#I salute you Lot51
victorluvsalice · 1 year
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Welcome to Fall Sunday in the Chill Valicer Save, on the Chill Valicer Honeymoon! AKA the One Nice Day that the trio GOT on said honeymoon. Obviously they needed to make the most of that, so I planned a nice outing to one of the public beaches in Sulani --
But first, they had to wait for it to be, you know, actual DAYTIME. XD Can't enjoy the sunshine if the sun isn't up! And so, while they waited out the super-early morning clouds:
-->Alice got on breakfast, making some nice buttered crumpets for herself and Victor! Yes, buttered crumpets -- I wasn't sure what would be a good "islandy" breakfast, so instead I leaned more into them being English. :p She then moved back to using her travel easel to do a little more surreal painting, though she didn't get a giant payout for that particular work, boo. :p Come on, Alice, more $12K masterpieces please!
-->Smiler headed back to the fishing spot to see what they could catch -- mostly driftwood, to my annoyance, but they did snag an invasive perch from the waters (thus prompting the weird "glowing green leaf over their face" picture you see above XD) and, eventually, a gorgeous swordfish! :D AND all this fishing actually got them to level 10 of the Fishing skill, meaning they finally completed their Angling Ace aspiration! Now fishing is even more relaxing for them, as well as useful for making plasma packs. :p
-->And Victor did a quick illustrative painting on his sketchpad (which turned out to be a masterpiece, if not as profitable as some of Alice's are), before grabbing some breakfast --
And starting a new puzzle! Because why not? He chose to do a "dragon blossom" puzzle -- and once Smiler had gotten their big catch stowed away in the fridge, and Alice had finished her latest painting, his two partners joined him! They had a lovely time puzzling together, chatting and chilling, and the final puzzle product was -- not exactly what I was expecting, but still pretty. :) I think I've created a very pro-puzzle family here!
By this point, the sun was finally starting to come out, so I got the trio on the beach to enjoy some early rays and do a little more beachcombing. This time, Victor and Smiler had a lot more luck -- Victor grabbed a scallop shell and a sea urchin shell, while Smiler got an abalone shell and another Eyes Of Sulani treasure! Alice came up short on her first attempt, but a second sort through the sand gave her a small conch shell, nice. So now they had some souvenirs to take home, yay. :) I then had Alice let out a somber howl (gotta keep the Fury low when out in public!) before having everyone change into more beach-appropriate clothing and get in a little relaxation on their provided beach towels...
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