#I really wish they'd kept the colour in this one but. oh well it's still unbelievably pretty
mogoce-nocoj · 1 year
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📸: Rok Mlinar
20 notes · View notes
ibeta · 3 months
Plot Bunny Bear Scenario:
Four Terribears (the dunce klerb)
A summarised scenario of what the plot bunnies bears made me write, plus an actual... kinda-chapter excerpt of what I wrote for the kustard that grew out of it.
(Summarised Thing + One-Shot Chapter kinda)
It's a new world for Sans. Again. So he kept going, clinging to the memories of the past and continuing his work as The Judge. He made The World work with him.
He studied body language, facial expressions, silent languages, monster and human expressions, dancing, singing—well, so long as it was something that could express emotions. It was a new world. It might've had a different nuance.
Later on, he met Papyrus again and met the strange, offshoot copies of him in the Bad Lab. He sends them to... respective offshoot copies of himself, but not before asking them to name their brother after the colour of their shirt.
Just in case.
Some years later, Sans and the other three skeletons meet in a club room overseen by Sans, who'd been goaded by his brother to make a club. In MUCK - Monster University and College in Kinsland.
Yeah. Sans thought no one would be stupid enough to join the "dunce klerb" going by its name.
The exception, of course, seemed to be the other skeletons that kind of resembled him. Red, Black, and Blue. They all came in colours. (Sans wished he told Papyrus to rename him just so he matched them.)
Everything went well (not really), and they'd become fast friends (after a few things happened). They learned skills from each other, and Sans found Red to be an eager learner. Black and Blue were no different, excited to share what they knew and make friends.
(Absolutely adorable.)
And then the Fluffy Bunny Books discontinued.
Four Sanses worry hard for the sleepless nights and crying little bones at home. They piled up money to try buying off the rights to Fluffy Bunny and instead are met with disdain.
Sans takes on a new type of retribution. "if they can't sell it, then let's make our own."
Then, he made plans to destroy the Fluffy Bunny franchise with their new Four Bearries (honestly, it was more like Four Terribears).
They had costumes ready for wear, and they even had appropriate names: Redbearry, Blackbearry, Bluebearry, Wh—oh, right. Snowbearry, snow problem.
To be fair, he really didn't think they'd be a solid hit to all ages. They really shouldn't have allowed Sans and Red to sneak in jokes and make so many puns.
(Black and Blue couldn't really argue with the results when their Four Bearries videos became famous enough that it made Fluffy Bunny look boring.)
Their brothers loved them more than Fluffy Bunny. It's the best feeling in the world.
All was well. It became a nice day job for them, since being together deepened their friendship and Sans could nap on the job and make someone his pillow because it was his bear's trait to be... well, like him. He really hadn’t strayed far from their personality, so they didn't have to act too much.
Then, somehow, they founded Fontation, gained some big pocket money, pursued other careers based on a dare, and—well. They've had many adventures as dunce klerb members. Four of them got to enough trouble. A lot of trouble.
(Like that one time, they accidentally took down a criminal empire because it was Blue's turn to pick out an adventure. The escape plan involved different clothes, concerned friendliness from Sans, innocent tears from Blue, Red looking like a victim, and Edge looking like he beat up people for breakfast.
Sorry, Edge.)
They still met up for new stories for the Four Bearries, all in secret, making some brothers very happy. They're still under a dare to keep clear of each other, making sure no one knows that they're best friends. They keep it up...
And then some famous dancers from the net make a good dance video... to challenge four childhood mascots to a... dance-off. Really, it happened. Apparently, they all were big fans and thought it would be a good joke to make.
Too bad. Four Bearries have accepted the challenge. They thought it was funny, too.
Good thing Sans knew how to make things very, very dramatic with the help of his friends. So, of course, they absolutely won the dance battle and shocked their fans by knowing how to dance even better than the famous dancers that challenged them.
Then, the monster government released a public project regarding a renewable energy generator and—
Well. Some people really liked throwing big projects to a comedian that allowed his fans to choose what programs he'd join, what interviews to do, what projects to complete and—ah, well. He and his friends... actually went through science majors instead of... uh. Comedy, entertainment, cooking, and business.
(The ridiculous dares had done all that. The four skeletons loved to keep it going. Honestly, Sans knew they shared the same, trolling, not-hearts.)
So, in their (his and his friends') eagerness to troll the world, Sans has to write his name on the project papers he and his friends have finished.
Sans + Friends. They didn't even NAME them.
Stars. Black's going to sue someone, and Red might help him. Blue... well, good luck to anyone who could look at him and not feel like they've done him wrong. Sans... well, he'd try to keep them away from trouble.
They still kept the secret going on for almost thirteen years. It would count as a huge surprise when it gets revealed. Especially when they've become famous in their fields.
The scenario below is AFTER the... friendship reveal to the world. Which their brothers hadn't even known, and they just long-sufferingly bemoan their troll crayon brothers.
Fans and brothers might not know they're the Four Bearries. Only their strange friendship was brought up, and they keep talking about a day job.
Warning: Suggestive themes and dark-type monster Sans and light-type monster Red. They're still made of love. Sans can just use not-light AND light magic. Think of it as a dim lights type of monster that scares or comforts you.
Four Terribears – Courtship Lights Scenario
Red gestured his skull towards Sans’ room. “come on, i need to show you something.”
Raising a browridge, Sans followed him inside. Red switched on the light, and on the bed was a cube-shaped glass lamp with a wavy textured surface. A wire trailed off the edge of the bed.
‘plugged into the wall,’ he guessed.
Red sat on the bed, placing a hand on the lamp. “this is yours,” he announced.
“what is it?”
“a gift.”
“for me?” Sans pointed at his chest, his grin faltering a little. He tried to remember if he’d done anything recently to deserve it, but nothing came to mind.
There were simple tours and interviews, and all four of them usually arrived in a group or paired up whenever the others were busy. Maybe Red grabbed it for the last interview that wanted Sans to answer more about his wooing preferences.
“i guess you really wanted to light up my day, huh?”
Red rolled his eyelights and patted the glass. Right, Red preferred knock-knock jokes. Still, Sans knew he secretly found it funny. “it’s a lamp. it lights up the room.”
Sans eyed it and gave Red a flat look. Red grinned at him. Right. He’d almost forgotten which skeleton he was dealing with. Sans gave up guessing. He came closer, leaning over to peek at the cube.
“it looks strange for a lamp.” The design of the raised glass looked like vertical ripples or wavy stripes that tapered into sharp points.
“that’s ‘cause it’s a super cool lamp.” Red gestured to the cube, showcasing it.
“alright, you have my attention.” Sans pressed down a laugh and glanced at Red. The smug smile plastered on his face intrigued him. “what does the super cool lamp do?���
“lights off, and you get to see it in action.”
Sans raised a browridge, but Red started placing the lamp on the center of the bed. So, Sans flicked the light switch off and locked the door, ready to witness whatever joke Red had for him.
Darkness descended upon them. His monster vision adjusted, and a red soul became visible to him, glowing vividly and brightly. Pulsing gently, tempting him to reach out for a check.
Sans couldn’t help but swallow, looking away. Red didn’t know what Sans was capable of—it would be rude to stare when Red couldn’t even see his soul.
“good, now, uh… wait.” He heard Red shifting in the bed, clearing his nonexistent throat. “fuck, i did this all wrong, but… can you find me?”
Sans snorted and followed Red’s soul in the dark. He reached for Red’s shoulder. He felt a small flinch under his fingers and ignored it.
“found you.” He aimed a smile at Red, though he wouldn’t be able to see it. “what do you want me to do?”
“you gotta turn it on, you bonehead. here—” Sans felt Red’s hand find his left hand, dragging him closer.
Sans startled at the touch of smooth bones. Red wasn’t wearing gloves. He hunched his shoulders, magic suppressed in his soul. Soon, he felt something under his digits. Tracing it, he guessed it was a round button.
“you have to press down to make magic happen.”
“what magic?” he asked, but Red didn’t answer. Sans pressed the button.
Red’s shoulder stiffened under his grip as he gasped. A new world unfolded before his eyes, taking Red’s soul-light away with it.
Blooming pale blue light spilled into the darkness, and the colours rippled across the walls, just like the sky he’d seen when they visited the north. Soothing, brilliant and bright, a singing light that Sans could feel in his soul. Little yellow flares of light within the blue peeked and hid, like little fish in water.
It was the most beautiful gift of light he’d ever seen.
It was the only gift of light that he’d received.
Sans trembled as his soul raced in his ribcage, magic curling in the back of his skull. It crawled inside his bones, gathering in his sockets, bursting with overwhelming force. He breathed out a huff of light blue magic similar to the lights on the wall, feeling a sharp tension in his eyelights. Sans swallowed back his magic and lifted his arm, observing the pretty ripples of light shifting on his jacket sleeve.
Red had given him an aurora. A gorgeous, magnificent aurora. He'd made Sans’ room into a sky. He set light and darkness inside his room – he gave him light. He gave Sans light. Him, Sans, a monster that lived in the dark for a time, a monster that craved light deep in his soul.
A monster that would cave for a light as beautiful as this.
As Sans basked under the light, he sensed Red’s belief and protection. He could feel the intention from the gift and Red… he didn’t know what he’d done.
As always.
Sans wanted to laugh hysterically. Red had lit up the darkness for him. He didn’t even know what it meant for Sans to see it happen. Red didn’t understand that giving light to Sans meant –
“do you like it?” The uncertainty in Red’s voice snapped Sans out of his daze.
He turned around. Red’s eyelights met his, and his eye sockets widened.
Sans felt a tremor pulse through his soul. A growing pressure ached inside him. “red…” His voice sounded hoarse. Red blinked at him, mouth parted as if he wanted to say something. Sans couldn’t read his expression well, not when he felt… he felt. “r-red…”
“h-hey, your eyes are…”
Sans’ soul thrummed with his magic, pulsing with warmth. He placed his free hand on his sternum to press down the flow of power, but it felt like he was stopping a dam with a toothpick. The emotions Red had wrought by accident—it scattered inside him.
Sans couldn’t handle it anymore. The magic oveflowed.
He stumbled forward, and Red reached out for him. Sans wrapped his arms around Red’s neck, soul pounding hard and swift in his ribcage, gathering magic without a care.
“so, you like it?” Red asked, holding him steady. They were pressed together, so Red would sense his turmoil. Sans wouldn’t be able to hide his rushing magic. “you’re… uh, looking kinda out of it.”
“red, red, red,” Sans breathed at the side of the other skeleton’s skull. “stars, red, this is…” Sans shuddered as his magic roared inside him.
Red didn’t understand. He didn’t know. Sans had told him nothing of his true past, not yet. So, why was Sans’ soul craving more of that light? Red didn’t even know. He didn’t know that Sans wasn’t from this world. He didn’t know Edge existed until Sans stole the four skeletons from the Bad Lab and played baby delivery with The World, and Red didn’t know it wasn’t a stranger that gave him Edge, it was Sans.
Not even Blue or Black had any hint, but it was as if Red knew always what to do to take the ground off Sans’ feet.
Red cleared his nonexistent throat. “so, isn’t it super cool?”
“yeah,” Sans murmured. Underneath his fingers, he could feel Red shaking against him. Small tremors. At the corner of his eye socket, he saw the shadows on the floor move unnaturally.
Red’s grip around him tightened. “really?” Red uttered hoarsely.
Sans buried his face into the neck of Red’s sweater. “i love it.” He adored it. He wanted the lights to be inside him. He wanted to keep it close to him at all times.
“are you sure?”
Sans nodded and shifted as close as he could.
“wait, come up here.” Red groaned a little and hauled him up onto the bed. At their combined weight, Red fell over with a grunt, bringing Sans down with him.
Sans clung onto him, unwilling to let go. “red, you don’t know what you’ve done,” he whispered.
Red’s body shifted under him until Sans’ legs were straddling his femurs. “what do you mean?”
Sans lifted his head and met Red’s eyelights. Red sharply gasped, and his face morphed into shock. Sans suspected that his eyelights weren’t the regular little white orbs in his sockets anymore.
“you don’t know what you’ve done,” Sans repeated like a broken record, fingers dig into the cloth of Red’s jacket. His magic continued fluttering inside him, trying to escape his ribcage as he forced it down. “red, you – you don’t know.”
Red stared at him. “what did i do?” he rasped. Red’s hands went to the back of Sans’ spine. “an’ why do your eyes look like that?”
Sans shifted over him until his forearms went at each side Red’s skull, propping him up. His eyelights took in the sight of Red beneath him, at the sweat of excess magic dripping from his skull, at the red eyelights focused on Sans like he was dangerous.
The fluff of Red’s good surrounded his head, making it look as though Red had a bed of fur beneath him. Soft and vulnerable, even if Sans knew he could hold himself in a fight.
His eye sockets lowered halfway, and a trail of darkness emerged from the headboard, curling around the hood of Red’s jacket.
Red had read him right. At this point, Sans stood for the danger that Red needed to avoid at all cost.
“red,” he rolled the name from his core, and his magic took form on the floor, taking the shadows with it. He felt his eyelights shift with power. “you’ve done something insane again.”
Sans could feel Red’s ribcage go up and down with every breath of magic. Its pace quickened even more as Sans stayed quiet, watching as Red’s eyelights flared wide.
“hey…” Red’s voice shook, and sweat rolled down the side of his skull. The shadows lapped it up without letting Red know of its existence. “your eyes… are they supposed to change so quickly like that?”
Sans dropped his skull on Red’s neck and couldn’t help from shuddering. “red,” he moaned. His formless dark magic spread out from the bed. He could sense the darkness swallowing the walls, the dresser, his closet, and everything else in the room.
Red abruptly stiffened under him. “oh, fuck,” he heard Red whisper. “sans, you sound—” Red breathed harshly against his skull and his grip tightened around him. “oh, fuck… oh, stars, please, tell me you’re –”
Sans pulled away. “i…” Red’s eyelights were wide, pupils dilated, watching him. Sans curled his fingers into the fluff of his jacket. That look on his face... “red, you—”
The magic in his ribcage had long since lost control and kept gathering in his eye sockets. “you… you’re trapped now.” Sans’ grin tilted to a side.
“what?” The shadows swiftly swallowed the lamp and its light, shrouding the room in complete darkness. Red gasped, hands gripping his jacket tightly. “sans!”
“i’m here.”
“i can’t see you,” Red growled. “it’s dark. how’s it so dark?”
“because i ate the light in the room.”
“joke’s getting old, bud.” Red’s arms pulled him close, but they couldn’t get closer anymore. “what happened?”
Sans’ vision adjusted. A red monster soul glowed brightly within the dark, right underneath him. It pulsed with such a strong intent that Sans had to take in a breath of its magic.
He decided not to answer Red’s question. At least, not yet. “i should tell you what you did.” He leaned down. “but… i… don’t want to.”
His hands cupped Red’s face. He traced his thumbs on sharp teeth and felt Red part his mouth open. The body beneath him shuddered lightly.
Sans’ sockets shut audibly. He could feel it now, Red’s intent. Fragile and delicate, as if one wrong move and Red felt he would ruin everything.
Fear of making a mistake.
Sans opened his sockets as Red shifted his skull. He moved his thumbs away from sharp teeth and placed them on Red’s cheekbones.
“…tell me all of it,” Red whispered. Sans felt hands slide up his spine delicately, stopping at the back of his head. The desire to pry him open echoed from the red soul. “i… i mean, you can tell me anything, sweetheart.”
The red soul pulsed softly, reassuringly. Trust. Red wanted his trust so badly. Wanted to know him and wanted to see him. Sans nearly sobbed at the desperation he could feel from it.
“i...” Sans placed his forehead against Red and heard his friend’s breath hitch. Restraint echoed in the soul, Sans could sense Red suppressing complex emotions. “red…” He wanted to see all of him, and he wanted to feel what made Red so different.
The emotions shifted, dipping into a low pulse from Red’s soul. Masking, hiding things, but…
“yeah, that’s me…” Red’s skull moved a little closer. Sans could feel the magic on his face thicken. “you’ve been saying my name for a while,” his friend whispered, “and the way you say it, sans… stars, it’s giving me ideas.”
The intent changed, sending a bolt of simmering lust and affection down Sans’ spine. Sans moaned softly, and Red followed it with a low rumble. Red’s soul seemed starved, hungry.
“yes, just like that, sweetheart,” Red breathed harshly, fingers digging into him. Sans gritted his teeth, shuddering. “shit, i didn’t know you could make those sounds. fuck.” Red growled, and Sans felt the vibrations on his ribs, causing his breath to hitch.
Red swore again. Sans felt his hands move lower to his hips, caressing. “r-red—”
“and, uh… sans, the sounds you’re making… if ya aren’t…” Sans felt fingers dip delicately beneath his shirt, touching his hip bone. The lust from Red’s magic boiled, intoxicating Sans with its strength and weakening him at the same time. “i… i mean… if you’re goin’ for something… it’s, uh, effective. or a-affective. if ya catch my drift.”
Sans couldn’t decide if he was embarrassed enough to shortcut inside a grave or to shortcut into a trench deep in the ocean. Either choice would have been done if Red wasn’t holding him.
“i, uh. s-sorry about that.”
“o’ course,” Red rumbled. His hands withdrew and moved back around his back, encircling him. Sans let out a shuddering sigh, which Red reciprocated. “no problem.”
Sans hadn’t expected to lose his mind at the sight of a courting gift. He’d forgotten Red was the type to quickly adapt to his surroundings, matching threat for threat, joke for joke, and Sans supposed, inadvertent seduction for... well. Sans whispering his name so intimately in the dark might have sent signals. The kind of signals he wasn’t sure Red could handle.
The kind of signals that Sans hoped Red would understand, that Sans considered him… important. So, so important.
“you said it’s dark ‘cause of you? why?”
Sans flinched. Red couldn’t see him. It wasn’t fair to him. “i have a lot of secrets,” Sans forced out, hands trembling. “like… uh, i can see things in the dark. special things that no one should see.”
Red chuckled. “what, you got night vision?”
“oh, definitely,” Sans breathed out. Night vision was an understatement and overstatement. “you are a vision, red. your soul is just the sight i see.”
The red soul fluttered, its rhythm irregular. Sans watched as Red’s magic flared within the red soul.
“you’re serious.” The thrum of his friend’s soul sped up. “y-you can see my soul?”
“yes, and it’s so beautiful, red.” So steady, so bright, and so lovely. Sans placed a palm on top of Red’s shirt, where the red soul stayed within his friend’s ribcage. Red’s shock and curiosity and disbelief echoed from it. “you know, a soul’s emotions are clearer in the dark. i can see the way it moves. you’re so open to me… it’s not fair to you if you can’t see mine.”
Surprise. Trust. Sans wanted to dip his head down for a better look, and for a better feel.
“…oh.” Uncertainty echoed, followed by something that seemed steady and unhindered. “well… i may not have your, uh, soul vision, but i have my ways to read you, ya know?” The soul seemed to whisper secrecy but maintained its glow of curiosity.
Always so curious. Always so… always so…
Sans tapped his trembling fingers on Red’s sternum, above the red soul. “you shouldn’t have gotten me those kinds of lights, red.”
“w-what…” Red’s soul pulsed quickly. “why not?”
Lights that shifted colours, in a past world… it meant… it meant—
“lights like that… f-for a monster like m-me…” his voice broke. Red’s soul light may have grounded him, but his mind was still affected. Desire, interest... Sans wanted, but he couldn’t have it. His soul, stuck in place, couldn’t allow it.
Sans dropped his head on top of Red’s sternum, tears escaping his sockets. Why? Why couldn’t he just move on? He had no way to go back, so why…?
Why couldn’t he allow himself to take a step forward and pursue things he wanted?
A muffled sob escaped him.
“shit, are you crying?” Red’s hands went to rub his back. “hey, its okay. it’s okay, sweetheart.”
That affectionate nickname – Sans heard it enough times to feel warmth whenever Red said it. But he couldn’t like it. He had unresolved issues that choked his whole being, shackling him from truly approaching the people he’d befriended. How stupid was it to cling to his past when he had a newer, better life? Even Papyrus, who recalled his past life, had moved on from the darkness that had been the Underground.
Papyrus knew about the one he had lost. Papyrus also lost his brother. He knew how Sans felt, and Sans knew how he felt. They were brothers who shared the same pain, and yet only Papyrus seemed to be moving forward, while Sans clung to the memories of the past that was filled with joy.
And, here, in this new world, Sans finally felt happy. He has Papyrus, his best friends, his friends from the Underground… But he couldn’t truly enjoy everything without guilt. Even if he had his friends, his family, and his fans… Even if his soul craved Red’s presence in his new life, seeking the other skeleton so eagerly in the dark, Sans couldn’t accept it.
Red, Red, Red… a monster he loved.
“lights like that…” Sans lifted his head, meeting the glow of Red’s eyes. “it’s an intimate gift, t-the kind you’d give to someone you… want to pursue.” Red’s soul raced. Emotions overlapped with each other so swiftly that Sans had a hard time reading it. “i, uh, can’t have that, red.”
His friend growled. “why can’t you have it? who told ya to not have it?”
“…i’m unresolved, remember?” Sans reminded him. He had admitted as much in a previous interview. “i… i have an unattainable goal. i…” Sans swallowed. He needed to tell Red. He wanted to tell Red. “i, uh, have a brother.”
“…it’s not papyrus.” Red’s statement shot through Sans’ fumbling words. The red soul gathered magic and stopped pulsing intent. Its concentration sharpened, instinctual and analytical.
Sans grinned weakly. Yep, those were red eyelights glowing in the dark, staring at him like he was prey. “heh, i knew you’d get it.”
“tell me.” The demand sounded too soft to be serious.
Sans thought about it and decided to give it up. Red’s soul wanted to know so deeply that it was… persuasive. Only Red could draw him out like this. “i'm not from this world,” Sans confessed. Red stilled.  “i came here while looking for a path back to my brother. he’s in a different universe.”
Red’s soul flashed, a realisation that seeped into Sans. “fuck,” Red choked out. “that’s why you said you’re looking for a universe traveler in the last interview. that’s why you’ve majored on astrophysics and magic.”
“yep…” Sans’ laughter wobbled. His friend leaned up and rubbed their cheekbones together, soul echoing comfort. Sans melted into the gesture. “i… i thought i've given up by now,’ he admitted, “but… i guess nothing beats home, huh? he always comes up in my mind whenever they ask about love or family.”
Eyelights blinked at him. “that’s why you said you’re unresolved. you’re lookin’ for him.” His friend’s voice dropped lower, “do you… do you want to go back? to… to go home? where… uh… where your brother is? are ya planning to… leave?”
Fear and anxiety curled out of Red’s soul, the reluctance pressed tightly. The change from confidence to insecurity brought back the guilt in Sans.
He reflexively poured his magic to Red, sending out his comfort.
A sudden, sharp groan escaped Red as Sans’ vision swirled. He found himself pinned beneath Red, whose soul hovered above him. The red soul thrummed a rhythm so quick Sans could barely see it pulse.
“what the fuck was that?” Red panted on his forehead. Sans gulped at the sounds he was making. Oh, hell. “that thing, that warmth – you did it, right? t-that was you?”
“i, uh, was sending you comfort.” The soul expressed disbelief. Sans wanted to find a nice pit to bury himself and hide.
Red dropped his whole weight on Sans. “that was comfort…? are ya sure? ‘cause it felt INTENSE.” His friend shuddered. “it felt… really…” Sans heard him gulp. “uh, hot. like hot magic in and out, and all over.”
Sans flushed. Right, he’d sent too much for a light-based monster. And his comfort… might have other emotions laced in it. Which he hadn’t intended to send. “s-sorry. i, uh, didn’t really calibrate it for, um, your monster type.”
“monster type…? hell, i have so many questions.” Red’s voice sounded tight. “but… sans… can ya tell me something?”
Sans searched the eyelights aimed at him. “if i can.”
“what’s your old place look like? who were your friends, what’d they look like? your life with your missing brother… was it… okay?”
Red wanted to get to know him. Sans stared at the soul that rhythmically sent him pulses of desire and curiosity. A person he wanted desired to know him… Red wanted to learn about him.
Sans was too far gone, wasn’t he? He couldn’t stop himself from getting close to Red, who always knew how to move him, to sway his emotions. Sometimes, Sans suspected that he did it on purpose, but other times, Red didn’t even know what kind of monster courtship he was doing unintentionally.
The surprise gifts, the unintended moments, the sharp reactions… Sans gave up on keeping some of his secrets.
Red might as well know everything, even if Sans couldn’t have him. He kept Sans safe for so long that it wore him out. Whatever restraint he had left to protect his fragile self… it was gone.
As his shoulders loosened, Sans murmured his answers to Red. The other skeleton asked him strange questions, some of them specific, some of them unimportant. But at each answer, Red would ask him to just tell him what he remembered clearly.
Sans remembered clearly enough. “there were prophecies in two of my old worlds,” he whispered to Red. “some beings... they could control a vessel to save or destroy the world. that's how desperate the world was to save itself.”
“let’s skip those assholes,” his friend griped. “i hate them already.”
Sans chuckled weakly. “yeah, some of them sucked.” At least, the ones he remembered were downright evil. Bad to the bone, with no space in their ribcage for a heart or soul.
He didn’t understand why the many memories came to him after arriving in this world. It would have been better if the Underground had given him more memories of the Surface, but… hah. He’d never stayed long enough to explore anything when it all went back to the beginning.
Sans skipped the prophecies and told Red about his original universe. The green grass… it’s been a while since he’d told anyone about it. It was a silly joke, but…
“i miss seeing him play on the grass,” Sans murmured sleepily. His arms had wrapped around Red a while ago, still ensconced in Red’s embrace. “he’d like you so much, red. you’re…” Sans felt Red’s hands rub at the back of his ribs and sighed. “you’re the one that makes me feel safe the most. maybe that’s what black and blue saw in me when i’m with you.”
“me…?” Red whispered. The red soul pulsed joy. Sans smiled at the soul-light that bloomed in the darkness. “oh, w-well… uh, you make the best pillow. so, come here.”
Red dropped down beside him, dragging him close.
Sans shifted into his arms, tucking his skull close. “i’m here, red.” He tried to soothe the anxiety out of his friend’s soul. “i won’t suddenly disappear, okay?” Red’s hold loosened. “i’ll drag you with me if i find the chance to visit.”
Red released a shaky, heavy sigh and hugged him tight. “you’ve really planned it out, huh?” his words sounded lighter.
Sans didn’t have to look at his soul to know he’d shot down a big worry for Red. “i won’t leave you behind.” Sans would do everything in his power to stay beside him. He didn’t need to be together with Red. Friendship… Sans loved his family and friends the most.
Red stayed quiet. For a long moment, Sans assumed he’d fallen asleep.
“…just me?”
“huh?” Sans lifted his tucked skull.
“you, uh, mentioned just me.”
Sans’ skull flushed with magic. He closed his sockets so fast it made an audible click. “well. you, uh. got me to talk about it,” he lied blatantly. “so, you, uh, get special privileges.”
“special privileges.” Red’s ribcage shook as he chuckled, a rough and low sound.
“yep.” Sans’ mind raced, stringing words together. “secret-uncoverer privileges.”
Red cleared his nonexistent throat. Sans’ excess magic dripped off his skull. “what kinda privileges do i have?”
Sans tucked his skull back to Red. “pillow,” he made up. “right now, i’ll be your pillow.”
Red chuckled again. “my pillow?”
“yeah. i'm totally the best pillow, remember?” Sans recalled Red saying it.
His friend didn’t really understand what kind of monster courtship he was doing. Red was a light-based monster from this world, and Sans wasn’t really from this place. Sans hadn’t formed the same body. He’d chosen to get rid of some weaknesses that came from being a dark monster. He didn’t even have the same shape of soul as Red anymore, so...
“alright.” Red nuzzled the side of Sans’ skull, causing him to flush deeply. “i guess you’re mine then.”
Sans’ words died inside his magic. His magic, which crawled into his skull.
Red had no idea what he was doing, flustering Sans to the point where he’d become speechless. Red had no… clue.
… right?
“don’t worry, sweetheart,” Red rumbled deeply, tapping his teeth on Sans’ cheekbone, “i take care of what’s mine.”
Sans stared blankly in space, trying to piece together his friend’s words and his actions.
Particularly the many years they’ve been friends. Like, the first time they met and Red had stared at him, and the expression on his face back then—
Immediately, Sans flushed with magic down to his toes.
Red had been wooing him.
Twelve years, Sans. Twelve. Years. You've been pining for the monster who loves you so much that you think it's normal that he's acting that way. Red's just super loving him anyway.
Sans is called a safety pillow, and Red is called a security blanket because of one scenario where Sans relaxed when he was placed onto Red's lap by Papyrus. Red had to cover them both with the blanket that Sans had around himself because it was all bones underneath it. Red at that time died because he'd seen Sans' bones. Fortunately, the cameras hadn't caught it.
They caught Red's quick actions and his clearly flushed and flustered expression. Newsworthy enough for the "bad boy" from the entertainment industry. Their fans love it.
And then a dog barged into the house while someone had opened the door, and Sans, sleepily wondering why Red's at his house, growled at the dog when it wanted to jump onto the couch.
Said pooch scampered away in fear, and the interviewer that came to ask about the house, who was a dog monster, weakened at the knees and dropped to sit on the floor.
Papyrus asked Sans not to say such shocking words on TV.
"what'd he say?" Red might ask later.
Papyrus would probably reply with, "WELL... IT WAS THE DOG VERSION OF... STAY AWAY, THIS IS MY TERRITORY!"
Actually, it was, "do you want to have a bad time? if not, then get away from my territory (red)."
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natequarter · 3 months
thoughts on the production of richard iii i watched on saturday:
elizabeth woodville. in sunglasses. you agree.
their richard was great. the bleach blonde look was a bit jarring, but great! honestly he looked a little bit like the victorian portrait of the princes in the tower
no idea what was going on with the outfits, but it worked. basically about half of it was traditional elizabethany (that's a word now) and the other half was modern. it worked really well on richard and richard, but occasionally it was slightly odd
the actor playing george was great!
i was fine with the choice to have an abled actor play richard. i seriously do not care. after all, they cast a disabled actor to play anne! what did annoy me far more was the choice to strip references to his disability from their script. it's one thing to play around with casting (awesome), but another thing to handle it by shying away from the actual content of the play. shakespeare's plays are complicated and, in this case, profoundly ableist. to me it feels worse to shy away from engaging with the nuance of his legacy than to simply cast abled actor (especially since this is hardly the first time it's happened!)
there was a skit where a pigeon kept on flying onto the stage and richard kept pointing at it, which is exactly what he should do because i firmly believe shakespeare's richard is, at heart, a massive troll
the play was, well, played less as a tragic history and more as a wacky comedy, which made it fun but a little bit jarring, since richard in a fake plastic six pack and a shiny green jacket is not quite as intimidating as a moody man dressed all in black
having watched a macbeth production last year which did something similar with how it was staged, it was strangely reminiscent of the scottish play; there were very strong echoes of the structure of that version of macbeth, especially in how the murder of the princes (contrasted with the murder of macduff's children) and the murder of george (contrasted with the murder of banquo) played out. macbeth also showed up half-naked (HOT) in that play, which i don't think helped! then again they are loosely similar plays even without the similarities in staging, so...
margaret of anjou is real and she can hurt you. i say this because when they brought out henry vi's body it was cartoonishly unrealistic and i laughed when they dumped it down the trapdoor in the middle of the stage
the actor who played elizabeth woodville (marianne oldham) was so hot oh my god your hand in marriage please ma'am. still thinking about her
on the other hand elizabeth of york was doubled with the (clearly preteen) edward v, which was. creepy. arguably it works but i really wish they'd just doubled her with anne instead
they cut out (young) richard being an incredibly creepy child and making his grandmother go "wtf" :(
richmond was, as per usual, incredibly boring, buuut he had a jacket with lots of patches/colourful bits of sewing! on the back of it he had the red rose, the white rose and a golden rose, which was fun!
he was also basically the only man in the play, in the sense that the rest of the actors were either women or nonbinary (the actor playing rivers)
beautiful butch buckingham. no really he was in a waistcoat the whole time. it was great. AND he and richard (the elder) slow danced at one point! fun plotting with your lesbian murder boyfriend
the gender going on was great fun. also they put edward iv in roman armour. that happened.
seriously elizabeth was gorgeous stunning beautiful pretty every word under the sun for the most beautiful woman ever. look at her. send tweet
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spacerhapsody · 3 years
qaf for that fandom ask thing? 💜
an outlet for my recent qaf feelings, thank you!! 💜
Favorite Male Character: Look, I was 17 when I saw Brian Kinney for the first time, and we all know you never stand a chance after that. (Also, let's face it, I do have a type and it's emotionally closed off assholes with some kind of sad backstory/issues who also care too much for their own good but try everything to hide that.) The older I get, the more I also appreciate him being honest and, most of all, unapologetically queer, though.
Favorite Female Character: It honestly depends on the season if I like Melanie or Lindsay more, but wow, do I wish we could have kept Leda around (and maybe without the whole threesome-turning-weird story). Also: Shout-out to my girls Daphne and Cynthia, I'm happy every time they get a small appearance! I also think I could have really loved Loretta if they'd done more with her and kept her around longer, but oh well.
Least Favorite Character: It's funny because s4 always makes me think that maybe he isn't so bad, but then s5 starts and I just can't stand Michael and the way he suddenly feels so superior to everyone else and his former life. And while everyone is acting like a total asshole during the custody storyline, he's pissing me off the most. J.R. was never supposed to live with him and Ben? Sure, he was supposed to be involved, but it seems to me like a "oh, all my respectable new friends think it's great to have kids, so I'll just try to get my hands on one that's alredy there" thing, and ugh. At least the show calls him out for that one, as opposed to the rest of the questionable stuff he's done over the years.
Favorite Ship: Brian/Justin will always own my heart. I do think it was the best for them to go their separate ways in the finale, but I also do believe they end up together again at some point. Speaking of which: So will Emmett and Drew, who I also love with all my heart, and they deserved so much better than both the show and the fandom just forgetting about them for the most part, that's the hill I'll die on.
Favorite Friendship: Lately it's probably Brian and Emmett. We don't get to see a lot of it (shame), but what we see is just... so good? Someone once called them the King and Queen of their world, and that's kind of it, I think? They are completely different in the way they present themselves, but ultimately, what motivates them is not that different at all, and they kind of get each other on a deeper level without even having to try.
Favorite Quote: "You wouldn't understand." "Why not?" "Because you're straight."
Worst Character Death (if any): I mean, George was cruel, but Vic. Oh my god, Vic. He was such a great (and under-used) character, and I can see how his death plays an important part in so many other story-arcs and is the most logical, but Vic, okay? And he just moved in with Rodney, that's just as cruel.
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment: The end of s3 when Stockwell loses the election and everything turns from grey to colours again probably doesn't even cound because everyone knows how happy and emotional that whole thing makes me, but it's just so good and still so relevant!! Honorable mentions: Lindsay discovering the letters of her grandma in the attic and finding out she was also a lesbian and having that connection to her even though her parents basically disowned her; Brian and Justin walking into Babylon with a fucking axe to break open the backroom again; Drew kissing Emmett live on air!!
Saddest Moment: Literally every moment Brian has this sad look in his eyes, but if I had to pick one, probably in the s1 finale when he just sits there in the hospital with the bloody scarf around his neck (or the time we see him still weaing the scarf months after that, oh my god).
Favorite Location: Babylon when the glitter confetti starts raining down on people dancing. I am a simple person, I just love the aesthetic.
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fidgetnano19 · 5 years
Day 6, Part 3: Dragged Away
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Mergi: Knight type guy
Ogam: Prince
Onai: Princess
Eika: Queen
Kolekja: Little monster
Ceamar, 4 years ago
Brexton leaned against the door, flipping through his worn journal before finding a blank page to scribble on. Inside the room behind him, he could hear giggling, and he kind of wished he could be included, except he knew he was doing an important job by standing watch over the corridor.
Besides, there'll be time to catch up later...
The sound of footsteps distracted him just as his pencil touched the paper. He glanced up, a man he'd never seen before headed directly toward him.
He was tall, almost as tall as Brexton, with a short brown ponytail. He slowed as he approached, eyeing Brexton warily. "What's going on here?" He smiled, but it was clear that he was being cautious.
A mergi? If so, then he worked for Egom Orestes.
Brexton forced himself to return the smile, choosing his answer carefully. "Mar– The Ogam's cousins are visiting. You weren't told?"
"No, I wasn't... Is there any reason why the door should be guarded just for that?"
"Never said I was guarding it", Brexton hummed non-commitally, pretending he was busy with the notebook. "Just stepped out for a breather, is all."
"Well, then you won't mind if I–"
Brexton shifted, blocking the door with his body. "Actually, I do. My, uh... My bond is in there. My brother's bond, too. So you see, I'd feel better not letting some stranger just barge in."
It was only partly lying. Einnet really was Torin's bond, and Finny would have been his, had everything gone as planned. The part about not letting a stranger around them was completely true, even if it wasn't his real reason for refusing.
"And I would feel better if I made sure, since you're also a stranger, and it very much looks like you're guarding this door."
He wrapped his hand around the knob, but Brexton was too fast for him, reaching down and clamping his hand over the man's knuckles.
He winced, yanking his hand back in surprise, and shaking it to ease the chill in his flesh. "Okay, so you're definitely an egomija."
He'd be tempted to grin at the man's mistake, if he weren't so commited to keeping him away from the room.
"That was just a sample, mergi. Touch this door again, and I'll–"
"Brexton?" Haru's greeting interrupted him, and both men turned their attention to the Ogam, who had managed to sneak up on them while they were arguing. "I wasn't expecting you to be here."
"Noe couldn't make it." Brexton explained, shrugging as he tucked his journal away, making a mental note to return to it later. "I don't mind it, though. Good to see you again, Haru."
"You, too. It's been... Kea, it's been quite a while, hasn't it. You're almost as tall as Noe, now." He chuckled, reaching past the mergi to shake hands. "It's probably for the best that Noe isn't here. Wouldn't want our newest mergi reduced to a pile of ash, now would we?" He laughed, and Brexton joined in, revelling in the mergi's obvious discomfort.
"Can't have that. Besides, it's been a while since I've seen Marek, too."
"Ah, then give me a minute to chat with Zain, here, and I'll take over the door, give you a chance to visit properly." Before Brexton could answer either way, Haru threw his arm around the mergi's shoulders, dragging him away. "Let me explain a few things to you..."
Brexton let them go, then retrieved his journal, shaking his head. Knowing Haru, the man he'd called Zain was about to get quite the earful about interrupting the Ogam during one of their visits.
The raucous laughter stopped as Brexton opened the door, all eyes on him.
Marek was the first to break the tense silence. "Brex!" He hurried over, lifting his skirt so he wouldn't trip on the hem. "We were just–"
Brexton watched his cheeks colour adorably as he looked down at himself, fidgeting with the gown.
"Is that one of Einnet's?"
"Um, y– yeah. She said she brought it just to..." He worried his bottom lip, flashing his wide lilac eyes upward only to hide them again
As shy as ever...
"Spin around, let's see you."
Marek covered his face, twirling slowly so Brexton could see the back of the gown. Aside from hanging a bit loosely over his shoulders, the gown fit him well, and the dark colour complimented the olive tones in his skin perfectly. If he didn't know any better, he'd be completely fooled into thinking there was a pretty girl standing in front of him.
"It really suits you. You look beautiful, Mare, as always."
He kept his hands over his eyes, and Brexton fought the urge to reach out and tug them away, reminding himself that Marek didn't like to be touched, now.
"We– we were playing dress up, and... Oh, come and have a look at Finn! My kolekja is so cute!" Turning the topic to Finn, he seemed to forget all of his shyness, ushering Brexton further into the room.
When he reached the centre, Einnet placed her hands on his shoulder, standing on her tiptoes to whisper, "Is this alright?"
"Haru took over door duty for me. It's perfectly safe." He hesitated, glancing around at the scattered assortment of dresses, and the remnants of what appeared to be a tea party, then added, "As long as no one minds having a guy in here, that is."
The door to the en suit opened, Finny rushing out in another of Einnet's gown – this one obvious because it was far too frilly and long to be her own.
"I told you!" Marek beamed proudly at the youngest princess, the cousin he'd always been the most fond of. "Doesn't she look like an Eika?"
Brexton nodded, bowing exaggeratedly to the Onai. "Eika Finny, huh? That has a nice ring to it." This caused a fresh round of giggles to erupt, mostly from Finny herself.
He sat on the bed, letting Marek serve him a cup of tea, and easing into the cheerful conversation. It was easy to pretend, just for the afternoon, that they were still a closeknit group of children – that all of the things they'd been through, collectively and individually, over the years were nothing more than a series of bad dreams. The only real difference was that Finny was older, more involved in what was happening around her. And, of course, that Torin wasn't there.
On the far end of the room, Einnet bustled around Finny, applying far too much make-up to her sister's plump cheeks, and he wondered why it was that they got along so well like this when they barely spoke to each other at home.
Marek settled in beside him, sipping his own tea. "They're having fun", he commented, following Brexton's eyes.
"They don't get to relax much." Brexton turned his head, giving Marek his full attention. "How are things with you?"
"Oh, you know..." He waved away the question, blowing the steam off his cup. "Nothing really changes around here. Haru and I spend most of our time in here, hiding from father, and Antoku is... Antoku. Off doing his own thing, which is really just code for avoiding me."
"What about the new mergi?"
Marek's gaze sharpened, before he swivelled his face away. "What about him?"
"He and Haru seemed pretty friendly outside. He was awfully concerned about you, too. I thought maybe you guys were all getting along."
"They were... friendly?" Marek blanched, bunching his skirt in the fingers of his free hand. "Can I ask you a question?"
"Can a man like another man?"
It wasn't exactly the sort of thing he'd been expecting, but he cleared his throat, trying to come up with a decent answer.
"Are you asking my permission?"
Marek scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Obviously not. The new mergi, he– a few months ago, he told me he proposed to a boy once." He bent away from Brexton, gently settling his tea cup on the bedside table. "He and Haru have been spending time together lately, going on hunts and things like that. It may be nothing, but... I'm worried about it."
"Afraid he'll steal you brother away?"
"A bit..." Marek squeaked his confirmation, tucking his chin into his palm.
"I wouldn't worry about it." Brexton tried to shrug it off, without giving too much away. "Noone alive could steal Haru from you."
The tension melt away from Marek's slim shoulders, and Brexton felt some of his own discomfort vanish along with it.
"What about you?"
"Haru's not my type." He smirked, watching Marek flounder for a response. It was so much fun to get him flustered.
"I meant are you interested in anyone, smartass."
"Not as such..." Brexton's smile faded as he found Einnet across the room, meeting her eyes before quickly looking away. "I'm still not over my first love", he confessed quietly.
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