#I really wish costume designers would sell her wigs in the original color
costumingofkira · 6 years
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So let's talk about what it took to make World's End Dancehall. I choose this cosplay because I have by far, the most progress of it saved.  It has been my most complicated and detailed costume I've made to date.  I made it in Late 2014 and won 1st place for it in Dokidokon 2017's Intermediate division.
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For those of you who don't know where this costume comes from, it is from "Hatsune Miku Project Diva F" for the PS3. This is Miku's "Emerald" Module for the song  "World's End Dancehall". You can watch the Video here.
So here's a rough breakdown of what she cost:
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If you add it all up, supplies cost me around $277, what it would be if I bought everything new but I didn't so I roughly spent $250, because I had the twisted red cord already and I used left over white fabric from another project.
** Side note - I bought a brand new machine for this project. It was the first completely new machine I've ever owned.  I bought a  CE1100PRW  Brother Project Runway 100 stitch
So my project costs were closer to $400
I started this project by collecting more reference than I probably needed, by downloading the music video of World's End Dancehall off of Youtube and print screening crap out of it.  I also sourced this image  a lot.
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So I started with her sleeves, because I had an idea of how I wanted to do it but I wasn't sure if it would work so I figured if I could get her sleeves to work then I could do the whole dress.
So I patterned out the sleeves and marked on the fabric where each part of the gradient should go with a pencil.
They ended up looking something like this:
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I sewed these pieces together and prepared my first dye bath. I got a little bucket I didn't care about, filled with the hottest water I could and added some salt for brighter colors.
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This was the combination I used this time. I wanted everything to come out teal but it wasn't the right color the first time I dyed them so I ended up making a second batch and dyeing them again.
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There were lots of test swatches done in the process of finding the right color. They ended up coming out like this:
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I left the bottoms in longer than the middle, I would watch it with a timer and slowly bring it out the water little by little to give it that gradient effect.
(Please always remember to use old towels and wear gloves when dyeing fabric)
With that done I had to wait to do the next step because things needed to dry, but once they were ready I got to work.  
I looked for my now almost impossible to see pencil guides and laid down the dark blue fabric I'd bought and pinned it to the bottom of the sleeve after taking them apart so they could lay flat.  I drew the design I needed to be on the bottom of the sleeve in with a white colored pencil.
* Please use a dressmaker's pencil instead. It washes out until colored pencil, I was lazy. Don't be like me.
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After putting in my guidelines I sewed them all in place and removed the pins, once they were sewn down, I carefully pulled the fabrics apart from one another and cut out the pattern:
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I ended up putting the gold lines down first so I had a place to match the leaves to, I also used white ribbon for the border at first but I hated it so I took it all off and started over.
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I used this stitch for the golden lines:
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Of course I didn't use it in it's original programming. My Machine is computerized so I made it much tighter together so it would look cleaner.  I don't remember exactly what I sat my machine to, but it was much smaller than it's standard version.
But since I down right hated the ribbon, I tore it all off and started again. I later ended up putting a white braid on in it's place.
From there I needed to put the leaves in and I did it one at a time. Basically I used the following stitch. I let it make one full leaf, stopped it and moved it to the next spot to continue the pattern.
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Here's a really terrible video of me trying to show how I did it on my facebook. I didn't have any way to film at the time other than my phone and the apartment's lighting was really awful.
*at this point I was working on the dress *
The sleeves with the new white braid and leaves ended up looking like this:
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What I was doing was running the braid over the unfinished edge of the blue to cover it. It took a few minutes to sew on because I had to slowly wrap it into place.
Here's some close up on the detail:
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So from there, I lined my sleeves in the same blue fabric I'd used at the bottom of them and I put it around the top in the same way I'd added it to the bottom. A golden line was sewn down the middle of the blue at the top and then I added braid to the top and the bottom pieces. At this point the sleeves were done and I was so proud of myself.
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So then came the complicated part.  
I had to replicate all the work I just did on the sleeves, on to the dress.
One sleeve was close to 8 hours of work, consider 5 of them were spent just sewing all the golden leaves into it.
I knew this was going to be a lot of work.  4 months went by with having no chance to work on things, but eventually I got back to it.
So I started by patterning out the dress, which took a few fittings to see how it worked since I didn't own a dress form at the time.
I ended up with something like this, pencil guidelines and all.
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I had to pencil in where my bust hit in the dress so I didn't dye past it and from there I dug out an even bigger tub I didn't care about and went to trying to replicate the same color in a second batch of dye.
I used this:
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to brew this:
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I emphasis, please use towels, and wear gloves when dyeing fabric. I can still remember the dripping trail I made when I drug my dress to the sink.
I dyed my dress much in the same way that I dyed my sleeves, in that I slowly brought the dress out of the water little by little to create that gradient effect. It took a lot longer, because I was stupid  and dyed a dress in almost cold water so I had to leave it overnight.
But eventually I got the dress to the correct color and I took it a part at a seem so it could lay flat.
I laid the blue fabric on top of it, pinned it in place, drew the design in with a white colored pencil. (Again, don't be me, don't do it.)  I had to not only reference the picture I posted at the beginning but I had to turn on the game (Project Diva F) so I could have the model to turn around.  
After sewing one side in place, we got here:
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Rinse and repeat, it's on the next side and soon enough after doing it all over again, we were here:
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I'd started putting all the gold lines in but they took some time because again, I had to reference the model. I would be spending a lot of time with the model in coming days, little did I know it.
So once I got all the lines in I had to start the process of putting the leave in one at a time, all over again. The problem with doing it this time, is I had to check the model to make sure the leaves were flowing in the correct direction, so I couldn't just sew them in. I had to make sure all the tips were pointing the correct way.
So  it was a very
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Many Mountain Dews and sleepless nights later, I finally got all the leaves sewn into the dress. So from here, section by section I had to wrap the white braid into each section and sew it in place.
This also was a slow
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I stood on many chairs to take these pictures, but after a while the braid was in and I put the dress back together to work on the top.
I had to put in the "boob window" as my husband likes to call it and again it needed a test fit, things got pinned for measurements while on me, because remember no dress form, and then penciled in later.  Eventually we got here:
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After putting that part into the top of my dress, I put on the blue parts much in the same way as I did the rest of the dress. With placing things where they needed to be an anchoring them as I went along.
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The golden designs were put into the top of the dress with the same stitch I'd used to make the gold lines for the leaves. After which I covered all the edges with white braid just like I did everything else. I'd killed about 4 , 5 /yd rolls by now.  
After that I placed small grommets at either side of the opening at the top and them four for the closures at the side slant of the dress.
I created a collar for the dress and installed it, complete with blue and gold detail with white braid.  After which I added a zipper up the side of the dress.
It was complete! The dress was done! Four months of work and finally she was complete.
From there I styled my wig - which was a chibi in Ocean Green from Arda Wigs + 2 long pony clips in the same color.  (Apparently they no longer sell it in that color, but it's available in teal)
I ended up taking the side ponytails that came in the way out and pulling them up higher, since Miku's pigtails set higher on her head with this costume.
I did some light styling to the bangs like trimming them and bringing them to tips where they needed it but over all it didn't need much work.
I bought my stockings from a local adult store, and my hair clips were purchased from a vendor we found at Youmacon 2014's artist alley. (I wish I could remember their name)
My shoes are just standard plain high heels.
It wasn't until I realized I'd forgotten at the con, that I made small black wraps for my legs to mimic the straps of Miku's shoes.
And at last Miku was done!
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Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it! If you would like me to breakdown more cosplay for you guys, please tell me in the comments!  
As Usual, thank you all for your support! It really means the world to me!
All Photography of My Completed Miku was done by Artisticaise Cosplay Photography.
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kaliiwashere · 6 years
Hollywood Siren of the Day - Dorothy Dandridge and Her Fashion Style
Can how we dress affect your quality of life? Some experts say it may. Of course dressing inappropriately to the season can lessen your body's body's defence mechanism, but that is only some of the way your wardrobe may potentially affect your wellbeing. Nor will be the physical element of health the only concern. You have the same constitute as almost every other person. Your body responds for the same stimuli. If you neglect certain parts of the items allows you to your identiity, you open yourself around many negative things. Whether put it into practice consciously or not, how we dress tells an account in regards to you. It lets people know how you really feel mentally in addition to physically. If you really feel good about yourself coming from a physical stance, you will have a tendency to wear clothing that showcases confidence along with a have a look at me aura., thereby, assisting to keep the body's defence mechanism healthy. However, should you not be ok with your physical state, regardless of what you put on it is going to show feeling of using clothes to cover up in plain sight of everyone; and that can suppress your immune system.
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Designer clothes are authentic and original garments manufactured by the designers under their label and therefore are bought from exclusive stores and online. The customer will get expert advice from your creator as to what type of apparel is best suited for structure. The best way to discover is always to give them a go on and earn necessary alterations to give that perfect fit. Luxurious clothes are expensive due to immaculate stitching and finished. The client can proudly exhibit their finished garment and be the centre of attention.
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Tradition is a valuable part of your life. You are mostly across the chronilogical age of 40. Your jewelry box includes a few timeless classic pieces just like a strand of pearls or even a vintage brooch. You avoid prints and prefer solids like black, red and white. You wear your timeless classic style and never the other way round. You know every time a drop of pearl earrings or perhaps a diamond bracelet is sufficient to reflect your personality. You prefer expensive products in your jewelry box which will go far and throw them away till they're worn out. You are always positive that you are going to look really good whatever the occasion even though you are going to not be the midst of everyone else, something that you always avoid. That is the reason you prefer playing it safe with one of these timeless classic fashion jewelry pieces. So if you need to put forth a normal persona, it could make sure your clothes satisfy your insides or at least match how you wish to feel. If your outfits cause website visitors to return looks and stares of negativity, you are the one that bares the brunt of the looks plus they really have an effect giving you. The more you are bombarded with that, the more it wears away at the all-around health. Another way to improve your all-around health with your dress is to step it a notch and cause onlookers to offer you the attention you want by wearing clothing and accessories that place you with a higher-level than your peers. Rather than just wear something common in casual or dress, why don't you push the barriers just a little and add some flair to what your don. Instead of just wearing a shirt, give a light scarf or ascot tie tied around your neck. Rather than picking out the normal tucked in shirt with dress coat and slacks, wear a thing that has an extended cuff and let your shirt tail hang out beneath your jacket more than a pair of designer jeans. It's sure to get some good eyeballs on you associated with smiles of admiration. That can only boost your immune system.
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Locating the Right Materials
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We are very mindful that choosing the right materials is quite tough, however, if you work hard you'll be able to surely do so. A large number of shops sell amazing fabrics that can be used for preparing costumes for role play. You need to buy high quality items set up price is too high. Get in touch with a trendy art and craft store that deals such items. Go for economical yet dependable options. You should never rule out Halloween stores. They can be quite economical also. Choosing the right colored fabric is most important. Another think about attempting to look good is your hair style. Natural Hair Extensions - What and the way? Don't wear ankle boots with the mistaken pair of pants. Having totally different types and colours of Ugg boots makes it potential to match your temper and Apparel Group Brands your clothes. People from the entire world go in fashion exhibits for having the knowledge of dressing sense. Discover a new method of having an intergalactic empire make selections. There may be a technique that is destined to achieve success in attracting others consideration. Never enable bad habits get in the best way of making your soccer video sport all it can be. Don't get me incorrect, sporting older fashion jewelry exhibits fashion too, which is an entire completely different conversation. Get a outstanding picture, not just very good, make it outstanding. This text will include both styles, however will make it a point to call out when something is more recent or dated so that you wont be out of the loop. It should not be the first thing you put on your face, since concealer is simply too heavy for an all-over coat that evens out your pores and skin tone. If you would like to buy a brand new cologne or cologne, try out a sample by the store very first.
People wish to look nice, and reading glasses are a terrific accessory for that since others look you in the eyes first. A properly made wig - even the quality artificial varieties - can look completely lifelike. You can look extraordinarily trendy while carrying designer leather bags and you can create a fashion assertion. And with the coming of a new school 12 months come the fall trends in fashion. At the tail end of last 12 months and the start of this 12 months there the place a large variety of in style kinds being sported by celebs that actually stood out. For a few years within the 90s baggy denims had been considered to be the biggest fashion statement, however slowly they ran out on followers. Barthelemy Thimonnier invented a sewing machine in 1830 and within ten years owned an 80 machine garment manufacturing unit that produced uniforms for the French army. As an alternative, many years later, at this time skinny jeans are ruling the runway and streets alike.
It's not that tough to be taught just what these attributes are either! Because the nineteenth twentieth, and twenty first centuries have shown, fashion developments are becoming historical past all the time, since traits are at all times evolving. Numerous modern ideas about fashion can be discovered online. Nonetheless, there was a notable enchancment in fashion manufacturing through the period of industrial revolution of the late 18th century. From a novel women’s dimension small to plus measurement clothes to the waist coaching corsets to the plus dimension corsets, there are options for everybody. Take the time to buy around before you purchase so that you're positive you are getting the best deal on one of the best products. So it is best to choose the ring that you really like and most closely fits your character. Deciding what to wear in family pictures could be simply as difficult as discovering the proper photographer. My advice is to go for what you like, no matter what the media tell you to wear. Thats why customers hesitate to decide on merchandise they need in front of varied kinds.
Tons of individuals like to hold across the mall and explore new products. Doing Famous internet options , you'll have space for extra fantastic discovers, and one other particular person is profiting from your unneeded items. Indian fashions, Indian artists and Indian models take part within the different events and performance happening abroad. In case you are FULL-BODIED AND SHAPELY, WOULD YOU CARE TO BE A PLUS Measurement Model? The good news is that these designer handbags are not only for the wealthy and famous. Males's ties are a perfect example. And, to be honest, these adjustments are value adopting, particularly if you are a fashion-loving lady. It’s simple, fast, and our fruits and vegetables are all the time contemporary so that you don’t have to fret about unintentionally touching a moldy peach. The police and press at the time characterized all Mexican American youth as petty criminals, and White sailors and Marines, who have been offended by the very thought of zoot suits, have been solely too completely satisfied to have their stereotypes confirmed. The patterns should be traced and the seam allowances added in. It is only not your issue.
In truth, this can be a trending model in terms of marriage ceremony garments. As any self-respecting fashionista knows, the change of season can imply only one factor: a fantastic excuse to go shopping! Getting help from an expert skilled that has labored with commerce current booths in numerous venues will probably be invaluable by enhancing return on funding. And on this last one, simply remember we report on the trends. And they no have to search for different sources to know about the information. Thanks Yusra, I am blissful to know that it helped you. This has created much affect in pop circles. You will be stunned at how a lot money you save. No matter what age group the woman belongs, she would at all times carry a bag alongside with her. You may must get pleasure from group actions and acknowledge you're only part of a bigger picture that pulls from the input of many gamers. Hancocks and JoAnnes. Especially in case you just need a stable to reinforce one thing.
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