#I really don't want Alex put on the back burner this season so this has allowed mevto still hold out hope
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advluv4life · 2 months ago
I just saw the first 7 minutes of season 2 of XO, Kitty and I just want to say that I am even more excited for the season. Like, nothing can ruin this for me at this point. Everything is how I imagined it and I am so pumped so far!!
I haven't freaked out this much since the Haikyuu Dumpster Battle movie was added to Crunchyroll (and I didn't know it was going to be added so it was a surprise & it was amazing)!!
I'm not even sorry that this show and is going to be the only thing I think about for the next 3 days until it's finally released and then I don't know how long it's going to stay in my head and how many times I'm going to rewatch it until it's memorized! I'm so excited!!
It's all perfect. Every character is perfect! I'm so excited! I can't wait to meet the new characters!! Everybody has done everything great and I'm so excited to see where this season goes!!
Alex was there (obviously we knew he was going to be there- but he was there)!!
I'm going to cry and it was only 7 minutes!!
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chiara13 · 6 years ago
I'm kinda scared for Alex's storyline this season. I know trailers can be pretty misleading but out of all the main characters, he got the least amount of screentime in trailer and only one? promotional picture? I honestly feel like they are gonna put his storyline on a back burner again like they did in season 2, either that or his storyline is really important and they just don't want to spoil it but I'm still worried. It doesn't seem like he has a lot of scenes with the other characters/Zach.
(Hi, same anon 💜) Okay, so I looked at the pictures, and I realized that Alex isn't the only one that got one promotional picture so nevermind on that. But I don't know, I just feel odd about it. It makes sense that they wouldn't show other storylines in the trailer so that we can be surprised when we watch the show but compared to the significance of the other character scenes in the trailer, I feel like his were pretty forgetable? Like he didn't get a speaking line? It's probably just me.
Hi! Yeah, I think we only see him interact with Monty? (And it’s not a good thing at all.) However, I wouldn’t be too worried. Trailers are purposefully misleading. I think it hinted at maybe 20% of the storylines we’ll see in S3? We don’t see much of Jessica either in the new trailer, and no Chloe at all.
I too would have loved to get a better idea of what Alex’s storyline will be, but I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
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salmonthestoryteller · 5 years ago
You're right that the alien hunting storyline really has taken a back burner, making it easy for us to forget for long stretches outside of the 47 flashbacks. I'm very confused why everyone, including Jenna and Max, are buying Jesse's ploy. The guy who ran an alien prison and tried to kill Kyle a few months ago knows who all the aliens in Roswell are, shouldn't this be a bigger concern for everyone? I mean, I suspect that's the point and that Jesse has big plans - including for the ship piece - that we will find out in the coming episodes. But it does feel odd that everyone is so calm about it.
And it's also true that Michael seemed unhappy to see Alex for some reason. We know a Malex scene was cut because of the promotional pictures. Despite TPtB saying the scene wasn't important, I can't help but feel that scene must have held the set up for this one. Because as it sits now, Michael seemed fine with Alex at the Crashdown, so why did he purposefully avoid handing the ship piece to Alex in the bunker? It doesn't really follow the story as we were presented it.
I guess because to me Michael always transfers fear to anger - throughout the entire show - I'm not really bothered by his temper here. The show hasn't really shown him putting in the work for the emotional growth to change that. He's been calm and civil to everyone, but that's actually more of a red flag than a sign of growth. He's been suppressing what he's feeling. As Alex pointed out, the handkerchief is pretty much a physical symbol of everything he's not facing. My hope is that he'll finally have a real breakdown before the end of the season that allows him to truly move on. To reach the point he will show fear instead of anger, he will communicate and not lash out.
In the meantime, though, I'll happily accept his fury over Alex's kidnapping. That I don't mind at all.
See, while I understand Alex's headspace for taking the peace, I don't find it relatable. Responding to poor behavior with poor behavior isn't growth. He didn't have to accept Michael's behavior, and he didn't - his words put a stop to it almost instantly. Because there was a lot of truth in what he said - things Michael couldn't refute or deny. But, to me, his taking the ship piece undermined parts of his point.
You can't say, "You should trust me", but then break that asked for trust by disregarding what the other person wants.
Both these boys frustrated me so much, truly.
I'm torn over the 02x10 scene in the bunker.
On one hand, I think they both said some very important things. From Michael finally saying the word love in regards to his past feelings for Alex rather than his usual way of saying it but not saying it (I never look away, if anyone is going to destroy me it may as well be you, etc), to Alex calling Michael on his use of the bandanna on his hand - his replacement reminder to avoid hope. Because if Michael still feels he needs that, then he still hasn't faced the past - he still hasn't truly moved on. He can't build himself a life if he still refuses to hope.
And Alex did have a right to say he wanted to move past Jesse's attack on them and live his life without fear.
However, there is a difference in believing there is good in people and believing they can change (all very good things to have a belief in) and trying to see good in someone who behaves like a monster. There's a difference between giving someone who has shown true remorse (Kyle Valenti) a second chance, and giving someone who has not changed (Jesse Manes) a second chance. Let's remember he was slamming around bottles and carrying on about the evils of aliens in front of Alex only an episode ago.
If this isn't a ploy by Alex against Jesse (And I truly hope it is), Michael was right to call him on that.
Alex was also right to call Michael on never giving him a reason to believe in him, though. Michael's refusal to hope or build a life on Earth also didn't give Alex anything to go on for many years.
And that is not me excusing Alex for his part of the equation. Their relationship problems are a two way street, and Alex is just as guilty of pulling away as Michael is of pushing people away. I am very confused why people keep referring to Michael's comment about Alex walking away like it was about physically leaving instead of the emotional impact. Yes, Alex was still in the military and couldn't physically stay, but you all know members of the military have spouses, right? He didn't have to physically stay in Roswell to remain in contact or even have a relationship with Michael. That he never did is as much on him as Michael. However, Michael never did give Alex a reason to hope for more either, so he has a right to say that as much as Michael had a right to point out he never said No to Alex.
On the other hand, I was not a fan of Alex taking back the piece the way he did. I wouldn't be okay if Max stormed in and took the piece from Michael, so I'm not okay with Alex doing it either. Especially Alex basically saying Michael had to fight him to stop him, that wasn't okay for me. And the truth is, Michael didn't have to touch him to take it - let's not forget what alien power is Michael's specialty. He had a choice, and he let Alex leave with the piece. I don't blame him for being angry and slamming the hatch after, though. If someone stormed into my home, asked to see something they gave me and then said they were taking it whether I liked it or not, I'd be pissed, too.
My hope is that after this we can get the Malex parallel to Echo's talk in Texas. Where Michael admits, like Liz, he doesn't believe in the good in humanity. But he believes in the good in Alex. I'll be waiting. Don't let me down, RNM. Please?
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