#I start off kind of aggressive but I gradually got calmer as I typed more out ahdkfhd rip srry it's long yall
citruscisco2 · 5 years
Crush Imagine: Lazy, Rainy Saturdays
QUICK NOTE: This is written mostly for a female reader who has a crush who is male. I've also tried my best to write this to where the reader has no specific body type - the same goes for the reader's crush.
    - (H/C) is hair color
    -(S/T) is skin tone
    -(C/N) is crush's name (I mean I guess in this he's your boyfriend)
    -(E/C) is eye color
    It was a Saturday afternoon, a rainy one to be specific. Thunder rumbled through the air while lightening flickered throughout the grey sky above. The rain pitter-pattered against the rooftop, creating a sense of contentment between me and my lover. The rain always found a way to make me tired. I cherish those days where there was nothing to do but nap and listen to the rainfall, coming in waves of soft to aggressive downpour. Though, too many rainy days just seemed to drain me. I was always tired and gradually grew upset for no reason at all. Maybe it was the lack of energy, the lack of completing tasks around the house, the lack of any sense of achievement.
    It was rare nowadays to have a Saturday off ever since (C/N) and I had to start picking up side jobs in order to pay rent as well as bills, not to mention food for the both of us to last more than a day. Might as well take advantage of those days off while you have them. Being a student while trying to work, study, maintain relationships - not just romantic, it takes a toll on you. Sometimes you just need to take a chill-pill, lay down for a while and binge-watch your favorite shows or movies while stuffing your face with comfort food.          The two of us laid on the old, semi-comfortable couch that sat in the middle of our conjoined dining and living room with our heads turned to the television watching a purposely comedy titled 'Joe Dirt.' At first, I assumed it was another poorly put together movie that was on a low budget too, though it's clear that it was supposed to be a cheesy, feel-good ending movie. It brought out a few soft chuckles from us, as well as roaring laughter followed by a few tears pricking our eyes while we clutched our aching stomachs. It was coming towards the end of the movie and both of our eyes were occasionally drooping with drowsiness. (C/N) laid on his back while wearing his neon orange hoodie and a pair of sweatpants that I had bought him. His soft, (H/C) brushed against the (S/T) of his forehead while his (E/C) eyes were rested upon the screen of the TV. He didn't bother to move the strands of hair that tickled the skin of his face, for his arms were busy with holding me close to him.     I was laying on top of him with the side of my head gently resting against his chest. Normally, I wouldn't be as comfortable with this position as I am currently. I would have felt as if I was crushing him. A couple of months into our relationship, I opened up and expressed these concerns to him when the insecurities of my weight were stronger than currently. Those dreadful thoughts were quickly put to rest as his two (muscular; lanky; etc.) arms wrapped around my body, pulling me close with one of his hands resting on the back of my neck gently while the other remained wrapped around my waist. He pressed the side of my head against his chest (or into the crook of his neck if you're his height or taller than him) as his thumb gently caressed the back of my head comfortingly. I felt his soft lips kiss the top of my head gently as I heard him speak. I'll never forget what he said to me that evening.      "Do you hear that?" he whispered, gently squeezing me tighter while running the hand that rested on my waist up and down my sides, from my hips to under where my arm is. My own arms had wrapped around his body, and I grabbed small fistfuls of his shirt as I tried to quiet my loud sniffles. What did I hear? (C/N) stayed quiet to see if I had an answer, or if I would even answer at all. I tried to listen closely to my surroundings, trying to find the source of the noise he was referring to. The only thing I could hear though was the sound of my sniffling and the comforting pounding of his heart. Listening to the sound of his heartbeat always put me at ease. Not having a definite answer, I shrugged silently in return. He sighed and pulled my head away from his chest, tilting my head to where my eyes gazed upon his handsome face. (C/N)'s eyes gazed into my pink and puffy (E/C) ones, giving me a soft and reassuring smile as he moved his hands to cup my face, gently wiping away any salty tears that streamed down my face. "It's my heart beating at a fucking million miles an hour for you." I let out a small laugh as my heart filled with warmth, but my head was still frostbitten from the cold doubts and self-deprecating thoughts.     (C/N) shook his head while sighing in disbelief. "I still can't understand why - how you still can't see how beautiful you are, how enchanting you are on the inside, and how stunning you are on the outside. Maybe I never will. I do know, though, how you're feeling, maybe not exactly, but I can relate." I stayed silent as he continued on while silently thanking him for taking the time to really sit down - metaphorically speaking - and having this talk with me.      It's not every day someone takes your worries seriously, and it's not every day you find someone who doesn't make a humongous deal over them to the point they end up crossing a line and you no longer have any sort of privacy. It's nice to have it somewhere in the middle. You need to address these thoughts seriously and see how they're affecting that person. Due to these thoughts, is the person trying to find a solution in a dangerous or unhealthy way? Either way, they should still be taken seriously and a healthy solution benefits all parties. Let's not make this seem like an essay for school. I've written enough of those last year.     "I, myself, wonder if I'm good enough for you, if I'm strong enough for you, if I deserve you, and the list goes on and on! There will be times where I continuously beat myself up over small things. That bad grade I got on that exam? Wow, I'm an absolute failure. My hair just isn't agreeing with me today? Gotta shave it off."     "(C/N) what are yo-" He cut me off before I could finish. He had raised his hand, pointer finger up to signal me that he was in no way finished speaking. Hearing (C/N) speak made me calmer by the second. His soothing voice floated into my hears and made my heart skip a beat. Hearing about his own insecurities cracked my heart bit by bit with every word. How could such an amazing person feel this way? Why couldn't he see that I find him to be the most perfect man that I've laid my eyes upon? It dawned upon me that I was feeling the exact way he was feeling. We both couldn't understand why we couldn't love ourselves for the way we are. To be frank, we know that no one is perfect, but we want to be the best person for the ones we love.     "I want you yo know that I love you more than you could ever comprehend. I love your hair, your smile, your kindness, your intelligence, and your body. You absolutely drive me wild with a simple smile baby. I'll try to keep this as PG and as sweet as possible," we both let out a small laugh at his comment. Even when he's trying to be serious, he always finds a way to make me laugh. God, I love that dork. "Now, I may be just a simple guy who's just trying to make it in life, but I can promise you that I'm going to try my damn hardest to make you feel as if you're the queen of the world." I playfully scrunched up my nose.     "Ew, no, that's too much fucking responsibility." He let out a loud, roaring laugh, tossing his head back as his eyes fluttered shut. He sighed and flashed be a heart-throbbing smile as he looked down at me with love completely filling his eyes.     "There's my girl. My beautiful, lovely girl," (C/N) mutters softly, leaning down and gently kissed my forehead. I blush at his words and playfully hit his chest.     "Oh shut up, you dork!" I let out a loud squeal as his fingers dug into my sides, tickling me.     "You better take that back, you brat!" He exclaimed while laughing. My knees buckled and my legs collapsed out from underneath me as his hands traveled from my sides to my stomach. This would be the start of the many discussion we would have about my insecurities, but he assured me that he didn't mind reminding me of how beautiful he thinks I am.     Here we are now, cuddled up on a ratty brown couch, yet we're happy nonetheless. As I laid on top of him, his one hand was gently placed on my upper back, while the other was wrapped tightly around my waist. His hand was clenched into a fist as he had a grip on the hoodie I was wearing, which was also his. Both of my arms were curled tightly against my chest, sandwiching them between us. It most definitely wasn't the most comfortable position, but I didn't care and I didn't dare move.     I let out a soft whimper after releasing a big yawn, grabbing (C/N)'s attention at the slight movement. He looked down at my tired forms with his own sleep-deprived eyes and chuckled softly. His grip tightened around me as I felt his soft lips kiss the top of my head.     "I think it's about time we both head to bed," he mumbled. His words were slurred and his eyes drooped as he spoke due to exhaustion. (C/N) reached for the TV remote, his hand missing it the first time before he turned the TV off. As he pushed himself up into a sitting position, my head was gently pushed from his chest to his lap. He laughed as I continued to lay there and refuse to move. "Come on sleepyhead," he joked while ruffling my hair. My nose scrunched up and I let out a whine, both from him screwing up my already tangled hair and the thought of moving from my comfortable position - now that my arms weren't crushed between the two of us. I rolled onto my back and looked up at him.     "But I don't wanna move!" I complained while pouting childishly. The sound of him talking could put me to sleep, which means I'd end up falling asleep on the uncomfortable ass couch and hate myself in the morning. (C/N) laughed at my misery and carefully slid my head off of his lap and onto the couch before standing up and stretching, groaning as he popped a few joints and cracked his back while doing so.     "In that case, don't you worry your pretty little head," he reassured before surprising me by sliding his arms under the middle of my back and behind my knees before scooping me into a bridal style position. This has got to be a dream. My eyes widened in shock and let out a loud yelp. My legs flailed slightly while my arms automatically seemed to find their way wrapped around (C/N)'s neck, causing him to let out an amused laugh.     After readjusting his grip, he carefully makes his way over to our shared bedroom. I felt safe in his hold. As he walked, the side of my head fell against his while my eyes would slowly droop shut only to shoot open. As much as I'd love to fall asleep in (C/N)'s arms, I'd much rather sleep in a bed for once. He seemed to notice my attempts at keeping myself awake and let out an amused huff of air. He laid me down on the bed and softly pecked my forehead.     "Get some sleep, we both need it." I let out a small yawn and nodded, stripping off my sweatpants and hoodie before slipping on one of (C/N)'s shirts - which he had handed to me. He stripped off his own hoodie as well. We didn't have the best working AC in the bedroom and we don't wanna end up sweating a shit ton in the night, so we opted to sleep with light, loose clothing or none at all.     "I know, I know. I just wanna fall asleep in be for once instead of that damn couch," I replied while laying down after crawling under the sheets. He too crawls under the sheets after me while laughing, laying down on his side while I lay on my stomach. We face each other. (C/N) lays one arm across my lower back and his hand gently grips my waist, pulling me close against him. "Maybe that's because you study there the majority of the time and end up falling asleep while reading, working, or binge-watching The Office for the millionth time." I roll my eyes at his words.     "For the record, it's a great show, and it's not my fault that Jim Halpert is one of the sexiest men alive."     "You mean John Krasinski?"     "No, Jim Halpert. Ya' know, any time I see John Krasinski in any other movie, I'm always thinking, yep, that's Jim Halpert. Fun fact, I used to think his last name was Krisanski, like spelled with an 'I' instead of an 'A' at the beginning of it and flip-flopped in the middle of it. I guess I just never really took a good look at the spelling. Makes sense cause I never fucking made it to the Spelling Bee. Then again, that's probably because I didn't wanna be in it. Too much fucking anxiety and pressure." I ramble on while laughing a bit at my own words. (C/N) laughs as well at my rambling and presses his soft lips against the skin of my forehead while grinning, sighing softly after.     "See, this is why I fucking love you," he mumbles raspily, his voice sounding lethargic, yet I'm still able to pick up how affectionately he speaks to me. I raised an eyebrow.     "You love my obsession with Jim Halpert?"     "No, dummy," he laughs while playfully flicking my forehead, causing me to wince at the tiny amount of pain and pout. "I love it when you ramble on about things you like and you're overall passionate about. Maybe it's because I just like hearing your voice - no, that's definitely it." I feel butterflies flutter around in my stomach as his sweet words and couldn't help but smile softly up at him. I shifted myself to where I'm resting on my side and reached up to cup his cheek. We're silent for a while, just admiring one another. Inside, I wanna crawl away from his intense gaze as insecurities rise, but I'm sure (C/N)'s feeling the same way.     "Ya' know, that's one of the things I love most about you. You actually take the time to listen to all of the weird shit I have to say, even when it doesn't make any sense. You remember all of my likes and dislikes - mostly because I talk about them over and over. You also take better care of me than I can care for myself." At the end of my rambling, (C/N)'s (S/T) cheeks were dusted pink and a grin as stretched across his face.     Our eyes fluttered shut as he leans forward and kisses me softly. It feels as if I'm on cloud nine as our lips intertwine together. It's slow, loving, and beautiful. As the kiss speeds and heats up, he pulls me on top of him while he lays on his back. My hands rest on his chest while his own move towards my hips, gripping the soft flesh with his large, strong hands. I straddle his waist and let out a soft moan as his kisses decrescendo into soft pecks, traveling their way down my jaw to the sensitive skin of my neck. (C/N) lets out a small chuckle at the sound and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling away to look up at me with tired, love-struck eyes.     "As much as I'd love to continue this, I know you're tired as hell, and so am I." I let out a soft laugh and nodded in agreement, laying down on top of him with my head resting on his chest.     "I feel ya' on that level," I muttered sleepily. (C/N) gently kisses the top o my head and pulls the blankets over us, making sure it's nice and snug around us. "I love you," I mumbled quietly ad my eyes droop shut. "I love you too, darling," he mutters back, equally tired. Our breathing slows down as we both drift into a slumber, dreaming about one another.
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koujakuzure · 7 years
just felt like givin my opinion on this bcuz I don’t think I have before but it’s a reoccurring topic I’d like to address (be warned, it’s a longass rant, but I like to be thorough just in case someone wants to make a follow-up. and if ur GOING to make a follow-up or comment or whatever, be sure to read the whole thing lmao)……….
why the fuck do you ppl feel so Entitled to exclude ppl from the LGBTQ+ community? excuse my crudeness, but if you’re excuse makes you sound like a whiny, bitter asshole, then I simply ain’t buyin it. yeah, life sure fuckin sucks one way or another, and I mean that genuinely. but why the HELL do you feel the need to take your frustration and bitterness out on ppl who don’t deserve it?
I didn’t start questioning my sexuality until I was about 15 (bout 3-4 years ago- and I started questioning my gender bout a year later). up until then, I considered myself cisgender and heterosexual, as well as an “ally” of the LGBT+ community since I was 10 or 11 (since that’s when I first found out about the LGBT+ community). Now, I was an adamant supporter of the community back then just as I am today (maybe even moreso back then ngl, or I was at least more aggressive about it back then lmao). I’d join groups on social media (then, it was mostly Facebook lol), I’d argue with all my close-minded homophobic classmates in my school- I even went to a couple Pride events (it took a bit of persuading to get my mom to take me asfkghds), and even though I only considered myself an “ally” at that time….. ppl of the community still welcomed me with open arms and treated me with absolute kindness. It was a community I felt very comfortable and welcomed in.
now, if I were to be that kid NOWADAYS…. hooboy…. it honestly disgusts me with how negative and hypocritical some of you can be, really. Even though I identified as cisgender and heterosexual back then, I still considered myself a part of the LGBT+ community, but as an ally- a SUPPORTER. by why WOULDN’T I be considered part of the community back then??? would that have made it unjustified for me to be able to attend a LGBT+ Pride parade/event then, since I identified as cis/hetero back then??? even though I’d be there to SUPPORT everyone?????? the only difference between an Ally attending a Pride event and an actual LGBTQ+ person attending a Pride event…….. is that the Ally would be celebrating everyone ELSE (all of their gay, lesbian, bi, etc. friends/family/strangers), while the others as ACTUAL gays/lesbians/bis/etc. would be celebrating THEMSELVES and their fellow LGBTQ+ fam (if that makes sense). (genuine Allies don’t go around saying “hooray for me being straight haha!! #HeteroPride!1!1” ok lmao pls, if u hear or see someone doin that shit, then they’re a tool)
see now, narrow-mindedness and ignorance can go both ways, and there’s often double standards created here- the Classic is being homophobic/transphobic- people you OBVIOUSLY would not want at a Pride parade/event bcuz you know their intentions aren’t good; ppl you OBVIOUSLY would not consider part of the LGBTQ+ community for obvious reasons…. so then why would you treat ppl that WANT to support you in the same manner as you would treat a homophobe????? how the FUCK is allowing allies to be a part of the community a bad or harmful thing???? as long as they’re not doing it to seem “different” or “cool” or whatever, and are being GENUINE……… how the fuck could it possibly HARM you???????? if anything, you’re only DISCOURAGING these ppl from being adamant supporters. instead of wanting them to be up in the front lines cheering you on and joining you in your fight for your rights, you want them to sit in the back and just watch basically, right? lmao ok.
TL;DR - I’ve always viewed the LGBTQ+ community as a community of LOVE and ACCEPTANCE. when same-sex marriage was legalized, I wanted EVERYONE to be cheering and celebrating, ALL members of the LGBTQ+ community, INCLUDING allies (bcuz I personally include Allies in the community, as explained above if u didn’t feel like reading thx). and I guess I just take it personally whenever I see someone trying to exclude Allies from our community bcuz I remember when I used to be in that place….. and if ppl discouraged me then like they seem to do quite often today….. I don’t know where I’d be today, or WHOM I’d be today…… but now, as a gender fluid pansexual individual, I happily accept Allies to continue with their encouragement and love and support, and I’ll continue to accept them into our family, the LGBTQ+ community, with open arms, as they have accepted me back then.
and I encourage all of you to just….. stop for a second……… and just,,, re-evaluate your negative emotions and whom exactly you’re targeting them at and if your reasoning to do so is justifiable or not……… I understand we, as the LGBTQ+ community, are frustrated with the oppression we’ve faced and STILL ARE facing….. and definitely continue to acknowledge these problems, call ‘em out goddammit! but sometimes…. being pessimistic all the time can rlly take a toll on your physical and mental health…. sometimes, you need to take a break from all that negativity and just look at the bright side of things. it’s progressively getting better day by day, believe it or not. it just takes time for change to happen, ya know? it’s always been that way (just compare now to 10 years ago- in a fairly short period of time, look how far we’ve come). ya can’t take your frustration out on ALL straight ppl or ALL cisgender ppl (you certainly CAN, but u rlly SHOULDN’T imo)…… bcuz if you were to switch those roles, you’re doing the same exact thing homophobic and transphobic ppl are doing….
while we’re angry bcuz we WANT change, they’re angry bcuz they’re AFRAID of change. don’t be just as bad as them pls.
thx for reading ahdkghdksjsk feel free to reply whatever, but pls just try to remain civil;;
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its-lifestyle · 5 years
So I did a little test this week. I asked a few non-gym goers what kind of aerobic activity they did and their answer caught me off-guard.
Most told me they don’t have a flair for aerobics and can’t keep up with the teacher’s moves. Or couldn’t coordinate their legs and hands.
One told me she liked Zumba, but not aerobics.
I was gobsmacked.
Yes, the majority thought “aerobic” meant doing aerobic dance classes – the older ones even associated aerobic with Jane Fonda!
When I rephrased my question and asked if they did any cardiovascular endurance or something to increase their stamina level, thankfully, some understood.
Perhaps because fitness has been part of my life as long as I can recall, I assumed everyone knew what aerobic exercise was.
Aerobic dance is a form of aerobic exercise, but aerobic exercise isn’t just limited to aerobic dance.
Here’s a little lesson on aerobic exercise.
Whether you call it aerobic or cardiovascular or cardiorespiratory endurance, it’s the same thing: getting your heart pumping and oxygenated blood flowing, with the goal of improving your cardiorespiratory health.
Aerobic means something that occurs in the presence of, and requires or uses, oxygen.
So, when the body is able to supply adequate oxygen to sustain performance for long periods of time, this is called aerobic exercise.
Examples include brisk walking, running, cycling and rowing.
On the contrary, an anaerobic activity is the type where you get out of breath in just a few moments.
Examples include when you lift heavy weights for improving strength, when you sprint or when you climb a steep hill.
Basically, you go all out in short bursts of activity, leaving you breathless.
Depending on preferences, some people tend towards aerobic exercises, instead of anaerobic ones.
You can also do an aerobic activity and turn it into an anaerobic one, and vice versa.
It all depends on the intensity in which you are performing the activity.
Burning fuel
Hiking can be both aerobic and anaerobic in nature. — Filepic
There are many forms of aerobic activity, and almost any physical activity that is done at a mild to moderate pace can be considered aerobic.
The heart rate increases linearly with exercise effort and this is often used as a measure of the required intensity of exercise.
The harder you work, the faster the heart beats to keep up.
During exercise, blood vessels in the muscles dilate and blood flow is increased in order to increase the available oxygen supply to meet the energy needs of the body.
The additional oxygen that must be taken into the body after vigo-rous exercise to restore all energy systems to their normal states is called oxygen debt.
The more aerobic capacity the body has, the more oxygen is available to the working muscles, which delays the onset of lactic acid at a given work intensity.
Lactic acid is mainly produced in muscle cells and red blood cells. It forms when the body breaks down carbohydrates to use for energy during times of low oxygen levels.
Your body’s oxygen level might drop during intense exercise and when you have an infection or disease.
Symptoms include a burning feeling in your muscles, cramps, nausea, weakness and feeling fatigued.
When you exercise, your body needs to burn some fuel, which is supplied in the form of carbohydrates and fat.
Fat contains nine calories per gramme whereas carbohydrate has only four. So, you get more energy and can go further on a gramme of fat than on a gramme of carbohydrate.
However, you need more oxygen to burn fat because it’s denser than carbohydrate. Hence, only after roughly 30 minutes of exercise does your body start tapping into your fat store and use it as fuel.
In short, for moderate-level activities, you’ve got to work out longer to get into the fat-burning zone.
Fret not, the good news is that your body gets more efficient at using oxygen and burning fat when you do regular aerobic exercise.
How much exercise you require depends on what your health and fitness goals are.
The right amount
The benefits of aerobic exercise depend on three components: how intensely you do it, how often you do it and how long you do it for. — TNS
According to the 2018 edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans published by the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), aerobic exercise varies by three components:
● Intensity – how hard a person works to do the activity, such as moderate (the equivalent of brisk walking) or vigorous (the equivalent of running or jogging).
● Frequency – how often a person does aerobic activity.
● Duration – how long a person does an activity in any one session.
The US HHS recommends that adults aim to get 150 to 300 minutes of moderate physical activity, or 75 minutes to 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity, a week.
As the names would imply, the difference between moderate-intensity exercise and high-intensity exercise is in the intensity of the workout, or the degree to which you’re pushing yourself.
In addition, you should do balance and stretching activities to enhance your flexibility, as well as muscle-strengthening workouts, two or more times a week.
Whatever your preferred exercise intensity, it’s important to choose activities that you enjoy and will stick with in the long run.
Walking, jogging, hiking, dancing and gardening are all great forms of aerobic exercise that you can easily integrate into your day.
After all, aerobic exercise does wonders to improve your health, even if you perform it in shorter segments throughout the day.
From my observation, the ones who like high intensity exercises tend to have a short fuse and a lot of pent-up emotions.
These exercises give them a chance to release their frustrations. After an activity, they’re always much calmer and can think better.
The calmer ones prefer the likes of yoga and taichi.
In reality, the aggressive ones should be incorporating yoga into their routine, and the calmer ones, a bit of high intensity exercises. This would give their characters more balance.
Every session of aerobic exercise should include a warm-up and cool-down.
Remember to always warm up by gradually increasing the pace and intensity of the exercise.
This allows the blood flow to slowly increase the temperature of the muscles, and decreases the likelihood of a muscle or joint injury.
The warm-up should last around seven to 10 minutes.
The cool-down session should last a similar amount of time as the warm-up, with the pace gradually decreasing.
Stretch at the end, when the muscles are warm and toasty.
Every activity carries some risks and you should pay attention to your body’s signals that something is wrong.
If you’re physically sick or simply exhausted, take a break from exercise.
When you return to your regimen, scale back on the intensity or difficulty level to minimise sore muscles and stress on joints.
Do consult your doctor before you embark on an exercise programme.
Those who suffer from diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease, arthritis, asthma or other health conditions may need additional safety guidelines for exercise.
Revathi Murugappan is a certified fitness trainer who tries to battle gravity and continues to dance to express herself artistically and nourish her soul. For more information, email [email protected]. The information contained in this column is for general educational purposes only. Neither The Star nor the author gives any warranty on accuracy, completeness, functionality, usefulness or other assurances as to such information. The Star and the author disclaim all responsibility for any losses, damage to property or personal injury suffered directly or indirectly from reliance on such information.
from Fitness – Star2.com https://ift.tt/3137t4Q
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