#I still really really wonder what prompted this
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Chapter 10: Brother Dearest
Pairing: Soldier Boy x f!reader, Reader POV
Summary:  When you decided to work with Butcher and his merry band of supe hunters to take down Homelander, you neve expected to be saddled with a sullen, grumpy, jerk like Soldier Boy when the job was done. The more you're around him the more you hate him, but you can't help but wonder, is he really as big a jerk as you think? Reader is a supe with plant powers. This takes place in an AU about a month after the end of The Boys Season 3, in which Butcher has let Soldier Boy continue to work with him on his team.  (I'm real bad at summaries, please forgive me!) Soldier Boy calls the reader "Petals."
Tropes: Enemies to Lovers (Not in this chapter), Only One Bed (This chapter), Slow Burn, Age Difference (Reader is in her 20s), Soft Ben/ Soldier Boy, Protective Ben/Soldier Boy
Word Count: 9.7K
Warnings: I'm going to label this 18+ because Soldier Boy (he's a warning and everyone knows it), Manipulation, Gaslighting, Swearing, Mentions of Sex, Sexual Innuendo, Sexual Tension, Shouting, Anger, Talks About Weed, Super Manipulative Trash Man Being Introduced, Ben/Soldier Boy might be a little bit OOC.
Note: This is told from Reader's perspective. Any references to the reader is made using you or your. There is minimal use of y/n. I tried my best to proofread, but nobody's perfect. If you don’t like, don’t read, but if you do like, you’re my favorite!
Internal monologue is in italics and is in first person.
A/N: Back to our regularly scheduled angst...
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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It feels like you've only had thirty minutes of sleep when your body jerks upwards out of your bed to the sound of crashing and the shattering of pottery, followed by someone who doesn't sound like Ben shout "What the fuck?"
It had been a few days since you faced the supe with the ability to liquidize his form and after about five showers that included you scrubbing the skin of your body raw with both a luffa and a sugar scrub and gargling with Listerine until it felt like all your taste buds were burned off, you felt that you had rid yourself of the oppressive smell and taste of the supe.
Ben and you seemed to be falling in to a familiar pattern, he walked with you to work before going off to see what Butcher had planned for him and if he could Ben would always show up at the end of your shift to walk you home. Though each time he was less than friendly to Jake, who was still trying his upmost to get Ben to talk to him rather than Ben's usual half-grunts, shrugging shoulders, and death glares.
It wasn't working and you stopped trying to get Ben to be more friendly towards your boss, but it didn't make it any less unusual that Ben kept walking with you to and from work.
When you asked him why he walked with you he said that "You shouldn't be walking alone" which of course prompted the conversation of "I don't need a babysitter" and "I've been walking to the store for two years by myself" and him not listening to anything you said. That last bit was becoming more and more normal for the two of you.
So you rationalized that Ben was trying to be nicer to you because he wanted to try to be sort-of friends and you tried not to think about how it was making you have more feelings for him.
It was difficult not to like Ben when he was acting more friendly. When he actually made an effort to have conversations with you or sat with you quietly while you read or when he was walking with you to and from work and stopping along the way to get you coffee or your favorite tea. It was confusing to you why he was doing that, why someone who was so focused on sex was doing sweet things for you after you told him that you wouldn't sleep with him and was making you have deeper feelings for him.
So like a normal person you threw your frustration into your crocheting. Over the past week you had finished Annie's sweater, made four cat toys for Bean, and were currently working on a long cardigan sweater to send your grandmother who called last week to check in and had told you she needed a new one.
Ben had come with you to the craft store and hated every second of it. Not to mention each time you added a bundle of yarn to the basket you made him hold, he would ask "What the fuck are you going to do with that?" to which you responded "Learn quantum physics." Though Ben had been impressed with the knitting needles, thought that they could be useful enough to use for self defense and had embarrassed you when you turned around and found him trying to mime stabbing someone with them while the other people in the store watched him in horror.
You rolled out of bed and threw open your bedroom door before barreling down the darkly lit hallway and sliding into the living room on your crocheted leaf socks. "What is it?" You shout prepared for attack.
Unfortunately when you slide into the room, you do so with too much enthusiasm and you slip and fall, landing on your back with a loud groan.
That one hurt.
"You alright Petals?" You hear Ben ask from somewhere above you. It's not said in a teasing way, it's said in a growl.
Is he mad at me?
"Yep just testing if gravity is still working. It is, if you were curious." You cough out a laugh as you get up and realize that Ben isn't on the couch, he's standing in the middle of your kitchen holding someone by the lapels of his black oversized army jacket against your refrigerator.
Oh that's why he's mad.
The man is rail-thin, dressed completely in black, with hair so blond you sometimes thought it was white, buzzed over his head, and although you can't see his face you know that he'll have a set of dark blue eyes that sometimes turn black when he's angry and a pair of dark hoops curving over his right eyebrow. Ben is holding him up so high that the man's feet aren't touching the ground.
You hadn't seen your brother Darren in at least a year, not since he dropped by to crash on your couch to tell you that his buddy Roach, yes that is what he called him, was opening a restaurant and asked Darren to be his business partner. He had walked you through the technical lingo and acted enthusiastic about the prospects, told you that it was his dream to open a restaurant, but he was having a problem coming up with his half of the cash. Darren had asked you for a small loan and you'd scrambled to get it together for him.
But after about three months  Darren called to tell you that it fell through and that he was onwards and upwards trying to "make his way in the world" which by now you knew was Darren speak for "could you please send me a little more money to get on my feet." Your grandmother had stopped giving him money ages ago, but you couldn't, he was family, your only brother and you loved him.
"Darren?" You say hesitantly.
"Hey sis!" Darren smiles when you turn on the light in the kitchen, looking too happy for someone being smooshed against a raspberry and blackberry covered refrigerator.
"You know this guy?" Ben glances at you over his shoulder. He's not wearing a shirt again and you're trying very hard not to focus on how good he looks without one. The muscles on his back are flexed from the exertion of holding your brother up against the refrigerator and Ben isn't breaking a sweat.
Lifting a person probably feels like lifting up Bean to him.
"Yeah he's my brother." You take a step forward and hear something crunch beneath your foot. Your gaze drops to the floor and you understand exactly what the loud crashing noise was.
The strawberry plant that usually sits on the small kitchen table that you shoved under the window is on the ground. Shards of painted pottery litter your floor in every direction, the strawberry plant smooshed under a boot print that matches up with Darren's infamous buckled motorcycle boots. The same ones he'd had since high school that he'd tell anyone who listened he won in the same bar fight that he got the thin scar on his chin from, when in reality he got them at a thrift store down the street from your grandmother's house and the scar from when he tripped and hit his chin on the toilet when he was fifteen and trying to learn how to shave.
Must have come in the window from the fire escape.
Most of the window had been blocked by a tangerine and lemon tree that you had encouraged to grow, but now the tree was pushed to the side off kilter and the window was open letting in the warm summer breeze.
You didn't understand why Darren did that when he still had the key that you made him when you moved in.
Ben drops Darren unceremoniously onto the hardwood floor, who lands with a loud "clunk” from his boots, but your brother doesn’t look upset. He rubs his hand over the top of his head as if adjusting his buzzed hair with a sheepish smile while Ben steps back onto one of the pieces of pot on your hardwood floor, but doesn't wince.
Darren notices your gaze on the smooshed strawberry plant and the shattered remains of the pot it was in. "Ooo, sorry sissy." He frowns. "But I'm sure you can fix it can't you? That is what you do." Darren emphasizes it by waving his hand around you apartment at the numerous plants covering your walls.
You crouch down and pick up the remnants of the plant gingerly, cradling it to your chest. "Um, yeah." You force a smile, trying not to think about how important the pot was to you. It was the last thing you had of your grandfather, before he passed. It had been one of your favorite memories, sitting out on the back porch in the middle of a thunderstorm painting flowers and dots and zigzags on the terracotta pot that housed the strawberry plant that you grew on the tray of your high chair the day your powers developed.
Darren knew how much the pot meant to me. He had one too before he used it for air-rifle practice.
You put the plant on your kitchen table, before taking the broom from the hook on the wall. "Why didn't you just use the door?" You tried to say it in an upbeat way, but it fell flat.
"I was excited to see my favorite sister." Darren grins pulling you into a hug.
He smells like he always does, a bit like cigarette smoke, beer, and the stale smell of weed. But when he pulls back and sees that you're still frowning, his own mouth begins to descend into an exaggerated pout. "Did you not want me to come by?"
"Of course I did." You say, but you weren't sure. "I just thought you would call first or use the key that I got you not come through the window."
“Oh stop being so dramatic.” He pats you on the head. “I’m here now so what’s going on? You got a boyfriend-“ He gestures to Ben. “Who is also a supe?”
“Ben is my roommate.” You emphasize the word roommate before Ben can say boyfriend. That was the last thing you wanted him to say in front of Darren. You'd never hear the end of it You begin to sweep up the pieces, trying to fight the urge to cry over the shattered remains. You knew that crying in front of Darren would only make him tease you about being "too sensitive" so you kept it down and figure that you can cry about it later.
"Uh huh." Darren eyes him. "So he's got super strength?"
"Why do you care?" Ben grouches, crossing his arms over his chest, but he doesn't look away from where you're sweeping up the pieces.
Darren shrugs and holds up his hands in mock surrender. "Touchy Touchy. Just making conversation dude. I mean, you're living with my sister." He breezes, but you notice Darren stand up a little straighter when he talks to Ben and you wonder if he was embarrassed by how easily Ben was able to man-handle him.
Ben opens his mouth, but you interrupt whatever he was about to say. "Darren what are you doing here?"
He brightens with the question. "Oh it's so exciting! My friend is starting up a business and-"
"You need money?" You interrupt, trying not to think about how much you could spare from the already measly sum in your bank account to help him. This month hadn't been the best and after rent and utilities you probably could only spare 70 dollars or so, but even that seemed to be pushing it.
"No nothing like that." Darren waves a hand. "I just needed a place to crash because I'm going to go meet him tomorrow."
"And he wants to meet you."
"Huh?" You look up from the small pile of shards at him. "Why?"
"He said that he wanted to meet the sister who I'm always talking about." Darren shrugs, before pulling a blunt from where it is behind his left ear, and lighting it.
He talks about me to his friends?
"Uh-huh. I think that I've met enough of your friends." You reply continuing to sweep more pieces into the pile.
You were using the word "friends" hesitantly because Darren seemed to go through them so often that you didn't think that it was worth it to learn all their names. And also because one time you had run into one of the "friends" Darren made and he had proceeded to chase you down the block shouting words about your brother that were not worth repeating.
"I think you'll like this one." Darren eyes Ben again. "I showed him your picture and he said that you were classic."
You miss Ben stiffen.
"Please stop trying to set me up. I'm fine." You could feel your cheeks heating because you knew that Ben was watching you.
The last time Darren had tried to set you up you found out half way through the date that your date was his weed dealer, whose idea of a romantic first date was to take you to a gentleman's club and then try to see who would be into having a threesome. Needless to say you were underwhelmed and blocked his number. The only good thing that had come of it was the gummy bear edibles you'd nicked from his pocket when he was flirting with one of the dancers and Annie and you had enjoyed the rest of the evening giggling and eating copious amounts of pizza and snacks.
"I don't know, he's better than the last one. Definitely has more money and he's sophisticated." Darren breathes out a cloud of smoke and you wave your hand to dissipate the smog.
"Charles Manson would be better than the last one, Darren."
"Manson had hundreds of followers and was treated like a god. I think you're being too picky." Darren rolls his eyes at you while he takes a hit from the blunt.
"Only you would see Manson as a role model." You grumble under your breath crouching down to sweep the pieces of the pot into the dust pan. "But if you really want to stay here you can take my bed."
A part of you were expecting Darren to protest, to care that you wouldn't have anywhere to sleep, but he doesn't argue with you.
“Great! Thanks.” He takes a few steps towards the hallway, the cloud of smoke following behind him like a dark omen, before he stops and glances back. “You got anything to drink?”
“No. Fresh out.” You lie without looking up. You didn’t want it to mix with whatever the hell that was in his system, because with Darren it was always something.
“I swear it’s like you don’t even think about me.” Darren flashes a wide grin, but the joke kind of hurts.
As he goes you dump the pieces into a plastic grocery bag, hoping deep down that you could glue it back together, but even you know that it's probably a long shot.
Maybe I can make the bigger pieces into something else? File down the sharp edges?
Ben is still standing in your kitchen, his arms crossed, listening to Darren go down the hallway and into your bedroom, slamming the door behind him.
The door opens again and you hear Darren mutter, “Out stupid cat," sending a fuming Bean hissing down the hallway. He trots into the living room indignantly and you stoop down to calm him down, leaning the broom against the kitchen table as you do.
Ben is quiet, but you can feel the room heat up a few degrees for a second almost as if he's angry. “Does he always talk to you that way?” Ben’s voice is low.
“He’s high.” You continue to pet Bean, not looking up. “He’s not usually so-“ You search for the word.
“Fucking rude?”
You stand up with a sigh. “You sound like Annie.”
“Oh so she doesn’t get along with him either? Shocker.”
He was bristling slightly, annoyed, teetering on angry. “Fine.” He mutters.
You turn your attention to the trampled strawberry plant, gently dragging your fingers over the petals repairing the damage with a wave of your hand as you do, until it looks better than it had a few moments ago, and place it in a plastic black pot temporarily. You were again, trying not to be too upset about the way that Darren entered your apartment, but it was like him to do something like that, like him to break things that you thought were important without a second thought for how you felt.
Your relationship with your brother was hard and sometimes it felt like you were the only one trying, but you didn't want to give up on him. He was the only family that you had besides your grandmother. When your parents died, Darren pulled away, stayed out late drinking and doing whatever drugs he could get his hand on, and had multiple flings with women in the neighborhood that weren't exactly single. Your grandmother had cut him out completely, but you couldn't.
“Are you okay?” Ben asks.
“Yeah, just kind of tired.” You sigh, closing the window that Darren pried open to get into the apartment. When you turn back you realize just how close Ben is standing to you, so close that you can feel the warmth radiating out from his skin and into the air.
His fingertip lightly presses the scrunch between your eyebrows. "You're lying." Ben says it quietly.
"I wish you wouldn't do that."
"Do what?"
"Tell me when I'm lying. It's infuriating."
"Because it's the 21st century and when someone lies because they don't want to talk about how they really feel, it's common courtesy to just say 'ok' and move on!" You snap, grabbing the bag of smashed pottery. You immediately felt bad. You didn't mean to snap at him, but you were upset about Darren showing up unannounced even though you told him each time he came into town to tell you, but he never did, and about him breaking one of the only things in your apartment that had sentimental value to you.
Ben frowns at you for a minute, and you think that he's going to come up with some kind of retort, but instead he says  "Okay."
"Thank you."
You watch Ben's gaze drift back into your living room. "You can take the couch.”
It surprises you. You were just going to camp out in the bathtub and will the moss to make a pillow beneath your head. "But where will you sleep?"
“I can sleep on the floor.” He shrugs. "Don't need a bed. And I've slept enough anyway-"
“Ben you’re not going to sleep on the floor because my brother decided to show up in the middle of the night. It’s unfair.”
It was. You didn’t want Ben to curl into a ball on the floor and try to find a comfortable position, not after he'd spent the last forty years in a Russian Lab without a bed and probably without a pillow.
He shouldn't have to suffer because my brother never remembers how much I hate surprises.
“Well I’m sure as hell  not going to let you sleep on the floor.” Ben shouts.
"I can sleep in the bathtub. The moss is actually really comfortable-"
"In the fucking bathtub? You're kidding right?"
"No. I've done it before-"
"When?" Ben suddenly looks murderous.
"The last time Darren was here I didn't have a couch and-"
"That fucker made you sleep in the bathtub?"
"I mean he didn't volunteer any other options and Darren can't fit in there so-" You try to reason with him, getting confused as to why Ben was suddenly looking down the hallway like he was going to haul Darren out by the lip and make him apologize.
"I'll be fucking damned if you sleep in a fucking bathtub!"
“What is it with you being chivalrous at the most inopportune times?” You stamp your foot in frustration.
You didn’t want to sleep in the bathtub, but you were willing to if it meant that Ben had a soft place to sleep. The moss wasn't all that bad, it was squishy, and the bathroom was kind of cozy in your apartment because of all the plants you had in there.
“Forgive me, but when I grew up it was considered common courtesy to give things like beds to women. And what kind of man would I be if I let you sleep in a mother fucking bathtub?” He shouts back, using the words you had used earlier to yell at him for pointing out your lie.
“Well if you sleep on the floor then I’m going to sleep in the bathtub."
“Fine.” Ben seethes.
You stand there with your arms crossed and eyes narrowed refusing to back down. Ben mirrors your stance, before he loses it.
“I think it’s fucking ridiculous that no one is going to sleep on the couch. So why don’t you just shut up and sleep on the couch?"
“Because it’s your bed!”
“I bought it for both of us to use!” He snaps back.
You glare at him, tapping your foot, before you glance at the large couch.
Honestly, when it was in the pull out position it was about the size of a full bed, maybe a little bigger, more than enough room for Ben and for you. The thought seemed almost too crazy to consider… almost. Your mouth dips into a nervous frown, anxiety electrifying in your veins.
“I mean it’s-“ You clear your throat. “It’s big enough for both of us.” You say quietly.
Ben looks at you like you’re crazy, body going taunt. “I thought you said you didn’t want me to fuck you.”
“I don’t want to fuck me Ben, but I don’t hate the idea of sleeping with you. I mean I don’t think you’re going to do anything while I’m asleep."
Ben looks angry all over again. “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again! I’m not a fucking rapist.”
“No. Ben I mean-" You were waving your hands in front of you nervously trying to find the words. "I’m not saying you’re a rapist. I’m trying to tell you that I trust you and-“
Ben’s expression slackens. “You trust me?” He interrupts you in a whisper, sounding almost as if he can’t believe it, his face twisted into an emotion that you can't recognize.
“Well yeah.” Your cheeks flame bright red. “I mean we’re kinda friends and I trust my friends. I mean, do you think that I would let you live here if I didn’t trust you?"
Ben clears his throat, but doesn't say anything. "Um-" His eyes flick to the couch then back at you. "I don't want you to do anything you're uncomfortable with." He says gruffly.
"It doesn't make me that uncomfortable." You reply, but you're already trying to figure out the mechanics of how you can sleep on the couch with him, without touching him.
"Uh-huh." Ben raises an eyebrow.
"It's okay. I'm going to get my pillow."
"I'll get it."
"But-" You begin to say, but Ben ignores you and stomps down the hallway.
Why does he want to get it?
He doesn't even bother to knock when he goes into your room and you can hear a quiet scuffle, followed by your brother shouting "What's your problem man?" and Ben's retort of "Just shut the fuck up and go to sleep." 
Ben is still grumbling something under his breath when he comes back into the living room, but he holds out your pillow for you. "Here."
"Thanks. But what did I say about you going into my room?” You hoped that the joke would ease some of the tension that you were holding in your shoulders.
"I think we threw all that out the window the other night. Don't you think Petals?" Ben smirks.
Right, the other night when he broke down my door and let me squeeze his hand.
"Maybe." You hug your pillow against your chest. "Do you-" You cough to clear your throat. "Do you want the inside or the outside?"
His eyes flick to the front door and then to the hallway. "I'll take the outside."
"Okay." You stand there awkwardly for a minute and even though you were the one who suggested this idea in the first place, you suddenly feel anxious.
I can do this. I can lay next to him and avoid touching him. What if I snore? Or drool? Or say embarrassing things? Oh fuck what if I start to have a dream about him with him literally laying right there.
“Petals, if you don’t want to-“
“I want to. I just need to wrap my head around it and I don’t want you to sleep on the floor.” You take in a deep breath and climb onto the couch, pushing yourself as far as you can into the back cushions. You don't look at him when he gets in behind you, leaving about a good three inches of space between your bodies, the two of you back to back.
It's quiet for a few minutes, but then you feel the couch begin to shake lightly and you realize that Ben is laughing.
"What's so funny?" You turn to look over your shoulder at him.
"I was just thinking that it's about time I got you into my bed Petals."
"Shut up." You snort and turn your body enough to hit him on the shoulder, which makes Ben turn over to face you.
His dark hair hangs long over his forehead, his eyes shining, and his signature smirk pulls at the end of his lips. "Make me."
Fuck. You bite the inside of your cheek, fighting the flush that threatens to rise against your cheeks, when you think about kissing him to shut him up. All that did was remind you of the kiss you shared in the hallway the night he first slept in your apartment which then lead to how close he was to you and that only brought back memories of his beard against your neck outside the party. The flush that finally breaks through is coupled with the immediate blooming of the apple tree at the end of the couch. The delicate flowers fluttering open as if they were winking at the two of you.
Shit, maybe he won't notice that.
Ben glances up at the tree above the two of you confused. "Why'd you do that?"
"Do what?" You ask innocently.
"You made the tree make the fucking flowers."
"No, I didn't." You hit your pillow to rid yourself of an imaginary lump.
"Yes, you did. You also did it the other day when you were reading your book." Ben's eyes roam your face as if he's searching for the answer.
Oh right, when I was reading my book and it started to get a little bit steamy and everything in the room started flowering like it had been a long winter… Honestly it kinda has been a long winter, but I'm not going to think about it right now when he's this close to me. I can't believe he noticed that.
"Does it mean something?" He raises an eyebrow.
Ben smirks his eyes drawn to the center of your forehead where you know the scrunch is giving away your lie. "It does, doesn't it?"
"Nope. Goodnight." You turn over and stare at the back cushions of the couch. Hoping that he’ll just drop it.
He doesn’t.
"It means that you're turned on, doesn't it Petals?" Ben's breath is warm against the back of your neck, making goosebumps trail over your arms and you fight to keep control of the blooming.
"No, it doesn't."
"Do I turn you on?" You can hear the smile in his voice.
"No, and it’s not what it means."
"Uh-huh. So when I do something like this-" Ben reaches out to touch the small of your back and trails his warm large hand over the curve of your right hip.
You clench your teeth together to try to stop the power that rushes out of your body with the contact, but it's too late, the Jasmine that creeps along the brick wall behind the tv explodes, the smell of Jasmine wafting over to the couch where Ben and you are laying.
Ben laughs, shaking the couch beneath you.
"Shut up. It's so embarrassing." You moan into the pillow curling further in on yourself and pulling the crocheted blanket over your head, blushing so deeply that you were sure you looked like a giant raspberry.
“It’s not embarrassing Petals.” Ben chuckles, pulling the blanket down from your head. “It’s kinda cute.”
You glare at him over your shoulder. “I will kill you.”
Ben contemplates what he’s going to say next. "So when you're fucking someone-"
"If you finish that sentence you're not going to wake up." You warn, knowing exactly where he's going with this.
Ben only laughs at you. "Come on Petals, I'm curious. Plus you're so adamant about not sleeping with me that I guess I'll never see when you c-."
"Fine!" You shout turning around to face him again, cheeks beet red. He's still staring at you with that ridiculous smirk that makes your legs weak and sends warmth pooling into the pit of your stomach. "When I have an orgasm, I do make everything bloom. Happy?"
"I mean I'd be happier if you'd let me witness it and if you'd let me fuck you." Ben's hand is touching your waist, his thumb teasing the edge of where your t-shirt meets the top of your sleep shorts.
"Ben, we've talked about this." You say it mostly to remind yourself.
"I know." His smirk dips into a frown and he withdraws his hand from your body.
You chew the inside of your cheek thinking about how hard this is and how much you wished it could be different.
"It's okay." You whisper, because he might not have apologized, but you could see the frustration on his face. "Really, it's fine."
Ben doesn't say anything, only continues to look at you with an unreadable expression, so instead you say "I'll see you in the morning" and you turn over to look at the cushions on the back of the couch, hoping that you're able to fall asleep before he does.
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Mike's screech of "I Will Always Love You" is not as loud in the living room as it is in your bedroom, but it's still enough to wake you up. The room is lighter in the morning, the gentle pulse of sunlight filters through the leaves of the plants, but sends a warm glow over your body.
Actually, you were already warm, really warm, warmer than usual.
That's weird why am I-
You inhale sharply when you realize why you're so warm. Your body is pinned into the couch cushions, because Ben is practically laying on top of you. Your back is flush against his chest, his strong arms wrapped around your waist, and his face is pressed into your hair.
This isn't good.
Ben mutters something in his sleep and tightens his grip on your waist, pulling you even further against his chest, and shifting his hips in a way that makes you realize that this is a lot worse than you thought. Because you can feel exactly what makes Ben so cocky begin to get excited.
Fuck, this really isn't good.
"Um Ben?" You whisper, but he doesn't wake up, instead he moans something into your hair, and shifts his hips again in a way that makes your heartbeat stutter in your chest.
Fuck. Really not good.
You knew that Ben was attracted to you, knew that he had wanted to fuck you since the moment he first saw you, so you weren't surprised that this was happening, and there was a part of you that enjoyed this. Laying in bed with him, feeling his warmth transferring to you, having his body relaxed around you as he pulled you deeper and deeper into his chest. The warmth was lovely, you didn't do well in the cold and being with Ben meant that you'd never have to worry about that again. It was moments like this that you wished you never let Ben move in, not because you hated him, but because you liked him too much.
"Ben." You say it louder.
"Hmm?" Ben groans. "If no one is dying then don't wake me up Petals." He murmurs, obviously not understanding what the problem is. You wait another minute, lying beneath him and trying to think about a way to get out of this, when Ben realizes what he's doing.
He raises his head from your hair blinking at where you're staring at him over your shoulder with wide eyes.
"Morning." You whisper.
"Morning." Ben returns, but it's barely audible, just a marvelous deep rumble that you can feel vibrating up through where he's laying on top of you.
Ben doesn't move, his eyes are a soft pine, like fresh sprigs in spring sprouting from the highest branches to stretch towards the early sun. You can't move, you feel frozen beneath his gaze, watching the gentle way the light kisses his bold features, the smooth dip of his bow-like mouth, the rough edge of his strong jaw, and the proud bend of his nose.
His arms loosen from around your waist, but he turns you towards him, so you're pressed chest to chest, without looking away from your face. Your hands are pinned between the two of you, resting against his bare chest right over where his heart beats beneath your fingertips.
Ben's green eyes trace your features, dropping to your lips before raising once more to look you in the eye as if he's asking for your permission. You know what he wants, can see it in the way he watches you, and see it in the way that his head tilts towards yours. Your lips tingle in anticipation, your heart beat loud like the thunder in a summer storm that rattles the windows of your grandmother's home. You can't draw a breath because you know if you do it'll be full of him, until all you can do is breathe him in and sink into his body until there's nothing left of you and everything left of Ben.
You're not sure if it's because you're still a little bit sleepy or if it's because Ben is so warm or if it's because all the hard edges of Ben that you've grown accustomed to have smoothed over and all you see is the version that Ben was only around you. The version who sat with you when you had a nightmare and refused to leave, the version who walked you to work every morning, the version who sat with you while you read your book, and the version who seemed to care more than he was willing to admit. But the longer you lay there with him the bigger the urge is to pull him closer.
Your hands smoothly travel up Ben's chest feeling the strength beneath the palms of your hands before you lock them behind his head, tangling loosely in the dark strands of his hair at the nape of his neck.
The apple tree at the end of the couch begins to shed flowers down on both of you and Ben’s eyes flick up to it for just a second before he smiles. It’s the first time you’ve seen him have a smile like that, one that looked so easy, so genuinely happy and you’d be lying if you said that you didn’t think you wanted to make him smile like that all the time.
Ben leans forward to close the distance between the two of you, his lips warm and inviting, his forehead just barely resting against yours, but before your lips touch, your bedroom door opens and slams into the wall with a loud crashing noise that makes you jolt back away from him, breaking the spell.
"Good morning sis!" Darren crows walking in to the room. "Oh sorry, did I interrupt something between you guys?" He wiggles his eyebrows.
"No." Your voice sounds high and squeaky, because he had. You're not sure what would have happened if he hadn't come in, well, you did. Ben was going to kiss you and you wanted him to.
This is getting too complicated.
Ben only frowns at your brother from his position on the couch. The two of you are sitting up now, side by side as if nothing happened, but you can't shake the memory of the warmth of his body soaking into yours as he curved himself around you, almost as if he wished to protect you even when he was asleep.
Is that why he wanted to sleep on the outside?
"Sure." Darren smirks. "Do you have anything to eat around here? Or do you only have all this shitty fruit?" Darren frowns at the raspberry and blackberry vines, the strawberry plant, the apple tree, and the lemon and tangerine trees.
"Oh." You shake off the insult. "There should be some cereal in the cabinet"
"I hope you got the name brand stuff this time."
Maybe I'd be able to afford the name brand stuff if someone stopped coming around and asking me for money.
"If you don't like anything we have, I'd suggest going to the diner across the street." Ben says tightly emphasizing that he lives here now.
"No thanks bro. I'm kinda short on cash these days." Darren replies finding the Lucky Charms cereal and pouring himself the last bowl without a second thought.
"Oh really?" Ben says standing from the couch to glare at your brother. "And what exactly is it that you do Darren?"
Darren leans back against the counter eating his cereal, but you can see the tight way he's gripping the spoon. "I'm an entrepreneur."
"What the fuck does that mean?"
"Ben-" You start to say, unsure as to why Ben was giving your brother a hard time.
"It means that I invest in other opportunities." Darren stabs his cereal with the spoon.
"And if you're so short on cash, how do you do that?" Ben presses.
A dark look passes through Darren's eyes. "What exactly are you getting at?"
"Well you've been here for maybe six hours and the only thing that I've seen you do is break in, take your sister's bed, and insult her." Ben takes a step forward into the living room. "So to me, it kinda looks like you just sit on your ass like a fucking pussy and mooch off of your sister, because you're not man enough to get a real job."
"What the fuck is your problem man?" Darren puts down the bowl. "I don't understand where all this hostility is coming from, but I don't have to explain myself to you. My sister and my relationship is none of your business, and I've been here a lot longer and I'm pretty sure that I'll be here longer than you-"
"Not if I have anything to say about it." Ben growls.
"Whoa wait a second-" You stand up from the couch.
"You have no idea who you're talking to." Darren's voice is low, his eyes leveled on Ben. "You shouldn’t start a fight you can't win."
Ben's lips tilt into a smirk. "Trust me, it's not going to be much of a fight."
"Whoa!" This time you plant yourself between the two of them, one hand resting on Darren's chest. You can feel a deep thrumming buzz coming through the material of his band t-shirt and into your hand and for a moment you're surprised, because your brother wasn't a supe.
Then where is it coming from?
You shake it off. "Let's all just take a nice deep breath."
Ben's eyes are still narrowed at Darren, refusing to back down from a fight, which was like him. And as much as you loved your brother you knew that he tended to have a bad temper, and the last thing you wanted was to clean up the mess when Ben pulled out his spine and reenacted Predator in your small kitchen.
"Ben please." You say it quietly, glancing at where he's towering over the two of you.
You can hear the audible click of his teeth when he unclenches his jaw, his eyes no longer the soft pine they were when you were wrapped in his embrace, but now blaze a dark green. You know that he's about to say something, but Ben's phone rings and continues to ring in the silence, until Ben sighs and turns to pick it up, but he doesn't seem happy about it.
You drop your hand from Darren's chest with a sigh, but happy for the interruption. "Why do you have to be like that?" You ask your brother.
"Me? He started it!" Darren fumes. "Boy, you really know how to pick 'em sis."
"What do you mean? We're not together, we're just friends! And wait, this isn't about him and me. He lives here and if you keep dropping by, you're going to have to be okay with seeing Ben."
"Why can't you just move in with Annie? She's better to look at anyway." Darren rolls his eyes and picks up his bowl of soggy cereal.
Maybe to you. You fight the memory of Ben in the towel still wet from his shower that you witnessed the other day and successfully stop the flush that tries to creep into your cheeks. It's followed again by how wonderful it felt to drag your hands up Ben's chest and catch in the dark strands of his hair. The fruitless tomato plant behind Darren's head begins to swell with bright red tomatoes the size of your fist.
I've got to get that under control.
The memory of Ben figuring out exactly why that happened around you flits through your mind bringing an inescapable wave of embarrassment. The day you'd found it out was when Annie and you were watching Vampire Diaries for the first time in your bedroom back home and as soon as Damon Salvatore walked onto the screen the blueberry bush next to your bed suddenly exploded. Not to mention the first time that your high school boyfriend Newton kissed you in his parent's cornfield, the entire crop suddenly came back tenfold in the middle of winter.
"She's moving in with her boyfriend Hughie." You say, trying not to sound disappointed.
When you first moved to the city, you had wanted to move in with her, but she was apart of the Seven, and when she finally decided to move out of Vought Tower, it was because she wanted to move in with Hughie, not because she wanted to move in with you. It stung the day she told you, and you'd be lying if you said that you were not still a little upset about it, because it felt like she had chosen someone else over you.
"Oh right, that's still going on. Don't know what she sees in that wimp."
"He's sweet. You don’t know him. And I don't know why you’re acting jealous, Annie and you have never gotten along-"
"Because she's a bitch! I can't believe you're still friends with her after all this time."
"Hey don't talk about her that way. Annie is my best friend, practically my sister."
"Right." Darren rolls his eyes again and swings the spoon in a wide arch. "She's always been a bitch and now that she's Starlight she's even worse. She's always had that stick up her ass even when we were kids-"
"If you keep talking about her that way, you can leave." You say simply, feeling your temper begin to flare.
You didn't give a fuck if Darren insulted you or made fun of you, you did however, care if he spoke poorly about Annie. Annie was family to you, Annie had been with you a hell of a lot more than Darren had when you parent's died, she hadn't pulled away from you and vanished into thin air when you needed someone to hold you or when you couldn't sleep or when you woke up screaming or when you couldn't stop crying.
That being said, Annie and Darren had never gotten along, not once in all the years that you'd been friends. Whenever Annie came over, Darren left, and vice versa. You weren't sure why they couldn't get along, but you did think it was infinitely better than Annie being secretly in love with your brother. He never had a lasting relationship in his life that was worth remembering. The longest relationship he'd been in was with his buckled combat boots that he never took off.
Darren lets out an annoyed sigh, but you watch remorse and sympathy drip into his gaze. "Fine. But I just want what's best for you. You know that right?" He puts his hand on your shoulder, his eyes softening. "Come on sis, you know that I'm just looking out for you? I love you, you're the only family I have left that actually cares about me."
Your heart breaks with his words, hurt that he feels like your grandmother doesn't care about him and that he felt like you were the only person in the world that he meant something to. Sure he'd messed up more times than you could count and did occasionally disappear whenever you seemed to need him, but he was your brother.
You sigh. "I know Darren. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so mean before."
"It's okay." He glances over to where Ben has just hung up the phone and is glaring at Darren's hand placement on your shoulder. "I guess I should go get dressed."
"But you're coming with me to meet my friend right?" Darren looks at you with a hopeful expression.
"Um... Well I'd have to tell Jake that I'll be a little late." You say slowly not wanting to disappoint Darren. "And I don't really like leaving him high and dry-"
You didn't like calling out from work, in fact you hadn't missed more than a handful of days in the two years that you'd been working there, because you genuinely liked going to work. Being there was like coming home, surrounded by the healing energy of the plants that thrived under your watchful eye.
"Come on the plants will survive without you for an hour or so." Darren smiles. "Do you want me to beg you sissy? I really want you to come with me. It would make me so happy."
"Well, okay." You concede. "Let me just text Jake."
"Yes! I'll be out in a minute and then you can change okay?"
When Darren struts off down the hallway, Ben joins you in the kitchen, glaring at Darren's back as he disappears into your room.
"Who was on the phone?" You ask him while picking up Darren's bowl and scrape the remaining soggy cereal into the trashcan under the sink.
"Butcher." Ben grunts. "Said that he got a lead on the electric supe, but it's all the way in Boston."
"Boston? But that's so far away. Why would he have an operation there and be picking up cars here? He can't be in two places at once."
"No idea, but Butcher said the lead was solid." Ben shrugs.  "And he said that he's getting everyone ready to go right now and that I need to get over there so we can get on the road."
"Everyone's going?" You ask disappointed. The thought of the entire team being gone for a few days made you feel lonely. They were kinda like your extended family. You also felt a little left out that Butcher hadn't asked you to go.
"Yeah. Butcher said that he would have asked you to come, but he knows you work most of this week anyway and that he thinks that it'll be alright if you stay here." Ben rubs the back of his neck, but seems hesitant. "Are you going to-" He clears his throat. "Are you going to be okay?"
You didn't miss the way his eyes flick down the hallway to where your brother is.
Is he worried about me?
"Why? You don't want to leave me with Darren or something?" You joke with a snort.
But Ben looks away when he says it in a way that makes you think that he's lying.
"Believe it or not Darren used to babysit me when I was little and I didn't die or get brain damage-"
"Not to your knowledge."
"Why are you so worried about me?"
"I'm not! I just-" Ben crosses his arms over his chest annoyed. "I don't think you should go meet his friend."
"Why not? I've met plenty of his friends. They're all very dude-bro. At least he has a type."
"I have no idea what that means."
You roll your eyes, before you consider something else. "Wait, are you jealous or something?"
"I am not fucking jealous!" Ben sighs. "I just think that maybe you should use your head Petals."
"What on earth are you talking about?"
"You going to meet his creepy friend without knowing exactly where you're going or what his friend is going to 'make you do'."
"Make me do? Ben where the fuck do you think my brother is taking me? Do you think he's selling me into the sex trade or something?" You look at him incredulously.
Does he really think so lowly of my brother? He'd never do anything like that. Darren cares about me, he's just guarded and a little rough around the edges.
"You're too fucking trusting Petals!” He explodes.
“What? I am not too trusting.”
“Yes you are!”
“No I’m not. And why are you yelling at me? Why are you mad?” You reply in confusion. “I don’t understand why you’re making such a big deal about this. I've met his friends before."
“I’m not mad I’m just fucking trying to-“ Ben clenches his jaw so tight you can see the muscle pop on the side of his face. “You’re just so damn kind and too damn stupid to see what’s directly in front of your face!”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” You plant your hands on your hips staring up at him, not expecting Ben to look so angry, but he does. His arms are folded tightly over his bare chest, his muscles tense, and his eyebrows are pulled together. “Are you really telling me that it’s stupid to trust my brother? He’s my brother! Not some random dude I met on the street-“
“He might as well be! In the fucking five minutes he’s been here he’s been nothing, but be a total dick to you!”
“Oh well excuse me Ben, but I’ve known him for more than the five fucking minutes that you have-“
“Exactly! You should know better!” Ben is getting angrier now and you didn't know where all of this was coming from, especially because of how you'd spent the morning and especially because he was acting differently than he had been the past few days. "You care way to much about other people and you shouldn’t! People like him look for people like you. People who are too stupid to know any better. People who as so trusting and innocent that they take everything at face value."
You stare at him with your mouth open, anger and hurt swirling together to form a cold dagger shoved straight into your heart. You didn't understand why he was doing this or why he was getting so angry.
Oh sweetie, you really thought he cared about you? It's all just an act don't you see? The little voice in your head whispered in your ear.
And it made you furious.
"I am not some innocent little girl Ben. I am a grown woman and I don’t have to listen to your toxic Hemingway Code Hero bullshit." You turn back to the sink prepared to wash out the bowl, but Ben grabs on to your wrist and spins you back to look at him.
"You should listen to me! Because caring about people who don't give a shit about you is going to get you fucking killed or worse!" His grip is tight on your wrist, but not enough to bruise. His skin burns against where his hand wraps around your wrist and you worry how much longer you have until Ben goes Nuclear.
You wrench your wrist from his hand.
"At least I have people who care about me! And yeah, maybe I'm a little trusting, but I'd rather be too trusting than push everyone away before I get a chance to know them." You shout back shoving your finger into his bare chest. "You might think that you're some big strong macho man, but if you actually dropped the fucking macho act and acted like you gave a shit maybe there'd be more people willing to be in your life and willing to care about you! Maybe that's why your entire team  collectively said "fuck you" and stabbed you in the back! Maybe that's why Vogelbaum wanted to start from scratch with your fucked up son because they knew you were too much of a asshole to admit that you need someone and didn't have the common decency to give anyone a chance!"
"I don't need anyone." Ben's gaze turns murderous at the mention of Homelander and his old team.
"I think you do, but I think that you try to bury the real you underneath all this bullshit and-"
"You don't know anything about me Petals." Ben growls, taking a step forward so that he's leaning down over you, the air warming with the heat of his anger, a slight glow emanating from the middle of his chest.
The counter is pressed into your back as he pins you there, so differently than the other day you were in the same position.
"You think just because we’ve talked a few times and because I sleep on this fucking couch every night that you know me?" He laughs cruelly.  "I'd rather have no one than be saddled with someone like you who struts around like a fucking tease with stars in her eyes trying to romanticize every single damn person she runs into. It's no wonder you haven't found a man to fuck you, because you're too busy chasing after a stupid fantasy version of a man who doesn't fucking exist and latching on to assholes like your brother who do nothing but use you!" Ben's eyes have shifted into the darkened pits again, the ones that seem to be ready to drag you beneath the raging waves.
"And I'd rather have no one than someone like you who's too insecure about his own masculinity that he feels the need to project a fucked up toxic "together" version of himself and pretends to care about other people to manipulate them into getting what he wants." You spit back, your eyes shifting bright green.
Every plant in your home begins to tremble, the energy from them flooding through your body, strengthening you, merging together as they prepare to bend to your will.
Ben's expression turns murderous, his lips pulling back in a snarl, prepared to no doubt spit back something that he'd be unable to take back, but Darren walks back into the kitchen wearing a fresh pair of clothes.
He's oblivious to the conversation that Ben and you just had and drops his arm over your shoulder. “What did I miss?”
You feel your eyes shift back to normal, but the anger and frustration still war in your chest, beating against your rib cage, begging to be unleashed. Ben doesn’t respond instead he only glares at you.
“Alrighty then.” Darren snorts when neither of you fill the silence, not sensing the tension in the air. "Don't worry there Benny, I'll take good care of her. I always do." You miss the glare that Darren throws Ben over your head.
But just for a second you think that Darren may have heard more of the conversation between Ben and you than he was willing to admit.
Ben's jaw is tight, eyes still blazing with his own anger and annoyance. "Do whatever the fuck you want. It's not like a give a shit what happens to her." He states before he stomps down the hallway and slams the bathroom door so loud that all the dishes in your kitchen cabinets shudder.
You weren't expecting those words to hurt as much as they did, but it felt like you had taken a two by four to the chest.
"What's his problem?" Darren asks.
"I don't know." You grumble, because you didn't.
The shift of conversation from Ben almost acting concerned about you going with Darren to him insulting you was giving you whiplash. You didn't understand why Ben had said those things to you, why he had yelled at you for being "too trusting." You didn't think that you were too trusting. It wasn't weak to love someone or care for someone else, but you guessed that was how Ben saw it. You wondered if it was because of what Countess did to him or if it came from his trust of his team or if it was ingrained in him from when he was a child.
Does he really think I'm too trusting? I mean he saw how long it took me to trust him? Or how long it took me to warm up to him? Or I guess, sort of warm up to him?
"Are you going to change?" Darren presses, looking down at your soft shirt and sleep shorts with a frown. "You should. Maybe wear something different than those overalls though. Kinda want you to make a good impression you know?"
"Yeah. Um. I guess I'll go now." You murmur walking down the hallway. For a moment you pause outside of the bathroom where you know Ben is, and you're unsure what he's doing because you don't hear the water running, before you go into your bedroom.
You stand there for a minute, taking in a soothing breath, but it does little to calm your racing heart. The anger and frustration you felt began to crash over you and you feel frustrated tears begin to trail down your cheeks.
You weren't sure if it was what Ben had yelled at you or what you had yelled at him, all you knew was that you were hurt and you were happy that Ben was going out of town for a few days, because you didn't think that you could look at him again, not without throwing him out of your apartment on his ass.
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A/N: I know, I know, maybe I'm a little addicted to the drama and the angst. And oh my word slow burns are so hard, but I promise that I do have a plan of when the two of them do finally get together and it IS GLORIOUS.
As always thank you so much for reading! If you'd like to be added to the taglist for this series please let me know :)
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@faephoria @possiblyafangirl @jqtaro @quietlybitchy @tinydancer40
@roger-that-cap @megara0224 @miskwaadesiwag @rainyeggvoidpurse
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@spxideyver @zepskies @impala67stellawinchester
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faeriekit · 2 days
Health and Hybrids (XXIX)👽👻💚
[I can't remember the original prompt posters  for the life of me but here's a mashup between a cryptid!Danny, presumed-alien!Danny, dp x dc, and the prompt made the one body horror meat grinder fic.]
🖤Chapter navigation can be found here🖤 Click to browse previous updates.
💚 Ao3 Is here for all parts 💚 (now featuring mediocre mouseover translations, only available on a computer)
Where we last left off... Danny can't sleep alone! Wonder Woman gets angry! Batman gets yoinked like a sad cat! Informational breakthroughs are made!
Trigger warnings for this story:  body horror | gore | post-dissection fic | dehumanization (probably) |  my nonexistent attempts at following DC canon. On with the show.
Danny is in a different medical room than usual.
There are five white boards.
His hands are shaking.
Danny doesn’t want to talk about what happened to him, but this isn’t talking. It’s just Danny, a bunch of white boards, Diana, a blonde doctor woman he doesn’t know, and that one kid’s stinky cat dad.
Danny draws.
He draws The Box. He doesn’t know how big it was in reality, but he remembers it being cramped, and dark, and hungry. He was always hungry. He draws a granola bar and uses a red marker to strike through it a half-dozen times to really emphasize how much nothing there was to work with.
It feels bad to put a marker-drawn Danny in the box.
Marker-Danny looks scared. He looks sad.
Danny hands that board to the blonde doctor without looking at it.
Danny draws a bunch of gloved hands with scalpels and forceps and beakers and tubes, but to be honest, he was so out of his mind by that point he doesn’t actually remember a lot of it. He remembers being tied down, and he remembers scream—
...But he mostly remembers the visuals of hands in a bright spectator spotlight above, a dozen gleaming instruments poking inside him to see what of him was ecto-based and what wasn’t.
They always acted like Danny didn’t know what he was made of. Danny’s wondered if it was true ever since, and sometimes the thought pulses in his skin like a bad bruise.
There’s almost no detail in that drawing. It's only hands. It's only tools. Danny hands the board off without looking, again.
Danny draws Operative O, with his stupid chin and his stupid suit and his stupid earpiece and his stupid gun. He tries to get all the details from memory, but honestly, who cares if the guy’s lapels look right or whatever. He wipes the G I W initials off the man’s breast pocket before anyone can see the detail, and keeps his little black boots and sunglasses, and…yeah. Pretty much all of their stupid agents look like that.
He adds on a number of skulls and angry faces to that drawing before handing the board over.
He draws the Fenton Ghost Assault Vehicle as he mostly remembers it—and Danny remembers turning on at least some of the equipment as he tried to flee the building, leaving the hard steel shell of the GAV as scuffed and miserable as he’d found it abandoned in that garage but bristling with weapons. His parents are—they’d been so good at cramming weapons into every possible nook and cranny. Whatever engineers the GIW had been able to hire to dismantle it had never had a chance. The thing had been locked onto Fenton DNA, and Fenton DNA alone.
Danny isn’t sure where the GAV is now, but he remembers turning the rockets on. Maybe he’d…maybe he’d landed on the moon…in the Fentonmobile?
He still isn’t super clear on how he’d gotten here, or what of the truck’s defenses he’d gotten up and running on his way out.
But he remembers a clear line of sight down the barrel of Dad’s newest—and last—blaster he’d ever made, the hands on it a stranger's.
Danny remembers his flesh and ecto sizzling as his face bubbled off.
…Danny remembers his first driving lessons in the GAV with Mom in the passenger seat, encouraging him to brake carefully at stop signs if there were police at the corner. They went out for burgers after each driving session, since she knew it would make him happy to have something different for dinner. Danny remembers all the road trips they’d gone on to go visit Aunt Alicia, half-camping in the woods on her property while Dad taught Jazz and Danny how to fish.
He hands off the whiteboard, but he already knows what he wants to use the last one for.
Mom and Dad and Jazz stand around the intact GAV and smile, frozen in a dry-erase marker wave to a Danny that isn’t there.
Danny’s here now. In a chair. In space.
…With strangers.
When Danny doesn’t immediately offer the board to the blonde doctor like she expects, she only takes a picture of it for further discussion.
Danny is very, very careful not to smudge any of his family's faces or their suits or Jazz's dark sweater as Diana wheels him back to his cot in the medical wing.
He misses them.
He doesn’t know if they’re capable of missing him, wherever they are, but he misses them.
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tricitymonsters · 16 hours
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I'm doing my OWN kinktober and I'm inviting all of you to join me in this most wonderful tradition of being absolutely filthy for the month of October.
For every day in October, I'm gonna post a short drabble or something related to that days' prompt.
I have... NO idea if I'll be able to keep up or not but I'm gonna try. (I have completed Kinktober twice before so I have a good record, let's see if I can keep it up).
Drabbles will feature mostly TCM characters but some of my mutuals OCs will get thrown into the mix as well.
It would be really fun to get many people involved in this so please consider joining me even for only a couple days if that's what your time and energy allow!
Fic, art, headcanons, graphics, etc etc are welcome.
Tag posts with #tcmkinktober and as always please @ me!
If the prompt isn't kicking off brain juice feel free to substitute your own.
I will be closing my askbox for the duration of Kinktober! I'll still work on my backlog but I'd like to pull back on new asks for a little while. Expect them to open up again immediately after Halloween.
After Kinktober wraps up, I'll be publishing all my works into a pdf for easy downloading.
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afreakingdork · 2 days
Soft Spot - Chapter 9
RotTMNT Donatello x Reader
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Nothing but a little work under the table in this week’s chapter art by @garbagemilkshake (ALSO IT'S THEIR BIRTHDAY SO YOU BETTER WISH THEM ONE!)
Rated: Explicit
Warnings/Tags: Romance, Established Relationship, Married Couple, Married Life, Aged-Up Mutant Ninja Turtles, Villain Donatello (TMNT), Love, POV Second Person, Babies, Pregnancy, AFAB reader, Vaginal Sex, Rough Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Creampie, Breeding Kink, Multiple Orgasms, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending, Fertility Issues, Pregnant Sex, Pregnancy Kink, Reader-Insert, Cunnilingus, Fellatio, Cum Eating, Turtle Noises (TMNT), I have a Biology Degree and I’m Using it, Menstruation, There WILL NOT be any Miscarriages
Synopsis: First comes love. Then comes marriage. Then comes the next step about as smooth as the others arrived. The baby-oriented sequel to Weak Spot.
Also available on Ao3
First 💜 Previous
Donnie was skulking around like a cartoon villain. While you were busy finishing a show you were watching, you could sense him moving around. He wasn’t being invasive about it and you only really noticed him during lulls of action. He’d abandoned watching alongside you hours ago after the plot hadn’t interested him. For a while he toiled about on his computer until he inquired about bed. You had only two episodes to go in the season and replied that you were going to finish. He pecked you goodnight and you had figured that would be it.
He appeared to shut off the lights and tuck himself in. You had lowered the television volume for his sake and he’d been silent right up until he appeared in the corner of your vision checking in. You said nothing as you were relatively absorbed and it wasn’t unlike him to check a run time. He was always more prone to sleep when you joined him so you thought he might be waiting for you until he switched sides of the couch. From there he peeked again and it was obvious he wasn’t checking the screen.
He was looking at you in a not so pointed manner.
You tried to keep your lips in order through the duration of the final episode, but it was hard not to be amused by the way he crept all around the living room and kitchen. He never once interfered with your watch though you were losing rapid interest. The plot hadn’t come together as you’d hoped so you were mentally counting down the minutes until the credits rolled. You sank back amongst the final scroll of text with your mouth quirked to one side. You dully thought about the writer’s intention when Donnie finally coiled around the couch into full view.
“Couldn’t sleep?” You asked genially.
He had a hunch to his form and only looked between you and the TV.
“Too loud?” You wondered and moved aside so he could join you on the couch if he wanted.
He didn’t move further. “How was it?”
“Eh…” You tipped your head. “The other seasons were way better. The plot holes kept piling up and I don’t get why they wasted time on some of the side plots when there were still major plot points to deal with. Oh, and the recons-!”
Donnie lifted into better posture and seemed to gape.
He hadn’t meant to actually prompt you.
He clearly wanted something else.
He also completely failed at being coy so now you determined he was going to listen to your rant.
You went through all your gripes with more growing like fungi as you went on until he eventually was forced to join you.
You loved that he accepted his pseudo punishment. “So yeah… kind of a bummer.”
He nodded slowly and thoughtfully.
“You were right to skip out.” You sighed.
“Yeah…” You glanced at the time to find it teetering around 1am. “So, what were you up to?”
It took him a moment of processing before he remembered. “Ah.”
You waited and rested your head against the couch cushions.
“The lab.”
Your attention lifted.
“Would you like to go?”
By all indication, he meant now so you asked as much.
“Breaking and entering is considered through force and lack of authorization. We would enter through the front door and I have full access.”
“Isn’t it closed?”
“Yes.” He grinned.
“This is-”
“Surprising?” He had a smile to him that begged for validation.
“So spontaneous.” You cooed encouragement for him.
He ate it up with the slightest wiggle. “I must admit to some planning.”
“I saw that Stockman requested time off. His protocols are coded so there’s no replacement. We only need thwart a computer.”
“Stockman…” You couldn’t remember who that was.
“It also regards our honeymoon.”
Now that you knew very well and switched topics since the other didn’t seem important. “What about it?”
“Do you recall our successful chase?”
A small thrill flickered in your chest. “I do.”
“I never elaborated on my deception.”
“Didn’t really matter when we fucked in the alley and then on that roof.” You teased.
Donnie’s gaze flickered away both to chase the memory and with some amount of guilt.
He had been on the mend, but he still hadn’t quite recovered from getting his hopes up that you might be pregnant.
He had come around on regular intimacy, but the sexual sort had continued to be, as of yet, off the table.
“Okay, let me think…” You shifted your posture.
You didn’t mind as he had all the time in the world to process.
“The alley…” You mouthed the phrase while running through the chase. “You were there, but I couldn’t see you. Is that it?”
“Yes.” He gave into a full smile.
You melted at it. “Let’s hear it.”
“I’d like to show you.”
“Oh, at the lab!” You connected the dots.
He gave a single sharp and excited nod.
“If you were waiting for Stockguy to take time off then we aren’t actually allowed in, are we? Permission or not.”
“The lab is closed…” Donnie led.
You watched with a knowing gaze.
“They could consider us violating protocol.”
You blinked once and it came with a small dose of fear. “Like with lab-aided fertility?”
Donnie grew similarly solemn. “Yes.”
“Are… we…?” You thought you had both agreed to not violate those measures.
Your worries were immediately dashed, but you felt a little hollow as they disappeared too quickly. “Then why be sneaky?”
“What I’d like to do has no bar, but it is also both an act that most consider unsavory. Not something the employees or I would like stumbled upon.”
You couldn’t imagine anything else, but sex.
“You are for my eyes only.” He went on, cementing your thoughts.
“You did say it wasn’t in the biodome…” You remembered.
He wriggled the faintest amount. “Your answer?”
“It’s late…” You pretended to look forlorn toward the clock.
Donnie drooped so obviously that you had to fight every ounce of your will not to laugh at how adorable he was.
You turned your head to him and could only warp it into a cocksure grin. “But I suppose it sounds fun.”
Your husband gave a testy little trill at having fallen for your ploy and pounced at you.
You squeaked happily under his pecking kiss assault.
“I only need your tech gauntlet for a moment.” He eventually got out between nuzzles.
“What for?” You offered him your arm.
He slipped your bracelet off. “I will loop the necessary of Stockman’s footage once we’re inside the building, closed system, but on approach I require the image scrambled.”
“Won’t your keycard ping as you when you scan it?”
“Someone will call to inquire within 10 minutes.” Donnie pressed a few buttons and had your gauntlet syncing with his.
“Is that a problem?”
“No, I’ve picked up necessities in off hours before.”
“Then why all the effort?”
“Anonymity. My business.”
“I don’t understand…?”
“A moment.” He finished and reapplied your gauntlet to your arm.
You tilted your head as you waited.
“My gauntlet will take mapping footage to prepare stand-in imagery. Yours will initiate the feed interruption. I don’t want you ID'd. I don’t want you seen. If Stockman were available, he would see the temporary distortion. Since he is not, I will replace the footage, when I have access and before he is aware. The end result will appear as though only I entered.”
“Your eyes only.” You repeated what he had said.
He smiled warmly and caught your lips.
You kissed into him for one heavy press before releasing. “Should I change into anything in particular?”
He looked down at your pajamas and back up. “No need.”
You rounded out your mouth to show excitement without voicing it and you both prepared to leave. To match you, Donnie similarly left in his loungewear, but he stuck his coat over the top of his ensemble. You had never seen him throw the Burberry on over a tank top and you took a moment to look it over. He stood still to let you and you decided you weren’t sure about the pair as you shoved an arm through your puffer. It had only been a few weeks since you purchased it with S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. and you liked it quite a bit. It still looked a bit hokey, but the downy warmth it provided wasn’t something you would trade in the lingering cold.
The moment you exited the apartment you started to sneak similarly to the image Donnie had set. You exaggerated taking steps with your whole leg and held your wrists up limp in front of you. At first your mate stared on, unenthused, until you turned a corner and checked back with him playfully. The game of spy clicked for him and he joined in by slinking up without nearly the same posture. He shifted the tone more to one for covert ops and together you crept around. With hand signals that meant nothing you decided to avoid the elevator and hit the stairs. Donnie took one look over a banister before he held out an arm for you. As if he were about to shoot off some grappling hook, he held you close and hopped down.
Your stomach shot into your throat and Donnie levied the fall by hopping off a few floors instead of all the way down even though he was capable. Your heart beat an excited speed when you landed on the ground floor and you tried not to lose your cool secret agent exterior as you signaled that you would check the door. Donnie hung back and you cracked the opening to the lobby. It was predictably empty and you waved him through.
He came and together you strolled out of the building as if you’d made out like bandits when in reality you had just exited your residence. You let the joy of your game hit you the moment the cold outdoor air nipped your nose. Donnie joined in your merriment with a churr and the car sat idling with a puff of warm inviting smoke coming from the muffler.
Inside the cabin was glorious heat and you unzipped our jacket. Donnie followed suit and instructed you on what to expect once you got to the lab. It was bathed in purple neon and rolling through somewhat empty streets that Donnie urged you to stay on his left side. That was the location of his primary tech gauntlet and would make for the optimal footage. He didn’t anticipate running into anyone, but you were to duck behind him if that were the case and he would cover you if necessary.
Reaching the lab, you felt exhilarated. Unlike your trips to the Hidden City where there was seemingly danger at every turn, there was little peril here other than a scolding. Spencer had been keeping you posted in his quest to get your pregnancy granted, but there had been little movement. The man had also assured you that things like this took time and it hadn’t phased Donnie so you guessed that was true.
You had a vague notion that if you were caught here then there was always a chance it could delay your favored decision. They might try to say you were violating terms even though, as far as you knew, that wasn’t true. You were sure Donnie would also somehow back up the actual footage that he was going to tamper with. If things went that South you bet he would offer at least part of it as evidence and with his usual lack of shame, he’d probably admit to whatever act you were in for.
Something clandestine was about to occur.
You still didn’t know what. 
You had almost forgotten amongst the infiltration plans.
You were left wondering as Donnie tapped your shoulder to signal it was time. You nodded your readiness and he swept out of the vehicle first. He snapped the lapels of his coat clean and you zipped your jacket back up to follow him. You stood dutifully on his left and he appraised you with affection before approaching the building. The lights shined brightly on the exterior and Donnie moved to a far door as the others were gated. It was clearly an access door for this sort of afterhours entry and had a card scanner which Donnie swiped through. The door beeped and lurched with purple instead of green and you passed through.
The lobby was sparse in comparison to the sleek feel during the day. You thought a guard might be at the reception desk, but it was chillingly empty and partially dark. The only lights on were probably enough to illuminate security tapes and you tried not to fall behind as Donnie headed straight toward the elevators.
His phone rang as he was reaching out to scan one into operation.
He was smooth in removing the device with his right hand and answered in the motion of bringing it to his head. “You’ve reached Donatello.”
You heard a man’s voice on the line, but couldn’t make out what it was on the opposite side as you.
“Yes.” Donnie turned and looked pointedly at a wall.
You tried to peer at it without exposing yourself, but you didn’t see anything. 
“I’m going to use the testing facility.”
Donnie’s unused hand flapped once.
You tucked your fingers into it and he squeezed.
“Yes. Shall I account for how long you pester me?”
You could hear anger turn up on the line.
“You delay genius.”
You still couldn’t hear, but there was a sharp retort that caused your mate ooze hatred.
Donnie looked forward to the elevator and from his profile you could tell he was using all his willpower not to spit venom.
You heard a taunting whoop from the phone.
“Your parent’s anniversary?” Donnie’s lip ticked with a wicked grin. “They recently moved, East Elmhurst. You’re attending a dual celebration which, congratulations are in order. A family owned grocer of 50 years. Shall I recite the address of the resort you’re staying? Your personal room number? Your parents? How about their social security numbers? I can overturn the entire booking in an instant. I can upend such jubilation. What a headache for the occasion.”
There was stark silence and you tucked closer to Donnie.
He appeared to shield you.
This time you heard the man on the line. “One wrong move. Never forget.”
“Review the footage as you please.” Donnie dismissed the man. 
The call terminated and he put his phone in his pocket.
A swift exchange, he then swiped his key card through the slot.
The elevator was predictably on the ground floor and opened up.
He walked you in being careful to keep you on his left the entire time.
It placed him in front of the panel where he hit a floor and then swept a hand down to open the control panel. It took a few flicks of his finger and he kept his body otherwise stationary. The elevator door closed around the time Donnie revealed some circuitry. With one hand, he unearthed a port and plugged something into it. He then placed everything back as it was and went idle.
You waited beside him with growing concern.
He checked his gauntlet once and you saw a checkmark pass over the screen. “The entire company…”
You didn’t make a noise.
Your mate’s eyes flashed red. “All of them. Sent a notice without me attached!”
You searched his face. 
He shook with his fangs bared. “All made aware of my failures! All to monitor me! They turn my company against me!!!”
He panted from the effort and tried to settle himself. 
You ventured closer.
He pulled you right into a hug.
You squeezed him tight.
“The footage is doctored. You’re free to act.”
“Who was that? What did they say?”
“Stockman.” Donnie hissed. “He found it to kindly notify me of the Genius Built company wide alert. It notified all that one Donatello was barred from genetic testing equipment and materials for the time being, ect and so forth.”
“You threatened him.” You understood now and you began to remember what you were once told about this man. “Keep your enemies close…”
“I should ruin him. I should-!”
You shook your head against his plastron.
You felt him look down at you.
“I don’t know who he is, but he sounds like an asshole.”
You reached your floor and Donnie moved you just outside the elevator so it could shut.
“Maybe you should later. I’d need to know more, but this is for us, isn’t it? Fuck that guy.”
He didn’t disarm, but he relented a tiny bit.
“It sucks, but I guess it makes sense that they warned the employees.” You pulled your face from him, but didn’t look up. “I mean you couldn’t even get needles. Spencer told you that you couldn’t use the labs. He might have coordinated the email and cc’d some bigwig as proof. It’s probably all part of getting us the approval we want, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t really suck!”
Donnie popped a single irate click.
“Sure.” You finally met his eye. “Maybe it sounds like they’re talking shit about your manhood, but we both know you’re virile. It’s genetics stopping us! It’s always going to be your company. You’ll knock me up and then you can parade me around. We’ll go to that security room and I’ll tell that stock twerp off.”
Donnie watched you with an empty expression for a single second before all his weight came down on you.
You had to laugh as he rooted down to kiss your cheek and your knees buckled. “Too heavy!”
“I adore you.”
“Donnie!” Your legs were seconds away from giving out.
He gave a mating call before he relented.
It was just in time and you shook a little as he retreated.
He checked you over with more levity.
You were glad for it and caught your breath before wondering, “Testing facility?”
He gave you a confirming glance before he ushered you along. Not dissimilar to the lab floor, you were scanned in one room before walking out into a softly lit hallway. You imagined it was bright during the day, but it currently stood as a repeating pod to the far wall. Both walls were lined with either doors or glass and Donnie walked you straight down to the fifth one on the right.
It opened to a pitch black room and your husband disappeared into the void without hesitation. You clung to his coat as your eyes weren’t adjusted and he trended toward the side where he hit what sounded like a switch. The metallic click then blinked with fluorescents that woke up through a pane of glass. You pulled away from your mate and realized you were in an observation room. The lights had turned on in the attached room where someone was meant to be watched. When you looked through the pane of glass, all that stretched before you was a white cube. You guessed that made sense given that it was for testing and you reviewed what this room had to offer. There were a myriad of controls on a panel that you assumed changed variables along with some scant chairs for the observers. 
With nothing more to look at you frowned. 
You thought your surprise would have been waiting. 
Studying the empty space for a moment longer, you turned to Donnie.
He had a smile waiting.
You recalled your honeymoon and wondered if you just couldn’t see the object. “Well…”
“I will be observing.”
You had a feeling and nodded your understanding. “Okay. Should I go to the other room?”
He had a pause to his features.
“What?” You reached for him.
“My trusting mate…” He mumbled awe in a small way as if he had to say his thoughts aloud.
You slipped close enough so you could do a hop and peck him on the cheek. “Who wouldn’t trust you?”
“Everyone.” He eyed you playfully. “You often included.”
Your pupils slid to the top of your vision as he wasn’t wrong. “Sure, but that depends on how sneaky you’re being. Whatever we’re doing now you’ve been planning-”
He had a complaint to him.
“-but totally pulled off in a spontaneous way.” You rushed to correct yourself.
He ate it up like praise.
“You’re not trying to trick me. It’s a surprise that you’ve worked hard on so, of course you have my full confidence.”
He popped a few deafening mating calls as he swept you up.
He spun you around a few times before he set you down to cuddle you.
“We’ll never test like this!” You giggled.
He kissed you deeply.
For a moment, you forgot all about whatever Donnie had planned.
Donnie seemed to do the same because he ushered you towards a control panel. Once your legs bumped it, you hiked up in preparation at the same time your mate lifted you. You were sat down amongst little knobs and made out. You must have flicked something in your jostling, but cared little as Donnie’s tongue invaded your mouth. It was an expert slide against yours to taste and you wound your own appendage to his. He churred sweetness into your jawline and pulled back to peck you.
You knew he would head toward your mating mark and tipped to unveil it. Your clothes still covered it and Donnie slid down your zipper in a tantalizing drop. It was unraveling to your ears and you had to yank his mouth back to yours in an interruption. He gave you a few more rolling presses before he trailed for his intended destination. It came with a thump hard to the ground which shook through your delirium as he nosed against your shoulder. There was then another clink beside your head and you blinked more lucidity as that was exactly where you were looking.
There was nothing there.
Donnie pushed your collar back with his beak at the same time as you lifted a curious hand up.
You touched metal where there was nothing and twitched away in surprise.
Your husband caught movement and checked once before the scene made sense to him. “You’ve noticed.”
“What…?” You groped the empty air and felt cool metal once again.
Now that it was under your fingertips, you could grasp it and, with an encircling of your hand, you identified one of Donnie’s mechanical arms.
Only they weren’t visible. “This is wild…”
“Our honeymoon.” He reminded you.
“Invisibility tech…?” You felt down to where the mech arm’s claws were and they held your hand when you reached them.
He pressed a grin into your cheek.
“What are we testing?” You turned an owlish look on your partner.
“I integrated some of B.E.D.F.A.S.T.’s tech…”
The claw retracted and you felt soft silicone press the obvious shape of a dildo into your palm. “Oh!”
He churred caramel.
“B.E.D.F.A.S.T. I can’t see…”
“My trusting mate.” He encouraged with a nosing.
“You making me feel good when you aren’t up for it.”
He nodded.
You squeezed the dildo to feel it wasn’t very long. 
Following it to the base you could sort of feel part of it was still sheathed within the arm.
You could feel Donnie waiting with growing nerves.
You lingered for a second longer before turning. 
“Are all four arms here?”
He nodded with a hint of shyness to him.
“They’ll wrap me up?” You tried to keep your rapid pulse out of your words.
It was still there as he bobbed again with growing confidence.
“Let’s do it.” You sent Donnie hooded heat.
He chirped one excited time before he evacuated your space.
You hopped off the control panel that he moved to man. 
With his figure hunched, his coat dipped and spread as his battle shell presumably removed itself from his carapace. 
“Oh, that’s going to follow me, huh?”
“Yes.” Donnie’s grin was insatiable and he flicked a few switches on the board.
“But I’m not going to know where?” You swiped a testing hand to the air and felt nothing.
“Same safe word?”
“Gargoyle, if at all necessary. It will also respond to the S.O.S. signaling.”
“But that’s our two-way test. That we’re both okay.”
“Yes.” Donnie looked at you, nonplused.
You chewed your lip giddily.
Donnie made a big show of pushing a button and you heard an intercom echo of a door unlocking. “Audio feed from the other room. I have full control.”
You took one excited deep breath before heading toward the door. You didn’t hear the battle shell pursue you, but you felt it was. You could almost picture it crawling out like a bug through the cracks in the door that you left to close on its own. It trailed with winding arms and crept along as you went one door down in the hall. It opened immediately with a tug and you threw it wide so the arms had space to easily enter.
There were faint lines marking off cubes within the white walled space. It was a stark contrast to the dark toned observatory and you felt the sterility in the form of a testing environment. Since Genius Built dealt in all kinds of products, you figured there were all sorts of different testing facilities. You had a feeling this room was for live subjects and you approached the center of the room for the sake of it. A long mirror stretched out on the wall that connected the two rooms and you waved at your image.
Your visage disappeared and in a shift of light you saw Donnie manning the control panel.
“You can turn it off.” You spoke the obvious.
He nodded.
“Can I hear you?”
He made it obvious he was pressing a button before his voice was fed through another intercom. “My feed must be activated, yours is continuous.”
“And Stock asshole can’t see us?”
“From his feeds I rode the elevator up alone, took this same room, and am currently testing out a small spider-like device.”
“Is that real?”
“The footage is not, but the device is, yes.”
“Huh.” You shrugged.
“I will leave in approximately one hour.”
“Is that all the time we have?” You tried not to sound too sad.
“No.” Donnie’s voice came through sharply. “We have until just before Genius Built opens. Leeway should give us 20 minutes to evacuate before first on staff at 7am. Meaning we have about three hours.”
“Should I ask how the invisibility tech works?” You waved your arms again to see if you could catch the mech arms.
Donnie chuffed from the speaker. “The usual advancement. Not dissimilar to how I scrambled your existence on the way up. Take surrounding footage and feed it through specialized micro cameras lining an object’s exterior. Trick the cones in one’s eyes and the same with video sensors.”
“And this is what you did in Italy…?” You walked out with your arms outstretched.
“The prototype, yes.”
“All to chase me?”
“What other use would it have?” He almost sounded bored.
“I feel like being invisible is pretty advantageous to a villain.”
“And where’s an active one of those?” He spoke with irony.
You gave him a dull look.
He smiled in return.
“I’m also guessing this isn’t for Genius Built which is double why it’s under wraps.”
“Shall I say something about not wanting the technology to fall into the wrong hands?”
“When it’s in yours…?” You fluttered your lashes.
A claw flicked your cheek and you sputtered.
Donnie laughed only for a moment before he lifted his hand from the button so you couldn’t hear him.
You swatted at the air and found the mech arms were gone so you sent him a sour look.
He tried to keep himself under control, but mirth leaked when he hit the button again. “Ready to begin?”
“Yes!” You huffed.
He nodded once and you watched him release the comm.
You then stood for a dreary moment waiting for something to happen.
When nothing did, you checked in with Donnie and found him watching with rapt attention.
You should have guessed he would play this like a cat and mouse game.
You took one deep breath before you turned to observe the room more closely. It was as you expected with three white walls trimmed with squares and the one observation glass. The floor and ceiling matched the pale walls exactly and the squares were the same width as the door so from the interior it appeared to disappear. You approached it and ran a hand over to feel the seam. It was still there and you figured if you went to escape with any purpose then Donnie would let you out.
You turned and trailed with your hand along the wall for the sake of it. Another glance up and you noted that the lights were mounted flush in the ceiling. You bet the whole room was reinforced and soundproof. It spoke of evil big corporations and to a point you supposed that was true. Spencer spoke as much and with Donnie’s hand there was a moment’s notice in which anything at Genius Built could turn nefarious.
You supposed that was a little like the scenario you were in and you rounded the back wall.
You still couldn’t believe those purple poison tipped claws could be replaced with sex toys and there were now four of them on the prowl. Your husband wasn’t wearing his glasses so you instead bet he had some sort of mechanism in the glass to see exactly where the battle shell was. He also had full mental control over it which added to his participation even if he was hands off.
It was similar to B.E.D.F.A.S.T. in more ways than just inspired designs.
Did it have different sized toys?
Was it self-lubricating?
Were you about to experience double penetration?
You hadn’t worked up to that, but if there were different sized toys then there was a likely chance that now was as good a time to start as any. You stretched both mentally and physically at the thought. The delay meant more possibilities sprouted as your imagination ran wild. You were thinking about how a position would work against the ceiling when a claw tip tapped your nose. You looked out clear across the empty room and it arched slowly around your cheek to show you where it was heading. You held still until it cupped your jaw before you leaned into it, totally relaxed.
You saw Donnie perk with emotion behind the glass.
You reached up for one false swipe before you caught the arm in the next. Following along the track of the limb, it held steady as you traced the length for a better hold. You could hear the metal undulating from this distance if you listened close enough. It rolled beneath your touch before curling close to your body. You stroked downward to hold it as it slicked heavily against your torso.
You sent Donnie a loving look before you returned your attention to the thing you couldn’t see.
It traced a claw tip from the junction of your jaw around your neck. You shivered and hugged the arm you had close as it traveled a light line to your spine. It tested weight there, soft pricks with that razor sharp tip until it pulled at your collar. With the width of the arm, it would surely stretch out your top and you weren’t particularly in the mood to go home wrapped only in Donnie’s coat for once. You urged the arm back and it relented away from you so you could pull at your top.
It was a quick shimmy of both that and your bottoms until you were nude and you watched as what must have been a pinch of another claw caught the clothes and tossed them into a corner. You giggled and tried to catch the arms again, but they’d moved out of your way. You couldn’t imagine that they’d gone too far and chased them with open arms only to find nothing. You pouted, a little put out, and folded your arms at your hips to give Donnie a stern look.
Your mate watched on with a love-struck expression from the booth.
You rolled your eyes at him and did a slow rotation, now listening for that churn of metal. You identified it for a split second to your right, but resisted a flashing turn to catch it. Instead you held firm for a consistent noise. There were a few snaps of metal and even one soft plod that said the bulk of the battle shell settled, but it wasn’t until you heard a roll of movement points coiling to your left that you struck. 
You caught the edge of the arm and it tried to evade you at the same time.
The fast revolution of metal rubbed against your hands like rope burn and you recoiled with a hiss.
“Are you alright?” Donnie’s voice appeared urgent.
“Yeah…” You reviewed your digits first before showing him. “No blood, just red.”
“I’ll calibrate.” He was leaned forward, almost pressed to the glass.
“Sure…” You shrank back into yourself and flicked your hands to help cool them off.
Worried metal slipped over your shoulders to hold you.
“I’m okay…” You told it with a turn of your head.
Prickled points tapped your fingertips to check.
“I feel it.” You pressed back. “No harm done.”
A second arm wrapped opposite around your waist.
You chuckled. “I’m okay. I’m okay.”
It held you and you looked at Donnie.
He had apology written on him and you gave him a scolding smile.
His eyes lowered as you did and you kissed at where you knew metal to be.
It held nervously still under your grip and you remembered the first time you had used B.E.D.F.A.S.T. All those years ago, your first chase had left you both scarred and it had been integral in you finding one another again. His emotions filtered through his tech as it was an extension of himself. Sending more reassurances through kisses, you turned amongst the coil of arms so they’d hold more of you.
They came with and it felt like a sort of dance as they revolved to get more of you. You were both a lead and a follow as you directed the movement, but they swirled to keep you spinning. Just shy of getting dizzy, they then dipped you and you felt secure enough to let go. You threw your hands out and what had to be the last two claws slipped between your fingers to hold you.
You giggled amongst the machinery and felt it pull you. You had a sense of where the pack they were sprouting from was and moved in the opposite way. Playfully the arms followed after, trying to get you on their tempo, but you moved without coordination. It meant the arms were a step behind in catching you and you were goading them on purpose.
You got only a few steps away before you were swept off your feet by a coil around your legs. It started from your ankles and, in a snake’s rotation, it wrapped all the way up your hips so you could be comfortably held up. You laughed brightly there as this was your goal and felt along the pipe of one of the arms until you found the tip.
“It’s all modeled after you, right?”
Donnie didn’t respond and you looked to see him focused on watching.
Your smile slipped into something more besotted. “You’ve never seen me like this from this angle, hm? Without anything in the way?”
He nodded slowly, entranced.
“The cocks...” You felt until you were between the claws and into their approximate of a palm where the attachments were housed. “… in here. These are modeled after you? You always do that.”
He gave the same distant agreement.
“Smaller, of course.” You returned your attention to the blank space. “Can’t have me getting stretched by anything, but your actual cock.”
You rubbed your finger into the metal and felt the split where it could open up.
It slowly cracked open and you immediately dipped a finger in to find the silicone.
You could also see a bit of a darkened circle as the cameras weren’t lining the inside of arms.
You didn’t need sight to recognize Donnie’s length, but you caught a glimpse of a familiar looking purple cockhead before it poked out and disappeared into the open air. You closed your eyes as there was no need for them and dipped forward with only a minor fear of poking your eye out. The claws gently rotated and bent backwards to save your face and you led with an open mouth.
It pressed the flattened tip of the dildo to your tongue and you rounded your lips to capture more of it. It took a single suck and some other mechanism for it to drop out what you imagined was the full length. It had a heavy weight and resisted bending in a way that made you think it was attached by a rod inside. That made sense to you for what it was and you bobbed your head to feel how much of it you could take.
It was a decent amount that paled in comparison to Donnie’s size and with one deep inhale you were able to get straight down to the metal at the base of the arm. You sucked in oxygen as you retracted so you wouldn’t have to pant and felt it move around you. Oddly lifelike without your vision, it curled across your cheek and you lapped at its warmth. The metal core or the machinery itself, you weren’t sure which, was adding to the real sensation as it had decent heat. It didn’t scald, but read alive to you and it even twitched when you tipped your head to lick at the glans.
You caught Donnie’s face during the exchange as his mouth was parted in denied desire.
You wondered if he would break from his show to join you and nuzzled into the cock only to feel another slide wet against your back. You felt one of your earlier questions answered and you arched reflexively as the lube was warm. It dripped with a honey-like consistency that was thinned by a sense of pre-cum. It read need, but since an arm was coiling all the way around your hips, there was no way for it to reach another of your holes. It seemed content instead to press into the dip of your lower back and the bump and grind of it soon fell in time with the cock in your mouth.
What did it look like from Donnie’s perspective?
Was your mouth openly agape and violated by nothing but air?
Did your cheeks hollow and spit drip out even though he could see your molars?
Did your body writhe as you floated with slick cropping up for nothing?
That and more you assumed.
You figured you only needed one thing to complete the gang bang imagery.
With one last squeeze to the arm you were holding, you released and put your limbs out.
In one needy flex of all your fingers, the battle shell got the message and you felt two more cocks slide into your hands. You moaned loudly at the one fucking your throat and grabbed both for a lethal squeeze. It was nothing more than prop work, but the heat and beading tips had reality skewing. You pumped the lengths in tandem and felt there was a faint give to their bounce. It read flesh and you chirped wanton out of habit for your mate.
He wasn’t here in anything more than remarkable shape and the only thing you were saddened by was there was no way any of the dildos could spread like him. That technology was a little too biological and very much only branded to Donatello. For that, you were thankful even if it did rob you of one of your favorite mechanisms.
The second of which you noticed as the cocks in your hands grew sticky with supposed pre. Donnie had failed to add knots to any of the devices and you might have laughed were you not working your neck furiously on the appendage in front of you. As you bobbed and the silicone rolled deliciously over your tongue, you doubted the bulge at his base wasn’t something he could recreate. The whole knotting concept was an age’s old fetish and surely available in the sex toy market. That meant Donnie omitted it for another reason, which you bet, again, had to do with not stretching you out by anything other than him.
You thought it silly as you swirled your tongue and you felt a certain type of readying pulse bounce that you usually akinned to cumming.
That seemed like a silly concept until on a backswing there was a sudden gush of fluid in your mouth.
You coughed it out on reflex and the cock disappeared to give you space.
You looked down to find what looked exactly like jizz leaking down your chest.
You could see it. 
You swirled the excess fluid with a swish of saliva in your mouth and found it to be an unmistakable flavor.
“Donatello, my love?” You spoke slowly.
There was no response and you turned toward the glass. 
Your mate had his hand down the front of his body and, even though the control panel blocked his lower body, you knew he was pleasuring himself.
“Donatello…!” You sang a teasing song. “Oh, where is my sweet mate?” 
He was sheepish as he looked up and pressed the intercom button with only his free hand.
You spoke before he could. “Is this thing filled with your cum?”
“The shell houses a reservoir.”
“It’s…!” You weren’t mad, but your features pinched at how audacious this all was. “How much?”
“Fluid does it hold or-?”
“How much…?” You reminded yourself again you weren’t angry. 
You truly weren’t. 
There was still a part of you that felt deceived. 
Not because he had actually tricked you, but because he had been getting off in some capacity without you. 
There was nothing wrong with that. 
You didn’t mind. 
You knew it was the vestiges of the pregnancy debacle. 
Cum had been a precious resource.
It needed to be in you in a particular way. 
Your hips had to be an exact angle, hoisted up by a pillow, so you could take it. 
You had to take it at a certain time. 
It was a never ending list of aggravations and now a load had been wasted in your mouth. 
You didn’t actually feel that way, but the rest of your sentence leaked out. “... of this did you dump into it instead of me…?”
Donnie made a startled sound. 
You squeezed the cocks in your hand. “When did you…?” 
“While you were watching your show.” He admitted and clearly released his member.
“Tonight!?” That wasn’t the timeline you expected. 
He nodded.
You thought for a moment and sighed. “Floor please.”
You were set onto your feet.
You walked straight up to the glass. “I just…. want to make sure I understand… You both planned this and it was random, right?”
“Yes.” He had your full attention.
“Did you actually get bored of the show or did you ditch to do this?”
“Both and neither. I was aware of Stockman’s upcoming absence and its advantage for weeks. Intention plagued me. Would you be ready? Would I? Would not aid spontaneity? I had yet to make a decision. To this evening and the lackluster program. I had every intention of sleeping.”
You watched on attentively. 
His gaze lowered. “I attempted, but I couldn’t stop thinking of this. Of you.”
“How did you…? Or where…?”
His head tipped to one side. “The B.E.D.F.A.S.T. inspired battle shell attachments were completed tech. Ready to deploy. What wasn’t was the reservoir. As I lie imagining you floating and pleasured, I saw through fantasy to completion. The satisfaction of you filled and coated. In an entranced fit, I devised how that might be possible. B.E.D.F.A.S.T. already had a reservoir that was as of yet unused and my tech has cross compatibility.”
The chilling cum on your chest felt heavy. 
“Aroused, I silently took the tank the bathroom and re-ran my simulation with you as fodder.” He finally looked at you. 
You wiped up a bit of spunk with your thumb and popped the globule into your mouth. 
“Again and again…” His pupils expanded as he watched. 
It was bitter, so you drank it down fast.
When you returned, you found your mate squirming slightly.
You hadn’t sucked him off in months so that made sense.
It all did.
His concerns. 
His secrecy. 
His creeping around. 
He wanted you so badly even though he wasn’t ready. 
His fantasies had sent him to masturbate. 
He collected the spill both for the answer he had given and because he probably felt equally guilty about wasting it. 
With his mixture of pre-planning and impulse, he concocted a scenario in which his desires played out both with his participation and not. 
“Is the cum viable…?”  You wondered.
“It has been kept at my bodily temperature, but I’ve never examined such.”
You softened with a wistful sigh. “You’re trying so hard.”
“An attempt was made.”  
“If this sperm did work, would you be upset?”
He openly thought about it.
You waited and wiped a bit of drying jizz off yourself.
“No, I don’t think I would be.”
“It is you.” You agreed while examining the stickiness of your hand and your lack of forethought of where it could go.
“Wipe it wherever. The room will be disinfected.”
You chose the glass for a smear.
You could still see his pupil expand with interest.
“Thank you.”
“Of course.” He shook himself back to his senses. “Any other questions, comments, or concerns? I can alleviate further surprise.”
“Nah. I’m good.” You took a few leading steps back. “Fuck me full. I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to see inside me when this thing cums.”
His hand slammed into the console to cut off the audio and you were immediately yanked into the air. Far less delicate than before you were spun around so your sex was on display for him. You didn’t need to spread as the arms caught your ankles to do it for you. Claws crept up and sank into your ass cheeks without a penetrating pierce. It had you flexing and arching to a gasp where a wet member slid against your slit. You tried to grind on it, but a coiling limb wound sturdy circles around your waist. You were lifted higher until your head hung back and you could see the dizzying distance to the floor.
You were floating a dangerous height to fall and despite feeling the components holding you up, your stomach clenched with concern. It fell in line with the flip that took up space as a dildo tested your entrance. It pumped gently, getting a feel for what you could handle and you tried to flex to grab it. The arms held you tightly, giving you little breathing room until they adjusted you for better entry. It was a slight lowering of your upper body that put your sex further on view just in time for the cock to push in.
You felt the pulse of it, one you read as high excitement and the spread where you could be viewed internally. You almost thought some sort of flashlight might appear to give Donnie a better view, but instead the toy only sank in partially before it pulled out to predictably work you up. It was a gentle stroking at first, surely showing your mate exactly how you accommodated for him before it sped up along with your juices.
The claws tucked further into the thick of your ass until it was stinging around the pull of your asshole. You worried he might add another toy then, but your concern spun out as a new cock appeared to instead press up perpendicular to you to stimulate your clit. You cried out Donnie’s name as that flat glans shape cupped and rubbed at the same time. Your body shot confused signals about how your partner had too many cocks in a way that you found comedic until the member teasing your clit trended downward.
It pressed against the leak from the cock fucking you and warning bells went off as they seemed to be trying to occupy the same space. A warning chirp popped off your lips and you thought Donnie might respond, but your mouth was stuffed up with another dildo. It cut off your oxygen flow for a messy moment until you remembered your nose and inhaled drivel.
A few snorts got your breathing clear and you could still feel both cocks rocking against your sex in tandem. The second didn’t seem to be trying to enter, but instead, as your immediate worries fell off, was pushing out against your labia. You had to keep reminding yourself that all of this wasn’t visible so if something moved on your body all it would reveal was more flesh. It was x-ray vision without any sort of light spectrum manipulation and a revving had the length of an arm lift and press roiling to your g-spot.
You bit down on the toy on your mouth in sheer surprise and felt the silicone bend threateningly. You could sever it if you dug deeper with your incisors and you would find that metal rod in the interior. Instead you released, eyes and tongue rolling back to accommodate further as you were fucked gaping.
You were tightening on the toy and the ground was getting closer to your face.
You thought about it drearily, but the pulsing of your jaw was distracting. You couldn’t think under the heat and pummel outside of the fact that you were going to cum soon. A long swipe of the secondary glans took up the last of your stimulation and you didn’t even cry out as you came. You only felt yourself vice grip on what was inside you before the snap reflex of your muscle milked it. The cock came then, spraying your insides with an indiscriminate hose of your mate’s seed and you felt it fill you before dripping out. Plops of it were visible to you on the floor and you made a guttural noise at the sight.
All motion stopped outside the pulse of your body and you sat with the tip sending more and more of the blood to your head. You were lightheaded when the toy in your snatch finally withdrew and with it the rest of the slick was coaxed out. It dripped and dribbled in a way that you read as falling down the battle shell arms. You were lifted up and the toy acting as a gag removed itself from your mouth. Your jaw sat slack from use and you sort of remembered you had never sucked your partner off twice in a consecutive row.
You were lifted carefully until you were in a pseudo-seated position facing the glass.
You saw Donnie hunched forward and panting where he’d clearly cum.
“Got a tank in there too or another disinfecting?” You slurred.
He bounced with amusement once before he sent you a darkened look.
His intent went straight through to your sex and filtered out of your mouth. “How much cum is left in your battle shell?”
His grin grew and your thighs were licked and spread.
You knew then he’d want to see every angle of which you could be opened wide.
You were brought straight up to the glass until your feet almost pressed against it and the toy slid up through the dripping cum ready to enter you once again.
“Bring it!” You cheered once before your available orifices were stuffed full.
(Check out behind the scenes for this fic and more on my Patreon. You can follow me there, here, or the tag #softspotfic for updates)
We got @tmntxthings We got @thepinkpanther83 They're both awesome betas!
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the x files au where everything is exactly the same except mulder takes home the child neanderthal from the jersey devil episode and raises them as his own
#you could make this super fun and invoke a sense of deep Guilt on behalf of mulder because he feels he got the mom neanderthal killed#and then you can also make it fun in “c'mon sport let's go throw the ball around kind of way”#i imagine him at the library checking out books on early humanoid species and how to parent at the same time#the librarian silently checking the books out and wondering what on earth this man could possibly be needing such resources for#imagine scully's reaction to this. i can't quite place it beyond initial Disbelief and then subsequent trying to be as supportive as she ca#and she would probably be also very Nerdy about the whole thing. because she strikes me as someone well-read on the subject and fascinated#we also know she at least has some experience wrangling children which would be relevant#i imagine a bunch of anthropologists perpetually hovering over the child to study him but they have to be Chill and not disrupt his life#so the kid just grows up thinking they have a ton of really cool and supportive aunts and uncles over all the time#meanwhile they scientists are taking notes furiously as they see if he can adapt to playing a gameboy with the other kids#idk someone probably thought of this idea before but it's funny to me#why would the kid go to him and not someone far more qualified? idk i'm just playing pretend in my brain :)#this thought was prompted by me wondering if you time traveled and brought an early humanoid to the modern era do you think the kid#would still play minecraft? i say yes. probably.#i saw a post about something similar years ago and i wonder about it. i hope you would like cartoons and subway surfers neanderthals.#the x files#txf#fox mulder
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fluffs-n-stuffs · 10 months
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"Do you not realize it? Do you... truly not see what this means?"
The next Destiny Bond update is in progress! ❄️✨ –> Check out the latest part here 🔷 –> New to the series? Follow from the start! 💜
#we back for the winter season bois :} ☃️#got some Particularly Fun parts I wanna have done before the end of the year--that I'll hopefully have time to do over the term break !!! 💫#it's actually so? insane? how we're nearing the end of the year already??????????????HUH#just a little over a week and some Ridiculous cramming I'll have to pull off (no thanks to past me sdskjfs) before I'm free for the holiday#I mean I'd--still have freelancing to do of course but without the looming dread of actively avoiding college responsibilities at least /lh#it's even more insane somehow looking back on when I actually started this whole comic that spiraled Wildly out of controlSKDJFNSDFS#to think that this all started from a prompt I had a few days after my birthday--into its own whole story I wanna see through is---#honestly something I'm really proud of. something I'm really happy I got to do for myself since it's-above all a passion project if anythin#I'm a lot slower these days what with juggling my own mental crises here and there on top of work for sure#but I get to come back to working on this whenever I find myself feeling down or with some free time to unwind and it's--really nice 💖💕#and we're still in the beginning I swear to god we're still so early I'm so sorry this is gonna take so longSDHFIUSHDNFKJSDHS#but it bears repeating how thankful I am to everyone who's joined along for this ride- who've been so wonderful and patient thus far#to know that even a handful of people out there tune in to this silly ol thing and are genuinely excited for its sporadic updates--#--has been a definite highlight in what's been a- Ridiculously--almost comically cruel year (in ways I can't begin to express skjdfnsdfs)#and what with this holiday season being all about giving and gratitude---I want to emphasize on how thankful I am for all of y'all 💖💖💖#I'll see what surprises I can sneak in to my schedule these coming weeks- the insanity of these following updates included hehee ✨#Destiny Bond comicverse#mystery man eusine#eusine pokemon#pokemon#pokemon fancomic#pokemon gsc#pokemon hgss#comic wip
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ozzgin · 6 months
Yandere! House Monster x Reader
Listen, I woke up in cold sweat at 4am with a vision: you and your stereotypically unavailable gamer boyfriend have moved into a new house. You find out very soon it's not as empty as you had assumed, but your worries fall on deaf ears. The tentacle monster lurking in dark corners just wants to make sure you're not lonely.
[Second Part]
Content: gender neutral reader, monster romance (mildly NSFW)
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You didn't notice anything strange at first. Maybe it was considering its prey. You'd found a cheap, old house available for rent, and your boyfriend couldn't refuse the extra space for his mancave.
Oh, you poor thing. It watched your lonely evenings, your empty bed at night, your futile attempts to spend more time with your beloved partner. It had originally planned to devour your souls and await the next foolish mortals to enter its realm, but seeing your pitiful state prompted a change of heart. Metaphorical heart, of course.
It started gradually: testing the waters, or what you'd call a courting attempt. Doors opening by themselves, disembodied eyes lovingly gazing at you from the nearby walls. Dark tendrils making their way out of the shadows, just to announce its presence.
"I think this place might be cursed", you told your boyfriend one evening. "I've been stalked by amorphous silhouettes of blight and terror, and they whisper ancient blasphemies to me at night." He let out a worried shout and slapped the desk. "That's cool, babe. I'm kind of losing right now, though, so perhaps give me a minute?"
One night you were awakened from your slumber by a warm touch sliding across your body. You smiled into your pillow as the cheeky hands made their way down, fondling your curves and hungrily searching for your sensitive areas. You let out a soft moan, enjoying the moment, until you heard your boyfriend yell from the other room. Your eyes shot open.
The hands lewdly groping your privates were, in fact, tentacles. Your first reaction was to gasp, but you were quickly silenced by another slippery appendage pressing against your lips. Shh, shh. Allow the creature to do its thing, dear. Surely enough, within minutes you were a drooling mess, holding onto the sheets for dear life.
"You've been in a good mood lately", you boyfriend remarks, idly scrolling on his phone and crunching on his breakfast cereal. You ponder if you should tell him you've been fucked relentlessly by a monstrous creature inhabiting your new home. You glance at the counter and smirk, remembering how you just had to wipe your wet mess from it a few hours ago. "Keep it that way, hun, I could get used to not being pestered every hour", the man jokes with a laugh.
Does it count as cheating if your affair partner isn't really human? Although, you have to wonder if you're still dating to begin with. From the corner of your eye, you can discern faint movement above the young man, a shadow looming menacingly. The eldritch monster would not hesitate to tear your poor boyfriend apart if he tried to mess with its belonging.
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DPXDC prompt. Field trip.
Some people would call gothamites petty, but given that most of the USA population treated them as scum, they believed that their behavior was justified.
They didn't like tourists, to put it mildly. Therefore, after learning that in their city were people on a field trip from Amity Park who could not leave Gotham for several days due to weekly escape from Arkham, the news channel immediately decided that a short interview from the guests would definitely amuse the locals. The reaction of outsiders never ceases to be ridiculous.
Reporter: ~Good afternoon~ Gotham News! May I ask you to share what you liked most about our wonderful city?
Mr. Lancer*still in a cold sweat and looks at every passerby as a potential villain*: Uh, no, me..It's so unexpected. Well, first of all, people here are very…
Danny *is high after the tasting samples Dr. Crane gave him for free and is extremely eager to share his happiness with others*,* picks a microphone*.
Danny: Gotham is the best city in the world! Like seriously, damn, I'd like to die here. Although there are constant shootings somewhere, half the time people don't even shoot at me! I haven't been this relaxed since middle school! And in the evenings, there is often such a pleasant scent of fear and despair on the streets. This fear toxin of yours is a real miracle! It's sooo good!
Sam *decides to take the initiative in her own hands before Fenton says too much*: Personally, I am very pleased with the number of green spaces you have in your city. It's nice to see that here eco-activists are really being listened to. Also, the fact that most restaurants have a thoughtful menu for vegetarians left a very pleasant impression.
Dash in his favorite T-shirt "it's not gay if he's dead": Four words. Hips of Red Hood. The fact that it is not marked in the guidebook as the main attraction of the Crime Alley is a real crime. This dude clearly never skips leg days. My respect.
Tucker: What can I say? The speed of internet here, even during villains attacks, is absolutely  unbelievable. I don't want to leave this place.
Jazz: I love Gotham! Finally, I was able to buy all the works published by Dr. Harleen Quinzel. *girl picks up an impressive stack of books* For some reason, they are not available online.
The camera points at a red-haired guy with a twitching eye.
Wes: I'm 85% sure Bruce Wayne is Batman. I have a proof and I am ready to provide it.
A girl with a "Good Guess" pin from Riddler enters and takes camera away from conspiracy theorist.
Star: Sorry, he slipped out at night and went to look for problems. Again. Don't pay any attention to him. He's always like this when he drinks more than two energy drinks in a row.
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champagnefountains · 8 months
Prompt: Lucifer continuing to wear his wedding ring despite being in a relationship with you.
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Genre: Angst and hurt; somewhat fluffy (but only for a brief while). Warnings: Swearing. Unhealthy relationship/coping mechanisms (?). Word count: 2.2k+
Lucifer had been courting you for a couple of months already, the King of Hell finally deciding it was time to make the two of you official. The tension was so incredibly thick, that even the hotel’s patrons were growing sick of having to watch the two of you dance aimlessly around each other. Charlie included. 
The past couple of months were more than delightful – Lucifer treated you like a Queen, taking you out almost every other night, having nice candle-lit dinners, and dancing the night away. And if you weren’t really feeling the glamour, the both of you would stay cuddled up against one another whilst watching some cliche rom-com. It was like a dream. It was perfect…well, almost. 
The very source of your concerns was the golden band that remained in Lucifer’s ring-finger. 
You knew about the heart-break and torment that Lucifer underwent following his separation with Lilith. Understandably, having been together for many decades and centuries, the King had a difficult time trying to move on. Even in the earlier stages of your relationship, when he had been comfortable confiding in you, it was evident that he still deeply cared for Lilith, despite her absence. 
You tried to be understanding – you really, really did. But every time you held his hand, the cold metal feeling against your fingers set a painful reminder that maybe he still hasn’t moved on completely. 
It filled you to the brim with self-doubt. Perhaps he was just keeping you around just to fill in the void she had left. And if that were the case, were you even doing a good enough job in that? Hypothetically, if Lilith were to waltz in front of the hotel’s doors one day, was he going to throw you off to the side and run away with her? What if he’d grow bored of you all of a sudden?
Questions such as these would linger at the back of your head constantly, and as they did, you would cast a longing gaze in his direction. When he catches your eye, he would automatically send a smile your way, pearly-whites in full display. It would make you smile without fail, because how could it not? You loved that dashing smile of his. But everyday, you wondered if you could continue to maintain that smile in your life. 
One night in particular, during dinner at one of Hell’s finest establishments, Lucifer noticed that something was off. Your smile hasn’t been reaching your eyes, and you seemed like you were anywhere but here. Your eyes had a distant look to them and whenever he’d ask if something was wrong, you would become dismissive. It concerned him a lot. 
“Darling, are you alright?” Lucifer carefully asked once you both made it to the front porch of the hotel. “Was it the food? Was it not to your liking? Because the chicken was a bit off to be honest, it could’ve been a bit more seasoned–” 
“Luci,” you intervened and grabbed his hands, giving them a reassuring squeeze. “The food was great, really. It’s just…” As your voice trailed off, you were quick to feel that damn ring around his finger. Because, of course you did, and it didn’t help your mood at all. You force out a huff and pull away, causing the demon’s frown to deepen, “I’m feeling a little under the weather tonight – probably just lacking a bit of sleep.” 
Lucifer scanned your face all over, his brows furrowed in worry. “Well…I guess you have been working harder for the hotel recently.” There had been some truth in that – after all, there had been an influx of sinners in the hotel since the cancellation of this year’s extermination. But he didn’t seem to stop there, not fully convinced by your reasoning, “...But are you sure that’s all, my dear?” 
You looked at him, surprised, as if suddenly caught red-handed. He was quick to pick up on that too, confirming his suspicions and making him all the more nervous.
 “What are you trying to say?” You ask. 
“Well, i-it’s just that I noticed that you’ve been acting a bit off recently,” he splutters. “And not only tonight. You’ve become a bit more…I don’t know, distant with me. And it worries me, y’know? I just…I really, really care about you. A lot.” He almost looks defeated as he rubs anxiously at his nape, “And if I’m being honest, it scares the absolute shit out of me that what I’m doing now isn't right."
Your brows crease in confusion, “...What are you talking about?” 
Lucifer closed his eyes, dragging a palm against his face as an exaggerated groan leaves his lips. “Look, I’m not exactly experienced with all…all this – the one woman I’ve ever been in a committed relationship with left me. Just like that!” He lets out a humourless snort. “A-And I don’t know what I did to make her leave and I for sure don’t want to make that same mistake again. I…I want to be assured that I’m making you happy.” 
Lucifer looks up at you, eyes filled with warmth, as he places a gentle hand against your cheek. He breaks the distance between you to press his forehead against yours. You automatically lean against him out of habit. “I don’t want to lose you. And if I’m doing something wrong, tell me. Please, don’t shut me out.” He pleads, his voice almost falling into a whisper. The unexpected confession left you speechless, your chest feeling all the more tight. It was making you feel worse than you already did. 
You let out a shaky sigh, trying to keep the pending tears at bay. “Luci, I’m sorry. I didn’t know…I-I didn’t mean to make you feel that way. Trust me when I say that you’ve been nothing more than a gentleman, and every moment we’ve spent together has been magical. I appreciate you so, so much, and I could never, ever ask for anything more.” 
You shut your eyes tight, shame filling your very core. “I’m just being a little silly–”
“No, no. Don’t say that, darling. Please tell me what’s going on. It’s okay,” Lucifer encourages softly, his thumb rubbing reassuringly against your cheek. 
You grab his wrist and gently pull your face away from him. With the hand on his arm, you slide it down to grab at his own, bringing it up into view and in-between the both of you. Almost instantaneously, both your eyes lie on the golden band on his finger – to Lucifer, it suddenly clicks. But he couldn’t help but feel an internal conflict brew within him. 
“I-I know how much that ring and Lilith means to you. I really do and I feel awful having to feel this way, but I just…I can’t help it,” you mutter, finally allowing the first couple of tears to fall, “I-I often find myself counting the days and hours when you’ll suddenly realise that I will never be good enough for you. It feels like I’m constantly having to compete with her–heck, what am I even saying? I know I’ll never be able to compete – because, I mean, come on. I'm a nobody!” You chuckle tearfully whilst gesturing to yourself with a free hand.
“And I don’t think I’ll ever understand how you’d ever settle for someone like me. I’m not nearly as important, nor am I the best-looking demon out there. I’m just me.”
“But Lucifer, whenever I’m with you, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I smile more. Laugh more. I even enjoy the little things more. And I don’t want that to go away. And I’m just hoping– Satan, I’m fucking hoping that it’s the same for you. And if it is, then how long is that going to last with me?” 
Completely shocked, Lucifer watched in silence as his love sobbed their heart out in front of him. He wanted nothing more than to go and wrap you in his warm embrace, and whisper reassurances and hush down your cries. Because, you were right – you did make him happy. So unbelievably happy. You had been the light that casted away the shadows in his darkest times. And yet, why? Why did he remain where he stood, unmoving as tears pathetically poured from his eyes? Why wasn’t he saying anything?
There was a brief, stagnant moment of contemplation where the both of you just stood there. It was the realisation that Lucifer didn’t make any effort to formulate some form of response, that disappointed you even further. It only made the doubtful voice in your head louder. 
It was you who ultimately decided to make the first move, wiping tiredly at your reddened face as you glanced at the hotel’s door. “I’ll be heading off first. I’ll be in the guest room tonight – it’s been a long day,” you raspily say, hiccuping as you pushed through the doors and disappeared into the hotel, leaving Lucifer alone outside. 
As you entered the hotel, you immediately noticed Husk’s presence by the bar, who had been polishing some glasses by the counter. In front of him was Angel, who was making some sweet, small talk with him. They were both alerted by your entrance as the doors flew open, and as Angel was about to greet you in his usual playful fashion, his voice fell flat when he saw the depressed state you were in. 
“Woah, there. What the hell happened to you? You look like shit,” Angel asked, standing to meet you half-way, “I thought you and Short-King were out on a date. Did something happen?” 
“We were but we had a fight or something,” you tiredly shrugged as you walked past the arachnid and plopped yourself down on one of the bar stools. You swirled yourself on the seat to face Husk. “Give me the strongest shit you have. And make it double,” you waved absently at the feline-demon, who raised an incredulous brow at your bluntness. “Damn, it must be that serious considering you don’t even drink,” he grumbles as he turns to start brewing a glass of something, “...do you wanna talk about it?"
You contemplated his offer for a second and realised that you did. For the next five or so minutes, you ended up recounting everything that happened earlier tonight, all the while shedding even more tears. Angel was kind enough to supply you with a mountain of tissues to cry into.
“Well, it sounds to me that your man’s got a whole lot of thinking to do,” Husk clicks his tongue. “But what you’re feeling is completely valid.” “Yeah, who the fuck wears their ol’ wedding ring while dating someone else? What an asshole,” Angel hisses. 
“S-So you guys think there’s a possibility that he might consider ending things with me?” You question dejectedly. Husk and Angel share a look of uncertainty, suddenly feeling the need to be careful of their words. Because they genuinely weren’t sure.
“I–Look, that’s not something we should be focusing on at the moment– I mean, of course, let’s hope that that’s not where this is going. I just think he needs some space to think things through properly,” Husk says. 
“And I know I was talking a whole lot of shit before but let’s take the benefit of the doubt and look at things from his point of view. He was in that boat for more than a couple thousand years. And shit, that’s a lot of fucking years.” Angel points out. “It might take him a while longer to adjust to that, y’know?” Angel places a hand on your shoulder, grinning at you reassuringly, “But there’s one thing for sure that myself and everyone else knows: the guy loves yah, toots. Anyone with eyes can see it, and you guys are really fucking disgusting about it too–ow!” 
Angel suddenly lunges forward against the counter as one of Husk’s wings swipes down to slap the back of his head. “‘The fuck was that for?! It’s true, ain’t it?!” Husk rolled his eyes at his dramatics, before turning back to you. “He’s right, though. Just…just give him a bit more time. I’m sure in the end, the both of you will be fine.” 
Meanwhile, Lucifer decided to head back to his own castle, wanting to be alone to sort through his cluttered thoughts. He was beyond upset with himself for making you cry like that, because it was the last thing he wanted. But he was more upset at the fact that he didn’t know how to navigate through his emotions, despising that he found himself second guessing his feelings. 
As you explicitly implied, was he really still unconsciously longing for Lilith? Was that why he kept wearing his ring? Why was he still wearing it? Was it just for his own comfort? But why would he need it anyways? You were there, weren’t you? All he had said to you tonight, he was contradicting himself, wasn’t he? Perhaps he’s scared. Maybe he isn’t ready yet. But, why would he be with you if he didn’t think so? What exactly were you to him? And what exactly was Lilith to him now?
Lucifer was a complete mess, and that night he couldn’t find a single blink of sleep as these thoughts plagued him. And neither could you, as you scrutinised every aspect of your relationship, thinking of what this could mean for the both of you, moving forward.
Yeah…perhaps you both needed some time. 
Chapter II [x]
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moonlight-prose · 24 days
smut prompt #8 for logan 👀💗
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forty five minutes in the closet
a/n: not me literally writing this in right where you left me ch4. hilarious and iconic timing, because i was fighting the urge to just have them fuck full on in that closet. so here's my chance to do just that. for funsies i'm shoving it into that universe. do not look at me for using that gif. i literally can't deny myself the sight.
summary: an alternative scene to what really happened in that closet.
OR wade wilson forces logan to play seven minutes in heaven. (it was longer than seven minutes if we're being honest.)
word count: 2.6k+
pairing: logan howlett x f!reader
warnings: EXPLICIT SO MINORS DNI, exhibitionism, dirty talk, logan is filthy af and we love that, spit, fingering sort of, p in v sex, quickie, rough sex, biting, he's down bad for his honey what can i say, panty gag, a formal apology for how fucking horny and unhinged this is.
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The closet felt smaller than intended—even as your back was pressed to the wall hard enough to feel the cracks in the drywall that stretched to the ceiling. Laughter filtered through the thin wooden door as Wade told yet another joke about shit you couldn't discern. Even if you asked him to explain, you'd still be confused come morning.
Logan leaned heavily against his side of the closet. Approximately two feet of space between you. The tips of your shoes touched his boots. The faint scent of cigar smoke still lingered from where he ripped it out and tossed it in an ashtray. You wouldn't have cared if he smoked in here. You might have asked for a puff.
He insisted on keeping the air clean in case you had to breathe.
Wade claimed you were playing seven minutes in heaven. Seven minutes of alone time with the man who made your head spin. In a proximity close enough to feel the heat of his body from where you stood. Although you'd been standing there for four minutes (you were keeping count via the watch on Logan's wrist) and the group seemed to have forgotten about the both of you entirely.
"Do you—um—know what usually happens here?"
A smile curved on his lips—eyes scrutinizing you with a look that told you he was teasing you. "Yeah. I do. I'm old, not stupid."
"I just wanted to make sure..." In a swift move you barely saw, he rose to his full height and crossed the invisible line holding the two of you on opposing sides. "Oh–"
"Honey." His voice was low, yet you felt as if he was screaming in your ear.
"Yes?" you breathed—eyes fixed on the way his chest took up your space. His flannel was stretched across it and for a moment you wondered if you started salivating at the sight.
"Are you nervous?"
Another raucous round of laughs broke through the darkness that surrounded you. But you could barely hear them over the echo of your own heart. It hammered loudly against your chest—quickening the closer he got. The more his large frame began to engulf you in a warmth you only dreamed of. You clamored to come up with a response, to flippantly push off his advance with a tease of your own.
His hands pressing on either side of your head to the wall behind you killed every ounce of bravery you had left. All your worries and thoughts about what lay on the other side of that door were extinguished. Logan leaned down, his nose brushed yours, and inhaled deep enough to steal the breath from your lungs.
"I can smell you," he rumbled. "Sweet like honey."
A searing heat built beneath your skin, burning from your cheeks down to the tips of your toes. Your mouth opened—words still fighting to be formed—but he didn't need an answer. Not when he could smell the arousal that pooled between your thighs. How you subtly shifted to find a bit of friction in the hopes of something more.
"You mind if I kiss you bub?"
A piece of you fractured in the darkness of that closet—settling comfortably in his own chest. You might ask for it back after all of this, but Logan felt his chances of you walking out as his were growing the longer this went on.
Glancing up—eyes wide and darkened with lust—you bit back the whine that crawled up the back of your throat. "They'll hear us."
He shrugged, shifting close enough for you to almost taste the whiskey off his lips. "Good."
Lips pressed to your cheek, drawing a soft sigh from your parted mouth. "Somethin' tells me they're just waiting for it." His hand left the wall to trail along your waist, dipping slowly with a kiss to the corner of your lips. "And somethin' also tells me...you like that idea."
It's not as if you were entirely opposed to the idea. Actually most nights (if not every night) was spent with you imagining what it would be like to feel him this way. To be stretched with his cock so much you would feel a delicious burn.
You craved it.
He knew solely from the wanton look on your face. The way your eyes fluttered the further his hand went.
"You gonna let me in or what honey?" he cooed, fingers dipping beneath your skirt to seek out the slick that soaked the lace of your underwear.
Surely the seven minutes had run out, leaving the both of you to make a choice. Stay here and keep going for everyone to catch you. Or walk out, find a room, and continue this in private.
The thought of waiting a second longer snapped at your heels with an air of impatience you let consume you. What the fuck did it matter if they heard you getting fucked against the wall? What did it matter if you'd never live this down as long as you lived?
How could you actually think about shame when Logan's fingers were pressed against your dripping cunt, seeking out your clit through the thin fabric that divided you.
Sagging against the wall with a soft moan, you gripped his flannel in your fist and yanked his lips to yours. He groaned, falling into your body and effectively pinning you to the wall, as his tongue met yours. And suddenly you realized...you liked how whiskey tasted off of his tongue.
He devoured you with the kiss, swallowing each moan and stunted whine as his fingers made quick work of finding your clit. Rubbing quick circles, he plunged his tongue into your mouth - licking at your teeth with a fervor that seeped down into your stomach. It was messy. His spit mixed with yours, staining the skin of your cheek. Your slick coated the inside of your thighs as he pushed the fabric into you roughly.
Yet none of it felt enough to ease the ache that spread rapidly down to the tips of your fingers. Your heart twisted as he gripped the back of your neck—leading you in a kiss that divulged down to nothing but teeth and spit.
You wrapped an arm around his shoulders, your leg hooking around his hip, in the hopes of dragging him closer. To feel the hard bulge against the rough denim of his jeans.
"Look at you," he mumbled against your cheek. "All pretty and leakin' for me."
A sharp burst of need pulled tight at your stomach—the breath torn from your lungs. "Inside–"
He smiled. "C'mon honey. Use that smart head of yours. Gimme some words."
His words were a brutal tease that scraped against your skin. Yet that coupled with his fingers that seemed to hold an edge of desperation, left you gasping for air. Fingers dug into his shirt, lips found his in the hollow darkness, and you begged for mercy. This was your penance. The altar he intended to bend you across.
Oh how you longed for him to follow through.
"Fuck me," you managed to get out between sharp intakes of breath and heady kisses. "Please Logan. It hurts.
The sound that emanated from deep in his chest could only be described as feral. You'd never heard him like that before. Bordering on the line of unhinged and sanity. A flare of want pulled at your body, echoing loudly in your chest.
You wanted to hear it again. To feel him break beneath your palms as he rutted into you with need. You ached to watch him whittle himself down to the barest of his senses. The animalistic urge of lust he kept hidden for weeks on end.
"Yeah?" His words were a snarl against your ear, teeth scraping your jaw as he ripped his hand away. "'M gonna make it better. Gonna take away the pain."
Nails scratched at the back of his neck when you heard his claws slide out—cutting through the fabric that clung to you. It was sopping wet; proof that you hadn't in fact been lying about your need. Logan felt his cock leak in his jeans at the sight—how your slick clung to his fingers as he swiped along the gusset.
"All for me," he sighed.
"Uh-huh." If you thought you sounded needy before, that was nothing compared to this moment.
He eyed you briefly. The hazel you'd grown fond of now dark and clouded with lust. The plea for more lay on the tip of your tongue—ready to be laved against his skin the longer he took. But then he brought the fabric to his mouth, his tongue running across it with a broken groan. The breath was punched from your lungs—legs shaking as a wave of slick poured out of you.
"Oh fuck–" you gasped, cupping his chin to catch his lips in a kiss.
The clink of his belt buckle echoed like a gunshot in the small space. Your heart began to race. Fingers shaking as you watched him tug his cock free; fisting the red and leaking tip with a throaty moan. Saliva filled your mouth at the mere thought of him sliding between your lips. The image of him feeding you his cock with a smile.
He fanned the flames of your simmering fire, offering you pleasure with ease.
His hand gripped your other leg, positioning it over his hip before pushing you up along the wall. The yelp was muffled by his lips; your hands finding purchase against his hot skin.
"Gotta be real quiet now bub," he mumbled, sliding his cock along your drenched cunt.
The head tapped against your clit once, twice. By the third time your teeth were dug into your bottom lip so hard copper burst on your tongue.
"I promise."
He chuckled, breathless. You joined.
The compact space stretched out before you, expanding with each joined breath and laugh. Passion intertwined in your chest, reaching for him with a tender touch of reverence. And nothing existed but the two of you.
"Hey Logan."
His cock jumped at the sound of your voice so light and airy. "Yeah honey?"
"If I don't tell you after this." Your hips canted into his, grinding towards where he positioned himself. "I had a really nice time tonight."
His heart fluttered as your words settled into his skin—soaking up your warmth. "Me too."
The laughter diminished the second he pushed forward, sliding into you with a slickened thrust that left his body shuddering. You swallowed the sob that wrenched from your chest when he kept going. Stretching you until you felt the burn begin to seep into your body. You weren't prepared for how addicting it felt; how mindless he made you.
Seven minutes had surely blended into fifteen, giving the group no doubt of what you were doing. That only solidified when he bottomed out and you moaned so loud it nearly gave him a heart attack. His fingers clamored for something in his pocket—his lips sliding against yours to silence the endless whimpers. He filled you until you saw white behind your eyes each time they fluttered closed.
"They're gonna hear ya," he muttered. You caught a flash of lace before it was being pressed to your lips—willing you to part them and hold the fabric between your teeth.
Logan gave you one minute to find your brain in the muddled thoughts that filled you, before pulling out. Only to slam back in. Your cry was muffled—eyes rolled back—and he felt a searing triumph begin to form in his chest. At the sight of you in a messy state of bliss.
His hips slapped against yours, the wet slide of your cunt a loud echo. Adding to the symphony of his groans and your whimpered sounds. Your spit soaked into the lace, fingers digging hard along the planes of his back, and he felt you gush at the feel of his teeth sinking into your neck.
"So fuckin' sweet for me," he grunted, cupping your ass to push you back and forth on his cock. A shift in the angle had you going dumb. Eyes wide and glazed with tears. "My pretty girl huh?"
Fuck you wanted to scream. You longed to hear his name bounce off the closet walls and spill into the foyer of Wade's damn apartment. To remind them that time was still passing and their limit had reached the vastness of infinity.
He pounded into you with sharp gasps of praise, words that fell on ears deafened by the rush of blood that ran right to your head. Oxygen felt secondary when his cock kissed the wall of your cunt with such accuracy it left you blinded. Enough to have you sobbing into the spit soaked lace - tears spilling down your cheeks.
"You take it like it was fuckin' made for you yeah?"
You nodded, breasts bouncing as he fucked you along his cock—his other hand pressed to the wall. You took it like it was made for you, because it was made for you. Logan belonged to you. Whether he knew it now or not.
"I can feel you squeezin' me," he gasped. "Gonna cum?"
"Mhm," you mumbled, the squelch of your cunt loud enough to block out the laughter from the outside.
"Then do it honey." His thumb found your clit, swirling it with sharp pointed circles. Your toes curled in your shoes—head falling back to the wall with a soft thud. "That's it. Fuckin' cum for me."
"Mmff–" A sob of what morphed into his name tore from the depths of your body. Rendering you a shaky mess in his arms as you clamped down around his cock.
Slick poured out of you, coating the hair along the base of his stomach in your essence. Logan growled at the sight. His eyes narrowed and teeth bared with each stunted thrust of his hips into yours. Claws punctured the drywall behind you as a way to keep his body level. To ground himself as he came with a hoarse groan he quickly muffled into the top of your breast.
Grinding into you, he emptied himself entirely. Rope after rope of his spend now filling you to the point of dripping down to his balls.
You felt the need to drop to your knees and taste him.
To clean him entirely and place him neatly back in his jeans. But the movement of your body no longer remained an option—your legs numb and back sore from being pounded into the wall.
He removed the gag with a huff, kissing you gently with his thumbs pressed to the tops of your cheeks. A soft caress. A contract to the rough way he manhandled you.
"I can't feel my legs," you sighed into his mouth, tongue swiping along his bottom lip.
"You're not supposed to." The weak slap to his chest had him laughing louder than intended.
"Don't worry. Wade won't notice if you carry me."
He groaned, his teeth scraping at the flesh of your breast. "Don't fuckin’ say his name or I won't be able to fuck you again tonight."
You giggled, running your hands through his mussed hair. "Whiskey dick?"
"Shut up–"
"He's told you–"
Lips sealed over yours, hips pushing yours until the sigh stuttered from your chest. "Don't fuckin' start honey."
You smiled into the kiss. "Or you'll finish?"
A thump rammed against the door, startling the both of you. You half expected it to swing open and expose Logan with his jeans down to his knees and his softened cock still inside you. But all that came through was Wade's laughter—his knuckles rapping on the wood.
"Did he rise babygirl?" he shouted much to the detriment of the group who booed behind him.
"I will cut you open through the door!" Logan snarled. A triumphant laugh rattled the walls as Logan lowered you to the ground. Only for Wade to get the last official word.
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00kittenz · 24 days
── desperation. ( psh ) 📠
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pair: boss!sunghoon ㅊ employee!f!reader | warnings: smut, secret relationship, age gap (sunghoon is 10 years older), semi-public s.x (?), hoon is a needy boi, coercion, quickies, dirty talk, piv, no lube, no protection (don’t be like them!) | words: 1.4k
imagine boss!sunghoon being so needy n desperate for you at all times, he just can’t seem to keep his hands off you.. just needs to cop a feel whenever he can bc he’s that obsessed w you ;( he’s also willing to skip important business meetings just so he can bring you into his office when no one’s around and have you bent over his desk— loving the way your curves hug the work uniform in all the right places..
this is my very first ever post on enhablr !
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“please?” sunghoon’s desperation grew as time went on, nothing but lust clouding his judgement. he had you pushed up against his desk, caging his arms around the slope of your waist, hindering you from any retaliation, utterly defenseless in his hold.
“i promise i’ll be super quick..!” he pleads even more, pressing wet kisses all over your face, his pouty lips still lingering along the rim of your jaw afterwards. “just need you, so so sooo bad.”
sunghoon has been “negotiating” with you for the past ten-ish or so minutes, playing every trick in the book he possibly can in getting you to fold like a sunday lawn chair for him. what may have prompted all this you wonder ? well, he simply got hard at the sight of you and now you’re the one in ‘trouble’ because he can’t function while being bricked up at work. you two had an odd relationship to say the least… he was your boss, the man you reported to every day and pick up his morning coffee before he arrives at 8 AM sharp, but you also sleep with him sometimes?? (you thought it would be just a one off occurrence but sunghoon wanted it to be a more frequent, fwb type of deal..)
you were seriously hoping that he’d leave you alone today, you had a lot of work that needed to get done within a short timeframe and distractions weren’t going to do you any good, however, you couldn’t just say no to park sunghoon. there were dozens of other women who’d kill to be in your position, they already tried to seduce him one, two many times before— except you of course. you were like the golden employee who always followed orders, listened to directions the first time, and did everything the right way, he’s never really had to reprimand you and even on the rare chances you do mess up, he’d handle it with you in private; just like how he’s doing now.
hell, sunghoon makes it excruciatingly hard to resist him. especially when his breath inched beneath your ear, silky strands of jet black hair tickling your chin as he begs for your touch.
“i told you i was busy— hoon, s-stopp !” you helplessly whine, your mind kept telling you to refuse but your body was saying a completely different story. he knew exactly where to pull the pin, knew just how to make you give in to his not-so-safe-for-work desires.
“oh are we now ?, too busy for me ? what happened to wanting to get that new promotion, huh ?” he cocks his head to the side, turning arrogant all of a sudden now that he can use something as leverage over you. it’s a shame that he has to stoop to such low levels but he’s willing to try whatever method that’ll get him exactly what he wants.
as he whispers in further detail all the naughty things he wants to do to you, your legs were brought to a tight close, wanting nothing more than to relieve the ache you felt between your plush thighs; you feel dirty, disgusting for wanting your boss to fuck your brains out, it’s unprofessional, you shouldn’t be doing this— letting him have access to you whenever he wants almost felt dehumanizing.
though, you be lying if you said he didn't strike a bone in your body, maybe 3, or 4.. 10 at most. hell, maybe even all of them. some days you were able to keep your cool and act as though he had zero effect on you— however, he was just so unable to resist at times. you couldn’t help but be attracted to him; even if he was an asshole sometimes, you secretly liked it in a sick, twisted kind of way. if he was going to play this little game then you may as well play right along, plus you weren't gonna just walk around with soggy panties without getting something in return, right ? right.
“oh ? giving in already, guess you really do want it that bad, huh ?” he smirked childishly as you finally cave in, rubbing up against him, spreading and burying his knee between your thighs.
“shut up, do you wanna? or not ?” so over his annoying little antics, you gradually wiggled your hips against his toned, muscular thighs.
“it’s cute when you act all needy for me.” his hands caressed your waist, taking your leg to his hip, in effect your pencil skirt riding up your thigh.
you felt his clothed dick against your core as he pressed his body against you. sloppily taking your tongue against his.
you've always wondered how this man could get you so hot and sweaty all over a few words. then again, as long as you’re pleased; does it really matter ?
“fuck..” you spoke, hand grabbing at his tie, the melody of his luxury belt being unwrathed gave you a tsunami of chills. “quickly, i have a meeting in..” you checked you wrist, reading the analog watch that sat delicately along your veins. “15.” you heaved heavily, he tugged down your tights physically prepping himself with his hand.
“thats enough time to make me bust twice.” he chuckled. his length entered your puffy, dewy pussy.
“quick busser !” you laughed, knowing it'd strike a chord within whenever you tease him.
taking your ass in his hands before he paces himself. “you love when my dick coats your pussy in a thick coat. so, suck it.” he groaned, kissing onto your collarbone to keep himself quiet.
his office wasn't what people would call sound proof, but at a good distance from the door, nobody could be able to hear you. but keeping you quiet would deem to be the most difficult part.
sunghoon bear hugged you keeping you tight against him, he thought fucking you in your work attire, especially your tights, had to be the sexiest shit to dance on this earth. it's honestly why he's here. the way the thin black fabric wrapped around your thighs, he could just picture your sloppy pussy, wrapping around him. balls deep. and you took him so. so. so. well.
“ugh, yesyesyes..” your ragged breathing swam through his ears, giving him an ounce more of stamina. “shit !” your clit throbbed at his lower abdomens slight back to back friction, you grind up onto him, to feel more of that reminiscing release edging you.
he nibbled at your lips before taking them against his. “shut the fuck up. you dont— hell..wanna get caught do you ?” he swatted your thigh, thrusting himself at a slower, but rougher notion.
“fe—feel so good, nggh.. hoon..” you whispered, biting at his ear.
your forehead glistened with sweat, the buttons of your shirt leaving your perky breasts opposed and exposed. you threw your head back at the pulsating between the two of you, you could feel him. throbbing, and hardening inside of you, and it turned you way the fuck on. just as your pussy throbbed against his hard.
“c'mon mama.. you wanna drench your boss’s cock? huh ?.. wanna make it all gooey with your cum ?” he pushed you closer and closer with his words, as if him ramming into you wasn't enough.
“yes.. wan' make it gooey, baby !” you whispered under your breath. throwing your head back, leaving your boobs to bounce under the escaping light of his blinds.
“then cum, be a good girl..” sunghoon’s breath quickened, he was near the edge himself, if not on it.
the two of you, moaning into each other's lusty mouths, aching for more. your groans becoming quickened and hoarse as the burning knot in your stomach leaves you in discomfort. until a strong stroke came to pop that growing bubble inside you, releasing you of all your numbness. you came onto his thickness.
sunghoon, lost it at the feel of you tightening around him, lays you down onto the desk, pushing down on your stomach. he could feel himself through passing through your entrance. just thinking about it, left him blissful.
“fuck, fuck ! 's fuckin' right, squeeze me baby..” he finally broke, leaving all his pellent inside of you, slowly pumping himself a few more times before sliding out. his figure, breathing heavily, leaning onto your heaving chest.
you could hear him chuckling after awhile of comfortable silence. “looks like you're gonna be late for your meeting miss. y/n.”
“you so owe me.” you glare up at him as if this was all his fault.
“i do ?” he kissed your tummy.
“yeah, you do actually.”
“and what may that be?” he raises his brow, pushing up his thin framed glasses.
“a real date.”
“can i take you back to my place after ?” he kissed your tummy through your shirt once more.
“deal.” you grinned, catching your breath.
you were a dirty mess. a mess that sunghoon, had absolutely no problem with cleaning up.
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icekkeugf · 30 days
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pairing: prof!heeseung x volleyball player!reader
genre: porn without much plot
warnings: heeseung is reader's professor but neither of them know that when they engage in sexual activity, slight dom!hee, kissing, cunnilingus against the wall, blowjob, boobjob, facial, use of the petname "pretty girl"
wordcount: 2,790 words
note: koko is back ~~~ i am not sure if this is up to mark but i really hope enhablr enjoys this! reblogs are much appreciated and so are comments/feedback! happy reading ♥︎ ~~~
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it's raining, soft droplets sprinkling over your already wet skin, soaking in sweat as you huff, doubling over to place your palms over your knees. slippery, it is, palms sliding down the smooth of your knees as you try your best to contain your breath, composing yourself when you notice your teammates pass by. "so, y/n, excited for the shift into university?" your volleyball captain asks, prompting you to wince. this causes concern, her brow raising and her wrist lifting to rest on your shoulders, "not a good time?" she sympathises.
"just a bit scary, not too sure how i will mingle with the people there and if i will join a team as good as ours." you mutter, playing with your stretchable wristband. the girl laughs, patting your shoulder painfully hard with a smile, "hey, your university is known for its sports department! i wouldn't put it past me to find a well equipped club and carefully handpicked members. who knows, you might make it national!" she reasons, patting the top of your head with a crooked smile.
you try not to make eye contact with the man as he introduces himself and shares his email with the students for future assistance. however, when you look up to sneak a glance at him again, you see him staring right at you, wide eyed. you're fucked and not quite literally.
"say what, are you free tonight?" she asks, looking over at the other teammates with a sneaky smile. and when you look up dazed with a slight nod, she's dragging you over to seat you on the nearest bench. "i sent you a text, be there at 7! bye, y/n!" just like that, all your teammates trickle out the training ground, snickering amongst themselves to have finally caught you in a trap, always having refused to meet them outside training.
7:06PM. still waiting, feet nearly cramped up in those narrow toothed stilettos. bad idea to show up in stilettos after vigorous training? yes, but, the location your captain had forwarded had a strict dress code to adhere to this night. right as you bend over to adjust your heels, you're met with the vision of several pairs of similar looking stilettos. "there! early as always, our y/n, let's go in!" one of your teammates urges you inside a shady looking building.
you're met with instant chaos, loud and blaring music sinking into your eardrums, the bass making the floor vibrate and your heart thump in rhythm to the music. "stay right here, tia and i will get us all some drinks!" you're left by some of your other teammates you're not too close with, merely acquaintances that play volleyball together, you'd say. excusing yourself with a smile despite being met with "they asked us to wait here!", you shake your head, reassuring them you'll be fine and right back.
it's a few minutes later that you find yourself seated by the secluded island of what seems to be a kitchen. "a house party." you figure out, still unsure if you should've placed blind faith in your captain and teammates. "not your usual scene?" comes a voice prodding its way beside you. you jump, just a little, turning around to meet hazel brown eyes that crinkle mischief at you. the man before you is donning an all denim fit, it makes you wonder if he's not close to blushing red in this humidity but you let it pass. "not really. i assume this is your usual scene though." you quip back, the man before you throwing his head back in a silent giggle.
"heeseung." he extends his hand which you take a little hesitantly. it's not long after you exchange names that you find yourself introduced to heeseung's friends, all of them welcoming and sweet, out of which, jay confirms himself to be the party host. both heeseung and you don't stray too far into private lives of eachother, maybe that is what attracts you to him, the mystery. you can't deny that he is more than decent looking, plump pink lips, doe looking eyes that may otherwise fool you into thinking he carries this weirdly sinister vibe. a sharp jawline too, you're almost sure he knows he serves a face that women and men would line up for alike.
the attraction, though, is mutual. or so, heeseung convinces you to think as his fingertips meet your satin clad hips with ease and familiarity. he leads you towards the same secluded corner, "dance with me?" he asks and you oblige, not questioning why it has to be here, infact, you're glad it's here rather than in the midst of sweaty teenage bodies that are not yet ripe enough to enter parties like this. what snaps you back to reality is his hands, that need no permission as it follows a trail circling your hips, pulling you flush against his.
maybe it's the alcohol that heeseung offered before or maybe it's the intimate proximity you two keep dancing around but the heat in the air, whether the temperature or the tension, is palpable, almost shocking in a way that it sends hot sparks down your spine. resting your head against his shoulder, you wrap an arm around him, his warm, intoxicated breath fanning over your ears. no words exchanged, really, just the synced beating of your hearts and need to feel eachother up that finally has heeseung snapping.
exhaling shakily, you nod when he asks to take you somewhere else. he's gentle as he encloses your wrist in his palm, pulling you towards the stairs that was strictly prohibited for others. perks of being jay's best friend, you reckon. the moment you enter an unoccupied room, his lips are on yours before he pulls away in a jiffy, panic settling onto his face, "is that okay, y/n?" when you nod meekly, he shuts his eyes for just a second, muttering a "fuck" under his breath before he's pushing his lips onto yours and maneuvring your body behind until your backside meets the wall. "so pretty," he murmurs into the kiss.
you roll your hips involuntarily into his, it has heeseung gritting his teeth, jaw slack and eyes purely filled with desire. "just like that, baby, do that again—you listen so well to me, pretty girl." heeseung is sure he's rambling by now, oh, he definitely is as he tells you how to rut against him pathetically. the sultry lighting of the room only enhances your need for one another, you've never felt the urge to ravage someone like this before and you know you have to ravage heeseung before this night ends if you don't want to wake up the next morning with a guilty and regret filled heart.
he coaxes your lips to meet his again, this time the contact utterly messy and just downright filthy. you can almost taste the very remnants of his drink from earlier if you shoved your tongue down just a little deeper. meanwhile, heeseung is quick in feeling you up, pushing at your knees, "spread 'em, baby, that's it," he begs, instantly losing all self control and falling to his knees when you whine, asking him to ease the ache between your legs. "wider...there you go, atta girl." he praises, soft hands cupping your knees as his lashes flutter when he looks up at you.
with a lopsided grin, he hooks a finger at the hem of your dress, lifting it just enough for your panties to peek at him. he grunts at the little wet patch that dampens and soils the middle of your panties, leaning in to disgustingly sniff at it before licking once, twice, thrice, enough to taste you through the cotton. you're shaking, beyond control and unable to balance your body by yourself so you place your hands at his shoulders, pulling him needily into you as your back arches into the wall.
pushing your entire weight onto heeseung, who only groans as he ruts his increasingly evident boner into the ground, you hook your legs around his neck. he holds onto your thighs desperately, a whimper escaping his kiss swollen lips as his tongue slithers through the side of your panties to lick at your cunt. he delicately plants a kiss over your clit, making you shudder with a broken moan, as he finds his head heavy with the need to taste you, to make you cum. so, he does just that.
heeseung finds a comfortable pace at licking through your folds, dragging his wet muscle from side to side, then up and down. he repeats the action before nipping at your clit gently, soothing the prick with a prod of his tongue. "so sweet, just like honey, baby. that's it, you gon' cum for me?" he asks sweetly against your sopping pussy, nose glistening with your juices. "look at me, y/n, my pretty girl. want you to watch me as you come undone on my tongue, okay?" you struggle to open your eyes, nodding before you do anyway.
rapid strokes of his tongue have you unstable, shaking and withering under his touch while you try your best to keep your eyes open and in contact with his as he licks at you until no end. "say my name, baby, don't be shy. let me hear your pretty moans." you let a moan rip through the confines of your throat, rocking your hips messily against his face. "no, don't move." he hisses with a displeased smirk, shaking his head to show his disapproval. "let me do all the work, just sit and take it, got it?"
just like that, the ebbs of your orgasm crash against the little pebbles, rocking you through, only for heeseung to hold you still as he continues to devour you as you come down from your high. with a final suck of your clit, he parts from your cunt, face absolutely marred by your release. "good girl, did that feel good?" he coos, tapping at your thigh, signalling you to carefully put down your leg as he makes much effort to stand up.
when you nod, pulling him into another kiss, he chuckles, trapping you against the wall yet again. "yeah? in that case, shouldn't you return the favour?" he presses a few kisses down your neck, leaving a trail of sparks in its wake. "let me make you feel good, hee." you answer in words this time, making heeseung widen his eyes but he nods, eyeing the floor once before he looks up at you, "kneel." dropping to your knees, your fingers work quickly as they unzip his denim pants. a tent visible as you cup his clothed length, you lick your lips eagerly as you imagine feeling him fill up the entirety of your mouth.
you tug at his boxers, leaving it bunched up at his knees, immediately pressing a hasty kiss at the head of his veiny cock. you notice how it is curved at the tip, pink and angry. this forces heeseung to snake a hand into your hair, clutching the strands at the roots warningly, "don't tease, pretty girl, get on with it." he doesn't have to say it twice before you are nestling his cock in the home of your wet and warm cavern. you let it soak in there for a while, not attempting to please him just yet as you adjust to his size.
soon after, flattening your tongue, you hollow your cheeks as you start to set a steady rhythm into bobbing your head for him. licking at the underside, you ensure not an inch of his cock is left untouched by you, the part that doesn't fit in your mouth caressed by your soft hands. "just for me to ruin, fuck, yes!" heeseung is blessed, really, to have a girl truly attentive to his needs, the way he wants to be touched and pleased, repeating the actions that seems to make him teeter at the edge of his orgasm. lucky bastard!
right when you think you should fasten your pace to meet with his cum painting the insides of your mouth, heeseung abruptly pulls at your mouth, his now semi soft dick covered in your spit resting at your lips, "can i cum on your face, pretty girl?" with no answer, you unzip the back of your dress, letting it pool at your hips. unclasping your bra, you hold your tits up, motioning him to slide his cock in between. this causes heeseung to let out husky groan, trying not to bust right then. he loves the way you're so proactive, he can't help it!
he squirms from the sudden increase in stimulation as you use your tits as a makeshift fleshlight, wrapping it around his now hardening cock tightly as he fucks into the space you provide him. letting a sliver of your tongue peek out, you lick at his tip each time his cock almost lodges against your lips, instantly making him cum. he sucks in a sharp breath as he spills all of him that's worth, over your tits and the lower half of your face. pretty, he thinks, fingers unconsciously reaching for his phone.
"can i take a photo of you, pretty girl—" the door to the room the two of you are in is knocked upon fiercely, "heeseung, you in here, man?" upon hearing jay, heeseung scurries to bring out tissues from the bedside table, "yes, what's up?" in three swipes, he cleans you up, cursing when his finger is also stained by his release. before he could wipe it off, though, you bring up his cum glistening finger to your lips, tongue darting out to lick it clean. "fuck, you're gonna be the death of me!" he whispers, pressing an open mouthed kiss at your lips, tasting himself in the process. "niki has been throwing up nonstop, man, i can't find the others, hurry up, will you?" you two hear the receding footsteps of a rather pissy jay, laughing into eachother once you're sure he's gone.
easing into eachother, "can we do this again, y/n? i'd really like to fuck you open, if you'd let me." he asks, his brash words lighting up a reddened blush on your cheeks, "yes, i'd love that." before you could exchange numbers though, jay knocks yet again, an impertinent cockblock, you suppose. "i have to go—see you around?" you nod, smiling at heeseung who leans down to kiss your cheek. "see you around, heeseung."
you don't remember how you get home that night after having freshened up in the room's attached restroom. all you think of for the next few days is heeseung's lingering touches, his whines and soft exhales, the way his hips bucked into your touch when you sucked him right. safe to say that you haven't been able to contact him either, having used your god given stalking skills on instagram to no avail.
it's been a few weeks, having been busy with volleyball practice and packing to move to your campus dorm. now, it's d—day! there's cardboard boxes piled up, with two suitcases of yours filled to the brim with clothes you can't bring yourself to leave behind in your childhood home. after a tearful parting with your family, you find yourself cuffed with the seatbelt on and your bestfriend driving you to the university to help you move in. while you do have much unpacking to do, it is also your first day at university!
bidding goodbye to your friend once they had helped you get your boxes and suitcases in, you change your outfit for the first class, not wanting to be late. after a whirlwind of trying to find your class, which happens to be your homeroom hour, you settle into one of the desks in the spacious room. although it's just the first day, the room is still loud with whispers and chatters about the exciting life at university. the class, however, hushes at some point, and while you were preoccupied on your phone, you hear a familiar voice.
"goodmorning, guys! how has your first day been so far?" your heart races erratically in its place, unsure if you've just misplaced the voice and its owner or if you're really doomed. slowly looking up, you find yourself glancing at heeseung, who looks at his phone for a split second before he pays attention up front. he hasn't noticed you yet, smile just as charming as it was when he first greeted you. as if on cue, all the memories from a few weeks ago flood in to liven up the black of your mind.
you try not to make eye contact with the man as he introduces himself and shares his email with the students for future assistance. however, when you look up to sneak a glance at him again, you see him staring right at you, wide eyed. you're fucked and not quite literally.
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all rights reserved to @/icekkeugf 2024! please do NOT steal/copy/translate my works.
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gardenwons · 1 month
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SYNOPSIS As the new doorman for the shabby apartment complex, you learn quickly to recognize imposters until eventually a cunning doppelganger entered the building—also making its way in you.
PAIRINGS: doppelganger!jungwon x doorman!reader
WARNINGS: smut with plot, dom!jungwon, making out, unprotected sex, breeding kink, praising, blood, lowkey mean won(?)
A/N: loosely based on "that's not my neighbor," was vv in love w/ the milkman pls he's a sweet boy and it was supposed to be seung but jw my love it is!
5 minutes till the end of shift.
And in the past few hours of your shift, the scene at the checkpoint remained tense yet controlled. Behind the desk, you tapped away as you await the next individual on the list. Hours had been spent meticulously weighing each resident’s reasons and paperwork, a task heavy on your shoulders each time.
You were startled by the sudden creak of the door, which swung open to reveal a tired-looking man. His eyes betrayed his exhaustion, yet he managed a weary smile as he approached the window. "Hello, here’s my ID," he said, placing it on the counter with an air of casualness, his gaze drifting away as he stifled a yawn. His hair, tousled beneath a hat that hinted at his profession.
You inspect his ID with a mix of weariness and curiosity. He seems new? you wonder to yourself, but quickly push the thought aside. "Entry request, please?" you ask, meeting his already fixed stare with a gentle smile as he hands over the necessary paperwork. "Ah, yes... forgot about it, sorry" he mutters apologetically. You accept the documents, scanning them carefully before glancing over to your left. "You’re not on today’s list?" you observe, noting a slight raise of his eyebrows as he shakes his head. "I'm supposed to be there? Probably an error" he mutters, his response prompting a hint of suspicion in your gaze.
Cautiously, you check his phone number and attempt to dial it. "I'm sorry, sir, but you must be on the list to be let–" Before you can finish, he interrupts, addressing you by name. "___?...right?" he questions, his lips forming a tight line as he pleads, "I'm really tired today. If you could just be a sweetheart and–" Suddenly, the phone rings, and you hastily pick it up, your heart skipping a beat as you hear the voice on the other end. "Hello? Jungwon speaking–" The realization hits you– how can the man in front of you look undetectable? His eyes lock onto yours as he blurts out, "Fuck." It's clear he knows he's been caught.
Shaking uncontrollably, you were on the verge of dialling the emergency number when he suddenly slammed his fist against the window, causing you to let out a scream. "Don’t make this hard for me now, angel" he said, his tone surprisingly gentle despite his earlier aggressive action. The encounter with this doppelganger was unlike anything you had experienced before – simultaneously strange and alluring, perhaps due to the handsome facade he wore, and god did he wear it well.
"Let me in or..." he trailed off, a glimmer of malice and lust flickering in his eyes as his lips curled into a smirk. "-I’ll let myself in." Despite the magnetic pull you felt towards him, and the undeniable surge of attraction coursing through your body, you pressed the emergency button. Watching as the metal wall descended, separating you from him. Jungwon's curses echoed loudly from behind the barrier as you continued to dial the D.D.D.
"You have contacted the D.D.D. A group of agents has been sent to your building" the automated voice informed, bringing a momentary sense of relief as you awaited assistance. But his next words shattered that peace. "You know I could kill them all and still get through to you, hm?" he taunted over the metal barriers, causing your heart to race even faster. "Or maybe that’s what you wanted?” Jungwon sighed, clenching your thighs together as you heard him chuckle. “Sweet girls like you shouldn’t play games like this" he scolded with a tsk, following with “It does however, make me want to devour you more”
Huddled in your seat, you listened as the agents rushed in, screams filling the air for what felt like an eternity. For what seemed like so many agonizing minutes later, silence fell upon the room. Trembling, you called out, receiving no response. With caution, you deactivated the emergency button, watching as the metal wall retracted, revealing a gruesome scene before you. Jungwon stood amidst the lifeless bodies of the yellow-suited agents, his back heaving with exhaustion. Blood covered his face and hands, dripping onto the ground.
Unable to find your voice, you watched in horror and awe as Jungwon approached your window, his eyes softened, ruby painted hands clasped together in a pleading gesture as he begged, "Please, I... I didn't mean to. I just wanted to go in." His lips formed a pout, his eyes glossy, yet his face was streaked with blood. Hat nowhere to be found, his hair was ruffled, with some strands sticking to his blood-stained face, "I know i messed up, just let me make it up to you inside" he continued pleading, his lips curving into a genuine smile as he sensed your resolve wavering. Despite the firmness in your stance, his appearance – bloodied, hair tousled, voice filled with desperation stirred something within you, whether you had a clear head you knew the heat was getting to you down there. He gestured toward the green button, the one that would unlock the door, his gaze unwavering as he directly addressed you. "Press that for me, please?" he instructed, as if your better judgment didn't matter. And at that moment, it didn't. 
You found yourself slowly reaching for the unlock button, his presence casting a mesmerizing spell over you. "Ah, that’s my girl" Jungwon praised, his words sending a rush of heat to your cheeks. Yet, beneath his seemingly genuine appreciation, there lurked a sinister undertone, evident in the chuckle that escaped him as the doors clicked open.
Without hesitation, he winked at you and slipped inside, leaving you feeling breathless and foolish. "What have I done?" you muttered to yourself, but before you could fully grasp the weight of your actions, the door to the office swung open behind you. Turning, you found yourself face to face with the bloodied man once again, his eyes fixated on you like a predator sizing up its prey. A chill ran down your spine as he licked the stain of blood from his lips. "Can’t just leave without giving my girl a reward, can I?" he teased, his voice dripping with a dark promise.
As you instinctively reached for the nearest makeshift weapon, Jungwon's eyes rolled with a playful smirk. "Aren’t you adorable? If I wanted you dead, I would've done so earlier" he teased. Jungwon’s words hung heavy in the air as he advanced towards you, his expression softening into that same endearing pout.
"You've done so well for me, angel" he cooed, his arms enveloping yours, causing your heart to race as his scent enveloped you—metallic from the dried blood and musky, intoxicating in its allure. Leaning in, his hair falling gently over his eyes, he fixed his gaze on you, seeming to see right through you, transparent in your vulnerability.
"I could be yours, please let me in" he whispered, his lips brushing against yours, waiting for your consent.
Without hesitation, you pressed your lips to his, feeling him sigh contentedly against you. His hand slid to the back of your head, tangling in your hair as he gently pulled you closer. His lips trailed down your neck, leaving a warm path in their wake. Gripping your hair, he tugged on it, drawing a moan from your lips.
His lips continued their journey down your neck, each kiss growing more intense as his grip tightened on your hair, drawing you closer to him. Jungwon’s breath was hot against your skin, his mouth teasing the sensitive spots just below your ear, sending shivers down your spine. He adored the way your body reacted to him, the subtle arch of your back, the soft gasp that escaped your lips, it all fueled his desire. His other hand slipped down your side, fingers grazing over your curves, leaving a trail of fire in their graze.
As his lips found their way back to yours, his kiss became more demanding, his tongue slipping past your lips in a heated dance with yours. The taste of him so metallic, dark, and utterly intoxicating—clouded your senses, making it impossible to think clearly, to think logically. His hands were everywhere, exploring your body with a possessiveness that made your knees weak. Jungwon pushed you against the wall, his body pressed firmly against yours, the heat between you both intense. His hand slipped beneath your shirt, fingers brushing over your bare skin, sending waves of pleasure through you.
Jungwon broke the kiss, panting slightly as he gazed down at you with a mix of adoration and hunger in his eyes. "You feel so good, sweet angel" he murmured, his voice thick with lust as his hand slid lower, teasing the waistband of your pants. He gave you a wicked smile before slipping his hand beneath the fabric, finding your most sensitive spot with ease. His fingers moved with expert precision, thrusting in your walls, drawing out moans from you as he leaned in to kiss you again, swallowing every sound you made. The world outside ceased to exist as you lost yourself in his touch, the innocent people already forgotten as the intensity of your connection left you breathless and wanting more.
Jungwon's fingers moved with a skilled rhythm, each stroke sending jolts of pleasure through your body. His lips trailed along your jawline, nipping gently at your skin as he worked you closer to the edge. You could feel the tension building within you, your breathe coming in shallow gasps as his touch became more insistent, more demanding. He seemed to sense the exact moment when you were about to tip over the edge, pulling back slightly just to tease you, watching with dark, lustful eyes as you writhed in his arms, desperate for release.
A loud smack echoed through the room as his hand connected with your ass, his eyes glaring down at you. "Patience, angel" he whispered, his voice low and husky, filled with a dark amusement. He relished in your need, the way your body responded so eagerly to his touch. Maybe this was just as delicious as eating flesh. His thumb brushed over your clit, sending a shockwave of pleasure through you, making your knees buckle as he held you up against the wall. "I want to see you fall apart for me" he growled, his voice thick with desire as he pressed his lips against yours again, the kiss deep and consuming.
With a final, skilled flick of his fingers, he sent you spiraling into a powerful climax, your body shaking against his as you moaned his name. Jungwon watched with a satisfied smirk as you came undone in his arms, his hand never stopping its movements, drawing out every last bit of pleasure from your trembling body. When you finally came down from your high, he gently removed his hand, bringing it up to his lips as he licked his fingers clean, eyes locked onto yours with a possessive intensity that sent a shiver down your spine.
With a sudden, forceful grip, Jungwon spun you around, pressing your chest against the cold metal desk. His breath was hot against your neck as he yanked your skirt up, not wasting a moment before tearing away the thin fabric covering your core. "You're mine, aren't you?" he growled, his voice rough and filled with a dark hunger. You barely had time to respond before he thrust into you with no warning, filling you completely, the sharp pain mixing with pleasure as your body adjusted to his size.
"Fuck, you take me so well" he groaned, his hips snapping against you with a brutal pace, the sound of skin against skin filling the room. Each thrust was hard, merciless, and deep, driving you forward on the desk. His hand found your hair again, yanking your head back as he leaned down, his teeth grazing your ear. "You're going to take every drop of me, let me fill you up until you're dripping with me."
His words sent a shiver down your spine, the rough edge to his voice only heightening the intensity of the moment. Jungwon’s pace was relentless, every thrust pushing you closer to the edge. His grip on your hair tightened, pulling you back further as he forced you to arch, the angle driving him even deeper. "Good angel" he praised, though his tone carried a mocking edge, a smirk can be heard through it. "You love this, don't you? Being fucked like this, knowing I could fill you up right now” You could only moan in response, the overwhelming sensations rendering you speechless. The slickness of your arousal mixed with the occasional streak of blood from where his nails had dug into your skin, a reminder of the rawness of the situation. Jungwon’s other hand moved to grip your hip, his fingers digging into your flesh as he pounded into you intensely. "Say it" he commanded, his voice low and commanding. "Tell me you want it. Tell me you want to be filled, bred by me."
Your body was trembling, barely able to hold on as you gasped out the words he wanted to hear. "I want it" you managed to choke out between moans. "I want you to fill me up please" the coherent you would have pushed him away, clearly realizing this wasn’t even the real Jungwon.
A satisfied growl rumbled from his chest as he picked up the pace, slamming into you with enough force to make you see stars. "That’s right, angel" he groaned, his grip tightening as he drove you both towards the edge. "Take all of me. You’re going to be so full of me, there won't be any doubt who you belong to."
With a final deep thrust, he buried himself inside you, his body tensing as he released into you. The warmth of his seed filling you sent you over the edge, your body shaking around him as you climaxed, your cries of pleasure bouncing in the room. Even as the waves of pleasure washed over you, Jungwon stayed inside, his hands still gripping you possessively.
Breathless and spent, he leaned over you, pressing a kiss to the back of your neck, his voice soft but firm. "I knew you would taste so sweet" he murmured, leaning in to kiss you once more, his lips lingering on yours as he whispered, "And now... you're mine, angel." He stepped back, his eyes filled with dark satisfaction, the taste of you still on his lips as he gave you one last, lingering look before turning to leave. You watched him go, your body still trembling, cum dripping down you legs as your mind swirled with a mixture of fear, confusion, and disturbing attraction. The door closed behind him with a soft click, leaving you alone with the echoes of your own rapid breathing and the scent of him still clinging to your skin.
You slumped against the wall, trying to make sense of what had just happened, the reality of it slowly sinking in. You knew you should feel horrified, disgusted even, but all you could think about was the way he had made you feel, the dark, consuming passion that had ignited between you two. It terrified you, but at the same time, you couldn't deny the magnetic pull you felt towards him, a pull that had led you to do the unthinkable. As you slowly gathered yourself, your heart still racing, one thought lingered in your mind: this was far from over.
@slvrnm @moonpri @jaheydane @mintdsunoo @yawnzzhoon
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@uwudaizy @geraldsmochi
@ilovecats923 @millieinyourarea
@missoxy @txtbeomi
@moonchus @nyxtwixx
@enhypenlovre @jwonistic
@denleave1088 @seongiewon
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gloomwitchwrites · 2 months
What If 141... "tell me you need me" and/or " I don't want you to stop"
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Okay. Okay okay okay okay. When I first read this prompt, I genuinely thought I would write something really sweet and soft. But I also have free will. I am an independent individual. I make the choices here. Are they sweet? Yes. Are they soft? A bit. Is this mostly spice? Yes. Yes it is. I will not ask forgiveness.
Presented in four double drabbles.
For the masterlist and how to submit your own request, click HERE
Task Force 141 x Female Reader
Content & Warnings (per the warnings MDNI): swearing, non-descriptive sex, praise, fluff, established relationship, suggestive themes
Word Count: 800
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // imagines & what if masterlist
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John Price
“Say it, love. I want to hear you say it.”
Everything in you is buzzing. It is loud, as if a hive of bees dwells beneath your skin. Each touch John gives you is electric. A zing of pleasure that rockets outward until the tips of your fingers and toes tingle.
“You don’t play fair,” you whine, sinking against him, surrendering to his touch.
“Never do,” he murmurs, nipping at your earlobe.
You reach up to touch him, to hook your arm around the back of his neck. You need to anchor yourself before you fall over the edge. His fingers are expert things, moving in little circles between your legs. It is agony. And so very sweet.
John seizes your wrist. Brings your arm back to your side.
“No,” he says. “You can’t have that yet.”
“Why not?”
John’s lips brush against your throat. “Tell me you need me. Say it and I’ll give you what you want.” He lightly bites. “Promise.”
You swallow hard. The words are forming, but they are only air. Slipping away with each stroke of his fingers.
John pauses. And that sets you off instantly.
“I need you, John,” you gasp.
“That’s my girl.”
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Kyle’s fingers thread lightly through your hair. It’s a gentle touch. One that sends a shiver through you.
Your hands roam, touching everywhere. There is skin beneath your fingers. It is taut, slick with water from the shower. Kyle is warm too like a good blanket. You could wrap yourself up in him.
Kyle returns to your hair, working in the shampoo. You close your eyes and sink into the feeling. He has one arm around your waist as if you’ll run off.
“Don’t stop,” you moan. “That feels good.”
Kyle’s soft laugh comes from behind you, and then he guides you under the spray, washing away the shampoo.
“Need to get the rest of you,” he purrs, those strong hands of his grasping your waist, spinning you around to face him. “Where should I start first?”
He traces one finger along your jaw and down the side of your throat only to descend to collarbone and the curve of your breast. He goes lower. Lower still.
You grasp his wrist, arching into his touch.
“Here?” he asks with a smug smile.
You’re needy. And his hand between your legs is bliss.
“I don’t want you to stop,” you reply.
John "Soap" MacTavish
“Oh. Fu—fuck, love. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”
Johnny groans loudly above you, his head tilted back in ecstasy. Behind you, the television is on but the sound is muted. It bathes the bedroom in a blueish glow. Johnny isn’t paying attention, and you’re not either.
You are settled between his legs, your mouth full of him.
This is a craving. A vice. Johnny is always the one giving. He loves to do it. Loves to shower you with affection and as much pleasure as you can handle. But you have the control now. You’re the one making him squirm. Making him writhe and whimper.
It’s lovely this feeling. The power is perfect.
No wonder Johnny loves doing this so much.
He groans again, the arm next to his side, fist clenched. His other hand rises, and tentatively brushes against your scalp. Johnny’s eyes are closed. You’re not sure if he even knows what he’s doing.
“I don’t want you to stop,” he says, almost absently, as if speaking to the air.
You continue. Tasting.
His hand against your scalp strengthens, fingers tangling in your hair. His grip is fierce.
“Don’t stop,” he repeats. “Don’t want you to stop.”
Simon "Ghost" Riley
“That’s not what you say. You know this, love.”
Simon grasps your chin between thumb and forefinger. He squeezes slightly, tipping upward. You are unable to look away. Unable to move. Those dark eyes with pale eyelashes drive a spear through your heart every time.
It’s maddening.
You lick your lips and Simon follows the movement. He examines your mouth, and then his thumb brushes against the underside of your bottom lip. It sends a little shiver through you. Simon is powerful. Strong. He could easily break you, and yet he can be so gentle.
“I’m not gonna ask again.” Simon draws you closer and leans forward as if to kiss you. He doesn’t though, simply holds there, awaiting an answer.
He won’t give you what you’re seeking just yet. Not until you say the magic words.
“Tell me you need me,” he murmurs.
That is all Simon wants. To be desired. To be needed. He loves to hear it from your lips, especially like now when the two of you are tangled in each other. Other times, it’s simple things like reaching something on the top shelf.
And you will tell him.
You always do.
“I need you, Simon.”
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angelicdanvers · 9 months
THE CLEARING | luke castellan.
pairing: luke castellan x fem!reader prompt: “i could admire you all day.” by @normal-internet-user
summary: a sweet moment in the clearing of pearls. takes place before tlt. wc: 1.2k
a/n: i'm back in my luke castellan phase and this time, unapologetically :') ik ik, he's the enemy. totally :D i haven't written in so long, i really hope you guys enjoy this! i eventually will make a collection of these on my wattpad (of the same username). have a great day/night! <3
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camp half-blood was just as rhythmic as any other day. the campers were up and running, tending to chores or activities, chiron was introducing some new campers, mr. d had his legs hitched up on the table and was slumbering.
and yet — somehow — something still felt off to y/n. she couldn’t put her finger on it. for a child of ares, she was undeniably observant of her surroundings, ready to feed a punch, but she didn’t see nor feel anyone around. 
often times, she realized it was her subconscious warning her of her siblings’ antics. despite coming off as a cold hearted bitch, y/n was quite the opposite and everyone in camp knew. whether they experienced her dual sidedness face to face, they heard of it and believed it. it wasn’t common for all the ares children, even clarisse, to like one person, sibling, mutually. yet y/n was that sibling.
she didn’t mind it. the eighteen year old was one of the oldest and made it her duty to keep everyone in check, even if that meant going against her easy way out — anger. her siblings often appreciated that despite not showing it, but sometimes clarisse had a lot to say.
this definitely wasn’t one of those times, though.
clarisse had just come by and helped y/n braid two of their younger sisters’ hair, the two chatting normally and without any apparent trouble.
then what in the world kept nagging her?
she kept sensing an odd aura around camp. maybe it was the gods’ doing. maybe.
sighing, she sat on the cabin floor, watching as the last of her brothers walked out. she began tying her laces, fixing the tongue on her boots. her instincts picked up as she heard soft crunches from the side of the cabin. grabbing her sword, she walked out diligently, observing the area around her and positioning the sword towards the crunches. she carefully examined the reflection, absolutely no sight of anyone. stiff, she shrugged off her unease, heading down the paths and to her clearing.
the clearing had a waterfall cascading at the heart, a sparkling little pool in the centre. for nine in the morning, the earth was still dewy and the crisp scent of the woodlands surrounded her senses.
inhaling deeply, y/n stepped towards her favourite boulder and slid her shirt off. one by one, she stripped down until she was in her bikini, and fixed her locks to be appropriate for swimming. once ready, she slowly dipped her foot in, the coolness of the water pulsing through her body and sending a jolt within her. 
a mere moment later, y/n was wading in the water, beginning to take laps around the pool. she always had a surge of energy in water that always made her wonder if she was actually poseidon’s daughter — of course, she wasn’t, but maybe she had to thank him for her love of water. maybe. maybe it was just her and the gods really didn't impact her.
submerging underneath, the girl opened her eyes and scanned the bottom. on her lucky days, she’d find little pearls the nymphs would leave behind. she'd have to personally thank them one day. her growing collection was all towards making special beads for campers who’d been there for a significant amount of time, symbolizing their individuality. she was thinking of giving annabeth and luke one to add to their necklaces before all else.
squinting, y/n saw a shimmering area in the corner. charging towards it, she picked it up and examined it with her hands; the water was getting rather hazy. these pearls were heavier, and with more texture than she’d ever felt.
smiling to herself, she carefully held it within her palms, swimming further up and merging out of water. she felt the sun shining on her, and she braced for the sudden light adjustment.
and then the sun was gone.
her brows furrowed, and y/n cracked open an eye, glancing towards where she felt the sun mere moments ago. instead of trees and simple clouds, she saw a lean figure wearing an orange shirt and khaki cargos, arms folded across their chest. she knew those arms.
“gods, what are you doing here?” y/n questioned, slightly lowering herself into the water and staring at the male before her.
he stifled a chuckle, his signature smirk playing on his lips. “what? can’t a guy be with his girlfriend?”
“luke,” she warned, “didn’t we agree to not be around each other unless we actually had a plan to sneak off?”
the curly haired boy shrugged. “like that’ll stop me.”
“luke, c’mon. if anything, we can’t have anyone find out like this.”
he shook his head, “they won’t know a thing.” he nodded towards annabeth’s cap. 
y/n had to admit, his desperation to be with her in any way was the most adorable and hot thing she’d ever witnessed. “did you at least ask her for it?”
“yes ma’am.”
y/n smiled toothily, wading towards the edge and climbing out. luke watched her every move, enthralled by her beauty. he wasn’t sure how he even convinced her to go on that first date, considering she had a knee on his chest and a sword to his neck. too bad he’s the best swordsman and pinned her down next. 
how could she say no after that?
she found him quite intriguing as well.
luke followed his girl as she went over to the boulder, grabbing her towel and gently drying herself off. he headed up behind her, taking the towel from her arms and drying her back off for her. 
“that still hasn’t healed,” he noted, tracing the scar on her shoulder blade. y/n’s body melted at his touch, and the chills she felt were replaced with flames. 
“yeah,” she whispered as luke softly turned her around, wrapping the towel around her body. he brought her body closer to his, putting his index to her chin and tilting her head up.
“you know, i could admire you all day.”
“and why is that?”
he laughed, “with that sexy soul and sweet hobby of collecting pearls, how could i not?”
y/n felt her cheeks grow hot, a soft grin making its way to her face. “i could say the same, pretty boy.”
"who are you giving those pearls to?"
"if i said who, wouldn't the surprise be ruined?" she quirked, tilting her head to the side a little. "eh, word on the street keeps mentioning the best swordsman."
luke smirked, satisfied with her answer, his black hair gleaming in the sly sunlight. y/n cupped the left side of his face, tracing her fingers on the scar to his right. their eyes couldn’t leave one another’s, an enigmatic energy floating amongst them.
“i want to kiss you,” luke’s voice was lower than before, his grip tightening around her waist.
“do it,” y/n mustered up, fluster traversing through every bone in her body. 
without second thought, luke pressed the girl against his body, capturing her lips. y/n’s fingers trailed to his hair, tugging at the curls as their lips intwined passionately.
the teenagers yearned for each other, their love enveloping around them as they remained  in their locked position. luke’s lips were as light as a feather but had a hold on y/n that she was sure no other could.
breathless, the two pulled away for a moment before luke pulled her in again for a quick, feverish kiss. “i love you,” he rasped, staring deep into her riveting eyes.
“i love you, luke.”
their admiration could only grow from there. 
or so they thought.
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DPxDC prompt: Danny is Chronos' first child.
Well, not his first child biologically, to be completely honest.
It just so happened that the Phantom very often helped/helps/will help Clockwork at different times and his presence next to the titan required an explanation.
And the opportunity to call Zeus a little brother is worth a lot, right? So when the Ancient came up with this idea Phantom did not resist just to have such a pleasant bonus from their cooperation.
However, in the time of the gods and heroes, such a solution was not a problem. But in modern times, when Phantom tries to attract as little attention as possible in order to graduate from university, such relatives are more likely to cause a lot of problems.
Wonder Woman: Uncle Danny?
Superman, who wanted to chase away a teenager serenely strolling through still smoking battlefield, turns to Wonder Woman, who is waving affably at excactly this guy.
Well, Fenton honestly happened to be in Fawcett City by accident, and it just so happened that by chance it was on this sunny and cloudless day that the villains decided to cause riots worthy of the attention of the founders of the Justice League.
Danny: Diana! My dear, it seems like we really haven't seen each other not for a long time! In what century was it? Ah, I honestly, I barely remember it... The speed at which children grow up defies the laws of time. I mean, look at you! Your mother must be so proud. How's Dad? Still not paying child support, arrogant bastard?
Wonder Woman: Oh, uncle, please. I'm all grown up now, don't worry about me.
Danny: Hm, well, let's get back to this question later. I didn't want to embarrass you in front of your friends. Anyway, would you like to introduce them, little princess?
Wonder Woman: Of course, meet Kal El, Batman, and Shazam. The rest of the guys have already returned to our base. Would you like to...
Danny: Ooh, you're talking about, um... What do you young people call it? The Justice League, right? During my youth, the heroes rarely united and mostly performed all the feats alone. It's good that you help each other, kids.
Danny flies up a little to pat Superman and Batman on the head.
Under the Diana's gaze full of hope that they will get along with her uncle, the men do not move.
In the background:
Red Hood and Robin who used to hang out with Danny near the Lazarus pits: *sounds of seagulls dying of laughter*
Flash: So you're Diana's uncle?
Danny: Yes, call me Danny.
Flash: Cool, cool...
Danny: What does the temperature have to do with it? Do you need ice? Let me make some for you.
Flash: No, it's like,um, I didn't know that Zeus has a younger brother with that name. So, it's good to know?
Danny: Hmm, thanks. Many people tell me that I look quite young, hah. But actually I'm his older brother, so...
Flash: Older? Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to disrespect.
Danny: No, it's all right. It's "cool". I rarely appear on the pages of your human myths and legends, I know it. After all this business about Chronos devours his own children, my father punished me for a long time. So, yeah...It's a funny story.
Flash: Punished for what? How?
Danny: Uh, sitting in a room at a time when there is no Internet or electricity is not fun at all. You see, I just didn't want a younger brother or sister because I was afraid that my parents would pay less attention to me. So, I made up this stupid prophecy and persuaded Gaea to tell it in order to remain the only child in the family. My father would never have thought that I would decide to kill him, that's why...Phah, it's just a bad family story. In 10 thousand years, we'll all laugh about it.
Flash: Yeah, that's... funny.
Danny *is woken up by an emergency call from the League at three in the morning, although he fell asleep at two o'clock* (he gave his contact so as not to upset his niece): I knew this would happen! I knew it!
Billy Batson *stands in his human form in front of the Justice League and doesn't know what to say*,*sweating nervous*.
Danny *enters the hall*: What's up, mortals, Diana and...Batman? My father said that there is something that I have to be here for. Oh! Well, at least someone in this family is also a shapeshifter. Have you decided to make a younger form so that your uncle doesn't feel lonely? What a good boy! Usually everyone is so afraid to seem like children, once they turn a couple of centuries old. Ah, youth~
Billy: Yeah, I decided to..experiment? and it seems I got stuck by accident.
Danny: It's okay, Uncle Danny will help you. Come on, let's go...
Danny *teleports them to the Fawcett City*.
Billy: ....
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Billy: Hey, I'm still stuck!
A new portal opens and a man in a purple cape hands Billy a note. "Go to Constantine. P.S., my son always completes all assignments only by half, sorry." written on it.
Billy: Oh... OoOhHh!!!
Meanwhile, Constantine, who is forced to do additional work: Son of a bi... beloved and respected Master of Time.
Danny: Yeap, that's me.
Constantine: Damn it. Couldn't you just let Batman adopt him like in other timelines?
Danny: And where's the fun in that?
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