#I should create an amanda talks way too much about acotar and asoiaf tag
zenkindoflove · 4 months
thoughts on Elain having earth powers similar to a green seer (like bran green seer or something to that effect)? a lot of people speculate that Elain has some earth-like magic.
Hey anon, I see you are trying to goad me into talking about ASOIAF parallels again. And for that I say, THANK YOU!
I REALLY REALLY HOPE that SJM has plans to really go nuts with Elain's seer powers. And I think there are a lot of clues that she is going to link some of Elain's magical abilities to manipulating the natural world. It isn't just that she "loves to garden". I think it's really interesting that two sisters went into the Cauldron, one came out with the powers of Death and the other.... well, wouldn't it be fitting if she came out with the powers of Life?
So, I have been exploring this quite a bit in some of my fanfics - mainly Summer Heat which will be expanded upon in much greater detail in the sequel Golden Visions which I plan to start working on in June. I've also explored it a bit with @crazy-ache in our fic Dear Lucien, Dear Elain. But essentially what I sort of head canon is that Elain is able to sense the natural world and possibly heal it (maybe leading to her healing Spring?). In ACOWAR, when everyone thinks that Elain is crazy, she has some interesting lines about hearing the worms wiggle in the earth that stood out to me. It could be that they're related to her visions, but it has made me wonder in what ways Elain's senses are more in tuned with plants and animals around them. After reading HOFAS, I became more convinced that SJM might have intentions to explore some earth powers with Elain - since we find out that Tristan and Sathia Flynn have earth powers, and they are descended from the same High Fae from Prythian. It made me wonder if it was a type of magic that existed in ACOTAR world long before but has been lost and the Mother has given it back to Elain.
Onto greenseers... I'm glad you mentioned that parallel because my brain is ASOIAF rotted so I bring a lot back to that series. But when I envision Elain's seer powers, I don't only see her "seeing the future". With Bran, having the sight and being a greenseer, he was able to see not only the future but also the past and the present (the present mostly warging into animals). The weirwoods gave him access to bend time and see what has and hasn't happened yet. I play around a lot in my fanfics how Elain has different "kinds" of visions, depending on where she is in time. We know from legends that the greenseers of the Children of the Forest wielded powerful magic, manipulating not only the natural world (plants and animals) but having the sight as well. I think it would be really awesome if in her own unique way, SJM blends potential earth powers Elain might have with her sight. I have some plans of how I think it could work that I will explore in fanfic. So I'm excited to see what SJM does with it!
Thank you for the ask!
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