#I see a lot of slander in the mileven tag so I thought to fluff it up some
rllymilerlly · 2 years
I posted this on twt forever ago but I thought to share here too, a list of Mileven Wedding HC’s to go along with these doodles
I like the idea of Mike and El waiting a long time to actually get married. Like they might get engaged pretty young (19/20?) but have a long engagement. So they can get their degrees and save up for it. Also I just like the idea that they wait so long everyone forgets they aren’t actually married already, including themselves.
-For Mike’s bachelor party, Will plans a crazy long campaign for the boys to complete (like DAYS) and it just encapsulates the boys whole journey of friendship. They are all in TEARS by the end
-Mike has a hard ass time picking a best man, he doesn’t wanna choose between his 3 best friends. So he knights (yes knights) them all as his best man (tho technically Lucas is the one walking with Max in the wedding + she is the maid of honor. So Lucas does tease the other two about being the “official” best man)
- El grows out her hair for the wedding and it’s Joyce who helps styles it for the ceremony. Nancy does El’s makeup and Max paints El’s nails
-Holly is their flower girl (atp she thinks she’s a little old to be the flower girl but accepts it nonetheless)
- Bridal Party: Max (Maid of Honor), Nancy, and Suzie and/or Robin (my gf is making a ronance fic based off some of my mileven wedding ideas soooooo yes u_u)
-The main colors of the wedding are purple and yellow
-It’s an outdoor ceremony and looks straight out of the lotr books. Which there are most def hints (not subtle at all) of actual lotr decorations
-El may or may not walk down the aisle to a variation of Princess Leia’s theme
-The guest list is still pretty small, mostly intimate family of the Party + very few outsiders
-Mike is practically sobbing when he sees El walk down the aisle.
-Hopper walks El down the aisle and they have a father/daughter dance at the reception and he’s in tears
-Really everyone cries at some point
-Dustin breaks it down on the dance floor the whole night and drags El into his shenanigans whenever he can
-Robin and Lucas dance off Dustin and Steve at one point
-Robin is the one to catch the bouquet on accident (and may or may not share a moment with Nance)
-Karen and Joyce are so happy their families are finally legally united after YEARS
-Max multiple times threatens to Mike multiple times that she’s going run away with the Bride. Mike pleads with her to stop
-Though he isn’t in the wedding party officially, Joey Kim is at the wedding as Will’s date + extra videographer so Jonathan can enjoy his sister’s wedding too (because Jonathan is also the Wedding Photographer)
-Will and Jonathan both have their own brother/sister dance with El. While Mike has one with his sisters
I have a lot more thoughts about them and ideas but I’ll stop here for now
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