#I realize now I didn’t touch on rendering but for that I’d say keep ur workspace tidy and keep separate layers for everything
midnightcrows · 10 months
do you have any tips for coloring/rendering? your art always looks so effortless and cool!! you always have the best color palettes.
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aw thanks!! my reccs for making color palettes work is to learn color theory, not merely for understanding color palettes but to understand color values. if you pick a bright red and a bright yellow at the same value on a color wheel they actually don't read the same because of the ways our eyes work
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you'll see a lot of my art is either complementary colors or analogous, including the first paintings above are analogous- green, yellow, orange. Yellow, pink, purple, blue.
the top portrait here is mainly dark teals and in gray scale the red glasses are also a dark value, but because red is so different from the blue/greens it stands out by color alone
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Something I've learned lately is using Color Burn, Linear Burn, or Darken color instead of Multiply for my shadows, set to a very low percentage, esp for pieces where i really want the colors to be dark and rich
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Lastly, when stumped for color palettes take inspiration from nature
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mayaree-darling · 4 years
Hii! I was wondering if you can write a scenario where the reader is a friend of Shinobu's and with her she teases Giyuu alot, which kinda has him annoyed with her. But one day, Giyuu is upset about something (probably his self doubt or him being tired of getting targetted at) and the reader finds them. At first Giyuu doesnt take them seriously but eventually tell her his situation and realizes that maybe he likes her? Im sorry if its too much, but if you do consider this, TSYM and take ur time!
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Giyuu Tomioka x Bully(ish)! Reader
A/N: Haha first of all, no probs anon I gotchu covered. Second, of course this was fucking long because it wouldn’t be me if it wasn’t haha. And third, this bitch can’t read for shit because I read your request like 5 times and still didn’t get that you asked for a scenario and I legit wrote a full BONUS for a long fic before I finally saw “scenario” (I usually write the ending first just to get a grasp of how the story will go). So, yay! I guess you got a bonus haha I hope I did your request justice, though! Thanks for requesting OwO
the Pillars are hanging around HQ as back-up for the moment because the demons have surprisingly gone quiet 
good for everyone except Giyuu apparently
coz Pillar hangouts meetings mean two of the biggest thorns on his side being there
namely, you and Shinobu
“Oh? It’s Tomioka!”
* cue Giyuu trying to speedwalk away *
boii is so used to out-speedwalking people he almost gets a heart attack when you suddenly link arms with him
(being the Thunder Pillar pays off for being Sonic Fast™)
Before he knows it, you and Shinobu are flanking him
“Eh? Were you trying to ignore us, Tomioka?”
“yes no.”
“Right! Of course you weren’t.”
“I bet you’re glad we came to talk to you. After all, no one else would, right?”
(Giyuu’s tempted to stab himself right then and there if you weren’t holding on to his dominant arm)
“Shinobu-chan, don’t be so mean to him you’re going to hurt his feelings.”
“Oh, sorry, Tomioka-san. I didn’t think you had feelings.”
“...can I go now?...”
it mostly goes on unless you’re occasionally called out one by one on small scale missions
one day, you’re bored around the Ubayishiki Estate when you see Giyuu sitting alone by a stream
and since Shinobu’s on a mission, you decide to “hang out” with him
(you’re not blind, though, and you can tell there’s something different about him)
(he looks a bit… jittery?)
“Hello, Tomioka!”
“Go away.”
Giyuu is honestly thankful it’s just you this time since you’re relatively “tamer” than Shinobu (still didn’t want either of you around, though)
“I said go away.”
“Did you really think I’d listen?”
you sit next to him and you’re a bit surprised when he doesn’t shove you away or try to walk off
“Aww, am I growing on you, Tomioka? I’m touched~”
normally, Giyuu would muster a glare at you at most
(Tomioka-san, why are you glaring at me like that?)
(Maybe he's hoping you’ll spontaneously combust into flames.)
(Oh, I see. Well, you’ll have to try harder.)
(May I suggest asking Rengoku-san for help, Tomioka?)
But when he turns to you, the look on Giyuu’s face is so sad you’re rendered quiet for a few seconds. 
“Tomi-... Giyuu, are you okay?”
“If you’re done, go away.”
You keep pestering him (your voice much softer than how you’ve ever talked to him) and just when you think he wasn’t going to crack-
“I promise to hear you out! No jokes of any kind, whatsoever. Cross my heart and hope to die.”
that was probably pretty childish for you to say, but before you can take it back, Giyuu turns to you, wide-eyed and
Oh shit.
You stare in horror as tears start falling down his face 
but Giyuu pulls at your arm before you can leave and get help or some shit
“No. I’m fine. Don’t worry about it.”
you  wait for him to calm down a bit before asking any questions
“I’m fine.”
“Obviously, you’re not.”
“I am.”
“Who the fuck cries when they’re okay, Tomioka.”
he’s quiet again, so you try one more time before completely calling quits
“I meant it. I’m all ears, no jokes. I promise.”
He stares you down for a few good seconds before deciding you were serious (for once)
And he couldn’t exactly let you leave thinking he’d gone completely mad, crying out of nowhere like that
Boii must be desperate or something if he’s telling you shit
“It’s my older sister’s death anniversary today. I was doing fine pushing the reminder away but my sister used to do the “cross my heart” thing when she’d promise me something. So when you did it, I just…”
Oh shiiiiiittt
You don’t know what to say, but you don’t try to say anything either because you don’t think this words would be good for something like his problem
(plus he’d probably take the words of his bully by a grain of salt)
“Come on. Get up,” Giyuu’s surprised when you start tugging at his arm. “You haven’t eaten breakfast yet, right? Of course you haven’t. You’ve been sitting here ever since Oyakata-sama called off the Pillar Meeting. We’re gonna get some food. Now let’s go.”
before Giyuu knows it, you’ve dragged him to the kitchen, already preparing a meal for the both of you.
“What are you doing?”
“What does it look like, Tomioka? I’m cooking.”
“No, I mean, why are you-”
“Food’s ready!”
Every time he tries to ask what you’re doing exactly, you distract him with something else
You drag him around the headquarters and to the neighboring village the whole day
You helped train some lower-ranked Slayers, did some favors for the villagers, tried some of the local delicacies
If Giyuu tried to run off, you’d drag him back
At one point you carried him to your next destination and it was at that point he decided to suck it up and let it happen
After all, it felt nice to help others once in a while and it distracted him from-
Oh. oh.
Was… was that what you were doing? You were distracting him from feeling sad…?
Well, if you could hear his thoughts then DING DING DING he was completely right!
You felt a bit bad since he pretty much started crying because of you and among other things
By sunset, y’all had to take a breather because you’ll be deployed to your assigned villages for stake-outs by nightfall 
“So, uh,” Shit. How do you talk again? “I hope you had fun today.”
Giyuu didn’t know. Was it fun? It was.. Okay?
“Don’t carry me ever again.”
“I don’t want to anymore. You’re heavy.”
Giyuu’s surprised you’re suddenly quiet when all he’s known you do is talk. 
Oh. He wasn’t expecting that.
“If this is about earlier, it’s-”
“No. Not just earlier. Sorry, in general. For making fun of you.”
“It’s fine.”
“No, it’s not” God you were persistent. “I just… I didn’t like seeing you sad or alone. So I tried making fun of you to get a reaction. You never smiled, but I thought seeing you angry or annoyed was better than nothing, so… That doesn’t excuse the stuff I’ve said. I’ll stop now, I promise.”
You… didn’t like seeing him sad or alone…?
You’d tease him just to rile him up? Just so he wasn’t sad?
That was a little fucked up, to be honest, but it was well meant enough. 
It was also the most thoughtful thing someone had done for him in a while no matter how fucked up your tactics were 
“Thank you. For today.”
You look up from twiddling your thumbs and smile. 
“No problem! Now come on. It’s time for dinner!”
Giyuu blinks because this is the first time you smile at him like that. No jokes of any kind, whatsoever.
You both had a long way to go, but it was definitely a start. 
“Let’s go, then.”
Maybe you weren’t as bad as he thought you were.
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❀BONUS (bcoz I am dumbass)❀
You hung your head down in shame, a smile frozen in place as you chose to stare at Shinobu’s feet than meet her judging stare.
“Are my sandals that interesting, (F/N)-chan? I can show you where I bought them, if you want,” Shinobu asked in her usual singsong voice, making a shiver crawl down your spine. Ah, so this is what other people felt like. You were mostly part of the teasing side of a conversation with Shinobu than the one being teased. It was rather intimidating. “But I’d appreciate it if you’d answer my question first.”
“S-Shinobu-san, please calm down,” Mitsuri said, but her words weren’t quite that effective when she was cowering behind you.
You weren’t getting out of this easily, that was for sure. Might as well face it head-on.
“Sorry, Shinobu-chan, what was your question again?” you asked, straightening your posture, the same annoyingly pleasant smile on your face. Shinobu’s smile seemed to widen at the sight whilst Mitsuri paled at both of your auras. 
“How on earth did you go from this-” Shinobu motioned to the two of you, before pointing to a certain group across the courtyard. “-to that?”
You mustered the will-power to casually look over to where she was pointing, immediately regretting your decision as you tried to subtly calm your suddenly rapidly beating heart. Giyuu was flanked by most of the male Pillars, most likely going through the same shit you were going through right now. Sanemi had walked out earlier, saying something about “too much shit happening in one day”. Obanai had stuck around to make sure this wasn’t another elaborate prank by you.
It’s been months since you and Giyuu had built a sort of friendship that day you dragged him all around the place. But after today’s Pillar Meeting, you and Giyuu had just announced you were going out. Not even a minute after the words escaped your mouth, Shinobu had pulled you aside with a panicked Mitsuri following close in your wake.
“Shinobu-chan, I swear, if I knew how to answer that, I would’ve told you already,” you sighed, trying to ignore how warm your face had gotten. 
Shinobu sighed, “I would’ve appreciated the heads up. I thought we were friends...?”
“No, of course, we are!” you quickly held her hands in yours, panic and worry evident in your face. “It’s just that… I didn’t know how to tell you.”
“You could’ve tried using words,” Shinobu deadpanned, making your face flush in embarrassment. “What were you afraid of? It’s not like I’d bite your head clean off.”
“Isn’t that what you’re doing right now, though…?” you mumble to yourself, but Shinobu slips one of her hands free from your grasp and bonks you in the head. Oh, she heard.
“No, it’s just that…” you look away, the shame overtaking your body. “I was scared you wouldn’t agree to it...”
“Th-that’s not true! We’re really happy for you!” Mitsuri cut in, nodding her head vehemently, before turning to Shinobu. “Right, Shinobu-san?”
To your horror, Shinobu doesn’t answer immediately. She’s staring at the ground thoughtfully. You and Mitsuri exchange looks once for every second that Shinobu doesn’t respond. The longer she doesn’t say anything, the more you could hear your heart plummeting. 
“Are you happy with Tomioka-san, (F/N)-chan?” Shinobu suddenly asks, and you turn to find her practically staring right into your soul. She wasn’t smiling. 
Your breath hitches at your throat. But you thought about the past months with Giyuu - bumping into one another after missions and going out to eat before he finally got the courage to ask you out. It was awkward at times, yes, since you’d find yourself talking to yourself majority of the time. And you’ll admit that you might have pissed him off as you always did at other times. But he’d still ask you to go out to the village and you’d still go with him. 
It was the most fun you’ve had with someone besides Shinobu in your whole life. 
“Yeah,” Shinobu and Mitsuri were caught off-guard by the loving smile that overtook your features, eyes twinkling as you looked at the both of them. “I am.” 
Shinobu sighed, slightly resigned, but her smile was one of the most genuine you’ve seen in a while. “Then it’s not like I can do anything about it, huh? If you’re happy, then that’s all I care about.”
You pull Shinobu into a hug, Mitsuri glomping the both of you soon after. 
“But,” Shinobu whispers, and you don’t have to look at her face to see her expression. Her seething aura was enough to scare you and Mitsuri. “If he makes you sad for even a split second, they’ll never find his body. Understood?” 
“Y-yes, Shinobu-chan,” you answered. You doubt Giyuu could make you sad, but you pray for his safety anyway. 
Mitsuri pulls away from the hug, as do you, and the Love Pillar looks at you, eyes sparkling.
“So, (F/N)-chan, how did you guys fall in love?” Mitsuri probes, poking at your cheek. “You always used to tease him, right? How’d it happen? How’d you know you loved him? Tell me, tell me!” 
How..? You rubbed at your temple, thinking hard. 
Was it after your talk? Or when you bumped into him at that ramen stand? Was it when he stole your kill and he looked so cool you almost forgot what he did? Or was it-
“Oh!” you snapped your fingers. Shinobu and Mitsuri were surprised when you suddenly turned to the other group. “Giyuu!”
The Pillars - your group and Giyuu’s - watched as you waved your hands around comically, almost like you were trying to gain his attention (despite how he was already looking your way) with a wide smile on your face. Then you cupped your hands around your mouth like you were going to yell, but you only mouthed out a couple of words, exaggerating each syllable for him to properly read.
I love you.
The Pillars were already surprised at the news that loud and social (L/N) (F/N) was going out with quiet and cold Tomioka Giyuu, but the cherry on top was watching as the Water Pillar turned a lovely shade of red before giving you a small smile and turning away, almost shyly.
While Uzui and Kyoujuro had thrown arms around Giyuu and proceeded to give him noogies, you turn and watch as Shinobu and Mitsuri exchanged looks, no words passing between them, only sharing the same resigned but impressed expression-
Ah. That’s a fair reason. 
✨ Masterlist ✨ 
🌙 Disclaimer: Characters are not mine and belong to their respective creators. Their portrayal is merely my own interpretation of them and may not be accurate to their intended characterization. I stake no claim to the original works, only to the ideas and plot of the fictitious stories I’ve written them into.
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could you write headcannons or a fic of what u think would've happened in season 2 of lab rats elite force if it was continued ? i love ur writing sm!
Okay this is such a cool request because I honestly think about this way more than I should 😂
So here are some of my headcanons of what I think would’ve happened. Beware, this will be long because I have a lot of ideas...
So season 2 would have resumed to the fight against Rodissius, I feel like it would be an hour long special
I think we would have definitely seen some Chase angst with him blaming himself about letting Reese inside
We’d see some of the superheroes that the team is warning and/or asking help from
That would be such a touching moment between him, Oliver, Kaz and Skylar
would also make a crack at chase being rude a little throwback from the crossover special lol
They’d ask him to help but he wouldn’t be able to because he has to continue helping the heros that have yet to regain their full strength
For the love of god I would hope to see Tecton, because I have an undeniable crush on him, at least once
A definite appearance from Leo and Adam for backup, maybe a few other bionic kids if the superheroes aren’t able to help
Also pretty much every superhero knew that Skylar lost her powers twice. Twice! Without chance of ever getting them back.
But then boom, she has powers again
Rodissius would undoubtedly search for answers of how that happened and trace it back to Chase
Which would lead to Chase getting kidnapped by Rodissius who would in turn make Chase look for a way to restore his powers
And in a sudden turn of events, Riker switches teams and helps the Elite Force
I mean during season one we see him express doubt about the whole thing
Like he left Roman to defend himself against the team
Which leads me to believe that he wanted no part in this but was heavily coerced into doing this
He tries to come in peace but obviously the team doesn’t trust him and he willingly gives himself up
The team comes up with a plan to use Riker as a bargaining chip for Chase but he tells them it won’t work
Because if there’s a chance that Rodissius might get his powers back, he’s willing to sacrifice his children to do so
So that plans scrapped and they’re back to square one
Until Riker tells them he can get them into wherever they’re hiding out
They agree but still keep him handcuffed so he can’t try anything
I’d say they manage to get inside and find Chase but are quickly trapped by Rodissius and his children
They think that Riker led them into a trap but he didn’t, Rodissius figured out they’d find the place when he noticed Riker was missing
Rodissius isn’t a man to give second chances so he easily disowns Riker
Don’t agree, go watch the ending scene in The List when he takes matters into his own hands
So that leads me to believe that once Riker tells him he willingly brought them then Rodissius would say something along the lines of
“You’re no son of mine, I didn’t raise a traitorous coward.”
Definitely thinks he has the Elite Force cornered but they made a plan in case Riker was leading them into a trap
They prove they aren’t trapped and a fight ensues
Definitely Roman vs Riker scenes where Roman pulls some crap about betraying family
Riker counters with saying they stopped being a family the minute they decided to stop helping people
They manage to capture Rodissius and most of his children
Roman gets away for the sake of plot of course
They inform the superheroes and Rodissius and his children are taken away to Mighty Max
They ask Riker to join the team but he declines saying he needs to look for Roman who is still out there but promises to inform them on any information he finds
Now onto the aftermath
Okay so Douglas got injured by Reese when she did her mojo on his face
And obviously it seemed like he was rendered sightless
But I would say he didn’t lose his sight although it is going to take time before he completely recovers
Reese is the turning point in Chase’s trust and he would kind of close himself off
There would be an episode in dealing with that
I mean he’s been betrayed so many times by people he’s considered friends
Marcus, Sebastian and now Reese who he thought genuinely liked him
So definitely major trust issues there that need to be properly dealth with
I think he might try to like hide it away or play it off as he’s fine but there will be a couple of times where he lashes out
This would be a great brother/sister bonding moment if Bree is the one who helps him and obviously his friends
Definitely a “we’re a family, no one will ever mess with you like that again” moment with everyone
And that helps with his trust issues and whatnot
Okay onto Skylar and Oliver
I like to think that after fighting Rodissius and how they almost lost Chase after he was kidnapped, makes her realize that she doesn’t want to lose Oliver
So she makes it official and they become a couple
Um Bree also discovers a few more powers throughout the season
And Chase would unlock a few more hidden abilities
With the new chip update, I think it would allow them to use more than one ability at once
So there would definitely be training in that because that would definitely come in handy
I think we would also see more growth in Oliver and Kaz’s powers since its shown that superheroes do in fact many, many superpowers
Since we never really got closure on what happened with the opposition
Also I don’t think that Scarlett actually died
For one that whole thing with her falling into the lava seemed sketchy
And I know it was for the sake of plot and whatever
But think about it, she was practically running the opposition or at least was high up on the chain of command
She’s not stupid and I doubt she forgot who close she was to the pit of lava
And second, all calderans have the same physiology bc they were genetically engineered the same way
So that means that Scarlett had the same powers as Skylar, all of them
And if you check Skylars wiki, its shows she had limb regrowth and super durability which means she’s pretty much indestructible
That would mean Scarlett too
So i think this was a tactic move on Scarletts move
Why? Well it was literally 5 against 1, not the greatest odds
So she needed to get away somehow and I think tricking them into believing she died was the best way
And to make them believe that the whole opposition thing was done and over with
But Scarlett did say that Caldera was torn so obviously there are more people on the opposition
So this way, Scarlett gains the upper hand in developing a better plan and kind of make the opposition grow more
And once that’s all said and done, she’s gonna reveal herself to Skylar as being alive
And that would prompt the team to return to Caldera to free everyone from the opposition’s control
So that’s definitely something that would be more touched on
And towards the remaining episodes of the season
It would go back onto Roman who devised a plan to help his dad and siblings escape Mighty Max and once again get revenge
We’d see Riker come back too, maybe show up at the team’s penthouse injured from fighting Roman
And explain what Roman’s up to but by then it would be too late bc Roman would have already succeeded
Also, Might Max was hundreds of feet below the hospital so I would say it’s still operational and they rebuilt the hospital right on top since they have to keep an eye out on the villains locked away
So i feel like what ever extractor they used to take away Rodissius’s powers is still there too
Roman would have found it and presented it to his father which he takes
They still pose a threat to his life but he doesn’t care bc he would rather have his powers and die than be powerless
And it’d be interesting to see how much more dangerous Rodissius is with his powers
I mean we saw what Reese could do so imagine the power Rodissius would have
Anyway, that’s my thoughts on what would happen/ what I’d like to have seen in season 2. If anybody has more headcanons, feel free to add to this list. I would definitely like to see what other people think!
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mdelpin · 5 years
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@fuckyeahgratsu for @watcher-ofthe-sky 
AO3 | FF.Net
Ok, so there was some unhappiness at my leaving it the way it was. Let’s just say there was voting involved and I was “forced” to write a second part. Except for @akikonatsuko, they were the only vote to leave it angsty, which surprised no one ever. 🤣
Previously: Ch 1
Hope in Front of Me
Chapter 2: Hope
I was a fucking masochist. What other reason could I’ve had to volunteer to chase after you and Lucy, once we realized you’d stolen an S-Class Mission?
I should have thought about how much it’d hurt to see you with her, but all I could think was how you’d get yourself killed during the mission or by Erza’s hand and my mouth dried up as I panicked. No matter where we stood at the moment, I needed you.
How bad could it be?
I'd found you but you managed to knock me out and tie me up. Before I knew what was happening, I was on a boat to Galuna island. But you were right, those people needed our help, and no one else was willing to do it. We were their only hope.
So I swallowed my pride and went along with your scheme, a willing participant to your idiocy. I could never have imagined how this job would change everything we knew about each other. It tore my world apart, forced me to face all the things I'd thought I'd left behind.
Towering over me, encased in the very ice that was a testament to my Master's will. It had been her ultimate sacrifice and my sin to bear. But now the ice was melting, it didn't make sense, and it terrified me. I felt eight years old again, and my heart beat faster as I grew terrified that Deliora would tear you apart in front of my eyes.
Not you, never you, I’d rather die than let that happen!
I’d never expected to see Lyon again either, not after the way we’d left things but I should have known his ambition could never be sated. So many emotions ran through me — anger, hatred, love, despair, fear, shame. Leaving me breathless and shaky.
I could feel your confusion as you watched me, wanting to ask but not knowing how I’d react, and I wished so much I didn’t love you. All my secrets, everything I’d ever kept hidden, poured out of me, laying me bare in front of you and letting you see straight into my soul. Rendering me weak when all I’d wanted was to show you my strength. But there was no other choice to be made, Lyon had to be stopped, Deliora could not be allowed to rise again.
I knew there was only one way to stop the demon, Ur had proven that years ago. I needed to defeat Lyon and cast Iced Shell. I'd live out the rest of my life in an eternal contest of wills against the demon that had taken everything from me. I made my peace and prepared to sacrifice myself to keep you safe, to keep everyone safe.
I could see the questions in your eyes, and I evaded them as best I could, not wanting you to understand what I was up to. I needed to touch you so desperately then, to tell you the words I'd held back so long, knowing I’d never get another chance.
I caught the worry reflected in your eyes when you looked at me, and I felt guilty for putting it there. I watched you run off to handle your own fight, trusting my strength to carry me through and I was selfishly glad that you wouldn't be able to see what was going to happen.
Deliora growled as the ice surrounding him finally melted and I knew I was out of time. I knocked Lyon out of the way and walked resolutely towards the demon, ready to put an end to the turmoil of my childhood.
I crossed my arms in front of me in the shape of an X, just as Ur had all those years ago when she tried to lock away my darkness. I readied myself, saying goodbye to the friends I'd made at Fairy Tail. When I felt the spell take hold of me, I quickly searched for you, hoping your face was the last thing I saw before my body transformed into ice.
But you weren't where you were supposed to be. Somehow when I'd looked away, you'd managed to place yourself right in front of me, determined in your desire to face Deliora while preventing me from sacrificing myself.
My blood froze, and my eyes widened, as I watched you fight my demon and defeat him, your flames blazing, a mirror to your heart, which was larger than life as always.
I thought you’d yell, or kick and punch, at the very least call me names. You had every right to be angry, but you did none of those things. You crashed into me, but not in any way I expected.
As I tried to make sense of everything that had happened, I felt your arms grip me tightly, pulling our bodies closer as if you were afraid I’d disappear if you let go. Your lips slammed into mine, a kiss both desperate and demanding, everything I’d always imagined and more.
And for once I didn't fight you, I surrendered. I kissed your lips without restraint and let your light enter my soul, eradicating any remaining darkness.
I realized then I’d been wrong. You were never meant to be my penance, you were meant to bring me hope. And now that I have you, I will never let you go.
A/N This was interesting to write, I don’t do the first person POV often. Not sure I’ll do it much more, but I like trying things at least once. I hope you liked it.
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ewutai · 7 years
32 w taeyong please hehehe
What you don’t see| TAEYONG
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prompt: “Keep your eyes on me”
genre: magician!au | sort of detective!reader | completely fluff & bit mysterious
pairing: Lee Taeyong / Reader
word count:  1 700
a/n: ahhhh i don’t know how good it is not even if it is good at all. Also there may be some grammatical faults, so I apologize in advance. Nevertheless, I hope you like it!
ask + drabble list + recommended listening
As expected, it was a shed. Allyou heard inside the Police Department was indeedhappening: seaport, hangar, cargo truck – and in your point of view, it was adisaster. You and your partner were both waiting for something to happen;someone to appear, a bomb to explode or actually any movement, anywhere around.
“They’re coming.” An impatientand nervous voice echoed; you sighed.
“They’re not, because they are not stupid.” You shrugged. “We are.”
The man by your side gazed youand closed his eyes in annoyance. His body was tense; he kept shaking his legsand tapping his fingers onto the steering wheel. You wondered how he became adetective if he could not control his own emotions.
He looked at you; an expressionyou weren’t able to understand. “In whose side are you, anyway?”
You snorted. “I have no sides,mate.” Your fingers englobed the car’s door knob and you opened it withouthesitating. “If you are the kind of cop who just sit and wait, then you shouldbuy some donuts. I am in.”
He scoffed. “You are not a captain,princess.”
You smirked. “Does it stop mefrom taking the right move?”
The other officer only watched,with disbelief, while you slowly reached the enormous gate of the storagebuilding. You seemed small and fragile and he even thought of following you,but the man knew – very deep inside his mind – that you were too much brave tobe scared so easily. You touched the metal and with all strength you had youpushed it, making the door open.
It was dark and you felt likediving into a black hole; as soon as you entered the shed, the gate closedbehind you, somehow being locked. There was no one else but you close to the metaldoor, even so it shut. Your heart started pounding faster and faster and youknew this was the drop of fear growing inside you. They managed to take you offof your comfort zone, how clever. Thedark, the excruciating ambient, the smell of dust and saltwater fish made yousweat and nauseous. They’re smarter then you thought.
However, you expected all of it.All Police Departments of the district moved their forces to capture these thieves, and you knew it wasn’t just thieves. They’re all criminals, intelligent and well-instructedcriminals. You noticed, when you first held the portfolio with the robberyinformation, that these people were the modern Robbin Hood; the profile wasbasic, easy to discern from any other small bandit and even a young cop likeyou could understand perfectly their intentions. The mystery, though, was the patternof their actions. Their acts seemed random and avulse, involving magic tricksand distractions in public spaces, not even forming any sort of line orunderstanding. It was totally irregular from one presentation to another and,in the end the only match between those spectacles was the Grand Finale.
So it was obvious they’d not movewithout contemplating all options.They were astute, you knew. They’d always be one step ahead, you admitted. And you already expected all of it.
Your thoughts were cut off with alight passing through your vision, causing your eyes to excessively blink. Ittook seconds for you to recover from the blur that arise on your eyesight, andlittle less time to feel the emptiness on your hand.
“What the hec–”
“Are you looking for these,Detective?” You turned your body to find the speaker, but they’re nowhere to beseen. “Over here.” Instinctively you followed the sound of the voice and founda boy sitting on top of the rail, upstairs. You narrowed your eyes; he washolding your gun and your flashlight –but it was almost impossible, considering the distance between you two and thetime he’d take to climb up the stairs.
You grinned. “The light.” Youtouched the back of your neck and laughed; you did not see, as you were toofocused on your thoughts, but the boy smiled back at you.
“You are intelligent, Detective.”He said and opened his arms. “All about distracting you with lights.” Thepastel pink haired boy threw himself of from where he was, but he did not fall.Actually he appeared ten feet away from you. “Here.” He handed you the gun. “I’llkeep the light, because it’s” he turned his body in 360 degrees and then facedyou again “dark.”
You had your mouth open. “Unbelievable.”
“Hum, actually it’s pure illusion.” Heshrugged his shoulders. “But I guess you already knew that.” The boy smiled.
Lazily you came back to yoursenses and raised the gun directly to his face. “I’d say you are not as good asyour friends.”
He laughed; the sound completelyvelvety and addicting. “I’ll count!” He threw the lantern up. “One,” the boysmiled at you “two,” he looked up to see the object coming to his direction “andthree!” He ran to you and you panicked; the feeling of losing control leadingyou to shoot. But the bullet didn’t reach him.
You smirked when you saw theflashlight perfectly positioned on the ground, with all the pieces in the rightplace, and in the tip of your gun a small flag written ‘got ya!’ It wasannoying, because you underestimate that boy’s talent of entertainment.
“Surprise.” He whispered behindyou. “Now, another one for you, Detective.”  The boy hugged you from behind; in vain youtried to escape, like all you’ve learned for combat was useless in that situation.He lifted you up and spun your bodies; you felt dizzy, your sensibilitydispersing within the cold air that gently touched your skin. You closed youreyes, trying to control yourself from disgorging.
“Stop!” You yelled; your eyesstill closed.
At that point you didn’t feelanything else but anxiousness. You wondered what would come next; would he justkill you? Would he just disappear?The sentiment of defeat was crystal clear, you rendered yourself in the momentyou entered the hangar.
“Fuck.” You finally had thecourage to look around again. Strangely, the space was filled with light andyou could easily see every corner of it. You saw two or three motorboat,fishing equipment and some sailcloth. You were completely insane, that’s it. No possible reason could explain what justhappened to you if not you being completelyout of your mind. As a plus, the boy just vanished, which meant you wereimagining it all. He was never there; were you somehow dopey?
You crossed your arms, and onlythen you realized you had more clothes on than before. A green aviator jacketsurrounded your torso and your arms; it smelled like cinnamon and was oddlycomfortable. Also, you noticed that the wind stopped blowing and there were nomore cool breeze hitting your cheeks.
“Are you startled, detective?” Thevoice inundated your ears.
You sighed. “This is gettingexhausting.” You took off the jacket and threw it on the ground.
“Hey!” Suddenly the pink hairedboy appeared; his voice tone was grave, but his expression was soft. “This isexpensive.”
“I bet you stole.” You scoff,almost whispering the comment.
He laughed. “Not all we do isstealing, Detective.”
“Ah, I bet.”
The boy tilted his head. “We makemagic too.” He smiled. “Keep your eyes on me.” He clapped his hands and you,all of sudden, couldn’t move.
It was not because you wanted to stay where you were, but onspur of moment the sound of his palms clashing with one another made youfreeze. You felt hypnotized and peculiarly relaxed; your mind went blank andall you could see was the boy in front of you. He was the only thing for you inthat exact moment – and, oh, how you felt disturbed.
He blinked. “You’re tired.” Hisvoice was melodic. “You’re really, really tired.” And your body seemed to beheavier. “You’re going to sleep now.” His hands touched your eyelids and hekindly closed your eyes.
“Your name. I want you name.” Youmanaged to say; he laughed, amused. But before the boy could answer you,everything went silent and you simply fell asleep.
A loud sound woke you up. It wasa strong and constant knock on the colossal metal door; you didn’t stand up,though. All you felt was fatigue and the last thing you wanted was listening toyour partner’s complaints, because clearly it was him knocking.
You stared at the ceiling, wondering how youlet things get to the point they were. That was the moment when you noticed ared balloon floating in the air; then another one appeared – this time it’s ayellow one – and at sudden lots and lots of colored balloons emerged, moreoveryou could not tell where those things came from.
You abruptly jumped and stood upon your feet; looking around you saw it wasn’t a shed anymore. The space was filled with tiny plastic balls,simulating a huge ball pool. You slapped your forehead, as an act of rebuke.Thereupon, in your palm you sensed the texture of a paper; you had a post-it stuck on your face.  
Soo, you took if off of your headand admired the note with a clumsy handwriting. Instead of feeling angry youwere relieved. You ran your eyes overthe paper, trying to connect every letter and form phrases. In the end you read
If you’re awake, someone knocked. Sorry, Detective, you’re beautifulbut I have to follow some rules.
When someone tells you to ‘keep your eyes on them’don’t listen. And by the way, my name will be ourlittle secret. Won’t it, gorgeous?
It wasn’t obvious, but also wasn’ttoo much hidden. For you it was easy to decipher, and then you pondered if thatthe boy could be that reckless. He gave you his name and it was all you neededto progress with the investigation, but you knew – and also did him – that it’d bekept as a secret. He wasn’t careless; he knew how to play games. And it’s yourtime to move.
You laughed. “Lee Taeyong, huh?”
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mxpublicsinning · 7 years
hi~! can you guys write a fluffy Minhyuk scenario where he planned a big date for you two but you started your period and he stays in to help you feel better? i love your account~ thank you!
Thank u for the request!! this was so much fun to write~!
pairing: reader/minhyuk
genre: fluff
word count: 2.1k
author: Admin E
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 You [11:23 AM]: babe, i don’t think i can make it today…
Minmoongie <3 [11:24 AM]: wwhyyyyy~? i prepared so much!!!
You [11:24 AM]: I know i’m so sorry ;; but um… it’s that time of the month
Minmoongie <3 [11:26 AM]: ur period is more important than me ㅠㅠ
You [11:29 AM]: are you serious? Minhyuk i swear to god…
Minmoonige <3 [11:31 AM]: wow pms much
You [11:34 AM]: i’m so gonna kill you, i’m in too much pain to put up with your whining.
Minmoonige <3 [11:40 AM]: u’re whining
You [11:44 AM]: You. Are. Dead. To. Me.
You put your phone away and rolled around in your bed. Your period had woken you up at the crack of dawn, forcing you to get up and hurry to the bathroom. As soon as you saw the blood stain in your panties your body reacted with some really bad cramps and you wondered if you’d be in pain if you hadn’t seen it.
For while you stayed in bed after the trip to the bathroom but no position was comfortable enough to hold out any longer so you swung your legs out of bed and got up, wincing at the pain in your nether regions. You walked around the apartment you shared with your best friend and opened the curtains. The sun outside was shining, the sky blue and you could see the trees outside swaying in a gentle breeze. Perfect day for a picnic, which was exactly what you and your boyfriend had planned for today. You knew Minhyuk had prepared a lot, he always did. Always made sure to plan everything in advance, and always doing his best to make you feel like a princess. You wanted to eat something but didn’t know what? Leave it to Minhyuk to bring a bit of everything to your place and snack with you on the couch. Or that one time you didn’t have anything to wear?  Minhyuk forced you into a big fluffy sweater of his.
You were pulled out of your self-pitying thoughts mixed with cute memories of your boyfriend when someone rang the doorbell. Confused, you made your way to the door and pulled it open.
“Hey, Y/N!” Minhyuk beamed and pushed past you. He kicked off his shoes and marched into the living room, dropping a heavy looking bag on the coffee table.
“What? Why?” You stared at him in confusion. It had only been half an hour since your last message to him.
“You’re not feeling well, right?” He moved close and wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly. “Your prince has come to save you!”
“Wow, oh my god.” You cringed and tried to push him away but he only laughed and kissed your forehead. “What’s in the bag?” you wanted to know and glanced towards the mysterious object.
“Just some… stuff.” He kissed your lips and smiled softly.
“It better not be a picnic blanket and food and all that because I’m not gonna leave this apartment,” you said and pressed your lips together in a thin line, dead serious about staying inside.
“Don’t worry, princess!” he laughed and then started to pull several different things out of the bag. “So, I brought chocolate, ice cream, cookies… Do you have milk?” You nodded after thinking for a moment. Minhyuk kept retrieving more things from the bag and placed them all on the table. “I didn’t know if you had a hot-water bottle so I brought one! And bananas! I read they help with cramps!” Your mouth fell open and your heart swelled with affection. Your usually carefree and oblivious boyfriend turned out to be sweeter and more attentive than expected. Apparently you still had some things to learn about him and you looked forward to that.
“When did you get all this? You couldn’t possibly buy all that on your way here and still only take thirty minutes,” you questioned and frowned when Minhyuk blushed.
“I, um… I had most of it at home already,” he admitted. “Ah! I almost forgot! I stopped by at a pharmacy to get some painkillers and iron supplements!” He reached into the back pocket of his jeans and handed you two small boxes. Again, you were rendered speechless. Minhyuk noticed and chuckled, pulling you against his chest for the second time that day.
“Did you really think I’d let you suffer through this all by yourself?” he mumbled into your hair and just held you close for a bit. You sighed and leaned into the embrace. Usually, you never told your boyfriend when your period started because it never was a big deal. It only sometimes came up during your private time together or when you stayed at his place and your period just suddenly started.
“Okay, what do you want to eat? I also brought movies. What do you prefer? Horror? Thriller? Something roman- baby?!” His eyes widened in shock upon seeing you peering up at him, eyes wet with unshed tears and bottom lip trembling. “Oh god, did I do something wrong?!” He grabbed you by your shoulders and pushed you to sit on the couch, kneeling down in front of you. “Y/N?” He cupped your cheek and pouted. “Princess? Talk to me, what’s wrong? Is it the pain?” He placed his free hand on your stomach and rubbed soothing circles. All you could do was sob quietly and stare at your boyfriend.
“I-” you started and snuffled. “I’m just very emotional right now.” Minhyuk halted his movements for a moment and raised his brows.
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“I don’t know. I’m just thankful? That you came over? And I’m sorry for earlier, you’re not dead to me.”
“It’s okay, don’t worry,” he chuckled and got up. “So, about the movie…?”
“Um, a romantic comedy?” You wiped your tears away and pulled your legs up to hug them against your chest, not missing the loving smile Minhyuk flashed your direction.
“Alright, my love.” He saluted and pulled a DVD out of the bag. You let out a delightful squeal when you realized it was one of your favorite movies. He got everything ready, filled the hot-water bottle and prepared some of the snacks he brought before he plopped down next to you on the couch. You immediately snuggled into his side and sighed happily.
When the movie was over he nudged you gently and asked if you were still awake.
“Yeah,” you yawned and stretched. You had taken some of the painkillers at some point during the movie but the pain was still there, albeit dulled by the medicine.
“Wanna go out for a walk? Exercise helps, right?” You looked down at yourself. At your baggy sweatpants and one of Minhyuk’s shirts and shook your head.
“I really don’t feel like getting ready to go out, sorry.” You let your head drop and pouted. You didn’t want to force your boyfriend to stay inside when the weather was so lovely but the selfish side in you wanted to keep him around.
“It’s okay,” he reassured and leaned in to steal a kiss. You kept your eyes closed for a bit longer, lingering in the feeling of butterflies rising in your stomach. You circled your arms around his neck and kept him in place, his lips against yours. What started as a chaste peck slowly turned into something more. His hands moved to grab your hips as he pushed you down on the couch, hovering over you, hesitating for just a moment. You refused to let go of him, softly mewling into his mouth. Minhyuk’s warm body against yours helped to soothe the pain way better than the hot-water bottle had done and you were extremely sensitive to every touch of his hands. He effortlessly slipped between your thighs and moaned at the feeling of you clawing at his shoulders desperately to get him even closer. “Babe, is this just a side effect of your period or do you really want to…?” he whispered, his voice deeper than before.
“I don’t know,” you sighed and hooked your legs around Minhyuk���s waist, just letting them rest there. You worried your bottom lip and frowned. Your boyfriend chuckled and rubbed his nose against yours before pressing your foreheads together.
“You’re cute when you’re confused and frustrated,” he smiled and his eyes sparkled happily.
“Ugh, I’m not.” You gave him a look and he winked at you before pushing himself up and off your body. “Way to ruin the mood, though. Get back here.”
“Should we watch another movie?”
“A funny one?”
“Okay, yeah, sure.” You reached out for him, already missing his body heat, but he purposely ignored you and chose another random movie. He put it in and started it, then he left saying he wanted to bring a blanket from your bedroom. It wasn’t very cold but the AC was on and you didn’t move much so you cooled down fast. Besides, cuddling under a blanket was so much better. You scrolled through your phone while waiting but Minhyuk didn’t come back. Wondering what took him so long, you got to your feet and padded to your room. Your boyfriend didn’t hear you approach, his back was turned towards the door as he moved things around on your bed.
“What are you doing?” you wondered and Minhyuk jumped in surprise, turning around with a sheepish smile.
“There… ah, there was a stain on your bed sheets, I just changed them quickly so you don’t have to when you want to go to bed,” he explained, the tips of his ears bright red. You felt your face burn and your heart beat faster. Yes, you were embarrassed but also overwhelmed by your puppy-like boyfriend and his way of caring for you.
“Wow, um… Thank you.” You scratched the back of your head but then remembered something. “Actually… There’s something you could do for me?”
“Hm? What is it?” He looked at you expectantly, eyes curious.
“I’m almost out of pads…”
“On it!” He snapped his fingers, walked back into the living room and grabbed his wallet and phone from where he had placed it before on the coffee table.
“Thank you!” He grinned and slipped into his shoes, quickly leaving the apartment. You laughed to yourself about how eager he was to do all this for you.
Minmoongie <3 [4:02 PM]: baby help me
You [4:03 PM]: what happened? Did you get lost?
Minmoongie <3 [4:05 PM]: so much
Minmoongie <3 [4:05 PM]: different things
You [4:07 PM]: just um… look for a pink box?
Minmoongie <3 [4:07 PM]: darling half of them are pink
You [4:07 PM]: wait i can send you a picture of the box i have here
Minmoongie <3 [4:08 PM]: one of the ladies who work here gave me a funny look
Minmoongie <3 [4:08 PM]: what is size extra large?? is that for tall people?
You [4:09 PM]: no, minhyuk. It’s just the size of the pad for when ur period is strong? Idk?
Minmoongie <3 [4:10 PM]: maxi? extra long? triangle shaped?
Minmoongie <3 [4:10 PM]: what is happening
You [4:11 PM]: they just have different sizes and forms depending on how strong your period is and what kind of panties you wear, you nugget
You [4:12 PM]: (photo)
You [4:12 PM]: look for those
Minmoongie <3 [4:12 PM]: wings. some of them have wings.
You [4:13 PM]: …MINHYUK
Minmoongie <3 [4:10 PM]: ok ok sorry i love u
You [4:14 PM]: hurry home i miss u
Back at home and at the end of the day the two of you crawled into your bed and Minhyuk immediately pulled you into an embrace.
“Minhyuk?” you ask quietly.
“Can you, um… Can you rub my stomach like you did before?”
“Sure, sweetie.” He was spooning you from behind, hand coming around to press into your stomach lightly. “Like this?” he asked and kissed your neck.
“Yeah, thank you.” You were about to close your eyes when Minhyuk’s phone on your night stand lit up. “You got a message.”
“What does it say?” You took the phone and unlocked it quickly.
“Oh, just a notification of an app, it says ‘start of period’.” You yawned and put the phone back and it was quiet for a moment but then your eyes flew open again. “Wait.” You looked back over your shoulder to stare at your boyfriend. “Start of period?”
“Just so I know when I have to buy tons of chocolate?” he said and smiled nervously.
“You have an app on your phone that tells you when I get my period?”
“Yes.” He pecked your cheek. “Did you really think I randomly have tons of chocolate, ice cream or bananas lying around just when you need them? Or a hot-water bottle? Or-” You interrupted him with a hand over his mouth.
“Thank you, baby.”
“Anything for you.”
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