#I studied anthropophagy longer than I would like to admit
croziers-compass · 11 months
Compliment: I love the way you write in general, your dedication to accuracy in historical stuff while still having it be interesting cause I do that sm too, and you generally have some of the best takes on Terror stuff and interest in a lot relating to it.
One thing I want to know about you: How did you get into the Terror?
Oh thank you very much! That is incredibly kind and considerate of you! I enjoy immersion. Mostly I actually write for myself but simply let it leak out into the world. I'm learning to release insecurity and worry about the way others may perceive my work. It's less about others but more for myself. However, if someone else derives joy from that then I would not ever know how I can impact someone else without releasing it out to the world. As for the last question, I first read and wrote some materials about the Franklin Expedition back in 2014 when they rediscovered the Erebus. (Information you probably did not wish for nor need but I possess an immaculately large collection of books on anthropophagy which is one of my guilty pleasures. I have an incredible berth of knowledge on the subject.) Exposure to the Franklin expedition snowballed for an unhealthy quantity of years and repicked up pace off and on like something you cannot truly kill and cannot be laid to rest properly. It kept rising out of its grave to grasp at me at random intervals. And then I obtained the book by Dan Simmons earlier this year since it was circulating on tumblr and I was intrigued because I did not know they did a TV series (I am not very in the loop with modern media like TV or Movies. I'm old fashioned for not even being 30 years old). I couldn't afford to watch the series but knew these men quite well and was very intrigued by it and immediately reignited. I had read the book in my first frenzy but I realised that I hadn't retained too much of the information as it was within the book itself. Mostly because my mind merged much of the actual events we were aware of and the events of the book like I was stitching a tapestry together to weave a coherent story in my own mind. Finally just this year I grasped the TV Series fully and broke and obtained it and indulged it. Which was a wild experience as I had all the prior contexts and informations which added some depth and experience to the contents I had priorly engaged and invested in. This is actually one of my only times I have ever truly entered a fandom on this website or divulged my interest in fandoms in any respect in full force. So it has been a wild experience thus far!
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