#I realise that there are some problematic stans in the Buddie fandom as well
lemotmo · 2 months
I really do wonder sometimes just what show they are watching
Like here they were just yesterday attacking people for jokingly saying BEE stood for Buck Eddie Endgame and yet the very next day they are out here speculating a way for the entire opening disaster to revolve all around Tommy. But buddie fans are the delusional ones??
Hey Nonny! For some reason the link didn't work for me, but I think I know what it was referring to. I saw it on Twitter when I was scrolling my timeline.
Listen, I don't even care anymore at this point. A whole section of this fandom has decided to just discard the obvious narrative of the show to blindly follow a few stans who seem to have decided that Buck and Tommy will be married with 4 children on the way by season 9. They have given up on any semblance of reality. It is kind of concerning if I'm honest. But you know... ship and let ship. Whatever.
They'll soon find out that their headcanon doesn't match up with where this story is truly going when season 8 starts. They are setting themselves up for grave disappointment. But that's not our problem anymore. We tried to tell them, but they wouldn't listen. It's their problem now.
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