#I really can't say enough good things about it
supershot73199 · 2 days
So something I would like to point out is despite the shit we give him Danny is a fighting savant.
Like any time Danny is fighting with his feet planted on a surface he is pulling off badass martial arts maneuvers or kicking ass. Hell in the first episode he manages a roundhouse kick with enough force to basically cut through multiple meat monsters, and this is at his weakest in the show.
Like we say he fights like a feral racoon but that's only when he's fighting midair and how would he have midair combat training? Humans can't fly like that.
Still in the first season Danny catches Fright Knights sword barehand without a scratch! Boy is a badass.
When he was fighting with his classmates to rescue their parents in pirate radio he was the most competent one there until he let himself get thrown over the edge to give him an excuse to transform without anyone noticing.
Like sure he's getting dogged in this fight but not from a lack of skill, Danny gets several good hits in but he doesn't have the strength this early in the series to do any damage to Fright Knight. But then he not only catches the blade but disarms and judo flips him without getting cut by the blade once.
So I think it would be fun to have DC characters notice this he has the skill and he now has the power to back it up. Have Danny meet Wildcat the former boxer turned vigilante who trained both Black Canary and Batman in boxing.
So one thing that i would like to see is Danny in a similar situation like in the video, Deathstroke is literally a super soldier and mercenary so some rich bastard who Danny pissed off hires him to kill this kid i like the idea that danny is patenting a medical device that can be used to treat metas or non human biology and the rich guy is pissed Danny won't sell him the patent. Bat of your choice, I'm going with Cass, gets told by Oracle who hacked into the communications between the two but she's not quite fast enough to stop the fight from breaking out.
Danny is in his human form which limits his strength but he has skill enough fighting foes who are physically his superior. Cass shows up to see this random scientist holding his own against Deathstroke who earned his title of The Terminator. However before Cass can jump in Danny pulls off the disarming judo throw winning the fight.
Now Cass has a crush on this cute boy. Bruce is considering hiring an assassin himself (not really he's just being dramatic about his baby girl falling in love.)
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wizardpink · 2 days
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Okay so,
There seems to be this negative reaction to the finale from a lot of Devil's Minion fans and I don't understand it for a lot of reasons, but one of them is ... I don't get why people are upset that, when read at it's worst, Armand and Daniel are seemingly not on good terms after Daniel is turned. I keep seeing this belief that Armand "abandoned" him, which I think is fully pulled from y'alls collective ass, and a disappointment that Daniel would call Armand a "fucking asshole."
But the thing about Armand/Daniel everyone seems to be forgetting is that even in the source material, they first had to tear each other down to their bare bones before they could see each other well enough to love one another -- REALLY love one another. Because Armand is a russian nesting doll of lies, masks, and emotional walls, and with Daniel, idek if I can explain it properly, but I think its some combination of Armand needing to break him a bit to get him on his level of broken freakitude, and also Armand not being able to relate to the 20th Century Human period and needing to drill down into Daniel's core, straight down into the monkey brain that every homo sapien has shared for eons, before he can find something he understands.
If we were to ever get a proper Devil's Minion storyline on this show (and we will), they've laid the perfect groundwork by having Daniel EVISCERATE Armand right to his face, slicing his Gorgon's knot of lies and schemes in half and leaving it lay on that table. And Armand's face! HIS FACE! He can't believe it! Seventy-seven years with Louis who never could unravel all the strings, or simply didn't care to even bother. And THIS guy who seemingly hates him found Armand fascinating enough to try. AND succeed!
And why wouldn't he? Daniel may not have remembered until they were nearing the end of the interview, but Armand SHOWED Daniel what was beneath the mask years ago, the very first time they met. The jealous, insecure, desperate creature that was hiding under there, that IS Armand to Daniel.
I'm getting off track here, but what I'm trying to say is that as much as Armand turning Daniel in the books is SUCH a flawless scene, ultimately, if you believe in the infinite and eternal nature of their love story, it doesn't matter whether Armand turned Daniel before they fell for each other, afterward, during a break-up or at the climax of their most romantic streak. Like Lestat said, "We'll be together ten thousand nights, a hundred thousand. What we're doing is hard."
So maybe Armand turned Daniel shortly after Daniel stripped him bare in front of Louis, and Louis was so disgusted by what he saw, he threw him into a stone wall. Daniel could have run, too. For some reason, he didnt. Armand could have killed him in an instant, sitting at that table or after Louis left. He didn't. Armand made a conscious decision to tie himself to this man who just exposed him for ETERNITY. Because as horrific an experience as it was, as devastating and life-altering, he was seen.
"It is difficult to explain how his words disarmed me, how efficiently succinct and impenetrable his argument was. All my conceptions, even my guilt and my wish to die, seemed utterly unimportant, and I completely forgot myself and the barbaric scene that surrounded me. For the first time in my life, I was seen."
Louis said those words about Lestat as he described being made a vampire, when he kissed Lestat on the altar.
That feeling, of someone cutting to the core of you and telling you exactly what you are as no one else has ever been able to understand, made Louis accept the Dark Gift from Lestat.
And it made Armand give that Gift to Daniel.
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lcriedlastnight · 1 day
Accidentally saying I love you with Lando
tysm for your request anon, i appreciate it so much! p.s lando deserved that win today. max verstappen i am inside your walls.
tw: fem!reader, short and sweet, swears, lmk if there's anything you want me to add.
w/c: 1k
you and were a newer thing. you weren't new new, but new enough that you have not said those three little words to each other yet. you knew you loved lando since the third date, when even though he didn't like seafood, literally couldn't even stand being near the stuff, he took you to a sushi restaurant because you had never tried sushi and you wanted to give it a go. turns out you didn't like it either.
there had been a few times where you had almost let the words slip out your mouth but you had managed to bite your tongue at the last second. you would tell him when you were ready and when the time felt right.
lando was currently in spain for the spanish grand prix and this one was difficult. it was only the first race out of the three in the triple header and yet here you were, laying in yours and lando's shared bed, on facetime to him, close to tears. just seeing his face made you miss him more.
"come on honey, don't cry. don't do this to me. i don't want to watch you cry." lando frowns from his own hotel bed, the sheets too white compared to his usual ones. the bed too empty without you. you were usually really good with the distance but this was your first triple header with lando. there were double headers but even with those you made it to the last race so it was even less time. this time around you can't even go to one.
you sniffle as you try to stop your tears. you wipe your eyes with the sleeves of lando's jumper. "i know. i'm sorry. it's not your fault. i just miss you a lot tonight, lan." you express.
you can see lando nodding along with your words as you speak, you know it's not easy on him either. you sigh.
"okay. sorry. we can talk about something else now." you try your best to shake off the sadness. you can always cry when lando hangs up the phone.
"don't apologise, my sweet girl. i know it's hard, i'll try speak to you as much as i can. and i know i'll be busy but i'm back in monaco for the next three tuesdays." lando tried to find a positive in all of this. it was difficult.
you nod, with a hum taking his word into account. "not gonna let go of you for the full night on the tuesdays." you insist with such determination it makes lando's heart melt.
"is that a threat or a promise?" he asks, cheekily. that stupid smirk on his face as he tries his best to make you laugh. it works, not because it's funny but because his smirk always made you laugh.
"promise." you say through giggles. lando laughs along with you until he checks the time on the top of his phone. he sighs as it reads two am.
"m' gonna have to go now, honey. it's gettin' a little late." lando frowns like the words actually hurt him physically to say. you frown too but you understand so you don't put up any fight.
"g'night lan. speak to you tomorrow. i'm not working so call whenever you can i'll keep my day free for you." you bid him goodnight and send him a kiss through the phone screen. lando smiles at your cute gesture.
"night, honey. i'll call you whenever i can. i love you." it is quick but you catch it. lando blows you a kiss then ends the call. you didn't get a chance to say anything back. you don't think he even realises he said it. well he will now he's laying thinking about it. you think to yourself as you settle down on lando's side of the bed and fall asleep.
it's not until he returns home that it's spoken about. you are happy he loves you too and you are even happier that you didn't say it first. you were scared that if you said it first and lando didn't feel the same then he would break up with you. you let your mind carry you away sometimes.
you wait on the couch in your living room for lando to come in. you hear his key in the lock and the rolling of the wheels on his suitcase through the doorway. it makes you giddy but instead of leaping off the couch you stay where you are. lando notices you there and makes his way to you. he doesn't give you time to think before he is wrapping you up in a hug.
your head resting in the crook of his neck as he picks you up in the hug. you laugh at his strength. when your giggles die down thats when you hear him. he's mutter a quiet stream of "i love you"'s into your ear. this is when the tears spring to your eyes again. you pull his head out of your neck to really look at him.
"i love you too. you didn't let me say it back last time." you try to slip the joke in but lando doesn't laugh. no, he just springs forward, lips locking with yours in the sweetest kiss you've had yet from the brit. he pulls away put sends a quick few pecks to your lips, because he can never get enough of you.
you both spend the rest of the day repeating those words to each other like you have just found out what they mean. lando literally feels the need to shout them to everyone he see's in the airport as you wave him goodbye the next again.
while lando is on the flight with no internet he spends his free time typing the words 'i love you' out individually, over and over again then sending it to you just before he lands so that when he does actually land and you get the message. you will be reminded that you are all he thinks about even when you aren't with him.
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dduane · 2 days
From the Ditching Adobe ASAP dep't, a recommendation: Crazybump
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People who've listened often enough to my rantings about digital art tools will know that I've been a Corel user for a couple of decades now —maybe even a few?—and that I've routinely only used Adobe PS (in one manifestation or another) when it's unavoidable—meaning, when it has a tool the effects of which I can't duplicate in some other way without spending a ton of time trying.
I've always loathed PS's bloat and (seemingly unnecessary) complications. Now, though, with the most recent distasteful corporate shenanigans and the unwelcome encroachment of AI, I've been moving to find ways to get rid of it entirely. This has required taking a good hard look at what I actually use it for, and actively seeking out ways to do those things using other tools.
Here's one I like which I've now worked with often enough to safely recommend it to other people.
One of the main things I was using PS for was the creation of bump maps and normal maps to overlay digital objects I was going to be rendering. Adobe has now mostly moved that function, along with most of its 3D tools, into other apps (for which they naturally expect you to spend even more money...). So I can no longer do this job in PS—possibly something to do with my video card (which PS insists is not set correctly, though it always was before...), possibly not.
So, my hand having been forced on this issue before Adobe started to get really loathesome, I went looking for a different tool that would do this job: and after some digging around, I found it. Let me introduce you to Crazybump.
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This standalone program runs happily under Windows 10 and Windows 11, and there's a public beta for the Mac. It has the same kind of straightforward ease of use that you get from, say, EZGif, and what it does, it does really well. Better, I'm pretty sure, than Adobe PS does/did.
It is seriously configurable in terms of the quality of normal maps that it turns out. (Look at the top screenshot: the sliders will indicate what I mean.) It will cheerfully create all the major map types—normals, displacement, occlusion, specularity, and diffuse—with one click; and the created maps come out clearly and logically labeled in the filenames. You can also do extremely useful things like combine already existing normal maps—and if you've ever tried to square that particular circle by hand, you'll welcome this feature like a long-lost friend.
Anyway, if you do work that calls for these filetypes, I highly recommend Crazybump. I'm running on an evaluation version right now, but intend to license it as soon as I've got a little cash to spare.
More than this, deponent saith not. :)
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murdrdocs · 13 hours
after those photos i keep thinking about beach sex with luke 😔 the hot send on ur back while he eats u out to the sounds of the ocean
this is loba btw + side blogs kinda suck
eating from the back; public (?) sex; mentions of luke's big ass nose MDNI 18+ gasped when i got this btw w/ LUKE CASTELLAN
it's like a scene out of a movie.
the sun dipping below the horizon in front of you. the waves crashing against the shore, reaching closer and closer towards your outstretched hand with each cascade as the tide grows. the smell of sunscreen and saltwater sticking to you just like the sand stuck between your toes.
there's so much happening, so many sensations surrounding you, attempting to draw your attention away from the pleasure filling up your body. if anyone other than luke were between your legs, maybe you would be focused on something else. maybe you would focus on the hermit crab searching for a new shell just off to your left. or the breeze blowing up the corner of your beach towel.
but since luke is the one pleasuring you, you can't focus on anything else. he has your complete attention, even if you can't see him.
with your ass perched in the air, your bikini pushed to the side in luke's haste, leaving you just exposed enough for his eyes and his eyes only. you're alone on this beach, both of you know it, but you always tell luke "just in case" and he always does what you say.
likely, because it gets him this: your hands digging into the sand as he buries his head into your cunt, his big nose reaching towards your entrance when he dips his mouth down to focus on sucking your clit.
he bought you out here for an impromptu date, that was his reasoning to chris. but the way luke slung his arm around your waist was a clear indicator of why he was really dragging you out here in the middle of the day. it's so he could have alone time with you.
so he could put you on all fours and fuck you until your cheeks clapped and he finished on your back. so he could keep you in that position, pull your ass towards him, and eat you out with the orange glow of the sun setting painted directly in front of your eyes.
it's all you can see when luke gains more vigor. he's been uncharacteristically quiet from behind you, and just as soon as you think about it, he opens his mouth.
it's not like you're upset with him, though, even if he's taking away the one thing you want from him to talk to you. but his words, combined with the sound of his voice, is enough to keep you pushed towards the edge.
"taste so good, angel. so, so fucking pretty, too. you feel good? yeah? 'm making you feel good? can't get enough of you like this," he smacks your ass then, watching the cheek ripple before stopping the motion by gripping your flesh in his hands once more. he spreads you open again, and when the warmth of his face disappears for a second, you wonder what he's doing.
until you feel a warm glob of saliva fall onto your puckered hole and dribble down towards your entrance. if it even needs any help at all, luke sacrifices his grip to guide his spit towards your cunt, where he gently pushes a single finger into you, and then drags it out to smear the rest of his saliva along the rest of you.
and then, he's back on you, twice as messy as before if even possible.
since you two got down here, luke was messy. he stayed off of you long enough to hide his true intentions, wading in the shallow end of the water with you until you both started to prune and his curls became soaked with salt water, and then he was on you. kissing you sloppily, coaxing you back onto the beach towel, not even letting your bikini begin to dry before he was peeling the bottoms to the side and slipping the top down.
your first orgasms ended with your arousal coating your cunt and luke's cum spurted on your lower back, and this orgasm ends with your cum on the lower half of luke's face.
he's completely undeterred by it (just like you were with his cum). when he flips you around, his lips kiss from the top of your cunt—right above your clit where you thought you would be tired of having him but your body proved you wrong—all the way up to your lips. and even after he kisses you like he has something to prove, when you separate, his face still shines in the orange light.
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suzukiblu · 1 day
WIP excerpt for Jan behind the cut; mistaken identities and interdimensional refugees. ( chrono || non-chrono )
“. . . Kent,” Bruce says, sounding immediately exasperated and also way less “Batman”, which Kon wishes he could assume were a good sign. “Why the hell did you tell the aid workers you were me?” 
“I did not, I just flirted with a couple of them while overdressed for the situation and holding a traumatized unaccompanied minor and apparently some assumptions were made, can't imagine why,” Kon says dryly, because he is who he is as a person and all, and also has never in his life known when to just shut the fuck up. “But look, I'm not Superman, okay?” 
“This version of Mr. Kent appears to be around twenty years old, Master Bruce,” Alfred says, probably assuming he’s being helpful while definitely being the exact opposite of helpful. “More . . . interestingly, perhaps, our additional guest has identified himself as ‘Jon Kent’ and claims to be the biological child of his own reality's Clark Kent and Lois Lane.” 
“He is,” Kon sighs, squeezing the arm he has around Jon. “He’s also like ten, so you don’t need to go full Bat on it, okay?” 
“There's a successful Kryptonian-human hybrid from an alternate dimension and a proto-Superman from a different alternate dimension in my city, and you think I shouldn't be concerned by that?” Bruce asks neutrally. 
“I mean I know you're gonna be, I'm not stupid enough to think there's a version of you that wouldn’t be, just it's really not necessary,” Kon says, rolling his eyes in exasperation. Like he doesn’t fucking know what Batman is like, c’mon. “Worry about the whole interdimensional traffic jam altogether, not specifically us. And I'm still not Superman, thanks.” 
“You do realize we have no reason whatsoever to trust you, yes?” Bruce says, because apparently he thinks Kon’s new here or something. “Especially because despite claiming to not be Superman, you've verified Jon Kent as being Clark Kent's offspring and you clearly know me. And also, you know Superman exists.” 
“It would be very hard not to, at this point in my life,” Kon replies dubiously. 
“What do–” Bruce starts to say, and then the street blows up. 
Goddammit, Kon thinks as Alfred swerves the towncar onto the sidewalk and neatly splits the difference between a mailbox and a fire hydrant without hitting either. Because, like. Alfred, obviously. Jon yelps in alarm and Kon wraps his TTK around him reflexively–and Alfred and the car, though that’s a little less “reflex” and a little more “deliberate choice”. 
He really doesn’t know why he did that. Just–yeah. That’s what his reflex was. 
Jon doesn’t even need it, probably, but his Jon never needed anything from him either, so–
Kon forces himself to stop thinking about that, because this Jon does in fact need things from him, and leans forward to get a clearer view of the street without getting X-ray vision involved as Alfred lets out a mildly aggrieved sigh and taps his fingers against the wheel. 
It is . . . kind of a mess, to put it mildly. 
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gffa · 1 day
I'm going through my screencaps from Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade and it really kills me that I can't recommend this book to more people because it's from the point of view of a character falling to the dark side, so on the surface it comes across as very Jedi critical, but as someone who constantly keeps a hawk's eye out for what the other Jedi say and do so I can put it in my citations project, let me tell you, this book drives me absolutely up the wall with how much I was handed on a silver platter for how it's structured. It's a book that's set from the point of view of a troubled young Padawan, Iskat Akaris, and everything in her thoughts is about how she does try to let go of her anger, which she finds very difficult, but she also constantly craves battle and violence and seeks to find ways to justify that. She's offered by multiple people to find avenues to help her, but she always turns away from them, because they're not exciting enough for her. She never tells anyone directly of her struggles and any time another Jedi expresses support, somehow it's never good enough, she assumes it's not real empathy (because she thinks they wouldn't agree with her feelings--she doesn't want to be an archivist, she wants to fight, she doesn't want to take a regular position with the children in the creche--despite that she was really good with them and felt calmer afterwards--because she wants to be out in the galaxy fighting), and when she makes mistakes, she looks to justify why it wasn't her fault (she doesn't actually care about the civilians her actions hurt, she just cares that Adi and Yoda are telling her she has to be more careful). She's offered mentorship multiple times, by Jocasta, by Josk, Master Klefan talks to her frequently, Adi and Yoda make a point to tell her that two specific Masters are available to speak to, the Council offers her a position in the creche because they think she'd do well there--but that's not the excitement she craves, it's not the admiration for her battle skills that she wants, so she turns away from it. She's offered a position that's clearly very dear to them, it comes with multiple compliments and that they say it's meant to be beneficial to her as well (with the implication of how much it calmed her), and yet she sees it as a demotion, because it's not a mission with action and fighting. Everything that is the opposite of what a Jedi needs to seek. And it's done with such deftness to Iskat's point of view that, if you're not paying attention, it might seem like she is justified in these things. But when you look beyond her, you see how hard the Jedi are trying to help her, how many hands they hold out to her, and I want to write entire essays about this book but arrrghhhh I'm probably the only one who read this book in this specific way and who still has tolerance left for unreliable narrators who unfairly criticize the Jedi, but I can see the consistent pattern of how compassionate they are beyond it, so I feel I'd just be yelling into the void even more than I usually do, so instead I just sit with my feelings, like, I enjoyed this book through this lens, but it's a lens that scrapes a lot of people's nerves raw, so I can't blame them, but also oh man there's so much to chew on in this book and I just have to delete these caps as I make my way through my backlog. Arrrghhh.
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timkontheunsure · 2 days
Part 1 Blitz & BPD coding
Ok quick bit first before getting into the nitty-gritty. So to have BPD you need to have 5 of these 9 traits:-
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(putting as by proxy with him cus damage your image is harmful to your psyche).
Poor bugger looks to have 9 of 9
Alot of BPD patterns and strategies comes from childhood trauma, and Blitz has this in spades.
Scapegoat and attachment style
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Cash is clearly a narcissistic Dad, see the kids as tools.
Cash uses Blitz's love and Strong attachment to his Mum to force Blitz to be useful to him, and do what he wants.
This sends the very strong message that love is conditional. That it is bought through what he can do for another. And that without being useful love and affection will be withdrawn, because he doesn't really deserve it.
We see wee tinny Blitzo struggles with making balloon animals, is a little clumsy, has a sense of humour that not a crowd pleaser. This puts him at the bottom of the pecking order.
This position is the scapegoat. Blamed for anything that goes wrong (fire), to keep the others in line (Fizz told done on purpose), given the most dangerous jobs (rob a Goetia), and given the lest love and affection.
Narcissist see people as tools or a burden. All love from Cash is conditional/transactional.
How Blitz gets love is to be used or to be useful. This the rule.
Affection freely given can't be trusted. It is a lie. This why any Stolas shows has to be either ignored, or change to a kink of "getting plowed by people you look down on". Making himself used.
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But Stolas breaks this when he says Blitz "no longer have any obligation to see me, to touch me, to bed me, you are... you are free of me." He panics that he's being abandoned; "I can be better", "I'm I not fucking you good enough" are his immediate responses. Trying to get back to the safety of what he knows.
If they're no 'obligation' then there can't be affection and he wants to Stay with Stolas. And if there's no 'obligation' Stolas telling him he cares must be a lie.
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He's slowly coming to see that this isn't always the case in apology tour; when his "earning" his way through sex is rebuffed again.
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(It may not be Stolas' kink; but being fucked by an all powerful prince who degraded his a little might be Blitz's 🤭).
After the accident this rule gets a second fun extra playmate that anyone who loves him will be hurt. So Blitz must push them way, to keep them safe from him. These 2 rules give Blitz the disorganised fearful-avoidant attachment style. (Woo go him, give him a cookie. Or you know all the nope, but still give him a cookie).
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Disorganised fearful-avoidant attachment comes with a push-pull of wanting to be close but close relationships are scary. (Like running away from Voroskia for loving him).
He is getting better by refusing to be dismissed by Stolas, and coming back the next morning. And even talking to him at the party.
But mostly this bit: "Oh, sorry, this entire time I assumed the worst because I was convinced a prince could never love someone like me, and I've let my self hatred stop me from apologizing to anyone I could ever care about!" Blitz in a nutshell everybody.
His self hatred makes him to self sabotage any romantic relationship before it gets to deep. To protect the people he likes and makes sure they can't love him. Because he doesn't deserve it. Thems the rules after all.
Cash and the accident has taught Blitz to hate himself.  
It's also likely why Blitz thinks apologies are for pussys, and that no one deserves one anyway.  Those sound like words put in his mouth for daring to ask his dad to say sorry. 
He doesn't think he's worth it.
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(Added the cuddles pic cus I like the cuddles). And Blitz still doesn't trust that he deserved to be forgiven by Fizz.
This self hatred is why he can't picture anyone loving him, let alone Stolas
"This whole thing we had going... I'm- I mean you're a fucking prince. How could you ever actually care for an imp... Me? How could anybody?" "Stolas, you are better off without me. 'Kay? You deserve so much... I don't even".
No one is allowed to want him.
End of part 1
I'll stick the link to the next part when I get done it, but might be a bit.
Next time some such fun shenanigans as:
Difficulty regulating emotions
Being a burden & how to be useful to IMP
Massive fear of abandonment
Emotional loops
The Deal
Chronic feelings of emptiness
Self hatred & the Belief others Must hate him
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(his cookie)
As normal is absolutely fine if you don't agree. This is just something I like to do.
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loveharlow · 3 days
aftercare with jj. thats it.
mentions of smut, 18+
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•° definitely not the most romantic thing ever, but still cute in JJ's own way...
•° makes sure he has a towel or something on hand to wipe you off, especially after the time you didn't and your thighs were practically glued together
•° will personally wipe the sweat from your face because he knows how much you hate the feeling of it dripping down after all the adrenaline and shit has worn off
•° he loves to cuddle, as do you, but he likes to cuddle immediately after and that's a no-go
"jj, let go, i have to pee."
"mmm, you can pee when we wake up..."
"no, i can't. i'll get a uti."
"what're you tryna say? i'm clean."
"that's not..."
•° so then he googles what a uti is and is like "ooohhh", so he starts carrying you to the bathroom right after from then on
•° and while you pee, he goes to get the drinks he put in the fridge before you came over (a beer for him and a water for you)
•° as for the cuddling, it usually leads to the best post-sex sleep of your life
•° mainly because you both pass a joint until it's gone
•° laying butt naked in each other's arms, talking about nothing
"i didn't hurt you, did i?"
"no, not really."
"what do you mean 'not really'?"
"it's like a good kind of pain."
"hm, i see...your moans sound really nice."
•° and if he does hurt you, he's so sweet about it
•° he'll cradle you like a baby and kiss the spot, it's so cute
•° he'll also make sure the moments after go interrupted
•° like in the moment, he doesn't care to lock the door. the pogues have seen more of the two of you than they'd care to mention.
•° but afterwards, he wants to make sure that his baby gets her rest without any interruptions or someone barging in
•° so he locks the door, puts music on and turns it up loud enough so you can't hear the chatter outside, makes sure you fall asleep before he does, adjusts the blanket just how you like it so that you aren't too hot or too cold
•° he looooves to watch you sleep as long as he can before he's dozing off
•° you just look to at peace and adorable and he wants to commit the image to memory forever
heads up: i added emoji anons to my blog, so feel free to send an ask to take one if you frequently send in asks!
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icepoptroll · 2 days
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@june-doe-2024 day 30: Disability Pride Month
***From my Everyone Lives AU wherein an alternate Karnak is the kids' nurse following the Cyclone accident***
In which the kids all come back to life and Ricky finally gets to say his piece. I felt my AU was a good vehicle for this and will probably incorporate this into the fic later down the road.
Wooooooooo!!! My last June Doe for this year! I had the time of my life doing this event. Usually when I do month long art challenges like these I fizzle out by the end of the month and either don't finish or by my last few pieces I'm just not feeling it anymore but this time I think I really finished strong with my last few days. Or, well, comics have never exactly been my STRONG suit but I felt like this conversation deserved one. This is a conversation that we never really got to see in canon. Had I had more time, I probably would have made it even longer.
I always felt like Ricky sort of avoids confronting Ocean on the things she was wrong about, for a lot of reasons. For one, he'd rather occupy his time with things he sees as productive and fulfilling, and he was just never sure he'd get anywhere trying to explain these things to her. For another, he's very observant and he's seen lots of other people's conflicts with her devolve into a debate which she's always trying her damnedest to win. But while he knows who he is and he never felt the need to prove himself to her, deep down it does bother him that this issue never got addressed, and Penny can see it. Something I noticed (at least, in the 2016 version wherein Ricky still has enough lines lol) is that Ricky doesn't really care what Ocean thinks of HIM, but where he DOES feel the need to correct her is her views on the whole of HUMANITY. I think after the accident, getting a lot of time to reflect, he would come to realize that her misconceptions about disability not only affect the way she sees him, but the way she sees disabled people in general. I also did reference the 2018 version here: in that run, Ocean had a line speculating that Ricky had "two? three years?" left to live, insinuating that that's why he shouldn't be the one to come back.
Yes, I definitely could see Penny separately luring the two of them and then trapping them in a room with her to put this to rest, lol. It's the kind of tough love she'd be bold enough to provide. She definitely thinks he deserved a chance to speak his mind and that Ocean owes him an apology.
Mostly. . . Ricky just wants Ocean to love her fellow human. I can't wait to write more of my AU because Ocean's really going to shift her focuses after surviving the crash and I feel like writing all the changes in her thinking and beliefs will be interesting.
Big thanks to @victoriawaterfield for hosting the June Doe event. I had a wonderful time and it worked wonders for my art!!
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wishset · 2 days
i don't smoke, until i miss you boothill x reader
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summary: Boothill was never a greedy man, he didn't ask for much yet he received the whole world. Just you and your child, he really didn't need much else, yet the cosmos seemed to have made a mistake and tried to rectify it by taking everything away.
explored themes. possibly ooc or lore inaccurate. 1k+ words, fluff to angst. written in 2nd pov. play i don't smoke while reading this, trust. can potentially be interpreted as platonic, if you squint rlly hard.
from author: i haven't played hsr in a while, yet researching boothill's lore just struck the rdr2 writer in me. per usual, i can't let myself be happy with anything but angst so grab a tissue. i haven't posted a work like this online before so i'm highkey nervous, but i'd love to hear what you think! there is some bonus info at the end, but i hope you enjoy this! (she said knowing this is what she ends up writing:)
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Boothill was never one to smoke a cigarette, the most he would get close to one was standing next to you under a tree after a long day. You'd still offer him one, even though he always said no, as an act of acknowledgment. He couldn't do that now, though, the smoke would damage his robotic body even if he weren't the one inhaling it.
He'd be perched down on a large root of the tree you leaned back on, staring at your boots in his peripheral as you watched the sunset. The river running in the distance, your horses chewing on the grass below y'all when they weren't nipping at each other, the livestock settled down in the barns, and dinner sat on the warm fire for when the two of you returned.
"What's next?" He asks, his eyes following the line of your boot up to your face.
You always shrug, as if you never thought so far ahead. He did, fairly often in all truthfulness, and you only knew that because of how often he asked.
"'Suppose not much next, is there? Keep doin' this, 'till we're old and gray, then someone else takes over. Life goes on," you answer, flicking the ash out the tip of your cigarette.
He watches the ash burn itself in the grass as he thinks about your answer. It was food enough, neither of you learned much besides farm life. No such thing as anything more for the uneducated, which Boothill wouldn't have any other way.
He didn't mind waking and talking to Nick about the farm as he waited for you to come down for breakfast. He didn't mind wounding up the cattle every day while you watch or watching the horses while they round about the fields with you. The crops wouldn't harvest itself and there's no one else he'd rather harvest it with than you.
Life was good and Boothill was fine with it.
Would he have been so fine with it if you hadn't been hired by Nick and Graey when he turned a teen? He was glad he wouldn't have to find out. They hired a farmhand and he got a best friend, even if he was jealous they hired you in the first place.
He thought it meant he wasn't enough for them, not helpful enough, but that couldn't have been farther from the truth and you taught that to him.
And, while Boothill never liked to say he was right all along, there was more for the two of you than the repetitive cycles you'd fallen into. Matter of fact, he couldn't believe he was so content with just that now that you both had a daughter.
Maybe if you hadn't left your cigarette pack up in your room, the both of you wouldn't have returned when you did. Maybe if he wasn't waiting on the porch downstairs for you to return so you could join him at your usual place, he wouldn't have heard crying a little ways off from the house.
"What am I supposed ta' do with her?" He looks up at you when you find him. The cigarette pack falls into your pocket as if the box itself might contaminate the bundle of purity crying in Boothill's arms.
"Dunno. She like ta' join us?" You propose, motioning towards the tree up on a hill that waited patiently for you two. (Now, three.)
Boothill stood, joining you at full height. "Looks like she might."
The red-faced babe looked between the two of you, tears staining her little cheeks. How long has it been since you seen a baby? Quite a while, yet your first instinct still is to smile.
"Looks like it indeed."
From that day forward, you and Boothill were parents. Not even Nick or Graey questioned it when you both returned with a child. Finding one seemed to be common 'round those parts.
And boy, did parenthood change just about everything? She already had her first pony picked out before she could even walk, little boots and a hat, a sass about her, too.
Boothill couldn't recall the last time he was near a cigarette, not after you gave them to him to dispose of so that your little girl would never find them. It was never just the two of you at the tree again, always you three. Two grown horses and a little foal, growing along with her.
Now this he'd have no other way.
He was perched down on the large root of the tree beside you, where you sat as well. He could see the little girl in your lap in his peripheral, which he turned to look at when she called him. 
For her, it wasn't Boothill, something more like "Papa." She had this little giggle in her voice when she said it and even after the most tiring days, Boothill never had been happier.
"What's it, sugar?" He asks, turning to look at her. You look as well when she crawls out of your lap and stands, waddling her way over to him.
Was this how the mares felt when their foal stood and walked over to them for the first time? If it was, he was jealous it took him so long to figure it out for himself. You looked just as surprised as he felt and neither of you knew how to respond. Nick and Graey taught him everything he knew, yet the two of you taught him more every day.
Boothill was never one to smoke a cigarette, but now he was the one flicking ash off the tip and watching as it burned the knee of his pants. Now he couldn't get the stench of smoke off of him.
It was nice, even though his metal body hissed in disagreement. He took another puff, then another. Would you feel betrayed that he never really disposed of the pack of cigarettes? He didn't know. But it was late nights where he thought of how he got them in the first place he was glad he didn't.
It was a brand new pack when you came down from the house, now it was nearly halfway empty.
Was this what it smelt like when the house burned? Did it burn the same way? ─ No, it couldn't have. This burn burnt good, this burn was all he had left of you. This burn reminded him of you and the sacrifices you made for your daughter, this burn reminds him of the two of you and all the sacrifices he'll make for you.
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bonus information: | more here.
[ 1 ] "It was a new pack when you came down from the house, now it was nearly halfway empty." That's about how many times Boothill found himself thinking of you, so much so he needed something palpable. Y'know, because everything was burned so all he has is this vague smell of you? I'm sorry. He also has blown through other packs when he just wants to remember the comfort your presence had brought him at one point, he only uses your pack on those nights.
[ 2 ] Wanna know another kicker? Boothill knows for a fact you wouldn't have been happy if you knew he smoked, before his enhancements and after. You used to tell him that they were bad for him, which he already knew, but that was very long ago in the overall timeline of this fic. When he thinks about those times, he smokes another.
[ 3 ] He doesn't have anything to remember your daughter by, he might've if the IPC nuke came a little later so that she could've given him the gift she'd been working on. You might've been able to give him your gift as well, so he had something healthier to cling on to. Those are long since burned and buried, though.
[ 4 ] In the image thing, my brain is blanking on what it's called, the "Everyone you love is dead anyway" is a reference to "You're going to die anyway". Yes, that is the front of a Marlboro pack, lol.
[ 5 ] Alright alright, you've cried enough tears, but if you notice any other little details, I'd love to talk about them/hear your thoughts. I poured my soul into this so many thanks for giving it a shot!
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all rights reserved to wishset. do not copy, translate, or repost. can only be found on tumblr as of 06.30.
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inuhalfdemon · 2 days
Sex Ed 101 for No One Can Know...
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RadioApple SMUT
Rating = Explicit
Word Count = 2,846 Words
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“Are you sure!?”
“Luci...if you ask me that question one more time, I'm saying ‘no’ completely out of spite.”
“I'm sorry...I just...you know-“
“Yes, I know...but, my answer still remains a ‘yes’...your grace.”
“Hm...'Kay.”  Lucifer’s devil’s tail was lashing about excitedly.
Both he and Alastor were tangled together – naked – and had just been lazily exploring each other’s mouths, as well as…some other places. Lucifer had been hellbent on them christening his new room at the hotel this time, so they were currently finding pleasure in each other within his oversized bed.
“Why are you so worked up about this anyway?” Alastor asked him, curious. Alastor was reclined comfortably on his back; Lucifer knelt over him. “From what you've told me, we won't be doing anything incredibly enjoyable to you for quite some time yet.”  
“What I told you was: this is something we would be building up to...which will require at least a few sessions...I never said I wouldn't enjoy it.” Lucifer explained; laying a lick across a series of scars that ran across Alastor’s chest, Lucifer’s devil’s tail only lashing out more. 
“You're actually very excited about this then, aren't you?” Alastor noted; his hand pressed to Lucifer’s thigh, absent-mindedly rubbing circles into it with his thumb.
“Very.” Lucifer’s eyes burned gold, flaring brighter momentarily.
“And now, I'm worried…”
Lucifer laughed. “It will be enjoyable...for both of us. I get to explore something new with you and I...I get to be your first. I think that gives me a right to some excitement.”
“Ugh... I'm not a virgin.”  
“No...” Lucifer allowed, only he made a face when he thought: …but, that tight hole of yours is.
“Luci...I can read your face and I don't care for what it just said.” Alastor’s eyes narrowed.  
“Look... I'm just excited to get to do this with you, alright.” Lucifer smiled a toothy-wide grin and laid himself down so that he was hugging Alastor’s bare chest, his head resting on his sternum and looking back up at the Sinner demon. “I want to make you feel good, Al. And, I think if we approach it in the right way... you'll really enjoy it.”
“Honestly, Luci...this whole approach you've got planned...it just sounds...demeaning.” Alastor winced, his ears lying back; remembering how Luci explained to him what he should be expecting in these sessions. “I mean…This, is what you did!? All this…preparation?”
“Hm...nope...” Lucifer had hoped to avoid this question. “But, I also have the advantage of…shape-shifting.”
“Oh, you little fuck- Can't you just...’break me in rough’ or something?” Alastor asked him in exasperation. “We've gotten overzealous in things before...bloodied each other up. Whatever injuries I sustain – if any –“
“Though I understand that idea might sound more appealing to your ego,” Lucifer interrupted him, sitting himself up now, flicking Alastor on the nose and eliciting a snarl. “I won’t humor it. I won’t be hurting you when we do this.”  
Alastor gave him a withering look of disgust.
“Seriously, Al... I'm not doing this to outright embarrass you.” Lucifer told him, being absolutely serious now. “But, if we're doing it at all... we're doing it right. I don't want...” He sighed. “I don't want there to be any more bad experiences associated with sex for you. Am I excited to get to try this with you? Yes. Do I think once we get really going with it in later sessions that you will love it? Yes. But...if it makes you uncomfortable or you dislike any part of it...even if it’s just the prep - I want you to let me know.”
“Good enough.” Lucifer nodded, pleased. Shifting forward; he leant himself down – his mouth finding Alastor’s again. The kiss started as something soft but then slowly built into something more…demanding. Alastor slid clawed fingers through Lucifer’s hair; clutching at the angel’s neck and pulling him harder to him. Lucifer nipped at his lip sharply and Alastor drove his tongue between their parted lips.
After some time with this, Lucifer pulled himself away – panting now.  “Now...” He swallowed, steadying himself and shifting down. “I normally only like to introduce one new thing at a time when it comes to these types of sessions, however...”
Lucifer slid his hand between them; skimming downward – his fingers finding Alastor’s semi-hard length.  
“Some...distraction may prove helpful.” He breathed, doing something with his hand.
Alastor jerked; his ears standing straight and stiff as rods. His eyes widened and he shifted, suddenly apprehensive. “What the-“ He squirmed. Gripping Lucifer’s shoulders he tried moving him enough to the side so that he could see. “What did you just-“
He managed to make an opening between their bodies by just enough to look down and see.
“Did you just put a cock ring on me!?” He snarled out his astonishment.
“Yes, yes...I did.” Lucifer smirked, rather proudly. “They’re normally meant to restrict blood flow…gives you a longer erection but, this one is stretchy and…stimulating.”
“It-!” Alastor swallowed; shifting more. It feels...interesting.” His long ears were rotating; flicking and turning as he seemed to be fully processing this new and unexpected physical development.
“Haha!” Lucifer grinned widely back at him, showing all of his teeth. “Yeah, they do! Now, turn over... 
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“Oh, good God, Lucifer…this is humiliating!”  Alastor groaned into the sheets.
“Humiliation is the spice to arousal, my friend.” Lucifer sang back at him.
Alastor was pressed facedown into the bedcovers; his ass lifted up above bent knees and tail standing straight. Lucifer was presently pressed to his backside, stroking and massaging the taut muscles surrounding Alastor’s entrance with his fingers and his claws; his own body leant forward in such a way that he also was able to reach around and stroke at Alastor’s rising cock.  
“You are an appreciator of the culinary arts…” Lucifer hummed.
“Oh, please...dear Satan…Luci! Do not talk about food or cooking...not now!” He groaned again; pressing his face harder into the bed – ears flattened in his immense embarrassment.
How did I let myself end up here!?
Alastor’s antlers were steadily branching out from his head; his tail had a delicate raised and frizzed ridge running up the middle of it and Lucifer was enjoying winding him up, more and more.
Lucifer snickered. “Musical arts, then!” He pressed himself closer into Alastor. “Your ass is a symphony...and I'm going to play it.”
“That's...” Alastor gasped; feeling Lucifer’s hand retreat from his quivering erection. “That's not...oh, sweet Lord!” Alastor’s claws tore into the sheets; his hands clenching beside him.
Lucifer’s hands had slid between Alastor’s cheeks, spreading them as he pressed in with his face now…forked tongue flicking and tracing all along his rim.
“Mmphg...” Alastor moaned into the covers.   
Lucifer was no longer stimulating his cock but the ring he had placed there made it feel like Alastor was still being gripped…and as his arousal climbed, the sensation to his length only tightened. Alastor shifted; spreading his legs out wider, when Lucifer’s tongue entered him.
Alastor’s back bowed, his pelvis tilting sharply.
Gasping, Alastor whined at the warm and wet feeling of Lucifer probing him.
Lucifer’s tongue wiggled and wagged; pressing and teasing at Alastor’s tight muscles that were just inside. Dragging his forked tip in a circular motion against Alastor’s walls, Lucifer felt the puckering of the tight hole against his ministrations, and it elicited an obscene moan from the devil’s mouth.
Alastor’s tail flicked at the sound of it…his body melting into the pleasurable vibrations it was sending careening up from his tailbone and upward into his spine.  
Feeling this change in him; Lucifer retreated his tongue, pulling himself back.
“I should toss your salad more often.” He was smirking, the forks of his tongue curving and sliding across the corner of his upper lip.
“Lucifer…” Alastor growled a warning, the sound of it rumbling out from the covers.
With a flick of the hand, Lucifer had his fingers coated in a slick and warm lube.  
Gently, Lucifer grasped Alastor’s tail in his un-lubricated hand. His thumb stroked soothing circles into the soft smokey skin that ran up the underside of it and his slick fingers pressed against Alastor’s opening, massaging him against the entrance there.
Alastor felt the warm lube sliding across his twitching hole and he wasn’t sure just how much more of this he could take… The things Lucifer were doing to him there were stimulating enough but he still had the cock ring to contend with. All of it had him breaking out into a sweat now; his legs and his knees where quivering from the slow building of an absolute tension that he never knew his body was capable of withstanding.
"You're doing so good, Al... are you ready for more?" Lucifer was pressing himself back into him; the pads of his fingers teasingly brushing and pushing…threatening to press inside.
Alastor’s tail, still in Lucifer’s hand, began wagging. 
"Mmm...good boy." Lucifer breathed, Alastor’s tail was giving him all the affirmation that he needed.
Alastor felt a heat touching his face that quickly climbed into a flaring scorch when Lucifer pressed one finger into him, the first joint of it sliding inside. Reflexively, Alastor tensed, and his tail went stiffly erect in Lucifer’s curled fingers.
"Easy...try to relax. It's going to feel different...I promise I'll go slow." Lucifer was telling him, coaching him.
Lucifer carefully wagged his finger, pushing more inside. 
“Ahhh....” Alastor was groaning, body trembling as he shifted himself. He was biting his lip now; the heat in him only growing hotter, his face only turning redder.
"You're doing great, Al.” Lucifer told him. “But, fuck...you’re so tight." He growled, a heat quickly building in him now.
Obscene imaginings…the very thought of Lucifer getting to slide himself into this tight and radiating heat...feeling the walls pucker and tighten against his own cock.
It was much too enticing.
“You're still too tense.” Lucifer suddenly noted, feeling and seeing that Alastor’s entire body was still strung tighter than a bowstring. “C'mon, Al... you can do this...relax for me, baby.”
Alastor’s tail wagged again, and Lucifer squeezed it, thumb and fingers stroking through the still-standing strands of hair. A great breath of air rushed from Alastor’s lungs and little by little, his muscles started relaxing. 
"That's it...good." Lucifer groaned, his finger sliding more inward now and Alastor’s tail flicked in his hand. 
Lucifer twisted and rotated his wrist…teasing and pushing again before he slowly and carefully began pumping his hand.
A loud groan came from Alastor and he was bending his back; pressing himself into Lucifer and rocking against himself against him now.
Hm…yes, Al…that’s the way.
Lucifer’s tail slithered and slid between Alastor’s outspread knees. Curling the tip of it upward; Lucifer found the head of Alastor’s incredibly engorged length and Lucifer began to tease him there with his tail.
“Ah, fuck…” Alastor gasped out. “Luci…” His claws were digging into the mattress now.
Lucifer, himself, was incredibly hard now and he fought the incessant urge to rub and grind himself against Alastor’s thigh…to rut and hump himself against him like some miserably randy dog. He was still pumping his finger…curling the tip of it and sliding it…forward and back…just like his dick would be. He wasn’t just imagining it now, but feeling it. Feeling the exact way it would be like to be inside of Alastor; how there would be that resistance at first…how Lucifer would take his time and slowly – but surely – he would bury all of himself…right up to the very hilt -
“Luci! I...” Alastor was trembling; desperately trying to convey something now.
Lucifer pulled away from his own filthy thoughts and immediately knew what it was.
“Already!?” Lucifer asked him, leaning over…happily surprised.
I knew he would like it, but damn…
Alastor nodded; waves of pleasure urgently rushing through him now.  
“That’s great, Al.” Lucifer told him; pressing himself closer. “Let it take you.” Lucifer curled his finger into him more; never changing tempo.
Alastor shuddered; nearly breathless now. “The-the ring!?”
Oh….ha! Lucifer realized.
“You can come, Al...it won’t stop you.” Lucifer explained, suppressing a low chuckle as he continued pumping his hand against him. “It might feel like you can’t, but you can.”
Alastor whined and whimpered; claws raking beside him – hips thrusting sharply forward now.
“Or, I can remove it –“ Lucifer meant to offer.
“No, I think- I’m-” Alastor jerked and then he was crying out. “ I – I’m...!”  
When he came, the explosion that was Alastor’s orgasm was like a shotgun going off. Everything rushed to him so hard and fast; the violence of it...the sheer, brilliant ecstasy that rammed into him from some deeper, tighter coil that he never realized his body possessed…it sent him reeling…it was overwhelming….it was, incredible.
The tension letting go in Alastor was suddenly too much; he wobbled and everything gave out as he fell into the bed underneath Lucifer.
Dragging his tail out; Lucifer carefully – slowly – removed his finger from Alastor. Lucifer was deeply appreciating the fluttering of muscles his finger was retreating from…the needfully way Alastor was whimpering and wiggling when his digit left him – leaving him empty.
Lucifer sighed with a deep and domineering pride. Letting go of Alastor’s tail; he let it fall limply from his hand; moving both now to run possessively – greedily – over Alastor’s sweating cheeks and upper thighs.
Oh, but how much I crave to claim you…Alastor.  Lucifer’s member was absolutely twitching at the idea, pre-cum beading at his tip and so ready now to be put to the task.
Lucifer bit his tongue; arching his back… the temptation of impaling Alastor now…to drive his sword in and to drive it deep…it was…intoxicating.
I never would…of course…not now…not…yet. Oh…but to feel you writhing against me.
He was drooling at the very thought.
His hand twitched; fingers flexing as Lucifer went to reach for himself but then, Alastor was moving, shifting and turning himself over.
Alastor’s eyes were lost in a haze; but seeing Lucifer…seeing the absolute hunger…the lust…the need that the very devil had for him then...Alastor never knew that Hell could burn so hot.
Lucifer’s own eyes were glassy – his pupils blown-out – staring back at Alastor from heavy, hooded lids.
“You did enjoy it then?” Lucifer asked him, his voice like gravel against the back of his throat.
“Of course. Are you surprised?” Alastor asked him lowly, sitting himself up and leaning forward now.  
“Not really...” Lucifer was searching for something else to say, but the fog in his mind that he was shifting through was becoming too heavy and Alastor was crawling over him now; his long body angling itself around him, pressing close…Long and firm fingers wrapped around Lucifer’s shaft; gripping him fully. Lucifer’s head bent back at the feel of it and Alastor’s face followed his. Heated and panting breath was puffing against Lucifer’s already too-hot skin, Alastor’s mouth pressed in close to the side of Lucifer’s face.
“Were you...imagining it?” Alastor asked him in a low growl.
Lucifer’s face flared red and he nearly bucked himself into Alastor’s hand.  
“Imagining what it might look like...imagining what it might...feel like?” Alastor was groaning growls against him and Lucifer couldn’t fucking take it.
Lucifer bucked into his hand then, hissing at the pleasure of feeling Alastor wrapped so firmly to his swollen cock; and Alastor’s grip tightened.
Oh...fuck…Lucifer was dizzy with want.
“Hmmm...” Pleased with Lucifer’s response, Alastor hummed against him. “How warm was I, Luci?” He growled.  
Alastor hand tightened again; and Lucifer thrust himself forward – teeth clenching as he grunted out a salacious pant.
“How...tight was I?” Alastor crooned and it was Lucifer’s undoing.
Lucifer was thrusting into Alastor’s hand in earnest now; the pleasure building in him was rolling over him in great and powerful – overwhelming - waves.
“Ah. Ah. Ah.”  Lucifer’s panting was slowly developing into some wanton chant as his pelvis ground and bucked into Alastor’s caged fingers.  
“I can tell you that I was imagining it, Luci…” Alastor purred back at him; drooling seeping from between his teeth; strands of it slipping from his lips and sliding down Lucifer’s neck now. “To feel your cock...this cock...entering and sliding inside of me...” Alastor released a shaking breath out. “I cannot wait.”  
And, over the edge Lucifer went – nearly howling out his immense pleasure, Lucifer’s hands flew up; his claws digging into Alastor’s sides as his release violently took him. Alastor growled in an approving surprise at the sharpened edges dragging against his skin – cutting bleeding scratches all along his ribs.
Lucifer’s cum came through Alastor’s fingers in spurts; Lucifer pumping himself all out into Alastor’s tight hand; and when he was done – Alastor released him – letting him fall limply against his own belly.
With a purring growl; Alastor slumped himself forward – collapsing with Lucifer back onto the bed.   
Alastor’s ears were flicking – reflecting his satisfaction as Lucifer was still working to steady himself; panting heavily underneath him.
“That was…okay, then?” Lucifer gasped out.
Alastor’s growling slowly turned into a building rumbling. “More okay than I'm ready to admit to you yet…so, please…shut the fuck up, Lucifer.”  
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Taglist: @nyx91 : @reath-solia
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twistedastrology · 1 day
- 🪐 my take on Saturn -
spoilers: it's Different 😵‍💫
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everyone's favorite ringed planet, and in astrology it becomes more like everyone's favorite to hate and misunderstand.
ive been reading a lot of questions on the astrology subreddit today and my mercury seemed to be incredibly stuck in the gravitational pull of saturn as a topic- i saw Multiple takes that i did Not agree with whatsoever and decided to make a post like this to debunk a whole lot of them and give you my take on what Saturn really is in astrology
saturn is most commonly associated with the physical plane of being, the material, money, finances, business, etc, all because it rules an earth sign and saturn, the god, was a god of abundance, wealth and agriculture.
bc of saturn's association with money and the material, capricorn as a sign also got a bad rap for being overly concerned with the material, money, work, and while this isn't a Bad rap, being good at managing finances as well.
if u know my blog well enough by this point, it shouldn't be a surprise that i IMMENSELY disagree with this 😵‍💫😵‍💫
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to me, saturn is the first of the outer planets, and jupiter is not the last of the inner planets, jupiter is the bridge between the inner and outer planets.
where jupiter invites us to cross over to and be made aware of the higher realms of existence, saturn is the first step into those same higher realms.
jupiter is the beckoning, saturn is the answering.
as such, saturn represents ultimately the dissolution of our egos, but in this lifetime, the balance between the two.
that seems like a huge jump from what it's traditionally associated with right? well let's look at the sciency stuff real quick.
saturn's rings are an incredible phenomenon, they require just enough gravitational pull from the planet to hold them in place, and they need to be far enough away in order for the planet not to suck them in completely.
but ultimately this is a losing battle, saturn's rings will eventually dissipate within about 100 million years saturn will go bald 💔
the rings are a perfect representation of balance, and their inevitable fate is a perfect representation of what will eventually and always end.
you cannot always have balance, saturn is perfectly aware of this, but you have to have balance for as long as you must.
you have to balance your ego with your soul for as long as you live, and then when you return to the nothing, your ego will completely dissolve.
this is what saturn is.
saturn is about inevitable transcendance.
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the ego is a purely human concept, but it still manages to be sorely misunderstood.
your ego is not you, it's your titles, your labels, what you are to other people, etc. the ego is saying "I am a mother", "I am a CEO", "I work for [thing]", "I do [thing]", "I am a husband", etc.
your ego is what you can offer to other people.
your Soul doesn't care about any of that, your soul says "I am me", "I am a person", that's it. your soul is you, your ego is essentially your human identity.
saturn reminds us that none of us are people, none of us are CEOs or mothers or anything, we are all spiritual beings undergoing a physical experience. but it doesn't rip us away from that physical experience, it just encourages the awareness that there's more to it than what we can see.
this is why saturn demands balance.
we have to be aware that we are not our bodies, we are not our statuses, we have to be aware that we are beings of pure energy, constantly learning what it means to be alive in as many different formats as possible.
but we can't let that awareness detach us completely from what we're experiencing, because then we won't learn the lessons we signed up for.
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what's ironic is that the planet all about dissolution of the ego is the same planet that got a very egoic interpretation. we said saturn is the material, the physical plane of being, money, status, etc, those are all extremely grounded concepts in the sense that they're all human-made. they're all made for the ego.
since saturn is so about dissolution of the ego, this also ties into the fact that, to me, saturn rules over drive and the willpower.
saturn is driven and motivated to hell and back to evolve, this is why capricorns are so often painted as ambitious. they're ambitious, absolutely, but only toward evolution into their highest self.
this is gonna sound like an oxymoron but i honestly believe saturn is exalted in aries instead of libra.
saturn's motto (to me) is "I define who I become", right, think about it- Aries' mantra is literally "I am."
aries seeks the self, it defines itself to know what it is and what it isn't- that's exactly what saturn does.
saturn also therefore is accidentally exalted in the 1st house and feels very comfortable in fire signs.
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take me for example- my saturn is in leo in my 1st house and my midheaven is in aries (10th house is saturn's domicile), so my saturn is in trine with the house of its rulership that's in its exaltation (to me) and it's in the house of its exaltation too (1st house has an aries connotation).
the last few months i have actually been going through a HUGE saturn lesson and it dragged my chiron in with it too, and it's been fucking Rough. last night i felt the worst i have felt in years, feeling like i just wanted to give up on life.
today, i am back on my bullshit like nothing ever happened because my saturn in 1st house makes me REFUSE to give up no matter how much life hurts. i have literally fuck it we ball-ed myself out of this shit.
im still working through the lesson, but it was an extremely saturn in leo 1st house lesson.
i forgot how to be comfortable being alone and then when i got comfortable again, i got scared of people ruining it, and im Still scared of people ruining it because i feel like i have no space in my life for anyone else right now.
and before this, i felt like i had no space for myself in my life.
saturn's lessons can be extremely painful, yes, but they're not malefic in any way. they're literally there for us to achieve balance and evolve into what we need to be before we inevitably die and lose our egos completely.
it's a balancing act now, but it'll be a funeral later, for your body and your ego.
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ANYWAY- im gonna leave you with some links to further reading and stuff if you're at all interested in more abt this kinda topic-
i just wanted to yap abt this for a minute bc i thought it was rly interesting- that's abt it. see ya 😵‍💫
- links for further info :) -
what ego really is ("Why Most Men Feel Broken & Lonely - Dr K HealthyGamer - Chris Williamson" timestamp: 1:54:54)
more on this take of saturn ("The Drive of Saturn, Part 1 - Mel Flagg")
saturn & unwavering resolve ("The Power of Saturn - Sam Flagg" that's me!!)
jupiter being the bridge planet ("Jupiter's Unseen Significance - Sam Flagg")
link to a comment i made abt saturn on reddit that inspired this whole post ("What drives Capricorn?" on reddit)
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ddollfface · 22 hours
𝐀 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐈𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐞𝐝
𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙎𝙞𝙘𝙠!𝙆𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
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"How can you not dance?"
Your jaw dropped, there's no doubt you'd catch a fly, and your hand flew to your mouth, quickly recouping your bearings. You were still a princess, after all, you need to act like it.
It's just, you never knew someone couldn't know how to dance, of all things. You've always thought that it was something everyone did! You thought that everyone loved to spend their free time clicking their heels and swaying their dress to the newest symphony, letting their hair move in the wind and getting lost in the rhythm. But apparently not.
"Never thought about it, I guess," He simply shrugged, turning his head to look across the kingdom, attempting to hide the smirk that snuck onto his face. He peered back down at his belt, fiddling with the handle of his sword.
"Whaa?" Your eyes widened and you shot up from your seat, leaning over the table. Your brows pursed and lips pushed into a pout, "How can you not think about dancing! It's like-like the best thing in the whole wide world!" You waved your hands around to add dramatic flair, falling back into your seat - your dress crinkling under your weight.
The small tiara on your head slumps to the side, causing you to just push it out of your vision as you lean against the table, hand on your cheek, "You really don't know what you're missing out on..." You grumble.
He just chuckles, "I suppose so..." Looking out at the royal garden, peering at the rooftops that stretch past the castle walls. The garden had a vast amount of flowers, trees, and fruits, from all over the world. Some exotic, while others were local, but they all were different in their own might. And even then, there wasn't even a fourth of the world's nature in this garden.
You really have no clue. There's so much out there, yet you're far too focus on some simple dancing. You were like any other noble, but simply in a different font. You were a slightly lighter rose in a flowerbed of other roses, only standing out if you'd look hard enough. And he was nothing more than a thorn on your side, only created for the purpose of prickling the hands that dared to reach for you. Though he's just sixteen, he's already seen so much, experienced so much more, that he has never had time for silly dancing, these meaningless conversations you indulge in. Though he supposes, that's what he likes about you--your innocence, how you are so naive to their horrors pass the castle walls.
He keeps his posture straight, attempting to stay professional even though you declared the two of your friends from the day you first met. He can't help but feel on guard, taking his job a little too seriously, but it isn't every day that the Nation's Sweetheart's life is in your hands.
"Never had the time, I reckon," He adds on, glancing back at you, only to be greeted by your befuddlement. It makes him chuckle.
"Hmmmm, I guess that's a good reason..." You purse your lips, looking off to the side, huffing as you thought about the situation. A small smile creeps onto your face, your eyes flicker across your large bedroom.
The curtains drawn, letting in all the natural lighting the sun has to offer. The white tiles framed in glimmering gold, just as the doorway and window seals are. Your bed, which is far too big for just one person, stands right in the middle, outlined by white lace. A room fit for a princess, as your father would say.
From where you sat, on the ivory balcony, there was plenty of room to waltz -- you were sure of it. Though the table would be in the way, you're sure the two of you could make do. Glancing over at your loyal guard, you was far too uptight, you jump up from your seat, pointing right at him.
"Well! There's plenty of room here, let's dance!" You smile, feeling far too giddy. It's been so long since you've danced with a friend, and you can't help but feel excited. Offering your hand out to him, you look at him with awaiting eyes, fluttering your lashes.
And for the first time in what felt like years, he could feel his heart skip a beat. The organ pumping blood a little faster, banging and prodding against his ribs in a simple thud, thud...thud. The way your eyes gleamed had his chest tightened, that simple thud feeling far more like the ringing bells of a chapel. That thud was no longer just a thud, but a memory, a vision of what could be, what would be.
Taking your hand, feeling the ivory cloth of the material, he bites back a small smile, covering it with a stoic expression. He stands to his full height and lets you guide him through the steps. Though clumsy, he regains his bearings quickly.
As you laugh and giggle, jumping and twirling in his arms, he decides then and there that maybe... just maybe, you were onto something. It might be possible that you're not just some off-colored rose in the flower bed, but the rose that was plucked and sealed in resin, hidden from the greedy hands of others, instead encased so they can gawk from a safe distance, only for the gardener to touch.
And maybe, he isn't just a thorn on that rose, but the gardener who'd snipped the rose away. Yeah... he liked that idea.
He just needed to snip the bud.
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Hi sex witch! This is kinda a scary ask to send but you’ve always seemed kind to other people asking scary questions so I feel brave enough to ask. So I’m a person with what I would say a fairly healthy and positive attitude abt sex- big fan of jacking off when the mood strikes and I’ve had a few partners. However, something that is really upsetting and scary to me are sex dreams because a lot of times I have dreams abt having sex with ppl I shouldn’t be having sex with and DONT WANT to be having sex with- notably, my father and my brother. I have strange dreams normally- anxiety related usually- but I HATE waking up from these dreams, I feel so sick and ashamed. I’m not even generally attracted to men, and these dreams make me feel like I need to second guess my identity. Additionally, my father is dead so I wake up feeling like my brain has disrespected his memory.
I’m trying to get a therapist for other unrelated reasons but a) my insurance is terrible and I’m having trouble finding someone in network and b) I would be so scared to say these things to a therapist - what if I’m secretly much more mentally ill than I knew, what if they hospitalize me, what if they put me on a sex offender registry?
Beyond “go to therapy” is there any advice you can offer me? It’s really very distressing and I’m really sick of it.
hi anon,
let's take a BIG DEEP BREATH before we start, okay?
so, first and foremost let me just say this, because it's important: nobody is going to hospitalize you or put you on a registry for something happening in your dreams. your dreams are not necessarily a reflection of anything you want or would enjoy in real life; your dreams are a pile of goo your brain spits out while its sifting information around trying to make a bunch of pieces fit together. unfortunately, I worry that you amount of stress and anxiety you feel about these dreams may be keeping them so front and center in your mind that makes them keep coming up over and over when you're asleep, creating a vicious cycle.
listen, I can't tell you how to change or feel better about your dreams. but I can tell you that people having sexual dreams that are in no way indicative of their actual desires is INCREDIBLY COMMON. none of those people are a danger to themselves or anyone else because of something their subconscious does that's entirely beyond their control, and that includes you.
having said that, it's totally understandable that you find these dreams disturbing and upsetting. for the time being, while you're managing them on your own, try to get yourself to a calm place while you're getting ready for bed - whatever works for you, whether it's mindfulness, melatonin, exercise, tea, warm bath and candles, taking time away from your phone, etc - and preparing space to be gentle with yourself and get into a good headspace when you wake up by making an extra nice breakfast, taking a long shower, going for a long walk, or anything else that will help you get out of your head and take care of yourself in the aftermath of an upsetting dream.
and if you do manage to find a reliable therapist soon, which I hope you do, I would strongly encourage you to bring this up with them if the problem is still persisting by then. anything causing you anxiety and distress is something that is worth talking over with a therapist, especially since leaving one stress factor unaddressed can also hold you back from resolving others - it's hard to focus on anything when restful sleep is off the table. once you've established a good rapport with a therapist, some conversations around this could be super helpful for you.
wishing you the best with finding some peace of mind xoxo
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weclassybouquetfun · 2 days
We bid a very fond adieu to INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE and the coven Théâtre des Vampires.
Take a bow, luvvies!
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Especially Esme Appleton and Suzanne Andrade (who play Estelle and Celeste, respectively) the duo who are co-artistic directors of theatre 1927 which was responsible for the expressionism style of the plays and its projections.
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Fans can at least rest easy knowing that there will be a third series.
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Until then they and swoon over, swear over, sneer at or salute series two's finale.
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-Pretty much everything: Louis avenging Claudia (and Madeleine though IIRC her name wasn't even uttered this episode).
The bad thing about a fantastic villain is losing them and Santiago you had to die.
You did what with Claudia's ashes???
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But Ben Daniels, how do I love thee.
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-Armand and how he fumbled a bad b*tch part 2. My maître made mistakes, yes. But I'm going to pull a page out of Claudia's playbook of how she asked the coven if she could cry and say she's sorry too. Can't Armand cry like Lestat and be forgiven? What do you mean what he did was unforgiveable?
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It's terrible that Claudia was used as a pawn in Louis, Lestat and Armand's relationships. Louis needed her for salvation, Lestat had to turn her for the man she loved then resented her for the space she took in their relationship and then Armand, whether he was adhering to the Great Laws or not, went along with her murder IMO because he was fed up with Louis performing an affectation of love while Armand's neck was on the line.
Louis knew how to use Armand's vulnerabilities to keep him compliant and would turn cold when Armand wouldn't do what was being asked of him. Whether Santiago and the coven were gunning for Armand or not because of him letting the de Pointe du Lac de Lioncourts slide, Armand was ready to kill them because he hated that he was used and willingly let himself be used out of a need for love.
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He was so angry that he workshopped his hurt with the coven. I absolutely loved that he gave Sam a note about how the script didn't go deep enough into Louis' hoarding. Armand sat there listening to Louis talk about his Grey Gardens years like,
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Armand was fine with killing them in this protracted show trial, but had Louis burned, it would be a relatively quick death. I think when Armand heard Louis' screaming and knew he was approaching death, he had a change of heart and freed him.
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These three led their relationships as poorly as their joint hand hearts.
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-That leads to the reveal that Lestat made the choice to save Louis over Claudia and Madeleine. Which I don't think was even much of a choice to him. Yes, he would rather not Claudia die, but he figured it was fait accompli because he knew these vampires (as he warned Claudia in S1) and knew their ruthlessness. But there was no way he was going to let Louis die.
He brags about having Akasha blood in him, but he's still bleeding from the ear when using that mind control power. You still need to level up after Akasha?? A booster from a more powerful vamp?
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Claudia's death hurt him much more than he thought it would. He probably figured there would be feelings - she is his fledgling - but the horror and the finality of it devastated him. His daughter (and how great was it that Louis kept pushing that fact. She was their daughter.)
Which leads hovel Lestat.
Candlelit, ramshackled dwelling, with a wooden "piano", but practising with an iPad?
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Lestat, if you don't get on Amazon and order one of these!
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Lestat, know who you should bring on your tour? The grandson of Tom Anderson, Sidney.
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The Louis and Lestat reunion was beautiful and perfect in every way. But then again, I love when characters have a powerful moment while chaos is around them.
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And Louis chose himself! He didn't need to get back with Lestat, they both just really needed closure and forgiveness. The rest can come later.
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And even though we will likely never know what Louis says to Lestat, I think he says "I love you" at the end because that would be the last bit of healing Louis needs because kept himself from saying those words to Lestat their entire relationship.
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FIle Not Found
-Sam isn't author Samuel Beckett, but Sam the Talamasca informant and helmet wearing DJ, possibly Deadmau5?
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-At first I wondered why Louis' -whose family had a legacy in New Orleans- name would be lost to history, yet Lestat's alias is known. That Tom's and the Alderman's rep was still known, Louis' would as well and not just call him a Creole businessman. Then I wondered if it was because Grace "buried" Louis but her getting that crypt was symbolic. Even if their deed and other paperwork was under Lestat's aliases, the town knew who they were by name and I would think their names would be bandied about as much as Tom's as Louis and his "child bride" and Lestat went missing the same night as Tom, et al. But then I told myself I'm not Neil DeGrasse Tyson so I'm going to just enjoy and not logic police.
-In post-episode featurette Rollin says Daniel's vampire reveal happens when Daniel take off his sunglasses, meanwhile he's flashing almond shape nails throughout his interview. We know this man has been turned immediately.
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-The limo driver talking about his wife wanting to see New Edition at Essence Fest - N.E actually did play Essence Fest in 2022 so hat tip to the writers for putting that in.
-Louis returning home albeit briefly. I love that this episode addresses his family. This is completion. He has put down everything he was carrying and is ready to move into his new life. This was what he wanted to do when he and Claudia first left, but he couldn't move on because of "killing" Lestat. He's exorcised his ghosts.
-A Reddit user pointed out that the name above the crypt Louis uses to store his fresh kills is "Mapothier" and posits if it is a nod to Tom Cruise as his real surname is "Mapother".
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-Louis is still an AmEx holder, but now a black card haver.
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-Louis was the knight and now he owns it.
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Talk your sh*t, LDPDL!
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-Not from the episode, but I love how Jacob does the excited smack and it doesn't jar Sam at all.
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