#I refuse to sleep at Imayoshis place
starsistertarot · 3 years
I ned more pet head canons please they're so good. I don't have anyone really specific in mind. Maybe Riko, Momoi, Imayoshi, Hanamiya, and Imayoshi
Of course you can, I had so much fun making pet headcanons last time that I'll gladly do it again lmao
For anyone looking for part 1 with the GOM + Kagami, you can find it here:
Riko: An Exotic Shorthair (Cat)
She's the over-doting mother to a cat named Mittens, which she got from her dad on her birthday. And it was honestly love at first sight.
She's quite strict about the rules, no jumping on the counter sir- but she also has a tendency to spoil the *absolute shit* out of her little princess
And yes she'd beat the shit out of anyone who dared say anything bad about her cat. NO SHE DOESN'T HAVE A FUNNY LOOKING FACE, HYUGA-
Momoi: Bunnies
She owns two white bunnies named Yuki and Confetti, who are her pride and joy.
She is the responsible bunny mom that'd do anything for her fur babies, and has to slap Aomine over the head when he claims frogs are better than bunnies. And that bunnies probably taste good- *SCREECH*
Of course he's joking to rile her up, but this doesn't stop her from burning up his magazines whenever he says he wants to eat her children.
Imayoshi: Tarantula
This shithead owns a tarantula because of course he does. And the reason why I believe that:
1. Tarantula hunting is his favorite past time in Animal Crossing because he's FUCKING INSANE-
2. His sister is terrified of spiders, and if she ever decides to cross him, imagine where his spider will be when she's asleep. (SCREEEEEAM)
Anyways the spiders name is a shortened version of his sisters name, because the look on her face when he told her was too good to not actually do it.
And let's just say, him and the tarantula are partners in crime.
(If anyone wonders how Imayoshi plays Animal Crossing, check this out):
Hanamiya: Piranha
He owns a girl Piranha named Sadako (Thank you @bigsnailart for the suggestion).
He went to a pet store one day, and it was love at first sight. *cue careless whisper*. He just knew that he had to get her, so he did.
Now every time he feeds her, he pretends its the flesh of his enemies... "Sadako~ Look who I brought for you. Its that good-hearted scum known as Kiyoshi Teppei". And then he watches her eat, pretending she's devouring them alive.
I assume the last one is Kiyoshi: Stick Insect
He owns a stick insect he named Sticky, which he got because it sounded cool at the time.
He wanted a low-maintenance pet that could take care of itself if needed, since he's busy taking care of his grandparents...
And he has a tendency to forget Sticky exist at times because its so quiet. (He's totally not an airhead, pff) He cares for Sticky a lot, but he's not exactly... Emotionally attatched? They're just vibing.
They're buds.
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imagine-knb · 7 years
Soulmate AU! Where when your soulmate dies you become colorblind! Aomine-Kagami-Imayoshi suddenly go colorblind in the middle of practice/work.... make it as depressing as you please
I took some creative license. Hope you don’t mind!-Neon
Kagami: When Kagami had first walked into your shared home, finding it completely ransacked and torn apart, he knew that foul play was the cause. He wanted so desperately to believe that you hadn’t picked up and ran away from him; something bad had happened and he was going to find out what. He had enlisted the help of anyone willing; police, private investigators, his own friends. If there was any chance they could find you, he’d gone to them and begged.
Months passed and people began to really wonder if you had been kidnapped. With no sign of you at all, the rumor that you had left him without saying anything had begun to spread. The fact that he could still see color, so vibrant and in full spectrum, had people believing this was true; if it had been kidnap, you would be gone by now.
Kagami, ever stubborn and trusting in you, refused this as a possibility.
“Why would ____ just get up and leave,” he often argued. “We were happy together. ____ wouldn’t give that up!”
Slowly, one by one, the people he’d enlisted to help him stopped. With so much time between your initial disappearance and the present, any chances of finding you had come and gone. He would be a one man search party.
It didn’t stop Kagami from believing though as every night he went to bed, he prayed to whatever celestial being would listen that he’d get some answer about you. Every morning he woke up seeing those bright yellow curtains you’d placed on the window and he’d know you were still out there somewhere waiting for him to find you.
Then one day, as he sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep from his bleary eyes, he looked across at the window to where the curtains looked to be almost white in color. Thinking they were getting sun bleached, he glanced over to the wardrobe where he knew the large mirror you used was placed. In his reflection he saw tired eyes, a beaten body, and so so much gray.
Feeling more numb than ever before, he lay back down in bed as tears spilled from his eyes. Kagami couldn’t tell if the loss of color in his life was more of a sorrow or a relief.
Aomine: “On the card, can you type ‘I’m sorry’ in that fancy, curly font?”
The old man behind the counter gave Aomine a knowing smile. How many young men had walked into his florist shop requesting a beautiful bouquet along with an apology note? Giving the younger male a nod, he walked off to the ancient computer sitting on his counter top to have the card printed out.
Aomine bounced in place from one foot to the other, his arms cradling the bouquet like it was a child. He didn’t have the sense to stop jostling it around so roughly and, with each movement, one brightly colored petal after another had started falling to the floor. Not that anyone could tell; he’d gone and bought the biggest bundle of flowers he could find.
He’d made a mistake, one that he deeply regretted, and though it had taken him a few days of cooling off Aomine was finally admitting his error. He’d been calling you nonstop since the moment he woke up, hoping you’d stop ignoring his calls and pick up the phone. Even now, as he stood at the register and waited for the old man, his hand was busy pulling up your number over and over again.
“Come on, pick up,” he encouraged, only to hear the dial tone once more. Trying one last time before the florist came back, Aomine dialed your number and placed the phone against his ear. There was a click. “____?”
He could hear your car radio, but it was faint in comparison to the old man’s voice coming back across the counter. “I’ve finished your card. It that all for today?”
As Aomine turned to answer the man, the phone jostled from his ear and fell to the floor. He clicked his tongue, knowing you’d be mad at having a loud noise such as that against your ear. One more thing to apologize for. Then he noticed something.
“Hey, when did you change shirts?” Aomine could have sworn the old man had been wearing blue earlier, but now his shirt was a deep, inky black.
The frown he received in response was worrying and, before the old man could even answer, Aomine held the bouquet of flowers at arm’s length to get a good look at them. He could only see gray.
Through the speaker on his phone, the faint sound of sirens and the crackling of a car fire echoed.
Imayoshi: He knew your time had been coming close to an end when his vision began to flicker, notes of color sometimes seeming too dull or too gray to be what they should. It had been happening more often lately, his vision going blurry for a split second before the world suddenly seemed monochrome. Each time made him panic, each time making him rub at the corners of his eyes until the color came back.
Of course, each time this happened, Imayoshi was sitting by your side in the hospital. He’d began to notice that the loss of color always coincided with your  loss in strength, so he always made sure to be holding your hand.
“Dear, could you get me some tea?”
There was a frown on his face at your question. He knew exactly what you were  talking about; that bright green can from the vending machine just down the hallway. It was your favorite and it would be cruel of him to deny you that, but the thought of leaving you for even a moment was becoming too painful for him.
Noticing his hesitance, you placed a rather shaky hand against his cheek. “I’ll still be here when you come back. It’ll only be a moment.”
The words themselves weren’t reassuring, but the fact that you had the strength to reach his face was. With a bit of a grim smile, Imayoshi nodded before letting your fingers slip out of his own. If he had a choice, he’d be there and back in less than a flash.
The hallway seemed longer than normal, but Imayoshi knew it was all just his imagination; the mind could play cruel tricks on people who worried. At the vending machine, he fished around in his pockets for change before finding the exact amount. The familiar whir and clunk of the machine was almost a comfort to him as he watched the single green can of tea fall to the opening below.
“Make way!”
Staff bustled behind him and, on any other day, his heart would have skipped a beat. But there was a gut feeling that they wouldn’t be running toward where his mind wanted him to believe. After all, he could always reassure himself as he picked up the can of tea.
It was gray.
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