#I really should finish my dcmk major arcana... I've just been intimidated by my own plans for the World card
kawarikisaki · 10 months
How do you read Akako’s reversed Tower in Sun Halo? She read it (or claimed to read it I don’t quite trust her judgement here and feel like she’s hiding something) as a bad omen for the heist while I have a completely different interpretation. Also interesting that there’s upright Tower imagery with Aoko and Kid falling from pretty big height.(The tower commonly figuring a man and a woman falling from a tall tower.) I thought this could be a fun discussion with you given your tarot series.
Oh yes, I actually have several thoughts about this that are hopefully interesting!
So, to begin I just wanna give the obligatory disclaimer that I wouldn’t consider myself particularly knowledgeable about tarot reading, I just think they're neat. If I say anything blatantly incorrect then it is the result of a bare minimum of research into the meanings of the cards.
With that out of the way, I think that her fortune telling is spot on; the Tower is a very auspicious card that's smybolic of looming disaster, sudden accidents, an upheaval, change for the worse. And it is generally seen as bad regardless of if its upright or reversed, with the reversed meaning being something like a narrowly avoided disaster, phyric victory, or delaying the inevitable.
Which means Akako's advice of 'maybe delay your heist, don't do it today' is actually very good advice for a reversed Tower, because if the heist is going to be the danger then by not doing it he could still be in line with the fortune by avoiding disaster; but even knowing he's not going to delay the heist as long as he has the warning he'll hopefully at least be more careful and hopefully come out safe that way. Props to Akako for seeing that her friend was in danger and immediately making strong moves to try to lessen or counteract the danger.
And you called out the typical imagery of the card as well, and I think its actually a fun analog to Kaito’s fall at the beginning of Sun Halo, because its not only similar that they're falling but the reason for falling is also similar. Because (to my knowledge at least) the standard Tower card is a tower that's been struck by lightning and is now burning with people throwing themselves out the window to escape the rising flames- and maybe you're about to say that's not all that similar, and that's fair, but I just wanted to draw parallel to the fact that Kaito didn't actually fall as he was able to grapple himself to relative safety but threw himself down the pit to protect Aoko.
Anyway there's no denying that Kaito was in danger durring Sun Halo, though the question is whether the danger is to his body or his Identity? Which one is the disaster that's being warned of in his fortune? Both? Probably both.
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