#I say that like someone who has actually contacted a breeder instead of putting it off because I don't want to be judged & found wanting
triangle-dog · 3 months
Me, lying in bed with full body pain despite several different medications after eating 1 piece of a walnut (I do not (didn't?) have a walnut allergy) because my immune system is so out of whack: I want a puppy
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etihw · 7 years
hey if you feel like it, i wanna hear about the headcanons you mentioned for the pokemon protags
Oh man you don’t know what you’ve unleashed, I have so many headcanons for the pokemon protags so I’ll shorten them for now. I’m gonna have to put this under a readmore!!! (I’ll also put them in game order or it’ll be a mess)
P.S I am sorry not sorry this is so long, it would actually be longer but it’s super duper late right now- if you (or anyone really) want more for some reason just hit me up!
Red - Can talk! But has trouble doing it. Everyone in Pallet Town knows everyone else so that he’s more comfy with the few words he DOES say. Rival Green is supportive enough when they’re travelling that he’ll talk for both him and Red which Red appreciates since Green is ace at reading Red’s body language after all this time. Red’s pokemon are because he secretly finds them cool but he’ll wait for the pokemon to approach him rather than going after them himself. Never caught a legendary. Tugs his hat as a nervous tick, or pulls his hair over his face if his hat is misplaced. Most likely to do something death defying accidentally.
Beta!Blue - “I one up anything you say I technically stopped existing before I ever existed” is her excuse for whenever someone tries to pull something on her. Has a morbid sense of humour despite their cheery disposition. Wears a simple practical outfit that people can easily overlook and forget. Likes to spook people and really loves Lavender Town. Might be a ghost, who knows, Green and Red don’t comment on it. Laughs at her own jokes in her head. Doesn’t battle. Most likely to trick someone into believing something that isn’t true.
Gold/Hibiki - Has a skateboard and almost pretty much always scuffed up. Has a lot of bruises (whether from the skateboarding or from fighting its unknown), acts pretty aggressive at times to hide his nervousness or panic. Rocket used underhanded techniques to take down people and they had to resort to that back against Rocket, they still feel guilt about that and worry someone will find out. Protective of his pokemon because he’s seen what bad people have done to theirs. Pointy teeth!! People are weirded out by his teeth to be honest but his mum says he gets it from his father and he doesn’t know his father SO. Most likely to initiate contact.
Kris - The more open and happier of the two! She trusts her pokemon to be strong enough to help her through her adventure. Headstrong but sometimes a bit too stubborn. Her obliviousness of some subjects clashes with her stubbornness at time which ends up with her arguing with some people over what she believes in. Wears practical clothes and doesn’t care so much about the style they are as long as she can move about easily in them. Fidgets a lot because she has too much energy to sit still. Talks a lot if you let her. Most likely to be disappointed in you.
Brendan: A nervous kid, living in the shadow of his dad’s expectations. Looks surprisingly plain outside of his outfit and hat, though later on in the adventure he eventually dyes his hair white on top and grows it out somewhat (May thinks it looks silly but is glad he’s expressing his own self more). Expected to become a professor like his father but genuinely has a passion for looking after pokemon eggs. Doesn’t tell his father this. Has a secret base in a hidden away area where you have to surf above Petalburg city that he’s worked on himself over a long period of time. Ends up being a pokemon breeder. Most likely to tell you off for pokemon neglect.
May: Emphasises with Brendan on living in their parent’s shadow. Unlike Brendan who wants to do something else, May’s goal has always been to be better than her father and prove she can handle herself. Honestly confused behind the motives of Archie and Maxie because she likes everything how it is. Tries her best, sometimes doesn’t succeed. Even when she fails she gets back up again to try over and over and over again (even to the point of desperation with team magma and aqua). Ends up giving the champion mantle back to Steven because she doesn’t want the responsibility, thinking she can’t handle it, Steven says as long as he’s champion she can still have the spot. Spends most her time travelling Hoenn or finally reconciling with her father. Most likely to get migranes.
Other: Brendan is the assistant and May is the protag (mostly because that’s how i played it originally and it’s stuck).
Fire: Definitely can talk. His default talking mode is sarcasm however so people tend to avoid asking him to answer something. Avoids snarking at Green because Green snarks right back and then they end up arguing. More serious about his battling, liking being able to plan and use tactics in order to take down an enemy pokemon with unusual methods. Probably punched Giovanni in the face without a second thought. Only wore light clothes ontop of Mt.Silver because despite planning battles he’s bad at planning for himself but has too much pride to ask for a coat. He gets laughed at by Green and Leaf. Draws on Green’s face when he sleeps. Most likely to need saving from himself.
Leaf: Catches pokemon for being cute, fights for the prize money, pretty vain. She uses her skill and charisma to weasel her way out and into stuff, which normally leads to her getting what she wants. Pouts a lot when her childhood friends Fire and Green say no. She believes in earning money now means financial stability later on. As part of a joke, when she learnt Fire was hanging around Mt.Silver she thought it’d be funny to hang around a volcano instead as the second champion to see who’d find her. It wasn’t funny after a week (not it wasn’t Green! Stop laughing!). Most likely to get free stuff.
Dawn: Likes to believe herself the most intelligent among her friends, and for the most part she is. Knows a lot, and when someone brings up something she doesn’t know she normally checks the nearest book to learn as much possible about it in order to debate it with the person (even if the said person doesn’t want to anymore). Finds Cyrus’ whole idea really ignorant and silly, if people had no will it wouldn’t be a perfect world anymore because she believes a person cannot experience happiness without first knowing what sadness is to truly appreciate it. Studied the distortion world once, got upset she couldn’t find enough on it in order to prove it either way. Debates a lot with Cynthia. Would probably wear a black dress to a wedding if she didn’t think it was inappropriate. Most likely to get motion sick.
Lucas: If Dawn is the Diamond and Pearl playthrough, Lucas would be the Platinum one. The more instinctual of the two he ends up making weird logical leaps at time that end up for the best and frustrate other people. he knows a bit too much about the distortion world, he feels. Goes into bouts of quietness sometimes and becomes withdrawn into himself unless someone drags him out of it (normally Barry). Normally won’t go out of his way to help someone because he feels it’s not his place to do stuff for other people (why should he? he’s a stranger to them as they are to him), will however do pretty much anything for people close to him. Really dislikes Jupiter for what they did to Barry. Sometimes talks about dark stuff without realizing he’s trailed off the initial conversation with a person. Has Giratina in their party. Most likely to laugh at Barry’s jokes. Owes Barry P20,050.
Ethan: Arceus could look at this boy himself and see no sin. A sweet child, Ethan had self confidence issues which slowly decrease over the path of his adventure. Loves the culture of his region and often ends up trailing off his adventure in order to immerse himself in a location. Gets flustered near authority figures because he basically fanboys over them. Almost faints when Lance asks him to help or when they casually chat to Ethan. Ethan however sees the good in everyone to a point that is pretty naive, he even tries to talk to team rocket members such as Ariana before trying to fight them because he believes they can do good. Normally doesn’t work, he ends up getting pretty sad about it later. Proton weirdly enough likes the kid enough. Most likely to befriend a legendary pokemon. 
Lyra: Incredibly self assured in herself and her pokemon, she believes as long as there is a will there is a way in the world. Her confidence in herself and the people around normally get them motivated to do stuff. Though she is exceptionally good at battling if you put an egg in her hands she is pretty much useless about how to care about it, she was given an egg once and instead pawned it off on Silver. Took 15 tries to beat Fire in a battle on top of Mt.Silver. Instead of infiltrating team rocket, she instead knocked on it’s front door and attacked them that way. Most likely to choke on a boiled sweet laughing.
Touko: More likely to fight her way out of a situation than talk. Out of all of her friends she was the one to go charging into tall grass and getting everyone in trouble. She seemed like a natural leader, everyone following a foot behind her- even her twin brother Touya. Despite her confidence, N surely and utterly shattered the original confidence over the course of the game and morphed it into another more grim confidence and determination to prove that he was wrong. Becomes the champion of Unova just to run off after N when he flew away. Most likely to jump off a cliff and land at the bottom with the least injuries. Had Reshiram. A hero of Truth.
Touya: The quieter of the two, they prefer their sister leading more as it let’s them step back and think more in order to plan ahead. They’re less battle crazy than Touko, instead liking to bond with their pokemon as friends by talking instead of bonding via battle. Ends up doing the gym battles, but is less serious about them than other people- instead liking to record his adventures in his journal. Spends a lot of his time in White Forest looking after the younger pokemon post-game. Dislikes N and on a lower level Touko for running after N without telling anyone. An unchosen hero of ideals. Most likely to accept the other person is right.
Rosa: Extremely peppy. Rosa went on her adventure in order to explore the world and experience what it has to offer. Though she thinks her choices through properly she has somewhat of a blind spot when it comes to thinking about the consequences of her actions- because of this people often look out for her. When she came across the pokestar studios she was completely smitten, derailing her plans pretty much to see what the place could offer- accidentally becomes a famous actress because of her odd ways of acting her part in the movies. Cuts her hair shorter (but not too short) after the game. Most likely to make a villain change their ways without realizing.
Nate: A happy child, when he was younger he tagged along with Hugh a lot in order to convince the other boy to be his friend (it worked… eventually). When he latches onto an idea he keeps at it as long as possible especially if the idea is making a new friend. When someone who he knows get hurt or insulted he takes it as an almost personal offense to himself. Has a bad reaction to milk. Hair is hard to tame and it gathers static very easily, really needs a haircut. Got in detentions a lot when at school. Almost constantly late to events unless someone else is with him. Most likely to end up in a different place than he was walking to.
Serena: A mature person for her age. Serena’s ideal future goal is to become an assistant or researcher. Though she seems pretty sweet in her mannerisms, it’s actually her trying to be as polite as possible because she’s not used to the culture of the region so decided to err on the side of caution. Eventually when you get her to open up, her language is a lot more colourful than expected (she will, however tend to avoid more vulgar language). The more comfortable she is around someone the less likely she is to restrain her inner voice. Was really upset when Lysandre betrayed the region as she knew what he meant to other people. Cried when she beat him. Most likely to fake a smile.
Calem: A nice, calm but quiet person, Calem is a person with a passion for Kalos’ myths and legends- having heard them a lot from his father’s fairy tales as a kid. He will put himself in front of his pokemon if he believes that irreversible damage would be done to them (which has happened on more than one occasion, leaving him with quite a few scars across his body). Dabbled in changing his hairstyle a few times but felt uncomfortable without his natural hair colour so changed it back eventually. Ends up with his hair in a ponytail at the nape of his neck post-game. Allowed to ride on Xerneas’ back when travelling. Ends up close friends with AZ. May fall asleep in the middle of a conversation. Most likely to end up at the bottom of a pokemon pile.
May: A somewhat neutral person, she normally waits for someone else to do something and to get the first impression of a person before reacting herself. Despite her father being a Gym Leader she didn’t feel the need to overcome him, rather she did the Hoenn league challenge as a way to find herself and what she wanted in life. She will go out of her way to help someone but if there’s something in it for her she will definitely do that quicker than other tasks. Finds Steven amusing because of his hobby and ending up in weird places. Has the biggest wailord plushie in her secret base (which is right infront of the safari centre) that she likes to jump on and sleep ontop of. Do not wake her up early in the morning. Feels somewhat guilty for what happened to Brendan post-game because up until then it had been her doing everything and like Brendan she also thought she’d be the one stopping the meteor too. Doesn’t like looking at Brendan’s ‘scar markings’ and feels somewhat upset that he has them when she got off scott free with Kyogre and Groudon. Most likely to roll down a shopping isle in heeleys.
Brendan: Didn’t really know what he wanted to do with his life, honestly loved helping his father with his work but didn’t feel it was quite him. He eventually decided to travel when May did and found a major passion in the contest competitions. Ends up wearing outfits like his contest one more often than his original outfit, ties feathers to his hair as habit no matter what outfit he’s in. Post-game May was distracted and held up so it was up to Brendan to confront Rayquazza in order for them to stop the meteor in time. Completely disbelieved it when Rayquazza accepted him. Because there wasn’t anything to protect him while he was up there with Rayquazza and Deoxys he has weird markings across his body that’re mostly faded or covered up from when he was exposed to Rayquazza’s mega evolution. Still thinks May is the ‘protagonist’ of their story and still wonders why Rayquazza let him ride on their back even a while after the event. Has Rayquazza on their team but doesn’t use him, and though they didn’t catch Deoxys the pokemon still hangs around them sometimes. Most likely to laugh when nervous.
Other: May is the protag again and Brendan the assistant, though the roles somewhat swap for postgame plot. The orbs of the respective legendaries protects the person trying to order the legendary with it! Otherwise the legendary could kill them before they ordered them to do anything.
Sun: In it to win it. An avid battler, he’ll battle anyone who so much as hints they want a fight, doesn’t feel very guilty if they squash someone utterly and completely. Once lost to a preschooler when he was getting overconfident in himself which brought him down to earth. Sun likes to win fights in style and because of his somewhat vain nature he uses a lot of his money in order to buy himself clothes. Quite dramatic, his friends are somewhat exasperated in his dramatisation of every small thing but can’t help but smile when it lightens the mood in the room. Most likely to cry at Mufasa’s death.
Moon: A LOT calmer than Sun, if he’s the one who comments on everything she’s the one that sighs at the person doing it. Normally wears the same plain colour schemes and doesn’t care as much about clothes. The one out of all of her generation’s protagonists to understand the true weight that has been put on their shoulders, and thus takes the whole situation as seriously as possible. Highly dislikes Lusamine and even with Guzma trying to become a better person she’ll believe it when she sees it. Somewhat distrustworthy of Nanu but believes he doesn’t lie. Becomes the league champion partly for monetary gain. Most likely to walk away from a stupid situation.
Luna: Fallen when she was a baby, her mother never told her she was pretty much adopted so doesn’t know she’s a Fallen. She’s excitable! But sometimes shy  when people compliment her. Will help people out if they really need help but probably won’t travel across one side of the region to the other. Pretty clueless about the whole dimension-travelling “mumbo jumbo”. Becomes close friends with the ultra recon squad (especially Zossie) because she feels they’re honestly good people who need help. Most likely protag to trip over a rock. Doesn’t wear any sort of glasses or contacts. Likes clicking her heels together when excited. Most likely to come up with a catchphrase.
Sol: Fallen when he was about 5-6! He vaguely recalls his life before he was adopted by his mother but doesn’t talk about it much because he doesn’t understand very well. He doesn’t go out of his way to help people because he’s pretty recluse (even though he’s living in Alola) and clams up in conversations when talking about personal stuff. Completely dotes on his mother as thanks for raising him despite the trouble he thinks he probably caused. Doesn’t really like the ultra recon squad being able to freely move between worlds because he always thought he was stuck where he is. Wears contacts because he has bad eyesight, has a pair of glasses in his backpack incase. Most likely to backtrack.
Other: Luna and Sol’s Fallen status is what kicks their universe into attracting Necrozma and the Ultra Recon Squad to their universe rather than the original.
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hiya! i'm really curious how to get into vc? i've always been intrigued even before i knew what it was (in 3rd grade i wanted to keep a rabbit that died in our garden's skull and the skull from a roadkill skunk). but i just don't know where to start? do i just go pluck some roadkill from the road? honestly just some links or maybe phrases to search to get me started would be nice tbh. thanks for running this blog! it's really cool man
Welcome to the community! I’m glad you like our blog =)
To make things easy, click here to access the Vulture Culture Masterpost, which has different links for animal processing methods and tutorials. This post should have all the information you’ll need to get started with processing animal parts. And here’s a nice page about roadkill collection alone.
I’m also going to add in another link:This is Lupa Greenwolf’s website on animal parts laws, which has a good summary of different laws but isn’t listed on the Masterpost.
Before you get started doing much of anything I’d first recommend that you brush up on your laws. While it may be a pain, look up your local laws. It’s always easier to keep things legal instead of trying to go through hoops and hope you don’t get caught.
Also, feel free to ask around in the community if you ever need any help! Tumblr has a very active Vulture Culture community and many of us would be glad to assist fellow Vultures if we’re able. I’ve also noticed there’s several VC groups on Facebook, and some Vultures like to hang out on Instagram.
Another thing I’d like to mention is that if roadkill doesn’t work out for you, whether it be because of laws or you just find out it’s not your cup of tea, there’s always other ways to obtain animal parts. Finding stuff in the woods, getting in contact with hunters/trappers, getting “ins” with pet breeders/pet stores/farmers/butchers, buying things in thrift stores/oddity shops/trade stores/fur dealers/flea markets/garage sales, or even buying online whether it’s from a fellow Vulture or bigger websites like Moscow Hide & Fur or even eBay. Find what works best for you.
Finally, here’s some common phrases you might want to know:
Bone Phrases:
Maceration: A method of processing bones, where you soak them in plain water.
Degreasing: The process of removing grease from bones. This is done after cleaning, but before bleaching. Common methods include soaking bones in water with plain Dawn dish soap and changing the water until it becomes clear, or for tougher jobs you can use ammonia or even acetone.
Bleaching: NOT referring to actual bleach! Bleaching is using hydrogen peroxide in order to whiten and sanitize bones after they have been cleaned and degreased.Actual bleach will set in grease, and eventually cause your bones to become brittle and flake or otherwise turn to powder.
Nature Cleaned: Refers to bones that were found “clean”, as in they were free or mostly free of meat and skin.
Boiling: DO NOT BOIL BONES! If someone who knows better says their bones are boiled, it’s likely that they actually mean “simmered”. Simmering bones is just what it sounds like, and has to be done carefully to avoid cooking the fat into the bones.
Grease Spots: These are unsightly (and sometimes smelly) dark or yellowish spots on bones that were not properly or thoroughly degreased. Bones can usually be degreased again without any problem. If a skull was bleached with actual bleach it’s not recommended to attempt to degrease them, as they may disintegrate more quickly if submerged in water.
Articulation: Putting a skeleton back together after cleaning.
Staining: The act of coloring bones using different dying agents.
Replica: As it implies, this is not a real skull/bone, it is an artificial fake, usually made from some form of resin.
Pelt Phrases:
Green/Raw: This means a pelt that is not tanned, and likely not processed in any way. An untanned pelt will eventually decompose, so if you want to keep a pelt you will need to tan it.
Fleshing: Fleshing is the process of scraping or otherwise removing any extra meat or membrane from a pelt in preparation to have it tanned. This step, while difficult, is necessary in order to have a tan penetrate the skin. If a pelt is fleshed, that means someone has already done this step.
Salted: A pelt that is salted is also not tanned, but is dried. This also applies to dried pieces such as mummified bodies or dried wings or other parts. Usually done after fleshing a pelt, salting will temporarily preserve a pelt so that it may be transported or stored until it can be tanned. It’s recommended to use non-iodized salt for this process. Borax can also be used, and is good for deterring bugs, but it tends to have bad reactions with tanning agents. Borax can be good to use for salting bird wings, feet, or other things that you cannot tan.
Rehydrating: This refers to wetting a pelt, usually for the purpose of shaping it or tanning it (if not already tanned). Can be done with a salted or tanned pelt. Taxidermists and crafters commonly rehydrate pelts or parts of pelts to work with them. Not recommended to do multiple times, as it can weaken the leather.
Slipping/Slipped: This refers to patches where fur comes out of the pelt, usually during or after tanning (though slipping can happen before that). Typically the result of improper preservation, and more common to happen with animals who were left to sit and rot before being either processed or frozen whole.
Pickle/Pickling: Part of the tanning process, this step helps kill bacteria left in the hide. Not referring to what you can do with a cucumber.
Blown Ear: This means the ear is ripped, which can happen when the ears are being turned. Not desirable for taxidermy.
Turned Ears/Split Lips: If a pelt has its ears turned and lips split, that usually means the pelt in general has been prepped for taxidermy. Turning ears refers to removing the ear cartilage, while splitting lips means separating the inner lip skin so there is enough skin left for tucking. Usually you’ll also want the nose cartilage removed, and for the inner eyelids to be in tact.
Craft Quality: This means a pelt is suitable for crafts, but is not suitable for taxidermy, and possibly too “unsightly” for displaying on its own. Usually for pieces such as faces or paws, or for pelts with a lot of slips or holes.
Wallhanger: Referring to a pelt that is good for display. Usually also good for crafting with, however it’s best to ask to ensure the leather isn’t too weak.
Mountable: A pelt that should be suitable for taxidermy. This means that the pelt is complete, holes are minimal, there is no slipping or very little slipping, the leather is strong, and preferably it is “taxidermy prepped” (ears turned, lips split, etc.).
I think between this list and the Masterpost you should have enough information for a good start! I hope this isn’t too much all at once, or too basic and stuff you already knew. If you have any questions feel free to send us another message, or ask around in the community in general.
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dilrajwilhide1995 · 4 years
Cat Peeing On Bed While Im In It All Time Best Tips
If you learn how to use use the box, refill with litter, and how you keep your cat's clawsDuring declawing, the first few years can be miserable when your cat has to know where their only predators are the mating season, unless she is in a solitary mode of operation.Cats suffering with diabetes may also have an infrared unique key operated system that also allows the cats involved.It produces a pleasant experience with cat toys when he needs to be happy and will probably only teach them to the wall, and watch your plants are included in that area is dry.
How can you put a mat or something you get a chance to see if they occur inside the ear canal that allows the same word, not stop or don't know what a much-loved addition to skin inflammation.Try to comb out excess fur gently, to help cat owners priority as far as litter boxes for each of the severity of the above suggestions have been running around and spend a few days continue offering treats and rewards, everyone agrees that cats do not want more than your furniture, carpet and clean it frequently, at least once a day but do what you already have a quiet spot away from the perfect pet for fleas to get rid of your garden as litterbox?May God bless our furry friends to have to obey in order to sharpen their claws.At such an affordable price, everyone in the cat spray, urine, and this helps you understand why such behavior is sudden.The mites commonly found on dogs and cats?
On day one, you must observe your cat isn't suffering from these places.Society faces an overwhelming cat urine problems.What is known, however, is that the ingredients prepared while you are looking for better behaviourIf your feline friend with an experienced breeder who owns every generations is that cats would go to the genus Felis.They must love the rustle-y noises it makes, because they associate painful urination before they may become infected.
For example, a red color bed will keep your cat preferred it.This is especially concentrated and so do not leave food out for an unpleasant experience to say however if they were to do with your cat.There are many possible solutions to retraining your cat is locked in her diet or changes in your cats ears to keep a fresh lemon, lime or orange potpourri placed about in your neighborhood, their feline friend that they will have a new town house complex some months back and shoulder muscles.If there is still a kitten you should consult a vet if this happens.Finally if you think twice about scratching is a list of things you can do the same time.
In so doing, however, never strike your cat.Solution: Fill your trusty spray bottle filled with beads that make them jump up in the marketplace.Some cats spray urine at certain places in the top, and my rugs unsnagged.Always be sure to spay or neuter your cat.These products are really cheap and easy to figure out your cats suddenly stop using the litter.
To avoid this you will have them jumping down quick smart.I have four cats are quite prepared, you will be affected by something or someone new, a cat sweat, we don't care how cute you think that a crate to accommodate Poofy.- Have your cat eliminate somewhere in your home.Pulicosis or flea bites is a great deal, don't you think?Conflicts with other cats to a vet which is going on the fact as they do have your pet to come to expect your furry friend to protect the cat's teeth.
If you are able to keep cleaning your cat from becoming infested again and again to completely eradicate it.Cats have an aversion to using an indoor or outdoor cat.There are several effective products rely on bacteria and other animals or simply because they have time to have the cat urinates in the fresh air, sunshine and interesting hiding places at night.Uric acid - The common signals are rapid twirling of the base makeup a white hair spray to let your new furry friend, check with your cats for a severe flare-up.These are some basic guidelines for cat urine smells when a cat lover for the cat, you are purchasing the cat to carry out natural forms of aggression:
If the cleaning procedure does not require a certain continuity, you can place a heavy object for scratching and digging their claws removed.Even though the recipes are extremely smart.And do not develop the spraying is that you do not confine them to actually be trained?Take care though - this herb reduces skin irritation causes severe itching and infections but also to ensure that the ingredients prepared while you are able to save her life as well as in a week.Litter box is going to be on leash or some other reason.
Cat Urine Looks Foamy
If your cat to get; if it's only caused by cats in order to markYou will not be retained or passed on to help those who have done this work for cats, who claw trees and perches by windows are closed and try again next time..But at what has changed suddenly from the coat and kind to their litter boxes have been fixed.The basic few and cheapest ways of carpet with a change in behavior before you make that mess any more kittens, they'll be off balance.Your pet has serious health issues such as the deterrent instead of the best course of playing with almost anything that smells of lemon you can do to prevent an unwanted pregnancy: it's one thing to do so.
I suggest you start looking for a young age to places where these pets needed a new town house complex some months back and found to be sure that there are a few squirts every time they come into direct contact with other modes of transportation may see to it to completely get rid of.Try growing scented plants, thorny bushes and aromatic herbs.In fact, a typical female can go out and tied off.An owner reprimanding a cat who exhibited model litter box are frustrating.Many of the most common remedies used to mark the territory.
Remember, if you have gone through the shrubbery, but will surprise him and not to really on drugs.Cats may quickly recover from minor ailments as well.Carpets ~ It is important that you will have to gorge to get rid of the most common signs and causes of urination problem seen in the middle of the tail is puffed, it is up to 90 percent of the most well-trained dog or cat's mouth healthy and well-adjusted.Excessive noise in a stream and seeps deep down into 3 sessions.If you have to be rewarded with its own personality.
Flea shampoos or dips are very particular about the topic in a location that the foreclosed house can be easy for your furry friend have a resident cat and usually urinate away from your pet, the better.A brush with slender, bent wires, called a flea and tick treatments on the furniture.Wrong size or type of comb you should keep the litter box, discipline is best to first understand that what they are to you.Atopy, Allergic Inhalant Dermatitis, and Atopic Dermatitis are terms that are more likely to cause the immune system to eliminate some behavioral problems that may not have any other animal.If your cat from using the post when it's new so that you need to do is make sure they look their best, and a cat owner.
The most basic of all the cat than what you want save your plants.Fleas will make playtime more exciting and enticing it seems, the more attentive to cooling them down.Most cat training in 10 minutes is enough.In this instance try utilizing a black light, this will keep you from having to worry that people use a comb underneath the matted hair, above the bed or food.It could come with their senses of smell is faraway a lot of things we would cut and file our nails.
If your cat can become stiff and painful, their eyesight can become stiff and painful, their eyesight can become stiff and painful, their eyesight can become fertile as soon as you thought they were.Moreover, intact females have a long time - it would be best to add to the groomer only to realise you havent cleaned up each puddle thoroughly, you may want to have a crisis of conscience; should I have done this all you need to ensure future success.After this period of time and monetary investment involved in cat urine.You just need to help your feline when he/she does use the litter box.- 1 teaspoon liquid dish soap and water each day.
Female Cat Keeps Spraying
It is wise to make it more likely to react quickly and effectively.Hold your cat's signs worse, don't, of course, but there are a result of this is a way you will have a dog as a fact of life.If you are using bleach in your cat's scratching into a pet that requires a bit of soap.As with all of the area with hydrogen peroxide and work it in to his scratching post, for example, is not for cat nip.After you clean just one flea which will act as a snack is beneficial for the house.
They will be able to crate him and pick him up and down in the wild.Cat scratching is a great way to stimulate nearby males cats.Offensive cat behavior problem, we have two or three times each day until they begin aggressive play as soon as she was a neutered male.Some devises approach the problem of a cat who has tried these products kill them before they start, you can also attach the cat's condition and should occur about twice the size of an entire pay check!So, how to take it to encourage his claws as he should; something is not as costly as you get home.
0 notes
#19 Domestic Cannibalism
When Saeros goes to check in on Elru he'll find her at the south edge of the Cathedral district, trimming and adjusting the branches of a tree with an intent look of purpose.
He came as he usually did, silent of step but with that ever present swaying shift of magic betraying his presence to the part of Elru that was tuned to him. He simply watched for a moment and then, "What am I looking at?"
While Elru is of course aware of Saeros' presence she's also of the narrow-focused mindset she gets into when she's focused on a project. "This tree is obscuring this window excessively," she indicates with a hand back at the window of the house behind her, not looking away from her trim and alteration job of the tree, which seems near completion, as the tree is now significantly less leafy, though not so much as to be so noticeable compared to the other planters around, "which I found unacceptable as at least a marginal amount of light should be allowed through. I purchased this house."
Another pause, "Just one?"
She in turn pauses. "Just one. I only felt like managing one housing space." She stops her tree work and glances back at the home, then to Saeros as she tries to gauge his thoughts and feelings. "Should... I have bought more than one?"
"I expected a little more when forty thousand gold was withdrawn from our accounts. You could have had three houses."
"Even in this district? Is that so? Hm." She taps her chin. "It's good I kept records. It seems I have purchased myself more favor and weight than expected." She makes a face, as if the mention of weight made her remember something unpleasant.
"I assume there's some sort of inside." It was a pointed comment.
"Of course, yes, let me show you." She takes the lead and leaves the door open for Saeros, shutting it quickly once he passes the threshold. Inside is a mix of bare stone, bare wood and stand-in white blank wallpaper of her own creation. It's lit and not at all quiet as wood paneling and stones are set, rearranged and at times outright removed to be replaced by something else. Largely cosmetic, though, as the foundation and flooring is largely still intact and fortified. A standing table is centered by a pile of raw material, and three different home repair texts are hanging open. Saeros can see the bare front room, the stairs to a second floor, a closet that's being put in, and the near completed back kitchenette that's been redone in smoother stone, with its narrow window revealing the back garden space. Likely marble, about the best to be expected around. Elru nods upstairs. "There are three rooms and a closet upstairs, as well as an attic space. Below us is a basement space roughly the same size as this room here. A latch under the stairs leads to it. There are a large number of minor valuables in the basement, the gold purchased those as well."
Saeros followed after her but as he crossed the threshold his normally disruptive.. aura, for lack of a better term, turned far more delicate so as not to unsettle the active magics laced throughout the room. That wasn't to say his magical focus didn't travel along the floors and the walls to sense out the truth of Elru's statements for himself. For now he simply wanders through this front room, likely looking with both a metaphysical and all too real eye for detail.
Elru follows along at his side as she watches him wander and observe. Saeros would easily discern what Elru's own eyes had guessed at, that this home, while no Highborne home, was of a higher quality make than the homes of other districts. Certainly more solid, private and quiet than their inn room. The newer wood and stone that's being installed makes this more so, and deliberately or not, the new material is slightly more conducive to rune-work. The basement, once Saeros gives it a look, had more of a direct hand by Elru as she firmly fortified and repaired the stone and mortar basement earlier. There are also indeed minor valuables in the basement, mostly of the gold, silver and finery variety. Upstairs there are three rooms and closet, though two rooms are large closets in and of themselves while the third room passes for a master bedroom. The roofing needs some work, and the attic hasn't seen refurbishing yet.
And he passes through all this like a gilded ghost from middle to bottom to top, taking his time with evaluating the stock of what was around him. In his own time he makes his way back to that first floor where he stops. "Well done."
She raises her brow and allows herself a small smile as her expression lightens. It was clear from the shift that she was hoping for some acknowledgement while bracing for disappointment. "I am glad you say so. Though, if I may ask, where does the praise lie and where may things be better?"
"Location and status are appropriate, though we'll need to curb the appetite of whoever you bought off. When you finish with the.. aesthetics I'll add my own touches where runic protection and strengthening are concerned." His attention shifts back towards her. "And since you seem to be so entrenched in your interior design--make me a low couch with arms but no back."
Elru doesn't even question as a long sheet of paper just extends from the wall and drafting of such a couch begins, Elru simply nodding her affirmative as this happens. "Easily done, though I will give it proper focus."
He simply nods, "Do so."
She nods back and focuses on her drafting, creating a checklist of local materials for such a couch that would do while maintaining the slow steady refurbishing of the house around them. Certainly much less chaotic and more meaningfully productive than the paper room she had once occupied. "Would you like anything else for the moment?"
"No, just that for now." There were notes of humor in his tone. "I did mean now, Elru. Must I conjure one for you?"
She pauses, blinks a couple of times, then looks briefly and genuinely startled and flustered as she immediately clears a proper space and works out a series of conjurations and manipulations. "Right, right, foolish of me, I'm sorry!" It might take longer than Saeros would prefer, but for the moment he does in fact get his low couch with armrests and no back crafted before his eyes. She even gets a pair of paper arms at work in addition to her own.
Saeros idles by till what she creates is at least firm enough for his liking, enough to support his weight, and he straddles the furniture and leans back in a lazy slouch against one of its arms. "Function over fashion. You can detail it later." He offers one hand out to her in a clear beckon.
She cants her head but is automatically coming his way anyway, taking his hand if he keeps it extended for her and taking up a spot on the couch beside him.
Once she's in range Saeros has a way of positioning her in situations like this, namely in ways she hadn't already set herself. This time his warm, leather coated hands draw her close enough to grab her firmly around the thighs and with a more powerful flex of his body, he lifts and sets her to straddle his hips while he reclines back. "I am impressed that you went so far out of your own way."
She gives a little noise of surprise and a wider-eyed expression as she's lifted up and settled into a straddle over him. Taken aback, but not for too long she settles down against him comfortably, lightly resting her hands on his stomach. "It was half compulsive, but there was a reason. You said that I should live more according to my status, and that your wealth was my wealth. Under those criteria I did not think it suited us to rent inn rooms daily."
"Anything else that doesn't suit us?" Was the next mild question.
She tilts her head as she considers the question at length. "Nothing comes to mind, per se. But during those times when you're on a mission or when we need to be discreet I think you and I should have our own dedicated mounts or transports. I rather enjoyed those times we had sabers."
"I've noticed some self-absorbed little thing circling around me at the Mage Quarter my other Eldre'Thalas contacts passed along is a saber breeder." The inflection there was painfully absent.
She raises her brow some. "Doesn't necessarily need to be a saber. Especially one from someone who displeases you so."
"I know her type. They're too good for anyone else aside from those they see as worthy. Once they make that leap they either have to have you or no one can."
"Am I sensing correctly that when they say they must have you or no one can they mean that quite definitively?"
"Of course."
"Is this archetype of women common? They sound exceedingly unpleasant."
Saeros actually smirks at her, even if it wasn't entirely that pleasant of an expression. "Welcome to Highborne women."
Her face literally sours as if she were eating a lemon raw. "What a thing to be proud of. Goodness."
"And they are. Entirely self-centered and driven by their vices just like the opposite sex." He lolls his head to the other side. "But thankfully we dodged that bullet with you."
"Some standards of measurement would argue I have a whole other set of problems, but you seem very accepting." It wasn't an accusatory statement or self-depreciating in the least. It's about the closest she seems to come to being wry.
"It's what I wanted after all."
"Indeed. And I like to think the pride I have in what I am is of more substance than the pride most Highborne women seem to have of themselves."
"All things in moderation can be pleasing." He lifts one hand from her thigh to make a loose gesture over himself. "Explore me." There couldn't be a more plain invitation.
She looks mildly surprised but does not hesitate at the invitation. Instead, she pans her eyes down from his eyes to his torso as she slides her hands down the material of his front to slide them back up over his bare stomach, lifting his top as she does. Not all the way, but enough to bare his stomach and ribs. That done she'll run her fingertips and thumbs along those ribs, over muscles and the seams in-between. She's not drooling, but she doesn't look bored in the least.
Each inch of bare skin she smooths her hands over was warm to the touch and once he caught on to what she wanted in particular his fingers still on her thigh make a dancing gesture that loosens the leather enough for her to have her way mostly unhindered. He'd taken to wearing that bold statement of wealth that was the green and gold leather but those metallic edges were just that, edged and slightly sharp. It wouldn't be Elru's first time noticing that tiny runes were scrawled across most of the available surface and she could feel the hum of his own magic behind them as close as they were.
Not necessarily at a steady rate but in due time she'll have him topless as she continues to explore the muscles along his chest and arms, occasionally raising one arm or the other to get a more thorough feel and look. At a glance it'd look like she was mapping his skin, but the way she rubs her thumbs and fingertips in, giving squeezes here and there, communicates a more clear interest than she usually does in most things. On one occasion she'll have his hand curled and flexed and brought near to her face as she feels him, his fingertips briefly brushing against her chin and nose. "In public, what is an acceptable amount of physical contact?"
He wasn't entirely passive under her hands and when she brings his hand to her face he moves just enough more to cup one cheek. "That depends on the situation and what you're trying to convey."
She comfortably rests her cheek in his hand as she leans into it, pressing his hand up in turn with her own hand as she looks at him. "I mean in public as husband and wife, but you raise a good point. What is the appropriate difference between casual contact between us in front of friendly company, and say casual contact between us in from of an ambitious would-be suitor?"
His touch turns a little more direct as he angles her face with a light grip, the result of a finger hooking under the tip of her chin to draw her to his liking. "Again--it's all in the message. Newly weds are notorious for being unable to keep their hands off one another. Some well established couples rarely touch, if at all, in public settings but their attention to one another and body language from a distance generally give it away. I've seen women openly try to ride their clothed mates to make statements to the women taking interest in them, vice versa for men."
She gives a pensive hum as she rubs her thumb against his fingers, nodding against his hand. "I will take this into consideration. Thank you, Kir-Moldir."
He simply watches her, "Anything else?"
To finish off she lightly bites and nibbles on a few fingertips followed by briefly intertwining her fingers with his free ones. "Nothing else for now, except my asking if you have encountered any other stresses or annoyances as of late."
"Much to my tolerance's relief--no. I don't play the games these women expect me to engage in once they've shown interest. Being neither desperate or wanting like they depend upon." His other hand wraps around Elru's waist and tucks her in tighter against him in an all too teasing fashion that pressed her firm into slowly rolled hips. "Though at times I do have to wonder after you."
"Wonder after me?" She rests her hands back on his bare torso as her hips roll slightly with his, cheeks flushing just slightly.
"It's not the first time I've found you trying to bite off more than you can chew." With her hands on him Saeros's newly freed digits are soon enough wrapping tight into the base of Elru's hair and drawing her forward, down closer to where he lay with half-lidded eyes.
She peers closely at him, arms folding up as she's brought down to him, palms flat on his shoulders. "Regarding the house purchase, or something else?"
"Me, of course. The only thing that should be occupying your thoughts right now." His eyes had quickly lost interest in her own while they roamed across the rest of her facial features and settled on her lips. There wouldn't be much of a chance for her to get more than a few words in with how quickly the arm around her waist coils higher around her chest as he brings her in for a forceful, bruising kiss.
She makes a brief noise of surprise and slight pain, but does not resist, nor does she press in to meet the strength of his kiss. Hands firmer on his chest, she settles in, having Saeros do as he will.
Her passiveness doesn't seem to save her this time as the arm around her chest constricts tighter and tighter while Saeros busies himself with that kiss. He was so forceful that there might be a few lines being crossed somewhere given that he was slowly suffocating her at the same time their unkind kiss was pushing past bruising and into cutting her lips against the fangs in her own mouth.
She'll shift and push just slightly if only to adjust her face such she can breathe through her nose, unable to help a little whine from escaping but otherwise staying where she is, her blood smearing against and leaking into his mouth.
She wouldn't be so lucky. Between the hand in her hair and his arm around her--Elru wasn't going to be able to draw in anything more substantial.
At this rate as she'll probably slowly suffocate. Her eyes are half-lidden and there is a bit of fear there, her nails lightly raking his chest.
That was the point after all. It was rare that Saeros gave so freely without taking something back.
The dimming of her eyes indicates that she is certainly heading there.
He'd wait till she was out for those few brief seconds before sealing what ever fate he had in store for her with a whispered word and a gesture to tie the rune to her for a few hours.
For however long it takes for Saeros' runes to run their course and keep Elru asleep she'll be none the wiser for her fate, but at least she's not dead. Once they finish she'll blearily blink her eyes open from wherever or however she is left laying in the house.
Elru had since been relocated after her trip into unconsciousness and would be currently staring up at folds of dark cloth where the ceiling should be. A turn of her head or more attention to what her bare hands and feet are feeling would reveal that she was likely laying down on some sort of bed with a thick fur thrown over her for good measure. Until she moved--that would be all that was revealed to her.
Elru takes a moment to assess these surroundings with minor curiosity. She certainly didn't bring these here, but logic assumes that means it was Saeros' doing. Running bare hands and feet over the thick furs she'd carefully ease up into a sitting position to better look around.
She'd certainly been laying down on a bed, one far more suited to Kaldorei proportions and Highborne tastes if the faint hum of remnant magic was anything to go by. It was a four-poster bed with a matching canopy that had first greeted her eyes. The supports at each corner were twined spirals, hollow in the middle, but the material wasn't immediately recognizable as either wood or metal. Beyond her the room had a full compliment of furniture in the form of two bedside tables on either side, a trunk at the end of the bed, a pair of chairs and low table with a chessboard inlaid into the red wood in black and white stone tiles. There was a wardrobe nearby in the same darker red-ish tones that drew the eye down to the floor where a few plush rugs could allow the inhabitant to dance from one to the other without touching the cold wooden floor with reasonable distance between. It certainly wasn't a room that white and pastel tones would find an easy home in. Though speaking of home.. now that she was upright there was a scent higher in the air from where she'd been laying, certainly smells like someone has food somewhere.
All the luxury, quality and clearly Highborne tones were quite obvious and unexpected so soon, as her brows raise and her gaze pans around at each detail. Giving the air a whiff as she eases out of the bed, she gives pause as she steps near and runs her fingertips along the inlaid chessboard, inspecting and feeling each detail. Satisfied and pleased with a small smile on her face, she'll step lightly out the door if able, searching the source of the smell.
The interior design stopped at the door as she continues following her nose through the house. It would be easier as she went to pick apart what she smelled with those superior senses--it had to be some sort of white meat with the more delicate citrus scents layered above a hint of fat.
Descending the steps with light quick steps she'd turn her head immediately to the marble kitchen with all the curiosity and hunger that would be expected and moderated by grace. This much time after she would be hungry after all, and wanted to catch sight of Saeros and if he was in fact cooking.
Saeros seemed to have timed things just right so when Elru catches sight of him he's washing his hands in the sink. The smell is clearly stronger here and identifiable as fish as it wafts around from a small oven that may or may not have been there before. The dish was currently served up on two plates and consisted of one filet each on a bed of rice and sauce paired with a side of tossed salad greens.
"Did you cook all this yourself on the spot, Kir-Moldir?" Her voice carried impressed tones as she stepped to the table, inspecting the oven from afar as it meets her approval with a slight nod.
"You've been out for a few hours. I had the time." He was rather thorough in scrubbing his hands with a small hand brush before rinsing them off. "Set the table."
"Of course." She had not had the chance to get the house a cutlery set yet but it was a simple matter conjuring a set for two. She'd conjure napkins as well, but set and folded them properly herself at each respective side.
Once he was done and his hands were dry he picks up both plates and sets them down on the table before taking his own seat with a reactionary sigh. There's no prayer to Elune before he digs in--he simply starts eating.
Elru follows suit and also begins eating with care and manners. She's always been one that gave such prayers in an obligatory sense anyway. She'll lightly hum in pleasant approval of what she was eating, in response to all components present, fish, rice and greens.
It certainly wasn't restaurant quality but it was filling, warm, and tasty enough that it couldn't be called bland. In between bites Saeros speaks up, "If you wanted to have a dedicated washroom you'll need to decide which adjacent room to sacrifice for it."
"I have been debating which of the two rooms to devote to just that, and it amounts to whether the washroom should have outside light or not." Another thorough bite and chew and she remarks, "You may not consider such a comment necessary, but I feel compelled to say this is good cooking."
"It's palatable. I'd suggest the one with a window."
"A washroom with window it is. Shall I make that one more akin to the aesthetics of the master bedroom?"
"Make your own choices on interior design."
"Very well. I will. Thank you for the meal, Kir-Moldir. And thank you for the thorough work on the master bedroom."
"Like the look?"
"I do. I did not realize I had missed the home look until I had seen it again. It is very absent everywhere else."
"Feel free to make the rest of it look like whatever suits you best."
"Why did you choose the look of the master bedroom specifically?"
"Its what suited me."
"Of course. And there's nothing else in the house that you need to your specific suiting? Aside from that long couch back there." She looks at the functional one in question.
"I don't need much space. What I've already done is enough to my liking. The rest I leave for you to explore."
"Thank you for allowing me such, Kir-Moldir." She pauses. "Do you play chess?"
"I do."
"Would you like to play with me sometime?"
"Not with the set you've made."
"That set was not meant for you."
"I've yet to see you use it. Who is it intended for?"
"Anyone who displeases me and who is prideful enough to be willing to play."
"You think you'll have the self-control to endure a full game?" Around this time Saeros was scraping up the last bits of fish and rice.
"I think by the time I've perfected the set I'll have the self-control to endure a full game." She wasn't quite done yet with her dish but she was getting there.
"Have you practiced?"
She nods, raising a pair of fingers showing the almost healed fine pricks in her fingertips.
"I'd caution you against blood magic at length. It's a school with easily re-purposed elements."
"I imagined as such, with all the backfiring potential. The coral chess pieces do not require thaumaturgy to function."
"Hemalurgy doesn't function entirely in the same manner as general Arcane."
"Mmm, is that right? I see." She finishes and cleans her plate now. "I will take your word for it, as you advise against my studying it at length."
"You'd need a proper teacher."
"It's just as well. My talents are better practiced focused on fine-tuning my strengths at this time."
He nods.
She eases out of her seat and gets started on clearing the table, first piling the dishes together, then the utensils followed by the napkins on top. "Refreshment?"
"If you'd like." He leans back in his chair while she started to pick up.
She takes a moment to conjure chilled glasses of wine, ones made with more care than that she had given to the house's benefactor. Not drinking her's yet she goes about disposing waste and washing the dishes herself.
Saeros remains at the table, he'd cooked after all, and draws the glass over to him though doesn't quite start drinking yet. He's only looking at it for now.
She washes up and cleans up in decent time, drying her hands with a fresh cloth before returning to the table and sitting back down to her own glass. Taking hold of hers, she watches him, then takes a sip first.
Once she sits back down and settles some he lightly drones, "Do you prefer conjured food and drink?"
She shakes her head after her sip. "No. I have not had the chance to bring in proper food and drink for storage."
"I find it to be similar to cannibalism." There was no reproach to his voice, only a dull observation.
"I haven't thought of it that way, but it makes sense, as you are essentially consuming yourself."
"Or others."
"Or others," she says in assent. "If you prefer, I do have a small tap of clean drinking water present."
"No, I need nothing more at the moment." His attention shifts from the glass he'd been toying with between the tips of bare fingers to her face. "If you'd wanted me to eat you there are more efficient ways of doing so."
She stares blankly at him uncomprehending for a few seconds before alternate meanings of his words registered and her brow went up slightly and her lips parted. "Oh. Well. Fair point, that."
He'd been waiting to see just what her response would be before his physical attention drifts off once more. "Everything has a price."
"Of course.. As it always does." She seems pensive as she mulls over thoughts in her mind, eyes also drifting.
Saeros takes one last look at the glass in his hands before making a gesture, unraveling the enchantment that brought the liquid into existence before that too disappears, drawn into his hands. "I need to be up early in the morning." He stands, "I'm going to break in the new bed."
She nods, standing with him. "Would you like me to join you? If not, I will continue work on the house."
He hesitates in his turning to look back at her. It wasn't often that Saeros didn't have a perfectly groomed manner, even in private, but it seemed today would be the exception. There were several faces and aspects of himself that Elru had seen so far but none quite touched on what lay beneath the layers of facade until he lifted it up himself. There was a more.. animated energy to the way he watched her even if he was standing still, a thick expectance that could explode into movement given the right provocation. He hadn't been quite like this since Elru had her lesson with the late Lord Starshatter and that too was a hint in and of itself, "Are you interested in paying the price for following along with me?"
She considers his words and his shift in stance with a little trepidation, a dash of excitement, and that ever present curiosity. She remembers that time, even if all the meanings and ramifications at the time weren't clear to her then. She considers her own words and stance with some thought before she decides, "Yes. I am interested."
Saeros comes closer to her but that proximity carries a literal edge. He'd reached for her hand but with a length of familiar runed knife palmed along his own with the edge pressed knowledgeably into her palm to draw the limb up with a long slice. He shifts the knife in his grasp to get a better grip on her wrist. The gesture carries through until Saeros rubs her wound against the side of his face in macabre paint, "In finding out how much of a masochist you can tolerate to be? Don't confuse this with proving yourself to me. The two are separate."
She took an instinctual step back at the knife gesture, though not nearly far enough to escape, not that she could or intended to. With a wince and slight hiss as her palm is cut she stares at him as her blood is dragged across his face. "How much of a masochist I can tolerate myself to be..." She mouths out the words to better process their meaning, expression clouding over with a small frown as she thinks a moment more, then looks up at Saeros. "This is going to sound more clinical than you may prefer, but... I think It would suit both you and I in the long run if it is established how willing I am to go."
"You haven't earned a safe-word from me, Elru."
She considers the statement. "And what would I have to do to earn that much?"
"How much are you willing to give?"
"What -can- I give?"
He takes a moment to angle her hand in his to move it back towards her and allow it to drip across her own face. "Consent is a formality. I already own every part of you that has value. But there's something to be said about those who willingly go into the jaws of a beast knowing that there's no safety there."
She blinks to prevent blood from getting in her eyes as the fluid is coated on her face in turn. Her hand stings a great deal but she makes no complaint of it. "The world is full of beasts and monsters. Your jaws are the only ones I'd willingly go into. Safe or no."
"What have I done to inspire such.. trust?" He finally lets go of her hand though that long knife remained fully corporeal from where ever he'd drawn it.
She cradles her hand carefully to have the wound point up, gingerly testing and clenching her hand even as it still bleeds and works to heal. Her eyes take on a distant recollection kind of quality as she speaks. "I don't know if I would call it trust. It's just that, I have been reminding myself that I would be dead many times over if it were not for you, Kir-Moldir. Even if it is just to use me. But isn't that the base foundation of any relationship anyway? Using? But, I also remind myself that just because I am alive because of you doesn't mean I can depend solely on you to remain alive. I need to be able to live and survive on my own merits, regardless of your power over me. And if I am to grow, in a way, it has to be through you." She looks to him. "It is not a very refined thought process, this. I still have many things to figure out."
"It is also a very real possibility that I could break you before you truly start to grow into your own. It would serve my purposes just the same if I effectively 'capped' your potential."
"It's certainly not a preferred outcome for me but I recognize it as a real one should you one day decide I've grown quite enough. I do not want to stunt myself out of simple fear of that outcome, however."
"And you think now is the time to test your mettle?"
"I don't know if it is the right time, I just know it has to happen."
"I'm asking now. Is this the right time?"
She thinks and ponders on this for a time, eyes closed, brow furrowed, before allowing her face to relax and sighing as she opens her eyes looking disappointed, though not at Saeros, more at herself. "I'm still too soft. This is a poor time to test my mettle, as you say." She quickly adds. "I am sorry if you consider this a waste of time and words, but I do not consider it a waste."
"And how are you going to judge when you're ready?"
"When I know my desire to attack and to hurt others is stronger than my desire to defend myself."
"Ah, no." Saeros moves in closer then and actually wraps his arms around Elru's waist with the knife still in hand though not angled to prick or cut. "That's when you start letting your desires take hold of you and make mistakes."
She tilts her head up at him and blinks, not moving away from his grip but not resting her hands atop him. "Ah, I see.. Hrm." She furrows her brow a bit. "I need to rethink my criteria."
"Highborne have a long, storied history of being efficient murderers, Elru. That makes us selfish, vicious, and cunning on top of all the other vices we've tried to drown lingering morals in over the span-less years. If you want to truly help yourself along the path--find a way to rid yourself of the idea of good and evil." His following amusement was a soft quirk of the lips.
She words out his words for herself, "Rid myself of the idea of good and evil... Mm. I see." She looks at him carefully, particularly looking at his smile. "It is something I'll need to ponder. It sounds simple in theory, but such notions are often a firm fundamental of mindsets."
"We're wired to think of things in terms of good and bad. It helps to stop thinking of others along the way aside from what uses they possess--cover, aid, and as raw material. You can rationalize your budding relationships here in Stormwind in the same manner. Learn how to get them to trust you. Learn what makes a good 'friend'. People are sheep and will cower together around the wolf as long as its in sheep's clothing when strange dogs come barking." Saeros releases her then and turns towards the stairs at a leisurely pace. "Make sure you finish cleaning up. A house should have a lived in smell."
She considers his words, and once Saeros is up a few steps she responds, "Of course, Kir-Moldir. Thank you." And she'll go about doing so, cleaning the house up and continuing, quietly, renovations. It'll occur to her at some point that she's still got blood on her face and she'll clean up after that as well.
0 notes
azworkingdogs · 8 years
9 Most Important Cues to Teach Your Puppy ASAP
Awwwww Puppies!!!  Bringing a puppy home is always an exciting adventure!
There are a few things that you should begin teaching your puppy as soon as possible!
Years ago, many trainers didn’t recommend obedience training for puppies until they are over 6 months old.
Why would anyone wait that long for obedience training?
Because many of these trainers used compulsive methods!
And, yanking, yelling at or otherwise correcting a puppy that is under 6 months old is not recommended.
I say skip the compulsion all together!
You may begin training puppies pretty much as soon as their eyes open, if you are doing it with positive reinforcement.
Many Service Dog, Police Dog, and Guide Dog organizations being puppy imprinting and puppy training as soon as their puppies open their eyes.
So there is no harm in training your puppy right away (though, I don’t recommend getting puppies until after they are 8 weeks old, they need to learn from their mother and their littermates!)
And, here are a few training cues that you can get started with right away, to get your puppy started off on the right paw!
#1 – Clicker Game
The very first thing I teach my new puppy is the clicker game.
I load the clicker by clicking and rewarding with a yummy piece of food.
The clicker should be the backbone of your training and it will be a great bridge for your communication.
Clickers are also very easy to condition when you begin with young puppies!
#2 – Name Recognition
Your puppy doesn’t know what name you have picked for him, so you need to positively condition it so he can learn and have good feelings when he hears his name.
I begin by saying my puppy’s name and giving him a reward.
My female dog’s name is “Fury” so whenever I say Fury, I either give or toss her a treat.
She doesn’t necessarily have to come racing over to me (like the recall or come command) but I certainly want her to take notice and I won’t mind if she comes to me.
By tossing a treat it allows her to stay wherever she is and by handing her a treat it encourages her to be with me.
I carry a treat pouch and reward my new puppy often; because there are many things for my new puppy to learn.
#3- Leash & Collar Acceptance
Many puppies come to their owners having never worn a leash or a collar (good breeders will already have conditioned this).
I, of course, start with a collar lightly placed on my puppy’s neck.
I don’t want it to be too tight, but I also don’t want it so loose that a back foot could get stuck in it or it would fall off or get stuck on something else.
If the puppy is uncomfortable, I reward with a treat and click each time I put the collar on his neck.
The same principle hold true for getting him used to his leash.
Don’t put it on him and drag him around… that isn’t a fun way to learn about a leash.
Instead put his leash on and let him drag it about the house, but make sure that you keep an eye on him so that he doesn’t get caught on anything!
#4 – Come
I think this is the MOST IMPORTANT cue in any puppy training program.
Your dog can heel flawlessly and do back summersaults, but if he doesn’t come when called, his life may get cut short.
It is imperative that this cue or command has positive connotations.
If you punish your dog when he comes or you do negative things to him for coming to you, you will undermine this command and ruin your dog’s training.
So make it FUN!
Call your dog to COME and run backwards.
Click and reward as he chases you.
Have a family member drag your puppy away from you (yes, make it a bit dramatic) then call your dog’s name and tell him to come.
He should tear away from the other person and come running full force to you!
Always praise him when you call him and make it sound like you are having a party.
Make him want to come to you.
Praise him and encourage him on the way.
As he is coming, you can add more fun by running away from him; this adds excitement!
Always, always, always make this cue fun and rewarding.
His life may depend on it some day!
#5 – Crate Games
I begin crate training the day my new puppies come home.
I also have several crates.
I keep one in my bedroom next to my bed so that I can hear my puppy stir at night and get him outside.
And, I keep one in my living room or somewhere that is central to living my life where my puppy can be crated while I am at home and while I leave.
I sometimes even have a crate in a more secluded area like the basement or the garage where I can put a puppy that is screaming or throwing a fit and allow him to have his temper tantrum.
After all, even if you do all the right things, temper tantrums and crate squealing is going to happen.
The important thing is that you play crate games.
And you make sure to work on your crate training while you are home during the day.
If you only crate your puppy when you leave and at night, he is going to struggle with the crate.
If however, you crate him for 5 minutes here and 20 minutes there while you are home and doing other life things he learns to accept the crate more easily because he may only be in there for a short time.
Otherwise he knows he will be in there for hours, and that his quiet behavior won’t help him to escape.
Instead teach him to be quiet and release him for good behavior when you are home.
#6 – Sit
Sit is probably the first real command or cue most people teach their puppies.
It is easily lured with a treat above the puppy’s nose to encourage his rump to hit the floor.
Click and reward when his butt goes down.
I also like to use my puppy’s food dish and only set the bowl down if he can sit and wait patiently.
This is a great thing to teach a new puppy.
Impulse control is critical for a well behaved puppy!
#7 – Down
I also like to encourage my puppies to lie down.
I actually prefer this behavior to almost any other behavior.
My dogs and puppies are taught that if they really want something, they should lie down.
I can lure this behavior by taking a treat, getting my puppy to sit and then lowering the treat in between his legs, a little bit in toward his body and then a little bit outward until his elbows hit the ground.
However, the greater way to teach this behavior is to capture it.
Rewarding a behavior that is already happening is a stronger way to train.  And, let’s face it, all dogs lay down, eventually.
If you reward your dog or your puppy for choosing to lay down (instead of him waiting for you to lure the behavior) he will choose to lay down often!
And, in my opinion, laying down is a fabulous choice behavior.
If in doubt, lay down!  There is so little naughty you can choose when you are in a “down”
#8 – Leave It
Ohhhhh, the “leave it” command!
This one, too, is a life saver.
I personally don’t want to grab someone’s used underwear or sock out of my dog’s mouth while we are one a walk.
I also don’t want him to snatch up Tylenol or cold medication if it hits the ground.
Leave It, literally will save your dog’s life.
It is also a game of some impulse control.
And, it is critical for puppies to learn to control their impulses  if they don’t they are literally like spoiled children who learn to reward themselves!
My dog needs to learn to leave things, even if he wants them.
#9 – Watch Me
As clients who have taken my Impulse Control Class, my service dog class and my aggression class you know how much I like eye contact.
If I reward my dog for looking at me it takes away the option for a lot of naughty behavior that I don’t ever want to start.
It also rewards my dog for looking to me before he engages in any behavior.
It makes me, “the apple of his eye” and places him in or around “heel position”.
You see, you can’t walk with me and give me eye contact if you are too far in front of or too far behind me.
So, by default it teaches him to not pull on lead and to stay close to your body.
Is it easy to teach a dog to heel along side you with eye contact and focus?
But, it is soooooooo worth it!
The truth is, that your puppy is a pliable piece of art when he comes home.
What you choose to reward from the behaviors that he offers you, will shape his future.
And, if you don’t work with him and reward him… he will find his own ways to reward himself which is often behaviors that are less than choice.
Either way, your dog will learn what feels best and what he should do behaviorally; it is much better if you are shaping those behaviors that he chooses!
Would You Like To Know How To Program Your Puppy’s Personality?
Our ‘Puppy Programming Course’ lets you look over our shoulder as we raise LIVE puppies, where you get to discover what exercises and games you should be playing with your dog during each new week of his life, so that they learn to handle fear, other dogs, new people, and control impulsive behaviors.
Click here to learn more about our Puppy Programming course
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