#I shouldn't be allowed on the internet past midnight
howldean · 9 months
aren't fans kinda doing exactly what that article was talking about now to jensen? like we've literally been down this road before, shouldn't we kind of all know better than to project onto these dudes? especially when he has never labeled himself as queer and has been called het by his friends, + referred to the queer community as "that community" -- idk, it just seems like people setting themselves AND jensen up unnecessarily
i have absolutely no idea why i of all people have been by some force of god, nature, or reason, deemed the best and most qualified person to answer this question but ill roll with it
i don’t really give a shit. and to what degree it can be considered projection when these guys make a Living putting themselves in Situations. eh. but in regards to “that community” if jackles is homophobic still he does a GREAT job of hiding it because he gave me a genuine smile when i told him my name is dean and patted me on the back in a one of the guys way. so really eh. sparkle on jackles it’s wednesday don’t forget to be yourself. keeps talking anyway
first of all i think that everyone should get to do whatever they want forever until the end of time. second of all i think that to some extent by being not only an actor but actively engaged with your fandom you open the door to people being parasocial freaks about you. if you have boundaries, you’re a multimillionaire who goes to golf opens in hawaii who owns a half million dollar stove you can tell people they’re making you uncomfy. it’s also the nature of the acting celebrity experience to be host to speculation about who you’re with. it’s no one’s business but yours, and i think people waste a lot of time infighting about how much thirsting or speculation is allowed. if you don’t like shipping real people then don’t be around people who do and if you do then there’s this wonderful thing called ao3 i think you’re gonna enjoy.
let’s also acknowledge that this is welcoming discourse through a fucking buzzfeed article. we’re not exactly scholars here. be serious
in terms of homophobic jackles allegations, people have been DYING to know if that man is queer since his twink days. not for nothin but literally back to his soap times he’s mentioned being comfortable with the idea of playing a gay character. however he is also a cis white man from texas with a father who thinks drinking out of straws is gay. of course he’s a little homophobic, that’s what cyberbullying is for. but also people can grow and change and i really don’t think that proves things one way or another as internalized homophobia exists AND a shift in language is good and ideal regardless. so if he wants to platonically kiss his male bestie and get stage boners from him and call him his and his wife’s boyfriend and *gestures to the manifesto* then that’s literally his prerogative. and if he thinks he’s doing some bruce springsteen clarence clemons shit then a) how dare he and b) he needs to be put down c) you will NEVER be them. you work for the cw
ultimately, i really don’t mind regardless. if he’s straight congrats. if the j2 love tunnel beard wife theory is correct what the actual fuck but congrats to you guys i guess. if some jenmisheel throuple situation is happening congrats. but i don’t waste time overthinking the ethics of behavior that people online engage in. i personally believe that no one should be forced or pushed to disclose their identity if they don’t want to. but if something ever is said in any given manner i know that im going to have a WONDERFUL time on the internet about it
this is not a comprehensive Statement in any way, just some current thoughts. it’s past midnight and i’m not bothering to proofread
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dickheaddutch · 5 years
Rdr3 but it's a prequel focused entirely on Irish, Welsh, and French from the first game
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annabelle--cane · 8 years
names of schuylers
So I was just perusing Wikipedia, as one does, and came across this lovely page. You can go look at it for yourself, but I'm just going to tell you all of the IMPORTANT things, and about THE PEOPLE WE CARE ABOUT.
First, we begin with the generation of a most original and beautiful name, Phillip. Waaaay back in c. 1600, Pieter Tjercks Van Schuylder came to New York from Holland for fame and fortune! But he didn't get that, he got a wife named Geertruyt Philips. And they had a kid, who they named, you guessed it, Philip Pieterse Schuyler. Where did that "d" in "Schuylder" go? No one knows, and no one ever will know. (Pieter also had another son, named David, but we don't care about him. He didn't help produce anyone we care about, and he gave all of his children Weird Dutch Names) Philip Pieterse had eight children with a woman named Margarita (which, along with Margareta and Margaret, is long for "Peggy". How does one get "Peggy" form "Margarita"? The world may never know). These children's names are Geertruy, Alida, Pieter, Brandt, Arent, Phillip, Johannes, and Margareta (r u starting to see a pattern?). Assume all of those siblings went on to have many children named Phillip and Margarita, because we're focusing on Johannes. Our boi Big J(ohannes) has a modest four children with a chick called, wait for it, Elizabeth. They are Phillip, John, Margaret, and Catalentie (what even is this name? even google doesn't know) . Our boi Lil' J(ohn) has a mere two children. Gertrude and, drum roll please, Phillip (the man is loaded). Here we are, finally, at General Phillip Schuyler, the father of our favorite Schuylers. Our boi Rich Phillip has many more than three daughters, though. He has seven; ANGELICA, ELIZAbeth, MargarPEGGYita, John Bradstreet, Phillip Jeremiah, Rensselaer, and Catherine Van Rensselaer. Now, if you thought all of that was complicated, just waIT TILL YOU SEE THIS. Our girl Angelica (the love of my life) marries a man who's full name is John Barker Church. They have a child named Philip Schuyler Church. How original. Awesome. Wow. Our girl Eliza (forget what I said before, Eliza is my true wife) marries, you couldn't have guessed it, our money man, the real MVP, the original Federalist, Alexander "daddy issues" Hamilton. And they :) have :) quite :) a :) productive :) marriage, 'cause they have EiGhT cHiLdReN! Phillip, Angelica, Alexander, James Alexander, John Church, William Steven, Eliza, and Philip. They really couldn't think of anything all that new. They recycled the names Phillip, Angelica, and Alexander from all of the obvious places, but then they started to panic. Almost without thinking, they got "James Alexander" from $10-Man's long-dead brother. They they started to get desperate and pulled "John Church" from Angelica's husband. This may just have been to spite Burr, though, who had at some point challenged John Barker Church to a duel for some unknown reason. Then! in a blaze of innovative originality! they came up with William Steven. However, that must have used up all of their imagination, as they resorted to Eliza next. And after the death of Phillip, they named their next son Philip. With one "L". Aaaaaand Peggy! Peggy marries a man named Stephen Van Rensselaer III. Does "van Rensselaer" sound familiar? Look at the names of Peggy's siblings again. Creepy. And they have one child. Stephen Van Rensselaer IV. S o  o r i g i n a l ! ! ! Now, back to the Hamilton children. As you know, Phillip dies, and Angelica jr goes mad as a result, so neither of them get married. However, Alexander jr does! He gets married to a woman named E L I Z A! And the fun doesn't stop there! John Church, y'know, the one who censored the gayness in his father's letters, that guy? He marries a woman named Eliza Maria van den Heuvel. Can you imagine how that "meet the parent" dinner went? J.C: My darling, this is my mother, Eliza. Mother, this is my girlfriend, grumble grumble. Eliza: I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. J.C: I said her name is grumble grumble. Eliza: What? E.M: Eliza Maria. My name is Eliza Maria. Eliza: Eliza Maria. Eliza: Like my name Eliza: and Eliza: my dead husband's former mistress's name. Eliza: Wow. You'll fit right in. Anyway, John Church and Eliza Maria have one son. Wanna know what his name was? Schuyler Hamilton.
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ravenrune · 2 years
I'm essentially like a gremlin, in the sense that I shouldn't be allowed on the internet past midnight because I turn into some sort of moron.
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getoutofthewater · 12 years
My absent father's mother invited me to her 90th birthday next saturday. 
The last time I saw her was around Christmas, usually that's the one time I see her in the year, this invitation was unexpected and I can see myself stupidly stressing about it all week. Seeing my father's family is always awkward and nerve-racking, most of them are essentially good people with a very judgemental, righteous, close minded view of the world for which I fail to meet every single standard, and they are very good at forgetting everything and anything unsavoury.
For some reason well beyond my understanding they still have my parents wedding pictures hanging on the walls, can't they hang watercolours or something instead? at the very least when they know my mother is visiting them? And they never fail to bring up my father into our conversations as if I had just seen him yesterday, as if he hadn't walked out, leaving us like trash he didn't want anymore after years of being an abusive douche.
I haven't seen him in years. We don't know where he is, I could die tomorrow and he wouldn't know or care, nor would I want him anywhere near my corpse. To be fair, he could be dead already and I wouldn't really care either.
If his brothers know where he is they have kept the secret all this time, so while I was talking to my mum about how I was bound to look rather shabby among my cousins, we wondered what would we do if by some freakish, bizarre joke of destiny my father descended upon us at the birthday reunion. I like to think I'd at least punch him, but something tells me I'd just walk out and throw up later.
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