#I then realized and procedded to begin cleaning it up
I have discovered something I can do and the only reason I can think of is trauma.
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venus-pjo · 2 years
Where the rain doesn't fall
The rain lashed down on the queen of the gods as she walked through Olympus in the dark. Hera had only felt like this once before. She was to leave Olympus, without Zeus and her kids.
She stumbled out into the Mortal world, she looked around to make sure no one had noticed her sudden appearance, then procedded onwards. She flicked through houses for sale on her phone, then called up an agent about a Tudor-Style cottage she had her eye on. Within moments she was inside it. She didn't feel like doing anything, so she swiped her hand through the air so it was furnished accordingly and nicely. Her exhaustion got the better of her, and she was asleep before she hit the pillow.
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Hera was going to have an Office Job in the building in front of her. She thought it would be the perfect place to begin. She was quickly shown around by a woman named Jane. Then Hera was led to her own office. It was in the left side of the humongous building. With pannelled windows going half way around. The whether had been terrible since she left Olympus, so she didn't have any point in looking out now. But over time, Zeus would go of with someone else. 'Okay, you work from ten, to six, on a Monday to Friday' Jane explained as they walked to the lunch area. It was only Saturday, but why not get shown around before you properly start.
She said goodbye to Jane at the door. Hera then decided to go clothes shopping, in the hopes of not having to wear the same thing everyday. As she walked, a storm rumbled in the sky above her. She soon arrived at the Mall. She passed shops full of tie-dye and books. But she went straight to the mens section. She didn't really know why, she just felt an urge. As she inspected a crisp white shirt, considering buying it for Ares, a man walked up to her. 'Hi! Umm, I saw you at work earlier? Its me, Teddy, the one who was sorting the papers when you and Jane came in?' He said it all qyite quickly. Hera turned to him. He was quite scrawny, and his hair was sort of a light brown. 'Ahh yes, I remember you now, Teddy Zevari? Is it? I'm Hera!' She smiled at him. There conversation contuined through that.
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Two months had passed and no one on Olympus, except heras children themselves, had been able to visit her, talk to her, etc. Zeus was frustrated. He had tried to get Ares to tell him the truth, which only made Ares more keen to stay quiet.
Hera frantically cleaned her cottage, forgetting that she had powers. Damn her for not bothering to do any of it in the past two months. She had fixed it the best she could by the time the doorbell rang. Teddy stood outside, Nervously playing with his sleeve. Hera opened the door quickly. 'Come on in!' She smiled. He smiled back at her as he stepped inside. They watched a few episodes of the good place, then Teddy made hot chocolate, after that they waddled out into the snow. Teddy smiled as Hera attempted to build a snowman on her own. He managed to snap a picture.
By the time night fell, both Hera and Teddy were freezing. They shivered as they waited on one another showered and changed. They collapsed onto Heras bed together. Afted a few moments of silence. Teddy leaned forward. 'Wha-?' Hera never got to finish her sentence, as Teddy kissed her at that moment. She melted into the kiss pretty quickly. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she realized that she truly loved Teddy more then she'd ever loved Zeus. They pulled apart, breathless. Hera began to laugh. While Teddy started to smile. Thats where the romance started, and it was to continue.
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Zeus paced his office in Olympus. Heras children all stood side by side across from him. 'Where is that damn woman!' He snarled. No one replied. Suddenly, all seven people, heard a loud buzzing nose. Zeus' eyes widened in fury, the sound, was an alarm ment to keep Hera from cheating. 'No….Ares fetch her.' He said in a flat voice. Ares turned to obey, but then seemed to remember something, and turned back to his father. 'No.' He mumbled. 'What was that?' Zeus stared in pure shock. 'No, I will not disobey my mother' Ares stated, looking up into Zeus' electric eyes. Lightening crackled in the air around the father and son. Then, Zeus electroucuted him. Ilyia, Enyo, Eiletheylia and Hebe gasped in horror as Ares fell limp before them. Hades ran in, he snatched the girls, and Hephaustus' arm, and fled from the room. All six of them stared in shock, as Zeus' whole office burst into white-hot flames. The children of Hera would've died if i weren't for their uncle. But then, they remembered the horrific scene of Ares when he fell unconsicous. He was still in there. Just as they thought both Ares and Zeus had died, an eagle flew from the flames. The same electric eyes glared at them as it flew away.
'Hera! There you are! Damn girl, you trynna impress someone?'. Hera turned to see her best friends, Jane and Heather appear beside her. 'I guess you could see that, its Teddy Zaveri from prints i'm going out with,' She laughed. 'No fricking way' Heathers eyes widened. 'Dude, that guys a nerd- and a hot one at that!!!' Jane laughed. 'I know, I know, but hes sweet too, and charming-' Hera was cut of by Teddy appearing before her. He held out a bouqet of roses, the mix of red and pink petals seemed to glitter in the sunlight. 'Thanks dear' Hera smiled. Teddy blushed and held put his arm as if they were about to dance. Hera interlaced her arm with his, and the couple walked away to Teddys car. The last thing Jane and Heather saw, was Hera resting her head on Teddys shoulder as they walked.
Things on Olympus were getting worse. Since no one could get into the office because of the flames. It seemed that they were impossible to put out. Ares' sisters and friends were worried sick. Aphrodite wasn't told about the incident.
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Everything in Heras new life was great. She had an amazing boyfriend, great friends, a good job, nice people who she worked with, and a cute tudor-style cottage. Problem was, the whethar had changed, it looked as if it could strike at any second, just when you forget about it, it will strike.
It was the twenty-sixth of October. Hera and Teddy were planning a fancy dinner for Hera to meet Teddys kids from his previous marriage. Two girls, called Laura and Genevieve. His wife had died from lung cancer at the young age of twenty-three. But now the girls would have a new mother. 'Can't wait to meet the dears!' Hera smiled in excitement. Teddy grinned madly. 'They're gonna love you' 'You sure?' 'Definitely'.
The next day they were all sat at Teddys kitchen table. Genevieve warmed up to Hera pretty quickly, While Laura hated her. 'Hi laura, i heard you like books, specifically the Six of crows duolagy, so I bought you the second book, as Teddy told me you didn't have it' Hera smiled as she handed the book over. 'Hmm. Getting us things to go do other things so you can get close to dad? No way.' Laura slammed the book down on the table. Teddy gasped and gave a disapointed look to his daughter. 'Hera, i'm so sorry, i promise you she isn't usually like thi-' He was cut of by Hera standing up from the table. 'Its okay, i'll just leave' She said and walked out of the house into the lashing rain. It was just like when she left Olympus. 'Yeah! Leave the city! No one wants you here!' Laura jeered. Teddy gave her a stern look. While he scolded her, Hera was getting further and further away. 'Dad! Heras leaving! Seemingly for good!' Genevieve screamed. 'Vivi! What are you doing?!' Laura screamed back at her sister angrily. Teddy ran from the house. 'Hera!' He yelled as he watched her reach the crossroads. Suddenly, a burst of adrenaline seemed to pour into his body, and he bolted to her. He turned her around to face him. She stumbled back a little. 'Wha-' She was cut of by him kissing her. She kissed him back. 'Hera, please, Laura will come around soon' He said softly. 'Ugh, fine, I'll stay' She said with a roll pf her eyes. Yet she was smiling. He kissed her again, and this time, they held it. When they pulled apart, they were both breathless. They stepped away from eachother, just for a second, when tragedy hit. A burst of lightening dived from out of the rain, striking Teddy in the head. The last thing he heard, was Hera screaming curses at someone called….Zeus?
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Ares woke up surrounded by white-hot flames. He recalled what happened, and why he was there. He tried to stand up, But agony flashed through his head, causing him to collapse back onto the ground, and it only hurt more against the rocky smithereens of stone from when the room had exploded. He instinctively shape-shifted into a black dog. More specifically a sausage dog. He rolled over onto his side, whimpering at the   pain. He reached out his paw, wishing Aphrodite, his mother or even enyo was here to rescue him. He slipped unconsicous again, as he waited for his savior.
Hera sat beside Teddy's hospital bed. She felt miserable. Zeus watched them through the window, in the form of an eagle. He found it rather intruging, and Hilarious. He had seemingly forgotten about Ares.
The other Olympians however, had not. Athena, Hephaustus and Artemis seemed merely uncomfortable by Ares disapearance. Apollo and Hermes still hadn't noticed, while Aphrodite, Dionysus and Hestia were worried sick for him. Demeter and Poseidon believed him to be dead. What they didn't know, was that things were about to get a whole lot worse….
Eight months past, and Teddy had finally woken up. He had a long scar from his neck to his hip now, but that was alright. He asked Hera to marry him on the spot. Of course she said yes. Zeus watched it with a fierce glare. He then flew to the mountain he had been raised on. 'Mother, I beg of you, please, aid me in my misson to destroy Teddy Zaveri' He stated. A green image of a woman appeared before him. 'Zeus, my dearest son, what you are asking for is too much, you are taking whats yours for granted' Rhea said gently, attempting to calm him. 'Please elaborate' His electric blue eyes stared into her green ones. 'Zeus, by killing Zaveri, you will anger Hera, she will gather the Olympians, the other gods, her children, her priestesses, etc. You will fail, and you will fall from the throne' Rhea explained. 'You are of no help' He snarled. And with a simple slash, the image of his mother shattered to bits.
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Teddy grinned as he noticed the date on his calender. His wedding was tomarow. He heard a knock on the door and went to open it. An old man stood shaking outside. 'Why hello there young man! Does my wee Hera live here? I'm her granda!' The old man smiled as he shook Teddys hand. 'Err, no? But she will be here soon, i'm sure she would love to see yo! I'm her fiance, Teddy Zaveri'. 'I'm….uhh…Triacle tartington!' He smiled again. Teddy nodded, biting his lip in confusion. 'Would you like an apple?' Triacle gave a toothless grin. 'Sure, i'm quite hungry' Triacle passed him one. Teddy took a bite out of just as Triacle started talking about Snow white and Grimhilde. A knock on the door sends Triacle in a panicked flurry. 'Well I must be on my way! Send Hera my way at some point!'. When Teddy and Hera came into the room, Triacle was nowhere in sight.
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Around midnight, Teddy started feeling very sick. He ran to the bathroom as he poured out half his stomach, (hypothetically). As he lay clinging to the toilet, with Laura and Genevieve in their rooms, Zeus appeared before him. 'You shall pay, for deeds of the future' and with that, Teddy fell unconsious.
Ares stumbled past the rubble and piles of dust. He was still in the form of a sausage dog, for some odd reason. He finally made it out. But something felt off about it. As if he was being watches. He looked around, but before he could do anything else, he was snatched and thrown into a bin bag. He tried to scream, but all that came out was an exagerated bark.
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I am on fire, years of writer's block and all I needed was a week away from my family and a new hyperfixation.
I hope you guys liked the first part, even with some errors (English grammar is not my strong suit) 🥲
(Imma try some more editing this time)
Also, I think these characters have started to do as they please, so this might become a little bit longer than I anticipated.
Genre: angst, hints of comedy, mutual pining, slow burn.
(Sorry, also no beta this time, I tend to upload and write in very funny and strange hours, and also if I think too much about what I write I will delete everything because I am my worst enemy and I self criticize to te extreme)
"Can you hear me say your name forever"
Doctor Octavius x Reader
Summary: you've been kidnapped by doc ock to be his new assistant. You had a crush on him, when he was a professor and married, but then life happened, for both of you; today, you are not sure he is the same man you once knew... or is he?
Special guests: the actuators! In my story they are very much sentient and sassy, and also occasionally ✨evil✨
PART 1: here
The next morning your brain wills you into existence, sending distress signals: something is poking you.
An eye opens, followed by the other, the lazy one. One of the actuators is gently poking your leg. When it notices you staring, it stares back, tilting slightly its little head.
"Wake up, I do not pay you to sleep late"
The grumpy voice of the man who is supposed to be your kidnapper reaches you. You huff slightly, pushing your legs out of bed and feeling the familiar pain in your back. Slowly, you begin to stretch your muscles, hearing loud pops. You sound like an old lady, for odin's sake. Also, you apparently fell asleep in your clothes: what a day. You decide that is a good thing, you are ready. You notice some flip flops, and proceeded to wore them with your socks on, because that place is super cold. You are wondering If somehow the actuators keep Otto's body temperature stable.
Your mind is on track, and from there it procedes to escalate. By the time you had found the kitchen, you were set on proving your theory, not realizing that those ideas come from your sleep deprived and slightly confused brain.
Doctor Octavius is there, sipping some coffee and reading the news, while his other four arms were cleaning. Your coffee was waiting you on the table, with some biscuits.
"If you had woken up twenty minutes ago, your coffee would've been hot" He turns a page "I suggest you consume it before it begins to taste like the oil for my actuators"
You sit at the counter with a sigh.
"You don't pay me well enough, doc"
He darts you a look.
"If I remember it correctly, I paid you in advance"
Oh no, you were not ready to front this like a responsible adult. Let it go.
Let it go.
"If I remember it correctly, you told me I am your prisoner, and something about life in the palm of someone's hand" you don't even bother looking up. You know he is pissed. You crossed him at eight in the morning. Great.
The paper rustles, tossed in a corner. The four actuators are watching you. No, incorrect. They are aiming at you, like hounds.
"Do. Not. Cross. Me. Little girl" he manages to say, almost choking. One of his four arms reaching for your chin, grabbing it in a steel touch. You would've been surprised of the precision of those things, but now all you can think about is the dangerous looming rage behind Otto's eyes. Rage and... something else you cannot comprehend yet. Those eyes are scary, but you don't feel completely blocked by fear.
He stares you down one more minute, before forcefully turn your head to one side and the other, looking at the bandages covering it. Then, without a word, he lets you go, and leave you there.
You swallow, throat dry. You don't know why you are so willingly playing with fire. Otto remembers you, but he said himself that he is not the same person anymore. Who knows what he is thinking, what those actuators are thinking.
'I like she' Harry stated.
'Her' Flo corrected.
'How dare she talk back at our master. Must punish' Moe, as always, the evil mastermind.
'Our master thought of a punishment earlier' Larry gets on board with Moe.
Otto blushes violently at this last comment. Fortunately, the computer can't tell the subtle difference between pain and pleasure.
'Yes, he is thinking it right now. Is gonna be appropriate'
'Do not SCAN MY THOUGHTS' Otto is furious and embarrassed at the same time. He must meditate to clear his mind, and assess his dominance once more over his children.
And put his minion to work.
You finish your coffee and biscuits, taking your sweet time, until you hear the doctor at the door. His voice was just a whisper, but it instantly gave you goosebumps.
"Go assembling the machine"
Simple words. You rose up, the chair almost falling down. Instantly, your hand is near your forehead.
Ottavius scoffs, and simply leaves. You are sure you heard a soft laugh.
You spend all morning assembling scraps, connecting electrical resistors and generally trying not to complain about your back, aching because you slept in a strange position. It felt like a hundred pins were inserted in your spine during the morning. By 12,30, your stomach growled. You looked at Otto's angle, all you could see was his broad bare back, with the steel spine fused with his flash: a shiver rolled down your spine thinking about the pain he felt, and was probably feeling right now. You were lost in these thought and you didn't notice one of the actuators staring at you.
Moments later, a pair of brown eyes was staring at you.
"Like what you see?" He said, in a harsh tone.
The silence lingered for a moment.
"Must have hurt a lot" you comment. Your mind couldn't come up with something else, too much absorbed by your back. You tried not to think about it, but you couldn't even turn around, you had to use the chair to look at him.
He scoffed, and turned back to his thoughts.
And then, in the silence of the abandoned lab, your stomach growled.
It was loud, but you hoped Otto didn't heard that.
Of course he heard.
He chuckled, turning back again, while you felt your face turning red. You lowered your eyes.
"Hungry?" An amusement tone. You were glad to hear that, despite everything.
He rose from his chair, heading for the kitchen. You tried to follow him, but your body required a certain level of care, and in the past days you didn't pay it much attention. With a chocked huff, you stood up, heading to the kitchen yourself, trying to stay as much straight as possible.
You were almost there, a few steps, but in that very moment Otto decided to come looking for you and your loud stomach, bumping into you right at the door.
That's it, you lost your balance and in a few milliseconds your back will hit the floor, and it will hurt as hell. You shut your eyes.
Except, the floor doesn't arrive. You slowly open your eyes, feeling something holding you. You watch frantically around, seeing Otto's actuators holding you, and Otto's very hand on your arm. You finally let go your breath, not realizing you were holding it.
"Thank you doc. I was coming, what's the rush?" You joked.
He must've realized he was still holding your arm, and let go of it like it burned.
Bad move.
You shifted all your weight on the actuators, collapsing under the pain. You let go a sharp half breath and some muttered blasphemy. It all happened in seconds.
You falling on your back, again, the actuators trying to holding your back, Otto looking at this and not understanding. By some miracle you don't end up on the floor, but the metal arms are pressing on your spine, and your couldn't held it anymore.
You scream.
Otto looses all the color on his face. You can feel his other two actuators trying to lift you up with the utmost care. In the back of your mind, you ask yourself if you really are a prisoner, or if your time has come because you are imperfect, and therefore not useful.
"What is happening?" The doctor's voice is far, all you can hear is a high whistle.
"My back" you manage to explain. "I have a bad back" you use your hands to find a grip on the actuators, and finally you find the floor with your feet.
'Why is she screaming'
'I didn't do anything, I swear'
'Don't look at me, this time it wasn't me'
'please focus, don't hurt her' Otto screamed in his mind, all of this happening in a millisecond.
The doctor is maneuvering his four extra arms, not knowing what was doing wrong. Why was she screaming? He didn't when thought about her punishment yet. He was gonna order her to eat on the floor, like a dog.
'Not the smartest punishment, my master' Harry commented.
He rolled his eyes, finally seeing her on her feet, although she wasn't standing right. She babbled something about her back, but he didn't thought it was this severe.
'Must do a massage, master' Moe offered.
'Yes, I concord' Flo intervened.
'Are you the same AI that made me rob a bank last week?' Otto was sarcastic, but also preoccupied: his actuators weren't never this calm, and never EVER liked any human, except him, and they didn't get well all the time. The thought of a massage crossed his mind, but he proceeded to suppress it before it was too late.
Your face was hot, and you were painfully aware that your color wasn't natural. The doctor was watching you with a strange look, not knowing were to start. You decided to put him out of his misery.
"I started working at the docks weeks after I left college. I needed to do as much money as possible to pay my scholarship, that I didn't even use, by the way. I was clearly not fit to work in that environment, so I put in extra effort every day, doing extra hours. After four months, they started, but I didn't paid them much attention, until a day I couldn't wake up. Literally stuck in bed. On top of all this, my doctor didn't want to prescribe me any opioid, because of my mom. So, in the end, every morning I have to do half hour of exercises to warm up my back muscles, or else I suffer every day. Of course, this morning I completely forgot to do them"
Otto looked at you like you were an alien. His look was a mystery, and you hadn't had the time nor the patience to unravel it. After a quick last look, you headed to the stove, starving.
"I'm sorry I hurt you"
It was a whisper, but you didn't lack in hearing. You smiled.
You were falling for that man, hard. You couldn't do anything about it. And you knew it would have hurt much more than some back pain. He is a villain, sometimes controlled by his very metal arms, with the sole purpose to rebuild his failed experiment, literally willing to kidnap a person to reach his goal. Your rational part know he is kind to you because he needs a pair of extra hands, but you can't help it.
You eaten in silence, and the afternoon flew away like the morning, except for the doctor sometimes checking on you. He never turned his head, but used his actuators to scan your health. He thought he was somehow stealth, but your senses were heightened by your situation and your anxiety, so you heard the little noise they did, and the light buzzing of the Bio scan.
Night finally had fallen, and you were exhausted. Still, better than work on the docks, except for all the kidnapping thing. Nonetheless, you were feeling more confident about Dr Octavius's behavior: if he wanted to hurt you in any way, he would've simply done so. Right?
You shake away that strange thought (Stockholm syndrome and all that), and you start to walk towards him, wanting to at least say good night.
You never get close.
You were almost there, almost touching his broad bare shoulder ('what if he is cold?') when an actuator grabs you by your waist, shoving you away. The edge of a steel table was waiting for your hip. Fortunately, it didn't throw your helpless body across the room, but the pain. Why it was always pain there?
The noise didn't wake Otto up: he was sleeping, mumbling and slightly shifting on his chair. His metal arms where protecting him.
You decide for another method, not wanting to be defeated by some mobile sticks with two positronic brain cells. You limp to a chair and grab an old cover you were using earlier, because that place is so damn cold, and you know that cold preserves your skin, bud honestly you would've preferred being hot, and, very slowly, try a new approach.
The actuators, now four of them, watch you with a suspicious metal grin. You watch them directly, each one, where you think their eyes are (did you attended any college at all? Your thoughts sound so dumb that they hurt your mind), and, a step behind the other, you arrive at your destination.
You realize you don't know this man. Yes, he looks like Otto, he has memories of Otto, but it's not the same man. Somehow, any person on this planet changes during their life, but you fail to notice sometimes because they don't have four appendices sprouting from their lower spine, intruding every thought you ever conceive. Must be tough, must be scary.
His shoulders were broad and pale, somehow during the evening he managed to take off his shirt, and fallen asleep. You didn't want to wake him up, the actuators still carefully watching you, so you gently placed the cover on him, slowly getting closer. You could hear his raggedy breath, and some little jump: he was probably having an unpleasant dream, but it was none of your busyness. You draped the blanket on his shoulders and arms, covering also his neck. He had rested his head on his arms, and his face was facing towards you. He skipped a day of shaving, his air were up and about, sprayed in all directions.
He had a gorgeous nose. You didn't noticed it before, because someone tends to notice when he is watched. It was big, but with his features it was just perfect. Little breaths escaped his mouth, slightly opened.
Suddenly, an arm gently but firmly grabbed your arm, pulling you away.
You realized soon enough they were the jealous type.
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plexinics · 4 years
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Summarized Ending Of Untold (Reboot Version)-
[ begin / prev / Untold Original ]   
Margo and Quentin follow the map Anton gave them to the intended destination, there they meet Maurucio, a very talented wizard. He complains that they are late and shows them where they’ll be staying in his home.
Quentin warns of the were wolves and that Anton could be hurt. Maurucio isn’t phased and tells Quentin and Margo to get cleaned up and rest.
After Quentin bathes Margo sees the huge scar on his chest left by her accident with magic (Quentin is almost fully clothed he’s just putting on his shirt, no naked scenes here :P )
He notices Margo noticing and consoles her, they speak of the incident - Anton made Margo used her powers in training, one of her spells(lightning) ended up going wrong and it hit Quentin. Raven was around so she was able to help direct the lightning so it wasn’t fatal to Quentin, but he still got injured severely.
The next day Maurucio begins training with Margo. He’s a wonderful teacher and she learns how to channel the cursed magic within her…..
Anton finally shows up, he’s hurt but nothing life threatening….Quentin and Margo become even closer and start to let their relationship show.  Maurucio says it could help Margo if she was able to express her feelings rather than keep them guarded the way Anton has told her to before and Anton needs to stay out of it.
Anton refuses to listen to Maurucio, and continues to yell at Margo for letting her emotions show. Maurucio then scolds Anton and reminds him that Anton is no longer Margos teacher.
News from Raven and the others surfaces; Jaymen and Tieve have encountered Elania’s followers and barely made it out. Raven warns that if they don’t act soon alliances will be faltered.
Anton leaves to reassure their ranks and such
Margo and Quentin openly express how they feel about each other and share a kiss.
Maurucio is teaching Margo when she asks about a strange book she found on the illusion of time. He explains that he was the one who wrote the book, it is a journal of his findings. He explains that with proper training Margo could learn of time travel, but he warns her that it is not to be tampered with selfishly. Quentin has over heard this conversation.
Meanwhile Anton has regrouped with the ranks and armies who’ve joined their cause. They have begun sweeping the town within the realms of Garthal for Elania’s followers.
Elania is furious she hasn’t recovered fully, and seeks out Anton’s vigilantes.
Silas has regrouped with Jaymen and Teive to help at their stationed positions. Jaymen explains they don’t need any help and they will be fine. Silas invites Jaymen and Teive for a meal to lift their spirits. Teive is suspicious.
Unknown to Jaymen Silas poisons Jaymens drink and attempts to kill Teive because she witnessed him.
Jaymen tells Tieve to warn everyone, Get to Raven and leave to find the others.
He takes his last breath and passes away, and Tieve escapes unharmed.
Raven and Tieve send word to the others and make their way to Maurucio’s.
Back at Maurucio’s Margo learns more from Maurucio and about his time travel.  Margo has learned exceptionally well.
Raven and Teive arrive distraught, they explain what happened. Margo doesn’t know how to cope and he lashes out at everyone. Her magic starts to take over and she begins to loose herself. Quentin steps in despite Raven warning him that she could hurt him again. He doesn’t care and takes her in his arms and holds her close. Slowly  she calms down and breaks down sobbing. She can’t handle this anymore.
Late one evening after the incident she speaks with Maurucio and says she wants to try time travel to prevent all of this from happening.
He warns her tenfold, then tells her first she needs to write everything down she’s ever been through in a journal(he gives her) she does this. When she completes it she asks him why, he then explains that if you want to change the past you must come to terms with your own. He explains that she needs to take this with her and present it to her past self if she wants her current memories to continue on once she changes the past.
Margo thinks on this.
Margo, Raven, Quentin and Teive discuss this. Margo says if she does this she wants everyone to have a fresh start and if they meet again then it was fate. She explains it would be selfish of her to keep her memories, she wants everyone to live their life the way it should have been before Elania destroyed it.
Maurucio nods with acceptance, he knows Margo is ready.
Margo and Maurucio and everything prepared for time travel, Margo says her emotional and heartfelt goodbyes. Margo tells Raven she’s the grandma she never had, she hugs Teive harder than she ever had before, all their emotions could be felt  ans no words were necessary, Quentin embraces Margo and kisses her and tells her he’ll see her soon. Maurucio nods and helps her prepare.
Once he and Margo have completed the spell Margo hands his her journal and prepares to leave.
An enormous boom startles everyone, Elania has found them with the help of Silas, they have Anton prisoner and procede to battle Raven, Teive, Quentin and Maurucio. Margo wants to stay and fight by their side but Maurucio tells her there is no time, we aren’t prepared. You have your duty now fulfill it, he pushes her through the portal and it quickly closed behind Margo leaving the others to fight alone.
Margo is transported to a small farmhouse in Garthal, her parents home. She creates a disguise with her magic and goes to the front door of the farm house.
She sees through the window her family; Mother, Father , Jaymen and her younger self eating dinner, laughing and smiling. she nearly cries on the spot, but younger Margo sees her through the window.
Younger Margo tells her parents and the come to the door, when they open it Margo sobs
Her parents are worried and welcome her in, they believe she is a weary traveler. They warn her of evil witches lurking.
Margo asks if it’s Elania and they nod. They’re worried but can't  do much about it since they have nowhere else to go.
Margo asks where she could find Elania. Her parents don’t know exactly where but they know she was last seen in a village two days before.
Margo tells them so stay safe and leaves. She’s going to find Elania.
Margo sets out to find Elaina, she glances at her arm a glowing band twinkles around her wrist. Maurucio warned her that when the band completely went dark she would be transported back against her will.
Soon Margo is racing the clock with no sign of Elania, she returns back to her families farm. It’s empty.  Margo believes she’s failed and that Elania has already killed her family.
Then she hears a familiar voice, Sir Traveler, my family and I hoped we’d see you again, we’re leaving we don’t know where we’re going but we’ll be okay as long as we’re together. Would you come with us?
Margo, through her disguise tells younger Margo to find Anton and the Manor where he lives, she writes a quick map and gives younger Margo.
Before the two Margos can part ways Elania shows up.
Elania could sense both Margo souls so as quick as she could she came to take hold of it. Margo tells younger Margo to get out with her family. Younger Margo wants to help but is pulled away by her family, her father thanks Margo and they leave.
Margo and Elania face off. Elania says that she’ll never be defeated by a wizard and throws everything she had at Margo. Margo is confused for a moment but realizes that shes still in her disguise and she is the wizard who almost defeated Elania in her time. She was the wizard!
Margo tells Elania to give up, Elania refuses. Margo quickly glances at her arm band, it’s light is nearly gone.
Margo gives it her all, everything things he’s got. Elania is weakening, her powers are being drained. Elania then tries to escape  Margo wont let that happen, she knows what she has to do, Margo blasts Elania with all she has. Margo runs toward Elania striking her with a dagger of light magic in her heart. Elania falls to the ground.
People who lived in the village around her parents home saw what happened and begin to cheer "Elania is gone she no longer with harm us". Margo in her disguise smiles, tears fall from her eyes, Shes done it she’s saved her world. With another quick glance at her band she sees she only has a moment, she turns to the people and takes a bow. A portal opens behind her and in an instant she’s gone.
Younger Margo wakes up in the arms of her Mother. She asks where the are and her mother states they hadn’t made it out of the village when Margo suddenly collapsed.
Her mother says she was worried about Margo since she been out cold for hours. Margo says she had the strangest dream. Her mother says she can explain it later, as a young man about Margo’s age has brought in food and water for Margo to recover quicker.
Her mother says thank you and asks the young man his name, nods says his name Quentin and he was just passing through with the Traders and noticed they needed help. Margo’s mother thanks him again hopes that they meet again soon. Quentin says I’m sure we will, and he winks at Margo. Margo smiles back at him realizing her ‘dream’ wasn’t just a dream. Shes happily powerless and has her entire family back.
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day-en-las-nubes · 6 years
I was the rich, spoiled princess. You turned out to be more than just the help” Part V
The next morning upon opening my eyes Blake was already gone. He had left everything folded on top of the velvet pink chair by the balcony. The pillows I had given him rested neatly on top of the pile.
I showered, slipped a white tank top on, a grey denim jacket on top of it and a flowing, flowery mini-skirt.
As my chauffeur drove me to school, it suddenly dawned on me how rested and revitalized I was feeling that morning. Even though it had taken me a while to fall asleep the night before, once I did, I must've drifted into the depths of the most oblivious unconsciousness.
Had Blake’s company, perhaps, something to do with my peaceful slumber? I wondered while admiring the scenery through the car window.
I pulled my granola bar from my backpack and finished it promptly before the car came to a stop at the campus’ entrance.
My day went on, as usual, I found myself relaxed, despite the slight eagerness for my day to be over and to be back home.
“Sup’ stranger!” Luke greeted, lurking from behind my back and flipping me to face him. His blonde hair was overly styled, as accustomed. His abnormally white teeth were exposed in an all-too-wide grin.
“I'm sorry about last night, you can't even imagine what my mother’s done this time!” I whined, letting out a long sigh. “I was totally ratted out.”
“It wasn't a problem,” he replied, looking around distractedly.
Was I being stupid for expecting him to say he had missed me at least?
“Josh stepped in, we beat their asses,” he continued, unfazed.
“Oh, ok,” I pronounced trying to bury my growing disappointment. “You didn't have to practically hang up on me when you heard my mother’s screams yesterday.” I raised my tone of voice as a way to capture his inattentive attitude. “That was kinda shitty,” I elaborated. He glanced at me looking all wounded.
“Don't get all mad, babe!” He pinched my chin, turning on the all American-boy charm. “It's not like I expect you to come to my rescue every time I get in trouble. That’s not what a relationship is supposed to be about.” As he spoke, I felt as tiny as an ant. Maybe I was overreacting, But then again, what did this rich, entitled boyfriend of mine know about solid and long-lasting relationships, when he spent entirely too much time getting drunk with his buddies and playing video games.
“I don't know when I'll be able to get away. I might have to lay low for a few weeks. My mom has me followed...you know they control my bank account so I'm pretty trapped at the moment.” I shifted my mountain of books from one arm to the other. I probably needed a bigger backpack, something less flashy and actually useful.
“I would offer for you to come stay with me for a while, but I just  don't know how my roomie is going to feel about that, ya know?” He scratched the back of his neck.
“You wouldn't even need a roommate if you had rented something less grandiose than the three-story house you chose to reside in.” I unleashed my resentment on him.
“You know I need the space,” he rationalized. “After all, who else is going to be able to throw the best parties in this entire school, huh?” He grabbed me by the hips and laid a kiss on the surface of my lips. “I understand you are cranky today, but I'm sure we will find a way when all of this blows over.  Maybe laying low is not such a bad idea after all,” he concluded condescendingly, pinching my chin once more. I nodded, defeated.
“I've gotta go.” I managed a smile and headed towards the exit.
“See you tomorrow, babe!” I heard him say from afar.
I sat on the back of my family's car, wiping the one tear that glided down the surface of my cheek.
Luke had shown me again, the side of him I had chosen to ignore since he had asked me out. I started realizing very quickly his spell only lasted as long as one followed Lukes lifestyle. He could make you feel special and almost lucky to be part of his clique.
But if for some reason you couldn't keep up with his pace anymore you were swiftly discarded and replaced.
I headed straight to my room, dreading the ton of material I had to catch up on. One of my friends had been kind enough to let me borrow her tablet with the info I needed.
Blake was already sitting on the bench right outside my door at five o'clock. He stood up as soon as he saw me. He looked very different. His hair was nicely combed and polished, it was parted handsomely to one side of his head. I also noticed how clean and professional looking he appeared with his white, button-down, long sleeve shirt and his khaki pants.
“Afternoon!” I waved at him with my free hand.
He rushed towards me to grab the books I was carrying and proceded to open my bedroom door, his expression stayed unreadable. He laid all my studying material on top of my nightstand. I thanked him.
“Hey, Blake.” He turned around before he headed out the door and surveyed my face expectantly. ”I didn't mean what I implied last night about you ‘doing something to me while I was sleeping’. I...I know you are not that kind of a person.”
He kept his eyes on me for a few seconds longer without uttering a word. A tiny smile stretched slowly across his face before he left.
--- ----- -----
I immersed myself in my studies until it got dark outside, and my stomach was rumbling from hunger. Blake knocked on my door every thirty minutes or so, and I believed him capable of barging in should I fail to respond “still here”. The silliness of it all, instead of continuing to piss me off, it was beginning to amuse me in a way.
“I’m not going anywhere,” I notified him, as I made my way back from the kitchen carrying a humongous bowl of fruit in one hand, and a plate of our cook's specialty in the other: Rita’s succulently tangy Clams.
Blake glanced at one of the plates in my hands, making a peculiar face towards the seafood I was holding.
“Trust is something that has to be earned, Alicia.” He made a visible effort to unglue his eyes from my plate.
“I know I don't have a spotless track record so far, but people can change,” I pledged. “Do you want one?” I asked him, jamming my meal towards his face. Blake recoiled at the proximity of the clams to his person.
“No, thanks,” he affirmed through pursed lips.
“I take it you don't like them?” I dug deeper, enjoying a little too much his uncomfortableness.  
“Wouldn’t know. Never had one of those slimy things, and not in a rush to find out” He sat back down on his bench.
“I’ll kiss you if you eat one.”I teased, picking a grape off the plate with my mouth.
“What makes you think I want to kiss you badly enough for me to swallow one of those?” He retorted, obviously unprovoked.
“Wow, you sure know how to charm a girl!” I scoffed sarcastically.
“Just promise me you won't try anything again tonight and I'll happily do it,” Blake said halfheartedly.
“Deal!” I handed him one from my plate. He held it in front of him, examining it with a scowl on his defined face. I observed attentively as he placed the edge of the shell at the very tip of his rosy lips. He rolled his eyes right before he tilted his head back rapidly. He swallowed strenuously, scornfully smacking his lips as he savored its after taste.
I was full-on laughing at that point but had to stop myself when he glared up at me.
“Its an acquire taste!” I joked, pathetically attempting to clear the air.
“You had better keep your end of the bargain, or I will have to stop you by any means necessary if you don't.” He grabbed an apple slice from my bowl, his impetuousness gave me the impression that he was doing so in an attempt to get the clam taste out of his mouth.
“But you said you wouldn't hurt me again,” I reminded him.
“And, I truly hope, I can keep my promise.” His eyes turned daunting and menacing. I had discerned how tender he could be, but I had also witnessed how, as quickly as flipping a switch, his entire demeanor could drastically change.
This attitude, without a doubt, the direct result of him having to step up as legal guardian to his three sisters
“When everybody goes to sleep you are welcome to stay in my room again tonight,” I informed him, right before I went inside my bedroom.
----- ------ -----
It was almost eleven at night, and I had just finished arranging his “bed”, when Blake knocked softly on my door.
He entered as soon as I let him know it was ok. I had found an old, oversized “Minnie Mouse” t-shirt in my pajama drawer earlier, so I extended it to him as soon as he closed the door.
“I don't know if it'll fit, but if it does, it will certainly be much more comfortable than what you are wearing.” Blake took it and stretched it out in front of himself, the expression on his face of utter absurdity.
“Is this yet another of your evil payback plans against me?” He lowered it just enough to peer in my direction.
“You've got me!” I responded sarcastically, placing a theatrical hand over my chest.
He opened his enormous, green eyes at me and started to unbutton his white shirt. I made a huge effort not to stare at his slim, yet muscular, upper body. Blake’s beauty was, once more, catching me utterly off guard and making me feel all sorts of conflicting ways.
I reached for my cell phone to check if Luke had texted me after our conversation earlier at school. I let myself sink into my mattress discovering my phone displayed not one notification.
“Are you ok?” Blake crouched in front of me. I could only muster a nod. “Doesn't look like it,” he interrogated, a concerned look on his face. I signaled him to sit next to me in bed, and so he did.
“My boyfriend can be a little self-absorbed sometimes. I'm probably just being overly sensitive about it,” I vented, a knot forming in my throat.
“You don't strike as an overly sensitive person, Alicia,” he pointed out. The way he pronounced the words almost lead me to believe that he could somehow see inside me. Our conversation felt so... intimate it made me shudder. ”You’ve been nothing but a pain in my ass since I met you,” he snickered.
“Is that how you talk to all your employers?” I giggled, too. “I was hoping that he would miss me just a tad more, I guess,” I confessed, something in his closeness made me feel safe and opened me up. “I could've texted him, so it's not like I'm any better.”
“If you truly care about a person, they should never feel unmissed. You make it a point to show them the aftermath of their prolonged absence. You make sure they know how much you need them,” he murmured intensely, his eyes never diverting from mine.
I brought my hand up to his face. I hesitantly slid the tips of my fingers alongside his jawline, my lips inching closer to his.
----- ----- ------ ----- ---- ------
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whatsnextlove · 7 years
She who shall not be named
Her name is kendra... where the fuck do i begin... We met on s-trip, in Cuba. We were at the s-trip party for the night and i saw you and i thought thats going to be my kill for the night. So i played my move. I walked past her a little too close and swiped my hand a little too low across her back. i moved slowly to make sure she looked over at me and when i made sure we made eye contact, i gave her a smug smile and walked away. i went to the bar and grabbed a few drinks, looked around for any more girls i thought i would want to talk to... but something had changed. i didnt seem to want anyone else anymore. I looked over at where i knew she'd be dancing with her friends to see her looking back at me. i lit a cigarette, ordered two more drinks and walked back over to her. i gave her one of the drinks which she downed right there... (first time i felt something special) and i took the cigarette out of my mouth and put it in hers. she then proceded to to turn around wiht my cigarette still in her mouth and back up towards me. we danced for a bit and she's reach back to put the cigarette back in my mouth. (second time i felt something) we started kissing... then making out... then i couldn't take it anynore... i knew she was teasing me... i spun her back around so she was backed up to me and i playfully grabbed her by the throat and leaned over her shoulder and wispered in her ear "stop fucking playing with me" from there she took me to the bus to get back to the resort and when we got back there was another party going on. we kept dancing and we were both visibly sweating. she came over to me saying "oh my god its so hot" then i pointed towards the pool and said "maybe we should go for a walk" so she came with me and we walked towards the pool. we lied down on two lounge chairs staring up at the stars for a bit chatting and she continued to complain that 'it is so hot" i jumped up and cradled her ready to throw her in the pool and i would have followed. but she said that there were chemicals in the pool at night and we couldnt go in. so i said "we're going swimming tonight i dont care" so we ran off to the beach getting lost a couple times and doing some hardcore climbing where i would jump first and catch her on the other side... but when i caught her every time i felt something else... it was more than just a catch, it lingered on too long like neither of us wanted to let go. exentually we got to the beach hand in hand and slowly realized that neither of us were wearing swimming clothes. so i came up with the brilliant idea to go naked. and so we did. and at first we were normal teenagers thrashing around and yelling. then i reminded her that there was a swarm of jellyfish that came in around 7 pm and she instantly jumped on me saying she didnt want to be stung. and so i sat on my knees in the sand and told her to sit on my thighs facing me... this is where i fucked up. as i was looking up at her sitting on me and with the stars in the background... i realized nothing else matters anymore... she caught me smiling up at her face when she looked down from the stars and said "what?" i was silent... "i havent had this much fun with anyone in a long fucking time" and so we sat there just chatting in the water. I was memorizing every detail of her face as though every time was the first. eventually security came and yelled at us to get out of the water... at first we argued but he wasnt budging. So we ran out of the water butt naked and grabbed our clothes and ran a bit further before putting them on in the pathway to the beach from the resort. we slowly made our way back to her room because my room was too much trouble ;) and we made a stop at her friends room then they came to her room then jashan made an appearance then her friends finally got the message from the looks i was giving them and said "we should leave these two alone" we hopped in the shower together to quickly remove most of the sand from the beach. and i got into bed next to her... and again while we were cuddling she caught me staring at her... so happy and content that i found someone such as her. the only way she could break my stare was to start kissing me and one thing led to another and i had her on the edge of the bed. Honestly watching her eyes roll and her back arch was more satisfying than finishing.... but again... something was different... there was an intimacy that shouldnt have been there. there was this feeling of something special that would soon be ripped away by the end of our vacations. we crawled back into bed after cleaning up and in our drunkenness, instnatly passed out. when i woke up the next morning she was still alseep and i also discovered that neither of us moved an inch in our sleep. she was still cuddled up with my arm and i was still on my back with her head on my chest. i slid out so as not to wake her up because i really had to use the washroom. when i came back she had her head propped up on her arm on her side so she was facing me... ready for me to get back in bed with her. and so i did... but the weird part was... we just talked and cuddled... we just talked for hours on end. and i would give anything in the world to have that back... but now.... now shes 2 time zones... a 3 and a half hour flight... a 36 hour drive away... and im probably never going to see her again.
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How Build Muscle - The Cave Man's strategy Building Muscle Fast!
Well We need you realize the traditional method of having big and ripped. Plus I would like you to recognize the disadvantages with this particular system. After all, whether it worked; why fix what isn't compromised. After reading over all the information provided on the container, I anxiously mixed my first drink of lemonade flavor NO-Xplode. The drink went down fairly smooth, and I know i thought you actually wasn't bad, especially for about a pre-workout supplement. While waiting for your effects to kick in, which is alleged to be anywhere from 5-15 minutes, I produced a decision straighten up my room and make my couch. Within about 10 minutes, I definitely saw that I was way narrower than previous. I was zoned in on cleaning my room, and ended up doing even more than I planned. My energy levels also shot up, what goes on decided it was period for begin my workout.
Chrysin - This is definitely an extract from a plant. It prevents the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, can be common in the event that take any supplement that increases testosterone production you do not need that happen. So if you are taking any supplement that increases testosterone, best to add chrysin. You must be doing specific weight works. A few sets of curls or leg extensions are not going to chop it. Should really look at 2 of your best exercises which can testosterone booster. These exercises your Squat and also the Deadlift. Reason why these exercises work best is just because they impact your entire body, inside and out. When if comes to building muscle, the simplest way to build muscle might be to setup a ratio of Protein (40%), Carbs (40%) and HEALTHY Fats (20%). Trust me, this ratio is central. If you eat too many carbs with protein, physique will procede with going into a catabolic state and start storing any carbs that weren't used as fats. No doubt there can be of inferior products out there, however the truth is, that any serious ectomorph bodybuilder sooner or later need some supplements in the diet. The questions are when you ought to start getting supplement and which product to recognize. Not all fats are perfect for bulking. Fat or trans fats can hinder the muscle building process and decrease your metabolic price level. Bacon is an example of foods loaded with saturated weight. Example of foods high in trans when people biscuit, cookies, and fried junk grocery. Casein proteins take an extended period to be digested than whey. Use this advantageous in the it makes certain that the associated with these proteins is distributed over a lengthened period of time. Makes for a first rate end through the day meal as it sustain you through the hours of majority. It can also help anyone with sustained energy during exercising.
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