#I should draw him w benedict at some point
daveyfvckingjacobs · 4 months
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bridgerton thoughts…
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invisibleinorange · 4 years
Swelter Weather, 2/?
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Bridgerton Rating: M Warnings: None at this point. Relationships: Colin Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington,  Eloise Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington(besties),  Bridgerton Family Dynamics, Eloise Bridgerton/Phillip Crane Characters: Colin Bridgerton,  Penelope Featherington, Eloise Bridgerton, Anthony Featherington,  Benedict Bridgerton,  Portia Featherington, Violet Bridgerton, Genevieve Delacroix Additional Tags:  Bridgerton, Polin
Summary: Colin Bridgerton is weary from travel and decides to spend the summer at the Aubrey Hall. While his initial plans were to avoid his perfect family, he ends up sharing the house with Eloise and Penelope. This is a Modern AU!
Eloise thanked every star in the sky when Colin ventured out to go riding because that meant that she didn’t have to stomach another minute of him flirting with her best friend. It wasn’t that she didn’t know that they were friendly with each other nor was it that she didn’t want them to be friendly. It was just that the two of them alone was a bit overwhelming.
She usually only caught moments of banter between them though and with a million family members around someone was always getting pulled in the other direction. She didn’t have anyone to help break it up if this pattern of behavior continued and with the rest of the family busy back in London, she wouldn’t be able to call for reinforcements not that she could have. What was she supposed to tell them that wouldn’t earn an eyeroll.
After an eventful day of showing Penelope the lay of the land, including the gardens, they’d decided to have a movie night.  There had been some discussion on whether to go with a serious documentary or a comedy.  In the end, they ended up deciding to go the classic horror route and watch Hitchcock movies.
They were half-way through Psycho, completely absorbed into the story and awaiting a suspenseful moment when Colin came into the door frame. He watched them for a moment, completely unaware of his presence before he maneuvered over plopping into the space between them, forcing both Eloise and Penelope to move a bit to make way for him. He put his arm around both of their shoulder, grinning sheepishly.
“Hitchcock night without me? I think not,” he said.
Eloise pushed his arm away from her.
“If you have to stay, be quiet,” she said rolling her eyes at the fact he couldn’t go entertain himself.
Penelope offered him an apologetic smile on behalf of his sister.  She didn’t force him to move his arm so he just let his hand give her shoulder a squeeze and left it there. Colin’s other hand maneuvered to grab a handful of their popcorn popping some into his mouth.
To his credit he did remain quiet through the end of the movie.  It helped that the couch was small and with the three of them there, it was pretty cozy.  Eloise fell asleep after a bit, veering into the arm rest.    Penelope didn’t fall asleep but she did rest her head on Colin’s shoulder which he had no complaints about.
“Should we wake her up or drag her to her room?” Penelope finally asked breaking the silence once the movie was over, though she wasn’t exactly move. She was enjoying the proximity and the scent of Colin’s soap and cologne.
“She sleeps like the dead.  I’m pretty sure we’re better off just leaving her be,” Colin told her quietly, careful to not speak too loudly and actually disturb the sleeping Eloise.
“We should at least get her a blanket,” Penelope suggested quietly.
Colin reached back with his free hand and grabbed on afghan from the back of the chair and put it over his sister.
“Does that meet your expectations?” he asked turning his focus back on the girl that was now absent from his shoulder.
“Definitely,” she told him with a smile.
He let a hand absently reach to play with a red curl that was looping extra haphazard, looping it around his finger.
“Are you tired?” he asked after a long moment of comfortable silence between them.
“Not particularly,” she told him.
“Take the party elsewhere?  I have scrabble and some gin,” he offered after a long moment.
“You had me at scrabble,” she told him with a nod.
He forced himself up before offering her his hand so that she could climb to her feet as well.  He wasn’t sure whether he kept his hand in hers longer than he should have or it was the other way around. He’d forgotten how soft and warm her hands were.
He gave sleeping Eloise another passing glance just to make sure she was actually good and asleep before leading the way out toward another room that housed the stacks upon stacks of well-used board games.
He flicked on the light once there, moving into motion to grab pillows and set them on opposing sides of an oversized coffee table.   He then went and dug through the stacks until he found the scrabble board putting it on the coffee table.
“Make yourself comfortable,” he told her, smiling when Penelope sat down.  She was honestly adorable between the pajamas bottoms and tank top she’d put on for the movie night with Eloise.  He hadn’t quite paid attention before but he definitely was cognizant of the fact she wasn’t wearing a bra. He wasn’t going to let himself stare though.
He was grateful for the fact she started unboxing the game and setting down the tiles which provided him time to grab the promised gin and two glasses.  He set that down on the table before plopping himself down on the opposing side of the table.
“I’m not going to take it easy on you just because we’re friends,” Penelope said after a long moment, as he poured their glasses.  He couldn’t help but laugh at that as he watched her shake the bag of tiles.
“I was going to say the same thing,” he teased before taking a swig of his drink. “I will, however, let you go first.  Ladies first and all.”
Penelope gazed at the letters she’d down for a couple of moments.  There were a couple basic words she could play but four letters stood out to her.  She reached for her glass, downing it before placing the W,A,N,K down to spell ‘Wank’.
Colin couldn’t remotely hide way hid body practically shook with laughter at the fact Penelope had played that word.
“Oh hush. You play what you draw,” she said shaking her head. “Besides, I knew you wouldn’t need a dictionary to know the definition of that one.”
“Touché,” he said shaking the bag and grabbing his own letters.  He smirked as he formulates his own word in retort.   He played off the K. Adding a S,U,C.  “Simple but gets across the point.”
She drew her replacement letters.
Her options were limited but she could pull off a word by adding I,N to his S.   She was pretty sure SIN worked just as good as any other out there though.
“Not my best work but it fits,” she announced.
“You wouldn’t know the meaning of that one since you’re an angel and everything,” he teased as replenished his tiles and started to debate his next word.
He added R, E,A,M to his earlier C to spell CREAM.
“An angel would think you were talking about ice cream there,”  she said raising an eyebrow.
“I could be but I’m not,” he said. “Even Lucifer was an angel though. Maybe I’m not the sex demon, you are.”
“I’m pretty sure that in order to be a sex demon, you have to actually be having sex,” she countered, looking particularly interested in her times before playing off the E and adding a D,E,P to form DEEP.
“So, you’re not seeing anyone right now?” Colin said after a minute in response to that.  It somehow felt a little less creepy than telling her than any of the other thoughts that came to mind.
He played O,O, and N against the P to spell POON.
“No,” she said in response to his question before forming DILDO off one of his O’s.  Penelope decided that this was one of those now or never moments and while she didn’t come right out and say it. This was as close as she’d ever been to straight up telling how she felt.  “It’s kind of hard when you’re hung up on someone.”
Their eyes met and Colin’s jaw tightened.
“Maybe they’re into you too,” he said after a minute.
He wasn’t quite sure how he managed to form LIPS off the L she’d played but he did.  He was certainly far more interested in her lips at this moment than the game. Maybe now was a good time to test out his little theory and see what she’d do if he made a move.
“In fact, I’d-“ he started to say but it was short lived. He was half-way to leaning across the board when the door opened with he jumped back on instinct.  The scrabble tiles and whatever was left of his drink went flying.
“I woke up and no one was there,” Eloise said as she made her way in, examining the situation with suspicion.  Her gaze moved from her brother to Penelope who looked remarkably guilty.  “I was worried that you had gotten lost on the way to your room.”
“Of course not, I was just keeping Colin company,” Penelope said as she tried to help clean up the mess that was their former game that was clearly not getting finished. “It’s getting late though and we probably should get some sleep.”
“Colin can finish cleaning up the mess,”  Eloise said, reaching for Penelope’s arm and practically dragging her up and away toward the door. Penelope turned her head to offer an apologetic gaze in his general direction as she was tugged away.
Colin was going to have to do something about all of this; especially the fact Eloise didn’t know how to read a room and get lost.  For now, he boxed up the game, cleaned up the spill and went grab a cold shower before bed.
That was his only hope.
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theragnarokd · 4 years
since @interropunct asked and finally I’m at a computer: the sub!martin/domme!georgie polycule fic!
This started from a post about gentle femdom that made me be like, ooh, martin should have some soft femdom. so basically: martin is in a shitty relationship with peter, polyamorous but like in a “peter gets to bang his ex and martin gets to date in theory but peter doesn’t think he’ll find anyone anyway”
then martin runs into georgie at a club, watches her be tender with her (female) sub, has Feelings about this; then starts dating Georgie and realizes that he can get tenderness too, despite being, y’know, not a woman. also featuring sex-meh, amab nby jon and trans melanie as georgie’s other subs. 
in this one basically i intended all the positive characters to be characters of color - georgie and martin are Black, jon is Pakistani, Melanie is... i think Korean but haven’t made a final decision yet - so i’ve got some thoughts on balancing my anti-perfectionism w, you know, trying to portray stuff thoughtfully. if by any chance i have any Black readers who’d be interested in doing sensitivity beta, especially from the UK - ping me!
excerpt: [contains: both good and bad D/s practices, impact play, internalized fatphobia]
Martin stays. He feels awkward, knelt alone, not even a collar to mark him as belonging to anyone. He and Peter aren't like that. It's better that way, honestly. His knees hurt, probably a sign from the universe to lose weight; another pointed hint that Martin won't heed. 
For a few minutes, he just stays there, watching other people dance and play. A particular scene catches his eyes: two women, one tied to a spanking bench, the other wielding a flogger. The domme's hair is the first thing that snags his attention - long, gorgeous rope braids. Her stance is confident. She's dressed in black, as plain as one can get away with and still be admitted into the club. She walks around her sub slowly, taking her time, giving out lashes like a benediction.
Martin's mouth might water, just a tad.
He refocuses his attention on the sub, who'd gone for a more colorful look: cyan hair, red-and-gold eyeshadow. Or is it eyeliner? Eye makeup of some description. With her skirt hiked up, Martin can see a phoenix tattooed onto her thigh, the red flames meshing with the whip marks. 
The scene keeps going; a gaggle of onlookers have congregated around them, although Martin is close enough to see them anyway. He feels a pang of guilt: it's a beautiful scene, done in public, but Martin still feels like he's treating them like a museum exhibit. 
The domme only acknowledges the audience when she changes the flogger for a single-tail, and then only to say, "Stand back." Her voice is lovely, with a firmness underlying it that makes Martin melt a bit. 
People do stand back, then, and the domme expertly draws ecstatic cries of pain from her sub. The scene concludes shortly after that, and the crowd disperses, interest lost.
The domme walks to the front and crouches, cupping the sub's cheek in her palm, smiling over her.  
Even if Martin were allowed to move, he'd be rooted to the spot. 
Martin's not close enough to hear what they're saying, but the sub's eyes are closed, a beatific smile on her face, and the domme's stroking her arms.
With a movement so sudden it's almost a spasm, Martin wrenches away his gaze, staring at the ground in front of him. This is not for him. Not for him. 
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creeperchild · 6 years
Funtime Freddy x reader -Chapter 1 - The encounter
Note: This is my first Reader x Fanfiction. I got huge help from my beloved Girlfrien @thefredricus to correct my bad writing! She is such a huge help!
2nd part: https://creeperchild.tumblr.com/post/619663923427328000/funtime-freddy-x-reader-chapter-2-danger
Enjoy the reading and tell me what you think!
(y/n) = your name
(l/n) = last name
(y/a) = your age
You take a deep breath. This is your first day in the business called "Circus Baby's Pizza World". This place is pretty scary for you since you hate mannequins and robots.
You applied to the job WITHOUT knowing that they had animatronics in their company.
'How stupid am I?' you think to yourself as you step into the cold abyss of the building. Only a light on the ceiling flickers on your way to the elevator. You walk slowly towards it while staring fascinated at the walls to your right and left.
The dim light reveals drawings of children, how they play games, eat pizza or cake, or with... "Animatronics." slips out of your mouth while exhaling and a shiver runs down your spine. With shaking legs, you enter the small room that immediately closes the doors on you and traps you inside of it. You feel the movement of the elevator and a tablet pops up in front of you. It introduces itself as HandUnit. The yellow tablet speaks once again:"Please enter your name as seen above the keypad.
This cannot be changed later so please be careful." With those words a keyboard appears on the screen. You let out a sigh and closed your eyes for a moment.
Your name is (y/n). You are a (y/a) year old girl that really needs money after you graduated school. You wanted to move out and have your own life. As well with a new partner, since you are single. Let's just say your ex... was kind of a dick to you.
"Asshole..." parts your lips in a dying voice as you clench your fists together.
A voice snaps you out of your dreadful thoughts: "It seems that you had some trouble with the keypad. I see what you were trying to type, and I will auto-correct it for you. One moment. Welcome: Eggs Benedict."
You blink in confusion as the elevator stops at your destination. A cheerful music appears and fills the room instead of the silence. You hesitate as the HandUnit gives you the order to open the door of the elevator. The doors snap open and  give you a heart attack. It reveals a lot of yellow tape with the words "DANGER" written on them, taped all over the exit of this god damn lift to hell. You suck air through your teeth and slowly crouch under the tape and towards the dark and small vent that offers you an entrance to your working place. It is barely enough space as you squeeze trough.
The air is hot and thick, and the vent seems to have no end. All of a sudden
HandUnit speaks again, way louder than in the elevator. You jump up, hitting your head on the vent. "ARGH!"
Covering the back of your head while mumbling swearwords, you listen to the loud and clear voice: "Allow me to fill this somewhat frightening silence with some light- hearted banter. Due to the massive success and even more-so the unfortunate closing of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, it was clear that the stage was set – no pun intended – for another contender in children’s entertainment. Unlike most entertainment venues, our robotic entertainers are rented out for private parties during the day, and it’s your job to get the robots back in proper working order before the following morning."
YOU NEED TO DO WHAT!? Your jaw drops as you hear what the voice says.
"That was NOT what the advertisement said!" you hiss slightly while checking if your head bleeds.
Finally. You enter the room where you are supposed to work. Slowly standing up, you notice you got a huge headache from the hit on your head. Great! Blinking and huffing, you examine the room that is finally exposed to you. Once more a shiver crawls up and you shudder. The room is flooded in a dirty green color. Monitors decorate the room, along with masks and small robots. Your body flinches as your eye catches the sight of them, holding your breath. Beside the creepy bullshit that you see are some desks, a clock, a fan and other small details that gives the room more character.
You try to calm down as the familiar voice is heard again: "You are now in the Primary Control Module. It’s actually a crawlspace between the two front showrooms. Now, let's get started with your daily tasks. View the window to your left. This is the Ballora Gallery Party Room and Dance Studio, encouraging kids to get fit and enjoy pizza. Let’s turn on the light and see if Ballora is on stage. Press the blue button on the elevated keypad to your left."
A keypad on your left lights up in two colors. Blue and red. The blue button has a noticeable light showing. You press it and a light shines outside on a spot with nothing else to be seen. "Uh-oh, it looks like Ballora doesn’t feel like dancing. Let’s give her some motivation. Press the red button now to administer a controlled shock. Maybe that will put a spring back in her step."
'Controlled shock? What the fuck is wrong with you guys?' You bite your lip as you eye the red button with the lightning bolt symbol. You may be scared of robots but you felt sympathy as well for them at that point. Either way it was your job and you didn't want to get fired already on the first day. A frown appears as you press the button quickly. A loud shock was to be heard and all of a sudden the lights go out.
Sitting in darkness some noises can be heard. Terrified as you are, you hold yourself to a wall in panic. "It seems that the power system cannot be restarted automatically. You will need to restart the power system manually.", the casual voice said.
All of a sudden you hear noises from the right vent of the room. The sound of metal hitting the vent grows closer, as well as your panic. Adrenaline shoots into your blood and your first thought is to crawl in the opposite vent towards Ballora's Gallery. Crawling through as quick as possible, you hold your tears back. You feel the vent ends here, but sadly enough not the darkness. The metal noise is getting even closer. Your only thought is 'run'.
You took a huge sprint into the unknown darkness as you follow the only navigation point you have. A bright light peeking through the door crack far ahead of you.
'Shit, shit, SHIT!' is the one thought that haunts your mind.
But before you reach the self-picked safe spot, something grabs your ankle and pulls you back into the dark void you try to escape from. You fall on your side and get violently dragged away. A small spark of a broken machine reveals the face of the attacker. You gasp as you see the young ballerina robot, crawling along the ground like a spider, its posture being impossible for a human. You only spit out the word:" MONSTER!" Fighting for your life, you try to kick the animatronic in its face and struggle and wiggle out of her grip. Your foot slips out of your shoe and as well out of her steel grasp. You take the chance and sprint towards the only lit room in this hellish place. You slam the door before the abomination reaches it, violently knocking and banging against the door. You press yourself against the door and slip down to end up curling into a ball, hiding your face into your legs. Tears drip down and sobs can be heard from your exhausted body. "I see you over there in the dark! C~Come on out!", a shrieking voice chirps. You lift your head and face a gigantic animatronic bear stepping closer towards you. Immediately you crawl away from him as far as possible. You press your body against the wall and eye the creature in front of you. The robotic bear has the main color of white and some parts with pink and purple. He owns a black hat and bowtie. His chest has a speaker and two buttons on it. His right hand wears a blue bunny puppet. A bowtie adorns the neck of the small robot as well, but in red. In his left hand he holds a microphone. One step after another he gets closer and grabs your wrist with his cold hand, dropping his microphone for the action. Lifting you up in the air by your wrist was no problem for him. A moan of pain escapes your throat as you in panic try to get slip out of his hand:" L-Let me go!". you cry out. The animatronic chuckle deep and amused:" W~why should I do that?" Now you can’t keep it back and start to cry in front of him. The puppet point at you as it speaks in its high-pitched voice, peeking at the bear: "Don't you see? The birthday boy is crying!" The big robot gasps dramatically and drops you harshly on the floor. He then turns away with his puppet and whispers to it. You rub your butt and you try to hold in the pain to not getting his attention again. You notice the thick tubes, dangling from the ceiling down the ground and crawl towards them, hiding between them while the two are still discussing. The both of them turn back around just to realise that you aren't there anymore. "B~Birthday b~o~oy? Where aaaaare you? ", he let out of his rather insane chuckle. You rub your wrist that is slightly injured by the freaky bear. A snarling could be heard: "Bonbon! We couldn't have lost him THAT EASY!" The bunny hissed in defence: "Why me? YOU are the one who scared them!" The bear lets out a sigh:"You~u are right... please find him!"
With those words the bunny separates himself from the stub of an arm and with a loud thump it falls to the ground. The puppet was laying for a second on the ground and didn't move an inch. "Is..he dead..?", you whisper to yourself as the motionless puppet lies close to you. Suddenly the head lifts up and spies you already in your hiding spot: "FOUND YOU!" You decide to leave your hiding spot and run out as the 'small' robot crawls towards you and tries to grab you. You try to open the door, but the bear is one step ahead of you and slams it closed with his free paw. Frozen in shock, the legless puppet reaches your legs and clings onto you as if his life depends on it. The bear uses his huge paw and grabs your face to pull it closer to his own. He eyes you closely in every angle possible. Your tear-filled face wasn't the most appealing at that moment, but why is he so focused? He opens his mouth, slightly and slowly. 'Is that my end? eaten by a robot?' is one of many thoughts and fears that goes through your body. "BONBON, THAT IS NOT A BOY! IT'S A BIRTHDAY GIRL!", he yells at the bunny, surprised. You aren’t sure if it's out of anger or happiness. The mechanic bear lets your head go, as well as the puppet your legs. Your fear in your face and the backing off signalises the big robot to not step closer. His ear drops slightly in shame and sadness as he speaks again:" I~I'm sorry that I might hurt you...!" He picks up the puppet and places it on his right arm again:" My name is Funt~time Freddy and this is Bonbon!", he gestures to the puppet. The puppet smiles and waves his arm from side to side: "Hello~!" Speechless as you are, you eye the named robot and can’t say a word. Funtime Freddy steps close and tries to grab your shoulder gently to get your attention. You flinch by the touch and tug your shoulder away from his hand. He pulls it back to his body and opens his mouth to speak. Before he can say something you drop on your knees and start to cry. Covering your face with your hands to hide it and not see him anymore, you let out a sob. Funtime kneeled down on one knee and huffed, slightly frustrated. "Everything is gonna be o-kay..!", speaks the bunny in a soft voice. You feel how he tries to rub your back in sympathy. You yank your elbow into Bonbon's face and try to get as much space between you and the animatronic as possible. Bonbon holds his nose in pain and says something muffled, probably inappropriate. Funtime Freddy is going to say something, but Bonbon interrupts him: "I-I'm fine! Don't you worry!", while still holding his noise and forcing a smile. After a while of silence, you slowly lift your head up from your knees and peek over to Funtime Freddy. He stares at you in silence and blocks the door by sitting in front of it, taking away the only way to escape. 'DAMNIT!' you think as you lay your head down again in silence. You notice that your body goes slowly limp, falling for the tiredness that overtook it. Your vision goes blurry and all over sudden black. You slowly gain your consciousness back as you feel something around you. It is fluffy and light, but you don’t bother to open your eyes to see it. Finally you remember in what situation you are in and snap open your eyes, realising a blanked was wrapped around you. Blinking in confusion you check if Funtime Freddy is still on the same spot: 'YEP! There he is...and still blocking the door!' You sigh in disappointment and eye him slightly more as your vision becomes more clear. He isn’t staring at you anymore. His head is hanging slightly down and his eyes are shut, while Bonbon is laying next to him. Both don’t move at all. Apparently they are in 'sleeping mode' or something. A slight smile crosses your lips before the harsh reality crashes down on you once more. You can't just move a 200 pound robot without waking him up or breaking your own back!! You hold the blanket close to you and curl up more in it. You wonder where this blanket came from or who tucked you in it. The only person who crosses your mind is the pink maniac in front you. You shake your head in disgust by the thought of him getting closer to you. You lift your arm to see what time it was.
2:48 am.
You wait in your new earned comfort blanket for the time to pass by. After half an hour it gets colder for some reason. You hide more and more in the fluffy blanket and bite your teeth together as you shake. You can’t help but whimper from the biting pain of the cold, reaching under the blanket.
The bear’s ear twitches and you can swear he was smiling for a split second before a deep and low humming sound comes from his chest. You opened your tired eyes slightly as the sound continues to hum.
A warm wave of slight heat hits you and you start getting curious. Crawling closer but holding back your whimper, you feel more warmth coming from him. The urge not to die by freezing forces you to get closer to the sleeping bear. You ignore your fear completely now.
Your fingers touches his chest lightly, the source of the sound, and you notice he doesn't feel cold anymore. He must have a heater inside of his system. Like in a trance you cling to the lifesaving warmth and lay against his chest.
Suddenly the two robotic arms of the bear snap around you and hold you in a firm grasp. You look up in fear. The bear glares down at you with a smile. You want to scream as the thought comes through that the heater is a trap. Tears drip down as you stare at him in shock. Not even a dying sound escapes your throat.
Before you can start sobbing he gently presses his index finger against your lips."shhhhh... You don't want to wake up Bonbon", he whispers gently as he looks to his beloved puppet friend, who is sleeping quite comfortably against his leg. You gulp and look up to him. He smiles gently and pulls you closer to himself. You squeak in surprise as he presses you closer to his chest.
You want to move, but you can’t. All what you could do is stare in silence. Funtime Freddy starts to hum a tune of your childhood memories while rocking slowly back and forth with you. Oddly enough, it soothes you and before you realised you became, once more, a victim of your tiredness.
You slowly open your eyes and stretch a bit. You slept really well. Looking up to Freddy, who was apparently already awake, examine something. Like a small card of plastic, holding it up towards the light to read it better.
He hasn’t noticed that you are awake and mumbles a bit:" Aha.. (y/n) (l/n) ... (y/a) years old... interesting.", he spoke with a big, goofy smile on his lips. WAIT A SEC-
You look around and you notice your purse next to him, open wide. You blush slightly as you remember it was in your back pocket of your jeans. 'Did he really look through my pockets while I slept?!'
You snap back out of your thoughts and stare Freddy down, till he notices you. He stares back with eyes open in surprise and the embarrassment of getting caught red handed.
He quickly hides the card behind the back of his metal body and speaks with a shaky voice:" O-oh, g~good morning (y/n)-". He realised he gave away the hint that he really stole your ID!
You stand up and immediately try to reach behind his back and snatch the card out of his hand. In response he lifts his left hand up in the air in hope you don't get the card, while still sitting on the ground, getting a bit nervous while blushing in embarrassment.
You try your best to reach for it, but he bends in a weird direction to make it harder for you. You try your hardest to get your personal information back as you accidentally push the bear over and fall on top of him.
One step closer to your goal!
You bend forward to get it.
Freddy squirms and tries to hold you away with his stump and flops on his belly and lets out exhausting noises: "g-get off of
me!" He squeaks more as your climb over his back to get back what belongs to you.
Your fighting stops as you hear knocking on the door and it opens right after. The small, legless bunny peeks in and stays quiet for a while before giggling: "What are you both doing here?" He looks amused. Both of you look at him, then to each other and again back to Bonbon.
You both quickly get off of each other and Freddy blushes worse than before and looks away.
"Aaaaanyways...", the puppet continues, rolling his eyes:" I got what you wanted, Freddy!" Bonbon nudges the door open with his tiny paw and pulls in a plate with some slices of pizza.
By the sight of it your stomach growls and you can’t keep your eyes away from it, since you didn't eat for over 12 hours now.
"Oh boy, she sure looks hungry!", chirps the blue one. Freddy picks him up and puts him back as his 'right hand' and hands you the plate with the delightfully smelling pizza:" Here you g~go! Knock yourself out!" You can’t help but smile as you sit down to give your attention to the greasy slices.
Bonbon takes the opportunity and whispers to Freddy: "You like her, don't you Freddy?" The bear looks quickly away as his cheeks warm up. Looking back at Bonbon with the most helpless glare gives him the clear answer. The Bunny raises and lowers his eyelids as a human would wiggle his eyebrows and smiles wide, signifying that he knows.
"BONBON!" shouts Freddy in embarrassment and scare you half to death. You hold your plate tight to you as you lower your head in fear. Funtime Freddy frowns and stutter even more than before, a bit ashamed of himself: "I-I-I'm sorry that I scared you (y/n)...just keep eating!" A nervous chuckle comes from him before he turns away again.
"If you don't tell her tonight that you like her, I will!", Bonbon says with the biggest smile on his face. Funtime Freddy growls at Bon: "Bonbon! You can't jus-"
He sighs and looks slightly to you:"F~fine..." A slight blush creeps up on his face. The small animatronic enjoys that Freddy is a mess and covers his snout with his tiny paws to let out a giggle. "Don't worry, you are not the only one who likes her!", his little friend speaks as he pats Freddy's back. Freddy eyes him as he raises an eyebrow. The bunny shrugs it off as he say:" She seems to be nice!"
All of a sudden Bonbon gasps and turns around to get your attention: "Hey (y/n)! How about you meet our friends! I bet they will be excited to see you!"
"What friends?", you spit out while eating the last bites of your pizza. He wiggles a bit and throws his arms up in the air in excitement: "Funtime Foxy, Ballora and Circus Baby of course! And others as well!" You swallow and look a bit oddly at them. Freddy shakes his head in agreement quickly and smiles a bit crooked and awkward.
He waddles towards you and offers you a paw to help you up. Slowly but unsurely you give him your hand and he pulls you up. You aren’t sure if you should trust him.
But after all what he did for you felt more relaxed around him and Bonbon. You could even say...enjoying his presence.
You hold his paw tightly as he opens the door and walks with you into the darkness.
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