#I remember I used to ship Chris and aviva as a little kid before I knew what shipping was XD
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celestetheseaunicorn · 2 years ago
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I remember during art club I had made a zine all about fun facts with different creatures. A comic book shop was really kind and let the people from the art club sell their zines there to fundraise for the art club. I'm happy about how it turned out :D . I'll put in the descriptions for the pages since the pictures ended up a bit blurry. It was inspired by the Wild Kratts and since even as a kid I've always liked learning about different creatures.
Page 1- Did You Know? (Animal edition)- By Celeste (not my real name)
Page 2- "It's a little chilly today", polar bear. A polar bear's hair is not white, it is colorless. Polar bears actually have black skin that soaks up warmth from the sun to keep the bear warm.
Page 3-"Got to go fast.", hummingbird. To hover, hummingbirds may beat their wings up to 200 times per second.
Page 4-"ROAR!!! I am king of the savannah!", lion. The lion has the loudest roar of all the big cats and can be heard as far as 5 km (3 miles) away.
Page 5-"I have a bit of everything. Duck bill, beaver tail. Oh wait! Got to go! I sense a snack nearby!", platypus. The platypus is a mammal that lays eggs, has a venomous spur, and uses electrolocation to find their prey; worms and shrimp.
Page 6-"Yum. I love air but water also is my home.", axolotl. Axolotls can regenerate limbs after losing them. They also have gills and lungs.
Page 7-"I look young but I'm actually 90 in human years", tortoise. Tortoises can live up to more than 100 years.
"It is pretty warm today. Time to go roll in a puddle!", Pig. Pigs can't sweat because they don't have sweat glands. They roll around in mud and swim in water instead.
And Last But Not Least...
Page 8- "Carrots? No, thank you. It will be clovers and grass for me.", Bunny. Even though bugs bunny is known for munching on carrots, carrots aren't a natural part of a rabbit's diet and can give them an upset stomach if they eat too many.
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panfluidme · 5 months ago
Just Resting
TWs: death and a lil gore Ship(s): none Notes: they didn't request it, but this is dedicated to @ilovevirgilsanders4ever Word Count: 1594
Martin gripped Chris' hand tightly, a little too tight in Chris' opinion. But Chris didn't comment on it. He knew exactly why Martin was gripping his hand so tightly. They were in a life or death situation. Which made Martin scared for Chris' safety. When Martin was scared for Chris' safety, Chris had realized Martin would go to almost any length to keep him safe.
It shocked him when he first realized that. Chris hated that he couldn't quite return that feeling. Chris really wanted to. He didn't understand why he couldn't. He loved Martin, Martin was his best friend. Martin would give anything for him, but Chris couldn't extend the same curtesy.
Chris turned his head to look back. Which had been a mistake.
The brothers Kratt were running from some malfunctioning Zachbots. It wasn't their normal, almost silly malfunction. This malfunction was dangerous, Chris could almost see murder in their robotic red eyes.
He swallowed thickly and looked back. Chris was so glad his older brother was leading him along. If Martin wasn't, Chris would've stopped and gotten hurt. Maybe even killed. But Martin was there. He was always there. Martin would never let Chris be injured or upset whenever he could. Of course, Martin was only human and couldn't protect Chris from every little thing.
But Chris used to think Martin was unable to get hurt. He had been a little kid, and only could see his older brother keep him safe from harm. That belief had changed when Chris was seven when Martin had gotten into his first fight. He could remember his parents yelling at Martin then taking him into another room. It was a room that Chris wasn't ever allowed to enter, but Martin seemed to go in often.
They jumped over a rotten tree. Chris stumbled just a little before running faster. He could hear the Zachbots beeping. The beeps never sounded more terrifying.
Martin looked around and noticed a small cave. He stopped running and looked at Chris. He tilted his head towards it while he let go of Chris' hand. "Go to the cave. I'll be there soon."
Chris hesitated then ran to the small cave. He crouched down and made sure he was hidden. He could still see what was going on, watching his older brother make a loud noise then run in the opposite direction of Chris. The Zachbots followed.
His whole body froze, his heart seeming to stop beating for a few seconds. Chris realized what Martin was doing. He shrunk more into the cave, terrified for his life. Terrified for Martin's life.
Much to his horror, he heard a loud scream. A scream that was clearly of pain. And it was Martin's scream. Chris tried to get himself run towards it, but his feet felt glued to the ground.
The younger swallowed thickly and pulled out his creature pod. He called the Tortuga, his whole body shaking so much more than it usually did. Which wasn't a lot.
Aviva answered. "Hey, Chris. What's up?"
He opened and shut his mouth, tears starting to flow down his cheeks. Eventually he managed to squeak out, "Martin."
"What about Martin."
"Z-Zachbots went crazy. H—" Chris was cut off by another scream. He flinched and squeezed his eyes shut.
"Where are you?"
"He told me to hide in a cave. He went the other direction. I don't know where he is now."
She nodded and took a deep breath. "Alright. I'll see if Koki can pinpoint his location. Do you think you can find the Tortuga?"
"I can try." Chris hated that he was doing this. Martin needed his help, but he wasn't giving it. "But if you find Martin before I get there, let me know. I'll find somewhere to hide. He needs your help more than I do."
"Alright. Stay safe." Aviva hung up.
Chris ran a hand through his brown hair then left the cave. He was quiet and slow so the Zachbots wouldn't hear his movements and find him. Once he was sure they wouldn't, he bolted. He ran as fast as his body could go.
Soon enough, he heard the Tortuga flying over him. One of them must've noticed him because it stopped and a rope ladder was dropped down. He started climbing it.
"Go!" he shouted when he got up. The Tortuga flew while he sat on the circular table in the middle of the room. He pulled his knees to his chest. Chris almost expected Martin to come and comfort him, Martin always did, but he knew it wouldn't happen. Martin wasn't there. Martin might not even be coming back.
Aviva and Koki were lowered down on a platform with a stretcher. Chris watched them go. Aviva had her Creature Power Suit on. The reminder that he had forgotten his and Martin's had been on the frizz hit him like a wave. It wasn't like Chris to forget something so important.
Jimmy walked out of the cockpit and sat next to Chris. He didn't say anything as he pulled Chris into a side hug. Chris really hoped that Martin would bounce back, but he couldn't help but break down in Jimmy's arms. Jimmy then pulled him into a proper hug then rubbed his back.
Koki and Aviva came back up and ran too fast for Chris to see what state Martin was. Not that he really could since his back was towards them. Jimmy tightened his grip a little.
It took hours for Aviva to come back out. She noticed that Chris was asleep in Jimmy's arms. She sat next to him.
"He cried himself to sleep," Jimmy explained in a whisper. "How's Martin?"
She took a deep breath and shut her eyes. "We tried our best."
Jimmy knew what that meant. "It was that bad?"
"He had lost a lot of blood. None of us match his blood type."
"What kind of injuries did he get?"
"Well, the Zachbots had cut off one of his hands. I think it was after he managed to break one with a stick. There were some pretty deep cuts in his chest and some on his face. If Koki and I didn't get there when we did, it would've finished him right there."
His eyes widened, and he looked down at Chris. Chris hadn't woken up during their quiet conversation. He pulled Aviva into the hug. "Are you okay after that?"
"No. But I'll heal. Koki went to her room after we cleaned up. I'll be changing Martin's clothes into a different outfit in a little while. I just wanted to tell you and Chris what happened."
"I'll tell Chris when he wakes up. I'll probably make something to help him cope. Food always helps."
Aviva gave a weak laugh. "I think you should make everyone something."
Jimmy nodded and gently kissed her forehead. "Let me know if you need anything, okay? I'm always here to help in anyway."
"I don't want to put that onto you."
"Hey, no. I don't mind. Maybe we should all get into therapy. I'll listen until then."
She smiled weakly. "Thank you, Jimmy. I'm here for you too." Aviva then left.
Chris, about twenty minutes later, woke up with a hum. He let go of Jimmy and stretched. He chuckled a little when he noticed that Jimmy had fallen asleep. Chris hopped off the table and grabbed a blanket. He draped it over Jimmy then walked to the med bay.
No one had been able to tell him what happened. But he did notice that the med bay's door was shut. Chris sat on the ground, leaning his back on the wall right next to the door. Hopefully it was just that Martin needed time to rest and not... the other option.
Chris knew he would struggle if Martin was gone. He realized in the cave that he depended on Martin maybe a little too much. But Martin was his big brother.
The person who's always defended and protected him. The person who made sure that he was happy and healthy. The person that made sure that he knew that he was loved and cared for. That person couldn't be gone.
He knew the rest of the crew loved him, but it wasn't the same. It would never be the same. A brother's love was so different.
Someone sat next to him and started to rub his back. Chris didn't bother to see who it was. It wasn't Martin. Martin was resting in the med bay.
"How are you feeling?" Koki's soft voice came. She could tell he hadn't been told.
"Worried. I want Martin to be okay."
"I know you do." She put her cheek against his. "But—"
"Don't say it," Chris cut her off. "Just don't."
"Chris, he's gone."
"No. He's not." He pointed to the med bay. "He's in there."
"His body's in there," she corrected softly.
He shook his head. "He can't be gone. He just... can't be gone."
Koki pulled him into a hug. She didn't say anything. Nothing she could say would convince Chris that until Chris saw Martin's lifeless corpse.
She stood up and unlocked the door. Koki silently led him inside, hoping that this was the right idea.
Chris stared at the body then slowly walked over. He grabbed Martin's hand and pulled it to his chest. He looked at Martin's blue eyes that were staring at the ceiling, unblinking and starting to glass over. He blinked back tears and sank to his knees.
He's just sleeping, Chris thought. He'll wake up soon and we can go on another creature adventure.
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