#I really like the bow tie thingy I gave clover
smiles-ocs · 6 months
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A lot of Clover stuff with Castor making a cameo. They’re not from the same story but I wanted to draw them together cuz their two versions of the same trope I love. Grown men that are baby girl material 😩
I did a turn around of Clover that actually killed my arm and then I did some Millie stuff cuz I wanted to, not a turn around tho I will die. And then a body type for them both.
Millie’s body looks different in the body type drawing compared to the other one, and that’s because she’s wearing a corset. I love how she contrasts Clover, Clover is tall and thin while Millie is short and thick, he’s blue colored she’s pink colored, they’re cute.
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