teleportation so casually. You were able to do something similar but you weren’t able to wrap your head around how it worked. Your version of it was with speed. Whenever Satoru would teleport, his aura would completely disappear and reappear further away. It was something you had been thinking about for some time.
The two of you were now at the school, spending a little of the night with Yuuji to talk more about his cursed energy. Satoru wanted you there to get to know his kids and explain anything to Yuuji that he would be at a loss of explaining.
You began liking Yuuji a lot. You already had a soft spot for children being sorcerers. The line of work was horrific, but Yuuji actually stood out to you. He was so radiant and sweet despite having Sukuna in his head at all times. You wished you had a will as strong as his when you were fighting the spirits harboring your body. Your life as a child was a living nightmare with the constant battle of mental illness and all that fun stuff!
Satoru didn’t truly get to experience that side of you because he was mostly away, but he knew it existed. He figured that it must’ve been Hell on earth and he wondered how you were suddenly able to overcome the situation.
The room you would be staying in was a dimly lit area with a couch, an old television, and a dusty wooden table. Your face twisted at the sight. Was this all the school could afford? The walls were a grey brick color that made you frown. It was like a basement.
“Couldn’t we have found a classroom?” You asked your husband who seemed to be unmoved by the sight. Satoru struggled. “This isn’t cozy to you?” He asked, walking in, almost like it was his home. This was probably where he took breaks sometimes.
You sighed. “I worry for you sometimes.” You then began to walk around the room, examining various things laying around. There was a box full of movies that you had come across. “What’s this for?” You kneeled down, looking into the box to see movie cases. They ranged from the older ones to newer ones that had been released in stores in the recent few years.
“Yuuji. I’m gonna teach him how to control his cursed energy.” He replied, creeping up behind you. He leaned down to get a better look at what you were seeing. You giggled. “What a wholesome lesson.” You smiled softly before placing the movie boxes back in their respective places.
A few minutes went by before there was a knock on the door. Satoru walked over to the door before giving you a thumbs up. You were confused but just smiled and returned the gesture anyway.
The door opened to reveal the boy himself, Yuuji. His neutral expression lit up like a child seeing their military parent for the first time in months. One would think it would be for someone like Satoru. Who wouldn’t be excited for the famous Gojo to take them under their wing? Well—no. It was for you.
“Ms.(y/n)!” Yuuji cheered as he pushed past Satoru to get to you. “Gojo didn’t tell me you would be here! Are you gonna help me learn how to control my energy? I have so many questions.” He beamed. You smiled. “Aw, Yuuji, I’ve never had someone so excited to see me before!” You laughed and placed a hand on your cheek. “But Gojo will be the one teaching you tonight, not me.”
The way his smile dropped when you said that. It was like you crushed his spirit! Satoru stood next to you, stiff as a board as the situation unfolded in front of him. You noticed, moving close to comfort him. “Aw, there, there.”
“Man, you’re only around one day and you’re stealing my thunder.” The man joked. You didn’t laugh but it was funny enough to smile. At least he wasn’t taking it to heart. He was good at that.
You let Satoru teach his lesson to Yuuji. You watched without a sound as he introduced a cute cursed corpse. It looked like a plushie with boxing gloves on. Its goal was to punish Yuuji if his cursed energy wasn’t at a stable level. You felt a little bad, seeing Yuuji get beat up by a small puppet but it was more amusing than ever. This is the most you’ve smiled and laughed with Satoru…ever.
It’s just that when you thought of the past…all you felt like doing was crying. Satoru has been so nice and romantic but years of him being inconsiderate still affected you. You get it, he was scared of marriage and rebelled as a way of acting out. Though, it didn't change the feeling of being unwanted by him. This fact would eat you from the inside out.
You’ve done so well with suppressing the intrusive thoughts. The ones the cursed spirits caused. It was such a love-hate relationship. They made your early life hell on earth but over time, things changed and now things seem to be reverting. The spirits can sense how vulnerable you’ve become.
You pulled yourself out of your thoughts, putting a smile on your face as a way to fake your way through the process. At some point, you would need to address these feelings. You’ve been pushing them down for years. This conflict with Satoru and Kento has your emotions all over the place. You watched as your husband loaded up the first movie.
You sat on the old couch, making yourself comfortable. Yuuji continued to fight with the cursed corpse trying to knock his head off. You sighed, feeling your body sink in and relax. Satoru sat next to you, manspreading and leaving very little space for you. He instructed Yuuji to sit on the floor.
Yuuji furrowed his eyes at his Sensei. “Why do I have to sit on the floor?” The boy whined, holding the cursed plush in his hands. Satoru didn’t answer. He just grinned before tilting his head in your direction.
Yuuji huffed before falling down to the ground. He sat cross-legged as he began his training with the movies. You tried to immerse yourself in the first movie. It was pretty dated and almost a little boring but it wasn’t too bad. Not too far into the intro was when Satoru began his flirty antics.
It was innocent at first. He scooted closer, trying his best to keep it subtle but making it painstakingly obvious. You liked the attention he had been giving you and you humored him a bit, leaning into his chest.
His heartbeat was fast. You could feel the vibrations in his chest. Was he…nervous? It used to be hard to read his expressions with his eyes covered. Years of dealing with him at his best and worst made it so easy now.
He was human too.
You looked downward at his lap where his free hand rested. Satoru let your petite hand slip into his own. He wasn’t blushing and neither were you. It seemed so innocent and normal. The change in him was so sudden that it felt fake. You wished you could wrap your head around the idea. The only thing you could do is ask about it.
“Satoru,” You whispered, making sure you were quiet enough to not disturb Yuuji. H was finally beginning to be immersed in the first movie. The man gave you a sweet “Hm?” that made it so obvious he was smiling about something. You lowered your gaze even further. You tried to gain the courage to say what you wanted before ripping it off like a bandaid. “Why are you doing this…?” You then traced his slender fingers with your own. The tears pricked the corners of your eyes. You felt a pain in your face that made you scrunch your nose as you held back the urge to burst into tears. “…with me?” You added with your voice breaking.
Realizing that you were a bit loud, you turned away from the bright screen, hiding your face in his dark clothing. He seemed surprised at your actions but it was clear you needed real answers. It’s that he was too scared.
“Because I like you.” He answered. What?
You gripped his shirt hard before letting go. You didn't want the tears to fall and went back to watching the movie. You weren’t too interested in it anymore and Satoru could tell. He wasn’t the type of man to easily admit his insecurity. That would be what continued to keep the two of you divided.
Suddenly, you two were interrupted by Yuuji. He was being punched by the cursed corpse, causing you to laugh.
“Gah! Don’t punch me while I’m drinking soda!” The boy exclaimed, seemingly on the verge of tears from the whole ordeal.
“Don’t drink.” You heard Satoru reply.
This only frustrated Yuuji more. “Does this even help me control my cursed energy? Why can’t Ms.(y/n) train me?” Yuuji threw the cursed corpse to the side. It seemed like all the signs were screaming at you to simply be a teacher at the school already.
“Yuuji,” You called, trying to figure out how to talk to him without letting him down even more. “My methods of regulating my cursed energy are a bit unorthodox. It takes a lot of time dealing with cursed spirits in your body.” You told him. “Unorthodox?” The boy repeated as he tilted his head. “(y/n) isn’t from the usual traditional sorcerer clans,” Satoru mumbled. It was his way of attempting to help things along for his student to understand.
You laughed weakly. “Yeah.” You then averted your eyes to something else. “I’ve always been able to have a grasp on my cursed energy so, I can’t help you much there. The only thing I can give advice about is how you prevent Sukuna from taking over and harming those around you.”
Yuuji perked up. “Oh, I see! So what did you mean when you said if your cursed spirits got out, the world would be consumed?”
“Oh.” It was only when you acknowledged your burdens, you could feel them circling around your head. Identical to fish in a confined tank. “It can’t be worse than Sukuna, right?” The young boy smiled at you. If only he never needed to have this talk to begin with.
“Sukuna is considered to be the King of Curses but there are positions of power that exceed and outrank a King. If that makes sense...” You began to explain. “Powerful curses will never stop coming into existence. Humans can only do so much to exercise them. The best we can do is seal them into people. My clan is known for this. It’s a terrifying process so no one wants to volunteer. The women in my family undergo the rituals at birth.”
“Wait, so the girls just deal with it!?”
“Yes, but once I die, I’ll need to find a new host for them.” You answered sadly. “And that’s why she’s with me!” Satoru put his hands up in the air and clapped. “I'm the one who’s been tasked to give her a strong baby girl.”
Yuuji looked at you and then Satoru. He shifted his gaze several times before finally getting it. “Wait! Is that the only reason why you guys are together?!”
“Um…yes?” You placed a hand on your cheek, not yet prepared for the cursed corpse to get up and assault Yuuji again. His fluctuating cursed energy.
This time, he shook it off. “That’s insane!”
You felt Satoru shift his weight and you used this as a cue to move. He stood up before announcing that the two of you would be leaving.
“Ready to go?” He asked as he nudged you. You shrugged. “Yeah, I guess so. Where are we going?”
Satoru spun and did a bit of jazz hands. “A meeting!”
“Boring.” You rolled your eyes. “It’s called being a teacher!” Satoru whined. This just made you roll your eyes again. “Let’s go. I’m getting tired.” You told him.
“Aw, bye, Ms.(y/n).” Yuuji huffed. “Goodbye Yuuji. We will see each other again soon.”
“Very soon!”
“Shut up, Satoru.”
Now, the two of you sat in the back of a car that was being driven by Ichiji. The motions of the car did wonders for your already exhausted body. You couldn’t stop falling asleep. You sat on one end, looking out the window and so did he. Sometimes, he couldn’t bear to look at you without hating himself. Especially after what happened during the movie. Your words from long ago would echo in his head whenever he thought of displaying his love for you.
“I hate you, Satoru!” You screamed while balling your eyes out. It was the last straw. That was when you left and he finally realized what he had done. It was long ago.
“We couldn’t have teleported or something? I’m tired, Satoru.” You broke the comfortable silence. Satoru’s stone-cold face formed into a sweet smile as he turned to face you. “Aw, what’s the use in teleporting all the time? You gotta enjoy the ride sometimes.”
You yawned, leaning over to his side, resting your head on his shoulder once again. He put his arm around you and you felt content enough to doze off. Once you had completely fallen asleep, Satoru kissed your forehead. Something that Ichiji noticed. He thought it was wholesome.
“I’m so glad to have (y/n) back. Maybe she could make some sense of your insanity.” The driver remarked. Satoru chuckled slightly. “Maybe she can.” That was all he said. “What changed?” Ichiji asked, looking at Satoru through the rearview mirror. The man just shook his head. “We shouldn’t talk about her like she’s not here. She sleeps but the cursed spirits in her head don’t.”
Ichiji visibly shuttered at the wheel. He completely forgot about your powers! “How can she even sleep like that? I’ll never understand.” He wailed, sounding like he was trying to hold back crying.
“She’s a lot better than me at it, I’ll tell you that.” Satoru laughed again before turning his attention back out the window.
“Well, we have some time before your appointment with the principal. Would you like to bring (y/n) back home?”
“No thanks. She’s spending the night with me. Plus, I wanted to show up early for a change.” But as Satoru found himself saying that, he sensed something. It was dark…like a curse. “Stop here.”
Ichiji slowed down the car while Satoru nudged you a bit. “Wakey Wakey! Time to get up, sleeping beauty.” He whispered. You groaned in response, not wanting to get up. So cute.
Satoru left the car and went to the other side to pick up you before letting Ichiji drive off.
“Where are we…?” You groaned again not wanting to open your eyes. Then you felt it. A pit of anxiety grew within you, waking you up completely.
“Oh, you’re up.” You heard Satoru say. He had been holding your bridal style. “You can put me down.” You wiggled a little but he didn’t budge.
“Aw, come on! You don’t like it when I hold you like this?” He teased, spinning around a bit. You held onto him for support. “Satoru!” You exclaimed, making him laugh. “Okay, okay.” The man finally put you down.
As you stepped away from Satoru, you heard a maniacal scream from the sky as a curse plummeted into him. ‘So that’s what I felt…’ You thought to yourself.
Satoru jumped out of the way looking rather annoyed. He must’ve felt it too. The attacker was a curse that had a volcano for a head. Its energy was extremely weak compared to yours. You were sometimes worried for your husband. Almost every collection of cursed energy seemed weak to you.
Moments later, a volcano emerged from the nearby wall. Your reflexes were a lot faster than your Other Half’s. He seemed to be fine and untouched from any harm that befell him.
The lava blast was bright, causing you to gasp and cover your face as you jumped out of the way. When you came to, there was no sign of Satoru.
“Satoru!” You called out as the formed. You didn’t feel Satoru’s cursed energy fade, so he was still just fine. You still hated when he scared you like this.
The ugly curse before you laughed, remarking how easy it was taking out Gojo and that it would be your turn next.
You smiled awkwardly, knitting your eyebrows together. You felt so embarrassed about it. It was making you cringe inside like the funny online prank videos you’d show to Kento sometimes.
You grabbed a lock of your hair and twisted it around your finger as you couldn’t hold it together and looked away. “I…wouldn’t really call that easy.” You muttered. You were used to talking cursed spirits because of the ones inside your body. The endless talking and arguing amongst each other. Satoru was still unfamiliar with this.
Your husband emerged from a fireball, unharmed just like you anticipated. “Satoru, I’m really tired. I can just handle this if you want.”
It would only take a moment from you to end its existence in the world. The cursed spirit would be consumed into the void. Used like energy for the world-ending curses.
“Aw, but that’s boring,” Satoru commented, smirking at the curse. You perked up, narrowing your eyes at him. “Huh!? What do you mean ‘boring’!? It’s called being efficient!”
“I'm not lazy, moron!”
The volcano-headed curse seemed so unamused at your couple’s banter. You noticed that it did kinda seem like you were having good chemistry with Satoru. “Just hurry up and stop trying to show off.”
You watched your husband do his thing, teasing the curse and calling them weak. It was the few short moments he had of total arrogance because of his power. You used to always hate it, especially when the two of you were in school. You wanted so badly for him to understand that fighting to show off would eventually get him killed. You remembered when Satoru had gotten so hurt.
You were left to take care of him.
You observed Satoru’s fight with the cursed spirit. He was winning by a lot, only wasting your time with the fight by trying to be funny. If you were a little more distracted, you wouldn’t have noticed the fact that you were being watched. You were able to almost pinpoint where the eyes were coming from. Before you could say anything, you had your attention grabbed by something else.
Satoru appeared with Yuuji, remarking that it was a part of his lesson.
“Oh.” You ran down to the pond where they had appeared, walking on the water just like them. “Good evening Yuuji.” You waved at the boy who was effortlessly being held up by Satoru.
“Ms. (y/n)!” But the boy’s smile faded as fast as it appeared on his face when he saw you. The area around them morphed into a prison. “Shit!” You tried to get inside but it was too fast.
You tried touching it. It was hot to the touch and burned you. “It’s a domain…I could punch it but…I might hit Yuuji.” You examined the domain a little further. Your mind was quiet, allowing you to feel the lingering gaze of two pairs of eyes watching you. The cursed energy levels were low. You understood that they were trying to mask themselves but your powers were all seeing. You could look all the way into the cosmos and even see those who were invisible.
“Ge…to?” You continued looking off to the distance. Staring at seemingly nothing to the average sorcerer. You then shook your head. “Damn Satoru, why’d you have to bring Yuuji?” You groaned. It was only then you heard rumbling before you suddenly had access inside. The energy was extremely familiar. “Is this…Satoru’s domain? Why would he need that?” You stuck out your hand to touch it, just like how you did before but it didn’t harm you.
When you entered Satoru’s domain, the voices of your powers suddenly intensified. The pain was sharp and searing. It was like they were all speaking at once. Your hand went up to your head. “You guys have to stop…Ugh, I—I can’t see.” You whispered. Your vision was foggy, almost like you were in a daydream. It seemed that Satoru’s domain had some kind of effect on you.
Satoru could hear the smallest of sounds, noticing you were just a few meters away. It looked like you were enduring some sort of pain but you had no injuries. None that he could see. “(y/n)?” He called softly as he tilted his head at you. You didn’t answer but you still looked in his direction. Your face went from an innocent doe-eyed look to one of malice. Eyes filled with fire and anguish.
Satoru narrowed his eyes. He put down Yuuji and discarded the head of the volcano-cursed spirit. “(y/n).” The man called again but you didn’t answer. You only walked towards him but it was clear that the person in front of him actually wasn’t you.
“What’s wrong with (y/n)?” Yuuji asked, not exactly afraid but mostly confused. “I guess one of the cursed spirits took over.” His sensei replied.
Yuuji’s eyes turned into saucers. “What?! Can she take back control?”
At that moment Yuuji remembered what you said.
“I’m sure they would jump at the opportunity to leave my body but then the world would be consumed.”
“It’s never lasted this long. The best I can do is stall until she can come back.” Yuuji couldn’t see, but despite the smirk Satoru had on his face, he was actually quite nervous. He was visibly sweating at the situation. If the two of you actually fought legitimately, he would die. Once he was dead, whatever curse was at the wheel would try to free itself via suicide.
“And which one of you do I have the pleasure of meeting today?” Satoru teased. “I know that you all must talk about me in there.” He added. Your eyes narrowed at him except you smiled, looking almost identical to a fox.
“I am Rajah. Was that power just not coming from you?” The curse asked politely. It was a little off-putting. It’s like the burning anger just disappeared! Satoru has never actually met you like this. You were always well guarded…if he could even consider this to be “you.”
“Did it bother you?”
Your face softened even more. You slowly walked over to him, not caring that Yuuji distanced himself even more just in case a fight broke out. You briefly looked him up and down. The interaction was light-hearted as the curse began to mimic your own mannerisms. It almost made it seem like you had gotten back control.
Satoru let his guard down but at that moment, at the speed of light, you grabbed his face. Claws dug into the back of his head and forced him to look at you.
“DO YOU TRULY THINK YOU CAN CONTAIN US? When this body expires, there will be no means to my end…our end. And it starts with you, you poor mortal~!” Your voice went through a range of emotions, from screeching to a seductive whisper. Something only a demon could truly achieve. “Let this be a message for you, Satoru Gojo, and the rest of the (L/N) clan that sealed me in this body. I hate all of you and I will be back.”
Yuuji gulped, looking at his master who was too shocked to move. This was a cosmic god in front of him and he suddenly felt what it was like to be an average sorcerer. He actually needed to be careful. “G-Gojo?” Yuuji called.
To Yuuji’s dismay, you, no—Rajah noticed him. Your eyes dragged from Satoru’s face to his own, sending chills down his spine. “Who are you?” But Rajah wasn’t looking at Yuuji, she was looking inside of him, at Sukuna.
“Uh, I-“ The boy stammered over his words as you focused your sights on him now. There was nothing Satoru could do. Should he attack first? Would that make Rajah too angry? Would he hurt you? He didn’t know. He didn’t know…
Satoru was…afraid.
“I suppose I’ll need to take a closer look.” You reached for Yuuji who had also been too shocked to move. Sukuna was not making himself present to protect the body or to even pick a fight. They were all so afraid.
Immediately, before you could reach Yuuji, you were attacked by Satoru. You flew across the pond but stopped yourself before you could hit any terrain.
You laughed attractively. “Attacking your lover, yes? I suppose I’ll need to…reciprocate.”
You struggled but you weren’t able to move. Your neck hurt and so did your bottom. You opened your eyes and saw the sight before you. It looked like Hell. There were souls of mortals, men, and women alike, whose screams invaded your ears. Some were naked and being whipped or beaten. Done by lesser cursed spirits who were female-presenting. They looked closer to being human dominatrixes.
You moved from your stationary position. You had been resting on a metal throne decorated with spikes and feminine underwear. You had been exposed to this place before.
“This is Rajah’s domain. What am I doing here…?” You helplessly looked around, ignoring the scenery in front of you. You were desensitized to it all. You then looked down at yourself. You had her clothes on too. “Shit. This is why I can’t let my guard down for a second.”
You used your vision to see what was going on. Rajah was using your body to attack Satoru!
Satoru watched you laugh and brush off his attacks like they were nothing. “Can you feel it?” You asked Satoru. “Depravities closing—Ah!“ You gasped and held your chest. “No, she’s pushing me back. Damn her!” You dropped to your knees but Satoru still hesitated to come closer. He was out of breath and wasn’t afraid to push himself a little more.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head before inevitably falling to the ground. Once Satoru was sure it was safe, he ran over to you to pick you up off of the ground. “Is she okay…?” Yuuji sheepishly asked as he made his way over to look at you.
Yuuji’s sensei didn’t answer. He only looked around. The cursed spirit's head was gone now. The being who took it was long gone now. “They got away.” He muttered. “Great timing.”
“Hey, Yuuji. How about we speed up your schedule? You can still watch movies with (y/n) but you’ll be fighting her too.”
“I have to train with (y/n)!?”
“Oh, and me too!”
“Fighting with you!? Will I still even be alive?”
It was rough but when fighting you, (or…Rajah, he guessed) he realized something. You would be a perfect mentor and asset to his cause. He merely didn’t want to stress you out.
Now he had to pray to god that the person waking up was you.
Satoru didn’t know whether to take you to Kento’s place or his own apartment…he decided to go with the latter. Maybe it was better to drop you off at Nanami’s because that’s where all your stuff was. It was his jealousy that dictated a lot of his actions.
‘He doesn’t need to take care of her. I can take care of her just fine.’
When Satoru got inside his home, he instantly brought you to his room where you were put onto his bed. It seemed like you’d be sleeping a bit longer. While you slept, he decided to wind down with a shower. He remembered feeling two kinds of cursed energy. Separate from Rajah. It seems that his powers can get a reaction from your curses as well. Conceivably, his power as a sorcerer was increasing to the point where he was seen as a threat to them. If that’s true then maybe one day he could free you from such a burden.
You could finally enjoy life.
Your husband has exited his shower. He sporting a white t-shirt and black loungewear for bottoms when you came into the bathroom. “Hey, sleeping beauty. You awake already?” He smiled at you as he looked down at your sleepy form. You never failed to be so small and adorable.
“I couldn’t hold onto Rajah this time.” You whispered sadly. You tried to hide your face with your hands but when you looked at Satoru, you saw that he had some bruising.
You gasped. “Oh my god, did she beat you up?” You stumbled over to him, lifting his shirt to examine him. He had some bruising on his lower torso and chest and light ones on his chest. “Hey, pretty girl, I didn’t know you could be so eager for me.” He joked in an attempt to get some of the edge off. The last thing he wanted was to make you stressed already. You just got here!
“I’m sorry, Satoru, but I’m being serious!” You cried, tugging his shirt for him to follow you. He sighed. “Okay, Okay. I might be a little banged up but I’m fine. If it makes you feel better you can patch it up…”
“…like a hot nurse.”
You fetched the medicine kit. Everything seemed to be where you left it when you moved out. This just showed you that he didn’t spend much time here since you left. Probably always out and about being himself. You went to the living room where you told Satoru to wait for you.
“Aw, being taken care of by my beautiful wife. I could totally die right now.” Satoru beamed, bringing his face forward for you to work on. “Shut up.” You muttered, plopping yourself on the couch. You made sure his bruises were fine and cleaned the area just in case any skin was broken. You bandaged his torso and tended to the claw marks on the back of his head and the sides of his face.
“Satoru. Can you be honest with me?” You asked, neatly placing the medical items back in the box. He was shirtless, waiting for you to smooth out the bandaging so that he could put his things back on. “Yeah?” He answered. This was so familiar to him. Memories began flooding in from a few years ago. You had been functioning almost the same as a housewife for so long. Doing everything for him with nothing expected in return. Not because you were happy to do it either. You acted this way because that’s just how you dealt with being hurt. Your only purpose was to be a box to hold back the enemies and then birth a child where you would eventually die.
“Satoru? Satoru!” You waved your hand in front of his face. When he came back to reality he just smiled. “Would you be upset if I said that I didn’t hear a word you said?” He said smoothly, earning an eye roll from you. “I’m used to you ignoring me.” You huffed, sealing the box and placing it to the side. You placed your hands on his chest, working accordingly. You needed to make sure that he was comfortable enough to sleep. “Hey, hey, easy there, pretty girl. I wasn’t ignoring you. What did you ask?”
“What made you want to begin talking to me? Why do you like me now?”
Satoru purses his lips. He still wasn’t ready to open like this but he realized that you would only be left in the dark if he kept avoiding it. There were times when he just couldn’t keep up his iconic person.
“(y/n).” He called to you, lowering his gaze and avoiding eye contact. “I have a deeply flawed personality.” He confessed. You didn’t react. This was something he often said to you but you didn’t know what it meant because he never elaborated. “And how is your personality so flawed?” You handed him his shirt.
“Sometimes, I would genuinely envy you.”
“You adapted so well to being wedded to someone you haven’t even seen yet…because of a stupid tradition.”
You only blinked. He seemed like he was coming from the heart. Your face softened. “Satoru, it’s the (L/N) clan way to accept how things are. I was born doing this. It’s like…destiny. My mother was married to my father the same exact way.”
“Well, I’m sorry for you and your mother.” He mumbled, feeling his face heat up at the anger he held for himself. Why did you treat him so well? He was the worst to you. He was dismissive of your feelings for so long and said such hurtful things but you still treated him so well.
“It’s okay. It isn’t your-“
“It isn’t okay, (y/n). I-I don’t know how to express myself…I-I’m 28 and I’ve never known how to express myself and the only thing I do is hurt the woman-
“Satoru, calm down!” You pleaded.
“-that treats me like a person!”
The only thing you could do was stare at him. He really just poured his heart out to you and you didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t like him at all to say something this serious unpromptedly. This undoubtedly wasn’t some kind of lie. “I…I don’t know what to say.” Your heartbeat quickened and not everything seemed like it was in slow motion. “But I want to know why you ignore me and date other girls? Even if your actions don’t make sense now, they made sense back then…so why?”
When you looked up at him, it was clear that he was on the verge of crying. You understood that his life resulted from his poor decisions and he has no way of healing his child self. “The other girls were a distraction. I couldn’t bear the idea of being married. So I dated who I wanted. I ignored you because…you were too pretty and I couldn’t stand the way you looked at me.”
You balled your fists. “That’s not the reason!”
“That is the reason! You have to believe me. Suguru called me dumb, stupid even. I was the biggest idiot.” Satoru tried to grab your hands but you just pulled away. You stood up and it seemed like you wanted to say something but the only thing that came out were tears.
You quickly whipped your face. You hated crying so much. You had to be strong.
“You are stupid.”
Satoru’s sad face lit up. He couldn’t stop himself from being ecstatic. “Let me make things up to you. I have such a great idea of where to take you for a vacation.” He explained, hoping to God that you would give him a chance.
“Okay, Satoru…I’ll take a vacation with you.”
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𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: @momoewn @littlemochi
Another chapter is done! Greatly sorry for how long this took. I’ve been really down and stuff so it gets hard to write. Not to mention the Valorant fanfictions are so hard bc I take from the lore to write my stuff but there’s like very little valorant lore 💀 Anyway! -Maron
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noritoshiikamo · 3 years
oooh the last idea about sukuna telling itadori what to do, but instead of the feet its just him teaching itadori how to be a dom?
okay i had that thoughts, like its itadori alright but the one moving the body isn't itadori, it's sukuna yall see where am i going with this???
tw slightly dubcon (reader thinks its itadori fucking them but its not), itadori/sukuna x reader, unsafe sex, some spitting, idk i feel like i forgot how to write smut for a sec
tagging @lazy10ieiri and @duskamethyst bcs she was being annoying in the dm
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like you love yuuji, but sometimes he treats you like you would break the moment he thrusts too hard. and it frustrated you because you tried to be subtle. you left fingernails marks on his back and when you apologized and said you were into it thinking it would spark a whole conversation about what you are into, but he just laughed sheepishly and brushed it off. saying it would heal and such. being too forward also went over his head. no amount of harder please could change his mind.
"i want you to really fuck me, yuuji. like pull my hair, fuck me like a dumb slut kind of fuck."
your lewdness made his cheeks reddened, "i d-don't want to hurt you."
you shook your head, your palms pressed against his sweaty chest, "you won't. i'll let you know if you hurt me," you pulled him by the neck, your lips met, "you could never hurt me, yuu." he swallowed all your moans as his tip slipped past. you always love the feeling of his shaft splitting you apart slowly, what startled you this time was his urgency. you called out his name, eyes rolled back as he rutted completely inside you. the stretch burned deliciously, it sparked something inside you.
when your eyes met his, your brows furrowed, "yuu?"
but he was in dazed. unknowingly to you, he was mentally fighting his inner demon, literally. "you can't even please your slut, pathetic," the cursed spirit chuckled, dodging the skull thrown by the human.
"she's not a slut, she's my girlfriend."
sukuna's eyes sparkled, "let me show you how."
it startled you when his hand wrapped itself around your neck, your breath hitched as it tightened. "you want it rough?" yuuji grinned widely, "do you know that wishing is dangerous?" the words rolled off his tongue so buttery, it send shudders down your spine and straight to your cunt. he could feel your cunt clenching around its length. he didn't wait for your answer, pulling out and slamming deeper immediately. his other hands gathered your wrists pinning it above your head. his tongue lapped your salty skin, every time his fangs brushed your skin, you let a timid whimpers between your loud moans.
"is this what you want?" he asked, flipping you on all fours "do you want me to ruin you?"
"yes, yes, please, more, yuuji."
you didn't miss the way he smirked when he pulled your head back with the fingers in your hair, hands pressing down on your arching back as he thrusted forward. his pelvic hit yours harsh, the sound of skins slapping echoed the room followed by your loud moans. your scalp burned from the tugging and it started to hurt being pushed on all four but it felt so good. you could feel your own drools dripping down the side of your lips the faster he thrusted into you. your belly tensed as you felt your high closing in.
"you're so fucking wet, you like being treated like this huh?"
"ruin me please," you mewled, meeting his thrusts halfway.
you don't know what snapped in him, it didn't matter as you came, squirting all over his cock. white fluid coated his cock as it disappeared in and out of you, ignoring your cries of overstimulation. you clawed for him to slow down, but yuuji folded your arms on your back, using it to brace himself. the way your walls sucking his length in, refusing to let it go with every thrusts had both itadori/sukuna moaning.
"you see? this is how you please a woman," sukuna's words echoed in his mind.
his hand landed a smack on your fleshy ass, it jiggled in a way that made him frenzy. he grabbed your ass roughly, your little please sounded melodious in his ears as he landed another one on the other cheeks.
"tight . fucking . cunt," he gritted through his teeth, words emphasized by every thrust, he grabbed you by the nape and pulled you up, fingers went around your bruised neck. "do you think you deserve my cum, huh? little slut like you."
"please, yuuji, i-i want you to fill me up," you cried, wiggling your ass against him.
his hand moved to your jaws, the pressure on both side pried open your lips. his saliva dripped down your tongue, mixed with your own as it slid down your throat, "that's it, that's a good girl," he grinned, kissing your forehead, "now move, if you want my cunt, you have to fuck yourself, chop chop, slut." you nodded eagerly, too dazed to even care, all you want right now is for him to fill you up to the brim. you want his bruises and bite marks all over your neck. your thrusts were weak, limited by the position he held you, but it was enough for him to mewl against your ears. you felt his thumb resting on your clit, rubbing circles, throwing you off your thrusts. it was getting drowsier, trying to focus on multiple pleasure at once render you stupid. you were writhing underneath his touch.
"always a needy little cunt huh?"
"has my cock made you dumb?"
"come on, y/n, make me cum."
you nodded blindly to his every words, you want to please him for being so good to you and presenting your hole to be filled is a way to do it. his grips to your waist and neck tightened and you gasped as he pushed himself deep on you, his warmth spurting in your wall. he rested his head against your back, struggling to breath as his hand loosened around your neck. he gave a few jerky thrust, desperately emptying himself in you before stopping. you fell on your side, still attached to the pink haired boy. he quickly pulled you in warm hug, kisses scattering all over your shoulders.
"did i hurt you?"
his soft voice brought smile on your face. you chuckled, shaking your head, enjoying how full you felt with his cum filling you up and cock still buried in you. "where have this yuuji been hiding from me?" you purred, gently caressing the back of his head, tugging him closer for a kiss.
"do you like that? i-i don't if i was doing right."
you pushed him on his back, straddling him again with a wide smile. you could feel the fluid mixing and dripping down your thighs, pooling on his cock. you pinned his hands on each side of his head, your fingers fit perfectly in the space between his own as you gently rocked your hips on his softened cock.
"do you think you got some more for me baby? just one more," your lips jutted forward into a pout as you begged, showing his sweaty chest with kisses.
you couldn't controlled your grin as he gave your hands a little squeeze, the way his eyes darkened in lust so quickly as he tossed you back down on your back, like a predator watching its prey could make you cream instantly. you were almost giddy.
he chuckled, it had became an unspoken agreement between itadori and sukuna, "one more? baby, i could give you the whole night worth of mess," the only time sukuna is allowed to come out to play is when you needed a good reminder that sluts don't get to beg, slut takes what is given to them and say thank you.
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© all content belongs to noritoshiikamo. do not modify or repost.
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violettelueur · 4 years
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| featuring : ryōmen sukuna from jujutsu kaisen
| warnings : grammar errors, swearing and mention of death, sort of spoils parts of the manga up to chapter 30 (so beware)
| form : imagine
| word count : 1553
| published : 20 november
| request : Hiiii again!! 😚 I hope your doing well :3 may I please request another sukuna/itadori x fem reader imagine where mc is dating yuuji and after getting acquainted with sukuna - they ended up bonding too?? Sukuna kinda develops a protective instinct over her and whenever he switches with yuuji - he keeps a protective hold on the back of her neck?? I see guys doing that and I want sukuna to do the same to me lol (*≧∀≦*) thank you!!
| barista’s notes : let me admit this, i’m not confident that i answered this request properly at all, and lowkey ashamed by that ʕ ㅇ ᴥ ㅇʔ also i’m not really confident with the battle scene i did here but when am i every confident...hahaha ʕ – ᴥ – ʔ other than that, i hope you enjoy you cup of classic black cofee (jujutsu kaisen request) and please come again and order when i reopen the cafe!
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“Damn, I’m really screwed now,” you muttered to yourself once you saw your whole new surroundings. Pure darkness enveloped you as multiple figures on what seemed to be arms surrounding you like a cage were present within your view as your enemy unleashed their domain expansion on you.
At this current moment in time, you were fighting an unregistered special grade curse that had managed to get inside a school called Satozakuro High. From what you gathered from your boyfriend Yuji and Nanami, this whole situation had started since the investigation of the murders back in Kinema Cinema,  where the sole witness - Junpei Yoshino, a classmate of the three murder victims  - managed to somehow converse with the same special grade curse that you were facing right now.
“Let me admit, the name of your domain expansion is sort of narcissistic, humble yourself would you?” you sarcastically asked, trying to figure out a way to get around this situation as you knew your soul was dangerously the line - there was no way you let something so disgusting try to transfigure it.
“For someone that’s going to die, you seem calm,” the curse stated to which before this happened, you learnt that it was named Mahito.
You had to keep calm. Ever since you became a jujutsu sorcerer, you hated when enemies would comment on your fears during battle, you hated when they would mock you for being fearful for even a second, you hated when they told you that they could hear your heart pounding in anticipation. You just purely hated that.
“Well, what do you want me to be? Fearful?” you then asked, tilting your head to the side as you rested your katana over your shoulders - only to let the tip touch the wall of the domain leaving you to realise that the wall was quite thin.
‘Maybe there is a way I can get out of this? Is my domain expansion more polished enough to overcome this one?’ you thought to yourself, before wondering about what could be happening on the outside of the same wall right now. 
Outside the domain, Itadori was helplessly on the other side punching the wall with all of his might as he was worried about what was happening to his girlfriend on the inside.
“Don’t fuck with me!” Itadori screamed as he continued to punch the wall with his cursed energy-infused fists, desperately trying to gain some damage to the wall to no avail.
‘Why was Y/N the only one imprisoned?’ he asked himself as if he was going to get an answer back - that was if Sukuna was willing to answer his question. However, the King of Curses didn’t have a single answer himself. To say he was worried about you was an underplaying statement yet so out of character for him.
Ever since the Sukuna was introduced to you by his vessel himself, he couldn’t help but become intrigued with you like he was with Fushiguro. He wanted to know more, more and more. From all his knowledge about past sorcerers and clans, you were an exception to his vast understanding of the jujutsu world. An exception that he wanted to protect. 
You weren’t from a clan or related to one in the slightest, yet you had the capability to have inherited a technique that any powerful family would desire to have for themselves or for their offspring. You were a master weapons specialist - just like 2nd year Maki Zenin - only the major difference between both of you was the fact that you could manifest and construct those cursed weapons from only using your curse energy. 
This fact surprised Sukuna himself when he was fighting you and Fushiguro back at the Eishu Juvenile Detention Centre. Vividly he remembers holding you up by the throat against a wall, only for you suddenly swiftly swing your arm with a small but sharp military knife in hand surprising him completely on how you were able to gain another weapon without him knowing, only to find out seconds later that you had constructed the weapon with nothing but your curse energy once he moved out the way, escaping with a just small graze on his cheek.
“So you’re able to create cursed weapons ha?” Sukuna asked as he placed his hand on his chin like he was thinking before staring at the blade that was in your hand. Continuing to stare that the weapon, the King of curses slowly began to realise that the weapon you had created was classed as a special grade tool, causing him to wonder what power you possessed to even have the ability to create something so small yet so powerful.
“How in the world did you do that?” Sukuna muttered to himself, before quickly dodging your attack as you tried to assault him with another blade that you quickly manifested in your other hand, surprising the special grade curse even more on how quickly you were able to create more weapons even after just constructing the miniature knife seconds before.
“Sorry Sukuna, but I don’t like talking during battle and I also need to get my boyfriend back real quick,” you commented before you used your cursed energy to cause your military knife to disappear, only to quickly construct your classic black katana to try to close the distance between the both of you only to fail once again.
‘I can see why the brat likes you Y/N, I’m also liking where this is going’
Still looking at your surroundings, you were worried about the amount of time you had left until you were finished. The mental confrontation that was going on in your head was straining as you weren’t sure if your only plan was the best for the situation that you were in. There was a high chance that it could fail but the small percent of success was what was bother you to the max
‘It’s my only way to get out of this situation right now, if it doesn’t work then at least I tried’ you thought, before stabbing your black katana on the ground in front of you to which then you slowly started to pour your curse energy into the blade
“Ha? What are you planning to do? You’re already dead, so might as well accept your fate,” Mahito playful teased you, as he tried to break your stern composure.
“Domain Expansi-”
However, before you could even complete your words, you unexpectedly heard a sound of a loud crack emitting behind you causing you to completely snap out of your concentration leading to the blue aura around your sword to slowly disappear. 
Before you could even turn a single inch of your head around, you suddenly felt something brush your hair aside before a warm compress was placed on the back of your neck leading you to let out a shaky breath out of fear until you felt a sense of safety enclosing around you. The feeling of his nails gently grazing your skin caused you to shiver before he lightly squeezed your neck in reassurance, trying to convey to you that he wasn’t going to hurt you.
“I had it under control, Sukuna,” you muttered quietly before he tenderly pulled you back and had you turned around to face over his shoulder leading you to see the large crack that was created behind you that allowed Sukuna to enter into the domain. 
“I know, I just didn’t want to see you hurt,” Sukuna replied to which then your suddenly heard what seemed to be something being slashed, prompting you the want to turn over only for Sukuna to tighten his hold on your neck - but not to the point where you were in pain but rather him not wanting you to see what he had done.
As if he was trying to calm you down, you felt his thumb beginning to slide up and down, sometimes brushing against the bottom of your scalp leaving you to slowly begin to melt in his hold. “There was no way I was going to allow something like him to touch you,” the King of Curses said to you, leading you to feel nothing but a sense of security as you started to let your guard down causing you to lay your head on his shoulder.
Gripping onto his - well Itadori’s - school jacket, you took a deep breath in before letting a deep breath out as you calmed down your heart, not realising your heart was pounding in fear until now. You hated the fact that he could now feel the fear radiating from your body. You hated how he now knew how fearful you were for your life. You hated how it knew all of it.
“It’s okay,” Sukuna calmly stated, causing you to lift your head to face him only to see him stare at you back intensely with his glowing beautiful red eyes. “Nothing is going to hurt you, not in my sight,” he proudly said to you as if he was making a promise to you before giving your neck one last little squeeze to tell you that you were safe in his embrace.
Maybe it wasn’t so bad to let him know.
Maybe it wasn’t so bad to fear.
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lizbotw · 4 years
impatient | itadori
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you can’t decide if being left alone with him is a blessing or a curse half the time.
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itadori yuuji x reader
word count: 2.2k
inspired by fushiguro being all pouty when he didn’t get to help itadori and kugisaki in that one episode :(
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“This is so boring.”
“Yuuji, shut up.”
Shoe soles scrapping against the gravel, you didn’t even bother looking at him, although the burning gaze you already felt prickled the hairs on the back of your neck.
“You’re bored too.” It wasn’t a question.
“We’re supposed to wait for them out here.”
There was a flash of color in your peripheral and a side glance revealed that he was tapping the heel of his red sneakers on the ground—another thirty seconds of that and you’d probably end up threatening him to a life without legs (not that it’d work—Sukuna in all his stupid glory would just regenerate them for his precious vessel; speaking of which, if Sukuna decided to start complaining right now too, you were sure you would lose your mind).
Whistling wind was the only reply to your statement and, content your ears would be spared from the monologue of complaints Yuuji had been going through for who-knows-how-long-now, you crossed your arms and tilted your head back to lean against the brick wall. The stone was dusted with a rustic red—standard, yet somehow fitting for the scene around you. The building looming in front of you was dilapidated in appearance, but you admitted the sleepy residential neighborhood it was located in had some charm to it in a weary, tired sort of way. The splash of brightly colored flowers and houses on some corners really upped the appeal you had to say.
Caught up surveying the surrounding area in admiration, you were almost able to forget about the boy perched on top of the junction where the wall dipped in its height down to a low brick fence just short enough to climb on top of. Almost.
As soon as the sigh left him from beside you, your face reacted before your mind had even fully comprehended what it meant (what it meant was that there was no chance you’d get any peace and quiet around here at this rate), your features annoyed and frowning and everything in between as had become routine at this point. “Why can’t we go in?” he whined, nudging you with his knee. His gaze was expectant and weirdly innocent as he peered up at you, as though you were explaining to a child why they had to have patience. You supposed that comparison could be accurate most times when it came to Yuuji.
“Because Gojou said so.”
“He’s not even here!” That was true. He was off on some super secret mission, although the instructions he had given the group of you were specific—or... er, not too specific that you couldn’t take some... creative liberties in their interpretation, such as stopping for ice cream on the way there as per Kugisaki’s demand request—trusting the lot of you to take care of yourselves and follow them to a T. And by that, he of course meant Fushiguro keeping everyone in line.
There was another curse to take care of, yet Gojou had decided to have you two sit this one out and simply accompany Megumi and Nobara to the site—those two were to actually head inside and deal with the threat. In hindsight, it all made sense considering you, Yuuji, and Megumi had spent more time around each other prior to Nobara’s arrival at the school, no matter how minuscule the time difference was. Hell, you and Yuuji had both spent more time fighting alongside Nobara than Megumi had (they always seemed to keep getting separated from each other in some way or another during the early missions, a laughable observation now that you thought about it). Naturally, letting those two duke it out and come to a somewhat agreeable partnership was the best course of action, and what better way to do that than force them into an abandoned building together?
But even in spite of all that clear-minded reasoning, you couldn’t lie that you weren’t more than a little peeved that you weren’t getting in on any of the action. You scoffed. Team bonding, but at what cost? At the cost of your sanity, that’s what.
You rubbed your temples, squeezing your eyes shut. You no longer wanted to see. “Yuuji, we’re supposed to keep watch,” you huffed out, exasperated. Although truth be told, the title of “guards” just seemed like some fancy namesake Gojou had given you two in order to placate you and make you feel like you were actually doing something. Needless to say, it was not working.
The low section of the wall he sat upon was one half of the area that flanked the archway of the path that led up to the building, and Yuuji, stupid and silly and cute, peeked his head just around the corner to look out of the entrance at the (empty) street and then turned back to you with a shrug. “Nothing there. Job done.” Playfully adorable as he was, you cracked a smile at that, shaking your head.
“Guess you’re right—job done,” you conceded.
He beamed and then hopped off of the ledge, pacing now. You wanted to stretch your legs too and go exploring around the area, but you were trying to be the voice of reason here, knowing that if you gave up that control you were a goner for sure. It was painfully easy to get swept up in his antics.
You barely even registered him setting off on another tangent about how he wanted to go inside too, more so focused on his hands as he switched from swinging them at his side to putting them up in a mock thinking expression for his head to rest upon as he kept walking back and forth in front of you—you were wondering if (and if so, when was the perfect moment) you could reach out and grab ahold of his hand to still the restless energy... and also partially because you just wanted to.
“They’ve been in there a long time, haven’t they?” Yuuji mused, your mind actually picking up on the question now that it was directed at you and not at some vague imaginary spot in the distance. He was right. You noted the glow of the red of the bricks making up the wall as they shone brilliantly warm under the softer evening light, the silent ticking of time among the clouds your only indication of the day passing. The sky was in between the bright shades of blue of the sunny afternoon and the orange hues that were gradually creeping in and mixing with them.
“They have,” you confirmed. You wondered if you would be here until nightfall with how long it was taking them. You crossed your arms again and drummed your fingers against them. Come on already, I have things to do.
After a staring contest with one of the many dust-covered windows of the building as though you were mentally willing the two inside to come out, your narrowed gaze swung over to Yuuji to see what he was up to and promptly widened. You hadn’t noticed that he had stopped his pacing and was looking at you now, closer than you remembering him being moments before.
“And... we’ve been alone this entire time, haven’t we?” Another step forward, casual yet making you suspicious all the same.
“...yes,” you replied, wary of the grin he had—you would’ve thought it was Sukuna if not for the crinkle of his eyes into a smile that matched the one on his lips (oh yeah, that was Yuuji alright).
His steps were so easy, carefree, as though he were sauntering up to talk to you any other time, but you knew him and you knew when he was planning something. Sure, there were times you were downright confused by just about everything he did, but then there were others where his thoughts were just plain obvious.
“And what have we been doing?” In one swift movement he had trapped you against the wall—another step and your back would hit the surface—piercing look pinning you in place. It was a sudden development but you also had the notion that you should have seen this coming from a mile away. He didn’t even need to put an arm out to prevent you from side-stepping out of the spot, his mere presence enough (although you very much wanted to wipe that sweet smile off of his face).
Your mind scrambled for words, you glancing off to the side briefly—you could not maintain eye contact with him like this. “Talking?”
His eyes lit up and you had the feeling you’d just fallen right into his trap. The hand that came up to cup your face confirmed your suspicions. “Yeah, and that’s boring, isn’t it?”
You swallowed, trying to still your breathing. “It is...”
Yuuji tilted his face forward to lean his forehead against yours, skin warm. Both of you were silent aside from the quiet hitches of breath, scrutinizing one another. When you felt his thumb press against the full part of your bottom lip in interest, you just about lost it. His voice was smooth and low when he spoke, “I was going to wait until later but...” You felt him breath in.
Later was usually when anything happened, you two not yet entirely bold or confident enough when it came to most displays of affection in public—or at least in front of the others that was. Their teasing was enough to have your face burning in shame for days, even if you had to admit it was funny at times. You barely even held hands in front of them. Then again... following Yuuji’s train of thought... you had been out here alone for so long already... maybe it wouldn’t hurt to just...—you weren’t lost to contemplation for long though as he brought you back to reality.
A mere brush of his lips against yours stopped you from replying, your eyes falling closed, heart hammering. Your hand found a weak grip on the front of his shirt as you waited expectantly for the warm flush of his mouth.
“What are you two doing?”
You jolted at the familiar voice, heart hammering for an entirely different reason now, and pulled away from Yuuji’s face, although his grip on your head didn’t let you get far, the press of his ring finger and pinky into the back of your neck dizzying. Fushiguro and Kugisaki stood a few feet away, looking a little worse for wear with minor scrapes and bruises littered on their exposed skin, but thankfully all in one piece.
Eyes darting to them, mind reeling as you realized the compromising position you had been caught in, you thought up an excuse on the spot.
“Standing guard.”
“About to kiss.”
You and Yuuji both spoke at once. You slowly looked at each other, blinking.
A second passed and then— “Why are you lying?” he asked, genuinely confused.
You slapped a hand across his chest in horror at him blatantly blowing your cover like that. “Yuuji!” You were mortified (but also... he was still so close... it was almost easy to forget that the other two were still there).
“I...” Fushiguro looked like he was about to say something but thought better of it and shook his head. “I don’t want details. Let’s just go.”
A sigh of relief left you, but then Yuuji gave a chipper, “Okay!” and when he still didn’t release his hold, you had a vague feeling in your gut that something was wrong—
He leaned forward to close the gap at last and press his lips against yours, swallowing up your breath in the process—then he pulled away like it was nothing, off to go bother Fushiguro about the details of the curse.
You stood there, dumbfounded.
A gasp. “Gross!” Kugisaki shrieked, sounding like she wanted a break from everything that had occurred in the past five hours. She was sticking her tongue out, nose scrunched up and eyes screwed shut. “I cannot see anything cute after dealing with that thing inside.” A nose of discontentment, “Bleh.” But then she seemed to have a moment of clarity, clapping both hands on the side of her face and giving you a look that might as well have been an overexaggerated wink paired with her shouting every cliche couple trope from the rooftops. “But also... romantic.” Please someone save you.
Fushiguro was looking a little pale himself, caught off guard by the display of affection, staring at you, but then catching himself and looking away. He looked embarrassed and he didn’t even have anything to do with it.
Carefully, robotically, you brought a finger up to brush against your lips, still warm where Yuuji’s had molded between them, and subsequently noticed the teasing look he was giving you in the distance. It was a little too smug for your liking.
You stalked up to him and jabbed a finger into his chest, staring him down. “Yuuji, I swear-”
Kugisaki shoved the two of you towards the exit before you could get into a fist fight over a single surprise kiss, tsking while Fushiguro followed behind in her wake (you wondered if he would recover from... that any time soon—poor boy). “Okay, move it along, lovebirds. I want to go take a shower.”
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tempenensis · 3 years
Hi how are you Lele? Is work good?
Why do you think Fushiguro always held himself back? Gojou says he just doesn’t know how to bring out his best, and then when Fushiguro is facing a special grade on his own and is at his limit he finally is able to unlock some of his potential. So we can assume that the only thing he was missing was basically pressure? Experience?
For some reason I always thought HE was the one holding himself back. Like a mental block of sorts. Maybe because of lack of confidence. Or maybe something else.
What do you think?
It was mainly his mental aspect. I would say it's how he perceived himself. At the beginning of the story, he didn't seem to have motivation to grow. He was taken care by Gojo, the strongest sorcerer, so maybe he felt no matter how much he gets stronger he won't be able to surpass Gojo, even if the man hinted otherwise
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This was what Gojo said when he asked Gojo to train him
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Megumi is the same type as Gojo; a sorcerer who is at his strongest when they are fighting alone. He is also a user of innate technique, which means his development come from inside himself, not from outside. When he is fighting alone, Megumi has more freedom to explore his technique - which we can see in his fight under the Yasohachi bridge. But instead what he did was matching himself to the people around him - the school students
There's also Makora. What Gojo hinted here was Megumi felt like he could always fall back to Makora - which basically means his death - when he was cornered. This hindered his growth because instead of exploring the stronger form of his technique, he would readily summon Makora like you can see in his first fight against Sukuna.
After that fight, Megumi started to truly want to be stronger. In addition, after Yuuji comes back, Megumi sees him growing stronger from the last time he saw Yuuji - which then motivates Megumi to also grow stronger.
More of my thoughts about megumi is here
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rewordthis · 2 years
A Day Like Any Other
Yuuji → Megumi | Sukuna → Megumi
1507 words Itadori Yuuji, Ryomen Sukuna, Fushiguro Megumi SFW
Summary: Until Episode 16
Hello, guys! Missed me? Long time no fic, huh? Well, let me fix this. Although it’s from another fandom yet again, I still hope you’ll like it.😗
Anyways, as the summary says, this doesn’t include manga spoilers, but as I am getting spoiler-ed over on twttr and the net in general, I think I have stepped on some minor(?) things. So, yes, that’s it for foreword. I really hope you’ll N’joy this little something-something.🤗
Three months.
That’s how long it took for Itadori Yuuji’s cosmotheory to turn upside down.
In this short span of time, Yuuji had learnt that monsters are real. They get born from the negative feelings of humanity and hungrily prey and feed off of peoples’ fear, shame, hate, regret…
… blood.
They bring mayhem into the human lives in order to cause enough pain to illicit such emotions, so they can sustain themselves and grow stronger. With each passing day they remain unresolved, they become more dangerous and harder to deal with. Eventually, these voracious spirits — curses as they’re called — will evolve into these walking, talking, intelligent forms of existence that can take more than just the life of a human being.
These curses, savagely devour the very soul of their victim.
But Yuuji has also learnt, that there’s a secret society that has taken upon fighting these nightmarish things. It’s just a handful of humans with abilities that far exceed what once he considered common sense; the jujutsu sorcerers.
These people are just like any other. They laugh, they cry, they resent.
They however, put their lives on the line with every battle they fight, so that the rest of the world will be safe. 
They all do it without expecting anything in return or knowing whether they will be able to get back alive and are forced to silently suffer the losses of their friends in this ever waging war.
Yuuji, admires that kind of resolve.
But as long as it goes through his hand, he will never allow a curse to take anyone from him.
That said, in that same time, he’s gotten painfully aware of some things about himself he’d never admit would rather not have known…
For one, he’s still terribly weak. He’s nowhere near as strong as he considered himself to be when facing these abominations.
Then, comes the fact that he’s actually sane enough to be scared of dying, something he hadn’t been expecting to be of much effect on him since he had made his mind about taking responsibility for helping with Sukuna’s containment. 
And finally, there’s his shame over being unable to flatly adhere by his ideals, after having already been forced to cross red lines he’d promised himself would never cross.
And that all, circles back to his weakness.
In the end, he’s helplessly mortal…
Only human.
Yuuji has made these mental workouts several times throughout the past two months, and he’s always left feeling unsatisfied with his progress after reflecting on each breakthrough coupled with a new throwback.
Yuuji furrows his brows and squeezes his closed eyes until it’s nothing but complete blackness. 
‘It’s irritating.’
When will he finally be able to protect everyone with his own strength?
A second later, deciding that all he can do for now is shoulder these emotions and simply just work his ass off to get even stronger, he releases a long-held sigh and opens his eyes to stare at the wall across him…
Dark, gentle eyes gaze at him—
A calm, steady voice reassures him…
Ah, that’s right. This guy… He thought he already knew how awesome he was, but he can honestly be so damn cool.
All his agony and regrets were soothed by just a few words: “Ultimately, It was for selfish, emotional reasons...”
Because he was there…
“… So, I’ve never once regretted saving you.”
Because he was there—
Yuuji had managed to get a peaceful, albeit early, death.
But now, he is in his dorm room again after the two months he’s been dead. And Fushiguro’s just on the other side…
A grin wide enough to make his cheeks hurt, pulls at his lips. His spirit is lifted once more.
Ah, he really likes this guy!
What Yuuji is yet unaware of, is that someone — or maybe something — other inside him, has developed a fondness for his friend, as well…
Sukuna wasn’t going to waste any time or opportunity to take over Yuuji’s body for himself…
That was plain as a blood-painted crime scene.
But the slower he pursued his final goal, the better the chances he would wipe this annoying kid out for good in his first attempt, and he would be stronger yet to marvel when he would take him up for battle. It’s been millennia since he’s last walked and wreaked havoc on this land of weaklings, and he thirsts for a strong opponent.
He was watching him through Yuuji every time he sensed his presence — and even more so from the comfort of his domain — he didn’t need sleep, after all. He’d butt in in their conversations from time to time but otherwise wouldn’t interrupt no matter how much he would like to tease them sometimes, but kept silent because he wanted to measure his progress. Without interferences.
Yet, after the last fight they had with a new special grade, for which he was called upon to vanquish; Yuuji’s injuries were a little on the more serious side leaving him suspended in and out of unconsciousness due to blood-loss, so before they took him to Jujutsu Tech, he jumped the opportunity to take over once more that day and restore him — effectively shutting everyone’s distracting panicking yells up — while chatting off with the delicate boy he’s gotten an interest in.
This one here may have a slender body, but he’s not as fragile as he looks. He’s not exactly on death’s door, even as he’s covered in his own blood with a thigh vertically slashed open all the way down to the knee and his bones struck with aching chills. He’s trembling and that’s probably more due to the exhaustion that threatens to coerce his eyelids shut and send him right into Morpheus’s arms, than any lethality that would see him anywhere near Hades’s kingdom.
‘No. He’s watchful of Sukuna in spite of the sleepiness that claims him. His cursed energy burns tenfold.’ Sukuna notes, sensing him.
But since he’s at it… he may as well.
He doesn’t make a fuss of it when Sukuna places a tentative touch just lower the makeshift tourniquet, over the jacket that haphazardly bandages his thigh. The drenched cloth that still gushes and oozes and drips, with every bump of the road the car speeds by, the very essence of life is hot under his palm. That and the fire in his dark eyes make the corner of Sukuna’s lips tug a little. He loves this kids’ heat… It’s not a fraction of a second later and these watchful eyes slightly convert from pain to surprise to ease in a flash before him.
“Just about time, now…” he says. As he begins to count, “…6, 5—” Sukuna brings up his other hand, two of his fingers ghosting over his jawline. His skin is smooth and clammy and his body temperature a stark contrast to the warmth of the blood that scorched his insides.
“…3— Don’t expect me to thank you—“ he points out around a breathed laugh as long eyelashes flutter closed; his eyes unable to fight back the built up fatigue anymore, and Sukuna now knows he’s barely made it on time. 
‘His cursed energy was so focused… How— could he hold up in this state?’
It’s the fact that he’s shaken about losing him from within his arms that unsettles him the most. Will this boy be my undoing? The thought flies right through his mind. And just a split second before changing back with the little nuisance he’s stuck with in this temple, he says: “Glad I could help~ Even, if I didn’t do it for you. We still have business left unfinish— ed…”
After that, and for a whole week now, he’s made a habit out of swapping with Yuuji after his recent injuries during his down time, in order to indulge himself in his company. Even if for a single minute…
He could not have let himself play out this idiots’ character for anymore than that anyway. It was already hard enough to his humongous ego to continue hiding, but he just felt like spending a bit of actual time with him before the moment to present himself in front of him again would come.
Sukuna was, of course, doing this so he could later play mind tricks on him on that day.
Or… so he seemed to believe this all just was.
He never expected himself — a few days after — to jump into saving a jujutsu sorcerer from another curse, especially when said sorcerer was not being anything but full ready to go down fighting with everything he got.
Thinking back to it, he can just pretend that he did it because Yuuji would be a nuisance if he found out Sukuna could take over his unconscious body by himself even without the contract. And he would still be safe of everyone finding out about his real conditions for swapping with the brat…
But the uncertainty remained in him…
Why the fuck was he bothered into saving him?
—————————— A.N.: Hello l, again, to whoever is reading up ‘till here! I hope you have been doing great! As I also hope you liked what you read! 
Ma~n! This has taken too long to post!! I had it sitting in my notes for more than a month now, and that is only because editing anything on mobile is HELL!😤💢💢 I’m used to having at the very least, 3 different versions of what I’m writing open on my screen at the same time and then another 2-3 app windows when posting, and not having a computer for the past 7 months is simply killing me. I have ordered one 3 times already and when it’s time to go pick it up, I am told that there has not been any reservation in my name. Just who do I need to kill in order to have my gd order properly addressed, huh?????
Also, I won’t be switching from Free! now that it’s over. Nope! No, sir. So, rest assured all fics will continue once I’ll be able to get my docs back… (I wonder when?😫) Ahh~ I really want to get a new pc asap, because I’m losing my mind here!😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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cursedvibes · 4 months
The more I think about this chapter and read others takes the less negative I’ve become towards it. I’m just neutral now and if anything I quite like a lot of things in here, especially since the full TCB translations are out now. I’m still disgruntled about Yuuji like literally being thrown to the side though.
I never cared for Yuuta but he did need a last hoorah, so I hope it is a last hoorah that Yuuta fans find good.
It has been interesting seeing people’s takes on the story and what the theme of the story is meant to be. I actually kind of disagree with the takes that JJK is a nihilistic story, for how dark and gritty it can be it very much seems to be a story of hope and change than just a story where good people fail.
I have settled my emotions a bit too. Mostly just feel tired. My main issue is like you said that Yuuji is just getting thrown to the side when we finally get a tense moment between him and Sukuna. Gege really wants to stretch that fight. Yuuji was literally digging into his chest after just landing a Black Flash. Sukuna apparently felt so threatened that he healed his brain and CT, which is quite risky, to cast a domain. But then he can just shove Yuuji away and that's it? Also this Sukuna vs Gojo rehash is for one redundant and also very ill-timed. They could've done this when Sukuna was about to unleash Furnace or his altered domain. When people were actually in danger and Yuuta's sacrifice could've meant something. Yuuta gives a very passionate speech, but the whole time I just have to think that that's really not needed. If they need back-up, the people who got transported away could just come back. Maki's Soul Blade actually seems much more useful here, since we know hurting Sukuna's soul is how you actually get him down.
Also, Yuuta telling Maki that she doesn't understand what it means to be a monster and that she's scared leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. He didn't directly target her, but maybe have some self-awareness about who you're talking to? Not ooc though I would say, nor the rest of his speech and plan.
Another thing that I find confusing is why Yuuta can't heal himself, but is then able to grow Gojo's body together. If it's because of the stitches, Shoko could've stitched up his real body too. Could be that Kenjaku's technique gives a healing boost after the transfer, but they don't talk about that and I don't know how they would know that either. Nobody has ever seen Kenjaku change vessels.
But yeah, overall my reaction is just "do we need to do this again?". I don't agree with the criticisms I've seen that this is too dark, too bleak, too immoral, irredeemable and especially all those comparisons to horror and psychothriller stories. Seems to come also a lot from the people who think Choso's death was bad. Like using Gojo's body like that is grim, it shows how rotten jujutsu society is and that they perpetuate this mindset even in the students, but I think it just shows Yuuta breaking under pressure and emphasizing certain character flaws of his. A negative development. Not necessarily bad. If anything it shows why Yuuji can be the only one to defeat Sukuna because he doesn't give in to Sukuna's believes and he won't let the jujutsu system rob him of his value of life. Even if he sees himself as a tool, he does not treat others like that and he has always been someone who saw Gojo as a human first and the strongest sorcerer second. I wouldn't even say jjk is bleak right now. People have died and Yuuta threw his humanity away, but they are still gradually chipping away at Sukuna.
Certainly not nihilistic. There are very clear values governing the whole story as seen by the dichotomy of Sukuna and Yuuji. I do think they could've been put more into focus by using Shinjuku Showdown to highlight both of their mindsets and hone in more on Sukuna and Yuuji's mentality through it, but it's far from being nihilistic. Everything has meaning, Yuuta just now made the choice to compromise his previous morals. That doesn't mean the overall message is mute. Yuuta only played a small part in it to begin with after all. It's character development for him, but not a complete overthrow of the story's themes. He was told to become stronger he needs to throw away his humanity and disregard others. The challenge for him was to fight while still maintaining his humanity at the cost of not being The Strongest. He failed and also hasn't fully committed to that path, he's just perpetuating Gojo's dehumanization by saying there needs to be someone to fill that role. Someone who needs to stand at the top, despite even Gojo saying (or previously believing) that this burden shouldn't be carried by just one person. That's why he raised the students to be strong. Not quite the right approach either and not a break of the principles of jujutsu society, but certainly not what Yuuta took away from all this that there needs to be one pillar of strength far removed from the others who does the dirty work for them.
So like there is something there in the chapter, an attempt was made to say something, even though I don't think it quite stuck the landing. Doesn't make me especially ecstatic for the next chapters either though.
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