#I think I am discovery writer at heart 😭
i-can-even-burn-salad · 1 year
Happy STS! I have outlines on the brain today, so I'm very curious about everyone's processes. Do you outline your stories before you start writing them? If so, how detailed are they, and how closely do you follow them?
Happy STS!
I wouldn't call my efforts an outline. Most often, I am haunted by weeks of daydreams, as well as some notes 50% copied out of my friends DMs where I infodumped at 2am.
For many stories, when I start writing them, I have no idea where they will go. I drop my character knee deep into shit and watch them struggle to get out of it, and once they're almost happy, I find a way to ruin it again.
But I also have a very bad memory, so I scribble things I want to happen in a very basic list. Every attempt at guessing how many chapters those fill usually fails, and I keep adjusting it as I write. Sometimes adding, sometimes cutting, and sometimes shoving a piece into the next chapter because
"I'm not gonna split this I'm not gonna split this I'm not— shit, we're at 5k words, I have to split this."
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metagalacticx · 2 years
Teen Wolf
Favorite character: scott!
Least Favorite character: peter
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): scira, thiam, scallison, berica, morey
Character I find most attractive: allison, violet
Character I would marry: none tbh
Character I would be best friends with: mason
a random thought: mason and lydia should have teamed up more, i refuse to believe they never had a conversation about her calling his name, and also by the end lydia was so concerned about everyone i think she would have talked to mason more
An unpopular opinion: scott got over what liam did too easily
My Canon OTP: scira
My Non-canon OTP: thiam but also sciles and allydia
Most Badass Character: scott
Most Epic Villain: monroe like i don’t think people appreciate her enough, and also the fact that she escaped and she’s a human? final girl!! who’s seeing her???
Pairing I am not a fan of: st*ter
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): BOYD, because he shouldn’t have died. he should not have died. and the ‘it was worth it’ line was fucked up. also lydia.
Favourite Friendship: liam and mason
Character I most identify with: theo mason
Character I wish I could be: mason, but like, without the trauma??
When I started shipping them: kira’s second ep
My thoughts: one of the best ships in the show, most definitely the healthiest, should have been endgame
What makes me happy about them: they’re both dorks in the most delicious ways. they love each other.
What makes me sad about them: kira leaving and NOT COMING BACK
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: scott moving on um kira not coming back fhdjjd
Things I look for in fanfic: i actually don’t read a lot of scira bc i rarely find good ones that’s just about them, but literally anything with them being happy together melts my dead heart
My wishlist: scira endgame
Who I'd be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: no one, and i’m not joking.
My happily ever after for them: scira endgame, scott joining kira on her journey to self-discovery
How I feel about this character: i love mason hewitt from the crown of my head to the sole of my feet. i think he’s one of the best characters on the show and a great example of how friends should support friends even when they’re cursed to become a monster.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: corey, theo, liam
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: liam, violet, melissa, deaton, dr. geyer, hayden
My unpopular opinion about this character: he didn’t have as much character development as a huge part of the fandom pretends he did
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: literally i wish he was taken seriously enough as a member of the pack to have been in that final shot in 6b. he wasn’t there and after everything they went through i’m never going to shut up about how disrespectful it was. stiles did the whole ‘passing the torch’ thing with the bat as a metaphor and he was presented as a direct parallel to stiles in his friendship with liam and YET. where was he???
Favourite friendship for this character: liam/violet, and also lydia and kira and scott
My crossover ship: can’t think of any atm sry 😭
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starleska · 2 years
How about Comfortable Doug for the ask game? ^^
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YESSSS COMFORTABLE DOUG!!!! i love you so much thank you for sending him in 😭💖 answers for this ask game are under the cut!!
how i feel about this character: ahhhh…Comfortable Doug, how can i really sum up the depth of my love here? he's a delight. he's a freak. he's a certified weirdo. something about his sweaty squishy self fills me with such a sense of contentment…a lovely anon suggested him to me months ago as a potential f/o, and i laughed them off. oh how silly i was 😂💖
i love Comfortable Doug because of how...comfortable he is with himself. he's such a terminally unashamed creature and i loved watching his journey of self-discovery moving up from a simple moletaur night guard to the godlike celebrity we know and worship today. he has such a cute face (and those TEETH oh my god!! 😳), can pull off some seriously fun theatrics and i adore characters with German accents 😉 honestly, i’ve always been a fan of characters who have an unusual, arresting vocal delivery and the way Flula Borg warps his voice to produce this inconsistent, lilting, Euro-lite sound is gorgeous. i could listen to him talk all day!! (on that note, have y’all ever heard this song Flula did with Ninja Sex Party? absolute banger)
there's something so attractive about characters who are…hm, does Comfortable Doug count as a reality breaker? certainly he has the ability of interdimensional travel, and that makes him awesomely powerful!! he's got all these great little quirks that make him simultaneously adorable and threatening. i swear to God, go and watch his scenes in 'Holes: Part 2' and 'My Tummy, Your Hurts' back to back, it's hilarious how he went from this scary creepy dude to a weird, precious goofball. i don't know, i just think he's neat…he's got that unique chaos goblin energy 🥰
all the people i ship romantically with this character: SLAMS THE SELFSHIP BUTTON man i do not care that he's half subterranean mammal i am ready to ride that moletaur at a moment's notice 😳 i’ve been working on a centaursona just for the purpose of selfship and i can’t recommend doing that enough. draw yourself as a centaur, people, it’s good for your soul!!
as for canon, i love Comfortable Doug/Waterbaby!! that little moment where CD flirts with Waterbaby took me so off-guard i had to go hide my face for a while and wait for the blushing to wear off 😭💖 what a smooth-talker!! i would've loved to have seen more interactions between the two…Waterbaby is also an uber-confident, powerful, charming character and this teasing back-and-forth (with CD being an obtuse little shit as always) is so cute and funny 🔥🔥
…also Comfortable Doug/Mouthpiece is a peak ship and i won't apologise for it
my non-romantic OTP for this character: every interaction Comfortable Doug has with our main group is so gut-achingly funny. i love that he ends up being this unknowable, sometimes useful, sometimes unhelpful familiar face for Horse and the gang, and while i don't explicitly ship him with anyone from the group, i adore Comfortable Doug as an unofficial additional member!! so Comfortable Doug with everyone being buddies makes my heart soft 🥰
my unpopular opinion about this character: yknow, Comfortable Doug is an odd one because while i think a good deal of the fandom really likes him, there's this vocal section that is not a fan. this seems to be because by season 2, the writers knew that CD was very popular with the fanbase and gave us a great deal of fanservice with him - and i was very happy about that!! but he did transform into something more of an out-of-story device, almost a deus ex machina with this ability to look at everything from above and act as a chaotic force in an already chaotic universe. as much as i adore Comfortable Doug, i can understand why some people found him to be more of an intrusive distraction than a fun pop-up…
…but i wouldn't trade a second of his screentime away regardless 😖💔
one thing i wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: i would watch Comfortable Doug do literally anything so i would be ecstatic for ANY more content with him!! 🥺💖 i was equally entertained and delighted by Comfortable Doug delivering two of the best song-and-dance numbers ever performed as i was listening to him trying to describe the Nowhere King's horrifying experiments to Rider and Becky Apples;;;
that said, the wistful part of me does kinda wish we got more of a backstory into Comfortable Doug…i want to know if there is a Glendale, Ched, Durpleton or Wammawink-type situation to Comfortable Doug and his perpetual weirdness. perhaps it's because the moletaurs seem so chill and nice to each other, quite tight-knit, that there was never any need, but Comfortable Doug tells us that he feels his life so far has been less than perfect…he never found a husband or a wife, a thing to love, or something to go after!! i'd love to know more about Comfortable Doug's family and early years, and if there was more than Horse's arrival which prompted him to become such a strange, confident guy. even though all of the moletaurs are as kooky as the rest of the 'taurs in Centaurworld, Comfortable Doug seems uniquely weird and i want to know why!! and those are just a few of my thoughts on Comfortable Doug 🥺💖 thank you so much for sending this ask in anon, and i am always always down to talk about him and any other of the weird characters on my f/o list :3c
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