#I spent waay too long on this though
GVF as the most ridiculous ATLA episodes
Josh - The Desert
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Jake - The Waterbending Scroll
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Sam - The Ember Island Players
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Danny - The Cave of Two Lovers
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mojavewastes · 7 months
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[wip] haven't drawn anything in so long everyone cheer for meee
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hocesthelas · 1 year
The Slytherin to my Hufflepuff | Sehun
Pairing: Hufflepuff!Sehun × Slytherin! Reader Word count: 1.3K Summary: Sehun, which had been expected to be Slytherin for all intents and purposes, was sorted into Hufflepuff, while you, a Hufflepuff in blood and bones found yourself in Slytherin. Authors note: This is my first fic on here. I do feel that I have gone waay off from my original idea, but hey, if anyone ends up reading this, I hope you enjoy! :)
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It all began with a bam. You were walking down the corridors with Hannah. You were looking at the sky and quickly got distracted by a cloud in the shape of a mouse. You were looking so intently, and you were so distracted by your own thoughts, that you no longer registered to what the Hufflepuff beside you was saying.
You most definitely couldn’t tell that someone was walking directly towards you, someone, who had also been distracted.
In the blink of an eye, you found yourself struck and on the ground with a sore bum before you even registered what happened. As you looked up, your eyes met his. You quickly concluded that this face was the most pleasant one you had seen in Hogwarts. A face which the glow of the sun had made look heavenly. You looked down at his dishevelled black and yellow tie. A Hufflepuff!
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was…”
“sorry, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was…”
“going” you both said simultaneously.
You broke down laughing, and he gave you an amused grin.
Later that day you pestered Hannah on who the Hufflepuff was and demanded she share everything she knew about him. She looked at you in confusion “you don’t know Oh Sehun?” you shook your head no.
“Well,” she began “If you are a Hufflepuff in Slytherin robes, he’s a Slytherin in Hufflepuff clothes; I reckoned you would know him.”
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Following this incident, you've gotten closer to Sehun. You also learned more about him; like how he used a bird-conjuring charm on a Ravenclaw who was bothering his friend, or how he came from a family of Slytherins, and how his family had been greatly disappointed that he ended up in Hufflepuff.
You also had a lot in common; you were both sorted into the ‘wrong house’, you both spent more time with students from other houses than those of your own and even though you were both fairly well known in Hogwarts, you somehow never heard of one another before you literally bumped into each other in the corridors. What was truly frightening was how nearly all of your friends were his friends too.
Moreover, you had constantly spent time in the Hufflepuff common room, even though it was technically not allowed. Despite this, somehow, miraculously, you had never — not once — come across him.
This didn’t mean that you never, unknowingly, crossed paths. Soon after you started frequenting the Hufflepuff common room, some of the occupants were not happy to have you there, and they were not shy to share their thoughts with you.
Seeing as you thought it inappropriate to complain to your Hufflepuff friends, you recounted all that happened to your Gryffindor friend. It didn’t take long for these incidents to cease. Flooded with schoolwork and exams, you never had time to think much of it.
You now learned that Chanyeol had gone to Sehun to speak of the matter. Sehun then took measures to keep his own housemates in check. All this while he too had never seen a hair on your head.
It only took a short time before you felt as if you'd known Sehun your entire life. You'd spend as much of your day stuck to each other as possible, and you would never run out of things to talk about.
Presently you were both sprawled beside each other on the grounds just outside of Hogwarts. As per usual, curiosity made its way through your system, and you could only keep it in for a few brief moments before you spoke up “Sehun, you have brewed Amortentia before, haven't you?”
“I would like to think that by now I have, yes” you rolled your eyes at him, even though he couldn’t see it.
“So, how was it? what did you smell?” he turned his head towards you “I smelled the fear from my enemies” this sent you into a laughing fit, and he too couldn’t help but laugh.
You slapped him on his chest “oh come on dummy, I’m being serious, what did you smell?” “not telling” he said in a teasing tone.
You moved closer and you turned to whisper in his ear “come on, tell me, what did you smell”.
He tried his best to shield his ear “Jeez, are you always this touchy with your friends? why don’t you find someone else to annoy” “No” you answered.
“No what? you are not touchy with your friends, or, you can't find some to annoy?”
“both” you turned to look at him again “don’t think I’m dropping this, now tell me what did you smell?”. He continued lying there, still. You weren’t sure if his reaction was because of your question, or because of your answer.
You impatiently got up on your elbow, and fisted your left hand, as if preparing to punch him “are going to tell me, or do you plan on getting beat?” he put his hands up in surrender “alright, alright! why do you Slytherins always revert to violence”.
As you laid back on the grass, he hummed in thought, stole a glance at you then focused his eyes back on the sky before finally saying “it was lavender… freshly cleaned laundry, and…” he looked at you again ”and Pelargonium”.
You propped yourself back up on your elbow and looked at him intently “no way, are you serious?” he seemed waver at the question, but answered with a hum and a nod of the head.
Your smile just grew bigger and bigger “guess what I smelled?” you didn’t even give him a chance to answer before continuing. “lavender” you saw his eyes instantly grow in shock “freshly cleaned sheets” he looked at you in disbelief before retorting “well, I do hope you aren’t the biggest narcissist in the world, and have Pelargonium as your third scent”.
He had accidentally given himself away, and this was all the reassurance you needed. You gave him a quick peck on the cheek, earning you a pair of reddening cheeks. “Of course I didn’t smell Pelargonium. My third scent was apple”.
He stared at you, eyes glued to yours. You couldn’t decipher the look he gave you, so you attempted to further elaborate “you also smell of apple if you didn’t realis-”.
Before you could finish the sentence he grabbed your face, pulling you down for a kiss. You could feel each other smile through the kiss and felt yourself engulphed by the smell of apples, drowning you under a blanket of comfort.
As you pulled away, your eyes found each other, and you were lost in his. He was the first to break the silence “if there is any doubt in your mind, you smell like Pelargonium” you couldn't wipe the smile off your face “I know”.
You then threw yourself on top of him, hearing him whimper in surprise. His arms snaked around you, making you feel giddy. As he caressed your back you heard him speak “I guess the fact that we smelled nearly the exact same thing proves that we were meant to be together” “oh, so we’re together now?” “haven't we always been?”.
You sighed in relief “good, now I don't have to be the only one without a boyfriend”
As you cuddled each other, you couldn’t help but think about the sorting hat, and how ironic it was that you were both sorted into what you thought was each others house. “Sehun” he hummed for you to continue. “do you think the sorting hat was playing matchmaker with us?”.
You could feel him grin from under you “I’m telling you, we were meant to be, it’s just that the sorting hat realised it earlier than we ever did”
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noro-noro-noro · 5 months
work was a pain in the ass. anyway here are the dreams i had. - at the lake with the family having fun! playing on th einner tube! but there's a dragon in there. it was blue. i had to fight the dragon fsr? but a whole tv crew pulled up & was like waait you gotta look fire. you must look slay rn.. & i was like YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE ME MISS MY DRAGON APPOINTMENT. i went out to that part of the cave tunnels by the lake with the tv team & yep, you guessed it! i was too late to fight the dragon that day. the dragon's curse took hold & started decomposing my body starting from the neck. this was really gross & painful. in addition to not being able to talk anymore, one of the tv crew had to jury rig some kind of head brace bc i didn't have any neck muscles any more & my lower jaw kept falling off. this was scaring the hoes. somehow eve n though my jaw was falling off, once they got it secured & stablizied the decomposition, my teeth kept falling out too! they were longer than usual, but rather than like exploding in my mouth & then rotting out, i had to pull them loose. they were really long. it hurt a lot. the tv crew did not care about my teeth. these weren't even my molars either - this was the left half of my mouth. the teeth were very brittle in my hands, & since I had to pull them, the blood wouldn't stop. i was mad it was getting on my clothes.
- next bit i was travelling again. it was just the sunny & warm white stone area with too many buildings too close together, but it's always nice there, so can't really complain.
i ended up at the pool around sunset with mostly strangers but we were getting along. time started going backwards a bit - like over the top special effects sky spinnign the other waay etc, but whatever. then the water got weird.
- something of a transition from the pool to some kind of low key local market. it had like a somehwat medieval theme? my sister aws there. there was a "quiet room" in the bakc of a big white tent that they were doing a performance? in. my sister checkd it out & it kind of seemed claustrophobic - like baggy white plastic walls sttill moving around in the breeze . like how sitting inside a garbage bag might feel.
it transitioned into the story, & the white tent suddenly become a more immersive environment. the audience was split into 3 groups that would accompany what was going on on stage - the military, the rebels, & the recon squad. the recon squad were assigned to sit n the quiet room, which was now a lot bigger but still felt somewhat claustrophobic. i was in there with m sister & other people. we had to lie on the ground & peek out through the hole entrance, & our main goal was to whisper to the rebels when they came to us. also at some point we had to put on these various forest-creature-themed costumes, & each forest creature had a different role. i was mushroom big nose. my sister was a tree stump. various other critters as well.
about 1/6th of the way through the performance (very tense: the actors were leading the military in searching for the rebels in the woods) one of the staff said "hey this girl showed up can y'all have her in the recon squad area" & we were like "sure i guess". the girl was some 15-16 year old in a fox kirigumi. we let her in but she spent the whole time talking about astarion & we were like "okay but be quiet rn we're missing the action" & then she was like "actually i think i'm kin with him" & i like had some vision beamed into my skull of her lying on the couch looking at a picture of him zoomed in & i was like BEGONE WITH YOUR FOUL VISIONS I'M LITERALLY TRYING TO WATCH THE SHOW
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johannstutt413 · 4 years
“Alright, let’s see...Looks like we’ve got a fight tomorrow, Jessie!” The Doctor unfurled a piece of paper from the machine. “First round for Specialists, it looks like; Phantom vs Red. It’s been awhile since Phantom stopped by the office, hasn’t it?”
“...Phantom?” The Feline shrugged; she’d seen records of that Operator before, but never actually encountered them herself.
He sighed. “Right, stealth specialist with mnemonic Arts. Regardless, it’ll be interesting to see what happens, especially since Red- actually, I haven’t seen her recently either. She hasn’t been on a mission, has she?”
“I don’t think so?” Jessica flipped open a tab and scrolled through some of her notes. “No, but she has been on leave for awhile.”
“Really? What kind of leave was it, again? I think you approved that one.”
At that exact moment, Projekt Red walked into the office with a baby in her arms. “Maternity leave.” [not exactly the same universe but hush it’s fine]
“Awww!” The two immediately approached. “What’s their name?”
“Scarlet SilverAsh. I don’t think I can be in the tournament for a while, Doctor; we haven’t moved her to formula yet.” Scarlet fussed a little, which the Lupo solved by licking her forehead.
The Doctor nodded. “That’s alright, Red; I think I know the person to take your spot. Let us know when you’re ready to fight and we’ll put you in the rotation.”
“Thank you, Doctor. I’ll be watching today’s match from home. You can both come over, if you want; Encio’s making burgers.” She watched both of them blink several times. “What?” 
“He can cook?” Jessica asked.
She nodded. “There’s nothing he can’t do. I need to feed her soon. Let us know if you want to come over.”
“Will do!” Once she’d left, the Feline smiled to herself. “I’m looking forward to that someday.”
“Having a kid with me?”
Jessie set her head on his shoulder. “Yeah...We should call Waai Fu now, before too much press goes out.”
“Good plan.”
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, Operators, Staff, and Esteemed Guests! Welcome one and all to the Top Operator Tourney!!! *crowd cheers*
“Thanks, Hung! Hiiiii everyone! It’s your lovable idol and Penguin Logistics delivery girl Sora here, filling in for Click on account of some rather inflammatory commentary she gave during the last one. Joining me in the booth, filling in for FEater after she punched the person who told them that, is Croissant!”
“That’s right, Sora, and I ain’t goin’ any’re! Now earlya Baws ‘nounced we had a lil’ bituva skejul shift, but looks like we still ‘ave a real good’un on our ‘ands. On the north side, wi’ 14 years of fightin’ ‘sperience, she’s student by day and brawla’ by nite, WAAAAAAAI FUUUUUUUU!” *cheers* “Ye, dat’s wut I wanna hear! Annnnd on the south side- hey, where’d they go?” *confused crowd noises* “Uh...Now I ain’t gonna lie, I never did meet dis Phantom guy? We sure he works ‘ere?”
“I mean, Medical had enough data to evaluate with, so I guess he does? Aaaanyway, looking at the numbers, it looks like Waai Fu has more combat experience and raw strength, but Phantom’s faster and trickier to deal with, so hopefully he shows up long enough for us to watch him work!”
“Ye, let’s ‘ope so! Baws itn’t at the podium today, but Amiya’s down there doin’ the hands, so let’s ‘ear it! 3! 2! 1! LET’S RUUUUUUUUUUUMBLLLLLLLLLEEEEEE!!!”
Down on the ground, as the commentators blathered away, psyching the crowd up, Phantom watched his target from the shadows, blades ready but simply observing. His opponent, an orange Feline he’d never seen before, likewise watched, patient. This wasn’t his usual style...but if it was a show they wanted, then he’d give them a show.
“So you are my opponent.” He took a step forward. “Shall we dance our dance for the masses?”
“The Phantom, in the flesh...I expected to face you later in the bracket, but this works, too.”
His eyes narrowed. “You recognize me?”
“I’ve spent my life clearing the street of scum like you, who skulk in the shadows and take others’ lives for your sick games.” She took a defensive stance. “Your ring of thieves deserved its fate-”
“Do not speak ill of the dead, lest you join them sooner than you expect.” A step backward, and he’d vanished.
Two Phantoms emerged from her shadow, blades drawn to strike as they flanked her, only to find she was ready for both attacks; Waai Fu evaded their swords as knocked both Phantom and his mirror image to the ground. “Repent while you still have time.”
And then everything was a blur.
“It’s like it started out of nowhere! They stared each other down forever, and then BAM! Also, why are there two of him?!”
“I ‘unno, darlin’, but I ‘ope Junior ain’t watch’n this! They’re go’n at it ‘arder ‘n an’thin rite now! I can’t even count ‘ow many blows they’re tradin’, but not a single drop of blood on the ground yet!”
“You can tell Waai Fu’s struggling, though - two on one isn’t a fair fight for anyone, but she’s holding her ground someh- OH, what?!”
“Oh! Oh! That’s the Seven-Styles Kick!! ‘Oly shit, I ain’t ever seen it in person bef’r, but damn that was some’n! And one of ‘em’s gone now!”
“Things have slowed down, and she is absolutely whaling into him! Punch, punch, kick, kick; he’s doing his best to evade them, but I don’t think he can keep up like this for long! Especially since he can’t- never mind, he managed to slash her once, at least, but that just left him open for a solid haymaker! He’s not getting back u/p! 1! 2!! 3!!! SHE’S DONE IT!!!”
“Wowza...Not as bloody as last ‘un, ey darlin’?”
“Waai Fu’s getting medical attention, as is Phantom from the looks...Hey, wait a minute, honey, did you see that?”
“See what?”
Aak was there at Waai Fu’s side, local anesthetic applied and staple gun going to work. “A bit of medi-gel will get this patched up in no time...Hey, who was that guy, anyway? Never seen him around before.”
“The Phantom Behind the Curtain, Treasurer of the Night. He was the leading man for a theatre troupe known for less-than-savory wetwork who traveled the world as a closely-knit ring of assassins, although many didn’t realize their actual business until the day it collapsed.” The Feline sighed. “That one killed a crowded theatre with his voice alone. He didn’t want me dead, not enough to speak to me with his true voice.”
“Truer words, vigilante, have yet to be spoken” a spectral figure whispered in her ear, disappearing before she could identify them.
The other Feline next to her cocked her head. “See something? Mighta gotten some hallucinogens in the anesthetic again.”
“No, it’s...nothing.” She shook her head. “It’ll pass, whatever it was.”
“You’d best win the tournament now, child...For your father’s sake.” From the other ear this time, as if standing in Aak’s place.
On the ground, as Warfarin ensured Gaspard began his recovery, a black cat stepped out of the shadows and, once the Sarkaz was done with the greater part of patching him up, sat on his chest, gently pawing at his face. A slight smile came to his face as he and his Christine were taken to Medical for full evaluation; he might have been defeated in this battle, but the war for himself was far from lost.
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askmyboys · 4 years
Here’s giant goat god, husband to Osmund!
| Name: Arvish
| Nicknames: Arv (only his husband is allowed to call him Arvy) or Vis
| Gender: He/Him, They/Them, or It/It’s (mostly mortals and the books used they/them or it/its and he loved both pronouns so he decided to use them as well)
| Age: Also old like Osmund really, centuries old essentially
| Height: 140ft
| Species/Race: Giant God God (he can also size shift)
| Hair Color: Dark Brown (Quiff Hairstyle)
| Eye Color: His eyes used to be Pitch Black (the colors of the eyes in this regard are KINDA lowkey symbolic? His eye color now Forest Green (you know he has them rectangular pupils) he has one scar over his right eye but he can still see out of it thankfully.
| Appearance: Let’s start off like we did with Osmund- Alrighty, his ears are the same p much as Osmund’s except the top is a brown color with white fur on the bottom, he’s got a brown goat tail with white fur on the bottom as well, his feet are hooves and he actually just has hands, his fingers for some reason have something that look like black ink smeared on them- it doesn’t come off either it just seems to be apart of his skin, he does have sharp black claws as well, he’s got horns but they are more like ram horns (got them BIGEM curly horns babey) he wears his wedding ring on his right horn actually (he isn’t afraid of it coming off, it’s not STUCK on there but it’s not just going to,, slip off or anything) BUT when he’s out and about for long periods of time he has a heart shaped rose quartz locket that he keeps it in and wears it around his neck (last I checked rose quartz symbolizes love, trust, and emotional healing)
His skin color? Well he’s honestly just tan- its from staying outside like 90% of the time lmao but given the nature of his world who WOULDN’T wanna stay outside in it (also bc i almost forgot, his beard is actually pretty fluffy looking and he also has sideburns- despite being a fluffy beard he manages to keep it looking well groomed as best he can ...never let the fluffy looks deceive you either, c o a r s e, coarse as hell) (also he’s got razor sharp teeth too, ...i-is he still a goat?)
Anyway- He wears one of those golden egyptian collars around his neck (mostly for Osmund who a d o r e s it), he doesn’t really wear a shirt or pants either, he has a long loincloth (it goes down his legs even, so it's kinda like a loincloth-dress esque thing?) he just didn’t feel comfortable with the short loincloths… He cut a little hole out in it so his tail could stick through as well, he has a bit of chest fluff, no its not hair its like ACTUAL fluff- He also has like a fuck TON of scars, there’s SO many scars all over his body, they don’t seem to be any fresh or new wounds they look like they happened a VERY long time ago…
He also has a few golden bracelets going up his wrists and some near his biceps as well.
| Personality: Well, let’s start with how he was in the past bc everyone loves remembering their past right? ...ahaaaa… Anyways- Arvish was a greedy power hungry god who’d do and say anything to get what he’d want, he’d manipulate a few other gods/goddesses here and there but the mortals? O h they were ALWAYS the easiest to manipulate, he was also hungry for wars, it didn’t matter what kind of war it was, when it came to war, he loved choosing the mortals over the other gods and goddesses because of them being easy to trick essentially, it was SO easy to start a war with them! Humans fight over the s m a l l e s t of things it would seem! And because of how much he loved war you know he was absolutely the leader in a few of his own, feuding with other gods/goddesses and mortals all the same, he l o v e d money as well, money was the key to power and succession it seemed, especially in the mortal world, money made it easier to control them.
He was definitely an EXTREME control freak, you either bowed to him or you defied him and defying him would definitely end in a painful death more than likely, he was p much evil, cruel, sadistic, and a very stinky bastard man essentially- He was downright awful ...And then some time later on in his life, he met Osmund, a peaceful warrior who’d only fight if he had to, it was definitely a cliche love at first sight type of thing but even then, Arvish tried to deny his feelings, he didn’t feel love or anything like that, love was NOT an option for a god like him, and love was a weakness, having feelings for something or someone had been considered a weakness! So naturally at first Arvish and Osmundus were into it, the two fought greatly against each other- The first battle Osmundus won and usually, he’d finish the job but when it came to Arvish…
Unlike most that crossed him and pushed him, he slowly lifted his sword away from the other god’s neck and told him to simply get out, don’t come back… Of course Arvish only mocked Osmund for showing m e r c y to one of his enemies, he should have finished the job bc this was definitely not the last he saw of Arvish, the two had MANY great fights and when Arvish finally won a fight, after he had beaten Osmundus finally, now it was time to finish him off so he couldn’t get in the way! (Cause Osmundus was one to stop him from his evil deeds, he was a divine protector after all) but… Arvish just… Couldn’t, the more the two interacted, albeit after fights, Osmundus even went as far as to offer him some tea and a sit down to read a book, after they JUST fought?! Osmundus always spared Arvish, he taught the god things even HE didn’t know…
...And that had all strengthened Arvish’s love for Osmundus, such a wise god… Arvish couldn’t bring himself to finish Osmund off, especially after the god had said “Well, you’ve finally won…! I’m impressed, you’ve grown stronger Arvish… ...Well, if you want to finish me off, I won’t stop you” which confused him greatly “I… What are you playing at you old fool…?” Os only chuckled “Nothing, I’m completely serious, if you wish to finally get me out of the picture, I’m not going to stop you… In fact…” He would have then took his sword and stuck it into the ground (not the black obsidian sword) and stuck it deep so even he probs couldn’t have even pulled it back up (its a landmark now p much) really, it was all the kind acts from Osmund that he had provided after every fight, the knowledge from books, the offerings of tea, and the kind words he spoke even after fighting so harshly that just eventually broke the power hungry god, he only offered a hand to Os “...Get up… I… I just can’t do it…”
Arvish even admitted as he helped Osmund to his feet, half on guard just in case this was still all a ruse to attack him unexpectedly “...You have shown me kindness even when we are the greatest of enemies, even the very first time when you had the chance to take my head, you didn’t… You spared me, you knew I would come back, you knew I would never have given up, so why…? Why didn’t you just take the opportunity to finish me off?” Osmund would only laugh at that “...Well, why didn’t YOU just take YOUR opportunity to finish me off? I even offered you to do so…” (damn, this turning into a fanfic isn’t it?) Arvish couldn’t deny, okay Os got him there and for the first time he laughed genuinely at that “...I don’t understand you at all you old fool… Such a strange soul…” after a bit though, Arvish was going to leave actually but Osmundus stopped him, placing a hand on his shoulder “Why don’t you come inside, Arvish? We can settle down for the night and talk with some tea…” Arvish was shocked by this, shocked that the other god would even offer this after the BIGGEST fight they had ever had just transpired but Arvish for whatever reason took it.
Alright this is going to be waay too long if I keep up fanfic format, so basically after the biggest fight, Arvish and Osmundus has called a truce at first, Arvish would eventually start coming over but not to start a fight, no… He was just visiting Osmundus, that feeling in his chest never left from day one, but it only got stronger as time passed, same for Os it seemed, Arvish got taught the beauty of nature, how peace could be a much stronger asset than wars, how greed and power would only leave you feeling empty in the end and it had been true, even despite how much treasures he had stolen at first, he never did feel truly happy or anything, it was just wanting more and more and nothing satisfied him, and even the mortals had… Such intriguing ways of living life, Osmundus taught him s o much… After all this, Arvish became a MUCH more peaceful, kind, gentle, caring, and sweet soul… Even though the books and things speak ill of him at first (some books had been twisted to keep him labelled as the bad guy) most books tell the WHOLE tale. Now of course after all this, Arvish had admitted eventually that he had fallen in love with Osmundus and this was the first time he was actually nervous… He figured the other god would take offense, laugh at, or even reject him entirely.
Of course that’s when Osmund let him in on a little secret, he’s felt that way the entire time as well, and that it only grew stronger as time passed, same ofc with Arv obvs- but ahem- anyways- Os accepted the confession and the two had went on dates, strengthening their bonds the more time they spent together, and eventually when the time was right, Arvish was the one to propose first actually, and that was the MOST nerve wracking moment of his entire existence, even though he had knew Osmund loved him v e r y much so and of course he loved him back immensely as much, there was still a secret fear of rejection… However, this led to the first time Osmundus ever cried, at first Arvish was nervous that he had offended the other god or upset him so he quickly apologized but before he could even say anything more, Osmundus pulled him into a tight bear hug “...Yes, Arvy, I’ll marry you…” 
...And now it was Arv’s turn to cry, this also being the very first time HE ever shed a tear, and thus the two became husbands, and p much lived in peace and happiness.
I know that’s long and wordy but I had to describe this almost fully for anyone to TRULY understand Arvish, its basically literally the enemies to lovers trope, Arvish gave up his war, power, and greedy ways for Osmundus in the end, he could have taken the chance to end Osmundus so no one else could stand in his way then, not in those regards anyways but he just couldn’t do it, so yeye y’all get the basic point
| Side Facts: Arvish’s world used to be barren essentially, there used to be no signs of life there aside from him and whatever subjects he had, whatever minions he had, etc- But those were just there to serve him, there was no forests or any beautiful scenery… BUT since Arvish changed his ways, his world grew brighter, various plants, trees, flowers had began growing, wildlife had started appearing even! Many things happened to his world and it was no longer barren, now he has almost infinite forests and meadows spreading ALL across his world, one of the forests even have a LARGE lake (when I say barren, his world previously was literally just, d e a d looking, it was nothing but sand n sandstorms mostly, no sounds of life or anything could be heard and the silence would be enough to drive a human crazy excluding sand storm sounds n the sounds of a literal god and his minions BUT shhh! And despite not being any living creatures there WERE skulls of ones)
Arvish has a flower crown that had been made specifically for him, it seemed to have been designed by the other gods/goddesses and even some demigods, it was designed specifically for him, celebrating his change and growth into a better person, however… His sins and atrocities of the past still haunt and plague his mind to this day, everything he’s ever done and said still haunts him, and sometimes he wonders w h y… Why was he ever like that in the first place? Osmundus usually knows exactly what to say and do when he notices Arvish spiraling, which Arv is very thankful for… Arvish never expects forgiveness either from anyone he’s done wrong, and to the ones he has even killed, he regrets that d e e p l y, he wishes he had never been… t h a t kind of being… But, to the ones he’s done wrong to, like I was saying, he doesn’t ever expect forgiveness from them bc even though he’s changed, he really doesn’t feel he deserves it, he’s caused so much harm, so much pain, so many bad things and he’ll take those to the grave one day.
(catch that god of death character I made waaay back when fuckin cackling at this man lmao, i dont even know where I put those gods’ descriptions and now I really wanna find em again bc im makin’ gods/goddesses/demigods and a whole ass world for them all) Also one more thing, this is in reference to appearance back up there but im too lazy to have to fix the text movin down a page n shit, basically- he wears a silver nose ring AND his nose is also black like the his fingers (he does have a bit of darker brown going up it, its kinda another goat-like nose, it seems like it should be painted on, you’d think but in fact it’s genuinely just something on ‘im)
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(all I wanna do) is grow old with you
A probably-too-long Peraltiago soulmate AU where your body stops ageing until you’ve met the one you’re destined to spend the rest of your life with.  Inspired by this post, and encouraged by @fezzle because her mind is amazing and we both fell down the rabbit hole on this one 😅
You can find the rest on AO3, because it’s waay too long to post on Tumblr. 🍕 
(all I wanna do) is grow old with you
Amy’s breath fogs up the glass of the mirror she’s facing as she lets out a heavy sigh, eyes taking one more scrutinising look over her appearance.  Same olive coloured skin, same dark brown hair.  Same smile, same shrug of her shoulders.  Once again, nothing had changed.
She had been five years old when her mother had explained the Rule of Life as they knew it - that once you reached your 30th birthday, your body simply stopped ageing, and the only way to kick it back into gear, was to meet your soulmate.  
To a young and idealistic Amy, it had seemed like the Ultimate Romantic Notion - that you couldn’t possibly grow old until you’d found the right person to grow old with.  And in her early twenties, when appearances and vanities paid more value than they should, she had been in no hurry to find The One.  Until she’d reached her Age Limit of 30, and realised that beauty lay within those who had found their other half.  Wrinkles and streaks of grey in heads of hair were enviable, not feared.  The lucky ones would walk the streets with pride, unable to bridle their joy as they gripped their partner’s hand with their own. 
Watching her family and friends grow older while she remained stagnant never seemed to get easier for Amy.  Standing in the sidelines as the next phase of their life would begin, she couldn’t deny that it stung a little when her youngest of brothers, Luis, had salt and pepper flecks of colour in his previously jet black hair at the last Santiago family gathering.  Or that her best friend Kylie now tried her best to conceal the crows feet that had begun to appear around her eyes, sunglasses framing her face whenever she and Amy met up for lunch.  
Try as they might to hide the changes in their appearance - which she knew was out of love for her, to not rub in that they had found what she hadn’t - the only thing that the people surrounding her couldn’t conceal was the overwhelming exuberance that radiated from each and every one of them.  That sense of completion - the elation that finally, the rest of their life can begin.
 Amy turns her head in profile one last time, a discerning eye tracing her hairline before giving up with a shake of her head.  Last night she had been on a date with a man named Gabe (a match from an online dating app that she’s definitely going to delete), and at the end of the night she honestly had felt as though things could be … kind of promising.  He was handsome, with similar interests to her, and while he spoke about investment banking maybe a little more than Amy would have liked, he certainly seemed like a worthy option when it came to her soulmate.  And so, with the freshly risen daylight’s sunbeams streaking through the windows of her apartment, and her alarm buzzing incessantly beside her, Amy had jumped out of bed, making a beeline for the mirror.
However, it would appear Gabe was not a match.  Her appearance had not changed in the slightest.  And today was just going to be another day, like all the others, without Amy knowing her soulmate.  
She gets ready for work with the clocklike precision that only a life uninterrupted can bring, casting one last downcast glance at her reflection as she turns to leave.  Perhaps the universe had a point - Gabe was definitely not the one for her.  But … he had to be out there, somewhere.  
It’s another ten hours before Amy is shuffling into her apartment again, finally home after what can only be described as a less than mediocre day.  
As a detective for the 99th precinct, she and her partner Rosa had developed a finely tuned friendship that had resulted in an impressively high arrest rate.  And today, they had been given the case of a jewellery store robbery - a robbery that had unfortunately turned rather high profile, as one of Brooklyn’s most well known residents, a celebrity chef named Cadi Nicholls, had been robbed in broad daylight, from the inside of a jewellery store.
Ms Nicholls had, despite several requests from various officers, been overly vocal about her ‘traumatic’ experience on social media, and in an effort to have the case closed before things turned ridiculous, Captain Holt had put his best two detectives on the case.
They had been so confident they would catch the thief.  Until they watched the security footage.
The perp appeared as if from nowhere, sliding Nicholls' diamond tennis bracelet right off her wrist without her even knowing, before yanking the sapphire ring she had just purchased out of her hand and running like hell.
Frustratingly (or conveniently, depending on who’s perspective you looked at it from), the security cameras outside had been out of order for days leading up to the robbery, so when it came to the getaway car the two women had absolutely no clues.  
Instead, they had spent the entire day interviewing countless witnesses, knocking on apartment door after apartment door until they tracked them all down.  All of which felt like a reprieve after finally escaping their interview with the chef herself; an hour long ordeal that she had insisted on live-streaming to her ‘concerned followers’.  
By late afternoon they had returned to the precinct, feet throbbing in protest, spreading out the case file over Amy’s desk as they re-examined all of the information.  The witness statements had been vague at best, and until they found a different camera that might have caught the getaway car they were officially out of leads.  
Exhausted, she had been on her way to Rosa’s desk to see if her partner wanted to get a drink of commiseration after their shift ended, when she noticed something that stopped her in her tracks.  Rosa Diaz was not a vain woman by any means, but right at that moment she had ducked her head down on the monitor, carefully shifting the strands of her hair into a specific position.  And as she moved them into place, Amy saw what Rosa had been trying to hide.
She had greys.  Only a few, and still ashy enough that it wasn’t immediately noticeable.
But she had greys.  Which meant that she was ageing.  Which also meant that she had found her soulmate.  
Her partner had looked up, eyes turning apologetic as she noticed Amy watching her, and began to explain.  “Her name is Jocelyn.  I didn’t expect to - ”  Amy raised her hand, halting the conversation as she plastered a smile onto her face.  
“It’s fine, Rosa.  Great, actually.  I’m really happy for you.”  
And she was happy.  Honestly.  Detective Diaz was a hard nut to crack, but underneath the leather-bound exterior was a kind, caring soul who genuinely deserved the best.  And obviously, this Jocelyn was it for her.  So Amy was happy for her partner.  
And also a little bit jealous.  Kinda defeated.  And almost certain that her soulmate simply didn’t exist.    
But mainly, happy.  
Now that she is home, Amy dumps her bag onto its respective hook, kicking off her shoes near the doorway and shedding her blazer before heading towards the kitchen.  She’s desperate for a glass of wine to take the edge off her less than average day, and had a Bordeaux stashed away in her cupboard laying in wait for the night that she could finally raise a toast to the person she is meant to spend the rest of her life with.  Clearly, that was never going to happen to her (and tonight was as good a night as any to enjoy a glass of red), and once she finally yanks out the cork with her cheap corkscrew, she abandons the tool on the counter, sauntering over to her couch with the bottle in one, and a glass in the other.
Less than an hour later, Amy has changed into her cosiest clothes and is perched on the couch, tipping the bottle upside down and frowning as no more wine seems to come out.  
Damnit.  Somebody’s been drinking my wine.  She cranes her neck, surveying the room with narrowed eyes as she searches for suspects, only to come up dry.  
Clearly, the perp has already fled the scene.
Her stomach growls as it protests at the lack of food - and abundance of wine - it had been given.  With only a slightly steady hand, Amy pulls out her phone from it’s position amongst the couch cushions, opening up a webpage to search for delicious food near me + quick delivery.  She had only moved into this apartment three months ago, after saving her hard earned money for far too long, and was still slightly unfamiliar (and yes, perhaps a little too drunk) to know what takeout options were nearby.  
The swirling symbol of a loading webpage disappears in a blink, the flashing logo of Sal’s Pizza taking its place.  She nods enthusiastically, because pizza is great and she doesn’t eat it enough, scrolling her way through the options before settling on the perfect combination and adding to cart.  
When this story gets told in the years to come, Amy will blame the empty bottle of wine for making her do this, but in the comment section of the order, she remembers a meme that her niece had recently shown her and types: send your cutest delivery boy.  Giggling loudly, she presses send before another thought could be made, and as the digital countdown comes onto her screen she stumbles into the kitchen, in search of another bottle.  
Jake Peralta rolls his shoulders against the stainless steel panels attached to the kitchen wall, legs feeling heavy as they dangle off the counter he’s perched on.  
It was nearly at the end of his shift at Sal’s Pizza, and the later hours of the evening always seemed to drag, but he’s thankful for a moment of peace.  
Sharing the delivery role with two other guys that he only knew as Scully and Hitchcock, he had spent the better part of the dinner rush covering their jobs as well as his own, both men claiming that they had gotten lost in the supposedly complicated streets of Brooklyn before returning to the restaurant several hours later, the pizza sauce stains still obvious on their chins.  Jake’s responding eye roll had been poorly concealed, and he had retreated to the familiar company of his buddy Charles, the chef, in the kitchen before he ended up saying something regretful.
That in itself had turned out to be a risky move, having to instead listen to Charles talk on and on (and on) about his recently discovered soulmate, Genevieve.  
And he’s happy for his best friend - really, he is.  But every single mention of their chance encounter, sparked by mixing up their specially ordered local delicacies at their nearby deli (his octopus ring pâté, hers rare eyeball soup, both horrifying) was just another reminder that Jake himself was no step closer to finding his.  Not that he’s even sure he wants to find his, but … still.
(Also, he was one more TMI conversation about their subsequent love making from taking the handle of both spatulas in the utensil jar and jamming them into his ears.)
The computer in the corner lets out an obnoxious ding! as an online order comes through, the attached printer grunting as it spits out a faded version for the chef.  Jake shuffles along the counter, butt squeaking against the steel as he rips the paper free, sneakers hitting the tiled floor with a slap as he slides it into place.  “Chet’s up, Charles.”
“It’s a chit, Jake.”  Charles looks up from his position on the counter opposite, hands concealed as he kneads out a heavy pile of dough.  “Do me a favour, read it out for me?  I’m a little tied up here.  Not as much as Genevieve was tied up last night, but still - ”
“One large deep pan, extra cheese, extra salsa!”  Jake cries out quickly, desperate to drown out the sound of whatever Charles was about to describe.  His friend nods in response, dusting off the extra flour from his hands as he heads over to another bench, the process of putting together a Sals Pizza so familiar it has become second nature.  
He glances back up at Jake, right hand mixing in the hot sauce.  “Any special requests on it?”
Right.  The special requests option, a relatively new addition, had been the catalyst for some truly strange demands.  After the horrifying command last week for the delivery boy to sing out the ingredients like a show tune upon arrival, Jake had been doing his best to avoid ‘special requests’ altogether.  With a hesitant glance, he narrows his eyes at the bottom of the receipt before letting out a laugh.  “Charles my good man, I believe I have been summoned.”
Jake pulls the receipt off it’s holder with a flick of his wrist, brandishing it high in the air as he turns towards his friend with a smile.  “Says so right here.  Send your cutest delivery boy.  Clearly, that’s me.  I’m adorable.”
His friend gasps, spinning around to read the chit himself before turning to Jake in glee.  “Jakey!  This isn’t just any order.  This is fate!”
Tipping his head to the side, Jake scratches the side of his cheek as he studies Charles’ reaction.  “Fate has come in the form of a deep pan pizza?  Honestly, I’m not surprised … but I think I always imagined it would be meat supreme?”
Charles’ hands freeze on top of the pie, a few shards of grated cheese slipping from his fingers as he shakes his head at Jake.  “No, silly.  The person who’s ordered the pizza is your fate.  Not the pizza itself.  Your soulmate is on the other end of this delivery.  I’m sure of it.”
“Oh come on.  That’s ridiculous.  You don’t even know if this is for a person, or a company, or even some kind of robot that’s managed to gain sentience ..”
The chef’s head appears suddenly over Jake’s shoulder, peering at the details printed along the bottom of the receipt before giving him a solid side-eye.  “Says right here, Amy Santiago.  Sounds like a pretty great name for a soulmate, if you ask me.”
Rolling his eyes, Jake walks towards the oven, picking up the pizza peel from it’s holding place and lifting the next order into the grill.  “I keep telling you, Charles.  Not everybody is going to end up with their soulmate.  The whole thing is flawed.  It didn’t exactly work out for my parents, did it?”
“You’ve just gotta have faith, Jake!  The universe has greater plans than you or I could ever imagine, and sometimes you just have to let the signs guide the way.”  Charles countered, ripping the receipt from the order holder and shoving it into Jake’s shirt pocket, pointing towards the oven once his hand is free.  “Order will be up in eight minutes, Mr. Cutest Delivery Boy.  Don’t be late, destiny is waiting.”
It’s close to twenty minutes later before Jake is standing in the hallway of an unfamiliar apartment building, double checking the address on the receipt before raising his hand to knock (people are very willing to accept pizza when it is delivered, even if they haven’t ordered any - a fact he had to learn the hard way).  The pizza box in his hand keeps sending wafts of deliciousness in his direction, reminding himself that he’d unintentionally skipped dinner this evening, and he makes a deal with his stomach to fill up after this delivery.  
There’s a muffled sound of the Jeopardy theme song playing through the doorway when Jake knocks, and he hears the clank of glass against a surface before the door begins to swing open.  Twenty bucks says this is some nerdy professor, Jake thinks to himself, drawing on his biggest smile, ready to play the role of Cutest Delivery Boy to a tee.  
And then, his heart stops in his chest.
The woman that answers the door is crazy beautiful.  Beautifully warm toned skin with the most expressive eyes, her dark hair scraping her shoulders as she opens the door a little wider.  
“Heyyyyy, the pizza guy is here!”  The mystery woman smiles, leaning heavily against her doorframe as she gasps, pointing.  “And he brought PIZZA!”
If this was what nerdy professors looked like, I DEFINITELY would have paid more attention in class, Jake thinks to himself as he continues to smile, handing over the pizza to the woman’s outstretched hands.  “One deep pan, extra cheese, extra salsa.”  His voice switches into automatic pilot, reciting the line that had been forced into his memory, hands landing on his hips in the signature pose as he forces a too-wide smile onto his face.  “I hope we managed to fulfil your special request, ma’am, and it’s a good evening now that you’ve got a Sal’s Pizza.”
Her dark eyes blink dazedly for a moment before a deep blush rushes over her cheeks.  “Oh right, my uh … special request.”  They travel down Jake’s frame before heading upwards again, holding his gaze until she bites her lip.  “Yeah, I’d say you did, Pizza Guy.”
Now it’s Jake’s turn to blush, sweaty hands dropping from his waist and dangling uselessly by his side.  He’s always been a connoisseur of the Art of Flirtation, but tonight he finds himself more than a little tongue tied.  Inconveniently, Charles’ voice creeps into Jake’s mind.  Your soulmate is on the other end of this delivery.  She giggles at his obviously embarrassed reaction, shoulders bouncing as a squeaky hiccup escapes. 
Shuffling his feet, Jake’s brain switches into overdrive as he frantically tries to think of the perfect pickup line to make, but before anything incredible can be formed he begins to really take in his client’s appearance.  Her glazed over eyes, the vice like grip of her hand on the doorframe …. “Uhh, I’m always up for a bit of flattery, but … I think you might be a little intoxicated.  Do you know how much you’ve had to drink?” he asks, brows furrowing slightly as he watches the woman sway.
She shrugs, turning the movement into a dorky little side-to-side boogie as the ads begin playing on the TV in the background, an annoyingly catchy song about paper towels taking centre stage.  “Only a couple of glasses.”
Jake looks past her, taking in the incriminating evidence of two empty wine bottles sitting on the table next to the couch.  “Just a couple, huh?”
She follows his gaze, swinging her head back to him as a giggle escapes.  “Well, I mean … the bottles are made of glass, right?”
He can’t help but laugh, nodding at her observation.  “Yes.  Yes, they are.”
“See?” She laughs along with him, holding onto the pizza box with one hand as she begins stepping backwards, moving her feet into what he thinks is an attempt at the moonwalk.  Her feet, which may actually both be left, are dangerously close to tripping over each other, and just as he reaches out a hand in warning the two lefts connect - pizza box flying out of her hands as her arms begin to flail about, desperately searching for something to grab onto as she begins to fall.
Jake’s feet can’t move fast enough, and she hits her head on a small side table, landing on the ground with a thud before he can get to her.  She stays still, head twisted to the side and moaning loudly as he kneels down on the ground, paying special attention to her extremities in case she’s actually hurt herself.  “Are you okay, ma’am?” he asks.  Her receipt is still in his pocket, and he really wants to grab it out right now to remember her name, but it’s way too late for that now.  Damn my goldfish memory!  
“I’m … I’m fine.”  She swings out an arm, letting it slap against the hardwood floor near Jake’s crouched position as she turns to look at him.  “The floor is just a little spinny, that’s all.”
He stifles a grin as he looks at her determined face, already knowing that there was no point in explaining to this woman that the floor was, in fact, not spinning (or ‘spinny’, as it were).  Instead, he responds with “Yeah, spinny floors are the worst.”
She smiles at him, and his heart skips a beat just like the first time, and he kinda really wants to know her name.  “He gets it!  Thisguygetsit.” She slurs, pointing an intoxicated finger at Jake.  And he knows that she’s drunk … and he knows that she probably doesn’t have any idea what she’s saying … but tiny little butterflies begin to flutter in Jake’s stomach, gaining traction the longer she lays there, pointing her finger at him.  She’s adorable, he thinks to himself.
But, she might also be injured, and so he offers her a hand up, pretending not to notice the tingling sensation when her palm meets his.  She groans as he helps her up, right hand clapping onto her scalp, wrinkling her face and looking at him accusingly.  “How did I end up on the floor, anyway?” 
Jake grins at the woman, pointing with his free hand towards the discarded pizza box, explaining - “You were dancing away with the pizza, and tripped over your two left feet.”
Her eyes look at the box warily, looking to Jake, then back to the pizza.  “That makes sense.  I am left handed, after all.”  She nods, a movement quickly thwarted as her head obviously throbs in protest.  
Jake’s eyebrows knit together as he watches her clutch her hand to her head, and as she moves towards the couch, he clears his throat.  “Uhh, listen - I’m no expert, but I think you might be in danger of having a concussion.  Is there somebody else here, who can watch over you tonight?”
The woman’s head drops as she shakes her head slightly.  “No.  I live alone.  All alone.”  Realising the gravity of what she’s just said to this stranger, her head shoots up quickly, and Jake pretends not to notice her reactive wince.  “But I’m a cop.  A badass cop, in fact.  And I could kick your butt from here to next Sunday, Pizza Guy, so don’t you go trying anything.”
He raises his hands in mock surrender.  “Whoa there, officer.  My intentions are honourable, I swear.  I just think you might have hurt yourself a little bit, and you shouldn’t go to sleep until someone has made sure you’re okay.”  Pausing, Jake lowers his hands a little as the woman’s gaze turns less accusing.  “Is there somebody you can call?”
She shrugs.  “Rosa, I guess.”  Picking up an empty bottle, she shakes it, willing more wine to appear.  “Yeah.  Call Rosa.  Tell her to bring booze.”  She giggles, her face dropping just as quickly.  “Probably won’t come, though.  Too busy with her soulmate or whatever.”
There’s an odd mix of sadness and hope that comes from this woman speaking of her friend’s soulmate.  It was hard not to hear her bitterness, and Jake could feel himself beginning to reconsider his own opinions.  If someone as sweet as this woman is hasn’t found her match, maybe this whole soulmate thing wasn’t as ridiculous as it seems.  Clearing his throat, he twists his mouth to the side slightly before speaking.  “I’m sure if she knows you’re hurt, she’ll come over.”
Another shrug, the light from a nearby lamp catching onto her hair and making it shimmer a little.  You’re falling, Peralta.  “Maybe.”
He waits for a pause, and she looks up at him expectantly.  “Um, I … I don’t have Rosa’s number.” His tone is apologetic, which is crazy, because if anything it would’ve been weirder if he had known this Rosa’s number.  He wipes a hand across his face, trying to push some sense into his brain, and as he rubs his eyes the woman begins fishing around her couch cushions, pulling up throw pillows until she thrusts her phone into the air in triumph.  
“I do!  I have Rosa’s number.”  She unlocks the screen, handing the device over to Jake without hesitation.  He takes grip of it, watching with confused eyes as the woman shouts an answer to the game show host still on her screen before grabbing the remote control on the coffee table, fumbling at buttons until the TV switches to mute.  Turning her attention back to Jake, the woman’s eyes light up when she realises he’s still holding her phone in his hand.  “Hey!  I’ve got a great idea.  Let’s call Rosa!”  
If this had been anybody else, Jake is pretty sure by now he would have given up and left this crazy client to their own devices.  But there was something so wholesome about her vulnerability, so open to the complete stranger that he was, that he really wanted to make sure she had someone take watch over her tonight.  So with a grin taking over his face, he scrolls through her contacts until he finds (thankfully, only one) titled Rosa, pressing the call button before handing the phone back to the giggling beauty covered in crumpled sweats on the couch. 
She takes it from him with a smile, a surprised gasp escaping when the line connects and she calls out “Heyyyyy, Rosa!”
His heart squeezes a little as her face crumples into confusion, shaking her head in a futile response to the voice on the other end of the phone.  This woman is adorable.
“Whaaat? Noooo I’m not mad I’m not - I just got pizza and hit my head with it and now Pizza Guy thinks I shouldn’t go to bed and I know you can fix it so canyoufixitRosa?”
Shoving his hands into his pockets, Jake takes a quick glance around the room while the conversation continues.  It was a stark contrast to his own hole in the wall apartment, to say the least.  But oddly, he felt comfortable here, with the warm coloured tone painted on the walls, plush couches with ample throw pillows and the sweet smell of vanilla coming from … well, coming from somewhere. 
“Honestly, I’m fone - I mean, I’m fine.  It’s just … this pizza has stars on it and the couch won’t stop spinning and okay maybe I hurt myself?”  Jake watches as she drops her head into her free hand, voice lowering slightly as she mumbles, “Bring Joss .. Joz … Jocelyn over too if you want.  You totally should.  I’m fine.  Really.”
As though suddenly remembering Jake’s presence, the woman looks up and gives him a thumbs up, smiling in victory.  “You’re the besssst, Rosa!  I totally owe yo-” stopping abruptly, she looks at the phone in her hand with another giggle.  “She hung up.”
He laughs along with her, watching as she flips open the lid to the pizza box and digs out a slice, taking a step back towards the doorway, suddenly very aware that he’s been standing in a relative strangers living room for longer than normal.  “Well, as long as somebody is coming, I should leave you to enjoy your pizza ma’am.”  
Her hand pauses mid-way from her mouth, several ropes of cheese forming a bridge between pie and human as she turns her attention towards Jake.  The words are masked by a mouth full of pizza, but he makes out the words thank you, Pizza Guy! as he turns to leave.
And even though there is still a part of Jake that thinks this whole ‘waiting for your soulmate before your life can begin’ is a little ridiculous, he still sits in his car near the front of the woman’s apartment, waiting until a leather clad figure with dark curly hair appears, stomping up the staircase and slamming her finger on the same apartment number that he had half an hour ago before being buzzed into the building.  He tells himself that he’s just being a good person, making sure that a patron of his employer was safe, but there’s a tiny part of him that already knows that he cares more for this mysterious woman than he should.  
** this thing is 16k long, so find the rest on AO3! **
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Criminal Minds-The Good Ol’ Days
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Tagging: @marvelfanlife​, @itsmeedee​, @cynbx​, @jaqren​, @gabriellewritermua​, @princesswagger15​, @screaminginbi​, @tleighstone12​, @cosmicmelaninflower​
A collaboration fic with @princesswagger15​.
Chapter 8-Wicked Game
“I mean, it’s not like he knows that we broke in, right?” Elle awkwardly chuckled.
“Well, it becomes a serious problem when he wonders how his journal was missing in the same day his students broke in his cabin.” “What are you trying to say, Hotch?” Ashley asked.
Hotch looked at the rest of the group. “I hate to say this, but we were in the cabin where the journal was still there. Once we left, it was gone.” “That means……” “ Someone here must have stolen the journal. One of us.”
Everyone looked at each other with shock and distrust. Someone has stolen something vital to Rossi and it was all on them. The actions of one person endangers the rest of the group. They just need to figure out who had stolen Rossi’s journal, and why.
“One of us is a suspect, we need to know who is responsible for Rossi’s journal and why they did. Which is why we need to all come clean.”
“Well, it sure ain’t me.” Derek blurts out.
“It’s not me, i wasn’t aware of the situation yet.” Marissa explained.
“Uh yea, Marissa, we know you had nothing to do with this. You don’t need to rub it in.” Hotch scolds her before looking at the rest of the group. “But everyone else here is a possible suspect.”
“Okay, well Hotch you didn’t need to be rude alright? And plus, there’s no reason anyone here would steal Rossi’s journal! No one here has a bone to pick with him, at least that i know of.”
“Hmmmmm, or maybe they do.” Derek looks around before stopping at Emily. “I know you didn’t get along with Rossi when he chose you to stay after class.”
“What?! You’re blaming me!? WHY?”
“Come on, it’s always the one who has the most beef against the professor. I know you and the professor sometimes butt heads a couple of times before.”
“Yeah, me and Rossi have our moments but i’d NEVER do that to him!”
“Whatever you say, Prentiss.”
“Hey, and this is coming from the guy who sometimes looks like he’s about to sleep in his class?”
“Why are you trying to pin this on me?”
“You try to pin this on me. Which means you’re trying to frame me for something I didn’t do.”
“Oh and that makes me guilty?”
“Well, I’d hate to point fingers, but yeah, yeah you are.”
Before they could continue to fight, JJ and Matt step in between them.
“Woah woah woah, guys, stop this. Fighting isn’t gonna get us anywhere.”
“I agree with Matt, we should hear one another out before mauling each other to death.”
“Or are you just saying that cause you have something to hide JJ?”
“Excuse me? I-”
“And what about you Matt? Do you have anything to hide?
“What? HELL NO! This is getting WAAY out of control man!”
“Hey, you’re the one talking M-” Just then, everyone started to clamor in, pointing fingers at each other, blaming the other. Just when the fighting won’t stop, Hotch clencehed his fists and took a deep breath. “ENOUGH!” He yelled. “Look, one of us here is a thief. True, but this is not how we find out who the person is. JJ and Matt have a point. Maybe if we all speak out on what we were all doing in the cabin, we might have a chance of figuring out who could it be.”
“And how do we know that you’re not the one who has Rossi’s journal?” “Woah there Seaver. We need to talk this out before we can start pointing fingers.” He paused. “And no, I don’t have his journal.” “Well, someone here does.”
“Wait wait wait! When Rossi went to go get his journal, he went towards the back of the cabin by the bedrooms! Who was searching in the bedrooms?”
“There was me…….Ashley, and Kate.” Matt responds. “But I swear that I didn’t touch the journal.”
“Yeah, and at the time, I didn’t know there even was a journal.” Kate jumps in.
The rest of the gang stared at Ashley, much to her shock and disbelief.
“What?! Look, I was in the bedroom, yes, did I see the journal? Yes! But I made sure that it didn’t leave the room when we left, I swear!”
“What do you think Hotch?” Emily asked.
Hotch looked at Matt again. “Are you sure you guys were the only three there? No one else could’ve hid in the room or anything?”
“Yes, it was just us.”
“Alright, this is some weird shit man.”
“Well…..I hate to say this, but one of us is lying. Someone has to come clean….eventually you all need to come clean.”
The gang all muttered and looked around in frustration.
“So what now, Hotch?”
“I don’t know. I guess we should all wait, till someone speaks up or the journal somehow appears. We should all meet up...after lunch. We should all look out for one another until then. Other than that, let’s go and take care of our business. Any questions?”
No one else answered and shook their heads.
“Cool, I guess this is it. Oh, and stay sharp. Who knows where the journal could pop up.”
“Got it.”
They all part ways, following the revelation of Rossi’s journal.
    A few hours later since the morning at Rossi’s cabin. Still, Tara couldn’t get her mind off the journal. It was only a matter of a moment when she heard Emily echoed her name.
“Tara!” “Yes?” “Is everything alright? You’ve spent the last few minutes fidgeting with your pen….So, unless you’ve been stumped and staring at the same question for a while, do you want to talk about it?”
She placed her book to the side. “I just can’t stop thinking about it…….at the cabin with Rossi. He seemed pretty open than he was in class. You can only imagine how much he’s been: First he lost his friend, then his classroom gets destroyed, now he lost his journal. So much has happened to him.”
Emily pressed her lips. “Yeah, I pity the old man. Although I still don’t get the big whuff about his journal. I mean he can always get a new one, can he?”
“Em.” Tara brushed her wrist. “To you, it may be just another book, but to someone like Rossi, that journal holds sentimental value to him. Judging by the way he reacted, that book was pretty important to him. Something so simple could be worth more to someone else.” She then pulls out a small necklace. “Like this locket. Pretty isn’t it, it was given to me by my mother, long before she……..left us. On the outside, it may be a pretty necklace, but to me, this is what I have left of my mother.” She paused. “Though even though
“You have a point.” She nods. “Mm hmph.”
“Too bad I don’t have anything valuable to me.” “I’m sure there’s is, it’s usually something you’re unable to give up.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Emily continues to stare at Tara.
“Y-you’d never stole his journal, would you?”
She shook her head. “No, why would I do that?” “I didn’t say that you did, I’m just being…..cautious.” “I get it……..what about you, you didn’t steal it, did you?” She shook her head. “N-never. Besides, a person would only steal a journal if they have some sort of agenda against Rossi.” “Guess so…...I wonder who could it be?” “Don’t know, but they’re out there. We just need to figure out who it was.”  
    Elsewhere, Stephen was looking for some books at the library. While scrimmaging through different books, he stops to pull out a thick textbook with a gold hard-cover lining. As he pulls out the heavy textbook, a small book with a leather cover. Curious, he picked it up, brushing the dust off from the cover, where he noticed someone’s name embedded onto the cover.
“Property of David Rossi……...Rossi.” He looked around to see if anyone was watching before grabbing the journal and his textbook before fleeing. Just as he was about to leave, he almost bumps into Kate.
“Woah, Kate. I’m sorry.” “It’s okay….Are you going somewhere? You seem to be in a hurry.” “Yeah, I have an exam from my Western Civilizations class tomorrow, so I just need to do some last minute studies before I take the exam.”
“Oh okay, good luck tomorrow.” “Thanks.” Stephen was about to leave when he turned back. “Uh, also….you don’t happen to know where Professor Rossi is, do you?” Kate glanced at him before shaking her head. “No, I haven’t. Why do you ask?” “J-just wondering.”
“Oh okay.” “Yeah…...oh and I was wondering if you’re free tonight. I figured that we can go get some tacos tonight, if you’re interested.” “Aw, is Stephen Walker asking me out?” He chuckled. “Well, maybe, but we’ll just get some tacos. If that’s okay.” “Hmmm, I like tacos.”
“Cool, so we’ll meet outside the campus center at 7:00. Don’t miss it.” “Okay, that sounds nice.” “Nice……...so, I’ll see you later?”
“Yeah, I’ll see you soon. Take care.” Just as Stephen walked away, Kate leaned back and felt a sense of uncertainty from him. She glanced back to see a small book with a page peeking out from Stephen’s arms. Why was he asking for Rossi? Is there a reason that he needed to see him? She then shrugged it off and walked away, grabbing a book and taking a seat at the tables.
“Did Stephen just asked you out?” She looked to see Ashley standing in front of her with her head slightly tilted and her arms crossed.
“Yes.” “Wow. You must be thrilled.” “I know. We’re gonna go get some tacos later on.” “That sounds nice.” Kate nods as she continues to read, while Ashley leans her hands on the table. “Did he say anything else?” “Not really…….” She placed her book down. “Although, he did ask me if I knew where Professor Rossi was.” Ashley squint her eyebrows. “ Why? Why would he want to meet with him?” “I don’t know….but I do have this uneasy feeling about it.” “Me too…..though maybe it’s just our instincts getting the better of us.” “Guess so.”
    Elsewhere, Hotch was walking through the girl’s dorm, stopping by to visit Haley when he knocks on the door. To his surprise the door was slightly open and decided to enter, only to see Kristy scrimmaging through her drawers where she was startled by the unexpected appearance of Hotch. “Oh Kristy! I’m sorry, I-I didn’t mean to barge in like this-” “Hotch! What the hell are you doing here?” She was in her pajamas, though her hair was slightly damp, implying that she had just took a shower.
“Sorry, I-I was looking for Haley.” “Well, you’re gonna have to wait, cause she has drama club at this time.” “Oh okay.” “Although Hotch, if you don’t mind me asking, why did you want to talk to Haley?” “Oh, I uh, just wanted to uhhhhhhh, ask her out.”
“So that’s why you ca-” “Yeah, I-uh, thought she’d be here.” He shrugged his arms. “Guess I was wrong haha.”
“So…….you like her.”
“Uh yea….I do.” She chuckled.“Oh. Well, if you want, I could leave her a message.” “Okay. Thanks.” Before he could leave, Kristy stops him.
“And Hotch.” “Yea?” “H-How’s Matt? I haven’t seen him all day.”
“He’s alright, he went to go throw some hoops.” “Oh okay……..is everything alright? You seemed….tense.” Hotch clutched his chest. “Yeah, I uh had a long day. I figured that I could loosen up a bit for tonight.” “Yeah well, you do that, and I’ll tell Haley the news.” “Okay later, and sorry for barging in.” “It’s fine, it could’ve been worse.” She watched as Hotch left the room. “You could’ve seen me in nothing but a towel and I’d be humiliated….” She muttered as she went back to rearranging her stuff in her drawers. “Haley would freak….and Matt would kill you for seeing me like this.” Once she was done, she then slammed the door shut. “Next time, I need to lock that door.” A few hours have passed and Kate had just rushed outside of the campus center as she looked at her watch.
“59…….7:00, just on time.” She smiled as she looked around, waiting for Stephen.
At the same time, Blake had just finished up and was driving out.
“Yeah, everything was fine, although one person wasn’t able to know the difference between ‘gato’ and ‘gauteux’. Yeah, one means cat in Spanish and the other means cake in French.” She chuckled as she continues to drive. “Yeah well, I…..have to to call you back, love you.” She hangs up as she sees smoke coming from the usual exit route. As the smoke starts to clear up, she sees a wreckage of red camry off on the side of the road.  
“Oh my god.” She exits out the car as she walked over to the wreckage. As she looked for whoever was inside, she froze as inside lies an unconscious and badly wounded Stephen, with his head up against the car window.
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written-rebellion · 6 years
Perfect Distractions
A/N: I think we’re waay overdue for a nice, long chapter, wouldn’t you say? It’s also a bit nsfw right in the middle.
Jamie helps Claire move out, Claire gives Jamie her own grand tour, and as always, all the facts of this fanfic are contrived specifically to make fluffy university/modern-day au scenarios. Please let me know what you think!
Part One: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] | Part Two: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] | Part Three: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] | Part Four: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] | Part Five: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] | Part Six: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] | Part Seven: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] | Part Eight: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] | Part Nine: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] | Part Ten: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] | Part Eleven: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] | Part Twelve: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [ Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] | Part Thirteen: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] | Part Fourteen: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] Part Fifteen: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] | Part Sixteen: [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2]
Part Sixteen: Happy Returns | Chapter 3
They’d driven down to campus in Murtagh’s pickup and she’d left Jamie to start packing as she and Joe settled their plans for the upcoming school year with their – extremely concerned and utterly relieved – program coordinator.
After waving Joe off, she came back up to the room and leaned silently against the doorframe, watching Jamie carefully pack away what had been her life for the last while.
His sleeves were rolled up, his large back facing her as he lifted a box of her books and moved to place it on her desk. He caught sight of her as he turned and gave her a sidelong smile that sent her heart swooping into her throat.
“Enjoyin’ the view, a nighean?”
Like giving herself over to a current, she let that ever indiscernible magnetic tug pull her towards him, wrapping her arms around his waist from behind.
“I missed this place while I was gone,” she sighed, already feeling the telltale rumble of his laugh.
“More so than Lallybroch?” he said, eyebrow raised.
“Close second,” she laughed, kissing his shoulder briefly before releasing him, reaching for the duct tape, and sealing off the box.
He sat back on her bare mattress, bouncing slightly just to amplify the bedframe’s creaking and giving her what she knew was his best attempt at a wink.
But was really just an hilariously unsettling blink.
“Most of yer wee trinkets and books are done,” he told her. “Thought ye might want to do the clothes yerself.”
She cast him an eye as she bent to retrieve a discarded sock on the floor by her desk.
“Half of these are likely your clothes, you know?”
“Aye,” he nodded, unperturbed, “which ye either stole from me, or were torn off me – also by you.”
Feeling her high-ground slipping, she relented with a shrug and a smile.
He stood, crossing the width of the room to kiss her cheek.
“Furniture’s staying, aye? I’ll start bringing the boxes down.”
She surveyed the room quickly for anything he might have missed and immediately sprung from his arms when she noticed it.
“No, no, we’re definitely bringing this,” she said, unplugging her bedside lamp and holding it out to him.
“This? Why?”
“Because,” she pressed on, turning it so he could see the dark indent of that early and unexpected impact on its metal shade. His smile widened as he took it from her.
“Och aye, wouldna want to forget that.”
“Also, we wouldn’t want to get in trouble for leaving any damaged things.”
“Should we no’ take the bedframe too then? I’m sure it’s not as strong as it was ‘afore we had our way with it, aye?”
Another ‘wink’ and Claire dissolved into giggles. Undoubtedly the exact opposite reaction he wanted, if the way he bent down and nipped her neck was any indication.
“I’ll get started loading the truck then, wee hyena.” He effortlessly slid the box of books to rest against his hip as he carried that and the lamp out the door.
“I shouldn’t be too long,” she called after him as she grabbed an empty box from their pile and set herself to work.
Jamie was in and out as he cleared the boxes and slowly, Claire watched her room disappear piece by piece, reverting itself back into the blank four-wall slate she’d had in first year.
She was standing by her window, the last of her clothes packed and waiting by the door, as she ran her fingers lightly across the duct tape she’d placed over the crack so many months ago.
“My fault, huh?” said Jamie’s low voice by her ear as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, pressing his warm body snugly against her. She melted into him.
“It’s certainly not mine,” she said, swaying gently with him.
“So, mo nighean donn,” he said after a time. “Proper send-off on the desk… or the bed?”
She turned in his arms, slowly dragging her palms up his chest until her fingers met behind his neck, feeling his shiver from over his shirt.
“Wherever we get to first,” she breathed against his lips before crushing both pairs together.
He growled into her open mouth, taking a hasty, if blind, step backwards just as Claire jumped, expecting him to catch her.
Which he did, albeit a second later than he should have, sending his back crashing to the floor and Claire toppling onto his chest.
She winced, and his hand immediately grasped her shin.
“Yer leg, mo chridhe?”
“Guess we know I’m definitely all healed,” she laughed, prompting his as their lips messily found each other again. “And how’s your…” She peered down guiltily, knowing she’d landed on something far more tender.
“Aye,” he croaked, taking hold of her hips and groaning in appreciation as she shifted, grinding against him. “That’s—ahh—better, lass.”
“Not yet,” she said, shifting further down so she could undo his belt and tug at his pants and underwear.
“Do ye one better.” He grabbed at her arm and easily flipped her onto her back, warm hands already travelling up under her shirt.
“Did you lock the door?” she said between pants.
“There’s no one else on campus, mo graidgh,” he chuckled.
His fingers slipped under her skirt, actively trying to elicit louder noises from her.
Bloody bastard.
“Practice for next se—mmph—semester, then? At Uncle Lamb’s—ahh!”
He pushed into her and she arched into him, one leg hooking around his hip.
“I dinna think we’ve ever done this in total privacy. No one hearing, aye?”
“There was that time in the alley.”
He groaned and –Jesus H. Christ—Claire made a mental note: mentioning their encounter in the alley yielded extremely good results. She grabbed his collar with one hand and his backside with her other, pushing him closer.
Several frenzied – and noisy – minutes later, she rolled over, propping her chin into the natural dip of his chest. He rubbed his hand up and down her back lazily.
“I’ve one more stop before we head to yer uncle’s, if that’s alright?”
They straightened out their clothes and grabbed the last of the boxes to bring to the truck. With one last look behind her, Claire closed the door and headed off with Jamie’s hand tight in hers.
“Really, here?” she said, realizing where he was leading them.
“Aye, here.” He pressed her back gently into the bark of their tree and kissed her softly. She ran her hand up to grasp the soft hair at his nape.
“The last time I was here, I—” He chuckled hesitantly, looking down past her hip to one side of the tree. She followed his gaze and saw that the bark was chipped and broken around one concentrated area.
“—well, I did that,” he said dispassionately, fingers tracing the damage, “right after our fight.”
Empty spaces filling themselves in, she reached for his hand – the one he’d said he spent his time doctoring – and pressed her lips to his knuckles.
“Stupid man,” he murmured, reveling in his warm chuckle.
“Aye, it’s a wonder ye put up wi’ me at all.”
She looked at him, simply looked, and tried to figure out exactly what string of cosmic miracles conspired to create someone so incredibly daft and indescribably sweet, and gift him to her no less.
She fished for her room key in her pocket and turned from him to the tree, kneeling down on the grass and ignoring all of his questions. Could she even begin to repay him for all the things he’d given her?
Likely not, but she was willing to spend the rest of her life trying.
“Just give me a second,” she said, working the jagged edge of the key into the already chipped bark.
When she was finished, she stood and let him examine it, watching – glorying in – how his expression went blank and catching the distinct flush that painted his cheeks.
There, replacing the damage on the tree and – she hoped – whatever was left in his heart.
J + C
Crude and crooked, but theirs. And if it worked for Brian and Ellen Fraser, it could certainly work for them.
He ran his finger around the curve of the C, then reached for her hand, pulling her to his chest.
“This doesn’t mean we’re building a farm here, though,” she said pointedly into his shirt.
“O’ course not,” he laughed, “Our place awaits us, aye?”
Her lips curved into a smile, thinking maybe she’d do something similar at Uncle Lamb’s too.
“Why do I get the distinct feeling I’ll walk into a wardrobe and fall into some magic fairy-tale kingdom?” Jamie said as they pulled up to the front doors of Uncle Lamb’s house.
Estate. Manor. Fortress. Whatever word suited it best. They’d turned off the main road and drove down quite a stretch of property before reaching the three-storey house.
“Or maybe meet a bald-headed telepath with an uncanny resemblance to Sir Patrick Stewart?”
“Hilarious,” Claire deadpanned as she held the door open for him.
But it was big, about the size – and echoing capacity – of Lallybroch, and adorned with the quiet reverence of a museum, artifacts and maps teasing a story he couldn’t wait for Claire to tell.
He divided his attention between her tour and her eyes, keen to see wisps of memories flash through them, to learn about the parts of her he didn’t already know.
She looked up at a suit of armour to one side of the sitting room and broke into a wide smile.
“I used to talk to him when Lamb was busy studying,” she said, running her hand down its arm like an old friend. “How sad is that?” she laughed after a moment.
“No’ sad, mo nighean donn,” he said, shaking his head and pulling her to him. “I want to know all of it, mo graidgh.”
He felt her shoulders relax against him as she reached up to stroke his cheek.
“Well, his name was Nicholas, if you must know,” she said primly.
Jamie nodded his head in the knight’s direction.
“Sir Nicholas, pleasure to meet ye. I see where Claire gets her calm, cordial, not-stubborn-in-the-slightest demea—ach!”
She’d elbowed him in the rib as she stepped out of his arms.
“You’re ridiculous,” she said, shaking her at him. “Do you want to keep talking to Nick or come see my favourite room?”
“Depends,” he shrugged, “Does Nick ken any good stories?”
“Oh, hurry up,” she said, adorably exasperated as she grabbed his wrist and tugged him down the hallway.
Really, he shouldn’t have been surprised.
Behind large double doors and Claire’s brilliantly eager smile was a library. A large one at that, just like everything else in the house.
“The best travel companions, really,” she said, leaning against one of the tables.
“And what was wee Claire Beauchamp reading, then? Treasure Island? Harry Potter?”
“Those, and all Lamb’s dusty history books too.”
“And poetry, by the looks of it,” he said, flipping through a book left open on – undoubtedly her uncle’s – large wooden desk.
She came to one side of him, peering down at the pages.
“One of the tenants must have left it open, or Lamb’s friends—Oh! That one was my favourite.”
His heart nearly stopped as he followed her fingers tracing the printed works on the thin paper.
He’d read it in class. Distinctly remembered it too, because it was when she was still in the Philippines and he’d spent that whole day missing her all the more because of it.
“Come and—”
“—let us live, my dear…”
[End of Part 16]
Read Part 17
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lunawings · 6 years
AZALEA in Nagoya, Live and Fan Meeting 2018 event report
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So, yesterday I went to the Love Live event.... Unit Battle National Tour Aqours Club Activity Love and Fan Meeting 2018, AZALEA in Nagoya Day 1 afternoon performance. 
So if anyone was wondering why I was just referring to it as an AZALEA event, that’s why. The name is so long haha. 
So this tour is actually a several month long competition between the three sub units of Aqours. The bulk of the event time is spent on several games, some are up to the girls, some require audience participation, and the points are totaled overall. 
I actually got to go to the first performance in the country OVERALL, so we started with a blank scoreboard and left off with AZALEA obviously in the lead. (It wasn’t supposed to be the first performance. It was supposed to start from Guilty Kiss in Sapproro, but that event was cancelled due to the earthquake tragedy which shut down power and transportation a few days before.) 
So, the first game was a quiz which was completely up to the audience. We answered by choosing different colors on our lightsticks and then the girls chose the most popular answer. The questions ranged from a question about Nagoya Japanese that I didn’t understand, to minuscule details about the anime. Such as, who was the first character who appeared in the first season. Answer... Riko! She walks into the classroom, then it pans to Chika’s reaction. 
The second game was a typical school sports festival game of throwing beanbags in a basket.
The third game was like.... blind charades. One of the girls had to strike a pose, and the other two would feel her and try to copy the pose and guess. (Really not as risque as it sounds I swear ahah.)  The first two were police and basketball, then Arisha just got “Dia Kurosawa” so she held up her hands in the “BU-BUU” stance. 
This was proceeded by a talk section where they answered questions from fans and such. There was a lot of direct interaction with fans. Like, they had the folks who sent in the questions stand up to be recognized and such. There was a big flag we could draw them messages on before the show, and then they looked over it and called out to people who wrote certain things. Like, there was this really cute Dia drawing and when they said it was cute the girl who drew it was so happy!!! Aaaah! I just wrote a heart that said “HUG” in it. I wish I had done something more creative. I may go again to one of these for CYaRon so if anyone can think of something creative I could do to the flag lemme know ahaha. 
Then finally there was a performance of course. They did their AZALEA songs, Galaxy Hide and Seek, Inocent Bird, and Torikoriko Please! But they also had us vote for a new AZALEA version of another song:  Todokanai Hoshi da to Shitemo, Pops heart de Odorunn da mon!, or Sora mo Kokoro mo Hareru kara. I voted for  Todokanai Hoshi da to Shitemo and was ecstatic when it won because yelling “ONE TWO SUNSHINE!!!” was every bit as fun as I hoped. They ended  Yume Kataru yori Yume Utaou and an singalong/dance-along encore of Hop Step Waai, the theme song of the event. 
It always takes them like 10 minutes to get to the encore. Which is understandable as the girls deserve a break. But when I am at a live viewing, I usually take a break from cheering for them just because they can’t hear me anyway. But at the actual event I was like... must keep... going... ahaha...
At Aqours concerts people usually cheer “Aqours” instead of “encore.” We started off cheering “encore” but then a couple people started cheering “AZALEA” and then we were all cheering “AZALEA”! They said it was the first time they ever got an AZALEA call. 
So, this was actually my first ever legit Love Live event. I have been to theater live viewings, and watched plenty of concerts, but this was my first time actually being THERE and responding to calls and that was so big. Love Live concerts have so much audience participation and it just felt SO DIFFERENT so amazing to actually be there and really responding and ahhh... I got so emotional. 
I expected to be all about Suwawa since I enjoyed watching her in past events, but Kin-chan and Arisa (her nickname is Arisha? I didn’t hear it at the actual event) were amazing too. 
At one point they were saying AZALEA battle cries in the poses of their characters, and Hanamaru is like... I can’t find the full body art online, but she’s like jumping up on one leg with her arms out. So Kin-chan was trying to jump into that pose and say “I won’t lose!!!” before she fell. I also just love how happy she is when she’s voicing Hanamaru and she goes full zuRAAAA! I never paid much attention to her before, but I’m a fan now!
Arisha was beautiful and a class act. They actually started playing the wrong song at one point (Innocent Bird instead of Galaxy Hide and Seek) and she was on the stage by herself to start Galaxy Hide and Seek. And I forget exactly what she said (no it wasn’t bu-buuu haha) but she reacted in character as Dia and it was so good it took me a couple minutes to realize it was even a mistake. 
To be honest, AZALEA wouldn’t have been my first choice of the sub units to see. I would have gladly seen ANY of the units coming to Nagoya, it just happened to be AZALEA. But I really loved seeing them. They were amazing. And I am now all like GO AZALEAAAaaaA! (...It will probably only last until I get to see CYaRon though ahah...) I am really interested to see how the competition progresses. The winning group will get some special merch and stuff, and we won’t know who wins until March 2019!
I was a bit worried about going to this event initially, because some of the live viewings I have been to were pretty wild (what with the crazy male Love Liver crowd and all) so I figured the real thing would be even crazier but... no, actually people were pretty cool. Maybe because there were only three of them, and there is a special kind of magic when all 9 are together. I did feel a little less tension myself for that reason. I quite don’t know but, I do think I am interested in trying to go to more events from now on!!
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sundcwns-blog · 7 years
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heey, hello, it’s a meme. i’m maze ( she/her ) & hailing from one of the oh so lovely coughs gmt tzs aka gmt+2. besides being trash on the daily i’m literally always listening to music aka if u ever need something new in that department .. hello, or browsing through netflix without any intent on watching smth. living that wild life ik .. DKAMS. but you’re here for my two kids aka basil & saint so here we go ! if you’d like to plot like this and i’ll slide into ur ims or look under the read more for my disc*rd ! also as a warning i unintentionally was v vain and made both muses scorpios .....
☾ — ·˚ » BASIL CRATES is in saint tropez !! they often get mistaken as KIAN LAWLEY. apparently, HE/THEY is/are the JOCULAR of the group. they’re a TWENTY-ONE year old PANSEXUAL DEMIMALE. i hear they’re known as ALTRUISTIC and DOGMATIC. they also make their living as ART STUDENT / BARTENDER / COMIC BOOK ARTIST but you’d have to ask them a bit more.
born and raised in berlin, germany until his mother decided to move to the us when basil was twelve.
despite growing up bilingual, he had difficulties adjusting to the new surroundings and rather spent his free time drawing, eventually building up universes without needing any context and instead having the designs speak for themselves.
after finishing high school at age sixteen basil took a gap year to travel through europe with money they earned from several jobs during school times. bas was v very introverted back then, so it served as a challenge which once again they had difficulties with at first. but ofc you can’t get around without trying, so bas did. he’s still more of an ambivalent than an extrovert, but this journey made him see the beauty of uncertainty and they loved it.
also ik i used he & they in that last paragraph instead of just one bc basil honestly truly doesn’t care which one others use as long as they acknowledge bas isn’t cis bc he’s v open about his gender along with being pan .. but that’s another thing.
basil has a very high iq, but always prevented others from knowing about it. he basically failed tests on purpose back in germany and in the us he always made sure others don’t feel bad about their results and said his were worse even though he probably always got an a+, thus resulting in bas being able to skip two grades.
his mother had to carry two jobs to make a living for the two of them, which was one of the reasons why bas sold his art from a young age. thankfully it was actually decent ( coughs and looks @ ryan reynolds’ twitter ) and ppl actually wanted to pay good money for it. this was also one of the key moments in which bas realized they wanted to have their profession somewhere in the art department.
married his high school sweetheart in las vegas as soon as they both turned eighteen, but divorced just three weeks later. this is just one of their impulsive decisions as bas isn’t much of a planner, they rather have a few good laughs when telling the story ( even for the 10th time ) instead of asking what if. the only thing bas ever truly planned was becoming a comic book artist. they’re still at the very beginning as basil’s v young, but they’re just as determined to make it in the industry.
basil’s mother was always into greek mythology and even gave her child the middle name cerberus, which literally is the most dangerous thing about him and while he’s into mythology himself, he doesn’t really tell anyone his middle name as he’d rather not be compared to a three-headed dog .. but if he ever ends up drunk u can bet he’d insist on being called cerberus and nothing else.
being a comic book artist basil’s an avid comic reader as well, but mostly prefers indie comics as they’re more his kind of humor. speaking of, basil’s more of a morbid humor kind of pal ? but he’ll also immediately apologize if he takes it too far bc he values comfort even more than getting a laugh out of others and himself.
huge fan of dogs, literally the person that points at a dog and says “aw.” and definitely wants to pet them.
the least scorpio-like scorpio you will ever meet, and trust me this is coming from a Real Scorpio™.
ends up in a lot of weird scenarios while just trying their best, but always tries to take it with humor especially if someone’s with them.
most of his friends wouldn’t expect it, but basil’s very romantic, like going all out even for a first date and is probably doing waay too much for his opposite.
not really into the whole sex, drugs n rock ‘n’ roll as he prefers to maybe drink a few beers with his closest friends due to seeing what alcohol can do to people on an almost daily basis as a bartender. however, all of kian’s tattoos are canon for bas except for the native american and butterfly ones.
literally everything but to be basic .. a best friend ( who might even know about his high iq bc he truly doesn’t tell anyone ), bad influence ( basil’s not exactly innocent or good himself but there’s always worse am i right ), childhood friend ( someone he considered a friend after moving to a completely new country ), enemy ( maybe they’re of the opposite group or even in the same and they had some fight that led to it or just disliking each other for apparently no reason at all just .. pls give me smth negative ), ex on good/bad terms ( as basil’s pretty romantic it could’ve been too much for the other or literally any other reason k thanks ), someone who hates his jokes ( plain n simple .. kewl ), my brain is scattered bc it’s almost 2am rn so i Def missed 820397 plots i’d love but u know what .. i’m a plot pro so shrugs. also i nearly wrote pro plot so u get me now .. pls killme KMDSX.
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☾ — ·˚ » SAINT DEVERAUX is in saint tropez !! they often get mistaken as ALISSA VIOLET. apparently, SHE arrived from THE USA. they’re a TWENTY-ONE year old UNLABELED CIS FEMALE. i hear they’re known as VIGOROUS and DETACHED. they also make their living as an ACTRESS but you’d have to ask them a bit more.
just as a small disclaimer: if anyone read girls on fire by robin wasserman, saint’s personality is heavily inspired by one of the characters in it aka lacey. and if u haven’t read it .. pls do it if you’re even just remotely into ya literature.
born and raised in los angeles, us, saint was practially thrown into the lives of the rich and famous. her parents were big in hollywood back in the 80s & 90s and gave those legacies to her.
being practially raised by nannies, saint didn’t really have a connection to her parents till they retired when she was fourteen. from there it was basically always good which is .. v weird but they somehow made it work.
as soon as saint turned eighteen she decided to change her last name to her mother’s maiden name, as she’s never been a fan of women having to give up their names just for being married even if it’s voluntary. this also resulted in her imdb page ( she truly made it huh. ) being “divived” into saint bartowski ( also shoutout @ anyone who gets this ref ) and saint deveraux.
at age eighteen saint also let out her true self, at least towards her parents. she admitted to worshipping lucifer just to piss them off and see how they’d react, it was just a game for her. but to be as convincing as possible, she did the most, even though she would’ve already had them just with her words, but saint always wanted to know just how far she could take it.
to the public she’s seen as this socialite turned actress who never did anything wrong, but just due to her parents and herself keeping everything under a neat little rug.
saint’s a very passionate person and loves to be surrounded or admired by people, but at the same time she doesn’t really care about anyone, no matter how many i love yous she’s going to whisper into someone’s ear or no broken promises ever.
as a result of the press putting labels onto her 24/7 she resents them. the only one she’ll ever claim is being in the lgbtq+ com as it’s basically the only thing in her life she truly cares about besides acting and her cats. however saint also makes a lot of fun of men and highly prefers females and nb pals for .. u know what.
she can also be extra af as she literally bought an old vw t1 bus in st. tropez for the short amount of time she’s there and have it look exactly like the one she has back in la with the pride flag sprayed on its roof and every little sticker/detail on its doors, etc.
getting to her job .. she currently stars in a made up netflix show that’s somewhere between veronica mars, twin peaks and 21 jump street ( the movie version ). i actually made a whole filmography for her but i’m too lazy for graphics and i’m not even sure whether i can use real movies/shows so oo. but if u want a list i can tots send it via disc*rd ( btw mine is artcmis#4377 ). and just know that she admires amber heard and mostly chooses roles like her aka not the damsel in distress. tho she would def love to save that kind of character one day .. js.
this is getting soo messy already omg. but to put her in a nutshell, saint’s a callous, manipulative, control loving, determined scorpio who also happens to be an actress, cat lover and feminist putting up a facade daily. also she can’t handle relationships for shhhit.
and what would these bullet points be if i didn’t start and finish them with a disclaimer ? still a mess yeah ik .. MXKAJD. but even tho most probs don’t even know who alissa is i just wanted to say that saint will have green eyes bc .. #aesthetic.
once again any plot goes except for romantic stylez kind of plots bc yk not her kind of thing. catfish ( either someone used to catfish someone else using her pics or even better someone got catfished with her photos n now they’re meeting and she’s .. acting v different. plS. ), fwb ( so yeah saint hates relationships but u know what she doesn’t hate wink wink ;) KMSLASK also probs won’t work with males bc she’s all like [ cher horowitz vc ] as if ! ), fan ( someone who likes her movies or show idk ?? let her be all chill with them pls ), smoke bud ( she loves to party & smoke soo .. maybe even in an all-in-one with the fan plot ), enemy ( probs one of the other sec charas bc maybe they’ve met before or even wanted the same role ?? ), once again my brain is a mess sooo .. good bi !
this got longer than my biography ever could so if u read it all .. u truly are the mvp and deserve an award.
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artin5minutes · 7 years
Breath of the Wild Adventure Log Day 19
Log 19
Oof it’s been a long time since I updated this log.
Guess what?
I beat the game.
Where I last left off I was exploring the dungeon of Hyrule Castle with the intent of simply exploring the castle and doing basic recon.
However, a particular somebody was around and free and sort of excited that I was so close to fighting Ganon and both of us figured I would just die quickly anyway.
So when I resumed I pretty much beelined for the main objective, after making sure I was healed up and had cooked a bunch of meaty meals.
When I entered I was surprised at what happened simply because I still didn’t know what to expect. The floor collapsed and I found myself far below Hyrule Castle facing a messed up spider version of Ganon. What I would realize later is that if I had not faced the Divine Beasts I would have to fight each of THOSE iteration of Ganon first...hence why I encountered Water Ganon upon my earlier encounter.
So because I had completed all of the Divine Beasts I was pleasantly surprised to see that HALF of Ganon’s health was drained. That’s good.
Oh, I’m pretty poorly equipped and trained at fighting Ganon. That’s bad.
Remember when I told you that I really wasn’t great at combat or doing timed anything in the game...so yeah.
The good news is I didn’t die.
The bad news is I spent a lot of time simply running and evading so that my Goron Shield power would work because once Ganon hit 1/4 health he became impervious to direct attacks.
Again, I figured if I was good at timed blocks I could get some openings on him but I wasn’t and I found myself low on health and food so I simply waited until my Goron shield regenerated and used that to create openings into attacking Ganon.
I also was not prepared for the Master Sword to continuously be useless 99% of the time. WTF! So I was also burning through all of my best swords that I had been saving.
It got pretty ridiculous how barebones the fight became. I was wondering if Link was any good at fisticuffs.
But lo and behold, I was patient and managed to beat spider Ganon and I was eager for the next fight because because we know there is another fight coming and also where the hell is Zelda?
So cutscene cutscene there’s Zelda and we’re outside for some reason and Ganon reappears as a giant 4-legged beast that just stands still while I shoot light arrows at it.
This fight is weird and once again I am poorly trained because I barely rode any horses in the game and my horse keeps running INTO Ganon’s hooves and knocking me off.
I eventually hit Ganon in the weak spots enough and now I’m waiting for that final one-on-one battle and somehow it never happens.
That was it? That’s the end of the game?
I would come to understand later that like 99% of all gamers, this ending was disappointing but let me elaborate on my reasons.
1. We never have a direct encounter with Ganon. No villain speech, no threat of revenge, no mention of Triforces, no talk of how he even managed to do this for 100 years.
2. For a game this big and expansive and exploratory, having an ending that is so brief is embarrassing. People put in hundreds of hours to exploring this world and the conclusion is a lousy boss fight and even lousier cutscene that doesn’t really wrap anything up nor is there any discussion of the future.
3. We were supposed to believe that Zelda was in peril this entire time but nothing in her 13th hour presence indicated that she had been suffering or hurt. She seemed just fine and ready to help you. It was a HUGE deflation of HER narrative that the game had been building towards the entire time. In the end, she hands you a bow and arrow and tells you to do the rest. Not cool.
4. Looking back at almost EVERY other ending to a console LoZ game, this has got to be the worst. Wind Waker’s ending is epic. Ocarina of Time’s ending is epic and beautiful and tragic. Majora’s Mask has a better ending. A Link To The Past is a great ending (I love catching up with ALL of the characters in the world).
5. I know they wanted to reverse our expectations of what a Legend of Zelda game could be but that does not excuse what seems like a rushed and brief ending. It was like a person climaxing WAAY before they were supposed to.
So...as you can imagine I finished the game and then set about wrapping up all of the loose ends left, loose ends that I am still in progress on.
For one, I completed all of the shrine/side quests though there were several that did not appear in my quest log...thanks to the counter that appears once you complete the game I knew I had 3 that were unaccounted for. This meant though I had found the shrines/quests I had not interacted or triggered them properly in the game flow.
Most notably I had never actually found that demon statue that converts hearts into stamina and when I did find it, outside of Hateno, I was shocked that I had never seen it before.
I also never talked to the guy that points you towards the shrine that is triggered by flying in the air and firing an electric arrow into a target near Gerudo Cliffs.
And lastly, I had never read the tablet that explains how you have to get the shrine ball all the way around the spiral in Akkala.
Obviously, I also had lots of Korok seeds to find. When I finished the game I had less than 200 discovered. Because I completed the game only a few weeks before DLC 1 pack was released I decided to wait until I got the Korok mask to actually look for them directly.
The other giant task I had ahead of me was upgrading ALL of my clothes...and this was when I learned about how hard it was to get star fragments and dragon pieces unless you went online and found the shortcuts of when and where and how to get these things.
It was still daunting. I kept track of all the material I needed. I ended up having to collect over 50 star fragments and over a dozen parts from EACH dragon...so 36+. Near the end of this task I ran out of ruby and topaz so I had to grind for that too.
I finally completed it a few days ago. Fighting ALL of those Lynels sucked.
Since the DLC came out I quickly found all of the treasures. It was by chance that I found the Korok Mask as I was having a hard time navigating the Lost Woods again. I actually still don’t remember how to get through there.
I ended up having to cheat and look online because as it turned out, even though I was given clues to those locations, I had never been to many of them so they were not on my map. Who the hell spends that much time in Hyrule Field?
I tried the Trials of the Sword.
The first time I did not get very far at all and after 3 attempts and not doing very well I stopped and waited a few days. I was worried that it was too hard.
I tried again and got much further...12 rooms deep.
I tried again and the Hinox killed me. Ugh.
I tried again and took my time and was VERY patient...saving all of my weapons.
I fought the Hinox and made sure to utilize my abilities and defeated the Hinox easily.
To my surprise the trial ended and the Master Sword was upgraded A LITTLE.
I’d have to return again to charge it A LITTLE more.
I tried the 2nd stage of the trials. It was hard and I didn’t get past the 3rd room.
I haven’t returned yet though now that I KNOW there is a break in the trials I can better pace myself.
I’ve also been isolating areas and doing detailed explorations with the Korok Mask. I’m currently up over 300 seeds. I’ve scoured Hebra, Tabantha, and Gerudo Highlands (all the barren areas) as well as a few smaller areas in between.
I DO know that my reward for 900 seeds is not at all worth it all but I am a completionist and I fully intend on getting all of the seeds someday. I have a full slate coming up so I probably won’t have an update for another few months but hopefully by then I’ll have made some progress...maybe even completed the Trials of the Sword.
Thank you for following my journey.
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opepin · 8 years
march: week 4
20: lots of cramping and gas going on lol. well, i rushed in the morning because i stayed in bed 10 minutes after my alarm rang. then the red line had some delays, but i still got to work before 9:30 am, ahah. it was a pretty chill day in the office. i ate lunch at my desk because i had a call when everyone else was eating :< craii. i ordered daniel’s bday present and also managed to print out the amazon return label. i kind of lost fuel one hour before the day ended because of my stomach and cramps, but it’s okay! it happens, haha. i got home at like 5:30 pm and then snacked a bit before doing my 45 minute cardio workout. then i made rice and headed upstairs to shower. i had to bring all of my shower and skin care stuff to the bathroom x__x; it was a nice shower though because the shower head is 2x as strong as ours for some reason. hopefully, that gets fixed too.
kevin got back and we went ot bj’s to pick up croissants. he really wanted them. we devoured two on the way back and then he went to shower while i prepped the veggies. LOL and then i made a mistake where i threw out the white ends of the chives when i wasn’t supposed to and then i took them out of the garbage (was pretty clean) and washed them like 30x times. i was going to lie to kevin about them but then i broke down and told him what happened and he couldn’t stop laughing at me. if baby brain exists does period brain exist too? LOL. kevin finished cooking and then we ate and watched an episode of ‘how to get away with murder.’ then kevin washed the dishes and we headed up to brush our teeth. kevin gamed for the rest of the night and i laid in bed nursing another tension headache until i fell asleep at like 1 am.
21: i woke up with the tension in my neck and shoulder and our shower was still getting fixed so i worked from home. we woke up to the maintenance guys’ knock on the door and they said they would come back in an hour or so because we were still in bed. so then we slept for 30 minutes more and then went upstairs to brush our teeth. the wifi in the suite still didn’t work so kevin sent me the information while he commuted to work. we ate breakfast and then stopped by the front to sign a card and drop off some money for our maintenance and cleaning staff appreciation thingy. then i headed upstairs and changed and brought my stuff to the suite to work. i recorded some videos and then caught up with phil. i got the ‘ok’ to start implementing some of my changes. i’m so excited! then i ate lunch and looked at headsets. i realized that kien and haowei are getting pro gamer headsets LOL. cole suggested the arctis 5 and i might get it. we’ll see.
i went back down to the apartment and finished editing videos and ended my day with a call. then i washed dishes, put on rice, snacked on a croissant, and did an hour workout focusing on obliques. kevin came home a bit later than expected because he was working on a problem. i went to shower while kevin cooked dinner. he got really dried out and tired while cooking so he went to shower after cooking while i watched ‘reign’ and tried catching a good tapu koko. i’m hoping to catch a tapu every other time i game LOL. i didn’t catch one at the end of the day though. we ate and watched two? episodes of ‘how to get away with murder’ and then kevin washed dishes and then we brushed our teeth together upstairs. i finished watching ‘reign’ in bed and then went to sleep at 1:15 am? kevin stayed up debating stock market things or something ahah.
22: i actually didn’t need to rush in the morning. i got dressed before brushing my teeth because i had to go upstairs to the suite to brush my teeth and then ate breakfast and i was on the train at 8:34 am! i met sultan for the first time in person and met our new front end dev, joe today. it was a really quiet office -- only the marketing team and product team were in the office. it was a productive morning. i ordered the arctis 7 in white for my headset for work and then i worked on tutorials. everyone online was busy so i just worked and listened to music. the day went by pretty quickly. we scrambled at the end of the day because of an issue that we really needed to solve together. it was fun doing that and figuring it out. i left at like 5:15 pm after cleaning up things with phil for the client and then i met kevin at the train station :) he made it just in time to get on the train!
i told him about my day and when we got back, i watched ‘jane the virgin’ while trying to catch a good tapu koko. i was close twice but one wasn’t timid nature and the other didn’t have perfect speed :< my hand was cramping so i quit and i cleaned up the bathroom. kevin made stir fry potato slivers and braised chicken with mushrooms for dinner. mmm. the potatoes were hella spicy but when we put more salt, it tasted better. we watched 3 episodes? of ‘how to get away with murder.’ there’s so much sex this season .__. LOL but we’re getting to the good part now. we stopped so i could exercise. oh, our water pressure for the shower is perfect now! it’s waay stronger. kevin took a nice long shower and after my workout, i cleaned the kitchen. i got irritated at kevin for not vacuuming when i asked him to and when he did it, it was half-heartedly. :/ but he cooked today and he just showered so i just re-vacuumed spots and swiffered the floors before showering. i was still a bit irritated but it was dumb to get mad at him for it. so i waited for him to finish up gaming and then went to sleep when he did :)
23: i almost forgot my lunch today but i went back and got on the later train because the train just left as i got on the platform ;( i shared the weird tasting totaste green tea biscuits in the office and steve’s reaction was the best. everyone else said it was alright. diego surprised me and said it tasted like olive oil and he wasn’t disgusted at all. hmmm. oh, diego came into the office without me bothering him to come in :P yay! i was pretty productive today. i had a few long meetings, but it was alright. i ended my day with a meeting that kind of went over in time so i had to jump off, pack up, and then go to the chocolate shop with cole. i got chocolate covered gummy bears and dark chocolate peanut butter cups. cole bought the gummy bears for me because of all the snacks i’ve given him -- thanks bro! T^T i made it to south station 2 minutes later than kevin -- i broke my winning streak ;( ahaha.
we got home and played pokemon and cuddled and watched tv while the rice cooked. we made super easy omurice and then continued watching tv and gaming. mmm. it felt like a friday. we stopped at around 11 pm, kevin washed the dishes, and i did 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of back workout (15 minutes with dumb bells). idk if it’s gonna work because maybe the weights are too light? we’ll see. then i showered and ko’d in bed. mm i wish it was friday, but i’m also working from home tomorrow so nbd! i also caught a pretty good tapu koko! tapu lele is so hard to catch T^T my next challenge... p.s. i love talking and hanging out with everyone at t7. everyone is great and so funny. i’m so grateful.
24: my upper back was in so much pain when i woke up, ahha. kevin got up later than usual because i was still in bed (wfh). :) i got myself up eventually and then made breakfast and recorded videos. i also weighed myself in the morning and i don’t talk about this a lot but i’m so happy and proud of myself for pushing myself physically and getting to my body/health goals, BUT this morning i was 117/118 lbs and 19.7% body fat. yaaaasssss! my “previous goals” were to lose all the weight i gained (i was at like 130 lbs last year), and then get to 20% body fat. my now goal is to maintain this body fat or if i’m feeling bored, go further without changing my diet so it’s solely dependent on how hard i work out. it feels so good to eat whatever i want and stop when i know it’s too much and then work it off and get stronger. i’ve stopped being so dependent on calorie counting and just knowing what foods and portion sizes are good for me. i think i’m pretty close to having a good understanding of how much i should eat everyday and what it will do to my body. i’m getting there and i’m always learning about myself and about food of course ;D
anyway, then i ate lunch and ate some chocolate. mmm these dark chocolate peanut butter cups are the best. i talked to cole and dropped some food knowledge while he had some down time haha. phil told me to take the day easy after 3 pm because sultan and byron had off time today. so that’s what i did! i recorded 5 videos (record!) and then spent a good amount of time uploading pictures on facebook. i took a day off from exercising because my upper back was killing me. instead, i played pokemon for the rest of the day with kevin. we cuddled on the couch while watching tv and playing pokemon the rest of the night. we didn’t even cook dinner because kevin had happy hour and ate sliders and wings so i just baked some chicken nuggets. we took a break to shower and then play some more in bed and then went to sleep pretty late...like at 3:30 am or something...LOL
25: kevin woke up earlier than me and made breakfast. by “earlier” i mean like he woke up at 11 am and i got up at 1 pm LOL. it was a cloudy day so i didn’t feel like recording my 2min showcase... i skipped the meal because i felt full and we went to the movies to get tickets to see ‘logan.’ the 7:20 pm time was totally booked and same with ‘get out’ so we got tickets for ‘logan’ tomorrow at 7:20 pm. :) then we drove over to ‘oh my tea’ and i got the pudding, grass jelly, and boba milk tea drink (this is my second favorite drink there, especially for like a dessert kind of day) and kevin got the strawberry lemonade. i didn’t like his drink. Dx we devoured our drinks before we even got back home. well, kevin finished as we walked into the apartment... kevin tried making general tso’s chicken...it was a spicy af half failure -- tasted too salty and not sweet enough. the spice was too much as well...
while kevin did this, i nluu proofed our kitchen (haha i really enjoyed doing this). then i washed the fleece blankets. we ate, watched some tv, and then kevin left to go climb. i finished getting all of the pokemon in moon though!!! i just need kevin’s kartana -__-” so then i switched over to finally playing ‘bravely default.’ daniel got this game for me for my birthday like forever ago. it was hard getting into it but now i’m hooked. i watched ‘reign’ while playing this and then when kevin got back, we had a quick dinner and tv session and then i continued gaming. i stopped myself at 10 pm to do the intense 60 minute kickboxing video i found a week ago and then showered and continued gaming in bed until 3:30 am again LOL. omg, that work out killed me and reminded me that rest days should be light workout days and not “i’m not going to move anywhere for the whole day” days... the circulation in my legs and arms made me scratch everywhere and it was not pleasant but the work out felt good.
26: we woke up at 12 pm, kevin played pokemon and i played bravely default in bed until 1 pm, kevin made us breakfast, and i recorded my 2min showcase video. i hope it doesn’t turn out too bad? i don’t feel real motivated this week, but i’ll do my best to keep on schedule. then i did some internet errands, figured out our meals for this week, i started laundry, and then we went grocery shopping. we thought we were done early until kevin wanted to get fermented foods for congee and then we forgot to get vanilla mochi.... then we went in circles looking for chocolate syrup at rochebro’s and then we finally made it to bj’s where the express line was kinda long x__x; we made it back, put away all the food, transferred the wet clothing into the dryer, and then kevin realized we forgot to get garlic so he left to get garlic, i washed the dishes and prepped for dinner. luckily, the recipe was quick and we ate before heading out to see “logan.”
whyyyyyyyy?! i cried haha. it was a damn good movie and the little girl is a beast. <3 me and kevin had a semi-argument about character design for females vs male when it comes to “mutants” and things like that on the way back. i folded clothes when we got back, ate the mochi with some chocolate syrup, curled my hair, and then did the 45 minute cardio video. then i showered and brushed my teeth and got into bed. i stayed up until almost 2 am watching videos and waiting for kevin to finish watching the dota game. then kevin woke up at 2:30 am because he couldn’t sleep due to the fact that our upstairs neighbors were blasting music and talking loud af. kevin actually went upstairs and knocked on their door and no one answered... he also sent an email to deco to complain and then he fell asleep with earphones... i think he was listening to dota commentary LOLOL.
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