#I really enjoy playing him because I'm a sucker for Modern stuff
alchemistdetective · 8 months
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The Idol
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egg-emperor · 9 months
What's your opinion on the Sonic Prime Eggmans? /gen
Do I get to talk about regular Eggman too? At first I thought this was asking about him and I really wanna gush about him again but now I realize you probably mean the council more lol
I really loved the Prime version of regular Eggman! It was literally only five minutes worth but a very beautiful five minutes at that. Deem Bristow and Mike Pollock play huge parts of why I love Eggman and find him so entertaining so I didn't know how I was gonna feel about the change but Brian Drummond doesn't do a bad job, he could easily become my next favorite voice after them if he worked on it a little more.
I enjoyed how simplistically enjoyable Eggman was. Funny and silly and getting up to evil to find and steal the paradox prism and use it in his schemes. His ambition and motivation to take over the world there strong as ever and talking about wanting a world that's more him in neon was cute, I like and am fascinated by bright colors and pretty lights and want everything to be about you too Ivo dhfisbgjsbgkdh
I love the classic bickering and scolding Orbot and Cubot. I love how he tricked Sonic and went the route of taunting him then targeting his best friend Tails to piss him off enough to bait and make him snap for his plan to work, being a real bastard and calling him "stupid as Tails is ugly" lol. I loved how happy he was for it to work and how he laughed maniacally and looked like such an adorable evil bastard doing it!
Everything I love about Eggman was intact there and I was looking forward to seeing more. I expected it was gonna have the vibe of my favorite parts of X as that's what that five minutes felt like and that's exactly what I've been wanting for years, for modern Eggman to come back in a show and be just like that. I really miss Prime Egg and I wish he would come back but they threw him out in the first ep :(
He was so beautiful and charming and entertaining 🥰
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I miss hiiim but I'm gonna bet that he won't return in any form beyond the prismatic titan until the very end of the show or something
As for the Chaos Council, I unfortunately have much less to say as I'm personally not a fan of them. The concept certainly had the potential but the execution is lacking. They just don't have a lot going for them, they're kind of just generic character archetypes such as Baby, Teenager, Hipster, Old Man, Not Eggman, etc. They don't have regular Eggman's personality and charm and are just like strangers in his skin.
I really wish I could like them more but both their designs and personalities don't grab me. For that I only watched the first eight episodes and never watched the second batch besides the prismatic titan Eggman parts. I'd at least have been happier if they had kept regular Eggman with them, as depicted in the concept art as he was going to be a part of the council but they decided to rid of him completely.
The most cool and interesting part of Prime to me outside of regular Eggman to me is New Yoke City. I always love seeing a world taken over by Eggman and I'm a huge sucker for the dark controlled industrialized polluted dystopian hellscape where there's propaganda everywhere on the walls, orders and rules constantly being enforced through the robot patrol saying stuff like and over PAs blasting through speakers
It's an "Eggman" ruled and controlled place, a dark shitty oppressive place and people are just mindless zombies and slaves to the harsh system because they feel hopeless to break out with no freedom, controlled, restricted, and watched. The way it's spelled New YOKE city so it sounds like "yolk" like egg but is potentially a reference to a "yoke", a type of leash to control cattle, fits how they're oppressed and controlled was right up my alley.
Seeing the real Eggman in a place like that leading the Chaos Council would've been so cool. Then it could've looked like the concept as the version that I liked a lot more than the look of the final for all the regular Eggman designed inspired assets, it even has the beautiful neon and cool lights like he wants! And I just love how much it looks like Eggmanland hehe. I really wish they'd tapped into that potential.
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d15gu571ng · 2 years
do you actually like family guy or is it just 4 the meme? im dying 2 know
Thanks for the question anon!
This is hard to put into words because while I do genuinely like the show, I like it for more than what it is on the surface. Its not that I relate to the characters on a deep emotional level but more or so of how it slowly grew on me and changed the way I thought of how I interact with media and the people who consume it.
When I first saw the show I was an 11 year old kid who "liked" almost anything, as long as it was 'entertaining' for me. Mind you I didn't actually understand what was going on, nor did I even react to alot of the scenes in any way I just... watched it to watch it. I mean, it beats the shitty infomercials and corny live action sitcoms that were on at the time.
When I formed an actual opinion on the show it was a deep, deep hatred. I saw the show as objectively lazy, cheap, mean-spirited and just downright obnoxious at times with its themes and writing. And I'll admit it, it's true.
Family guy is not an amazing show. A lot of it's characters, which used to be charming and fun to watch became flanderized distorted versions of themselves due to the passage of time. It's writing has moments where it can be downright cringe inducing, especially with some of the jokes. The themes of certain episodes are so ridiculously problematic that it made even ME feel uncomfortable on occasion. The animation is quite often cheap and stiff and don't even get me started on the modernized design of the show itself...
I can completely understand why somebody would say it was downright garbage.
But my dad LOVED that show
He would continuously talk about how funny he found Peter and his family, recount episodes by memory and even show me his favorite clips of the show and would laugh and laugh at the occasionally shitty punchlines. He loved this stupid bad show so much that for almost every birthday he'd ask me to draw Peter Griffin for him..
I hated that shit.
I would rant to him about how shitty the show was and that it was incredibly problematic that he liked it. And most of the time he'd simply reply, "Well I think it's funny!"
And I'd give a snarky retort on how it was stupid that he did.
Needless to say we didn't talk much about what we liked to one another.
And as more and more life stuff happened we became more distant and hostile until finally I was out of the house for college.
I didn't really reach out to him often and I rarely ever called.
And that was that at the time.
Until I watched dog bites bear.
Now to preface this, it was by complete accident. All my favorite video essayists has no more videos to watch, and I would rather tear my own eyes out than listen to another reddit "Am I the asshole for killing my entire family" type post. So without anything better to do, I let it play out. And to say I was shocked at how good stewie and brian's plotline was had me shocked. For a good while, I was obsessed with this episode, and I became even MORE shocked when I realized that there were MULTIPLE episodes with this amount genuine-ness to it.
As I began to binge through more and more episodes of this... fucking stupid show I hated at the time, I started to see aspects of it that I missed out on.
The original music and dance sequences ranged from alright to downright impressive! And it doesn't help that I'm a sucker for musicals and showtunes. Some of the fight scenes being actually, pretty well choregraphed. Yes, the camera angles are flat and uninspired at times, I do like how creative they can be. Some of the plotlines in many episodes have actually REALLY GOOD STORY BEATS AND SCENES TO IT. Like for example, when Peter and Lois reunite in Meet the Quagmires, or every moment of Peter and Brian's relationship in New Kidney in Town and Forget Me Not, Brain and Stewie's EVERYTHING (And the episode too). AND THESE WEREN'T EVEN THE FIRST 3 SEASONS.
I could honestly go on and on about the things I enjoyed in this show and it kinda made me realize alot about how I treated this show and the people who liked it. I genuinely thought I was better than them JUST BECAUSE THEY LIKED THIS "OBJECTIVELY BAD" PEICE OF MEDIA and I would constantly put people down just for liking the things that I considered to be bad. So, when I binged this show and CONSIOUSLY HAD A GOOD TIME WATCHING ALOT OF THE EPISODES? It made me realize that...
I was such a pretentious fucking dick as a kid lol
When I finished binging through around... what... a good 2-3 hours of family guy, my dad called me
And rather than ignoring it like I usually did I actually picked up... It was a little awkward at first, at least from my end... but I don't think my dad even noticed my stiffness. He was just happy to hear my voice after so long, asking how I was doing and how was school and all that... and I'd answer my usual "It was fine." But, what really started a conversation between us was me asking him what his personal favorite episode of Family Guy was, just out of pure curiosity. And the way I could hear his voice light up as he gushed about all his favorite moments...? Christ man...
As stupid as "Family Guy helped me rebuild my connection with my father" SOUNDS, it's really what happened. We ended up spending alot more time together, talking about things we liked and disliked and realized that... we were alot similar than either of us expected. And not only that it really helped me see both the good and the bad in media and that it was ok to enjoy things that everyone else enjoyed, even if the bad outweighs the good.
I understand that the great aspects of family don't represent the show as a whole... but there's a reason other than capitalistic corporatism of why this show just doesn't ever fucking end. Because there's people there that care about this show and these stupid shitty goofy ass characters, both the fans and the people who work on it.
Idk... this was an unnecessarily personal and sentimental stupid rant about something that I grew to love. Really I could've just answered with a simple "yes" and chad Peter png I stole off of google.
But I really do love this show because it helped me appreciate the one person in my life who stuck with me the best he could despite the tragedy after tragedy that happened to him, how shittily and harsh;y I treated him fur to my own fears and traumas, and how far he sunk down into dark... dark places...
Even after all that he's still giving it his all to the people he loves.
And I love him for that.
Sorry for how insane and incomprehensible this ENTIRE diatribe is. I just wanted to gush about how this show made me grow and change as a person and love my family
have a shitty Peter, thanks for the question ^^
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fivefriedtofu · 2 years
↳ ❝ ahoy there! ❞ | #thoma headcanons ; normal + modern au.
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thoma w/ chubby cheeks? his fav petnames?? simp rambling??? & more!
ft. gn reader, the kamisato siblings, +1 bonus childe.
cw: none! completely sfw. only cringe romantic scenerios & maybe lots of mentions of kisses because i'm in love w/ him.
♡. edit: the link to the tiktok i added to the last headcanon (normal au) got deleted oh my god 😭
an: thoma go brrr. had to squeeze my brain like a powdered orange just so i could make this coherent enough to post.
i also wanna apologize if i've written some things that are suspiciously familiar to other works before. i only just noticed. i swear i don't know how it happens!! i've just never had an original thought i think _( ༎ຶ⌑༎ຶゝ∠)_ please forgive my sins.
pics: 🐶 🍡 🌿 (fun fact: the shiba's name is marutaro!!)
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we are married.
please consider... thoma with chubby cheeks.
irresistibly cute and soft.
ge ntly h olds... 🤲
the grannies at the market like to pull on them from time to time whenever he goes for groceries.
by the end of those days, he'd come home whining with aching cheeks.
"whining" i.e asking you for healing kisses? 🥺👉👈
he does not know how to swear.
thoma: "gee wilikers...", "oh to heck with it!", "gosh diddly darn it!"
ayato, tears in his eyes: pls,,, ju,,st say fuck,,
"he's a grown man with a job and pays taxes" ok maybe he does and just chooses not to BUT listen—
he says bejeebers in one of his voicelines 😭😭😭.
a cheesy romantic, the type to greet you with hand kisses. however ☝️👀
turn the tables and kiss his hands and he'll be reduced to mush.
secretly it's actually one of his favorite places for smooches. such hardworking hands, they deserve all the loving, don't they?
speaking of favorites, his favorite nicknames!
pretty boy, my prince, handsome — casually, politely, LOVINGLY he will pass away.
to be fair, he's a sucker for any sort of praise you give him but something about being called those just makes him feel so special.
he makes me feel so soft and happy, he's like the song 'cloud 9' but personified.
this goes with any genshin character, but i'm a thoma simp. just,,, p,, please just imagine.
let me tell you, as a short person, i started screaming. rolled around my bed even, clutched my phone to my chest. at this age of mine. absolutely no shame, embarrassing ✋.
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modern! thoma would probably enjoy the waitress musical.
his fav songs are 'what baking can do' and 'you matter to me.'
cried the first time he listened to the latter. cried again the next time he listened to it. they... were emotional days 😔.
enjoys musicals in general.
thoma/kamisato siblings theater kids canon i'm the left shoe of one of hyv's soundtrack artists.
he likes listening to them whenever he does chores and ends up singing along when he gets really into it.
doesn't really have the best singing voice, but he doesn't care. all that matters is that he's having fun 💪 king mentality.
and if you, as his s/o, decide to sing along with him ESPECIALLY IF IT'S A LOVE SONG DUET— shee, he just might propose to you then and there.
idk why but i feel like he'd be a swiftie. loves almost every one of her songs but lives for her 2010 era songs. gets so hyped for sparks fly.
his favorite animal crossing character is goldie and i will die on that.
i think he'd be a horror fan. specifically for spooky folklores and cryptids.
(based on that one voiceline of his - thoma's hobbies. also occasionally, he'll utter 'spooky stories...' if he's in your teapot.)
his youtube feed reccomends stuff like 'creepy urban legends from around the world' or 'inazuma's terrifying monster stories.'
when he's not in the mood to listen to music, he lets those vids play in the background instead.
thoma just vibing in his apron and cleaning gloves, waxing and polishing the floor with earphones in, listening to horror podcasts.
he is ANNOYING if he ever gets in a playful mood before going to bed.
both of you could just be peacefully cuddling, innocently talking about whatever until you fall asleep when he'll suddenly bring up a scary story he just learned. and as a result, ends up scaring you a bit.
too creeped to sleep now, you give his chest a soft smack, whining his name.
but then he just laughs! 😡 he's quick to apologize, but he's still laughing!!
as if pulling you in closer against himself, burying your face in his neck, and nuzzling into you will easily let that slide — nah, scoot away from his mean ass. ignore how he whines for you to come back.
he rolls across the bed and follows you. immediately wraps himself around you once he reaches where you placed yourself by the edge.
"noo, 'm sorry." he mumbles, lips brushing against your skin, you could feel him smile. "i'm sorry."
he sighs then plants a kiss against your temple. "here. this way no monsters will get you."
like an inconvenienced cat, you huff, burying your face into his chest. "cringe."
you turn back up and quickly press a kiss on his collarbone, before shoving your face back to where it hid.
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ok but on the topic of the waitress musical, 'never ever getting rid of me' gives me huge childe vibes.
sorry if this ain't much, i'm fighting demons (ง。•╭╮•。)ง​ plus school just started.
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yoichichi · 4 years
Bunny’s 200 follower event
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request: Hey, congratulations on 200 followers, you truly deserve them :) ! Matchup for aot please? I'm bi, a preference towards girls irl but men in anime and fiction. I'm Intp, 5w6, true neutral. I like drawing, swimming, video games, sleeping. I have some weird "hobbies" like sitting in front of my washing machine when it's done and smelling all the clean clothes, taking photos of every single cat I see, sitting alone in my rooftop and listening to music late at night. I also have a lot of scented stuff laying around because I'm a sucker for nice clean smells. I consider myself smart, Im not social and I don't like crowds. Although I might seem cold or uninterested at first, I'm kind, trusting and understanding to those I open up to. I can be pretty lazy, however I always finish important stuff and never leave my room dirty. I'm 5"8, with an athletic and slightly curvy body type. I want an understanding and loyal partner. Preferably introverted, or at least someone that doesn't mind having more casual dates at home. I'm the "bottom" in a relationship so I would also look for someone who is more of a "top". I've found myself attracted to multiple ISTPs, but also other INTPs. I wouldn't want a loud, super extroverted or hot headed partner. (ex.bakugo, connie) I'm not very good at expressing emotions so I would prefer someone that can be patient with me and won't move things too fast. Sorry this is long, and thank you for doing this :>❤️
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a/n: hi luv! Thanks for sending in the first request! And please don’t apologize for the length at all! I hope you enjoy! This is also not canonverse! I write these in mind with modern!au if that makes sense :)
Warnings: nsfw-ish themes but generally sfw
Reading your request, you have been matched with...
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Reiner Braun
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Ok first things first with you and Reiner: naps naps naps
This man is big, warm, definitely smells like fresh laundry, and definitely likes to cuddle. So the fact you like to sleep? Yeah napping is becoming his favorite pastime with you
Definitely a big spoon type of guy but would also love it with your face buried in his chest, you can also smell how good he smells this way!
Tell him he smells good and he ~will get flustered idc
Ok but this man would send photos of cats to you
He’d be on a run and see a cat and immediately whip out his phone to send you a Snapchat, that’s like the only time he uses it at this point LMAO
Reiner would be such an understanding partner and LOVE stay at home dates
He’s definitely a bit of a homebody so getting to have cute little dates where you guys cook some stupid fancy dinner together are a must
He’s on the quieter side like you in public but definitely takes charge in the relationship with initiating things
The type to order for you in public and remember your order exactly but still looks at you after every time like, “that’s what you wanted, right?”
Please kiss his cheek and reassure him it’s correct it’ll make his year
The top in the relationship for sure, but also very soft with you
So even though he’s taking charge, he’ll always be asking for reassurance you’re alright and checking in with you constantly
He wouldn’t admit it but he would want you to draw him LMAO
Like he’d also just be so obsessed with watching you draw
Is he staring at you or the drawing? I don’t know if you catch him staring at you he will think about it for a week and get red every time it crosses his mind
I don’t see him as a big video game player but he would definitely watch you play them and just be so 👁👄👁 and ask SO many questions that I feel Iike would just make it even more confusing for him LMAO
Reiner is the king of understanding and patience
He will go as slow as you need and listen and do his best to support you as best he can
Late night cuddle convos are his fav bye ✋🏼
Your vibe reminds me of...
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Another suitable match for you would be...
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Armin Arlert
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This man is another VERY understanding and supportive person
Now before anyone says anything this man is not a bottom and definitely takes charge in a relationship idc
Service top service top service top anyways moving on
He loves taking care of people and that includes you
He’s very attentive and good at knowing when your social battery is running low and is taking you home and scooping you into his arms so fast
Another big spoon type of guy
He loves having his face buried in the back of your neck with your back against his chest and his arms wrapped around you
Something about feeling you that close and secure to him just hits different for him
Candle lover omg
He’s a chronic bath and body works gift card holder it’s almost a problem LMAO
Sometimes he goes to the store and if he see’s a candle he think you might like he will buy it and bring it home like :) here, smell :) and just be holding it out at your face like :) you like it?
Ok idk why but he definitely likes to cup your face
Like you’ll be on the couch chillin and he’ll get up and stretch to go to the kitchen or something and see you and just 🥺🤲🏼
“You’re so cute 🥺🤲🏼” and it’s like, grandma aggressive
Like he’s squishing your cheeks and moving your head around and talking so loud and then leaves a stupid big kiss on your forehead and then walks off after like what he did was completely justified and normal
Ok so being with Armin does come with eren LMAO
Eren would want to play video games with you ~so bad
Cause you’re his besties partner!! He wants to make you feel like you’re apart of the group!
Armin absolutely loves if you beat him if that’s an element in the game
He finds it 1. Hilarious and 2. Hot LMAO
You can’t tell me he’d be kinda 🙂😏😳🙂 if you beat Eren
He doesn’t know if it’s his pride or what but something about it...
Ok obviously he loves swimming with you like, c’mon
He doesn’t care where, recreational pool? Check ✅ Beach? Check ✅ lake? Check ✅
This man just loves doing things with you and he loves swimming so :)
He will lather you in sunscreen at the beach whether you think you need it or not
You couldn’t say anything to him about it
He’d just be putting the sunscreen in his hands and then give you a ~look
He’d just raise his eyebrows and purse his lips and look so DONE just-
“(y/n), give me your arm.”
Loves rubbing your arms while you cuddle idc
He’s very caring and patient with you and his favorite way to show he cares is through his devotion and affection 💓
Your vibe reminds me of...
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eek! Here’s the first post in my event! I really hope you liked it! Please let me know your thoughts!
Requests are still open until February 26th 8:00 pm PST
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luna-helps-writing · 3 years
Any chance you could do a lotr/Hobbit match up for me please?
I'm 5'11 So on the taller end of the spectrum for a cis woman. I would like to say I'm curvy as I have been blessed with a decent sized chest and bum though I do have a bit of a tummy and dip hips. My hair is a mousey brown with with green dye at the tips which comes down to my lower back. My eyes are almost black in colour which is strange for my family.
I wouldn't necessarily class myself as strong, I can't do a pushups but people do turn to me to open jars and bottles over everyone else. I'm strong enough to restrain people which is the tactic I go to if I have to step into a fight. As my grandfather always said don't start a fight but always finish one. My true passions are history and animals I can talk about them endlessly and am full to the brim of random useless facts. I have some basic knowledge that might be useful on the quest. My sister is a 3rd generation medical practitioner so I do have some first aid knowledge that I've picked up growing up and I briefly worked in a vets and got to watch some operations so I think I could suture if I needed to. I've trekked through a rainforest so I also know some wilderness camping tips and tricks so if I ever got to partake in a quest I think I could manage. I also am a proficient swimmer and have training in lifeguarding and general water survival (always take your shoes and socks off while swimming!).
I do have some health issues which occasionally flare up and I feel like I'm one of the clumsiest people on the planet. I do care deeply about people and I desperately want everyone to like me or at least find me useful to keep around. I feel like I am most myself with my dog as there is no pressure to be anyone but me. As a result I do have people anxiety so crowded areas are a big no go for me. Despite the anxiety I am a bit of an adrenaline junkie having skydived, ziplined, hotcoal walked and I love theme parks. Rollercoasters are my happy place away from my pets. Oh and I love the theatre, you can catch me singing along to musicals in my spare time.
Sorry for rambling I hope you enjoyed the deep dive into me as a person.
Thank you for your request! And I don’t mind the rambling, really! It gives me a better idea of who to match you with, so thank you for that!
For the Hobbit, I ship you with Fili!
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• He LOVES your hair. I cannot stress this enough? The dye, he loves it. He is absolutely amazed by it. Might want to do it himself too. He can play with it for hours without ever growing tired. He likes it in a ponytail, braid, bun or just loose. Anything really. He just loves the general look on you.
• Loves your whole attitude of “don’t start a fight, but finish one”. He might be a bit impulsive himself, so perhaps he’ll jump in too, even though he is aware of the fact that you can handle yourself. He just wants you to know that he’s there for you no matter what.
• Please, for the love of all good, teach him some survival hacks, because he and his brother and walking catastrophes. They carry chaos - no - they are the embodiment of chaos. They need those tips or there will be heavy consequences. Please, safe them because they need it.
•Will get you out of overwhelming situations. He’ll just reassure you and do something fun with you that doesn’t involve...people. Like acting out musicals, because he is so obviously a theater kid. I think he would be a sucker for the classics songs such as Suddenly Seymour, Phantom of the Opera or My Favorite Things.
For Lord of The Rings, I ship you with Aragorn!
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• He knows a lot about animals too, but your history remains unknown to him. He would love to learn about it! As a ranger, he doesn’t really get history lessons, despite his heavy lineage. He wants you to tell him about your favorite history subject and don’t hold back on him. Obviously, you won’t, as he seems to love it just as much as you do.
• You share a lot of information based on survival and medical stuff together. Both of you know a good amount, but not enough to be completely on your own. Sharing both of your knowledges, honestly makes a great duo. Issues? Not with you, there’s not.
• When you told him about the one time you went skydiving, he thought you were insane. No person with a right frame of mind would jump from the sky. It wasn’t until you explained that you’re ere completely secured, that he understood. Even though Aragorn is Aragorn and he’s a bad bitch, he will never do it. Ever. I do think he’d love rollercoaster in a modern au.
• Random useless facts? He’s obsessed. Teach him please. You’ll go for walks at times and sometimes you’ll mention some facts. He loves them and wants to hear more. He’s afraid to ask though, but eventually you’ll find out yourself. He finds it fascinating how you find a way to storage all that useless information.
I hope you liked it! Stay safe during these times please❤️
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simonxriley · 4 years
For the character thing, I'm giving you Thermite and, because I know you have Opinions about him, Ghost
Thank you!
How I feel about this character
I love him, he was one of the first operators I enjoyed when I got in the fandom and he’s still one of my most played attacker. I love his personality and I’ve always loved someone who can be lighthearted and joke around while still being professional. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Ash and Fuze. 
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Hibana, Pulse, Castle, and Glaz. 
My unpopular opinion about this character
I don’t think I have one, or I can’t think of it at the moment. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
That he was more a part of the Tournament Of Champions. He was in the trailer for it and when it dropped he wasn’t. I was looking forward to him being in it and getting more of him. Oh well, maybe next year. 
That we actually get some interactions between him and Hibana. I mean they’re friends, they’re close. Gimme some interactions Ubisoft. 
How I feel about this character
I love him, he’s the only CoD character where I felt really connected too. And I’m a sucker for character’s with tragic backstories. I just love that all the abuse he endured by his father only made him want to protect and care for the people closest to him. He did everything he could to not be like his father and it shows through his actions. Taking care of his family after kicking his abusive father out of the house, not going back to the military until he knew they would be alright without him and so much more. Yeah he does some questionable stuff, but that’s the military, it’s not sunshine and roses. It’s war. And at the end of the day he’s still a compassionate man who cares for the people he’s closest with. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Liz! Two people who have similar backgrounds, wanting to do better and be better people. They understand each other, know what’s it’s like to be victims of abuse and how that can mess you up for life. They bring the best out of each other, teach each other new things and truly love each other. 
And Roach, though I don’t really write them anymore. 
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Soap. They seemed like good friends. 
My unpopular opinion about this character
This isn’t even unpopular, but when people write him solely as an asshole or abusive. It’s completely ooc and kinda offensive to his actual character. Nowhere in the game or the comics were he an asshole unless it absolutely called for it. And it still makes my blood boil it was such a big thing in the cod fandom until recently. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
That he didn’t die like he did. I wish they gave him a quick, painless death like they did Gaz at the end of Modern Warfare. A bullet to the head, not getting shot in the shoulder/upper chest area and then set on fire. Still salty over his death and forever will be. 
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fictionalrambles · 4 years
Shadowhunters Fandom Story - Part Fifteen
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Submitted by jwrites_
Five Favourite Fics:
1. What's It Gonna Be by @lemonoclefox
Why I love this fic: I'm a sucker for Pride & Prejudice. San was able to take that dynamic and put it all in a modern day telling of it. I can't count how many times I've read this. Sometimes I read it all the way through, other times I go and find my favorite parts just to get that rush of emotions it never fails to give. The enemies to lovers is done perfectly, the dialogue is great and flows seamlessly, the way she tied in the storyline between Simon, Isabelle, Valentine, and Alec together was genius. I truly love every word of this story.
Favorite scene: Awkward - love - confession - in -  the -  rain
Favorite quote(s):
(Yes. Love confessions are great but have you ever overheard someone say something rude about you and then have the opportunity later that same night to be able to casually call that person out for their comment?)
"Her friend is..." He trails off, as though searching for the word, and Magnus can imagine him gesturing in the meantime. "Interesting," Jace eventually settles on, pointedly.
"Who, that Bane guy?" Alec says, and as he does, Magnus is hit with a wave of intrigued surprise. Does Alec like men? Interesting. The assumption could be wrong, of course, but Jace's tone implies that that's why he's mentioning it. "He's a bit over the top, don't you think?"
He sounds almost disdainful as he says it, as though Jace's mere suggestion is laughable, and Magnus's intrigue immediately shifts to offended annoyance. He straightens a little where he stands, reluctantly affected by it.
"I mean, love songs are great," Magnus admits lightly. "But stringing a few pretty words together does seem a bit unoriginal when everyone does it."
Simon shoves him lightly in offense, and Magnus can't help but laugh.
"Then what do you suggest?" Magnus is taken completely by surprise when he realizes that it's Alec who's speaking, and he turns to him. The guy's expression is neutral, but seems genuinely curious.
"Oh, I don't know," Magnus says, swirling his drink around in his glass. He shrugs. "I suppose I'm more a fan of showing and not telling. I'd much prefer someone showing interest in what I like and who I am, than comparing my eyes to the night sky, and whatnot." He gestures airily, then hesitates. He suddenly can't seem to stop himself, the memory of the Lightwoods' overheard conversation bubbling to the surface. "I think most people can appreciate that. Even if some of us are a bit over the top."
--Okay...I'm gonna go ahead and throw in a love confession~
"Look, I don't expect anything from you," he says, as though the words are hard to say. "You've made your feelings pretty clear, and I respect that. But I heard you talked to my mom, and with the stuff you said to her... I guess it just kind of made me a bit hopeful, or something. A bit." He clears his throat, while Magnus just listens. He turns to watch Alec's profile as the young man struggles to find the words, eyes on the view in front of him. "Either way, I'll admit that how I feel hasn't really changed. Maybe it should have, but..."
Alec shakes his head, and Magnus feels his throat go dry. He wants to interrupt Alec, wants to say and show everything that's bursting out of his chest, but he waits. Alec takes a deep breath then, turns to him. He looks determined.
"If you want me to," he says steadily, "I'll go. I'll leave you alone, I promise. You won't hear from me again." He pauses, licks his lips. "But if you don't want me to, if something has changed since last time, somehow... I'd really like to know. Because that would be pretty great."
2. 42 North 71 West by @lecrit​
Why I love this fic: I was blessed with the opportunity to witness Lu working on this fic from its conception to its end. I was there and still I am blown away at the way she was able to work the time jumps. I remember thinking with every chapter I read, 'Wow. The way she is telling this story is amazing. She is amazing.' Lu has a way of presenting so much honesty in her characters. She writes them in a way that feels so real, that you can't help but understand their fears and hesitations even though it hurts. The story is a back and forth told through scenes set in the past and present. You get to see what they were and where they are. The story is beautifully heartbreaking. And she was able to make me enjoy a story that dealt with politics? What? Sorcery, I tell you. -- also, the bench.
Favorite scene: This was almost impossible to choose and I took way too long trying to pinpoint just one. But I'm going to go with one that I hold very dear. When Magnus goes to visit Alec on his birthday and he finds Alec playing the song he only plays when he's sad. That's all I'm going to say because I don't want to spoil~
Favorite quote(s):
“Magnus,” Alec breathes out.
The name feels almost foreign, as if he hadn’t uttered it in too long and now his mind is troubling to catch up with his mouth. Still, it manages to make Alec’s heart stutter.
“We should’ve stayed on that bench in Boston,” he murmurs.
The good thing is, he knows where to go to find his way back. It is inked on his body, engraved into his soul, sealed into his heart.
3. Lead The Way by Clockworkswan
Why I love this fic: Because it takes the wonderful adventure of Doctor Who and packs it in with Malec. This is the ultimate fun and feel good but you will also cry at one point fic. I always go back to it if I want a wonderfully written Doctor Magnus and his adorable companion Alec. Seriously, even if you're not into Doctor Who, give this fic a shot. It's written in a way that you will get so caught up in the adventure that you won't even realize it's based on something else. And if you're a Doctor Who fan, you're in luck with all the little Easter Eggs Heather left throughout.
Favorite scene: I really don't want to spoil anything. The planet of Ablorix. This will mean nothing if you don't read the fic (so you should ;])
Favorite quote(s):
Magnus extends a hand. It’s just like before, when they were in the hallway a couple of weeks ago. It’s just as inviting as it was the first time.
“How about it, pretty boy? Name a star. Any one will do. Or a date,” Magnus says. The double meaning is evident when he winks. He pauses then, and his expression shifts, growing solemn.
A clear shift in his demeanour happens. Magnus turns from playful to sincere in the blink of an eye. Although, there was also a serious tone to it. Magnus looks at him, and understanding eyes meet Alec’s hesitant ones. “Alexander, you seem like a man in need of a break, and I am very much a man in need of a friend. Adventures are always a quick way in figuring out what you want. What do you say?”
What does he say?
He says yes.
Of course Alec does.
Before Magnus can think of a good retort, he tries to ignore the clenching ache his stomach gives at the sight of a confident, smirking Alec Lightwood watching him so openly. He settles for pointing in a random direction. “I have to go and see a dog about a man. Meet back here in five?”
“Uh, isn’t the expression, ‘see a man about a dog’?”
“Not when the dog ran off with the man’s wife. A rather big scandal, it seems. The president wants me to try and step in. Smooth things over, so to speak.”
At that, Alec just stares blankly.
Magnus holds up a finger. “Yes, this is normal for me. No, you may not come along. Go.”
4. Love & Other Drugs prequel of Our Love Is A Harsh Chord in the Semi-charmed Kind Life series by @la-muerta​
Why I love this fic: I'm kind of cheating here by listing two fics but they're a package deal. Love & Other Drugs was a smutty one-shot that left me wanting
backstory. Let me tell you the pining and 'unrequited' love between those two demanded a story to be written. Which is why when la_muerta ran a poll on whether or not she should start it or another series first, I campaigned for this one like it was my job (I lost but I still got the series eventually so did I really lose?) The writing in this and with all of la_muerta's fics will hook you. The sadness over the back and forth between them is done so well. It's angst that will grip you and hold onto you until you eventually finish. Just go on the twitter hashtag of #OLIAHCfic and see my screaming.
Favorite scene: Probably the LSD scene.
Favorite quote(s):
Alec was still here, in bed with him.
How many times had Magnus wished that he could wake up with Alec in his arms? He didn't dare to move, wanting the dream to last a little longer, but Alec was already stirring.
he'll wonder if life would be a little easier if he wasn't hopelessly in love with Magnus, but it is a fact of who he is now: Alec Lightwood is 6'3, has dark hair, is gay, and is in love with Magnus Bane.
They are lying next to each other now, turned on their sides and face to face. The world is no longer warped and weird, but glowing and perfect. Magnus is tracing a path of lightning down Alec's body with his fingertips, and in a moment of clarity Alec understands that in Magnus' eyes he is as beautiful as he thinks Magnus is (it is the first thing Alec forgets when he wakes up sober later).
Words aren't enough to express how he feels, but they've always understood each other better when clumsy words don't get in the way.
5. The Lonely Hearts Hotline by @unrestrainedlyexcessive​
Why I love this fic: It's funny, it's endearing, it's heart wrenching, it's sexy, etc. The way Alec is written in this fic is one of my favorite characterizations. The way his situation can resonate with so many young adults today. That feeling when you're an adult and you feel like you should know what to do with your life and who you should be but the truth is, you're still just as lost as always. Being an adult sucks tbh and even when you're an adult, sometimes life doesn't quite feel like it. Alec's character and growth in this fic is beautiful. (I also really loved Jace in this fic)
Favorite scene: A tough choice. Probably the office party and follow up scene in Magnus' office.
Favorite quote(s):
The problem with being a new grad, in general, is that the world and job force demands you have experience, but you have to live a certain number of productive years on the planet to gain that experience.
Early adulthood is no man's land. You don’t have the experience to matter and no one wants to pay you to gain it, hence how he ended up in the precarious situation he’s in: dodgy sex work by night, an even dodgier roommate, and desperately hoping an internship eventually turns into an actual paying job.
Magnus runs his tongue down the knobs of Alec's spine. "You're so beautiful," he says, pausing.
"I'm really not," Alec insists, eyes fluttering closed.
"Why are you so kind to everyone except yourself?"
"I'm a work in progress."
"Aren't we all?"
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