#I suck at drawing men with short hairstyles so I’m going to have to figure it out for a bit
eternal-moss · 6 months
Also. Shout out to them animating Kabru to be so damn gorgeous. I find it funny that manga Kabru switches between looking beautiful and having the classic Dungeon Meshi Unhinged Face, but in the anime he manages to still look gorgeous all the time, even while being unhinged lol. Listen. If the characters were real he’d undoubtedly be the prettiest.
I am so insane about Kabru, but I don’t have an eloquent way of explaining it
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^ Gorgeous boy
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^Imagine if they animated him like that 💀
I’m glad they kept his signature scheming face though, I love it
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+ animated blushing Kabru!!
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zintranslations · 4 years
Kaleidoscope of Death, Ch. 54
Kaleidoscope of Death by Xi Zixu Link to Chinese / Link to ongoing Taida Translations
Chapter 54: The Sixth Door
A few months later, Lin Qiushi was to face his own sixth door.
He thought that like last time, Ruan Nanzhu would have him pass it with Cheng Qianli, who was on door six himself. However, Ruan Nanzhu intentionally separated them this time.
Though he didn’t know why, Lin Qiushi didn’t ask further, trusting that Ruan Nanzhu had his own logic.
With about ten days left, Cheng Qianli received his own clue. Typically, everybody helped to research the clue, but this time was an exception. Cheng Qianli’s clue was kept secret from everybody in the mansion, known only to himself and his brother.
Cheng Qianli became rather cheery after he got his clue. When Lin Qiushi asked what he was so giddy about, Cheng Qianli replied, “hehehe, my brother told me not to tell.”
Lin Qiushi, “...” Even though Cheng Qianli was foolish sometimes, he still listened to his brother about important matters.
Once Cheng Qianli was done giggling, he said to Lin Qiushi, “After I come out, I’ll tell you in private. Have you gotten your clue?”
Lin Qiushi shook his head, “not yet.” Ruan Nanzhu had yet to give him anything, and seemed to be contemplating something.
Cheng Qianli, “you got Ruan-ge with you, so don’t worry, nothing’s gonna happen.” 
“Mh.” Lin Qiushi nodded. “Good luck to us both then.” 
“Good luck.” Cheng Qianli just kept grinning in shameless glee.
A few more days passed before Lin Qiushi finally got the clue to his own door. This time the clue was simple: the slender shadow. 
“What’s this?” Lin Qiushi asked upon first receiving the clue, confused, “some kind of legend?” 
“It’s a foreign urban legend,” Ruan Nanzhu replied. “People also call it Slenderman, have you heard of it?” 
Lin Qiushi thought a bit before nodding, “vaguely.” He thought he’d seen a movie of the sort.
Ruan Nanzhu tossed him a file.
“Take a look first. There's not a lot, but it’s better than nothing.”
Lin Qiushi began looking through the file.
The file recorded in detail this slender ghostly shadow. It was a Western urban legend about a kind of humanoid monster with long thin limbs and no face. With spindly arms and legs, this monster looked somewhat like a human spider. It appeared in rural spaces or small towns and preyed primarily on children left on their own. Of course, it attacked adults as well. The children it targeted simply disappeared, but the adults would start manifesting odd symptoms, like nosebleeds, nightmares, and even seeing their own worst fears.
The file continued to describe Slenderman's distinct methods of killing, such as spearing people on tree branches and bleeding them to death. They also liked removing people's organs and putting them in plastic bags… Regardless, urban legends like these were terrifying enough in real life, for more faint-hearted people, not to mention inside the world of the doors.
Lin Qiushi quickly finished reading and thought that was all the prepwork needed. To his surprise, Ruan Nanzhu suddenly said they were going shopping for clothes. 
Lin Qiushi, bewildered, “for clothes? What clothes?”
Ruan Nanzhu smiled, “clothes for you to wear inside.” 
Under the pitying gazes of everybody else in the mansion, a still-befuddled Lin Qiushi left for the mall with Ruan Nanzhu. The first few items were still normal men's clothes, but then they came to the women’s section…  
Ruan Nanzhu, who was obviously used to this, announced he was buying clothes for his girlfriend. His gaze, however, surveyed Lin Qiushi.
Lin Qiushi didn’t understand at first, and asked like a fool, “Nanzhu, you have a girlfriend?”
Ruan Nanzhu, "no."
Lin Qiushi, “then why are you buying women’s clothes?”
Ruan Nanzhu, “I’m not buying, you are.”
Lin Qiushi, “but I don’t have a girlfriend either…”
Ruan Nanzhu, walking up front with a few bags, turned.
“It’s for you to wear. What girlfriend.”
Lin Qiushi’s brain bluescreened for three whole seconds. When he finally comprehended what was going on, shock and fear entered his eyes.
“Me? Wear?"
Ruan Nanzhu, "yes, you."
Lin Qiushi, “But— Can I wear them when I look like this—”
Ruan Nanzhu’s expression went strange, “what do you think you look like?”
Lin Qiushi, “just a regular guy."
Sinking into silence, Ruan Nanzhu’s gaze on Lin Qiushi went stranger and stranger. Goosebumps rising from that gaze, Lin Qiushi forewent further questions and obediently followed him back to the mansion. 
Three days later, Ruan Nanzhu plucked Lin Qiushi out of hiding from his room and made him change his clothes. 
Lin Qiushi, who had been an office worker for some time, couldn’t be said to be particularly fit. He had an average male physique, with features that were nonaggressive and clean: double-lidded eyes that weren’t too big with a pretty smile. Ruan Nanzhu sat Lin Qiushi down and began taking out makeup tools.
Lin Qiushi’s eyes went wide with trepidation. “Nanzhu… Can we talk?”
Ruan Nanzhu, “talk about what?”
Lin Qiushi asked faintly, “can we not do this?”
Ruan Nanzhu was expressionless. “Didn’t you ask if I really liked crossdressing so much? Rather me explain, why don’t you just experience it yourself?” His eyes narrowed with a fake-looking smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you once we’re inside.”
Lin Qiushi nearly cried. 
He knew none of the makeup items before him, and felt only Ruan Nanzhu rubbing and patting all these things on his face. So much time passed that he was nearly asleep when Ruan Nanzhu finally straightened and patted off his hands. "Done." 
Lin Qiushi, "....."
Ruan Nanzhu handed a mirror to Lin Qiushi.
“Take a look, then pick a hairstyle you like.”
Lin Qiushi took the mirror, and was a bit dazed by what he saw: a woman’s face. “She” wasn’t astonishingly beautiful, but was certainly attractive enough to draw the eye. This face was gentle and the expression ill-treated, inspiring pity and sympathy.
Lin Qiushi couldn’t help himself, and declared, fuck.
“Dirty mouth on a lady,” Ruan Nanzhu said. “Do you like long or short hair?”
Lin Qiushi, “long…” He meant he liked long-haired girls, but Ruan Nanzhu just picked up a wig and began putting it on him.
Lin Qiushi, "....."
Once that was done, Ruan Nanzhu began finishing up the last details. He probably planned for Lin Qiushi to wear a dress at first, but upon seeing Lin Qiushi’s expression of utter terror—he looked on the verge of fainting—relented on this kind of shock for Lin Qiushi’s first time. The end outfit was fairly unisex.
Once it was forced onto him, Lin Qiushi only wanted to turn and run—he’d learned his lesson about running his mouth.
Everything was finally ready, and Ruan Nanzhu examined the person before him with a satisfied expression. Lin Qiushi wasn't the chiseled sort of handsome, but rather a mellow and personable sort, which meant makeup could easily smooth out the more discordant details. Paired with Lin Qiushi's gentle nature, it actually all came together quite finely.
"I have to wear this?" Faced with the big man himself, Lin Qiushi couldn't exactly express a temper. He could only attempt to pitifully plead, "Nanzhu, I know I was wrong. Can't we..."
Ruan Nanzhu lifted a brow.
Lin Qiushi, "....."
Lin Qiushi, "but I don't know how to speak in a fake voice." Ruan Nanzhu's voice inside the doors was slightly unisex, but definitely did not ping as boy.
Ruan Nanzhu, "so practice."
Lin Qiushi, "I only have ten days or so..."
Ruan Nanzhu's insincere smile: "Take your time, there's no rush. We have plenty more opportunities in the future. This time though, if you can't talk, you can always pretend to be mute."
Lin Qiushi, "....."
Ruan Nanzhu tapped his finger against the table. "A frail and fragile mute girl, isn't that an interesting character?"
Lin Qiushi, "....." Tan Zaozao, come get the man for your entertainment circle, and the next Oscar was sure to go to China.
After saying what he did, Ruan Nanzhu still provided Lin Qiushi a "generous" second option: if you don't want to play a mute girl, you can always play a man with a passion for crossdressing.
In the end, Lin Qiushi, not wanting to field odd looks, still opted to play mute.
Because of the outfit, Lin Qiushi had to bear the ridicule of others in the mansion.
"Hahahaha Lin Qiushi, so you've come to this too." Cheng Qianli was the most impertinent. "But you actually look good like this, much better than Chen Fei."
Lin Qiushi, "hah?"
Chen Fei glowered from the side. "Fuck if you're one to talk, Cheng Qianli. Looked in a mirror recently?"
Cheng Qianli, "hmph, I'd be drop dead gorgeous as a girl."
Ruan Nanzhu, "oh yeah?"
Cheng Qianli, upon hearing Ruan Nanzhu's voice, did a full-body shudder. "No no no, Ruan-ge, I'm only kidding."
Ruan Nanzhu peered once at him, then sat down at the table. "How are preparations with your brother then?"
Cheng Qianli, "good, actually." He took a bite. "This next world seems pretty easy."
Ruan Nanzhu only hummed in response, and didn't ask any follow-up questions. He seemed confident enough in Cheng Yixie—Lin Qiushi just didn't know what the argument he overheard on the rooftop the other day was about.
Considering his personality, no matter what, Cheng Yixie didn't seem the type to easily get into arguments with people.
But in the end, Lin Qiushi didn't figure any of this out, because the time to enter the door quickly arrived.
Ten odd days later on a random afternoon, Lin Qiushi had been snacking in the living room with Cheng Qianli, but after eating and eating, he turned around and suddenly found Cheng Qianli gone without a trace.
His first thought was to wonder if Cheng Qianli had gone to the bathroom. After a while without Cheng Qianli returning however, he realized Cheng Qianli had probably gone into the doors.
About half an hour later, Cheng Qianli suddenly reappeared on the sofa.
His face was awfully pale and he clutched at his chest, sucking in deep breaths. Seeing him like this, Lin Qiushi quickly asked, "are you alright? Qianli?"
Glancing once at Lin Qiushi in panic, Cheng Qianli bolted for the stairs without a word.
Seeing him so distressed, Lin Qiushi hastily followed.
Cheng Qianli went straight for Cheng Yixie's bedroom door, twisting the knob without bothering to knock.
The door opened to reveal Cheng Yixie, having just returned as well, sitting on the bed. He was still mostly expressionless, looking up at the agitated Cheng Qianli.
"Ge—" Cheng Qianli threw himself onto Cheng Yixie, clutching on for dear life. "I thought you didn't make it, I thought you didn't make it—"
Cheng Yixie didn't reply, only patted at Cheng Qianli's back with a gentle hand to calm his brother.
Cheng Qianli seemed to have been well and truly terrified; his face was still colorless, and looked much worse off than Cheng Yixie.
The brothers stayed in the embrace for a little while, until emotions have settled. Slightly embarrassed, Cheng Qianli wriggled himself out of his brother's lap and scratched his nose. "I'm hungry. Gonna go eat something."
Cheng Yixie didn't stop him, and watched him go.
Once everything seemed fine, Lin Qiushi made to leave as well, but Cheng Yixie's voice suddenly came behind him: "Lin Qiushi, if anything happens to me, will you help Cheng Qianli?"
Lin Qiushi startled.
"Never mind," Cheng Yixie said. "Go on."
With that he closed the door, not giving Lin Qiushi an opportunity to respond.
Honestly, the usual Cheng Yixie didn't seem anything like a sixteen year old. He tended to be cool and calm, a lot like Ruan Nanzhu. Perhaps this sixth door really had been a close call, to have provoked him to say something like that.
Lin Qiushi felt an inexplicable ache in his chest.
Back in the living room, Cheng Qianli had started on the snacks again, but he didn't seem to be enjoying them at all. He looked thoroughly exhausted.
Lin Qiushi asked after him for a bit, and found out the world they'd gone into this time was a medieval post-war battlefield. There really had been some close calls.
Fortunately, they'd managed to escape in the end.
"My brother and I both have a genetic disorder," Cheng Qianli spoke as he snacked. This was news to Lin Qiushi. "We can't do sports, and when it's really serious, we can barely walk. The doctor says neither of us will live past eighteen."
Lin Qiushi listened.
"Then my brother entered the doors first," Cheng Qianli said. "His illness got better… Then I went in too." Scratching his head, he laughed, "sometimes I think, that the doors aren't really scary at all. Without them, we wouldn't have been able to lead normal lives, or live at all. We've already got more than our fair share."
Lin Qiushi said, "don't think like that. There are more days ahead of you."
"Yeah, more ahead." Cheng Qianli's gaze suddenly seemed lost. "And I don't know at all how I'll end my life."
This was hard to listen to. It was in this moment that Lin Qiushi fully realized that everybody in the mansion was dying. Some were emotionally prepared, some weren't, but there was no exception—they'd all caught on their breaths the scent of death.
"Good luck on your next door." Cheng Qianli stood. "I'm going to rest for a bit, I'm exhausted…"
And when he yawned, Lin Qiushi nodded and watched him go.
Probably because he had nothing in particular to cling to, Lin Qiushi could enter the doors with relative calm; he would take death, but he'd also happily welcome each rebirth.
Lin Qiushi's door and Cheng Qianli's weren't that far apart; the midnight after Cheng Qianli returned, Lin Qiushi started awake in his bed, left his room, and walked out into the hallway with those twelve metal doors once more.
The first five metal doors were sealed off, and the seventh onward all could not be opened. Only the sixth door allowed Lin Qiushi to pull it open with ease.
After the familiar spinning, Lin Qiushi found himself on a paved pathway. It was empty all around the path, with only a black sign pointing forward, on which was written the blurry text: Throughwaters Village
It was chilly, and Lin Qiushi wrapped his clothes tight around himself before starting forward. The path was wide and swathed in thick fog. After about six to seven minutes, a human silhouette finally came into view. The figure was familiar. Lin Qiushi's eyes lit up the moment he saw it, and called out, "Mengmeng—"
The person turned. The face was a stranger's but the disposition was not. He asked, "candy?"
Lin Qiushi, "love it, can't get enough. I like mint and strawberry flavored ones."
He replied, "I don't like them, because I've got an ache in my fourth tooth."
With the secret signal and each other's identities confirmed, Lin Qiushi could finally sigh in relief. He said, "I didn't think we'd find each other so early… Hang on, why are you dressed as a guy?" His eyes went wide.
Ruan Nanzhu replied, "did I say I was going to dress up with you?"
Lin Qiushi, "....."
Ruan Nanzhu put a finger to his lips and smiled. "A mute person can't speak so much."
Lin Qiushi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Can't I…"
“No." Ruan Nanzhu already knew what he was going to ask and heartlessly refused. "Be a good girl now."
Lin Qiushi, "....." Giving his hair a tug, he discovered that the wig did in fact become real hair, and for some reason, his height inside the door this time was shorter than usual.
"Come on, let's go find the others first." Ruan Nanzhu scanned their surroundings. "This fog's all kinds of irritating."
So the two headed onward.
Walking behind Ruan Nanzhu, Lin Qiushi discretely snuck a glance inside his pants. He exhaled in relief when the important bits were all still there.
Thankfully, it was only the hair that changed and nothing else, or he’d have found himself gone catatonic about it.
They kept going ahead, until finally different scenery grew visible: a ragged little town emerged from the fog before them. This town had clear Western influences, but most of the signs were still in Chinese.
Suddenly curious, Lin Qiushi asked, "have you ever ended up somewhere foreign?"
Ruan Nanzhu, "sure, aren't we in one now?"
Lin Qiushi said, "but the signs are Chinese."
Ruan Nanzhu, "they probably factored in people's standard cultural knowledge and figured sticking with Chinese was best." He glanced at Lin Qiushi. "After all, some people can't even read that."
Lin Qiushi knew Ruan Nanzhu was teasing him for pretending to be illiterate in the last door, and could only mutter awkwardly, "those were extenuating circumstances though…"
They walked into the town and found a group of people gathered in the small village square.
With a single sweeping glance, Ruan Nanzhu was able to count, "eight."
Lin Qiushi was already getting into character, and didn't reply.
Emerging from the fog, the two drew some attention. Some eyes fell on the stunning Ruan Nanzhu, but some even fell on Lin Qiushi.
The current Lin Qiushi had long hair and, due to being shorter, an apparently frail frame underneath the clothes. He was also pale and seemed a bit frightened, looking up at Ruan Nanzhu with dark eyes wide with helplessness—or at least that's what it looked like to outsiders. The reality was…
Lin Qiushi: fuck, fuck me, they're all staring at me.
Ruan Nanzhu: let them stare, what's the harm.
Lin Qiushi: what if they discover I'm a guy?
Ruan Nanzhu: whip the big guy out and scare them all to death.
Lin Qiushi: .....
And after the above transpired through nothing but meaningful eye contact, Lin Qiushi knew there was nothing more he could say.
Somebody was approaching. Probably because Ruan Nanzhu seemed harder to get along with, the person's attention completely targeted the poor, weak, and helpless-looking Lin Qiushi.
Before Lin Qiushi even had time to react, Ruan Nanzhu extended a hand to halt the person in his tracks. "Yeah?”
"Nothing." He was a handsome young man in his twenties, clad in a stylish outfit, and he seemed very interested in Lin Qiushi. "I just wanted to ask if you two needed some help."
"I don't think she can talk." Staring the guy down, Ruan Nanzhu blockaded himself in front of Lin Qiushi.
"Can't talk?" That person seemed even more interested now, and said, "Hi, I'm Wang Tianxin."
Ruan Nanzhu, "Lu Meng."
Seeing Ruan Nanzhu's protectiveness, Wang Tianxin smiled.
"Do you two know each other then?"
Ruan Nanzhu said, "no, but meeting the moment we entered feels a bit fated, doesn't it."
Lin Qiushi fished out his phone and typed: I'm Yu Qiuqiu, it's a pleasure to meet you both.
They both read the text on Lin Qiushi's phone screen, and Wang Tianxin said, "oh, so you're called Yu Qiuqiu. That's a cute name." He was a bit shorter than Ruan Nanzhu, and bent forward now with a friendly expression. "I'm Wang Tianxin, and if you'd like, I think we can try to be friends."
Lin Qiushi pretended to be a bit frightened, and ducked slightly behind Ruan Nanzhu. To be so solicitous without cause, the man was sure to peddle treachery or crime; Wang Tianxin's eager friendliness toward complete strangers obviously had ulterior motives. And though Lin Qiushi wasn't scared, he also wasn't stupid enough to step right into some kind of plot.
Ruan Nanzhu also didn't bother to be cordial: "she seems scared of you. Why don't you stay away from her."
Wang Tianxi looked at Ruan Nanzhu, but then actually turned and walk away.
Lin Qiushi didn't anticipate him giving up so easily, but Ruan Nanzhu let out a cold laugh—he seemed to have guessed Wang Tianxin's intentions.
The team of people for this round gradually gathered.
There were two newcomers again, both male this time. One appeared steady enough, but the other had completely broken down, crying and wailing the whole way here.
Fortunately, aside from all the crying, the new guy didn't do anything too extreme.
After giving up on Lin Qiushi, that Wang Tianxin quickly found himself another girl. In just a short amount of time, that girl and Wang Tianxin seemed to have grown very close, chatting and laughing with good cheer.
Lin Qiushi peered at Ruan Nanzhu.
Ruan Nanzhu knew what he wanted to ask, and replied under his breath, "there's always that kind of people inside the doors. They like finding teammates. Of course, the teammates aren't just good for teamwork, and can be good for something else as well."
Lin Qiushi: such as?
Ruan Nanzhu just watched him. His smile was meaningful, but he said nothing further.
Lin Qiushi was shocked into understanding by that smile.
Wang Tianxin was clearly an expert of this way, and found his targets with precision. Upon gathering, he approached delicate-looking women with care and concern, easily winning their trust.
And Lin Qiushi, a woman with a disability, was even more clearly his type. It was only because Ruan Nanzhu got in his way that he had to change targets.
Ruan Nanzhu said, "you better follow me closely, and don't get hoodwinked by others."
Lin Qiushi shot him a glare, and thought so what if he was hoodwinked, he'd only have to whip off the skirt and compare sizes a bit...
Author's Note
Ruan Nanzhu: there's no way we're not getting a show, if I don't act someone else has to.
Lin Qiushi: .....
[Ch. 53] | [Ch. 55]
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