#I reference Hawkfrost's dialogue a lot because it's actually super well written
bonefall · 2 years
How do the followers or adversaries of Thistle Law talk about it in-universe? Like... Do they have terms for themselves such as idk. Thistlers? jk but would thistlers for example deny non-thistlers the term "warrior" or "leader" bc "a True warrior values battle and the right if challenge" or some shit like that?
In-universe, it's quite varied. Thistle Law is not a position that you just announce you hold, so there's a lot of code and double-speak.
Watch for cats who start focusing on Strength, Weakness, Purity, and Mixing, especially in WindClan and ThunderClan where there's a deeper stigma about openly supporting Thistle Law.
But when they ARE being open about their position, they refer to themselves as thistles, or use Thistle Law as a proper noun.
"I am a thistle, not a pansy"
"We follow Thistle Law"
"A thistle doesn't just let itself get shredded to death! It claws back!"
(I think it makes for better dialogue than having them say Thistleist or Thistler. I have a minor nitpick about ASC where they finally gave the clans a real slur and they went with "Clan Swapper." Has no bite to it, but I'm glad they're finally making xenophobes the actual antagonists)
When they refer to cats in the outgroup, you got it. They tend to deny them as 'true' warriors, if they're being especially aggressive they'll stop calling a leader by -star.
Thinking about it, they probably refer to othered cats as weeds and delicate flowers, like pansies or lilies. Things that a thistle chokes out.
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