#I should be sleeping it's past midnight over here- I'm going I swear- 'night!
periwinkla · 2 months
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why have I started detailing their goofy narumitsu-y faces when the rest of the piece isn't even linearted yet? Truly baffling. But well, I suppose the answer may be along the lines of: because I utterly adore them too incredibly flabbergastingly much,,,
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kakashixhatakesxwhore · 3 months
i have nowhere to go w any character rly,, just being beaten down and SO done with everything that has gone down in ur life, ending up on someone’s doorstep in the rain, asking for a moment of peace with them🥲🥲🥲
it ain't raining cause i wanted the pathetic fallacy to provide a happier setting than our dear reader's apartment - anyway, this one was fun, and is written extremely vaguely, in terms of your chosen character.
Seeking Peace - Drabble
Written with Iruka, Kakashi, Shisui, Shikamaru, Naruto, Shino, Choji, Kiba, Sai, and Neji in mind, but could work for others.
Warnings: swearing, angst, symptoms of depression (not showering, not eating), this might suck lmk
W/c: 612
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You know it's gotten bad again, when you haven't had a good cup of tea in so long, that you start to forget how a proper cup should taste.
You know it's gotten bad again, when you realize you haven't showered in over a week; you can almost see the layer of dirt that clings to your skin, matting every hue.
You know it's gotten bad again, when you can't even finish a dinner roll in one sitting, even after having forgotten to eat for two days - though your stomach whales and gurgles, if you eat one bite too much, it all comes up.
You know it's gotten bad again.
Will it get better on it's own?
Stirring your tea until you can hear not a single sugar granule on the bottom, you sip the carefully brewed mixture with purpose - only to find it tastes of... ugh.
Sitting in the shower, your arms scream with exertion while washing your hair, battling the heavy tendrils with too much shampoo to quantify - but, can you find the energy to scrub your body? Ugh.
Drawing to the fridge, you hesitate to open it.
Fuck this, I need help.
So, you pull your favourite jumper over your t-shirt, and cover your legs with black track pants. Argyle socks had always ticked you, so you thought, for shits and giggles, why not?
Shoes were all you needed, then you got your keys and your coat, ready to leave.
You know where to go.
To the kindest person you know.
He was a constant presence in your life, on the sunny days and the rainy days. His door was always open, and his shoulder was always good to cry on. With him, he brought a homely warmth. one that drew you in, one that you craved, now, more than ever.
The streets are empty, and you realize it to be the dead of night. The village was asleep, washed in a silver glow and cool breeze.
The Moon tells you that it's a little past midnight, so you'd better hurry up. You heed her gentle advice, and could feel a beam of her shine along your face as a reward.
The beautiful Moon was very kind. So kind, that there was only one kinder than she.
And now you stood at his doorstep, your muscles tired, your mouth dry, and your heart heavy. Despite your thoughts that told you to go back to your apartment, you reach up and knock gently against his door. Then, wait.
And wait.
You rest your forehead against the door. Maybe you could just sleep here, on his doorstep... at least you'd be out of your apartment.
Then the door slowly cracks open.
Standing up straight, you gathered up whatever you could, and smile at him. He smiles right back, giving you a little boost.
Rubbing his eyes, he yawns, "What's the word, hummingbird? I haven't seen you in a bit."
"I'm sorry about that, and this - y'know, given the time and all..."
"Agh, don't worry about it," he assures you with a sleep-laced voice. He holds the door open wider, and motions you in. "Do you wanna come in to have a tea and a chat, or... I dunno, we could cuddle up on the couch maybe?"
He would always understand you, he would never question you - and you couldn't have been more grateful for his mere existence in the present moment. It was like he lifted the invisible weight from your shoulders, and allowed you to draw a proper breath, for the first time in what felt like ages.
"Whatever you want to do," you reply with a small, but genuine, smile. "I just want a moment of peace... with you."
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rizzkisworld · 10 months
Not So Lonely - Yixiang/Nicholas
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Pairing: bf! Nicholas x fem! reader
Genre: fluff fluff fr fr
Warnings: none??? Mentions of petname baby if that makes you uncomfy
Synopsis: just you and your bf chilling for the first time in a while
A/N: Thought about my bae @nicholasluvbot and had to write something for Nicholas
Tonight was like any other night. Just you... All alone.... In your room. The time was 10:15 pm. It was honestly times like this where you missed your boyfriend the most. He was nowhere to be found. You know he's been busy with work, but you wish he would have some time off for you. However, you weren't the type of girlfriend who'd intervene with his work. You tried to be patient and not stress him. But now, you needed him. His hugs, his kisses, his sweet words, to stare at his handsome face.
Scrolling through your phone, while laying across the bed, you glance up at the time. 11:45. You'd been on your phone for so long, you didn't even notice the time going by. You waited patiently for his text. At this point you were starting to get tired. It was no use. Instead of waiting you should be in bed.
Well, that's not how your night went. It was past midnight now. Though you felt sleepy, you just couldn't fall asleep. Maybe it's because you were busy thinking about him. But why? He's probably not gonna text you until the morning. But that didn't sit right with you.
Knock Knock Knock
You heard three knocks coming from the door of your apartment. Who could it be? At this hour especially? Is there some type of emergency? Immediately hopping out of bed, almost tripping over your covers as you sloppily threw them off your body, you ran to the door. Nerves were running through your body, until you looked through the peephole.
Seeing that face you missed for days, weeks, probably a month even. You immediately opened the door, revealing that charming smile you fell in love with from the get-go. "Long time no see-" Before Nicholas could properly finish, you embraced him. "You're here!" You felt all the nerves in your body slip away.
Pulling him inside and closing the door, locking it, you noticed a bag in his hand. "What's that?" You pointed to the bag, looking up at Nicholas with those pretty eyes of yours. "Oh this? It's nothing really." Nicholas teased. You knew it was for you. He always spoiled you with the best gifts. The best gift being his quality time with you of course.
You let Nicholas have a moment to freshen up, and settle down for the night. The sleepiness? Gone. Only thing on your mind was him and him only and vice versa. Sitting on the bed, patiently waiting, Nicholas walked through your bedroom door. He placed the bag full of who knows what on your bed. "All for you baby." Nicholas flashed his gorgeous smile at you.
Opening the bag, you found freshly baked donuts from a bakery and a matching pj set. "These smell so good." You took a whiff of the delicious donuts. "For us to share, and I was thinking... Maybe a movie?" Nicholas titled his head, waiting for your response. "Deal!"
Time went by real fast whenever you were laying with him. The movie you guys watched finally came to an end and you guys finished the donuts. Now, you both were tired. "Nicho, I'm tired." You buried your face in the pillows. "Then sleep! I'm right here, and I won't be leaving for the whole day." You perked up at his words. "Really?" Nicholas swears he saw stars form in your eyes. "Mhm." Nicholas placed plenty calculated kisses on your face.
Now you were eager to sleep. Just so that the morning could arrive quicker(as if it lowkey ain't already almost morning time) and you could spend all day with your boyfriend. "I love you." "I love you more."
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Hope you enjoyed! Hope the day treats ya well! 💋🫶🏽
&team taglist: @in2fly
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lilacella · 2 months
So, Sirius didn't like being touched. And James liked touching. A recipe for desaster, one would think, but with James everything was different. When James had hugged him in the bathroom in first year, it hadn't felt overwhelming, restricting or otherwise unpleasant. It had felt safe. When James grabbed his arm to excitedly pull him towards the Quidditch field on game days it felt nice. When James casually wrapped an arm around him when they sat together, Sirius melted into his touch, reveling in the warmth of James' body. So maybe he liked being touched, but only by James.
Reindeer Games
Previous Next
Chapter 2/5: Third Year
"Can you two tone it down a little, please? I'm really tired," Remus mumbled in his pillow. It was already past midnight but Sirius and James weren't ready for sleep yet. There was so much to do, so much to plan!
They had just gotten the map to finally work! Well, at least it was moving now. The accuracy of the marker positions still had room for improvement - people seemed to be walking straight through the walls, sometimes at unreasonable speeds - but overall it was syncing with the castle. It had taken them two years and many late night trips into the forbidden section to do this and they were very proud of themselves. Of course Remus and Peter had helped, but the intricate magic at the core of the map had been their work.
"Oh come on Remus..." James complained.
"Sorry but I really need to rest. Can't you just continue this tomorrow?"
That wasn't an option at all. So instead Sirius decided to pull James from the floor over to his bed:
"Just come over, James. We can close the curtains and use a muffling spell."
There they were laying now, on their stomachs, shoulder on shoulder peering onto the map. Sirius chewed absentmindedly on his lip.
"We should protect it somehow. What if someone catches us with it and takes it? We'd loose all our work!"
James nodded in agreement.
"We need a password. Like the Portals to the houses. It should stay obscured until you say it."
"Hmmm...what should we take though? It would be an issue if we forgot it."
"It should have a meaning for us." James leaned a little against Sirius, eliciting the familiar tingle on his skin that he always felt when they were touching. It was nice being so close to James.
James squinted his eyes.
"Maybe an oath? Like...I solemnly swear that I..."
"Am up to no good," completed Sirius with a giggle that James joined immediately.
"Yes, that's perfect, let's go with that. If the others have a better idea we can always change it. Let me do it."
James pulled the map towards himself and started casting charms onto the thick paper. Sirius put his head onto his crossed arms and watched him. He liked watching James practice magic. He was good at it. Something about the way he uttered the words and how his face looked when he concentrated made Sirius feel warm and fuzzy. James really was his best friend.
They spend some more time tinkering with the map but, as time passed, both of them became more quiet. Sirius was awfully tired. But he didn't want James to go yet, didn't want to give up the casual intimacy of sharing a bed, a space where it was just the two of them.
Both of them had now fully laid down, sharing Sirius' pillow and duvet. It was starting to get a little chilly with the December air permeating the walls of the castle. They weren't really talking anymore, just looking at each other, every once in a while one of them would crack a stupid joke, making the other break out into a sleepy giggle.
"I'm so tired," James mumbled. "But I don't want to leave. It's so comfortable."
Sirius smiled into the pillow.
"I mean, if you want, you can just stay here."
"You sure?" James asked, eyes already closed. Sirius reached out to remove his glasses.
"Sure. Bed's big enough for both of us 'innit?"
James made an affirmative noise and soon his breathing evened out and he was fast asleep.
Sirius wanted to do nothing more than join him in his peaceful slumber, but he couldn't. It wasn't because he wasn't comfortable. He really was. James was warm and he smelled good and Sirius didn't mind that they were touching a little. It was rather that his heart just wouldn't calm down. Maybe he had gotten too excited about the map? Or maybe he was freaked out by the dark. That happened sometimes, although he didn't really feel scared right now. Still, he shuffled a little closer to James, just in case it helped. It didn't really. But being close to James was nice. It was really nice. Sirius caught himself wishing that James would always sleep next to him.
And, from now on, James did. Not every night, but often enough, the two of them fell asleep sharing one of their four-posters. It was just more convenient like that, they told the others: They could stay up and talk as long as they wanted, without getting on Remus nerves and it was more comfortable than their usual corner on the dorm room floor. Wrapped up in the same duvet, and sometimes in each others arms - in a small bed you had to somehow organize yourselves - talking and snickering until they both drifted off to sleep. Sirius secretely loved it when James threw an arm around him in his sleep or moved his head onto his chest. He liked touching him. And there was nothing wrong with that. They were just good friends sharing a bed.
In general, Sirius wasn't much of a fan of other people touching him. He despised people that tapped his back with their finger to gain his attention. He didn't like it, when someone randomly put their hand on his shoulder while they talked. He didn't appreciate people hugging him when he was upset - it only made things worse.
Touch had always been something he viewed as a massive breach of boundaries. At home, there was none of it. Sirius couldn't remember that his parents had ever hugged him. He wasn't even sure if they had carried him as a baby since he remembered that his younger brother Regulus had always been either pushed around in his cradle or carried by their houself Kreacher. When his parents touched him, it was about control. His father would put a hand on his shoulder to steer him into the direction he wanted him to go. His mother would grab his arm to keep him into place, grab his chin to force him to look at her.
So, Sirius didn't like being touched. And James liked touching. A recipe for desaster, one would think, but with James everything was different. When James had hugged him in the bathroom in first year, it hadn't felt overwhelming, restricting or otherwise unpleasant. It had felt safe. When James grabbed his arm to excitedly pull him towards the Quidditch field on game days it felt nice. When James casually wrapped an arm around him when they sat together, Sirius melted into his touch, reveling in the warmth of James' body. So maybe he liked being touched, but only by James.
And with their new co-sleeping habit further normalizing their physical closeness, James reached out for Sirius more and more.
"There aren't any more seats," James says as he squeezes with Sirius onto a single armchair in the common room ending up almost sitting on his lap.
"I just need something to figet with," James explains to Remus, who watches questioningly how James is playing with Sirius hand while they are talking, absentmindedly brushing his fingers over his or pushing his hand up Sirius' sleeves, touching his arm.
"I'm just tired," Sirius says as he drops his head onto James shoulder when they sit together in the library.
"All the girls do this too," James says, when some of his Quidditch teammates give him weird looks for holding Sirius' hand on the way to class.
"It's cold!" Sirius says when James and him snuggle up together under a blanket, while they plot the next prank with the other two.
"Do you think this is weird," James asked as they both lounged on Sirius bed again. James head was resting on Sirius chest, looking up to him, Sirius was drawing circles on James arm with his finger.
"Why? Do you think it is?" Sirius tried to hide the uncertainty in his voice.
"No. I think...I think were just friends. And there is nothing wrong with friends...well we're just hanging out aren't we?"
Sirius nodded.
"Yeah. Why would there be something wrong with that?"
James smiled and sighed comfortably. Then he reached out for Sirius hand and intertwined their fingers. Sirius wondered whether James could hear his heartbeat speed up. But if he did, he didn't say anything.
When summer rolled around, Sirius had gotten so used to constantly touching James that the thought of spending two whole months without him seemed much more daunting than it usually had been anyways. On the last night before the ride home they were laying in James four-poster, tightly snuggled up against each other. James had tucked Sirius in his arms and was playing with his fingers.
"I will miss you," Sirius said quietly, feeling awfully heavy. James squeezed his hand.
"I will miss you too. It really sucks that your parents won't let us meet."
Sirius sighed and pressed his cheek against James' shoulder. He could feel tears burn in his eyes. He really didn't want to go home. He wanted to stay here with James. He also didn't want to cry, but with James it was so easy.
James immediately picked up on his sadness and hugged him tighter.
"It's okay. We'll just talk through the mirrors!"
Sirius sniffled and nodded. The mirrors. At least they would be able to see each other this time.
"I just hope my parents won't catch me with it. They'll definitely take it away."
"But couldn't you just make a new one? You made these yourself, didn't you?"
"Yes but I'm not sure how long it would take. It's a pretty finicky spell. And I would have to make a new pair. So I wouldn't be able to call you until I'd given you the other..." His voice trailed off at the thought. A tear trickled down his cheek. He needed James.
"We have to talk quietly," Sirius whispered into the mirror. "Otherwise Regulus might hear and then he certainly will tell mother."
"Okay," James responded with a hushed voice. Sirius smiled. These little talks with James every night, hidden underneath the covers in case someone came in, the only light coming from his wand, were the only thing that kept him afloat during the long days at Grimmauld Place 13. He hated this house. It was dark and narrow and always felt cold despite the many fireplaces. From everywhere the portraits were watching you. Sirius had long stopped feeling at home here. Sometimes he just wanted to run away.
"What did you do today," he asked James. James detailed reports about his fun summer activities always cheered him up. The more James talked, the more it felt like he had been with him. When James had finished he leaned his head onto his hands.
"And you? What did you do today?"
Sirius sighed heavily.
"Not much. Hid in the library most of the day. Regulus had his awful friends over."
"Crouch and Rosier? Can't you just hex them?"
Sirius shook his head.
"I mean...I could, but this is isn't Hogwarts. There is only one person who could have done it in this house and...I just want to get through this bloody summer." Sirius dropped his head onto his arms. He missed James painfully.
"Right. Get it. But it's just five more weeks," James tried to cheer him up unsuccessfully.
"That's so long! I wish I could just drink a potion and sleep through it."
"I don't think that would be healthy."
Sirius shrugged. He didn't care about that.
"I just wish you were here. Or I was with you."
"Yeah that would be nice. I miss...I miss you. Maybe we should have exchanged sweaters or something, so we'd have something of each other."
Sirius heart skipped a beat at James' words.
"We could do that next summer." He paused and rubbed his eyes. "Merlin, I'm so tired."
"Do you want to stop talking?"
Sirius hesitated for a moment.
"Can you...Can you maybe just stay a little. Until I have fallen asleep? Just tell me something. About Quidditch or whatever you want..."
"Yes. Sure I can do that. Sooo...brooms! Did you know they are making a new Cloudsweeper? It's supposed to be twice as fast as the Dragoncatcher 79 Pro..."
Sirius leaned the mirror against a book, still under the blanket and got cozy. He closed his eyes and let himself drift off, the comforting sound of James voice lulling him to sleep. He couldn't wait for September.
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lnights · 2 years
hi bat! this is my (almost) daily joel/joonas mini fic idea because i can't get over the way you write them! what about something with joonas going on a date and it not going too well, and when he comes back he gets comforted by joel only for both of them to realize that they just want to be together? thank you! hope you have a great day <3 - 🐺
A day late but thank you Wolfie, glad you like how I write the twins.
"I swear I'm done with dating!" Joonas declared, flopping himself on to Joel's bed.
Joel came out of his bathroom a moment later, a toothbrush still in his mouth.
He looked at Joonas for a moment before going back, presumably to finish brushing and Joonas burrito-ed himself in the entire blanket, enjoying the extra weight to it.
Joel stepped back into the room, sans toothbrush, and sighed.
"what happened this time?" He asked, "that you felt the need to bust into my place past midnight and steal my blanket?"
"First, it's not bursting in, you have me a key," Joonas pointed out, "second, everything was bad!"
Joel sat by him, legs crossed, "like?" He asked
"They had a bunch of expectations on how they wanted their significant other to act, which ok maybe they were just trying to be up front but they were reeeeeallly aggressive about it."
Joel hummed a bit to show he was listening.
"and they were super rude to the waitstaff for no reason whatsoever."
"Gross," Joel muttered.
"They only talked about themselves the whole time. It went on like that the whole night, and then when I tried to tell them I didn't think it was going to work out they tried to kiss me!"
Joel shuddered, "sounds like a date from hell."
"Yep." Joonas sighed. "I wish I could find somebody that actually understood me, ya'know? Like you, we seem to understand each other without words most of the time, why can't I find that?"
"I know what you mean," Joel said with a nod, "last time I tried to go out, I just kept thinking how much easier it is hanging out with you. How do we find that?"
Joonas turned in his burrito to look up at his friend. "I don't know, I guess we're just really lucky to have each other. At least we both have someone who understands us."
They smiled at each other for a moment, and Joonas thought he saw something flicker in Joel's eyes before he looked away.
"I really like your weighted blanket." Joonas said softly, tugging it closer. "How come you never use it when I stay over?"
Joel was silent for a moment looking down at his crossed legs and picking up the hem of his sleep shorts.
"Joel?" Joonas tried to wiggle himself up into a sitting position, not an easy task but he managed.
"I don't need it when you're here." He answered quietly, "I sleep better when you're next to me."
His words hung in the air for a moment, Jonas not sure if he was even breathing as he contemplated the meaning behind them.
And suddenly everything clicked for him, why he always compared everyday he had to Joel, why he was the one he ran to again and again when things went bad, or even when they went well, he always wanted his approval.
It had always been him.
"Joel this might sound crazy." He started, "but if we are each other's ideals, maybe we should give each other a shot."
Joel finally met his gaze, and the warmth in his blue eyes was enough to make Joonas forget completely about the terrible date.
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bemylord · 3 years
ᴏᴠᴇʀʜᴇᴀʀ ᴏᴜʀ ꜱᴇx
synopsis: levi had accidentally listened to you and erwin having sex and gets super turned on. he starts to notice all the subtle touches you give one another through the day, he thinks that you don't know that he sees it, but both of you just want to see how far this can go until levi snaps.
thanks @gipumar for an idea, i hope you'll like it!
pairings: levi x fem!reader x erwin.
warnings: nsfw, exhibitionism/voyeurism, threesome, oral [both fem and male receiving], cigarettes and alcohol mentioned, upprotected sex, size kink, double penetration.
w/c: 3.6k
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the room is illuminated with a muffled light from the trembling candle in the corner, which barely burns by reason of an opened window. the captain levi has been stuck here since he came up from the escapade, trying to deal with the stack of paper. he's smoking the cigarette apathetically, frowned and clench the cheekbone, reading the next article.
levi lazily rubs his eyelids, straightens his legs, taking a comfortable position. erwin gave a massive heap of different articles and direction, saying: 'we lack chaste people here who can deal with it, would you mind do it?' levi couldn't say no - the question formulation will hit on his ego if he rejected the task.
the head tossed back when the flame of the candle had faded out from the breeze outside. the ackerman is out of composure, not having the force to maintain an urge deep inside his soul. sitting in a semidarkness room when only the faint light of the moon illuminates the office.
he stood up from the chair, coming to the window. outside the building only drunken people are speaking loudly about nonsense. the captain snorted, exhaling cigarette smoke he'd lost count of. third or fourth, maybe seventh - he doesn't know; all he knows is to deal with a paper and take a warm shower after all.
'he probably busy or sleeping, erwin' he hears a female voice from erwin's office. first, he thought is his hallucination awaken due to the work he's been doing.
'wait for me in our bedroom, honey, i've practically done with it'
'i want you now, my captain'
he overhears the dialogue he shouldn't have to listen to, break into the intimate relationship. that's counting as voyeurism, hearing as his commander, although he rarely calls him the commander only among the people to be respectful, spending his time with you. levi recognized your voice by the little whine you put at the last word; you did it seldom when erwin prohibits to do your requests. levi isn't the type who would spying or pursuing insofar as heard someone voice in the erwin's cabinet.
he took a puff from a cigarette, wiggling his head as he's trying to deal with an obscene thought in his mind. levi is used to be stern and rectilinear, but currently, his clarity of mind hammered with one question: they'll be doing intimate intercourse in the office?
nobody's gonna find out the captain of the survey corps being listened to how his allies are having sex. how would they know? he crossed his arms on the chest, holding the cigarette with his teeth, prick up his ears.
it's inappropriate to be listening.
in the next room reached out chair squeak and some heavy objects, probably books that being on erwin's desk, fall onto the ground. perhaps his hearsay has improved, thanks to the dead silence in the town. people are peacefully sleeping, only a few drunken people are wiggling among the alley. he extinguished his cigarette on the wooden table, leaving it there as well, and left the room. a clock is reading far past midnight: cadets are sleeping, even though several people guarding the building, probably lurking in a secluded area and taking a nap. whilst levi is scrutinizing through the papers, erwin is having a ravishing night.
the hallway is illuminated by few candles, the atmosphere is electrifying: getting caught by spying at the erwin's and his lover isn't the wonderful feeling he'd like to feel. the door is closed, but sounds are still coming from the room: smooches and squelches, the quiet whimpers you're trying to quell, are knocking out from your hazy mind. if there would be an opportunity to have a peek on you, levi'd take advantage of it, scorching the image of you and smith naked deep in his mind.
not that levi couldn't please him by himself or find a girlfriend, what happened if he'll take a quick peel on both of you? clearness of his mind is dazzling by the cigarettes he had been smoking. he's declining the thought it may be because he hasn’t gotten a possibility to masturbate in a few weeks. presumably, the momentary expedition had taken more days than it should be, leaving levi in a desperate state. naturally, he can go without masturbation for months but he is a grown man with needs, as silly as it may sound.
'captain, slow down if you don't want to be heard'
'he probably busy or sleeping, have you forgotten your words, dear?
the sudden way of arousal covered him, levi has gotten barely prominently shiver, as he heard your conversation. obscene squelches are increased and levi should be gone, if he doesn't want to be declassified. it was obvious from the sounds that you're having a climax, as your previously whimpers turned into the purr reaching it. levi swallowed with a certain breathlessness, looking down: it must those days without touching himself.
'i'm not done with you, naughty girl. do you think you dare interrupt me from my work? leave the room after me'
it's the moment when levi shall pace back to his office and mind his business but still standing there, wait for erwin's appearance. he takes some steps back, pretending he left the room contemporaneously with erwin, without knowing it. proofs of being worked as hell are his sweet on the hairline and bags under eyes: he has made an excuse. why he must make excuses for leaving the office at the midnight? erwin went from his cabinet covered with a little bit of sweet on his forehead and an unbuttoned shirt.
'levi? aren't you supposed to sleep? it's ... quite late for awakening'
the ackerman snorted, rolling his eyes. the erwin's appearance instills him he had been pleased for the time levi's been doing the task. smith yet is regaining breathing, closed the door.
'i'm doing your task, erwin, you forgotten? anyways, can we talk in your office?'
'i'd like to, but i'm exhausted as you. why don't we both come to our rooms and take a nap?'
the levi's mind issues a telltale signal to stop talking and do as erwin told him: he needs to remove the bulge in his pants. light illumination in the hallway concealed a levi's problem.
'yeah, you should take a nap, you look really exhausted. come to my office as soon as you'll wake up, erwin'
as soon as he turned around toward his office, the commander quite exhaled, button his shirt. as he closed the door, he tossed his head back against the door, unzipped the pants to release the problem. what happened in the hallway, why he acted like a moron if he can go back to his chair and scrutinize papers. something snapped in the mind to dare to talk with erwin after his quick sex unawares him and declassified. he should have been gone when he overheard as both of you reached the climax, wanting to have aftercare in the bedroom or kiss each other there without being exhibited. the clarity of mind was full of dirty thoughts he was incapable of deal with, still having a dizzy mind. those days without even touching the area he wanted, might put him in a trouble.
levi is melting when he spat in his hand, making strokes on his cock. a blissful moment of delighting. he never thought that spying on someone who is having intercourse will set him on the pleasure. with the other hand, he clutches his shaggy hair, imaging erwin and you in his office having sex. erwin spinning you around to face the desk, going inside you without a warning, stretching your walls. you could feel his curves and every vein in his dick, you swear you could: erwin's dick is hot and hard of the anticipation. foreboding the orgasm which will come over him with a wave after a few minutes being inside you - marvelous.
'i'm gonna deal with papers, not imagining them being closed'
he has your hands behind your back, squeezing your wrists hard 'till you can't fill your fingers, leaving on your soft skin half-moons, subsequently will turn on into small bruises in the morning.
'i shouldn't have to think about it, it's obscenely'
the climax makes you and erwin melting: you're squeezing his dick, making him lose the vestiges composure.
'maybe i'm gonna think about it once'
- - -
the next days were less troubled: levi was training new soldiers, trying not to stay up too late, so that he won't have repeated incidents. he was trying to read a book but failed up by caught himself thinking about that night. levi couldn't help himself every time he looks at you or erwin side. it wasn't a big deal - getting caught isn't a good memory, but levi thinks both of you didn't know he was listening to it.
it was less troubled until he started to notice all frisky touches you gave to erwin. those touches were clearly aren't purposeless or aimless, you rub his shoulder when you see nobody's watching. you look around, ascertaining everyone is busy, ruffle your lover's hair, laughing as he takes your wrists, mildly leaves kisses from the wrist to the knuckle. it doesn't bother him - conversely, he smiles when sees the way erwin raises the corner of his lips ogling at you.
being in love is cool, especially when the feelings are mutual. once levi peeks, not that he was spying all the time on both of you, he went out from his bedroom to have a glass of water. you and erwin were at the dining room, chatting and laughing over some situations, maybe you had been planning your future together. suddenly, erwin hoisted you up by your waist as you were enclasping your legs around his torso - you're a perfect couple, aren't you?
light touches when erwin checks up on new soldiers, you lightness conducted at his spine with your finger, perhaps feeling as he got tensed by your unexpected touch. ackerman isn't jealous but deadpan - why you kept touching him if there's a risk to be declassified. you aren't children to hide your relationship, no one dares to acknowledge to discover your secret as if it can be called a secret.
the night he awakes isn't a specific one, levi has sort of nightmares of war and titans inside the wall, demolishing and killing people, soldiers, crushing everything on their way. a small walk around the building may help him takes a brief nap. apprehensions about you and erwin disappear well, yeah, he has gotten both of you, but it won't happen again. although, he got turned on that night, masturbating lately at his bedroom, scorching an image of you at smith's lap bouncing on his dick, sort of deviated thoughts he couldn't get out of your head.
the hallway is illuminated by candles, guards are sleeping or chatting at the roof because no one could make debauchery due to levi and erwin are here. soldiers basically scared of being beaten by levi, knowing his passion to learn dissidents to be respectful and know their place.
levi walks among rooms in a leisurely way, enjoying the silence and solitude of a warm night. the wind isn't exhausted the candle in the building - calmly summer night without any accidents.
for the time being.
sitting in the cellar by his own, drinking the sturdy alcohol, attempting to recover from thoughts: it's sort of drug he is addicted to. addicted to sounds and imagies in his mind. regardless of how many shot glasses he has been drinking, he could feel the intoxicated state, a certain state of being wobbly, but his mind keeps being clear.
returning back to his bedroom, thinking that alcohol might help him take a short nap, he overhears your voice from erwin's room. he's losing his self-restraint as your voice is quieting down for a second, again he hears your purr and mumbling, not being unable to understand what you're muttering. levi coming close to a small gorge between the door and the frame, swallowing, before have a peek at you.
just as he was contemplating: you're half-naked, wearing only pants, baring your upper body to your lover. heartbeats are increasing when he takes a look one more time, seeing as the commander stroking the bulge through the trousers. he shouldn't have to be here, ogling at you and erwin but he couldn't move, only stares at you squeezing your nipples, quelling your moans by biting your lips.
it won't happen again, it won't happen again, but it's happening right now, levi is substantially is peeping at you. the commander is sitting at the edge of the bed, smirking at your naked body, perfect and well-tightened body.
he should run away from your bedroom, it isn't correct to barge into your intimate life or relationship at all but one look at your body is melting him, overwhelming the mind. you moved on his lap, slightly push your lover into the bed, sat on the bulge. you're squirming on it, making round movements on it, unbuttoning the shirt.
pads of your fingers are feeling the muscular erwin's body, running over his abs and chest, breathing out heavily. you stood up only to tug your trousers down to the floor, stay completely naked moving again into his lap.
'for how long you're gonna stand there and watching us having the fun, not joining?' the question you uttered was addressed to levi; you turned toward the door, having an absolutely accurately he is standing behind the door. 'levi, come and play with us, we know you've been listening to our sex in our office'
he acts childish but opened the door, entered the room. the atmosphere is arousing captain, seeing woman's body like it his first time. you aren't hiding your body though. levi absentmindedly stares at you, closed tight eyes trying to make an excuse yet not having enough time. his hairline his hairline is covered with sweat as evidence of his excitement. your taken body is beckoning him to touch your curves, leave on your neck a couple of hickeys as if you were taken by him. levi might be listened to by your sweet moans but not touching you.
'come and touch her, levi, it's alright'
erwin's permission makes levi moves to the bed, stood by your back as his long fingers running over your back to the nape.
'i-i won't be soft with you as erwin does, y/n, you get it?'
you laughed at his warning while smith rolled backward, providing you a bulge.
'wanna feel two dicks in my cunt'
you uttered the phrase frivolously like it's the basic phrase you say every day, not worrying what will be in a few minutes. your words were like a red cloth for a bull released from the corral. he's losing composure when staring at how fastly you unzipped erwin's trousers, quickly going over the glans of the penis with a tongue. before you could put his cock inside, you felt on your head levi's palms, holding your by temples, swiftly forcing to place your mouth into the dick.
you'd lie if you tell you don't like it.
with one hand, levi makes a fist of your hair, regulating the pace and the depth of penetration of the penis inside you, controlling every your movements, adjusting everything on his own. with another, he reached down to your already willing pussy, as you were sopping for hours, finally getting what you've been needy. your wetness is overwhelming, you're constricting when he entranced with one finger inside, massaging spongy spot deeply there, knocking out a serial of quell whimpers from your mouth.
levi kneels, wobbling for a second, shall he continue or stop. the answer to his unnamed question was your shift back in levi's face, kinda begging for initiating from his side to lick or press his fingers on your swollen clit. you're definetely been playing for some time before he interrupted their foreplay.
he tugged your hips on his face, lick from the clit to the wet entrance, making a serial of an acute moves on your hole, burying his face deep as far as it's possible in your pussy. your willingness and desire to be fucked by two thick cocks makes levi's cock twitched in the fabric, speeding up the shift of the tongue, keeping thinking about the future events.
'wanna feel two dicks in my cunt'
an echo of your phrase is on replay in his mind as a reminder that he should make you cum before giving you a double penetration. you're melting by receiving and giving oral, attempting to focus on sucking dick and wiggling on levi's face, when he slaps your booty. levi slightly bite your inner things, kissing the mark immediately back again to your drooling cunt.
ackerman put inside two fingers, stretching sticky walls, kissing your legs and ankles. being soft, retaining the remnants of composure, for now, to show the dark side afterward. afterward, he makes you cum on his fingers. you squeezed fingers when he's massaging that spot, feeling how your legs are shaking.
'keep sucking my cock while cumming'
erwin's severed voice didn't give it a chance to pull out cock, but you don't want to disappoint your commander. levi masterfully uses his fingers to make you shiver and bringing your knees together to climax as you're tensing and dripping. he didn't miss the opportunity to walk on the moist crotch, licking your juices.
levi is blossomed by your quelling moans and your willingness to obey a commander, though you wanted to stop sucking and scream erwin's name in delight. your desire you pronounced at the beginning levi couldn't forget, standing up from knees. you're still shaking and being mild from an orgasm you've gotten.
the thought of being flattened by two hot and muscular bodies, covered in sweat and those dicks are twitching, wanting to feel and stretch your cunt. you moistened commander's dick last time, moved your body between his member, leading his cock in your soggy hole, putting his cock inside with a squelchy sound.
the goosebumps run down your skin and your heart beats at a frantic pace. you gasps for the air, regardless of the opened window, it's hard for you to breathe. because of their bodies and fingers, because of the thought have your first penetration with the strongest men.
'i'm going inside, y/n'
a spontaneously levi's warning makes you bend over closer to erwin, kissing his lips, feeling the second dick inside you. you don't regret what you've said, digging your nails into the blond's strong shoulders as levi going inside, stretching you to the max.
at first, they give you a few seconds to adjust to the new feeling, before erwin did a slight thrust in you. he did it purpose: he wants to see his chest and shoulders dotted in the half-moons and patterns from your nail in the morning, so he could be mocking all day, telling you how dirty you were.
ackerman words 'i won't hold back, y/n, i'm going to be rough' come into reality, when he pulls your hair back, makes you arch your back. he holds your waist, going higher to clench your hard nipple. ackerman is closed to your ear, kissing under your earlobe to the jaw, moving in a very tight hole.
being flattened by two hot and muscular bodies is mind-boggling as their tips are reaching to the inner lump. smith's hands are running over your hips as he's ogling you and levi having a deep and humid kiss. sharing the lover is inappropriate but turns him on even more. the friction of two cocks going in and out, obscene squelches spread throughout the room. it's too much - incorrectly be fucking by the captain while you've got the one who can put on high, although two dicks feels too good to deny anything.
the shiver again caught your body as you're feeling your soon climax. both of them are feeling it too.
'cum one more time, constricting your cunt on our cocks'
the tense between your legs, and your orgasm crashed in an instant wave, creaming their dicks. the mess down there and your licentious attitude erwin's gonna remained you for weeks, telling how slutty you were, tightening over cocks and creaming on the length.
what happened next was like a fog - both of them yet took out their dicks to cum all over your body. the fluttering on your body is feeling perfect, had been fucked by two captains.
'how do you feel, sweetie?'
not giving a damn about formalities and the fact that you are his property or girlfriend, levi affectionately kisses your back, caressing your hips. erwin kissing your stomach, pressing your chest against his, tugs your face close to his, left a soft kiss on your lips. you didn't answer, there was no need for that: your contented expression was the evidence of your wonderful well-being. he lay down on the bed without strength, covering the blanket bodies, holding your waist, burying his face in the back of your neck. erwin holds your tiny hands in his, staring at how you falling asleep, smiling.
still, your request was admirably was made.
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ki-ka-katsuki · 3 years
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☆ character: Bakugou Katsuki, aged-up ☆ reader: female, aged-up ☆ rating: nsfw, fluff ☆ warnings: language, smut in semi-public space (car), slightly vexed Bakugou if you squint ☆ word count: 2.568
⇢ masterlist
a/n: this is actually dedicated to our beloved blonde hedgehog's birthday from many moons ago, but as always, I'm late to the party. hope you enjoy anyways! in case I forgot anything in terms of warnings, please lemme know.
minors, do not interact!
© all rights reserved to @ki-ka-katsuki​. do not repost or plagiarize.
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The rain keeps hitting the roof so hard it might bust the paint right off Bakugou’s expensive car. What a shame that would be, you think. Hopefully it won’t last for too long. Because you’re tired, just awfully tired.
“This city sucks,” Bakugou huffs as he pulls the keys out of the slot to throw them against the windshield. He didn’t plan on spending the night like this; in his car, at 11:30 pm in a random gas station’s parking lot, between multi-story buildings and occasional passer-by trucks.
You choose not to respond, for now. You too feel annoyed by the delay, you too wanted to be fast asleep in Bakugou’s snugly bed by now. But it’s no use, you’re trapped in here where cheap neon lights illuminate the vehicles in bright hues of blue and purple – and it almost appears as if they would claim everything within their reach for themselves, quite naturally belonging to this city.
“I’ll text your parents, they should just go to bed. You got their keys, right?” you ask, already typing on your phone that’s a bit too bright for your current liking. The blond hums in agreement as he leans his head against the cold window, rubbing a hand across his forehead in irritation.
You feel bad for him, even though you could blow your brains out just as much. He’s plodded through the past weeks like a maniac just to take a few days off and now this.
Feeling somewhat guilty, you lay a hand on Bakugou’s thigh and squeeze it kindly, trying to ease some of the stress that keeps his eyes sharp and brows knitted. “Wanna sleep?” you coo, but he shakes his head immediately.
“I’m good. You go ahead,” he drawls, stroking your hand with his thumb before giving it two gentle slaps. You already want to point out the obvious, considering the night of the 20th is right around the corner with barely half an hour left. However, you try putting it a bit differently, hoping that he wouldn’t catch your drift like he always does. “But Katsuki, that makes no sense. I don’t need to sleep as much as y-“
“Don’t start, alright?” he cuts you off right away, staring not at you but outside, at what seems like a drunk guy lurching around the gas pumps to find shelter in the heavy rain. “Just get some sleep, ’m fine.”
Bakugou’s voice is as agitated as it is tired. Yet, a wee bit of subliminal apology graces his harsh words, and you’re not mad. At least not yet. Rather, you’re a bit frustrated with the situation, knowing that you shouldn’t argue with him being so exhausted. So, you respect his demand and squeeze yourself through the car to reach the backseats, giving Bakugou a quick kiss on his jaw along the way to let him know you’re not upset.
As you get comfortable, turning your backpack into somewhat of a makeshift pillow, Bakugou moves to turn the heating up a bit more but stops when you tell him not to stress the battery any further. “I’ll take this instead,” you hum, tucking at your boyfriend’s scarf from behind and you swear you saw his lips quirk a little as he took it off to hand it over to you.
“Thank you.”
Time goes by quickly as you doze off into a light sleep behind Bakugou’s watchful eyes. He examines the way the raindrops coat the windowpane at the split of a second after each time the windshield wipers swipe them away – a game he began to play in order to keep his weary self from falling asleep. It’s already past midnight as he takes a look at the dashboard clock – and he wonders if he should just drive on. He hates how you have to lie back there, scrunched up against the cold leather, in marked contrast to how he had planned on wrapping you into the safety of his bedsheets.
Now, it’s just you, him and the unceasing shower of raindrops. They keep hitting the ground like tiny bullets as their echo draws a mighty, unadulterated veil over the city – soothing one’s soul yet creating a shudder of awe when brought to focus.
How absorbing.
It’s when Bakugou hears you shift and take a deep breath that he tears his gaze from the streets to turn around and look at you. Your eyes flutter delicately as you stretch your body, meeting Bakugou’s glance with a bashful smile. “Hello, greybeard,” you chuckle. The man quirks an eyebrow at your comment, hesitating, before he decides to lean in a bit closer as he tries and fails to suppress a small smirk himself.
“Hmm? What’s that, idiot?” he replies, trying to somewhat match your humorous manner. “Say that again, I’m a bit hard of hearing today.” You can’t help but flinch and giggle as he reaches a hand towards you in an attempt to help you sit up. For a brief moment, as you get up to lean against his front seat, you choose to simply indulge in the sight of his beautifully shaped face, shimmering gently in the radiance of those rich-colored neon lights — and who would have thought that pink and blue hues could make him look so divine?
The smile that spreads on your lips is anything but artificial; like that of a kid charmed by the view of its favourite animal. But Katsuki is more than that, so much more. He’s your tower of strength, a different kind of hero to you than to others — furtively. You’d be damned if people knew the extent of your boundless admiration for him; how infatuated you must look, completely entranced by his every move, that keen mind behind his carmine irises. A foolish devotee is what they would call you, quite likely.
But you don’t care, or at least you try to, for you know he loves you just as purely, not once wasting a thought on what other people think.
“Happy Birthday, Katsuki,” you breathe, proud to be able to share this moment with him, despite his sour attitude towards celebrating birthdays in the first place. For you, he would make any exception. And so it happens that, as Bakugou leans in to kiss you in silent gratitude, the both of you do not notice how, bit by bit, the thick, grey clouds come to rest and the rainfall ceases slowly, leaving the streets’ puddles alone to bathe in their gentle street lights.
It’s 00:38 am. First truckers have already revved up their engines when Bakugou has slipped through the front seats to pull you onto his lap, kissing you with increasing fervor as he fumbles for the power door locks.
“Katsuki, what are you doing?” you breathe in-between kisses, trying to make sense of Bakugou’s actions. To be honest, you never expected he would contemplate touching you here — in the back of his car, at such an ungodly hour, in such an unpredictable place.
“Katsuki, no…”
“Shut it, I know,” he complains, not even willing to spend a second thought.
Bakugou will be the death of you someday, you think. And you’re probably right. He hasn’t even done that much to you up until now, yet here you are, barely able to contain the heady moans knocking at the back of your throat — and he knows it by the way you’re squirming in his arms as he leaves a trail of sloppy kisses against your neck.
“Oh god,” you whine, feeling the growing bulge in his pants press against your core, lungs heavy with blinding lust and burning with the pressure of pure, carnal desire for the man in front of you. But who is to blame you? You haven’t had the chance to indulge in each other’s touch for what feels like a decade, forcing you to swallow your pent-up frustration each night Bakugou collapsed onto the mattress of your shared bed.
There’s no denying it, you’re lascivious — wrought-up and restless, craving his touch to a point where your heart might twist and fail in a hot-blooded frenzy. The blond can’t help but chuckle a bit as he watches you trying to get ahold of yourself, head already hanging low with some kind of unknown exhaustion. For a moment, he wonders whether you’ve got enough energy left to go any further or if he’s already overtaxing your body at this point. Honestly, you should rather be getting some rest after such a long, nerve-wrecking and seemingly endless hell of a ride through the cities. However, the expression on your face says it all.
You need him, badly.
The coil in your stomach just can’t stand it anymore and it snaps almost brutally when Bakugou has the nerve to clench his jaw and swallow hard at the sight of you straddling him like the stud that he is. Truth be told, you almost rip his jeans apart, making him gasp in anticipation as your hands fumble aggressively with the zipper and buckle of his belt.
“Fuck, Y/N…,” he sighs deeply, already grinding his hips up against yours by sheer instinct. You can feel his warmth seeking through your thin, black stockings – hot and tempting – as you manage to pull his jeans down just enough to reveal the dark grey fabric of his boxers.
Then, for a few seconds, the two of you fall silent. Simply staring at each other’s faces as if it were the first time you’d do so. It’s not the kind of silence that suggests itself in an awkward manner, no. It’s rather a moment of appreciation – and somehow even respect; the fact that you two would allow each other this close to your bodies, doing this to each other, exclusively.
How you even got here, you don’t know. But what you do know is that you will treasure this moment, this gift – and most importantly him – for eternity and beyond.
As glossy tears coat your eyes, Bakugou leans forward to kiss you deeply once more, lifting you up just enough to place you where he wants you to feel him. You immediately keep on grinding up against him, grabbing his shoulders for leverage, trying to relieve some of the pressure. It feels good, so damn good. But it is Bakugou’s low growl, vibrating provocatively against your tender lips, that tells you he’s actually unhappy about something. And you get it; he wants the final barrier of clothes, still separating the two of you, to be ripped and gone. So, he sneaks his hands right in between your legs, grabbing the fabric of your tights firmly and tearing it apart within a second as he whispers a quick apology into your ear.
Finally, you’re able to pull what’s left of your underwear aside and free Bakugou of his boxers’ restraints. You can feel your heart beating even faster as you take him in, trembling with pure excitement, body already anticipating what’s coming next.
“Come,” he rasps, sliding his hands across your plump thighs and gripping your hips to give them a small squeeze. Yet somehow, Bakugou feels slight hesitation in your bones – and he’s not too surprised, to be honest. After all, you wouldn’t be you if you didn’t coax one last act of reassurance from him. And who is he to refuse you? So, he moves to place a few loving kisses and gentle bites against your pretty neck, sucking carefully at the patch of skin as he slowly pulls you into him. Once your burning core meets his, you can’t help but release a deep, trembling sigh at the sudden sensation.
“Let me take it from here, idiot,” Bakugou soothes you with his lips touching your jaw ever so slightly before guiding himself carefully into your tight heat.
It’s close to 01:00 am and the steam of your hot breaths starts to show on the blacked-out windows of Bakugou’s car. You feel like you’re going to pass out any minute, legs shaky and chest tight with overwhelming pleasure as you try to keep yourself upright.
“F-fuck, Katsuki… Katsukii-“
“S-so tough for me, eh? So fucking… fucking good to me,” Bakugou breathes into your hair, voice just above a whisper and heavy with lust. “Shit I’m close,” he hisses, cradling the back of your head in his large hand as he pulls away from your abused neck to face you properly. He can see it in your eyes, you’ve reached your limit too – hot tears spilling over and running down your rosy cheeks, falling into the darkness between your sweaty bodies.
“Hgnh… can’t… I-I can’t... please, Katsu,” you babble, hands moving to weave their fingers into his soft, spiky hair. Even though your grip on his follicles is close to pretty damn painful, he truly couldn’t care less about it. In fact, it does things to him.
“Shhh, I know baby, I know,” he breathes, brows knitted and jaw tense with focus. You could faint on the spot just by looking at him trying to keep you sane for just a bit longer. “Just-… just keep going, eh?” he pleads, pupils blown wide with rapture, his own release precariously close.
A sequence of slurred praises and sweet nothings follows as soon as you’ve desperately scraped up what’s left of your energy, one last time – for him. Because he deserves it. He’s earned it.
“Katsuuki-i…I’m- f-fuuck.” It’s when your eyes start to cross from overdrive, mouth hanging wide open and expensive dampers put to a wild test that Bakugou feels the electric shockwave hit him as well – and hard at that.
“Fuck, woman!” he exclaims as his hips shutter violently, pumping load after load into you until your body crumbles, a final cry leaving your lips in a breathless tone before your head hits his shoulder in complete exhaustion.
“Hngh-, Katsuki… god,” you mumble into his damp sweater, the smell of burnt caramel and musk clouding your senses. It’s quite obvious that you’re not ready to part just yet – the way you keep clinging to him as small, involuntary whimpers slip past your tear-stained lips lets him know. So, he stays buried inside you for just a bit longer, wrapping his arms around you in comfort until the slight twitches of your body decline in frequency.
“Y’did so well, good girl,” is the last thing you hear before you fall into a trance of sweet euphoria within your lover’s protective arms.
How absorbing.
A few minutes have passed when Bakugou carefully strokes your cheek to get your attention. “Look,” he says, pointing a finger at the window beside you. “Made it through the downpour.”
You take a look outside and simply give him a small chuckle, too worn out to think of a fitting reaction. Instead, you take a faint fist full of the blonde’s sweater, low-key asking him to help you to get off of him. And helping you he does – straightening up and laying you back against the leather seats.
“You okay to drive?” you ask shyly as he gives you a quick peck on the cheek.
“Remains to be seen,” he replies, voice low and tired but still somewhat archly.
What a witty remark, you think.
“Buckle up, little one,” he adds, patting your thigh before leaving the vehicle and switching back to the front seat where he slumps down with a deep sigh. “Let’s leave this place.”
Another hour of driving is still imminent – and you wish you could just beam yourselves over to your destination with a simple flick of your fingers, yet you’re convinced that this night, marked by fading petrichor and purple xenon headlights, is one to remember.
Until the next one pends.
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divinolenta · 4 years
kaeya x gender neutral reader, fluff/sfw
additional notes: struggled with deciding on who would crawl through the window but ultimately went with reader. i have a love-hate relationship with this man >:( he’s so pretty i wanna punch him. i recommend listening to “you say i’m in love” by banes world!
word count: 1,083
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alarmed, kaeya sat up, squinting his eyes in the dark as he tried to locate the source of the sudden noise. his hand twitched, instinctively searching for a weapon to defend himself with.
the intruder turns slightly, and moonlight falls upon their face, revealing you, rubbing your head with a pained expression. kaeya heaves a relieved sigh, a laugh rumbling in his chest.
"how can i help you, darling?"
you turn around, and the endearing expression on your face reminds kaeya of klee's, after getting caught by jean in the middle of the night with a hand in the sweets jar.
"hi." you state awkwardly, fidgeting under his questioning gaze.
"darling," kaeya begins slowly, "its past midnight."
"i know that!" you retort sharply, ignoring the mischievous smirk beginning to form on his face.
"oh? let me guess, did you miss me that much to count the hours as they go by?"
you don't miss kaeya's smug expression as he continues to gaze at you, ever the calm calvary captain.
"shut up, i just wanted cuddles." you grumble, wishing to wipe off the ever-growing cheshire grin on his stupidly handsome face.
god, how you regretted your spontaneous decision, now that it meant dealing with his teasing. what a waste of your precious time, having to climb through his window, and even hitting your head on the frame in the meantime.
kaeya doesn't respond, but he pats the space next to him on the bed. you crawl in next to him, lying down so you're facing him.
he hums, pulling you closer to him before resting his chin on your head.
"how's your head?" kaeya asks gently, referring to the moment just minutes ago. he fights back the urge to ruthlessly tease you for your clumsiness. maybe another time.
"sore." you murmur, already feeling drowsy from the warmth that radiates off of him.
"be more careful next time, love." you feel him shift slightly, resting his hands on your back, rubbing up and down in a soothing motion.
"yes, captain."
"what did i say about you calling me captain? you're not a knight and there are plenty of loving names to call me. captain is not one of them." he complains, and you snicker, voice slightly muffled from being pressed against his chest.
speaking of chest, kaeya was shirtless. again. "kaeya, aren't you cold?" you ask, pulling the sheets up to cover his bare shoulders.
"no, but you should really thank me for providing such a nice view."
"yeah, i'm not feeding your ego." you deadpan, pulling away from him.
kaeya frowns at that, but it’s quickly smothered by a cocky smirk. "you didn't deny it though."
you huff, wondering why you were allowing this to drag out for so long. you just desperately wanted sleep.
"goodnight. i'm not talking to you." you prove your point by closing your eyes.
kaeya snorts but stays quiet, and only the sound of your steady breathing remains. left with nothing else but to wait for your consciousness to drift, you focus on kaeya's hand resting on the small of your back, drawing random patterns and shapes.
the pressure on your back lifts, and before you realize it, his hand slyly slips under your shirt, ghosting cool fingertips against your skin, eliciting a squeal from you as goosebumps appear.
kaeya chuckles at your reaction and you bristle. "do you mind? i'm trying to sleep."
"well, i think you should at least keep me company, as you're the reason why i can't sleep."
your eyes fly open and you eye him indignantly. "how is it my fault?"
"how can i sleep when my beautiful lover is here with me?" he croons, his other hand moving a stray strand of hair out of your eyes. 
you narrow your eyes at kaeya. "you can be so...."
"sweet?" he moves closer to kiss your cheek. "romantic?"
"...i was going to say cheesy and borderline disgusting."
kaeya huffs, lips now brushing against the shell of your ear. "you've ought to give me more credit." 
his hand lingers, fingers skimming against your soft skin before he draws back, feigning hurt so convincingly, it almost fools you. you suppress a smile as you cradle his face with both hands. “you know i love you, kaeya.”
kaeya smiles, leaning into your touch, and you swear it rivals the sun with its radiance. “i love you too, cutie.” 
you sigh, hands sliding down to rest on his shoulders. “you should sleep before it gets too late or you’ll be tired in the morning.” you scold lightly, knowing that if he could, he would stay up all night with you. 
kaeya only hums in response as he pulls you closer to him, until there’s not even a centimetre between your bodies, arms tight around your waist. you nestle your head in the crook of his neck, easily lulled to sleep by the warmth and security he provides.
kaeya's gaze travels over the familiar slopes and angles of your features, shifting to press his lips against your forehead, a content sigh leaving him. if you were awake, you would no doubt call him a creep for watching you sleep. for some reason, the thought brings a smile to kaeya’s face. his focus wanders to the window, where the moon shines bright against the inky canvas of the sky. 
ah, he forgot to draw the curtains close. 
glancing at you, he automatically moves to block the moonlight from disrupting your slumber. gingerly, kaeya separates himself from you, intending to get up to pull the curtains close. just as he swings his legs over the edge of the bed, you tug on his arm. 
“go back to sleep, love.” kaeya coos, burying his face into your hair. 
"where are you going?” you mumble, sleep slurring your words together. kaeya stares at you momentarily, before practically throwing himself on you, careful to prop himself up to avoid crushing you. 
god, was he blushing? barbatos save him, you were going to be the death of him.
he knows he shouldn’t get too attached; after all, good things always had an end, but it’s already too late, he’s allowed you to intrude in his emotions and take a place in his heart, and now, he’s afraid that he’ll never love someone else this much.
even kaeya can’t feign blissful ignorance, can’t deny that one day, this would all no longer exist. but for now, he’s content with staying in the present with you. 
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catzula · 4 years
I’ll See You, Even If I Close My Eyes
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Synopsis: "I know who you are." You whispered, your eyes still closed.
 "Open your eyes, then. Open your eyes, look at me and tell me you don't hate me."
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Genre: enemies to lovers (is that even a surprise at this point?), i feel like it’s a bit angsty but it wasn’t meant to be, a happy ending, fluff
Warnings: Shinsou is really mean in the beginning of this for the story purposes but I kept it short) some cursing, insecurities, mentions of social anxiety also its like 5.6k I think so that's that
pairing: Pianist!Shinsou x fem!Reader
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It was late in the night when you first heard it. The music coming from downstairs, a piano piece that enhanced and pulled you to it the moment you heard it. 
Running down the stairs as fast and quiet as you could, you rushed to the living room in the grand piano stood. You didn't know anyone who played the piano in your class, and you desperately wanted to know who this music belonged to.
It was such a soft melody, so sad and almost dark, it sent chills down your spine. The piece wasn't familiar, though what enchanted you so wasn't the song but the way the pianist had delivered it, instead. 
You made it to the room, chest heaving from running so fast. It was ice cold downstairs, realizing it was because all the windows were open, making the whole room smell like the deep night and mist, although as you reached to the piano, you noticed the faint smell of lavender, as well.
You hid behind the cupboard when you reached the room, taking a peek inside to see the pianist, brows furrowing when you couldn't. The tulle curtains dancing with the harsh wind, it was concealing the pianist professionally, only making you able to see the silhouette.
It was a man's silhouette, you could tell that. You looked at his back, hovering over the black and white tiles of the piano, his broad shoulders slumped forward ever so slightly. You weren't aware you had started to walk towards him, getting out of your hiding place.
You were able to only take a glimpse of the silhouette of his side profile before you heard another pair of footsteps coming from the stairs, making you both freeze in your places. 
"Y/N?" You heard a soft voice call out, Yaoyorozu standing there with her nightgown and a blanket she just created. "What are you doing here?"
"I- I couldn't sleep." You answered vaguely, causing her to knit her brows together, but thankfully, she didn't keep pushing. "It's freezing down here," she told you instead. "Let's go back upstairs." 
"Yeah, I'm coming." You answered, trying to stop her from coming there and seeing the- you looked back at the piano, gasping when you noticed he wasn't there anymore. The tulle curtain still dancing with the wind, the faint smell of lavender and night lingering in the air, but the pianist was gone without a trace. 
"What are you doing?" Yaoyorozu asked, yawning gracefully. "You're acting a bit weird." She told you with a smile, and you smiled back. "Nothing, I just thought I saw something." You didn't expect the look of panic to settle on her features, though. "What? Did you see someone?" She interrogated, stopping in her tracks and ready to go downstairs to fight whoever it was.
"Is there a break-in? Did you-"
"No!" You exclaimed, stopping her from checking downstairs. You didn't know why exactly, but you didn't want her to find out about the pianist. "I just thought I saw a shadow, it's nothing important." You reassured her, and although she sent you a suspicious look, she took your words, walking back downstairs. 
You could swear you heard a chuckle when you sighed with relief, though.
When people asked your best friend, Yaomomo, why you didn't seem to get along with Shinsou, she didn't answer.
(they usually asked her if he did something to you, something bad, but she never told you this)
 The truth was, she didn't know either, no one did, not even you were sure as to why. Shinsou seemed like the kind of guy you would get along with, he was quiet and calm, though he was strong and would do anything to get to his goal. 
He was impressive, and you always had a part in you that wanted to be friends with him, and it hurt when he hated you instead of sharing your thoughts. And it didn't make it any better when you were seatmates, either. It had been only a week of you sitting together, and every day was living hell.
He lifted his head from his arms, waking up from his sleep. His eyes wandered over the room, his bored gaze stopping on you, and brows furrowing immediately.
Only the sight of you was able to make him angry, apparently, the thought souring your mood immediately.
Your eyes locked for a few seconds, the indigo eyes making it near impossible to look away, and he stared at you as if he expected you to say or do something. You could feel the bone-chilling glare he sent you when you looked away, and he smirked when you gathered the courage and tried to glare back. 
"Stop looking at him." Yaoyorozu warned you when you stared for a little too long. "I'm not!" You answered but bit your bottom lip when she looked at you with raised brows. "I mean, he was glaring first."
"Sure." She told you with a small smirk. "You know, I think you should-"
"Go and talk to him, I know. You tell that to me every day." You interrupted. "But I can't, I'm not as confident as you, and I really don't have it in me to go and ask someone just why they hate me so much." 
You huffed when she pouted. "It's not that big of a deal, Y/N. I really think it would be better than glaring at each other like this, and don't think I miss how tired and on edge you always are. I can't stand you staying quiet when he's always mean to you. Why don't you at least fight back?"
"I-" You tried to think of an answer, but you weren't sure either. You were never good with fighting back to people when it came to you, can't find the right thing to say in the middle of an argument, or panic altogether and tear up. It was just easier to ignore and bite your lip, to not answer, and hope they will go away. It had worked in the past, but it just seemed to make it worse with Shinsou.
"I can't." You finally answered her question, and she sighed, but before she got to lecture you more on the topic, Midnight entered the room, and you went back to your seat, still feeling his gaze on you.
"I'll just talk to her," you told your friend, "Can you wait here?"
"Sure!" Yaoyorozu told you with a cheerful smile, and you rubbed your hands together anxiously as you walked towards your homeroom teacher, so anxious that you weren't aware he was still in the class.
"Yeah, no." Was your teacher's answer when you requested a seat change. "Not unless you give me a valid reason."
"Um, we don't... we can't get along and-"
"That isn't an excuse, you know." She told you, sighing as she collected her bag and stood up. "But you changed Ochako's seat a few days ago!' You tried one last time, biting your bottom lip anxiously. "Yes, I changed her seat because Mineta was... well- acting inappropriately. I won't change seats because you can't get along, If it came to that, I would have to change almost everyone's seat. Just try to get along, Midoriya never asked me to change his seats, and he and Bakugou really can't get along."
Yeah, that's because he's a masochist, you thought to yourself but bit your tongue before it slipped out of your mouth.
"Yes, sensei." You answered instead, heard a scoff coming from the back of the room as she walked out of the room. 
"And here I am, thinking we got along swimmingly." He raised a lavender brow along with a dry laugh, the kind of laugh that would've been pretty if it was genuine. You tried to ignore Shinsou's gaze as you walked past him towards the exit, following your teacher, who seemed to want to get out of the room as soon as possible, praying to yourself he would let you go this one time. But of course, he didn't. 
"Shinsou-kun, just leave her alone." Yaoyorozu muttered, holding you by the wrist and pulling you out of the room, which you gladly complied with.
"Oh, but how are you going to survive?" He spoke, ignoring Yaoyorozu's warning. "I'm the big bad wolf, aren't I? Isn't that why you run away from me like a hopeless little lamb? Can't even speak, let alone look me in the eyes?" He growled the last few words, resembling the big bad wolf for a second or so, his low growl sending shivers down your spine. 
He sounded almost... hurt.
"What?" He snapped. "Still got nothing to say back? Even after all those things I said, you still can't-"
"Cut it out, Shinsou!" Yaoyorozu suddenly protested, ignoring the looks you had sent her, pleading to just go.
You heard Shinsou sigh, his face softer when he had turned to your friend, the realization making your heart clench. It was just you, he hated, after all.
"You're just proving my point by defending her, you know." Shinsou told her with slightly quirked brows as he packed his bag. His eyes stayed on you for a few more seconds, waiting (begging) for you to say something. But you didn't, and it only made him angrier.
"See ya later, seatmate." He told you bitterly, earning an audible gulp as a response.
Shinsou hadn't expected you to come back. 
He didn't want you there, either. You, who made him feel like a villain more than anyone else in the world. But, still, he couldn't help but feel the tiniest bit of excitement when he felt your presence in the entrance of the doorway, going towards the piano and wondering.
Shinsou hadn't sat on the piano this time, watching you as he tried to figure what you were going to do. Instead of scoffing and going back when you saw the pianist wasn't there, as he expected you to do, you pouted and sat on the Stuhl, touching the keys with your fingers.
Shinsou bit his lip, thinking. He wanted to- he wanted to show himself, but he also knew... "Who is there?" He heard you call out, your voice low but firm, the strong tone he had never heard from you, and it made him curious.
"Are you the pianist that was here last time?" You asked, standing up with furrowed brows and narrowed eyes.
"I am." Shinsou answered with a low voice, and you gasped when you got an answer, eyes widening with surprise and confusion because you thought you heard that voice before-
"A- are you..?" You started to ask, but before you realized who the voice belonged to, Shinsou had already got closer to you, hands closing over your eyes, and before you even got the chance to struggle, you were brainwashed. "You can't recognize my voice." He ordered, feeling a bit guilty with seeing the blank expression on your face. "You can in the day, but not at night."
You nodded blankly, and just like that, you were out of his grip. "Don't open your eyes." He told you as he let you go physically and mentally. "Who are you?" You asked once again (he suppressed a laugh when you really didn't open your eyes), your voice this time harsher, on edge and ready to fight.
"I'm a student here, as well."
"I can't say I believe you." You answered, and even with your eyes closed, you could feel his presence and leave a few meters between the two of you, circling him in the room with the reflexes of a cat. Maybe you weren't that helpless, after all.
"I'm not surprised, but I am a student."
"Prove it." You demanded.
"There is a Bakugou Katsuki in your class, who has some serious anger issues."
"Everyone knows that." You scoffed, and he chuckled. "Todoroki Shouto, the quiet, strong kid, who is also a cold Soba addict and Endeavors kid." He kept on.
"Huh," you answered with a sly smile, showing him you were enjoying this just a bit. "Not bad, but you gotta give me a bit more than that."
"What do you even want me to say?" He protested with a chuckle he couldn't suppress, suddenly thinking of something he wasn't sure that was supposed to be said. "Okay, umm..." He looked at you as he hesitated to speak.
"There is a general stuied kid that transferred to your class." He said, watching your face as he spoke. "Hitoshi Shinsou. A kid that's supposed to be a villain."
Your brows furrowed immediately, the smile you just had on disappearing. "Don't call him that." You spoke, your cold voice surprising him. "He is a student in the hero course, not a general studies kid. He is aiming and working to be a hero, and you don't have the right to call him a villain." You protested, your words causing a weight to settle on his chest.
What the hell were you saying? Wasn't his quirk the reason you never spoke or looked at him? The reason you were afraid of him? Where was the meek little girl he knew, that always ran from him, that couldn't even glare at him or speak back? You looked strong, instead.
"But you do have the right, don't you?" He asked, voice now even lower. You visibly flinched.
"Who are you?" You asked after a few minutes, refusing to answer his question.
"I can't tell you. But you do believe I'm not an outsider, do you?"
You shook your head slowly.
"Well then, if that's settled." He told you, chuckling as he spoke. You heard him walk, a creak coming from the piano seat. "Why don't you want me to open my eyes?" You questioned, and he kept his silence for a few seconds. "I don't want you to know who I am." He said simply, and you scoffed.
"I already understood that, I want to know why."
"Aren't you here to listen to me?" He told you, tapping the piano keys softly. "You can listen to me with the condition of not opening your eyes."
You could tell he wasn't going to answer your question, so you went with another one. "Do I know you?"
You didn't know who he really was, did you? It wouldn't be a lie if he said no. Your brows furrowed when he answered negatively, wondering why it felt like a lie.
You shook your head, and he couldn't help but wonder why you were so scared of him when you knew who he was, especially after you had even defended him to someone you didn't even know. His gaze wandered over you, and he found himself thinking just how pretty you were, the moonlight softly lighting your features, the confident look on your face never once going away, and it just didn't make sense how you could be the same girl he saw every day.
"Won't you come closer? I won't bite." He spoke mockingly when you stood where you were, at least 5 meters away from him. You surprised him by actually coming near him. Shinsou stood up, feeling bad making you stand there. He pulled a chair next to the piano. "You can sit here if you want to." He told you, leading your hand to the chair, you shook your head but refused to sit.
"Do you have a requested piece?" He asked, although a bit more cynically than he intended to.
"Do you know any Chopin?" You shrugged uninterestedly, but your curious tone told him you were more than excited for this.
"Chopin it is." He muttered, a short silence followed by him pressing the keys. It didn't take long to recognize the piece, and he was surprised to see you interested in classical music.
He didn't stop playing when he finished the piece, playing something else, some you didn't recognize, some of your favorite piano pieces, and you were mesmerized. By the way he played the passages softly, almost causing a physical warmth to spread through your body.
Soon, it felt like you weren't sitting next to some stranger, so used to each other's presence that you sometimes forgot where you were or who you were with.
You didn't know how much you sat there, already lost the sense of time. Sometime along the night, you had sat on the chair he pulled for you, the faint lavender scent once again making itself recognizable.
"Are you cold?" He muttered, talking for the first time for what felt like hours, snapping you back into reality from the bubble of thought you were lost in. You noticed you were hugging your body, your knees pressed to your chest, chills down your arms, not even aware you were about to fall asleep a few seconds ago.
"I guess so." You muttered and heard him chuckle. "You shouldn't fall asleep next to a stranger."
"Why not?" You asked, still not fully awake.
"I'm a stranger." He declared and heard a muffled laugh coming from you, and he realized it was the first time he heard you laugh, too. "I might be a very bad person, kill you in your sleep." He whispered the last words, and you chuckled, this time slightly more awake.
(His words reminded you if something, a conversation you had with someone else earlier that day, but with sleep clouding your thoughts, you couldn't connect the two)
"Well, you're studying in UA, right? Aiming to be a hero. I don't think you could be that bad."
Silence followed your words, and you wondered if you had said something wrong, shifting in your place. No, it wasn't that you had said something wrong, you had said something so right, something Shinsou had waited his whole life to hear from someone, but he had never thought this someone would be you. 
"That's the weakest argument I've ever heard." He answered after a few seconds, trying to pull himself back together. "It still doesn't stop me from falling asleep, though. Are you tired?"
"I'm always tired." He answered, cursing himself for revealing something of his character. But you hadn't seemed to catch on. Actually, you hadn't been saying anything for a while, and- were you already asleep?! 
Was that even humanely possible, he wondered. Still, he couldn't wake you up, could he? If he did, you would open your eyes and see him, and Shisnou didn't want to brainwash you again... 
He sighed, arms snaking up under your legs and back, pulling you to his arms and an odd feeling spreading to his chest when you snuggled closer to his chest, seeking warmth, the innocent smile on your lips causing him to hold his breath.
He had no idea why he was helping you, either, but he just couldn't leave you there. It was payback for you defending him earlier, he concluded, even though you had defended him against him.
He finally climbed the stairs that went to your room, opening the door as quietly as he could and dropping you on your sheets, a puff of air that smelled like you rising from your bed when he dropped you. Shinsou found himself inhaling and smiling at your scent, brows furrowing immediately when he realized what the hell he was doing. 
He exited the room with thoughts filling his head, so many things to reconsider and think of, and Shinsou knew he wouldn't be able to sleep at all that night.
"Has Shinsou been treating you better lately, or am I delirious?" Yaoyorozu had asked that day, which you had answered with a shrug, even though the answer was definitely yes. He hadn't called you dumb or a coward for a hot minute, and it was both making you relieved and concerned. 
He wasn't frowning whenever your eyes met (he had once smiled at you, which resulted in you choking on your drink you had just sipped on, so he had decided it was the best not to), wasn't even glaring at you. Still, that didn't mean you had accepted him, or befriended him in any way. You kept on avoiding him with all you had, and he couldn't even blame you, he wasn't even aware of the internal fight you were giving, trying to stop yourself from smiling back, to stop thinking maybe he wasn't that bad after all, to stop yourself from liking him and failing.
Shinsou wasn't deliberately acting better towards you, either. He didn't mean to change anything, but it did. Ever since the first night you had talked with him without knowing who he was, without guarding yourself or hiding what you wanted to say and held back, his anger towards you had started to fade. 
You had met almost every night after that day, and his heart had no right to beat faster when he saw you standing there, waiting for him, but it did. Shinsou knew this feeling and wasn't exactly foreign to the warmth that spread in his chest when you leaned your head on his shoulder as he played something soft, the excitement he had when you praised him for his music, the pride when you laughed loudly at something he said because he had made you laugh and-
And he had no right. 
Not after he had treated you the way he did.
Still, he was too selfish to lose you, so he answered negatively whenever you asked to open your eyes. 
"But why not?" You protested, your head resting on his shoulder, you inhaled his lavender scent, soft hair tickling your face. 
"Why do you want to know that much? Can't we just stay this way? Do you have to know who I am?" He told you, fear causing a feeling to sit in the pit of his stomach, fear of what would happen, of how much you would hate him if (when) you found out.
No, no, you could hate him all you want in the day, hate the persona he had for everyone and you, but he couldn't bear you hating him as the pianist, because that who he really was.
You were the only one who knew the real him, if you hated the real him, he could never gather the courage to show it to anyone else. He called you coward all this time, and it was he who was the real coward, after all.
But Shinsou wasn't the only one with a secret. 
Even though you hated it, even though you couldn't admit it, you wanted the pianist to be a certain someone. Someone with a pair of pretty indigo eyes and the craziest hair you had ever seen. 
And the hope, the feeling of maybe it is him, it hurt to stay clinging to a thread of hope. And you knew, you knew it couldn't be him, and you wanted to open your eyes and kill whatever stupid part of your brain it was that hoped for it to be Shinsou, to open your eyes and stop your feelings that were growing for him with the feelings you harbored for the stranger that sat across you. The stranger you didn't know the name of, the stranger, who played the piano for you every single night until you fell asleep, the stranger you trusted, you liked, and you... loved? 
No, no, that couldn't be true. You couldn't love someone you didn't know anything about, could you? But you did know him, didn't you? You knew him very well, and he knew you, the real you, you who you didn't feel like you had to hide.
"I just- maybe then we won't have to see each other just at night." You answered, trying to think of a reasonable answer other than 'I'm trying to get over a crush here by using my crush I have on you'
"Maybe some other day." He answered, and you sighed since that was his usual go-to answer.
"Maybe some other day." You repeated, once again leaning to him, making yourself comfortable as he played a piece he played often, a piece you had fallen in love with because of him. 
"You'll hate me." He had once told you when you asked why. He had immediately corrected himself, but you had heard it already. 'You'll hate me.'
"I can never hate you." You had answered, felt the deep breath he had inhaled, felt how he held his breath in his chest in a hopeful manner. "You think that now," he had chuckled in a way of trying to conceal the broken tone in his voice. "I will only believe that if you promise me you haven't hated anyone in your life."
He had sighed when you hadn't answered him.
"But that's not fair," you had protested. "It doesn't depend on whether I have ever hated anyone. Why would I hate you? I wouldn't be coming here every single night if I did, would I?"
"I'm... different with you." He had answered, and you felt your heart-clenching, holding your breath unconsciously.
"How are you so sure?" You had asked. "Do you think you would've hated yourself if you were me?" You had joked, not expecting him to answer.
"I already do." He had whispered, making your brows knit together in anger. "No!" You protested, opening your eyes in a whim to prove to him that you wouldn't, couldn't hate him even if you knew who he was, but before you even got a glimpse, his hand closed over your eyes as if he felt what you had in mind.
"No, no." He chuckled, "no cheating."
"I'm really sure I can't hate you." You had concluded after a moment of silence, and he had laughed, the sound making you feel warm. "What makes you so sure?" 
"Honest answer?"
"I... like you." You had finally managed to choke out after a few seconds and were greeted with silence. 
"No, you don't." he had told you, and you would've laughed if it was any other situation (because really, who answers I like you with no? And you thought thank you was the worst answer, apparently not), but his voice was so sad, almost regretful. It was obvious he didn't believe you.
"You don't know that!" You had protested, and he had sighed. "Believe me, I do."
"I like you." You repeated, this time more confident and left no room for denial, and somehow you could feel him smiling. "I like you, too."
"Don't you wanna see me after my confession?" He had half-joked, and you knew he would let you open your eyes if you said yes. But you chose not to, knowing well he wasn't ready.
"It's okay." You had answered and heard the breath of relief he had inhaled, although he tried to hide it.
A faint chuckle waked you up from your slumber. You felt strong arms wrapping your body as they lifted you up in the air, and you quickly closed your eyes. You knew he wouldn't know if you did open your eyes, but you... couldn't. Not when he begged you not to, not when he told you you would hate him.
You wanted him to be ready when you did. 
"You should really stop trusting people as much as sleeping soundly next to them." You felt a soft hand caressing your hair away from your hair, the motion making you hold your breath.
He leaned towards you, his hair tickling your face, and he was suddenly so close, you could feel the heat radiating from his face, and you wished, wished for him to kiss you. But instead, he whispered, "I'm sorry."
Something you least expected him to say, yet, it was what you most wanted to hear, you realized. 
His arms wrapped around you, lifting you and pulling you to his chest, and you felt oddly relaxed, thinking you were in the arms of someone you didn't even know the name of.
You had your eyes closed as he carried you to your room, trying to look asleep so he wouldn't let you go, and you could stay together, at least slightly longer. 
He opened your room door with his foot, placing you on your bed softly. You stood quiet, hoping he'll stay a bit longer, but also aware he wouldn't. "I know you're awake." He spoke softly after a few seconds, and you couldn't help but smile. "You do?" You asked, and he answered a soft yes.  
"You could've told me that down there so you wouldn't have had to carry me all the way here." You joked as you noticed he was a bit more anxious than he usually was. "You looked comfortable." He answered with a nervous chuckle.
"I should go." He told you, but you felt him getting closer to you instead of doing what he said, his hand caressing your hair out of your face softly, as he usually did when you snuggled to his side when he played the piano. 
"Do you have to?" You gathered the courage and asked, couldn't help smiling when you heard him gasp softly.
"I don't really wanna be alone." You added, and he sighed. 
"I'll only stay until you fall asleep."
"I'll fight my sleep the whole night if I have to." You answered, and he chuckled, making you laugh, too. He sat on the ground, right next to you, his hand still softly caressing your hair. 
"Then I'll stay here until you can't."
And he did. He stayed there even when you felt like couldn't fight it, couldn't hold back from falling asleep as his lavender scent lulled you into the sleep, his hand holding yours, but you were strong, and you resisted, resisted until the sun shone its first lights into your room.
"You're still awake." He muttered, but his voice was afraid, and you knew this voice. 
"You can't recognize my voice. You can in the day, but not at night." He remembered. Realizing it was now day.
It was a voice that made you flinch whenever you heard it, the voice that had told you some of the meanest things that had been told to you.
"I know who you are." You whispered, your eyes still closed. 
"Open your eyes, then. Open your eyes, look at me and tell me you don't hate me."
You did open your eyes, but your voice didn't come out. You gulped, instead, feeling a lump forming in your throat and aching there. "What, got nothing to say?" He asked, trying to joke, but he had meant it serious, he realized.
You couldn't bring yourself to speak, and you didn't know why, either. Didn't you want the pianist to be him? Wasn't there a part of you that wanted it to be him? Hadn't you told him all those things, everything, thinking it could still be him? Then why couldn't you repeat them now? Looking at his indigo eyes that looked at you like he was broken, like he knew this would happen but was holding on to the last thread of hope?
You were afraid, afraid you wouldn't be able to speak, to tell him that you meant it all, and he noticed it. He saw the look of fear in your eyes.
People being afraid of him was something he was more than familiar with, after all.
"I knew it." He whispered, and you noticed his eyes were slightly damp with disappointment. He ran his hand through his hair, eyebags darker than usual, and he bit his bottom lip as if he tried to hold himself back from crying.
"It's okay. You're right about hating me, I knew it would eventually happen but-"
"I don't." You finally managed to tell him when he turned towards your door to exit the room, holding him by the wrist, knowing damn well this would be your only chance to tell him.
"I had- I had meant it all." You spoke and saw the glint of hope in his pretty eyes. "Even if my eyes were closed." 
You saw how it took a few seconds for him to process the words, and when he did, he smiled. 
"You don't hate me?" 
You nodded, and he took a step towards you when you did.
"Not afraid of me, either?"
You nodded, smiling slightly, and he took one more step.
"Are you really sure, though?" He asked, and you chuckled as you nodded once again, and his face was almost mere inches away from yours when he got even closer to you.
"Can I... kiss you, then?"
You nodded one more time, tilting your face towards his. "You should've asked this first, instead." You whispered just before he pressed his lips to yours, making him smile into the kiss.
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ifuckinglovedio · 4 years
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(Usually I would've just answered your ask but I wrote out this whole thing before realizing how asks work and didn't wanna copy it jdhshs)
Ahh thank you so much for the nice ask!! I usually don’t write female reader but since I hadn’t linked to my rules yet before you sent this ask I’ll make an exception! (Though to be honest, even though I've had a female reader in mind writing this, I feel like it just naturally came out gender neutral anyway... I hope that's alright!)
Jotaro, Mista & Josuke getting called late at night by their s/o whose being followed
Jotaro 🐬
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Jotaro had stayed up until late at night once again, getting lost in his work
It was already after midnight when he finally got up from his desk, so when he got a call from you he knew something must be wrong
"Why are you calling so late? Is everything okay?"
You told him about what happened, and though you tried to keep your voice calm so he wouldn't be overly worried, he could pick up the panic in your tone.
"Don't worry, I'm coming to pick you up. Just keep walking, and keep talking to me, alright? Tell me what you see."
He did his best to rush over to you. Luckily he knew the city you were in quite well, and thanks to your descriptions, it took less than 20 minutes before he found you.
He immediately ran towards you, even stopping time to get to you quicker, holding you in a close embrace and comforting you as best as he could.
When he spotted the man behind you, he did his best to imprint his face into his mind. What you told him made it unmistakably clear that this wasnt someone with good intentions. Part of him wanted to knock that guy down right then and there, but he decided against it. You were more important.
On the way back home he made sure to hold your hand for almost the entire drive. You were so exhausted, physically and mentally, that you couldnt help but fall asleep.
When you finally arrived Jotaro picked you up and carried you to bed, calmly tucking you in before going back to his office
He finished cleaning his desk and quickly drew a sketch of your stalker with SP's help, before going to sleep as well
When you told him the next day you felt like you'd seen this man following you a few times already, he didn't hesitate to file a police report. He took the day off to spend it with you, taking you out to brunch and a walk on the beach, making sure to distract you as much as he could by telling you his favorite little fun facts about sea creatures, and even picking up a shiny seashell he found to gift to you later.
Josuke 💜
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Josuke had been worried for some time now.
You told him you would make a trip into town that day and might not make it home until late at night, but it's been hours now since he started waiting for you to come back. No text, no call, nothing. This was so unlike you, and the longer time went on, the harder it got for him to stay distracted.
But finally, his phone rang - and it was you! Letting out a sigh of relief, he answered your call, only to start panicking once more.
You didn't even greet him, just let out a meek "Josuke?" You sounded scared.
"(Y/N)? I've been waiting for you to call! Where have you been?! Is everything ok? You sound worried..."
You told him you forgot time. Instead of going right home after finishing your errands you wanted to stroll through the city, but you got lost on the way. And on top of that you could swear the man behind you didn't just walk the same way by chance...
"Josuke, I'm scared..."
"Don't worry! I'm coming for you! For now, try to head somewhere with more people. I'll make some calls and then I'll immediatly call you back, ok? I won't be gone longer than five minutes."
He quickly called his friends and told them what's up, and they agreed to help. They all got on their bikes and drove to the city, splitting up to search for you, all while Josuke kept you on the phone, make sure you knew he was there for you.
Okuyasu found you first, doing his best to look even more intimidating than usual, and making it clear to everyone around that you were his friend. He texted the others and took you to their pre determined meeting spot, keeping an arm around your shoulder until the man that had been following you was finally gone.
When you reached the others tears welled in your eyes. Josuke was pacing around, worriedly, while Koichi was trying to calm down Rohan, who seemed stressed as well, and obviously annoyed by Josuke.
Seeing your friends all worried for you, and even Rohan being there... it warmed you up inside a bit.
You ran towards Josuke while calling out his name, the former immediately catching you in his arms.
"You're safe... oh god, I was so worried."
He pressed a kiss to your forehead and wiped away your tears.
"Hey, hey, no need to cry! It's alright. You're safe. You're with me."
When you commented on the fact that Rohan was there, the mangaka's smile he had whole looking at you two turned into a frown and he started at the ground.
"Well, Koichi called me, and I still owed him a favor... besides, what kind of guy wouldn't help in a situation like this?!"
He was the only one with a car, so he drove you home, where you met with Josuke again.
You spent the rest of the evening watching an episode of your favorite comfort show, cuddled up close to your boyfriend, falling asleep next to him.
"No matter what you say, next time I'll make sure to come with you..."
Mista 🔫
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You were out buying some new supplies for the gang. Until now you've always had someone along with you to make sure you're safe, but since nothing had happened for the past few months and you insisted on it, you went alone this time.
And of course, this was the day you should've taken someone along with you.
You'd finally gotten everything - it was a real drag to find the candy Narancia wanted for his birthday - you usually would've just gotten any other candy bar, but since it would be his birthday soon and he insisted these ones were the best, you went the literal extra mile and looked through every shop in the city you could think of.
By the time you'd finally found it the sun had already set, and when stepping out of the store and trying to make your way back, you realized you'd gotten completely lost.
You spent an hour wandering around the city, trying to find some kind of building or street you recognized, but it felt like you were running in circles. The exhaustion slowly got to you, and you wanted nothing but to lie down, yet you knew you had to stay strong.
After you arrived at the same street crossing yet again, you realized the man by the street lamp seemed more than familiar. You turned around and walked the other way, looking discreetly over your shoulder to realize you were indeed being followed.
Was it an enemy stand user? Someone who held a grudge against your boyfriend and the rest of the gang? Or just a creep who liked to follow young girls around at night? In any way, your first thought was to call your boyfriend.
"Honey bear? How are you baby? Have you eaten dinner already?"
"Huh? Oi, (y/n), what's up with the weird names?"
"Ah, so should I bring something for you? I can pick up some noodles on the way home ~"
"Hey,, you're acting kinda weird, is everything alright?"
"No, noo! It'll be just like that time two years ago. I got lost going shopping, remember? And then you picked me up and we had some noodles!"
That was enough for him. "So, you got lost and need me to pick you up, but can't say it outright, right?" "Yep!" "I'll be there in just a moment. OI, NARANCIA!"
The two ventured into town, and with Aerosmith's help they managed to find you quite quickly. They ran towards you, and you were more than relieved when you saw them come across the corner.
You rushed to his side and Mista took your hand, pointing his gun at the man following you.
Considering how quickly he ran away it must've just been some rando. Still, you were more than relieved to be with Mista again.
With how tired you were after the day, he offered to carry you on his back and you immediately accepted, holding closely onto him and burying your head on his shoulder.
You didn't refuse the opportunity and gave him a little peck on the cheek, letting you hear that laugh you so loved.
Together you three ventured home, when after some minutes something was off...
"Oi, Narancia? Weren't we supposed to go left here?" "No, I swear it's to the right!" "Hey, wait a minute, weren't we just at this lamppost?"
...you got lost again.
In the end Abbachio came to pick you three up, though not before getting annoyed by your shared idiocy.
Finally feeling at peace, you feel asleep next to Mista on the car ride. Though your life had gotten consistently more dangerous since you met him, you couldn't help but feel like whenever he was around, things were finally alright.
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writteninkat · 3 years
vii - stargazing idiots
word count - 2,854
warnings - reader goes through what is caused by past trauma, mentions of death, mentions of murder
"Angels like you can't fly down hell with me. I'm everything they said I would be."
Right after All Might showed up, your body gave up on you and Tsuyu and Izuku had to help keep you up. Your eyelids felt heavier than ever and your head felt like it was going to burst. Your breathing is ragged and the last thing you see is Aizawa's bloodied body before darkness swallows you hole.
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It's cold. So very cold.
You open your eyes only to be greeted by a never ending darkness. You feel like you're floating in water.
"Y/n." You hear his all too familiar voice. It's deep, if you could feel it it would feel like rubbing against sandpaper, it's also very cold and a sound that's void of any emotion.
"You did this to me." All of a sudden, Aizawa is standing in front of you, face bloodied and brusied, arms broken and turned to numerous directions. "Why are you so weak?!" He yells as tears begin streaming down your face.
You curl your body, placing your hand on your ears to try and block out your teacher's voice, but it's as if they're everywhere. They're around and inside you.
"I died because of you!" Aizawa yells, gis voice echoing inside your head. "The nomu didn't kill me, you did! You are a murderer! It's because you're so weak that I died!"
You scream, your body feeling immense pressure as hot tears stream down your face. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" You yell.
"You killed me. You can never be a hero. You are a murderer, you hear me! I murderer!" You open your eyes, your body shaking as you watch his hand about to grab you.
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"I'm not a murderer!" You yell, your eyes opening to the sight of a white ceiling. "Y/n! Calm down! It's just a nightmare!" You hear his gruff voice beside you, it always managed to calm you down. As you turn your head to face him, Katsuki can't help but feel his heart break at the sight of your cheeks wet with tears and eyes red and puffy.
"Suki..." You sob, your body immediately being pulled into a warm hug as Katsuki whispers shushes into your ear. His hand strokes your hair as his arms tigten around you. "It's okay, just let it all out. Cry to me. I'm right here."
Your loud sobs and yelling fill the rooms, even alerting some of the nurses but Katsuki motions for them to leave you two alone.
Your heart feels like it's being crushed and it feel difficult to breathe. Despite this, you don't want Katsuki to let you go. You don't want his familiar warmth to leave your side, not now when you're feeling especially vulnerable.
When your sobs quiet down, Katsuki slowly pulls away, looking into your eyes. "Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm here." He shushes, wiping away your tears as his eyes analyze yours.
"You're okay. What made you cry out like that?" He asks, thumb caressing your cheek softly. You place a hand on his wrist, melting into his touch as you closed your eyes, letting your tears fall.
"Aizawa sensei... He... I killed-"
"We heard Y/n was yelling. What's wrong?!" Midnight barges in, making you immediately turn to her. Behind her she has Present Mic and someone else who's wrapped up in bandages.
Your eyes widen, "Aizawa... sensei..." You mutter, the bandaged-up person tilting his head to the side. "Yes? Are you okay, Y/n?"
Tears fill your eyes again, but this time, there's no longer weight on your shoulders or heart and it feels much easier to breathe. You start sobbing once again, Katsuki looking lost and confused as to what he's supposed to do.
"You're not dead!" You sob, "I thought I killed you- hic- because I was too weak!" You cry out, using your knuckles to wipe away your tears only for them to be replaced by new ones.
"I thought I became a murderer-hic-because I was too weak to protect you, and you died because of me!" You don't even notice Aizawa walking up to you. Despite his bandaged state and the casts he has on both arms, he pulls you into a slightly awkward hug. You wrap your arms around his torso, careful not to hurt him with it.
"Why are you carrying such a burden? Why do you have such thoughts, little girl?" Aizawa asks, his tone hurt. "I have these injuries because I chose to protect you, my students. If I ever get hurt, never, and I mean never blame yourself for it."
You bury your face onto his chest, tears rolling at his words. "Heroes go through stuff like these every time. We sacrifice ourselves to protect the weak and also to keep the peace. In your journey to becoming a hero, you will encounter many situations like these, some are even more worse. But just remember my words-" he pushes you softly, looking down at your swollen eyes. "-have courage, have faith on yourself and the people around you. Trust in them to prevail through just like how you will. Remember that we are all strong because we are heroes but that doesn't mean we have to carry all the burden by ourselves. Be good to yourself and let go if you need to. You're only sixteen, it's okay to act like a child sometimes."
You never thought you'd hear those words from your homeroom teacher who always seemed so indifferent, but at the end of the day, he truly does care about his students from the bottom of his heart.
"Good evening, visiting hours ended five minutes ago. Only miss L/n's guardian if allowed to stay with her." A nurse knocks on your open door, catching everyone's attention.
"I'll be her guardian-" Katsuki cuts off Midnight's words, "Not so fast. I'm her guardian."
"None of you are my guardians." You sigh, "It's been a tiring day and I just want you all to rest. Especially you guys, Aizawa sensei and Katsuki." You move to lay on your bed, but Katsuki raises you a questioning brow.
"What do you mean long day? You've been out for two days." Your eyes widen at his words. You turn to look at the teachers and they all giving knowing nods. "Wait- so does that mean-" You point at Katsuki who rolls his eyes, "Yes, dumbass. I've been watching over you this whole time." At the realization of his words, Katsuki turns away to hide his blush and yet again, fails to notice the red tips of his ears.
"Anyway, the doctors say that you'll be discharged tomorrow morning so you can-" You cut of Aizawa, "Finally go back to school!" You sigh, stretching your arms out and then letting out a sigh.
"I was going to say stay home and rest but if that's what you want then I won't stop you. Bakugou." Katsuki turns around, his face and ears no longer flushed and is back to it's natural scowling state. "I'm not sure how or why your parents allowed you to stay here at the hospital but I'm glad at least someone is taking care of her. There are many qualified pros scouting this area especially at night so you two can rest easy."
With one last nod, the teachers all walk away, bidding the two of you good night. The door closes and you reach over to take your phone from the bedside table, unlocking it. Your eyes widen at the sight of forty-seven missed calls from your mom and just as many number of unread text messages.
"Your mom was called by the school about your situation and assured her that you were alright, but I guess that didn't stop her from blowing up your phone." Katsuki says, eyes on the apple he's peeling.
"Sorry about that, I bet you didn't get enough sleep with all the calling." Your eyebrows knit together in cringe as you force out a smile to which Katsuki shakes his head at. "Your mom is probably the one who didn't get any sleep at all. You should call her and ensure to her that you're alright." He points the knife at your phone before returning back to peeling the apple.
You call your mother in facetime and it rings twice before she answers. "Y/n oh my god! Are you alright, baby?! No, don't answer that. I'm on my way there right now-"
"Mom, what do you mean on your way- here in Japan?" Your eyes scan her background, heart falling to your stkmach as you recognize the airport.
"Hold on! Stop, stop! Mom! You have work back there in the states, you can't come to Japan."
"But you're hurt-"
"Mom," You sigh, "Look, I'm sorry for worrying you. But I swear, I'm fine. Just a few bruises and scrapes but what's a hero without scars, am I right?"
Your mom looks like she stopped walking as she sends you a wordied expression to which you smile reassuringly at her. "I'm fine, mom. Don't worry about me. I'll be able to take care of myself."
"But who's taking care of you in the hospital? I'm going there right now and-"
"Mom, even if you did come here now, I'll be discharged by the time you get here. Plus-" you look at Katsuki who's busy slicing the apples into little slices, designing them to look like bunnies. "-Someone's already taking care of me here. I'll be fine."
Your mother sighs, defeated as you watch her turn around. "Just- stay safe okay? I don't have anyone else."
"I know, mom. I love you so much."
"I love you more, my baby girl."
The two of you pucker your lips for a kiss before ending the call. You lean your back onto your now inclined bed, looking down at the bunny slice Katsuki is offering you. He still has that glare in his eyes, but if you look into them even more, they're much more softer. You take the slice from his fingers, letting out a soft thank you before taking a bite.
"When you blamed yourself a while ago." He starts, making you flinch at the topic. "Don't do that again."
He slams the knife onto the table, "Please. It's not your fault. Even the strongest people have weaknesses. Don't put all the weight on yourself, please."
Your eyes widen at how vulnerable his voice sounds right now. You reach over, placing a hand on his soft hair. You smile softly, "Alright. I'm sorry I did that. I promise to rely on you more."
Katsuki looks up at you, eyes glassy and face flushing. "I never said you needed to rely on m-"
"I wanna look at the stars." You cut him off quickly, hopping off your bed to saunter towards the window. You push the glass window open, leaning in and taking a deep breath of the cold night air, smiling. You look up at the stars, wishing you had access to the rooftop since the view would be better up there.
"You know, we are at the twenty fifth floor of the hospital." Katsuki says, folding the fluffy blanket that you didn't even realize you were using. You don't think it's yours given that you've never seen it before. Was it Katsuki's?
"What are you saying?" You ask, letting him put on a sweater on you. Again, this piece of warm clothing wasn't yours as well. But by the sweet caramel scent it gave off, you come to a conclusion that this belonged to the angry blond gremlin who is currently standing on the window why the hell is he standing on the window?!
"Bakugou! Are you crazy?! Get off the window now!" You yell, pulling at his pants. "Oh stop being a square." He pushes the warm blanket on you, pulling you with him off the window and out of the hospital room. Before you let out a scream, he uses his quirk to push you two upwards, his hand gripping your sides tightly as your feet land on the cemented rooftop of the hospital.
At the notice of you no longer in the doorstep of death, you resort to hitting Katsuki's arm, letting your mouth run as you lecture him about how dangerous that act was. He responds to your reprimanding with a loud, milky, genuine laugh. Your hand comes to a hault as well as your mouth and you just stand there, awestruck at how handsome Katsuki actually looks when he's smiling.
You place a closed hand on your chest, feeling as your heart thumps against it vigorously. Ah, there it was again. The butterflies in your stomach that made your body feel lighter than it usually felt and your drying throat as well as your sweating palms.
"Come on, I find stargazing relaxing." He says, the usual angry tone of his voice gone, catching you off guard. He wraps his hand around your wrist softly, pulling you towards the center of the rooftop. He places the soft blanket on the ground, folding it once so it isn't too thin before laying down, patting the empty space for you. You mirror his actions, laying down beside him as you gazed up at the stars.
"You ever wonder what the alternative universe us are like?" You ask, eyes staring up at the twinkling stars as Katsuki raises a brow, turning his head towards you. "You believe in that bullshit?" He chuckles, making you gasp. "Don't call it bullshit! What else are the stars for??"
Katsuki presses his lips together to stop his laughter, "I don't know~ What are they for?" He asks you, tone sarcastic and pushing you off the edge. "To tell us about the future, and to show us how many other worlds are there other than ours!"
Katsuki can no longer hold in his laughter, clutching his stomach as he laughs his heart out. You narrow your eyes at him, pouting and crossing your arms against your chest. "Let me guess, let me guess." Katsuki wipes a tear away, "You also believe in the red string of fate?"
"How could you not believe it when-" You stop yourself from continuing your words. How could you not believe it when it caused the two of us to meet?
"When what? Come on, tell me! I promise not to laugh." You turn away, sitting up. Katsuki is still laughing as he follows you, taking your hand in his. "What else do I not know about you?" He asks, curling his four fingers with yours as he stands his thumb up, preparing for a thumb wrestle. You follow his actions and the two of you start the game. "I can't swim." You start.
"I had a pet goldfish but it died after a week." Katsuki chuckles.
"I only ever had two friends growing up- they were my mother's bodyguards. Eliot and Andrew."
"I like to cook."
"I still have my stuffed toys from when I was young."
"I tried to learn how to drive but after almost running over a cat, I swore never to drive again."
"I was pretty popular in middle school."
You chuckle, "I was bullied in middle school."
Katsuki stops moving his thumb, allowing you to pin his down. Your face brightens up as you smile, "I win!" You look up at him, smile almost immediately falling at the sight of his grin expression.
His head drops, covering up his eyes. "Hey, what happened? Did I say something wrong? Come on Suki, talk to me."
"I'm- Do you hate bullies?" He asks, his head still hanging.
"Well, hate is a strong word..." You look up at the stars, as if they were going to give you the right word you were looking for. "But I dislike them. What's the point of putting down someone especially when they've done nothing wrong to you? I don't use the word hate because I don't want to use it incorrectly, but to me bullies are sometimes just misunderstood or something. They have that superiority complex and I like to think that they have it because of their past that we don't know about or the thoughts they have in their heads."
You feel him padding his thumb over your hand. "Hey, you okay?" You ask, cupping his jaw to make him look uo at you. The look in his eyes, takes you aback- he looks so sad and regretful which only stirrs up more questions in your head.
"You're so good. You're such a good person, Y/n." His words cause you to furrow your brows in confusion. What was going on inside his head?
He drops his head to your shoulder, "You're an angel, Y/n. People are so lucky to have you in their lives."
You don't even think twice before the words leave uour mouth. "Even you?"
It takes him a few moments to respond and you begin to think that you made a mistake asking him that, but you feel him nod on your shoulder. "Especially me."
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mydayserenade · 3 years
My Dear Starlight
Yunho x OC
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rom, angst, fluff (???)
first time playing around w/ this kind of genre so apologies if its shitty
i suggest listening to Fix You by Coldplay cause it will definitely send you to sad hours while reading
"Do you remember the last time we went star-gazing? It was the night before I eventually confessed to you, we were lying on the grass and I was pretty much sleep deprived and alongside handling an empty stomach that was growling" he said and chuckled, reminiscing the sweet moment ever so vividly like it happened just yesterday. Yunho took his attention off the sky and watched silently as his fiance gaze the starry night without even noticing him staring at her like she was the brightest thing to ever exist as of the moment, which has always been a thing for them to do to each other... but mostly Yunho.
"I do dummy, can you believe it has been 5 years since then? Time flies so fast" Luna responded, leaning towards her right side to get a closer look at Yunho's visuals "And now here we are, engaged and a few months away from officially tying the knot." she giggled, toying with the necklace that he gave to her during their first anniversary and looked back at the night once more to admire it; the moon dawned on them like a bright spotlight, the sky was as blue as the deep sea, complimenting the shining stars that laced the sky, telling tales of long lost lovers which completed the visually angelic twilight that these two would share for hours.
Yunho looks over to his paramour with the endearment in his doey eyes and smiles ever so sweetly as she laid beside him, interlocking hands with one another and her hair that sprawled like beautiful waves; in a swift move he sits himself up and props Luna to lay down on his chest. Luna responds in a squeak, shocked by the sudden gesture her fiance did.
"Whenever you miss me" Yunho broke the silence between them and rested his cheek on the head of his soon-to-be Mrs. Jeong, she flinches as she felt his warm arms wrap around her chest, feeling his heartbeat going at a slow but steady pace.
"Um, where are you going with this?" she asked confusingly as Yunho snuggled on her neck, inhaling the delicate perfume that he oh so loved whenever she would put it on; he breathes in the intoxicating fragrance and lets out a satisfied sigh before he continued.
"It's just an intrusive thought" he replied and continued to snuggle, "but whenever you miss me while I'm away or when I suddenly get called by the House of Hufflepuff" he said jokingly in the last part, receiving a slap on the arm by her and continued on. "Look up at the night sky and think of me. My mom always told me that I had a special connection with celestial things most especially stars. I thought it was just nonsense she shared with me as a teenager but as I got older and took into consideration the feelings I had and enviroment or situations I was in, I did notice a few things that made me convinced that my mom was indeed right about her speculations." Luna was bewildered, all she could do was laugh. This was the first time she has ever heard of this story from Yunho considering the fact they've been together for 5 years, 24/7, 365 and he would often share his most atrocious memories; even his embarassing ones. She looked up at Yunho who was looking straight at her, showing how perplexed she was by her furrowed brows and confused grin.
"So you're telling me, God decided to make your bloodline 40% human and 60% celestial and as you age the more you feel connected with these things, will somehow tingle in your bones and signal you to shoot supernovas out of your hands like Starfire or some shit whenever it's nightime?" she asks.
"You're phrasing it like it's a crazy Sci-Fi movie Luna, I wasn't even finished." Yunho eyerolls and massages the bridge of his nose, letting out a deep sigh of annoyance. Luna enjoyed teasing him and seeing him all fired up; even if Yunho had a fierce exterior that people would be afraid of approaching, only few knew his childish side and how young at heart he was for things that he loved and took interest in.
"Go on continue, I was just annoying you." she giggles at the sight of him pouting and scrunching up his nose, Yunho takes a deep breath before he proceeds to the next.
"Eversince I was a little boy and when there were times where I had no one to play around with" Yunho looks up at the stars and grows a grin on his face as he points upward "they were always my companion and relate to how I was feeling. Whenever I felt happy, it would always blink at me, become bigger in size and blind me with its light; however when I felt sad, it would always shrink and release very little light. It would sometimes respond to the many queries I had and decisions by its blinking, it somehow felt like I had a mood lamp with me everywhere I go." he crooks his head to the right, scoffing at the many memories of him that flashed in his mind. "Even if I had no one to talk to at that time, as crazy as it sounds, the stars comforted me in a way that is unexplainable."
"It felt like someone understood the things you were going through like no one else has, almost as if you had an alternate you up in the galaxies." Luna looked up at how Yunho admired each white dot with the happiness in his eyes, looking so astonished like a little kid who just visited a candy store for the very first time. She now understood the many moments where he would suddenly look up the sky while driving, walking or even eating and just stare for seconds before eventually returning to what he was doing, almost as if he was thanking the heavens above or checking up on them like they were part of his family.
"You understand now? Whenever that time comes, just look up and I'm there." He whispers in Luna's ear, hands interlocking with hers and giving her a soft kiss on the head. Luna couldn't help but tear up by the gentle gesture Yunho did, the tale he had told and the thought of not seeing him for even a second. He was her rock and she was his, not a day would go by if they did not see each other in between the hours.
"I do Yunho, I do." she sits up and faces Yunho, cupping his face with her warm hands with Yunho gently caressing it and gives him a gentle kiss on the lips.
6 years later...
"I'm here" Luna whispered, standing in the middle of the silent and deserted park which was quiet enough to hear her; holding onto her precious necklace, she looked up the sky, admiring the white dots that scattered the sky. The stars were a bit different from normal, they were shining and twinkling more and more, almost as if it was calling out to her in morse code.
"You should really try and hide your excitement to a bare minimum, see this is why I never planned any surprise parties with you" she scoffed and sat down on the grass, closing her eyes and completely taking in the midnight breeze that brushed against her skin and blew on her hair. She lets out a sigh and toyed with the golden chain that was entangled on her fingers, feeling every abrasion and imperfection this necklace presented.
"You're probably wondering why I am here at 3 am in the morning" she said, fluttering her eyes to a vast field with streetlights surrounding it, "Awww man" Luna laughed, "You're most likely gonna kill me if I went out especially in this hour, well truth be told Mr. Jeong; are you battling me now with this cold gust of wind you blow?"
No one responds.
"I thought so too." she said under her breath as she hangs her head down, taking a deep breath before she continued to talk.
"I came here because I couldn't really sleep well these past few days and" she starts to choke up, sniffling and trying her absolute best to not break down, that's the last thing he would want Luna to do... especially in a time like this. "I don't know" she shrugs, rubbing her hands on her face. "I've been in my head too much, I've been emotionally unstable for the first time in a long time and I'm just" she suddenly pauses while a million thoughts circulates her mind. She urged herself to keep a strong and stable state for the past 6 years in front of friends and family, always say she was doing alright and all but deep down inside she was suffering the greatest loss of all and couldn't even bare to hold it in any longer.
"Yunho I'm so so so sorry" she lets out her tears, hysterically wailing on the field. She clutches her heart, completely lost her sense of reality and just wanted to scream out the pain and tiredness she has been holding on for the past few years, hiding behind a facadé so that people around her would not have to feel the burden that she might put on them. The countless nights of tear stained pillows and fake happy days were all weeped away at this night, she looks up at the skies; frozen and chanting swear words like a maniac.
"I'm sorry for not noticing sooner how much you suffered on the inside, for being such an asshole to you during those times and for not being enough of a friend and wife to you." she whimpered, losing all her might to prop herself up. In a graceful fall she lands on the grass, curled up, shiverring and clutching her knees amidst the cold breeze and moist grass under her.
"I'm a terrible person, I'm a fucking disgrace, and yet somehow I still exist in this world when it should've been you who is still alive. I tried my best to not worry you every night by saying I was doing okay, that I was living good and this and that, but for the past few days..." she closes her eyes and squeezes the pendant with her palm as tears streamed endlessly down her cheeks, "The wave of guilt just hit me harder than ever and I honestly am not so sure I can carry on this shameful life that only keeps me breathing."
From the day she knew up until his deathbed, Yunho never wanted Luna to see him at his worst neither did he want her to struggle and pity him, but his condition allowed Luna to see her beloved slowly succumb bit by bit. As much as she wanted to help him; he would always brush it off, plaster on his dimpled smile and please her in the best of his abilities and strength even if his state wasn't the way it was before. He did not want Luna to regret the moments she had with him and only fill her memories with the pain that he had felt and the hardships he's going through. She didn't agree to any of his ordeals but he had tried and persuaded her to commit to his wishes, in the end however; it would only lead to many arguements and her cursing him out. Eventually she caved in and did the best she could to seize the days, nights and hours with the presence of her one and only love yet deep down inside she was guilty of not helping with his condition and wanted to cater to his medical needs even if she had to travel miles away to get what he asks for.
"I respected your wishes, I carried on the many months with you with a positive outlook and a cheery personality. I was happy during those times I'll admit, because I was by your side everyday until the last second of you breathing, but at the back of my mind I knew I should've gone against what you wanted me to do and assist to your needs." she runs her hand through her hair, fuming at the thought of herself not doing her part during the days of Yunho's struggles. "You told me that I shouldn't feel guilty as this isn't my fault that you were diagnosed with this and it isn't my business to meddle around something like this, but goddamnit Yunho" she breathes uncontrollably as tears yet again pools in her eyes "I'm your fucking wife! I'm your best friend! I have been with you for as long as I can remember and I have made a vow to you that I'm gonna take care of you and nurture you when needed until our hair turns gray and we are all wrinkled." She bursts into annoyance and disappointment. None of what she did made perfect sense to her, all she wanted was to cry and rewind time so that she can make up for the past mistakes she's done and the many regrets she wanted to be erased in her mind. Luna didn't have the energy to continue on and she just lied in the grass, sprawled out and cried until her lungs gave out. She felt pain, she felt disappointment, she felt useless, she felt defeated.
A blinding light then hovers over Luna's exhausted and tearstained body, at first she did not mind this but as the light lingered on her for how many minutes now, she was irritated to this God-like halo that did not want to leave her be. She then slowly opens her eyes and was immediately welcomed to a soft, bright and white light that the moon shined on her, way different from the previous. The stars then aligned, creating a mystical ceiling that somehow calmed Luna's nerves and distract her away from her thoughts, it shined excitingly but twinkled in a calm matter. Luna was in awe at how much beauty the sky emmited, she had completely felt relaxed and wiped the tears that streamed down her face. She goes on to bask under the moonlight and stars, breathing in and out and feeling liberated and worry-free, something she has never felt ever since Yunho was put to rest.
"Now I truly understand what you meant." she mumbled, feeling lighter than ever. Luna then proceeds to put back her shoes on and did a flying kiss to the air multiple times before she left the park. "I think I know what I need to do now." she smiled and took a deep breath.
"Thank you for giving me something I never believed in but eventually found myself with you, love." she sighs lovingly as she gets up and moves towards her car. She takes one last look at the stars and glances down the necklace she has been holding. "Thank you for tonight, see you soonest, my dear starlight."
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lovelytarou · 4 years
late night rendezvous
— in which suna rintarou invites you to a late night drive
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pairing: suna rintarou x reader
genre: fluff, a lil angst
tags: suna waking you up at midnight to drive, late night driving basically, just you two being goofballs at midnight
a/n: i based this from the suna drabble i wrote a while back and it keeps nagging on my brain to write it. was actually gonna post it for his birthday but it's already the 26th at 2am here ://
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suna didn't expect his party to be wild this year. granted, he should have expected the twins planning one without his knowing. leave it up to them to cause mischief and be the biggest party people he has ever known.
it was crazy, to say the least. he had recognized a few people who were in the party – his teammates, classmates, schoolmates, even past relationships and acquaintances he most certainly isn't aware the twins invited. he even spotted a few volleyball opponents they fought before and wished him a happy birthday.
he was surrounded by all of this people but his mind is looking for another person.
the twins couldn't have forgotten about you, could they? you're just as close to them as he is.
“what’s up, sunarin?” atsumu patted him on the back rather harshly, making him stumble a few steps forward.
he swear to the gods, his strength can be abnormal sometimes.
“have you seen y/n by any chance?” he asked, neck craning to and fro like a giraffe, “you invited them, right?”
“about that...” atsumu winced at suna’s harsh glare.
“we sort of...forgot?”
suna gave him a deadpan look.
“really? of all people, you forgot about them?” atsumu could only whine in return as he profusely apologized to the birthday boy.
deciding to ditch the party, he got out of the crowded house brimming with music and alcohol and got inside his car. he fished his phone from his pocket and immediately messaged you.
what he didn't realize was that it was basically 2am in the morning, and it's a weekday. you're probably asleep by now, suna thought. but will that ever stop him? nope.
cursing under his breath, he pocketed his phone and drove away.
the series of knocks stirred you from your peaceful slumber. after doing a shit ton of tasks, you immediately headed straight to bed, completely forgetting about giving your gift to your boyfriend – who forgot to invite you for his party. you slept with a slight ache in your chest upon seeing the posts the twins have on their socials and can't help but feel a little jealous.
the knocks ranged from gentle to hurried bangs on your window. huffing through your nose in irritation, you rolled over to the other side and peeked an eye. you almost had a heart attack when you saw who was looking through the glass.
“for fuck's sake, rin, you scared the shit out of me! some of us need to sleep for 8-10 hours, you know,” you scolded him, keeping your voice down as to not wake the people in your house, a bewildered look in your face as you take him in.
he's dressed handsomely and you guessed the twins forced him to because he doesn't really like to put much effort into his clothes, but he looks great in them always.
“i missed you,” he blurted, eyes searching your sleep-laced ones as he reached for your hand.
“we didn't see each other all day, i figured we can catch up now?” he offered, biting on his lower lip. he knows you might say no considering how late it is but he was also hoping you would say yes.
he wanted to end his day with a memorable moment with you.
“at 2 in the morning, rintarou?” you gave him an exasperated look but the thump in your heart and the voice inside your head convincing you that you've got nothing to lose is louder than any logical reasoning right now.
“alright, i'll get ready in five minutes.” you pecked him on the cheek, pushing his chest slightly as suna mouthed a yes before climbing off your window.
honestly, you don't know how he does that.
you sneaked to your door after getting ready and made sure you locked it again before joining suna in his car.
once you sat down on the passenger's seat, suna did not hesitate to capture your lips with his. the kiss seemed to stretched on for hours, his lips tasting like the alcohol he consumed in the party and faint smell of smoke. you giggled against his lips before pulling away.
“go eat some mint, your breath stinks!” you teased, nose wrinkling in mock disgust.
suna rolled his eyes, “says the one who has morning breath,”
the insulted look in your face made him cackle loudly inside the car as he pulled out of the driveway, his hand supporting your seat behind your head.
you fumbled with your seatbelt for a moment and suna seemed to have noticed it as his hands replaced yours and slid it down gently with a click. his hair tickled your neck as his face was so close to you, you can smell his perfume and him.
“if you keep looking at me that, we won't be going anywhere, baby.” he smirked, catching your eyes staring at his exposed chest that's been revealed by his shirt.
gulping down your saliva, you just smacked his arm in retaliation, earning another laugh from your boyfriend.
“just shut up and drive, rintarou.”
and so he did. suna connected his phone to his car and turned up the music. your eyes widened in realization as you recognized the song, or specifically the playlist. it was something the two of you made one boring afternoon. you were just playing around and adding iconic songs and some underrated ones to a playlist named after the two of you. you didn't know he would keep it and play it now.
suna had a faint smile on his face once the first few notes of the song played. he hummed to the music, fingers drumming on the stirring wheel. you yourself is tapping yours on your lap, but later, suna interlaced his free hand with yours and squeezing it lightly.
you enjoyed this moment more than anything. maybe it's because you just woke up and it's literally in the early morning and suna dragged you out of bed and you're still a little drowsy, but this all feels like a dream. something you don't wanna wake up from. it might be the city lights cascading down the road, the empty streets you passed, or the fact that the world is most likely asleep at the moment and getting to share it with him of all people is truly something magical.
as you were crossing a bridge, you felt the urge to turn down the window on your side, letting the wind hit your face as you closed your eyes. you danced to the music, albeit stupidly, but you didn't care. you sang loudly to your heart's content but you might be singing the words wrong, yet in suna's eyes, as you scream into the night, with your hair being ruffled by the wind and the city lights flickering behind you – he can't help the laugh bubbling out of him, because god, how did he get so lucky to have you?
you urged him to dance with you to the song and he did so although you made fun of him and his robotic moves. you spent the whole ride just singing and goofing off in the night.
after a while, you guys stopped at a restaurant to get some food before going home. by the time suna drove to your house, it was almost 6am. he forgot he still had practice later, but when he's with you, you're the only thing that mattered to him.
in the end, suna ended up showing you how he was able to climb up your window and even tagged you along with it. you almost fell and broke a leg but good thing your troublemaker of a boyfriend was there.
“so, i guess this is goodnight?” suna sighed forlornly as he sat at your windowsill.
“more like good morning to me,” you chuckled, staring down at your linked hands that are both refusing to let go. “i had fun tonight, rin –oh wait! i almost forgot!”
he was left confused when you suddenly ran around your room looking for something until you emerged with a small neatly wrapped box in your hands.
“for me? y/n, you really didn't have to,” he scratched his neck as he stared at the gift.
“just open it, rin!”
you bounced in place as you watch his face closely while opening the gift.
“is this real? how did you–” he got the camera out of the box, you had gifted him a polaroid since you saw how he loves to ‘document’ things so much and you figured he might want to make a lot of memories, hopefully with you in them as well.
“y/n, i love it. i love you,” he then wrapped you in his arms, his chest feeling warm and fuzzy with overwhelming love for you.
“i love you too, and i'm glad you did or else all the money i've saved up for will be useless.” you teased, smiling fondly at him as he examined the polaroid camera.
“this is the best birthday ever,” he leaned for a kiss, tilting his head to deepen it. you soon have to pull yourselves away before it got any late.
“now go home, rin!” you practically shoved him out of your window, he went in for one last kiss before hopping off.
he walked towards his car but before he get inside he looked back to you.
“i'll take to you to lunch later!”
you rolled your eyes, knowing full well suna's going to be sleeping in til the afternoon.
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the-coffee-story · 3 years
Rise of the Forest God
Chapter 2 - The Forest God
When Agatha came over to visit the next day, she found herself baffled when Alice opened the door with a wide smile.
"Agatha, you won't believe what happened!" She was giddy. "Oh, it's so wonderful!"
Agatha furrowed her brows and tried to peer her head past her shoulders and into the space between the doorway. "What is it?"
"He's back!"
"Come and see for yourself!" Alice excitedly jumped up and down and took her by the hand. "He's still weak, and he won't speak, but he's here!!!"
"Alice, that's-"
"Come with me!" She dragged her along to the living room, excitedly murmuring the whole way.
Agatha froze in the doorway, mouth slightly agape.
It was him, undoubtedly, but even as he raised his head and turned it to them, he didn't look like he was still among the living. His skin was white and mottled, and he was sitting so still he looked like a corpse at first. His face was empty of any expression or life, as if his soul had been left behind somewhere far away. "Eustace, look, Agatha's here!" Alice was beaming, skipping over to the still figure.
Agatha felt the blood draining from her face.
Whatever was going on, this was not natural. And yet Alice was as joyful as she hadn't been in months. Agatha was torn. Should she tell her to leave him? What had happened to him? Or should she let it be?
"Yes, I know, he looks exhausted." Alice's voice was soft as she sat down next to her silent husband. She softly stroked the back of his hand. "But he's going to be fine again, aren't you, Eustace?"
His chapped, white-blue lips moved, only slightly, but no sound came out. His face was as expressionless as that of a deadman.
Agatha shivered, and took a stray step back. She couldn't bear to be within his presence any longer. "Well, I... I wish you two the best of luck with th-that then... I just remembered I still need to fix my husband's coat, he ripped a hole in it again, he's so clumsy..." She laughed nervously. "I'll see you then... goodbye!"
With that she rushed out.
"Zombie." The child grinned.
"Don't interrupt me." The mother gently booped her child's nose.
Months had passed. At first Eustace's miraculous return was nothing but a rumour, but then Alice began bringing him outside, and soon everyone knew that something had happened. By the time it was summer, despite whispers of witchcraft and unholy entities, the majority of townsfolk had simply accepted the strange pair. There wasn't much else to do.
It was a warm summer afternoon. The sun was drowning the world in a deep golden glow and the birch trees were softly swaying in the wind like it was singing them to sleep. Alice and Eustace were sitting in the garden and she was making a flower crown for him. He still hadn't said a word since his return, but it didn't stop her from trying. She loved him. She loved him so much.
She put the crown on his head and adjusted it a little. "There. Isn't it lovely?"
He turned his head a little, then reached out a bony hand to feel the soft petals between his fingers. The ghost of a smile was barely visible on his pale lips. Alice smiled and snuggled up to him, wrapping an arm around his thin frame and gently placing her hand on his. She closed her eyes. "I love you."
She heard someone call her name and looked up. Agatha was standing by the old wooden fence and waving. "Alice, can you come over for a minute?"
"I'll be right back, dearest," she told Eustace. Then she got up, brushed the grass off her dress and ran over to the fence. "I'm coming!"
Agatha's face was serious. "Alice, I wanted to warn you."
"What is it? If you're talking about the apple tree don't worry, I already cut the branch before it could break off and hurt someo-"
"The shepherd was found dead in the forest."
Alice paled. "My God. What happened?"
"Something tore him up. Nobody knows what it could have been."
"A wolf? A bear?"
"Something worse." Agatha's brown eyes were narrow, and stared into the garden just in front of her.. "Where was Eustace last night?"
"Well, he went outside to catch some air at around midnight..." Alice's heterochromatic eyes widened. "Good God, he could've gotten himself killed! I'll make sure to tell him not to do that!"
"Alice, don't you think-"
"My God, thank you for the warning Agatha, he could've come to harm..."
"Alice!", Agatha suddenly snapped, grabbing her arm before she could turn and run back. "Come back to your senses! Whatever that...that thing is, it's not your husband!"
"He just needs some time!", she pleaded, flinching her arm away. "He's going to be alright! He just needs a bit of patience and care, and then it's all going to be alright!"
"Alice, he is literally a rotting corpse, it's time to just let it go!"
"He needs me!!"
They both glanced over at the young man sitting, alone, in the thick grass. He was still wearing the flower crown and softly swaying back and forth with the dancing trees. There was even some kind of tiny smile still plastered to his pale lips.
"Alice, this is madness," Agatha muttered, more to herself, if anything.
"Give me some time," the younger woman pleaded, voice cracking softly. "I swear, he's going to make it."
"This feels like something that shouldn't be messed with, Alice-"
"He'll be fine."
"Are you saying that because you believe it, or because you want to believe it?"
Alice hesitated. "Because I love him."
Agatha sighed, and paused. It felt wrong. Everything felt so wrong. Agatha knew, somewhere deep down, she needed to help the grieving woman. This... thing wasn't her husband. No, she was going to help her, no matter if it shattered her healing heart back In two. But right now... She just couldn't bring herself to do it.
"Alright... be careful, dear," was all she could mutter. She kissed her on the cheek and pulled her into a hug, not daring to let her go. "Eustace!" He clumsily raised his head. "You better damn well appreciate what Alice is doing for you!"
He nodded, but his pale face was still empty of any expression. He looked like an empty shell, someone that once held such life and humanity, but now something different masqueraded inside.
A few days had passed. The shepherd was buried and mourned for. But, one day soon after there was another crowd carrying something from the woods.
"What's going on?", Alice asked a little boy as the procession passed by. "What happened?"
"Oh, they found the milkman dead in the woods." He shrugged. "Intestines all over the place."
Agatha quickly appeared by Alice's side, fury in her face. "It happened again! Something is going on here and I'm sure your husband has something to do with it!"
"Agatha, please...!" Alice bit her lip, looking at her battered shoes. "He's not hurting anyone."
"Enough is enough!"
Suddenly a weak sound escaped Eustace's mouth. He bit his lip and tried again.
"Agatha.... please.... don't shout....at Alice."
Despite it all, Alice's face lit up and she threw her arms around him, trying anything to pull her mind away from the gathering crowd passing them. "You're speaking again!"
"Not...her fault....."
Agatha clenched he fist and took a firm step forward, glaring at the pair. "Eustace, you're hiding something."
"Agatha, please...", Alice pleaded, drawing her arms from around Eustace's thin waist.
But the older woman just turned and walked away.
On that evening while Alice was preparing dinner Eustace went out into the garden to catch some air. He returned when the sun had just sunk behind the net of emerald trees, the red sky reflecting on his white hair and giving him an ethereal appearance. He looked otherworldly.
Alice hugged him in the doorway and buried her face in his jacket. "I love you. My darling."
But suddenly she heard a woman screaming down the street.
"Something must have happened," Alice whispered, pulling him inside. "Let's close the door."
Darkness had quickly cast it's shadow over the village. But outside people gathered, with torches and pitchforks, a demonic mob, hoarsely screaming obscenities at the top of their lungs. Then someone knocked hard on the door.
"He killed my husband!", Agatha screamed from outside the house. "That evil creature killed my husband, let me in, Alice!"
"No!", Alice screamed. "It wasn't him...it can't have been him!"
"We'll break the damn door if we have to!"
"I won't let you hurt him!" Alice was sobbing. She ran back to the table and hugged Eustace, her long dark hair falling over his shoulder like a waterfall. She cradled him in her arms. "I won't let them hurt you, my darling. Just you wait. You'll be fine again. I promise."
Eustace raised his head a little and his ashen lips moved. She came closer and he whispered something, barely understandable and raspy.
"I love you...run..."
She hugged him and cried. "I love you... I won't run anywhere, I'll stay with you... I love you...!"
"I love you...!"
Suddenly he froze. Then his slender hand reached for his blindfold and pulled it away. And when he opened his eyes and glanced up, Alice was met with the full force of his golden gaze, like the sun on a summer evening in the forest.
The door broke down with a sickening crunch, and the mob flooded inside.
Eustace was sitting on the floor, Alice's head resting in his lap. Her beige dress was soaked in vermilion blood, and her beautiful dark hair surrounded her pale face like a halo of shadows. Her eyes were wide open in wonder and an expression of love was frozen on her face. She was dead.
Eustace was wearing his blindfold again. When he raised his head his lips moved. "Run... please..."
"And what then??"
The woman smiled. "They captured him. They decided to make sure he wouldn't ever return from the grave again, so they built him a coffin of iron, with locks and chains around it, and buried him deep in the woods, praying that no one would ever release him." She gently booped the child's nose. "Now good night, Miss Walther."
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I Am Sorry
Summary - Alone in your room, you try to figure out how your past life had been.
Pairing - Dean x Reader (??), Sam x Reader (platonic)
Warning - Angst, mentions of drinking, swearing and did I mention angst
Word Count - 2066
Square Filled - Bunker ( @spndeanbingo )
A/N - So I know I have been a little MIA for a over a week now and it has been a lot time since I have updated any of my series. But I finally got my motivation to continue this part and my other series so hopefully I won't abandon this series again. Regularity and me - we don't have a good relationship.
Anyways happy reading!
Unbeta'd. All mistakes are mine.
Spn divider by the talented @talesmaniac89
Series Masterlist
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There were no more tears left to cry. You had spent the whole evening crying, trying to think of any possible reason as to why Dean would do such a thing, trying to bring yourself forgive him, but you couldn't. You needed to know why Dean took such a drastic measure to erase himself from your life.
Your stomach grumbled. You sat up and rubbed your face with your hands. You didn't know what time it was, but you assumed it was sometime around midnight, considering how long you had been in the bunker. You needed food in your stomach. There was a knock on your door. You hoped it was not Dean. You couldn't face him right now.
“Y/N, it's Sam,” the voice called from the other side of the door, making you sigh in relief. You got out of your bed, and walked up to the wooden door, opening it.
“Hey,” you said.
“I got you food,” Sam smiled.
“A literal angel.” You said.
“I figured you might be hungry after everything you have been through and I also got you a drink.” He gave you a knowing smile.
“Thank you. Do you want to….come in I guess,” you told him.
“If that's okay with you.”
“Sure.” Sam followed you into the room, a plate of food in one hand, and some clothes on another.
“I hope you still like junk food.” Sam chuckled.
“Oh yeah!” You grinned, smiling for the first since the fallout.
“Here,” he handed you the clothes, “You need some fresh pair of clothes. They might be a little too big.”
“Thank you.”
“I'm sorry.” He said.
“What're you sorry for? Your brother's a dumbass,” you scoffed.
“Cas said that what he did is irreversible.” He said. “He said something about grace and how magic done by grace can't be reversible so-”
“I won't remember anything.” You said.
“I called Rowena-”
“The witch?” You asked.
“Yes. She said she will pay us a visit tomorrow. Maybe she can come up with a solution,” he hoped.
“I don't think so, Sam.” you exhaled loudly.
“Listen I am not supporting his stupid decision but Dean, at that time he thought he was doing the right thing,” He sighed. “We'll figure somethin’ out, Y/N/N.”
“He could have talked to me. We could have come up with a different solution other than me having to live without remembering half of my life,” you bitterly laughed.
“I know.” Sam walked up to you and suddenly pulled you into a tight hug.
“Sam, c-can't….breathe,” you gasped.
“Sorry,” he sheepishly smiled and let go of you, “I missed having you around. I really hated the decision Dean made. He didn't think of anyone. You were like my little sister I never thought I needed. I really missed you Y/N/N.”
“Wish I could say the same.” You gave him a sad smile.
“Eat up. You must be starving. Maybe we can reverse the spell….or whatever it is,” Sam said.
“Yeah. Thank you….for everything, Sam,” you said, as he smiled and turned to leave the room, “Sam, wait.”
“Yeah?” He looked back at you.
“What is it?” He insisted.
“How is he?” You blurted out.
“Dean? He's, you know, holed up in his room, drinking. I'll check on him on my way out to make sure his liver survives the night.” Sam said.
“Okay.” you said and wished him goodnight as he left the room. After taking a swig from the bottle of beer, you finished off with the burger Sam had brought for you before retreating back to the bed.
Sleep didn't come easy that night. Mind plagued by various thoughts, you kept tossing and turning in your bed. Not only the thoughts about how your previous life was but also the dream you had, when the Djinn had captured you, kept you up all night. Dean said those monsters show you what your heart desires, then why did you dream about a life with Dean? He was just a guy at the bar for you. Tears welled up in your eyes as you realised a big chunk of your memory was missing and you wouldn't probably ever get it back.
You wanted to scream and punch Dean for playing with your life, playing with your relationship, but right now, lying in your bed in which was supposed to be your home, you felt helpless. You got out of the bed finally giving up on sleep and started to rummage through the drawers of your nightstand - searching for anything that would possibly bring back your memory.
Nothing significant caught your eyes until you saw an old leather-bound diary and small black box. Climbing back into your bed, you looked curiously at the two things in your hand.
You opened the box and found a bunch of pictures inside it. Your breath hitched in your throat as you looked at the pages. There were four pictures in total, all of them of you and Dean. There was this one picture, which was probably clicked by Sam of you and Dean laughing in the backseat of his car but what made your heart break was the diamond ring which was clearly visible on your left hand. An inaudible sob left your lips as you saw the next picture which completely shattered your heart. You didn't have any memory of the happiest day of your life. You stared at the picture of you standing in a white dress in front of a mirror, lips curled up into a small smile and eyes sparkling with hope and happiness. You saw the reflection of Dean in a black tux in the mirror as he stood behind you with a camera pointed at the mirror, as he clicked a picture of his bride. You got married that day, you were happy, you both were. Then why did Dean have to go and throw out every good thing he ever had?
Picking up the diary, you started to look through. It was some sort of a journal you used to keep. You flipped through the pages until a certain entry grabbed your attention.
‘This is frustrating. I should be able to maintain my cool! We were on a damn Rugaru hunt. If Sam wasn't there to save my ass, I would have died. Stupid Dean with his stupid gorgeous face. There were so many times I wanted to tell him everything but what if he doesn't feel the same? Goddamnit! I think I will take off for a few days. Clear my head so that I stop daydreaming about that green eyed son of a bitch!’
You chuckled at your bluntness. You flicked through the pages and started reading another entry.
‘I feel numb. I don't know what to think anymore. He's gone. Just like that. I don't even know if he's dead or not. Sammy went out for a drive leaving me behind in the motel room. That was three days ago. I don't know what to do anymore. Bobby's dead. Cas is gone too and Dean is, I don't know anymore. I need him to come back. Please. I can't live without him. Please, come back.’
You had so many questions about what had happened that day. From the diary entries, you could feel how much love you had for Dean. He said that he still loved you. The same question haunted you again, then why did he push you away? You flipped to the last entry in the journal.
‘I am scared for him. He won't talk to me. He would barely look at me. The mark is eating him alive on the inside. I am scared and confused. I don't know how to help him. This is not the Dean Winchester I married. I need my husband back.”
That was the last entry in your diary. You read it a few times but couldn't understand anything. What was the mark? What happened in the last few days? You needed to talk to Sam, hoping he would tell you everything.
You had spent your entire night or what was left of it reading through the journal and rummaging around your room for any other clues or snippets from your forgotten life. Three short knocks on the door made you jump out of your skin.
You hesitated a little before opening the door. After everything you had learnt overnight, you were in no state to face Dean. You had questions that you needed answers but you didn't want to talk to him.
“You okay, Y/N?” A voice asked and you sighed in relief when you realised it was Sam. You went over and opened the door.
“Y-yeah, I'm fine. Why?” You casually asked, leaning against the doorframe.
“Nothing….I was going out for my morning run and heard sounds from your room. Why are you up so early? You-uh, you never were a morning person,” Sam said.
“Can't sleep.” You replied.
“This all must be very overwhelming for you.”
“And confusing. I have so many questions,” you frowned, “I need answers, Sammy.”
Sam’s eyes sparkled as he heard you call him ‘Sammy’, and he smiled at you.
“What?” You cocked your head sideways.
“You called me Sammy.” He said.
“Is that-did I do….did I say something wrong?” You asked.
“No no no, you always used to call me that. You picked up that name from Dean and then you hardly called me Sam anymore,” he chuckled, “you want to go with me for a run? It will clear your head and I know you still don't want to….meet him.”
“Uh-huh. Give a few minutes to get ready. Maybe you can give me the answers to the millions of questions I have,” you said.
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“So he became a demon?” You asked, panting as you tried to keep with Sam’s long legs. You were honestly shocked to learn about how your life had been. Demons, ghosts, werewolves, vampires - that's all that you knew in that life. The Winchesters were on a run from law and some assumed they were dead, and they did die a number of times.
“Yeah. And that's when things started to go downhill,” Sam said.
“What do you mean?” You asked as you both approached the bunker door. Sam kept quiet.
“I think you should ask Dean. It's not my place to say,” he whispered.
“But-” Sam shook his head and went down the stairs and you followed him.
Dean was still nowhere to be found which was a relief but you were also a little stressed out about his condition. He was cooped up in his room since the previous night with a bottle of Jack - as told to you by Sam - which was definitely not healthy.
“I know he is probably the last person you want to see right now but you should talk to him. He is the only person who can speak for his actions.” You nodded your head at the younger brother.
“I need a little more time before I can even look at him.” You sighed.
“I know.” The low grumble from the other side of the room, caught your attention. You turned sideways, your heart dropping to your stomach when you took in the sight of the man in front. He looked like he had aged ten years overnight. His red rimmed eyes were heavy with guilt and sadness. His scruffy cheeks were sunken and pale. “I couldn't find any of you in the bunker.”
“We went for a run.” Sam replied.
“Run? I thought you-” Dean looked at you.
“People change.” You averted your eyes, making him wince at your coldness. He knew he deserved it but he still loved you.
“Well, I took a shower so I don't reek of whiskey anymore. You never liked the smell of alcohol on me.” Dean said, trying to make small talk to break the uncomfortable silence.
“Good for you.” You needed to leave the room so you turned on your heels to leave.
“Y/N-” his voice made you stop in your tracks. “I'm sorry. You-you don't have to forgive me but….please, I-I need you to know that I'm sorry.”
“I know.” And that's all you said before you went to your room.
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neptunetheplanet7 · 3 years
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 - 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 & 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
;mikasa ackerman x fem!lesbian!reader
;modern au, band au
word count: 2.1k
warnings: swearing, slight angst in the beginning but not really, fluff
i owe you guys an apology. i’m not very active on tumblr as of posting. i’m sorry about that. school has been hard on me and i’ve been very stressed. i’ll try to do better in the future :)
listen to the music masterlist
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Armin was discharged from the hospital only a day after the accident. The doctor said there was nothing extraordinary to worry about. But of course, even with this information, Eren still made a fuss. That much was clear when he walked through the door with Armin's arm slung over his shoulder.
"I didn't break my leg, Eren. I don't need to use you as a crutch," Armin grumbled as the two walked into the kitchen from the garage. He reached back to shut the door with his free hand.
Eren rolled his eyes. "Well, excuse me for supporting you in these trying times."
"I don't need your support," they scoffed. He unwrapped his arm and made his way across the room.
Eren gave him the finger, rather aggressively. The gesture wasn't reciprocated since the blond already disappeared into the hallway.
Sucking on a freeze pop, you leaned back against the cool countertop. "Welcome home, lovely. Have fun?"
Eren sighed loudly as he walked toward the freezer and got a popsicle for himself. He grabbed a pair of scissors and cut the top of the wrapper off into the trash.
He said sarcastically, "Oh, absolutely I did." He paused and shook his head disapprovingly. "He's a lot bitchier when it's us two. How's it been here?"
You shrugged. "So, so. Pretty quiet."
He nodded and pushed up the pineapple-flavored ice. "Thought so. Jean's gone today, obviously. Is Mikasa here?"
You huffed softly at the mention of her. "I haven't seen her since breakfast. She's been upstairs all day."
He frowned. "Oh, I see. Armin told me about the kiss, by the way. At first, I was gonna make fun of you for passing out but now that just seems cruel."
"You think?" You laughed lightly and rested both arms on the counter.
The sound that followed from him was more of an exhale than a laugh. "Listen, Y/n, even if she's avoiding you right now, I know she'll come around. Just wait and see."
"You're right," you mumbled, sticking the freeze pop in your mouth again. Armin basically said the same thing. Eren sent you a quick smile and patted your shoulder before leaving through the hallway.
You swallowed the remaining ice and threw away the wrapper. Noticing the bin was full, you took the trash to the bigger bin outside. Maybe doing some chores would distract you from Mikasa for a while.
Plus, today was the only day that allowed you to do so. Practices for the band's upcoming performance were every day until the date of it. You'd be rehearsing 24/7 since it was scheduled on such short notice.
It was going to be at a middle school some of your friends went to. The DJ they booked before flaked and your manager was kind enough to offer your talents.
Jean was meeting with Hannes and the school administrators to work out some extra kinks before the practices began.
The only day there wasn't a rehearsal was on Eren's birthday. You all decided it'd be best to take the day off to celebrate and set up for the party that would be happening later in the night.
The day passed easily as you got caught up on chores that weren't done over the past few days. The house was messier than you liked it although it hadn't been long at all since the previous clean-through. However, it had been a hectic week.
Speaking of hectic, when Zeke was there, he sure made himself at home. That much was clear when you made it to the living room portion of the basement.
Eren probably couldn't find time to clean up yet. Either that or he was just lazy because at that moment he was more focused on a pinball machine than the state of his living space.
His brother's suitcases were lying open by the couch. To be honest, you didn't love the idea of a criminal's possessions lying around your home. So, you decided that throwing them in a storage closet was the best option. 
When you finished tidying up, you started a game on the pinball machine next to Eren's.
His birthday was in three days. The house looked a lot better than it did when you started, which was perfect for throwing a party. You could only hope it would stay that way.
After a few hours of playing games with him, Jean came down the stairs to let you know he was back from the school. He left when he saw neither of you were interested in what he had to say.
Once it got dark outside, you left Eren to his own devices and went to your own room to chill out some more.
Unfortunately, when you flopped down on your bed, Mikasa started to consume your thoughts again. In an effort to fight them, you turned on a show to distract yourself.
For the slow hours you spent staring at the screen, you couldn't focus, not once. No matter how hard you trained your eyes on the screen, you still thought about her.
Sighing, you got out of bed and walked to your bedroom door. You were careful of the creaking hinges, it was around midnight. Everyone would either be asleep or close to sleeping.
Except for Armin. You had no idea what he did at night but you knew better than to ask. However, he was probably pretty tired from the time spent at the hospital. So, there was a solid chance he actually was asleep.
You crept outside, checking that the front door didn't make too much noise. Your car was parked in the driveway since there was never room in the garage. The gravel underneath your feet made noise as you walked toward it. You pushed yourself onto the hood and leaned back against the windshield.
Drawing in a long breath, you stared up at the sky. You needed to calm down and clear your mind. This would help, as it usually did.
Even if it was a little chilly, it was warm for a night in March, especially this late.
The stress that bubbled inside you simmered down the longer you watched the thin clouds dim the stars.
Any negative thoughts you had about the situation with Mikasa or the previous days seemed to disappear the longer your focus was on the sky.
Gravel crunched and you snapped your gaze toward the noise. Sitting up, you were surprised by what you saw.
Mikasa froze when she realized she'd been caught. She held a white blanket in her arms and still had one foot on the porch steps.
"Hi," she greeted quietly.
"Hey." Your breaths were a tad ragged from the initial scare.
She came closer to the car. "What are you doing out here so late?"
"I could ask you the same thing." You took the blanket from her arms and she pushed herself up to sit beside you.
"The door to your room was open when I came downstairs for a drink. I thought you'd be out here."
"Oh." She knew you better than you thought.
She spread the blanket over both of your laps and leaned down on the hood of the car.
She looked at the sky but your eyes were still on her. "Why did you come out here?"
After a moment of silence, her gaze finally shifted to you. "I wanted to apologize. Ignoring you was immature. Plus, I remember how you used to come out here when you were upset. Above all else, I wanted to make sure you were alright." A blush coated her cheeks when she finished talking.
You took note of that and couldn't help but blush yourself. "I'm okay. I understand why you'd ignore me, though. If you didn't want it, that was probably your only option since we have to see each other so much."
Her brows furrowed and she sat up again. "What? Y/n, did you think I didn't want to kiss you?"
You blinked stupidly. "Well, yeah."
She laughed. "You can be so ridiculous sometimes. I've always wanted to kiss you like that. I'm just not great at expressing it."
Even more heat rushed to your face. You gawked at her and she looked down at her feet. Many things were running wild in your head. For some reason, though, there was one thing that was so prominent in your mind once you remembered it.
Out of all the questions you could have asked, this one came out rather bluntly. "What did you mean in your letter? What should I know?"
Her eyes widened, she didn't expect you to ask about that yet, and quite frankly, neither did you. Nonetheless, she answered anyway. "If only you knew. That's what I wrote. That's easy to answer now. If only you knew how long I've loved you."
She turned her face and made direct eye contact with you. She seemed to know the next question on your mind. "You never knew it but I've been in love with you since high school."
That can't be right. This is a dream. You're dreaming, Y/n. What the actual fuck?
"Are you sure? Then why did you ask Jean out when we were seniors? Why did you break it off with me mere weeks before?" Your mind was racing and it translated into sentences quickly spilling from your lips.
She still looked straight at you. Her facade of confidence was making you nervous. "I'm sure. Back then, I was so afraid of what I felt for you. Pretending the feelings weren't real and projecting them onto Jean seemed like my easiest option. For years I convinced myself I loved him. But it was never him. It was always you. I felt so awful when I realized what I was doing."
And just like that, the facade fell. Her words were no longer held confidence. She was afraid of how you'd react. She had little idea that you were ready to be just as vulnerable as her.
"When did you realize?"
Looking up at the dark sky, she pushed a stray tuft of hair away from her face. She continued, sighing softly before she spoke, "When I saw him that night with Marco, I was relieved that I didn't have to be with him anymore. When I tried to figure out why that was, I could only think about you. Every feeling that scared me before came back. I got so scared that I left. But, even then, they never went away."
You were having some trouble believing that this was actually happening. Mikasa loved you back this entire time. If she hadn't kissed you before, you would've thought this was only possible in your dreams.
However, things were actually starting to make sense. That whole time it was your fault. Every night of those two years you spent wondering about what you could have done to make her stay. It turns out you did enough. You were the reason she left. 
But maybe you were the reason she came back as well. You could recall something Jean had told you a day before she came home.
"Why did you come back? You needed to do something?"
She looked back at you again. "I've just done it," she said.
Before you could process her words, she was leaning closer to you. Her lips were so close to brushing yours but she paused before they could fully touch. "Can I?" she whispered.
"You don't even have to ask."
When she kissed you, you felt everything. Her feelings, your feelings. The world was minuscule compared to you two. Anything else meant nothing at that moment.
It was the first time in a long time that you felt fully complete. You were a puzzle and she was the missing piece. It was like before, only this time, you knew for sure what you wanted.
Pulling away, you managed an, "I love you too, Mikasa." 
There were no other words that would feel so good to finally say out loud.
Everything was clear. You understood. 
Now more than ever, you wanted to be with her.
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posted: 9/26/21
neptunetheplanet7© 2021
no reposts, edits, or modification to my work by anyone other than me.
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