#I remember watching a video from SPN con from like 2014?
vicsy · 2 months
people out there are saying “oh nobody is willing to post fics anymore” etc etc while that is exactly because of some motherfuckers out there who deliberately take fandom stuff OUT OF fandom spaces and put it to fucking toxic cesspool twitter is. locking your fics doesn’t work since some registered users with zero fandom culture, zero basic understanding of how rpf works (an already precarious topic) and zero functioning brain cells make screenshots of fics off of AO3 and put them where everyone can see, especially people involved. all of this on top of AI scraping fics and people plagiarizing works left and right. yet those same motherfuckers ask for more content, mind you, since the same fic authors they put on a spot are just faceless content machines. apparently. absolutely sickening to see this happening more and more. you want to alienate fic authors you claim to love and cherish so much? keep up the good work, ignore people asking you to delete the fucking tweets. sure, that’ll make it all better. im so mad.
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theexecutionerssong · 4 years
I was just minding my business and scrolling through your spn cast tag because i wanted to see stuff from past cons that I’ve missed bc i was a bit behind on seasons so i never watched those cons videos or stuff like that.. but I didn’t know where to look and I remembered you. But boy oh boy....i didnt know i was gonna end up hating mark p.. 🙃 thats what i get for only watching the show and living in a bubble. Anyway, your blog is amazing and i was able to learn/see some stuff i didnt even know happened at cons or just random insights. So thanks for being active and for tagging everything😩 😘
Ahhh I wish I could go back in time I tag things properly from the start because everything pre 2014 isn’t tagged and I hate past me for that. So much happy and fun content I can’t find anymore. Sorry if anything burst your bubble... though not sorry about Mark P. Every year he comes to Dark Light Con and every year I give away my extras with him to the first person I find sdfghjkl
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
I saw on Twitter (an evil place, I know) some rumblings about Misha thinking Cas is gonna die for good in the final season, and it was further panicked over because J2 have been talking about The End in terms of Sam and Dean (and possibly (fingers crossed) no bro blaze of glory), not TFW as a whole. I know that anything and everything can happen, but (in your opinion) do you really think this is anything more than baseless Misha spec? Sorry about asking for *your spec, I know how loaded that is.
Yeah… twitter is a cesspit that’s constantly lighting itself on fire for no discernible reason…
After gish week, I went over there just to skim and catch up and maybe look at folks who were posting gish stuff there, and thought the app was somehow stuck back at sdcc reaction stuff, because I saw people getting mad about the exact same quote Misha gave (WITHOUT THE CONTEXT THIS TIME) in one of his roundtables at sdcc.
Turned out that apparently some dumbass article was just recycling the same quote again, and without even bothering to check the validity of the source, twitter had it’s panties bunched up so tight it apparently cut off circulation to the part of their brains that had already got all worked up about this quote when it actually happened… so… >.>
Example 19815917 for why Fandom Twitter is only useful when your eyeballs are dried out and need a good lubrication from all the eyerolling you’ll find yourself doing as otherwise sane and rational people attempt to choke themselves to death on fake goddamn news.
(sorry… I’m just incredibly exasperated by some of this nonsense)
But yeah, Misha either prefaced or followed that comment (can’t remember which off the top of my head, but it’s in one of his roundtable interviews from sdcc, which are ALL linked in my sdcc 2019 tag so y’all can go find them and watch them for yourselves if you don’t wanna believe me here) with the caveat that HE DOES NOT KNOW HOW SPN WILL END. Dabb, the writers, and J2 HAVE NOT TOLD HIM. There was a tone of exasperation at his admission of this fact that’s evident on the video.
Dabb, in one of HIS roundtable videos, CONFIRMS that Misha does not know the ending, too. Even jokes about everyone ELSE knowing the ending, except for Misha.
For history on this subject, note how many times Misha has accidentally let slip spoilers… I’m thinking he doesn’t know because he just can’t resist hinting at stuff. Like from last season, at a con the weekend before 14.19 aired, he answered someone’s question by telling them that Jack can make angels… and WHOOPSIE that was… a major spoiler for the episode, which he didn’t realize hadn’t actually aired yet. So…
Can you imagine him knowing how the show will end? How that would infect ALL of his replies to people for the next nine months?
So because he does NOT know the ending, I think he’s specifically choosing the “worst case scenario” situation for Cas here. He doesn’t like for us to be traumatized by shocks in the show. He DOES try his best to soften the blow of traumatic things when he can– like giving us the heads up about the s12 finale, for example, in the best way he could.
But there’s also the fact that Misha doesn’t really have the best memory for things that have actually happened in canon… I saw a post earlier today (don’t think I reblogged it, and heck if I remember where I saw it) listing all the times Misha’s been corrected or reminded about stuff that’s actually happened in canon during con q and a panels. It’s… kinda shocking… 
Like he didn’t remember that Cas was killed and brought back to life in 9.03. He didn’t remember who Ben was, despite Cas having wiped his memories in 6.21. He forgot that the food Cas missed eating was PB&J. I mean… for all he’s brilliant at ACTING Cas, I don’t exactly trust him as a source on the meta side of things, you know?
So… yeah… context matters here.
eta: some links to past misha confusions…
https://justanotheridijiton.tumblr.com/post/157125805544/x-x-x (aka that time he couldn’t remember the angel who tried to kill him in 9.01, aka Hael, aka pretty much the main character Cas interacted with for the entire episode…)
https://justanotheridijiton.tumblr.com/post/185045716359/mayawolf-misha-collins-names-castiels-favorite (aka that time in 2014 he couldn’t remember Cas’s favorite food…)
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mrswhozeewhatsis · 6 years
SPN asks! 16, 44, 57 😊
I meant 59, not 57. Jeez 57 is creepy LOL
LOL! Okay, 57 is a little creepy. I’ll skip that one. ♥
16. When did you start blogging about Supernatural?
I started watching around my 40th birthday, so early- to mid-December, 2014. I finished around Christmas, and was already looking for MORE by New Year’s. I’d found SPN pins on Pinterest by then, and soon realized all the good pins were screenshots of Tumblr posts. I came to Tumblr and made my blog in January, 2015. I became an avid fic reader pretty quickly, and wrote my first story (which was the first piece of fiction I ever wrote) in April. It’s been a deep dive into fandom ever since!!
44. Have you ever cried over a non-OTP ship from the show?
I don’t really have an OTP, unless you count me with various Winchesters, and I try to keep my tears at a minimum for that. In canon, the only ship that truly broke my heart (and the only ship I really shipped during my first viewing) was Dean and Jo. I liked Anna, and liked that she made Dean feel better about himself, but didn’t ship them much beyond that one episode. Dean and Jo, however, still break my heart. 
In fics, I think I’ve cried over pretty much everyone at one time or another. Y’all are angsty wordy bitches and like to meddle with my delicate emotions.
59. What movies/shows have you watched because of (or by coincidence) Jared, Jensen, or Misha?
True facts: I watched SPN because of Misha. (Which means I literally watched the first three seasons saying, “Where’s the damn angel???”) Although I had seen him on ER and Charmed, I didn’t recognize him as being the same guy or know his name or anything. However, I follow John Barrowman (less these days now that my social media feeds have become all SPN all the time). One day, John Barrowman was at a parade or a march or something (I forget what), and posted a picture of him with Misha captioned, “My Misha!!!” I had to know about this person that JB thought was awesome, because JB is awesome and real, so he if loves something THIS MUCH, I obviously would, too. Looked up Misha, saw Random Acts, and was immediately on board. (In college, my email signature included the quote, “Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.” Just the name Random Acts spoke to me.) When I got sick with the plague (it was a cold, but I was begging for death for a solid six weeks), and I got done watching all the other shows I’d wanted to watch, I remembered that Misha was on that show my goddaughters tried to get me hooked on WAY BACK WHEN. I watched Doctor Who, I’d just watched Sherlock, I loved Misha, I’d heard of SuperWhoLock, so started SPN. The rest is history.
As for things I’ve watched because of J2M, I watched Jensen in Bloody Valentine (which is why I refuse to watch Jared in his horror movies - I don’t do horror well, honestly), and I watched Jared in The Christmas Cottage. (Did you know Thomas Kincade was a lefty? Jared played him as a lefty, even though I’m pretty sure Jared is a righty. That impressed me.) OH, and I watched Ten Inch Hero for Jensen. I have in my possession DVDs for Dark Angel and Blond because of Jensen (though I knew about Dark Angel because of Michael Weatherly). I just haven’t watched them, yet.
Outside of J2M, I have watched JDM in the first twenty minutes of Possession (I couldn’t do more than that), and PS I Love You. Because of Kripke, I watch Timeless. Because of Rich & Rob, I watch and support Kings of Con. I’ve followed Tim Omundson since he was on Xena, so following him to Galavant doesn’t really count. Because of SPN, I now listen to Louden Swain, Jason Manns, and The Station Breaks, as well as a couple of Steve Carlson songs. I haven’t yet, but I hope to someday watch Skyward on Amazon for Rich. Id have to figure out Amazon video, first, though.
Ask me questions!
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richonnefics · 7 years
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Happy Summer Solstice lovely Richonners! We have about a little under a month (24 days to be exact) until San Diego Comic Con. May we be blessed with lots of Richonne but until then, beat the heat with another Richonne writer interview. Please take your time to get to know a bit more about @yellehughes!
Richonnefics (RF): Hi yellehughes! Thanks so much for taking the time out of your schedule for this interview.  Any tips for those that are going through writer’s block?
Yellehughes (YH): Well, this is what I do to help me get through writer’s block. Since I write Richonne fanfics, I immerse myself in Richonne (that’s not weird, is it?) I set up a playlist on YouTube and the videos consist of crack humor, TWD scenes and music fanvids. They all feature Rick and Michonne’s voice and it allows me to keep their characters in my mind as I’m writing. Reading other fanfics helps, but not too many because I don’t want to make the mistake and accidentally pilfer someone’s ideas. I go back and watch episodes that are specific to Richonne, or heck just watch them all anyway. I try and get feedback from my fellow Richonne fanfic writers when I get stuck and vice versa. One last little trick I perform for myself: I think of the scene that I’m working on as I’m going to sleep. I can dream up new things and when I wake up, I write it down. And, bam! I’ve broken my writer’s block.
RF: What is your favorite word and why?
YH: Epiphany, derived from the Ancient Greek word, epiphaneia. It means to experience a sudden and striking realization. My first understanding of the word was when I read, The Miracle Worker. A story about Helen Keller and how she finally understood that what Anne Sullivan was spelling in her hand had a meaning. It never clicked in her mind until, Anne stuck Helen’s hand in water and then signed WATER in her hand at the same time. That moment stood out to me and every time I learn something new or realize something, I get my HKM (Helen Keller Moment) and it’s a beautiful feeling.
RF: I think Epiphany is a beautiful word.  It sounds really nice when spoken.  Are you a plotter or a pantster?
YH: I’m a little bit of both. When I started writing my first fanfic, The TWD Chronicles, I outlined and wrote down the plot for each chapter. Once I have a starting point, it’s all flying by the seat of my pants from there.
RF: Have you always enjoyed writing?
YH: I’ve always wanted to write stories since I was in the 7th grade and that was a long time ago. I actually started writing my first work, Triton, in high school. I had the character’s names, what they would look like and how they would first meet (it’s a romance, by the way) Unfortunately, life got in the way and it was only until my kids were grown, and I took a trip to Greece, that I took my writing seriously. I brought out my old papers and reworked everything that I had written and self-published my first novel in 2014. I’ve been writing ever since. And, then I discovered the world of Fanfiction. I’ve never seen a tv show so good at building characters and it woke me up (epiphany) on what I was missing in my own writing. I didn’t understand this before I wrote my first two books. So, I will be going back over them later and do some tweaking.
RF: Fanfiction can really be an educational experience, especially with a helpful community of writers. What is your least favorite part of the writing process?
YH: Writing the ending. That means I say goodbye to the people I’ve spent a lot of time with.
RF: What is your most favorite part of the writing process?
YH: Coming up with witty dialogue. I laugh a lot and I laugh at my characters, a lot. So, I like to make them say crazy and funny things. Also, envisioning what my characters look like and creating them.
RF: A writer typically has me for life if they can make me laugh.  Have you learned anything from writing fan fiction?
YH: Yup, that sometimes my writing sucks, and even though it’s not perfect, it’s my story on how I see it. I don’t have to write it the way others say I should write it. It’s for my pleasure and hopefully to please the readers. Fan fiction has opened me up to a whole new world and I’m enjoying the hell out of it. It’s connected me to readers and writers and so many have made me feel welcomed. Nothing beats that.
RF: The one consistent thing I’ve heard over the years by Richonners and non-Richonners is how much hospitality there is within the Richonne writing community. When and why did you begin writing fan fiction?
YH: I’m late to the Richonne fandom because I was one of the ones who refused to watch the show because I thought it was all about killing zombies (oops, I said the dreaded word!) I was a super fan of Supernatural (at least watching it, never heard of fanfiction) until John Winchester was vilified. Then it was bye-bye SPN. JDM was the reason I started watching in the first place. Okay, that’s another story. I could go on and on why SPN pissed me off. Anyway, I heard he was joining TWD. Now remember, I had no clue as to what this show was about, besides killing zombies (oh no!) So, I went online and started watching some videos about Season 7’s last episode with the lineup. I saw all these people on their knees and I’m like, “Hmmm…. what’s up with this?” I didn’t know them and that scene made me WANT to know who they were. So, I went to Netflix and started from the beginning and I have been hooked from the pilot. Because I’m so nosey, I started looking up more and more info on the show. I happened to say to one of my author friends, what if someone expanded on the characters outside the show? Girl, she gave me a link to a Richonne fanfic, I’d about died! Was this real? Did people really do this? Yes, and yes! I went on a reading binge of several authors and I noticed that there wasn’t that many stories too focused on fantasy or the supernatural (that’s my thing) and I thought, what if I made Rick and Michonne, Greek gods? How would that go and the rest is history.
RF: Is there anything else about yourself that you would like to share with the readers?
YH: I talk a lot or type a lot, as you can see up above. I love helping fellow writers with showing off their work. I like compliments. I like giving compliments. Sometimes I say the wrong thing, but I eventually apologize. As a writer, I invite criticism of my work. I need that in order to improve. I have a busy mind, so sometimes I go off on tangents.
RF: Fun, semi-related question: Mints or Apples?
YH: Apples, because I can do so much more with them. I can slice them and put them in my oatmeal with cinnamon. I can eat them straight off the tree. I can make an apple pie with them. I can throw them at my brother and make it hurt (can’t do that with mints) I can eat them with peanut butter, salt, caramel. Make juice (well not make it, I can buy it) I will say though, if someone wants to give me mints, especially if he’s a smoking hot deputy sheriff from King’s County, I’ll take it!
RF: Thank you so much for your time.  We really enjoyed getting to know you better.  If you aren’t following @yellehughes on tumblr, exactly what are you waiting for? You can find all of yellehughes Richonne fanfiction here on fanfiction.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/~yellehughes
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