#I think Hilda in VW tries to tell them that Fodlan and Almyra aren't on the best of terms
randomnameless · 9 months
Which are the biggest examples of cowardice from the writers of VW and GW, never meaningfully adressing House Goneril's usage of child slaves or never having Claude point out in any of his “Fódlan and Almyra have bad relations because the two of them don't want to understand each other” speeches that Almyra invading Fódlan for fun once a week is a much more likely reason for the two countries not getting along than simple ignorance and close-mindedness?
I'd say the first anon,
Because the second comes from the first!
Meaningfully adressing the Goneril Slavery issue means, to make it meaningful, that Claude shoud react to it.
Also, because adressing the Goneril issues means, obviously, adressing the "whys" they think or have their biased POV against Almyrans, which brings us to the weekly raids.
If the Goneril issue was adressed, we could have Hilda/Holst/their mom/their second degree cousin say that they are at least treating the Almyran children as human beings (lel) which is already giving them more care than what Almyrans do when they raid and pillage and "rampage" in Fodlan cities - maybe with some sort of Matthias-like example, Almyrans killing a pregnant woman, or, idk to keep in the "grandma from the 1800s tells me what the Orient is like" bias, captured women or what not.
Which, could, in turn, lead Claude to acknowledge that both parties treated each other like shit, but to stop the cycle, one has to stop, and, idk, House Goneril accepting to make the first step at Hilda's behest because even if Claude is half-Almyran, he wants to help and save everyone, even Fodlan people.
But this is only an AU!
Tl;Dr : not adressing the child slavery issue means you cannot adress the weekly raids - but the biggest argument against VW and GW is how the cast never reacts - especialy not the Gonerils - to Claude's speeches and/or ideas
It's almost as if only Dimitri and Rhea can receive backlash (earned or not!) for their words and actions but the other two can tell their followers the sky is green, and they will never give them any flak.
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