#I think I draw ink way bigger than sans because I went back and looked at sans' official art and stuff
soaked-ghost · 1 month
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any excuse to draw ink again is a good excuse!
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sunfish-studies · 3 years
✄・・・ Feathery Ink [Karasuno Manager Series]
➜ Pairing: Karasuno x Manager! Reader
➜ Warning: none
➜ Notes: This is a separate series from Crisp Leaves. Similar to Crisp Leaves, manager in this story will be portrayed as a girl. She will be tall. This is just my appreciation towards tall girls, you guys are amazing.
Previous:  ‹ Cogs › | Next:  ‹ Let The Games Begin! ›
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Last day of training calls for celebration for everyone’s hard work, so it’s barbeque time!
“All right, meat!”
“I’m starving!”
While the boys freshened up after practice matches, the managers were already on the move to prepare for the barbeque. Since there were quite a lot of people, the coaches decided to held it on the backyard of the gym, where the sharp hill stood just beside it. The coaches helped setting up the grills while the managers divided to cater different things.
Yachi decided she would get the utensils they needed; paper plates, chopsticks, paper cups, trays for rice balls, and other things. Shimizu would cover for the rice ball making, Yukie and Eri were in charge on cutting the vegetables in bite-size, Kaori and Mako would clean the vegetables before it was cut.
Meanwhile, you’re in charge of preparing the condiments and sauces, unwrapping the meat cuts, and arranged them on a bigger plate. Aside from that you had to make sure the meats searing on the grills weren’t charred.
“[Name]-chan, please replace me for cutting the onions,” Eri sobbed, reaching out to you with grabby hands.
“Alright, senpai,” you giggled in reply because Eri was clearly needing a break and watching the meats seared was a great break for her. Quickly, you stood on her place and started slicing the tear-induced-menaces after washing your hands.
It didn’t take long for you to suffer the same fate as the Ubugawa’s manager–the first seven slices went through without a hitch, but when you reached the tenth your eyes started to sting and blurry from the pain. Then tears began trailing down your cheeks, and you wiped it you’re your shirt sleeve.
“D-Don’t cry, [Name]-san!!” you looked up, seeing Hinata with his place face quivering on his feet. “W-what should I do!?”
“It’s fine, Shoyo-kun, it’s just the onions,” you sniffled pointed towards the bowl full of it. “It hurts my eyes.”
“I can take your place, Otohaku-chan!” Lev popped up beside Hinata.
“Instead of cutting the onions, you’ll chop your fingers off,” Yaku deadpanned before offering. “Here, let me do it.”
“No, it’s alright, Yaku-san,” you shook your head. “It’s time for you to have a break, not working.”
Being persistent sometimes has it’s perks, it took numbers of rejection to finally have Yaku gave up. You knew he was just trying to help, but you didn’t want to rob his time relaxing. When all the preparations were done, the boys were already surrounding the grills with hungry faces. Coach Nekomata gave them a light speech along with praises for their hard work over the week, and they dived to grab on the meat straight from the grill.
Just like Kaori, you brought a plate of rice balls to offer and managed to witnessed Yukie’s enormous appetite. She practically inhaled four rice balls in one go and you’re not the only who was dumbfounded from it.
Konoha and Komi almost had their souls went to heaven from the frightening circle Nishinoya, Tanaka, and Taketora made. Well, they did elbow each other to encourage one another getting close or at least having a talk with Shimizu. The girl walked pass them holding a paper plate with food–looking extremely gorgeous and she didn’t even try.
“That was scary,” Konoha muttered underneath his breath. The three finally stopped because of Karasuno and Nekoma’s captain scolded them–the three immediately shrunk.
“They really had their guard up, huh,” Komi added, feeling his energy drained from such a scary encounter.
“Uhm, excuse me,” the two turned to look over their shoulder and that’s when they noticed–Karasuno’s other first year manager who’s Bokuto constantly talking about. The owl captain wouldn’t shut up about her much to their annoyance and now they knew why.
“Would you like some rice ball?”
“Sure,” Konoha replied dumbly.
“I’ll take two,” Komi followed with a daze. You placed one on Konoha’s empty paper plate and two for Komi upon his request. Smiling at them, you proceeded to excuse yourself so you could offer to someone else.
Following your figure dazedly, they noticed how the light shone even brighter and basked you in a beautiful glow. That’s when they thought of a conclusion.
A goddess just graces us mere mortals! They screamed in their head.
You tried to calm Yachi down from her traumatizing experience being surrounded by absurdly tall boys (“Titans, [Name]-chan! Titans!”). Thankfully, all of them were nice enough to made room so your friend could reach for some meat. Yachi almost cried in happiness from the real taste of meat.
From the sidelines, Shimizu and the other managers were watching the two of you while talking about the boys sometimes.
“How much are you going to eat?” Kaori questioned because Yukie was having a ridiculous amount of food towering on her plate and she just kept munching away without care.
“The third-years in Karasuno all seems pretty mature,” Mako commented.
“Our ace is weak-willed, though,” Shimizu smiled sheepishly.
“What? Really?” Eri replied in surprise. “Even though he looks that scary?”
“Though, I think that’s still better than our simpleton ace,” Kaori commented. “Still,”
Their eyes were directed towards where the said simpleton ace was standing and placing meat until it towered on your empty plate.
“Eat more, [Name]-chan! Or you won’t get even taller!” he stated.
“And eat more vegetables!” Kuroo added, placing cabbages and carrots to your plate, adding even more food.
“Have some rice balls, too.” Somehow, even Akaashi participated in this whole fiasco and put a rice ball onto your plate. Now, there’s a ridiculous amount of food on your plate.
“…I can’t eat this much,” you commented, staring at the food filling your plate.
“Nonsense, I don’t see you eat anything even when the others are,” Akaashi stated. “You’re too busy handling other things nonstop.”
“Have a break will you,” Kuroo patted your back. “Everyone’s having fun and you should too.”
“Have more meat, [Name]-san!” Hinata said.
“You can have my share, Otohaku-chan!” Lev followed and you immediately shook your head.
“At least he and Akaashi took care of our baby manager well,” Kaori sighed in relief.
“[Name]-chan is close with Fukurodani’s captain and setter, huh? Even Nekoma’s captain,” Mako giggled. “She’s drawing everyone in.”
“Well, it’s rare for a first-year to be as tall as her,” Eri grinned. “The boys are especially poles so it’s probably great not to strain their neck once in a while from looking down.”
“Karasuno’s pretty lucky to have her, huh?” Yukie said after swallowing her food.
“Yeah, we are,” Shimizu smiled.
“Did you have fun?” Sawamura asked you when you’re helping other managers to clean up the remaining plates left behind on the table along with other scraps littering around. He picked up a few paper cups and placed it into the trash bin.
“Definitely,” you answered without hesitation. “Everyone’s so nice, it’s probably the most fun I’ve had.”
“Thank goodness, then,” he gave you a smile.
“I’m really glad I joined the volleyball club,” you commented, grinning.
“And we glad to have you here,” the captain chuckled and replied.
Everything was over by the time the sun started to sink into the horizon–time truly flew by when you enjoyed it. Since Miyagi was quite a distance from Saitama, they needed to depart first or they would be back extremely late at night. Yukie and Eri were fake-crying and joking about refusing to let you go–in the end, you’re all exchanging numbers so you could keep in touch.
“Did you have fun, Otohaku-san?”
“Coincidentally, you asked the same question as my captain, Akaashi-san.” The Fukurodani setter, like before, helping you on carrying the extra luggage in hand although you did tell him it’s only until you reached the stairs. “And to answer, I am. These one week of training camp is fun. Somehow, I don’t want this to be over.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll meet again,” Akaashi replied. “At the Spring Interhigh.”
“I’m sure we will, Akaashi-san.” you smiled. “And thank you for helping me with luggage.”
“[Name]-chan!!” Bokuto bounded over with a grin plastered on his face. “We’ll be waiting at the nationals!”
“Karasuno, Bokuto-san. Otohaku-san doesn’t play volleyball.” Akaashi deadpanned.
“Just agree with me once, Akaashi!”
“Well, whatever he said,” Kuroo piped up, approaching the three of you. “Made sure your team go to the nationals so we could meet again and make the battle came true.”
“I’ll do my best, Kuroo-san.” Then Kuroo reached out to ruffle your hair, it’s been a while since he did that and you weren’t even going to lie about enjoying it. The cat captain was similar to an older brother now.
“Off you go then, [Name],” he removed his hand from your head. “And don’t miss me.”
“How could I when I have your phone number, Kuroo-san?” you snickered. “You’re probably going to bombard me with chemistry puns at 10pm.”
“Then, I’m gonna call you every day so you won’t have to deal with Kuroo!” Bokuto declared before laughing victoriously.
“Please block his number immediately, Otohaku-san,” Akaashi stated. “Or you won’t be getting any sleep. His talking is endless.”
“Why, Akaashi!?” the said boy whined.
“Aside from that, be careful on your way home,” Akaashi decided to ignore the captain and gave you a small smile.
You returned his smile. “Will do, Akaashi-san.”
With that, the whole week of summer training camps has come to an end. The whole team watched you guys drove away into the other way back to Miyagi.
“You have a match tomorrow, don’t you?” former Coach Ukai questioned, brows creased from the insistence of your combi. “That’s probably enough, then!”
“One more! Just one more!” Hinata pleaded.
“We’ll finish after this one!” Kageyama added.
Two days of practicing to prepare for the preliminaries, just a day before the match Sawamura dismissed them early to get some rest. Since it would be impossible to use the gym unless getting an earful from him, Kageyama and Hinata needed to look for another place. Former Coach Ukai lent them the court only for a bit, just until the others who wants to practice comes.
And you were there to hold a leash if they’re being stubborn or something.
“This is the last, alright?” you scolded the two. “We shouldn’t bother the others who wants to practice here. And you should rest before the match.”
Thankfully the older man letting them had the court just one more time and you couldn’t help but feeling grateful of it. You sighed before turning to face former Coach Ukai and bowed down. “On their behalf, I apologize.”
“It’s fine.” Former Coach Ukai dismissed it. “Their eagerness is a great thing, but even eagerness isn’t going to magically give them energy. It would be bad if they burnt out even before the game started.”
“[Name]-san! Can you throw us the ball?” Hinata called out.
In the end, the two managed to successfully killed the quick–and sure enough, it also impressed former Coach Ukai which added more reassurance that your team would be more than okay to face the entire preliminaries and became champions.
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kaliyang · 4 years
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 I returned! This time, I painted Hakim's drawing and, as I promised, I will tell his story now, remember that it is still a work in progress. I can make changes if I need to or if you have a good idea. Well, let's get to the point.
Hakim was part of an alternative universe that was in the creation phase, until then everything was fine, the difference in his AU was that the child who came before Frisk somehow went to Asgore, killing him and leaving the underground. When Toriel heard of this, because of her conversations with Sans, she immediately left the ruins and became the queen, changed the rules, she did't want to kill any children and because of that, she still goes back to the ruins every day to check if anyone has fallen , which eventually leads to Frisk. The creator of the AU was still making changes in what would  comes next, but for now everything was kinda the same. The AU was abandoned, the creator that was so excited just give up, they can't do something creative so they just forget about the AU eventually, what made all of their universe be something uncreative, irrelevant, no one even knows about they existence, their story was basically the same thing that the original,  but a lot more easier considering that no one fights Frisk, if they want to leave, they could, if they want to kill, they could. They do a lot of resets to know everything that could happen, Sans was the judge, and this is the only important thing that he does in this universe. All of this was really monotome, boring. One day, when Sans looked around he realized that the walls and the scenery were gliching, he was in a stage that he doesn't care for anything anymore so he just watch while the glich becomes bigger and bigger, it becamed so big that it was starting to consume everything, the monsters were in panic, his brother was at his sade screaming and asking things like "what is that? What should we do?" He just doens't knew how to answer, he starts to feel a afraid of whatever was happen too because of the general panic, and when he starts to look around again, trying to figure out who was doing that, he saw, he saw a black skeleton sitting in a roof, just smiling while he mades more things dessapear and glichs, he looks like he was enjoing all of that. When Sans noticed him he thinked about trying to fight him for protect his world...But, why would he save a world that will be reseted after his sacrifice? A world that was so monotome that even him was bored? A world that he was forced to see his brother, the only one that he really cared about, dying again and again? At least if everything was erased he won't have to suffer with the resets again, so he decided to just let that creep do what he wants to.  He watched while his world was destroyed, conforting Papyrus and trying to pass the last moments with him, but he was determined to save everyone, Sans was trying to follow him but he knew that he couldn't do that, while he runs he lost Paps sight and start looking for him in the middle of the caos. The things were bad, monsters running for every side that wasn't destroyed yet, Sans was lost in the crowd and when he finally comes out he sees him again, the same skeleton, but now he was leaving from some kind of portal, he couldn't tell what exactly was that, but his body moved by himself and followed him. He felt a lot of power inside that thing, he couldn't handle that, collapising in the moment that the "shock" hited him. When he waked up he was in a big "white" place, he wasn't sure about where he was, but he realized that a discussion was happening, the skeleton that he follows was there, he doesn't looked happy, and in front of him other skeleton was standing, he was holding a really big brush, Sans was confuse at this time, but when he listen to what they are saying he get's it, they were discussing about him.  He get up, what call the attention of the others two, the one with the brush was the first to come closer, asking if he was ok, it took a long time, but they finally get to a deal: His universe was already destroyed so he doesn't have a place to go back, the black skeleton, that he descovered that are called Error, wanted to erase him just like the rest of his friends, but the one with the brush, that are called Ink, was defending him, saying that it was rare to happen something like this, and that they should give him a chance, afterall, he even followed Error through the portal, being the only one alive from that AU. Error didn't like the way it have gone all of this, but Ink seemed very  decided to keep that Sans alive so he just give up, he was actually lucky for Ink  didn't bother him about the whole AU that he just destroyed. After that, Sans followed Ink throught the nothing, they talked a little and so they decided to give Sans a new look, because he was too "normal", this was actually kind of fun, but after that they have to find someting to Sans to do, and give him another name, because, well, have a lot of Sans in the AUs. That was a problem, they didn't know a answer for these tasks and they weren't capable of doing that at this moment.  A while has passed, Sans now have learned how to pass from AU to AU, watching them from afar, and without noticing he starts to judge the AUs, judging which ones he considered important and which ones not, helping Ink on the task to protect the AUs that he juldge deserving and telling Error when he find out some that he considers irrelevant. He becomes what you can call a true neutral, he doesn't really care for the AUs, but he reconize that some of them are important,  he is like the court of the void, a judge that can or not make a difference, and when Ink realized this, they finally could think of a new name for him, Hakim, that means judge, philosopher, the one who decide. He isn't so strong like Ink or Error, but no doubt that he became a lot more strong than he was before, he even can make both of his eyes glows and take a really long time to fell tired. Welp, this took a long time, i wasn’t expecting it to take so long lol. But remember everyone, this still a work in progress and i will be happy to listen to your opinions! Don’t be afraid to say anything that you think about Hakim!  Ink Sans belong to @comyet / @myebi, and Error belongs to @Loverofpiggies / CrayonQueen (CQ)   
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harrish6 · 6 years
The Guardian Of The Abyss - Chapter 1 - My Fatal Hope
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This drawing of my OC was made by the lovely JuneTheGlassesBearer! Look at it! This is my OC, Fatal Hope, one I deigned and created all on my own, and I couldn't be more happy about how they look! Better than all the drawings I made of them! Ahh~! I think I need a moment to calm down.... Phew! Okay, I'm okay. Just needed a moment to fangirl all over the picture. Still can't stop smiling.
This is a story about my OC, Fatal Hope. Fatal Hope is a gender-fluid Skeleton Monster, meaning that sometimes they are male, other times they are female.
To make things easier, when Fatal Hope is male, they will be called 'Fatal'. When they are female, they will be called 'Hope'. The pronouns for them will be 'he' or 'she' as well when they are either male or female/their respectful gender. Characters who do not know this will just use what they want, usually calling Fatal Hope 'He' - unless dressed in a certain way - and thinking him male even when it is Hope. Not their fault, as they do not know that Fatal Hope is gender fluid.
Anyway, I've had this idea of Fatal Hope for a long time! Before even Healing What Was Broken was created. So, I decided to make a story for my OC finally.
Fetal Hope is a Kidnapped/Imprisoned God, Error is a Formed/Forced God, and Ink is a Created/Doesn't Know(that he is one) God. What Fatal Hope is the God of will be in the story.
Fatal Hope is not a "Sans", as they are from another Multiverse where "Undertale" and such does not exist. They are just a skeleton Monster with similar magic/powers, and even then they have mainly have different magic/powers with different EFFECTS/drawbacks than the Sanses and Papyruses do. So, just Fatal Hope. Not Fatal Hope!Sans.
I like to call this version - meaning I nicknamed this version - of Error - in this story - Errant. Errant means "erring or straying from the proper course or standards". And this Error does this right from the get go, all because of Fatal Hope being there right from the start of everything. So, his nickname is "Errant". That way I don't confuse him with the my other Errors.
Fate is not happy. That much is certain. The plans they have made are dying before they even had a chance, and some are erring from their fate because of all of this. So, Fate is not happy at all.
As always, Fate is a bitch. Just saying that now.
-Start Chapter-
Fatal didn't know how long he had been in this endless Abyss he was forced to call home. He had lost count before he could even think of counting. There are no days, just endless black nights that want to devour him. All he could hear was the hungry static, rumble and groans that is the Abyss, and the chains all around him rattling if he moved even a tiny bit.
Sitting on what could be a ledge or step - Fatal couldn't tell, it was all darker than black - Fatal glanced behind him at the vault. Sometimes he wondered if he should just break the chains on him, the Multiverse be damned. Besides, the whole Multiverse was still young. it wasn't like too many people would die-
'No...no. I can't do that.' Fatal mentally sighed. He wasn't that cruel to do something like that. Loneliness must be getting to him once more. At least it wasn't blood lust this time. How Fatal just wanted to stab someone. He blamed growing up in a war torn Multiverse for that one; Craving the fighting and conquering all in one's way. Missing the cheers, the screams and magic in the air. How the blood and dust felt on his bones as he fought, how it tasted as he grinned at all the carnage that surrounded him day in and day out. Hell, he even missed the balls and meetings that his King and Queen held. No matter how bloodied or violent was his Multiverse, no matter how unstable it was, he missed it with all he has.
It just made the loneliness all the more present. He missed his armey, those were his true family. They bled, fought, and cried together. They were supposed to die together, yet it seems he was the only one to live on.
Because of that motherfucking Fate. That damn bitch who seemed to think that they were a God and could control everyone just because they had the power to. There was no such thing as fate, there was too much freewill for that to be a real thing. But, Fate?
Fate is real, and seems to be delusional enough to think they actually are fate just because of their powers. How Fatal just wants to strangle them. To show Fate what he thinks about fate and themselves.
Rage boiled inside of him, making him clinch his fists. Just the sight of the burn marks all over his hands made him want to kill something. In the shape of chains, the burn marks just remind him how he failed to fight the chains the first time. In the end, his Multiverse was shattered and he was dragged down into the ever hungry ABYSS.
Fun times.
Sighing, Fatal pushed the anger in him away for now. There was no use in getting angry right now. Not when there was nothing to fight or anything to protect. The ABYSS not counting of course. He wouldn't care if anything were to happen to the damned place. If it can even be called a "place".
"Another day, another endless darkness to greet me. Bah, if only! Endless darkness would be better, at least it would be quiet." Fatal sighed, leaning back, making the chains on him and surrounding him clank. "What I wouldn't give to see other colors than the ones on me. One can only take so much."
Closing his eyes, Fatal thought back to happier, simpler times. When he was still in his own Multiverse before the bitch of all bitches dragged him into this place with only a few parting words.
-Fatal could still see it, as if he had never left and everything was if the chains had never came.
The Multiverse around him was broken in so many ways. Technology overtaking yet still staying the same no matter what inventions came out. Castles filled with Kings and Queens stood out amid the metal skyscrapers and smoggy skies.
The land was mostly desolate. Dying or already dead. Animals going extant left and right, hunger and starvation was everywhere. Cries of pain, of anger, of hunger and justice ringing out. Acts of violence going up and up, wars of all kinds coming to life. Water was scarce, food was becoming a luxury. This was a fact before Fatal Hope was even born. But Fatal knew the reason why the War truly started, why it went on and why so many fought to their last breath.
"Survival is a most. What you do not have, take."
"Your kingdom is dying. To live on, for the next generation to live, we must do what must be done."
"The Multiverse is unstable, there are too many others and it is too crowded. Food is scarce because of this. Resources are dying out. We must find balance. Do you understand what this means?"
"In War, there are no winners. There is only the ones left standing in the end."
"To live, we must steal. To survive, we must kill all those who stand in out way."
The screams and yells of the armies, the blood in the air as guns go off, the dust on the ground as magic pluses all around, the soft music of the balls, the soft smile of the Queen, the loud laughter of the King, the pout of the young Prince, the joking amongst brothers and sisters in arms; All of it and more was home.
No matter how many armies Fatal fought, no matter how many he killed, he did it all for his home and Kingdom. All for his family, his army. He must stand tall and straight even through the pain, through everything.
Good thing Fatal Hope was raised in such a war torn Multiverse, taught from birth to fight and survive. Taught how to survive in all situations, not just on the battlefield. Fatal found out many things living in his Multiverse, and It made things easier in the long run.
Killing is so easy. Fatal would kill any and all to protect those that he loves and those that are his. Why care about the other lives on the other end? It's not like they care for him and those under his protection. He doesn't know them, so why bother caring at all. It made killing so much easier to him than others, with how he was mentally. Luckily, his army was much like himself.
Fighting and conquering is so much fun. How Fatal loves fighting, the thrill of it all. It might be from so much death and violence in his life, but fighting, even to the death, was just so much fun. It was like a game. Just as life is. The rush of it all, Fatal can still taste the blood and feel the dust on his bones. It made his blood and magic flutter just thinking about it all. To conquer lands was a rush, to fight a whole mini war and decimate the other side was not pretty but it was so much fun.
Smiling can convey many different emotions. Soft and gentle smiles can calm even a dying person. Smiles full of nothing but teeth can show your aggression. Wide smiles that turn into grins can show just how excited someone is. Smiles filled with blood-lust can make the most harden individual shiver with fear. Smiles can convey so much, yet still be considered polite. Sometimes, it is better to show what you think with a smile than words.
Dancing is a great way to become graceful and tell a story. There are many different dances in just one culture, many more if counting other cultures. Dancing is discipline, forcing one to keep inline with the beat. But once learned, it stays. Dancing teaches one to stay light on their feet no matter what move they are doing, making every step apart of a bigger story. Dancing can be aggressive, can be gentle, can be loving, can be lustful. Dancing is much like fighting in a way; both can show so many emotions in the way one moves with the other.
Politics can kill just as easily as taking a knife to the SOUL can. Fatal has seen people die from words alone and it he has learned one thing from being in the courts of Kings and Queens, it's that politics are shady business. Nearly everyone has a knife behind their back as they smile. One wrong word, one wrong move, and suddenly all you have worked for is gone and a assassin is paying you a visit the next night. But at least in politics, one can choose their enemies and allies.
Nothing is black and white, everything is a rainbow of colors and shades. There is no wrong or right, there is no good or bad. People made those ideas and notions to make themselves feel more than the animals that they are. To make themselves seem more than what they are and to feel better about themselves. The funny thing is that these notions change, the definition of what is right and wrong, good and bad, change as time goes on. Fatal knows that when were resources bountiful, killing was seen as a last resort. killing was seen as "Wrong" and "Bad". Now, killing was seen as "Right" and "Good". Enrolling into the army was seen as a must, and no one sugar coated that they were going to be killing many others. But it was okay, because it was "Good" and "Right". There are no such things, Fatal knew this.
Love is to be horded and treasured, held above all else and not taken for granted, for you do not know when your last day will be. It was rare to see love out in public, any kind of love. It was also rare to even be in love or love others in a romantic way in general. Fear of it being taken away from them made sure that it was horded or never happen. But in such a unstable Multiverse, one filled with strife and war, no one knew when it would finally be the day everything ends. So, love was spoken in awe. As if love itself was a God(dess) and hung the stars, moon and sun itself. To have love, to be in love, and to be loved was such a rare thing and needed to be treated as such. It never happened to Fatal, but he knows to treasure even the thought of it.
Never say "Never" or "Impossible". There are no such things. Even impossibilities are still possible. It is only "Never" and "Impossible" when someone doesn't try. It only takes trying to change it all. Suddenly, "Never" is "Always" and "Impossible" is "Possible". So many inventors thought that high tech visors were impossible, that it was impossible for cars to fly and for weapons to have a mind of their own. But, someone tried and suddenly, such things were common to see everyday.
It's okay not to be okay, it's okay to cry and to laugh even in the worse situations. War has taught Fatal that emotions needed to be showed and not bottled up, only hidden when absolutely needed. But after that necessity? It was fine to just cry or show whatever emotion needed. Emotions showed that they were alive, that they were living and breathing. War has messed with Fatal even if he loves fighting, he knows this and will admit to it. He is not okay, will never be okay, but that's fine. Fatal knows that it's fine to be himself even he's not okay or too emotional.
Be yourself, for only yourself can have the final say on what you are. Fatal Hope only had one life, so Fatal Hope was going to do it the way they wanted. The funny thing is that no one was bothered by them being genderfluid. They just wanted a sign or a way of knowing when Fatal Hope was male or female. So, Hope bought a pink ribbon, tied it around her neck and told everyone that when she is wearing the ribbon around her neck, she is in fact female and Hope. Then, when he was Fatal, he just tied it around his left leg for safe keeping. Such a easy thing to do and no words needed after the first explanation.
Your army is your family, you will live and die with them and for them. Fatal joined the army young, joined the military young. It was the only safe way to get food and he had no one else to fall back on even at a very young age. There were a ton of times where parents even gave up their children to the military, to be raised to be of use to the military and/or to have a better life. While that did not happen to Fatal, he knows that the whole military was a family. You bleed with them, you eat with them, you sleep by them, you breath with them and you walk to you possible death with them every time there is a battle to be waged. Sometimes, the army is all they have and is their family. Fatal truly had wanted to die for them all, and would have too. He was a leader after all, the leader of a whole army in fact. He has lead his army into many battles, and every single one he would have died for any of them. Yet....the chai-!-----------------
-'No! Don't think about it! Not now! Anger is no use when there is nothing to fight! Nothing to protect.'-
These and so many other things that Fatal had found out throughout his life and made life so much grander, so much more fun than it should have been. How he missed it. The smiling faces, the fighting, the blood bath that was War.
Missed his army, his family.
But those motherfucking chains-!
"P E R F E C T . P R O T E C T I V E  G U A R D I A N  O F  T H I S  M U L T I V E R S E , Y O U  A R E  N O W  M Y  F I R S T  G O D  A N D  J U D G E .  M Y  G U A R D I A N  O F  T H E  A B Y S S."
"F A T A L  H O P E; G O D  O F  B A L A N C E  A N D  G U A R D I A N  O F  T H E  A B Y S S . F A T E  H A S  D E E M E D  I T  S O !"
Black chains were choking him. He tired to struggle, fought with everything he had. Made step after step, more chains coming to life. Some going into his eyes sockets, pulling back and back. The world around him shifting, breaking further and further. Soon, the ground under him gave way, forcing him to fall. The chains pulled him down.
All the while, the voice laughed and laughed.
Fatal was jerked out of his thoughts, looking around in shock. For a moment, he thought he heard another voice other than his own and the noise that is the ABYSS.
"Finally lost your mind, Fatal." The shackled skeleton chuckled to himself. "Hearing things is always the first sign-"
Before he even knew what he was doing, Fatal was standing up tall and straight, searching for any place the voice could have came from.
'Another....voice....Oh, my. Seems I do have some fatal hope left in me.' Fatal grinned widely, chains clacking together as he moved to the voice. Starting to go faster and faster, soon cautiously running to the sound. 'Another voice means another person. A way out. Yet, they are calling for help. Trouble. If someone calls for help, it's only polite to answer it.'
Fatal might not know what or who was calling for help, but he once used to be a leader of a military, one of them at least. Protecting others was something that he used to do all the time, something that he loved to do and something that made him Fatal Hope. It was one of the reasons he joined the army besides wanting to eat and survive. The call might lead to something new, a way out even if he is lucky.
a deadly, fatal hope was growing inside of his chained up SOUL. For the first time since getting dragged down into the ABYSS, Fatal felt hopeful that this will all work out. That everything will be fine.
That there might be a way for him to get out; mainly to help the one calling for help and to find Fate. Fatal Hope really wants to kill - slaughter, maim, spit on, set on fire, laugh at, strangle, ect. - Fate, no use in sugar coating it.
But, it all came down to one thing and one thing only. Fate didn't matter right now. No, the only thing that did was the person screaming.
'Don't worry!' Fatal Hope ran as fast as he could, using all his training to move as quick as he can towards where the voice was coming from. The ABYSS'S rumbling and groans of hunger trying to drown out the call, but Fatal will not stop even if the call ends. He'll keep going even if it takes years to find the other person who is screaming out.
Someone was calling for help.
Fatal Hope was going to answer the call even if it was the last thing they did.
-End Chapter-
Fatal Hope - FH - doesn't believe in fate. They just think Fate as a person/Monster with powers/a whole lot of magic. FH thinks as Fate as a person, someone alive. Not a God. This makes it harder for Fate to control FH, as FH just straight up does not believe in them and only believes that they are a person with power. FH's Multiverse did not have Gods, and if they did, they were dead before FH was born. FH choices are their own, and they will deal with the consequences that their actions lead them with a grin and smile.
Really, FH is still trying to come around to the idea of them being a God. A Guardian is one thing, they are used to protecting and fighting in the war they were in, but a God? Yeah, FH doesn't believe in the whole thing yet knows that they were given powers to become one - to be one. But just because Fate wants them to be a God, doesn't mean they will do it. The only thing stopping FH from just ripping the chains off of them is the fact that too many would die because of it. Naive innocence would die.
But, that doesn't mean they won't. All they need is one little reason, and they will break free from the chains and break the lock and key on the ABYSS.
FH has a pink ribbon tied around their left leg. When they are "Hope", she ties the ribbon around her neck to show this. This is from their time in their own Multiverse, as it showed allies and the army what gender FH was without a word needed other than the first time.
So, even if FH is wearing a dress, if they are not wearing the pink ribbon around their neck - just above the shackle around their neck - it means they are male and are "Fatal". The same goes the other way, if they are wearing a suit and have the pink ribbon around their neck, they are female and "Hope". Clothes are clothes to me, cloth and have no gender or are for one gender alone.
FH is from a whole different Multiverse, a unstable Multiverse. One filled with starvation, pain, war, death and was very unstable - it showed to everyone how unstable it was. Resources were becoming scarce because of how over filled the Multiverse was, so war was fought for them. There are other reasons as well, but that is the main reason it was fought for. Because of this, Fatal Hope will have issues, cultural differences, and are..... well, let's just say that FH has more than one layer to themselves. For good reasons too. And yes, FH loves to fight and can get violent.
Fatal Hope is the God of Balance, and because of that, they are balanced in different ways. One moment, they can be calm and gentle, next violent and aggressive. It's almost like a split personality, but not as it does blend together and there are reasons for FH being this way. The funny part is that they are random, coming off as if chaos more than balance. but balance is all about having both good and bad, mixing together and that can be shown in many different ways.
FH is not very balanced though, not in the way Fate wants that is, nor will they be impartial like balance should be. Not believing in fate does lower Fate's power over them, but there are ways that Fate is going to try and bring FH to heel. More on this will be in the next chapter as well as a explanation. Also more on FH's past and them in general.
Also, yes, I will have/use Fatal Hope and Errant in Falling Into A Different Destiny; What If Version. Hard not too, I already know I am going to have too much fun with them both.
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