#I spashed paper with water accidentally as I type this
aoral · 6 months
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[og poll here]
c!tubbo and q!tubbo…er Idk
hmm considering c!tubbo was a soldier...but q!tubbo fought in purgatory twice. I'm not sure.
-- a good ol' sword vs killjoy trigger happy chainsaw!
Okay new point maybe c!tubbo? considering q!tubbo fought more with. enchanted weapons, having a much different 'environment' due to the server being modded (meta aspect) it would be less common for him to fight without any weapons. c!tubbo otherwise being in a earlier era of Minecraft it would make sense with a bit less...advanced weapons.
-- it really depends on when did the string of sensibility snap
do you think c!tubbo fought back by instincts when every weapon he owned and every amour he had was confiscated? do you think q!tubbo knawed on flesh and wood and snapped at everyone and everything in his line of sight? Do you think they go feral once in a while, a break from the calm skies and rainbows, to the plummeting rainstorms and bolting lightnings? Do you think they sometimes stare at the escape exit and say "shit, this is escalating" in their mind?
-- I just realized that the poll is asking hand-to-hand I forgot and I only realized after I wrote the following chunk of words lol
c!tubbo counts his steps on taking the queen, he makes the most use of the pawns, the knights, the bishops and the rooks, he counts on how to check, how to queen, to restrain the opponent from winning. He counts on checkmate, on how many blocks he needs to promote the pawn, on taking steps back and forth. What makes him a good fighter is not his strength but his mind of winning.
q!tubbo fights like there is no tomorrow, he sinks into the bloodlust and fights like desperation itself, like being hanged forward by the primal urges to kill. He snaps because if he doesn't, if he doesn't give his all with no reservations he knows he will not win, he needs everything to win the fight so he does not forfeit to enemies, his bravery shines among other traits.
-- but just hand-to-hand fights? I'd say they will be evenly matched.
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