#I recorded a cover of Molgera a few years ago but it’s too low quality for me to want to share it but maybe I’ll try to do it again someday
the-iron-shoulder · 5 months
It says the way to your heart is through a good boss theme so if a guy started playing Molgera's theme -
Molgera is SUCH a bop! My symphonic sandworm~
so fun story, I had the idea a few years ago of a tiny baby version of Molgera: Smolgera. (Can’t you imagine it? It’s so cute, right?) I tried searching everywhere for it, but the Internet disappointed me. Nothing to be found. In fact, there wasn’t a hell of a lot of Molgera fan art at all! What the hell, right?
I then reflected on this and realized that Molgera is a late game boss with a cool but not necessarily unique design who isn’t exactly plot-critical (you could replace it with any arbitrary boss and the story would be the same) and who doesn’t have any dialogue. It’s only actually going to be famous to VGM-heads like us!
I mean I’m just saying, you go to MAGFest and mention Molgera and I bet you’ll get a bigger response than at your other average con, even with a similar proportion of Zelda fans in attendance. (Source: trust me bro, I know the vibes)
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aaaaanyway I’m not a visual artist, so I instead went on Fiverr and commissioned an artist to draw Smolgera for me, as seen above. Definitely one of my best art purchases 😁
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