#I rarely make such snooty posts but saw some stuff that pissed me off
reginaphalange2403 · 1 year
The way many ppl treat Taylor swift is so odd to me. When those who don’t really listen to her start enjoying her music and are like “ugh fine, i guess I’ll give in to the trend😒” or the whole “growing up means realizing Taylor Swift actually makes good music😃”. Like no, change that to “recognizing your own internal misogyny means realizing Taylor Swift makes good music”. Why do ppl act as tho if someone is super mainstream and popular, it means they’re overrated/not actually that good? And why is it only women in the music industry that get this treatment? The Rolling Stones, the Beatles, billy Joel, hell even Kan*e west (at one point) were all very mainstream popular artists, but no one ever really assumed they were overrated or not genuinely talented. I don’t even see Harry styles receive this treatment, and he’s basically a male Taylor swift in some ways. It’s one thing to just genuinely not enjoy certain music, but to write off an entire artist as being overrated and making “surface level music” is just so 🥴 how about you check your internal misogyny and pull your head out of your ass first and actually listen to said music? Like there’s a fucking reason she’s this popular in the first place hello?! I feel like a lot of this mindset comes from the whole “I’m not like other girls🤪” trend, which needs to END. that trend in and of itself is a whole other tangent.
I’ve been ride or die for that blonde bitch ever since my mom bought me a speak now cd in target when I was like 8. You’ll never see me not defending her talents 😤 also the fact that Red TV’s release basically helped me to not off myself when I was going through a rough year of college/life.
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