#I still dont know how to draw visors💀
yourbeginneranimator · 5 months
Im finally done drawing this bru
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bishiglomper · 2 years
Omg I almost forgot to note down a dream.
I've already forgotton most of the extra plot points except for this part surrounding a motorcycle gang.
Someone in "my" group got in trouble and we had to send someone to essentially join a motorcycle gang. It was part probation/rehabilitation but the one who got in trouble couldnt do it because they were baby and we didnt want them murdered. Only none of our bigger guys were around to take the hit, so we had to send this tall white skinny chick. Who was also baby but hopefully oblivious enough to be safe?
And apparently they had to go undercover as male. We had no better options.
This chick was super tall, skinny, freckled, had straw-like, short wavy blond hair. She was awkward and kinda dorky. I felt bad we had to send her. Also because she apparently had to act male, and.. she was awful at it. 👀
The gang was surprisingly kind and supportive. There was a weird element where leaders had control of some entity to fight with but it was a bit secret so their group had to learn what design their creature was. They looked like Noise from TWEWY. kind of that spike graffiti text stylized design. Anyway. They had awkward chick draw the thing but she didnt do it right because she wasnt privy to the secret yet so she failed.
She was so afraid she was gonna be punished. But boss's no. 1 was like "nah its okay because then we all go out and teach you the stuff you need to know, it'll all be cool" so when they told the boss, she was worried and ready to grovel but the boss didnt even say anything about it, he was all just like "hey lets all go for a ride, show the newbie around"
So this group took her under their wing. I think her name was Ellie. I don't know what they called her in the gang though.. I wanna say Keith. 🤷
She always had to wear her motorcycle helmet. In an effort not to be found out. And everyone wore full-body leather riding suits. It didn't make much of a difference for her because she was so thin and flat chested lol
But anyway.
Everyone knew she was female but she was obviously trying to hide it, even doing a ridiculous sounding "deep guy voice". The first time they heard that they all kind of chuckled. They all knew but they're playing along because she was fucking precious and trying so hard okay 💀
And you know I am a sucker for pining fics. Just two morons absolutely, obliviously in love.
Which is what Ellie and motorcycle boss were. The boss was super curious and endeared by her and shes suprised by the whole gang in general and is falling in found family love with them but is also preoccupied by not giving away her secret that she cant tell the boss is hopelessly in love with her and trying to be careful not to actually let her know her entire ruse is blown. 👀 because shes too precious to disappoint.
And also his loyal lackies know better than to end the charade because while they are all lovely people, he'll still fuckin' murder you and his guys will make sure they never find the body 😂
Have i mentioned this chick is a dork?
She was talking and a ring flung off her hand and she just immediately dropped to the ground to grope around for it and it was so pathetic because her big ass helmet did not help matters. She tried to discreetly flip the visor open just long enough to find the ring and go back to obscuring her face.
The guys all look at boss like. Are we allowed to comment on how lame they are? But the boss just gives them a look like dont you dare. This pathetic baby bunny is under my protection and you'll all fall in line or you'll regret it.
I dont know where my brain conjured these people up but they are now my babies and I love them all so much. 😭 I need to give them an actual story because their love needs to be shared.
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