#I probably won't be doing another episode until August anyway :V
mirror-alchemist · 5 years
Episode 7 Complete! University Edition
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I actually finished an episode at waking hours and not the buttcrack of dawn like usual. I finally reached the episode in which I get the illustration that has been my phone lock screen for MONTHS.
This episode took me about 1100range ap.
I liked this episode a lot. Beach episodes are some of my favorites. Of course I went with Nathaniel because I’m locked in his route (ya know his 110% affinity and all). It was really chill to see the Nath I liked in high school. I really did wish I had more time to spend with him instead of in the middle and at the end. It’s just nice that my Candy is doing her own thing. And it was nice to know that Nath can feel more like himself around her.
They may not be together anymore (yet) but at the very least they’re buds again. It follows along with my AU that Ami really wants to be his friend even if they aren’t dating.
It’s odd to think of Amber of being a wingman to get him and Candy together. When in HSL she was doing everything to not have her spend time with Nathaniel. It’s a good change tho.
I was really happy that Rosa and Leigh got a house together. They really deserve it. Even without the baby bit.
The illustration is one of my favorites of all the UL ones so far. It’s really sweet. 
I’m looking forward to the next episode. If only because after a beach episode, shit normally hits the fan :V
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