#I say a 50% rate of people actually buying comms after checks in the kh fandom vs like 75% in the tes fandom
venacoeurva · 6 months
Question from somone thinking about starting selling commissions how often do people who say they want to buy actually willing to buy and not just being nice? (Sorry if bad english)
It's an inevitability, but I think it can vary by age range and community, I saw it more in the kh fandom (younger age ranges to like. 30 usually for active people, and people not yet out of awkward anxious teenager mindsets is commonplace) and additionally with people flaking out vs. the tes fandom (typically older age ranges with more professional experience and I think the social circles are less afraid to stand their ground on things), but there's always going to be somebody saying yes to be nice when it's in fact the opposite and hurts artists. Also, there's gonna be teenagers who can't actually spend money on things saying yes pretty much anywhere.
Based on experience, I would also say if you're taking comms in spaces with younger people, it's necessary to expect a higher rate of flaky behavior from people. So in that case if you take interest checks and preordering that do NOT require putting money forward ahead of time (some people do partial or full comm or merch preorders, important to do that with merch especially), expect ~25-50% or more of the people to not actually pull through and if there's a higher amount of interest than estimated, then it's a pleasant surprise and work accordingly from there in the future.
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