#I personally would want to drink more drink with prey than eat food but that’s my preference!!
nombitenary · 3 months
vore scenario: pred sneaks prey into the movie theater and buries them in soda and popcorn, then gets so into the movie that they forget to let them out. they leave the theater wondering how they got so fat..
Oghhhh… I love that in like a g/t style of scenario.
The pred has every intention of letting their tiny prey out, but has a few sips of soda to tease them, and the popcorn smells so good that they just have to have a few bites. All while the prey is at first just. Annoyed. Listening to their pred friend’s muffled but eager gulps from above and cringing as they’re showered in more of the pred’s snacks. They kick one of the walls and say that they better let them out before the previews are over and in response to their movement, they’re treated to the stomach around them contracting a little and a soft hiccup from above them.
It’s only when the pred’s stomach starts to really gurgle that they start to worry, and they shove the walls as more and more of their space is taken— the series of muffled glrks and glucks from above only adding to the humiliation. They’re the same size as those mouthfuls being squeezed down, and they realize with a sinking feeling that the pred must have decided to keep them.
When they start struggling more, the pred doesn’t notice thanks to their lack of room. They can’t make any huge movements, and as the pred takes another slow gulp of their drink, they smile at the thought of their prey stuck so deep inside their belly. Gently, they rub at their middle and coax up another soft hiccup as their guts get to work— slightly overstuffed and heavy feeling— before settling in to watch the movie as their body massages their meal deeper, deeper…
Maybe the prey is indigestible. Stuck feeling the popcorn around them mix into the sludge of fountain soda and acid that fizzles around them, causing the stale air to make their lungs tingle as they inhale. There’s hardly space for them in the bottom of the stomach, hardly air where they’re squashed under layers of soggy popcorn— though that becomes the least of their worries when a deep and rumbly grrrrrrgl shakes through them. With a slick squish, they’re slowly pushed down into the predator’s intestines… listening to the predator gulp down still more of their drink thanks to their stomach emptying out… all while the pred enjoys a movie, blissfully unaware of how far from their stomach the prey has gotten.
Oh well, they’d say when the movie’s over as they rub the weakly twitching lump in their middle, barely able to locate it in the slushy and gurgly mess. They suppose they’re going to have to keep you in there. Enjoy their belly. It certainly enjoyed you <3
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crevicedwelling · 1 year
hello! i am a relatively new user here on tumblr, less than a year, and i have heard a comment or two about a 'wasp discourse' that happened here, that wasps are much more nice than bees or something among those lines
this caught my curiosity as im writting a wasp based character whos just an ahole as i did it on what i knew abt them from general internet and im stuck on wether i should maaayybe change them up a bit
if its not too much to ask do you happen to know a bit abt this discourse? or have a link to it? or if not to the discourse itself some other link that elaborates abt the same topic? perhaps even someone else i can ask this?
thank you very much!
to start off, there are a lot of bees and wasps in this world and it is not easy to generalize about them. there are ~20,000 bee species, and the vast majority of these are solitary bees that nest in the ground, plant stems, or in holes in wood, and because they produce no honey or have a colony to guard, have no need to be defensive or aggressive towards humans (because “towards humans” seems to be what most people base this idea off of). colonial bees, like honeybees, are actually much more defensive than solitary ones; they have huge food stores and many defenseless larvae, hence their nasty stings (or bites, for the stingless bees) and swarm defense of their hives.
bees, however, are just a family of wasps. their closest relatives are believed to be the crabronid wasps (example: cicada killers) and sphecid thread-waisted wasps (ex. mud daubers). these wasps, and most others, are also largely solitary, and hunting prey aside, don’t typically use their stings for anything other than personal defense. of the hundreds of thousands of wasps, most of them (75%) are not just solitary but also parasitoids that develop inside other insects. it’s hard to say “all wasps are assholes [to people]” when some 100,000 of them are tiny specks smaller than sesame seeds that nobody other than scientists notice.
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two parasitoids: a braconid ~3mm long & something else ~0.3mm long
the wasps most people take issue with are vespids, since they like the same foods we do (sweets, meat) and have powerful stings to defend their nests. these include the social hornets, yellowjackets, and paper wasps, but many mason wasps and the like are solitary (and, you guessed it, want nothing to do with people). vespids are great predators of caterpillars, flies, and other pests that humans don’t like in addition to being pollinators.
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a yellowjacket: Vespula squamosa
the usual anti-wasp, pro-bee sentiments go: wasps attack for no reason, don’t pollinate, don’t make honey, and are “assholes.” wasps do pollinate (most wasps, bees and ants don’t eat solid food, and therefore largely drink flower nectar; some plants are only pollinated by wasps).
some tropical wasps do actually make honey, though it’s not harvested by humans. it’s sort of silly to say that making honey is what makes bees “good” though—a very selfish mindset, and for example butterflies are well-liked by people despite not making any edible products for us.
wasps also attack only when provoked, either because you’re near a wasp nest or when you lean on one accidentally. they are defending their baby sisters and themselves, same as bees would. at least in the US, I think the reason that wasps are so hated is that we have many species of paper wasp and yellowjacket that are willing to nest on or under houses, while the (invasive) honeybees prefer trees or are kept by beekeepers in artificial hives, so it’s just more likely you’ll run into problems with wasps than bees.
wasps and bees are neither “nice” nor “mean.”
bees are mostly loners that don’t bother people. colonial bees will sting to defend their nests or themselves from predators. most bees are pollinators, who gather pollen to feed their larvae. a few species make honey that humans harvest.
wasps are mostly loners that don’t bother people. colonial wasps will sting to defend their nests or themselves from predators. most wasps are pollinators, and most hunt or parasitize other insects to feed their larvae.
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﴾ i drink your blood and i eat your skin, part seven.
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pairing: hwang hyunjin x f!reader
genre: vampire au
word count: 5,8k
warnings: angst
It was another day and as more time passed by, spending it only in your room, the more the boredom creeped up on you. Even the books you took with you from the library started to get boring, words on pages blending together and creating just a bunch of nonsense. The delicious food turned as bland as your world. The known unpleasant feelings started to show and not even the beautiful house could not keep you away from embracing them. You haven’t seen Hyunjin after the dinner and in some way it bothered you. Loneliness, feeling you knew all too well, quickly joined the party and now it felt way stronger, even deeper. You didn’t even realized that his presence was effecting you in some way…
More like his absence. You however knew better than let your intrusive thoughts win. It is so wrong to want his attention, him. It was so wrong that it felt good…right. You don’t know if he truly was a bad person, maybe it’s just your own head playing tricks on you. Or maybe it was just instinct, maybe it was keeping you safe from him. He is a predator and you were his chosen type of prey after all. He told you that he wouldn’t hurt you but you both know that in some way or another he already did. You weren’t in the wrong to think like this.
You are just careful around him, because you still fear him in some way. Even if you get to know him, will you ever not be afraid? You knew what power he holds and that scares you. He could snap your neck by a blink of an eye.
But…wasn’t that also so exciting?
Hyunjin is so strong, a creature created from the darkness. A vampire that walks with an aura so menacing but also so alluring. It makes you want to have just a little taste of it and before you would know it, you would be already drowning in it. And it would taste even better because his deepest desire.
You really should sort out your feelings. You wished for Mia right now. You missed her, even if it were just days but being ripped away from her like that — you didn’t like it. You choose to stay, you have to remember that.
As you were gazing through the closed windows, you wondered if you could go there. You needed some fresh air and the slightly open window in the bathroom wasn’t enough anymore. After you went to the library the door to your bedroom was mysteriously left unlocked, maybe he knows that you won’t try to run away again. For one you are sure that you wouldn’t be able to, even if you tried your hardest and second of all you don’t really want to….but maybe a walk outside wouldn’t hurt anyone.
To your surprise you found a long, warm coat for you in the closet and also some boots. Every time you had opened it, you always found new things for you. It was endless and you couldn’t help yourself from going over the multiple boxes of shoes. He really does have a taste but being alive for God knows how long, it should come naturally.
It felt wrong going out of your room like this or was it just in your head? You weren’t really a prisoner but still everyone was so careful around — with you. You weren’t that sure which way lead to the back of this place but you were definitely familiar with which way was the main entrance. You calmly made your way to the big staircase and you momentarily stopped, gripping the railing with your hand. You glance into the dark hallway just few steps away from you, you haven’t been there before. There is still so much for you to explore but your lungs really call for the fresh air you promised yourself.
As you made your way down, you noticed that you weren’t alone at all to your surprise. The house looked like it was finally waking up. Two guards were standing at each side of the main door, dressed neatly, bodies pin straight and eyes hard, it made a lump form in your throat. Maybe it’s not going to be so easy.
They didn’t spare you a glance first, even if you now stood right in front of them and you were a little thankful for that. You clear your throat, clasping your hands before you. “Ehm — hello, may I go outside?” Even by clearing your throat, you still sounded like a hurt kitten. ‘Even my voice is not on your side.’
Finally they take a glance at you briefly, before giving each other looks that you couldn’t quite place. You stood there for a while, swinging on your feet slightly. The one on your right with fair hair and looking a little older than you sighed. You weren’t so sure about his age, after all you feel like this house only reeks of the undead but this man didn’t look like it. He doesn’t have the aura around him, the different eyes or anything. He looked like you, human. His company however didn’t. He was more like your age, tall and skinny with dark curly hair and light eyes which for a second reminded you of him. This was interesting. Were there many like you here?
The older man step out, unblocking the view of the door. “I will accompany you, miss.” He said. At that excitement pumped through your veins, finally feeling some kind of relievement in these past days.
You shake your hand, waving him of, making your way to the door. “You don’t have to.”
Before you could wrap your hand around the handle, he put his hand on it, again blocking the entry with his body. You look up at him at that. “I will accompany you, miss.” He said slowly, not that sternly but letting you know that you didn’t have a choice.
“Okay.” You replied. The prices you have to pay to just get a whiff of fresh air…
The other man step aside as well, probably to not get hit with a stream of light that might shine through the now open door. You are curious about what is and what is not true about these creatures but you can tell for sure that they did not like the sun. It wasn’t that sunny outside however but you could smell the warm spring peaking around the color. The sky was still grey, maybe it was because of where you are, middle of the woods and cut from any other people that weren’t residents of this house. But is it really a house? It looked like a mansion, mixed with cathedral, you couldn’t quite place it. At least you now had time to fully analyze it.
The man walked few feet behind you and you find yourself not minding it that much, maybe because he was like you. Did he knew about who — what he was working for or was he compelled? That question ran through your head while you walk around the building, however you didn’t ask. It was none of your business but you hope that they did not keep him, like a alive blood bag…
Tracing your fingers over one of the statues, you wondered again where this marvelous place was located or more like where you were right now. You remind yourself that they had the power to do everything and more, you almost scoffed how easy it must be for them to live. The nicer weather even made the bushes bloom, you remembered that they were empty just days ago but now red roses peaked out from them.
You touched one of the roses softly, it wouldn’t propably hurt anyone to pick one up but you still glance back at your company that watched you silently the whole time. “Can I have one?” He raised his eyebrow, looking confused to why you would ask permission for that but still nodded nevertheless.
You snap the stem then, careful not to cut your finger because that definitely wouldn’t end well if you did. Twirling it between your fingers, you decided to go around, to the direction where you would look out of your window. Just as you wanted to cut the corner you suddenly appeared somewhere else.
The smell hit your nose, just as well the noises of the animals in the stables. Your mouth opened slightly. The stables were right at the edge of the mansion, so there was no way for you to ever guess to be meet with horses. You thought that vampires enjoyed more of dead company than anything. Glancing back momentarily at the guard, seeing that he doesn’t have anything against you to you going there, you pick the end of your long coat and step inside.
The heads of the horses peak out at you and you immediately went to pet each and every one of them, still careful because there wasn’t certitude that they would like you but to your surprise they did. The second your hand touch the soft skin of their neck, it seemed that almost a heavy weight has been lifted from your shoulders. Petting an animal really does help with nerves. As you passed through them, giving them each enough pets for them and for you to be satisfied, you came across a one horse that had its back to you. It probably could sense your presence, turning to finally walk up to you and have a look and you gasp softly at the beautiful white color and the black spot at it’s back.
Your lips after so long lift softly at the corners as it leaned into your open hand. You really don’t want to pick and choose favorites but this one surely speak out to you and it definitely liked you the most so far out of everyone. The stables were big, bigger than you expected, this place sure has it’s secrets and surprises.
A loud noise startled you, hand jumping away from the neighing horse to whip your head to the direction. There at one of the stalls stood a man, leaning on the wood, looking you over and you wondered if he’s been there the whole time. Your body stiffened at his dark eyes and matching black hair.
“H-Hello.” You greeted, unsure, looking back your company that to your surprise kept his distance, standing at the entrance to the stables. Looking back to meet the eyes of the lean, tall man, you don’t receive any answer. He looked like one of those statues in the gardens, the aura and his unraising chest giving you the answer about who — what this man truly is.
The horse you were just petting nudge the back of your head, making you jump before your focus was back on the still silent vampire who was still sizing you up. You cleared your throat, straightening your back, suddenly feeling insecure under his gaze. “I am–“ Before you could finish introducing yourself he beat you to it.
“I know who you are.” He said.
A small smirk appears on his face at your response. “My brother can’t shut his mouth about you.”
‘Really’ You thought. You weren’t so sure what to say to that so you kept quiet. The silence however made you feel uncomfortable, turning around to continue at your petting of the horse. As you do that you could feel him getting closer, you couldn’t hear his footsteps but the burning stare at the back of your head gave him away. You turned back to him, his gaze hard but not looking so unwelcoming, maybe it was just his natural expression and also he was much closer to you that you thought. Basically right next to you
“I’m sorry for asking this but…” You begin. “–are you all…following me?” The question was answered by silence, his face unmoving. “I feel like you are…”
He hummed almost like in thought, his own attention falling to the animal before you two. “Just keeping an eye on you, like everyone.” The vampire answered. ‘What does he mean by everyone?’ Your eyes briefly flicker to the guard.
“Hyunjin likes his sleep…” He continued, making you snap out of your thoughts to look at him as he nodded his head to the direction of the horse. “You ride?”
You shook your head widely, still slightly stuck at his statement. “Oh n-no, but I for sure always wanted to try.” You careased the soft skin of the horse, smiling at it’s noises of contentment.
The vampire watch you in silence, petting the happy animal. The news of your existence shocked everyone, it was such a crazy theory that even he didn’t know what to think. He, like everyone else didn’t want to give Hyunjin the satisfaction that maybe he was right about you. The fact that this animal, your so called soulmate’s untenable horse let you pet him so freely was for sure a little significant. All eight of them had their own look at you at some point, peaking from behind corners in curiosity. Their brother was so mesmerized by you that they just had to have a look themselves. They however didn’t expect you to be like this — look like this. Such a beautiful soul but also so sad, wide eyed like you finally opened your eyes after years of living. Walking amongst the living but so close to the dead. Still you looked and smelled so sweet, like a flower, maybe you were just tormented, lost soul like them. Maybe you are more enchanting than you think…
The black haired man startles you as he suddenly opened the gate to let the horse out. “What are doing?” You asked in wonder. The question only made him roll his eyes in annoyance. He was only doing this for him. Maybe if you saw kindest in others, you could finally start seeing it in him.
You watched the vampire as he put the saddle on the horse. “We are going for a ride.” He stated casually, making you choke on your spit. Because of the gate now being open you could fully see how magnificent this animal is and it made you nervous to even approach it now.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
He again rolls his eyes. If this bordered him so much, why was he even doing it then? Your body froze slightly as he suddenly made his way up to you, so quickly that you didn’t even have time to react. One second you were on the ground and now you were being picked up by your waist like you weighed nothing. A small gasp leaves you. “Wait! Wait, I don’t even know your name…”
“Seungmin.” He answered simply, while helping you up on the horse’s back and if you weren’t so focused on balancing yourself you would’ve seen the small amused smile.
The vampire walked with you in his arms, before helping you to get fully seated. “Wait! Aren’t you not supposed to be able to go outside.” You stated, clutching the leather of the saddle tightly as the animal moves under your weight.
A sigh, almost like a laugh comes through his nose at your words. “I appreciate your concern but however the sun can’t harm me from here.” You opened your mouth in realization.
You were know seated on the horse, body so rigid that now you were the one looking like a statue. The vampire still had his arms stretched out, like you were going to fall at any second into them but you were basically frozen at your spot. The animal moved a little, making you grip the saddle even tighter.
“Do you want to go down?” Your company asked softly. You didn’t say anything because you simply didn’t know the answer but as seconds passed by you started to not mind your position. Maybe the whiplash from how quickly you were put so high up was wearing out. “Or do you fancy a walk around the castle?”
Your head snapped to his direction. “Can I?” You asked softly.
“What do you think.”
You sighed through your nose, body not so tense anymore. “I would love to.” You really would.
His lips formed into a small smirk and not because of your words but from the annoyed sigh coming from inside the house that only he was able to hear. His hand then wrapped around the reins, making the horse move from it’s spot, you immediately tensing up again. But after some few steps as you walked your way to the direction of the guard who you almost forgot about, you found the hang of it.
“Accompany her, make sure she doesn’t get hurt on my brother’s behalf and sanity.” Said Seungmin and you couldn’t miss the difference of the tone of his voice nor the way he looked into the man’s eyes.
The guard nodded, blinking away rapidly and grabbing the reins to the horse. “Yes, sir.”
Seungmin turned to you, even if you had the higher ground, you couldn’t possible share the same authority as him. “For my well being I won’t be the one to give you the tour.” ‘Oh? So direct sunlight was the enemy.’ Your eyes then fell on the two man again.
“Just around the forest.”
“Yes, sir.”
You felt a little bad for this unknown man but there was nothing to do. You simply don’t have the power to even have a say about who or who not should be compelled. The way Seungmin now was looking at you, made you think that he could read your thoughts. This intense glare probably came with every vampire though.
You smiled briefly at him. “Thank you, Seungmin.”
He waved you off, looking into the distance. “I did this for myself because I can’t tolerate my brother’s whining any longer.”
“Huh…” You frowned because you couldn’t imagine him doing that, eyes traveling back again at the vampire who stood under you.
“You made a choice to stay.” He stated. “So at least try to enjoy it and stop your own whining.”
“Excuse me?” Flies out your mouth because you had nothing other than that to say at the moment but he just ignored your question, turning around to make his way back inside, exactly as the sun appeared on the exact spot he stood second ago.
“Goodbye miss Y/N.”
‘Vampires are going to be the death of you.’
It was a cold night, so cold that even Hyunjin shivered. Though was it really the breeze, coming from behind the closed door that made goosebumps appear on his skin, perhaps it was the unsettling feeling bubbling inside his chest, ready to burst at any moment. He stood behind the closed door to your bedroom, silently getting over the words inside his head. His thoughts were so loud that he didn’t even have time to listen. Hyunjin listened to the sound of your beating heart every second, since you’ve been here, even the many walls separating you apart couldn’t safe you from his ears. The thumbing soothes his soul, like a lullaby but now the sound makes his ears ring. The sound…so close yet so far.
He wanted you to know that yours made his own beat again. There’s no way for him to express his emotions throughout words. He tried plenty of different ways to show his devotion to you but you dodged every one of them like a bullet. Did you even know that every second without you made him mad? It made his skin crawl, itching, burning and fangs hurting and wanting nothing more than to pierce the soft skin of your neck and make you his. Hyunjin wanted to mark you so bad that he had to bite his own lips to ease the temptation, while imagining they were yours instead.
The vampire didn’t want to say this but your rejections were so confusing to him. He knew how and what he could evoke in humans, he was the creature that trilled on the seduction and the pleasure after all. You however didn’t return it. Or did you? He would like to say that he could see in the depths of the soul that people try so desperately to keep hidden and you weren’t really good at hiding yours. Your eyes gave you away every time he would look into them. The desire, the desperation they held, the wanting and longing to be finally seen. ‘Why won’t you let me in, Y/N?’ Let him in and he promises to ravish every corner of your heart, every piece of your untouched skin and lips…
Hyunjin has to contain himself a little but how when you were the reason and also the answer to his suffering and redemption?
He finally found the courage to knock on the door. The sound echoed through the old mansion, like the creaking wood under his feet and yet he didn’t hear anything from the other side. He waited a little bit for an answer but every moment made his suffering even worse. Hyunjin knew you were in there…so he let himself in. He hopes you won’t be angry with him.
His eyes traveled over the room. From the unmade bed, to the multiple books on one of the nightstands. They stopped at the open window to the balcony, the very reason of the cold seeping inside the room. The strong wind made the heavy curtains float but the smell of your sweet scent didn’t immediately hit his nose, like he expected. Sense of panic washed over him, making him take quick steps to the balcony. ‘Have you ran away, jumping from the balcony and running for freedom through the forest? What if you were injured?’
Just as quickly as the panic had reached him, it flew away through the wind as a gasp ringed in the air. He turned around, coming face to face with your shocked expression and he had to slightly sigh in relief, taking in the smell of your skin.
One moment you were enjoying your bath in silence, washing away the smell of the animal you spent your whole day with and then there was a vampire standing inside your bedroom. You didn’t expect him to visit you at all and definitely not so soon after the horrible dinner and also not so late but what seemed like late to you was the beginning of the day for him. Your white nightgown gave you little to no coverage, wrapping your arm around your chest, the man following your action before quickly everting them. “May I ask what are you doing here unannounced?” You spoke up, eyes glancing at how the moonlight casted shadows on his face.
Hyunjin look up at your words, glancing over your figure so quickly that you didn’t even catch it. He had to licked his lips to ease the thirst. ‘God what are you doing to me?’
“I did.” He said. “I knocked but you didn’t answer.”
“Alright.” You said, nodding not really sure what to say to that. You again watched each other in silence for a while. These moments were making you unsure if they made you uncomfortable or…comfortable. His presence doesn’t brother you that much anymore but you still haven’t got used to it.
Pressing your lips together, you walked to your bed, passing by him shifty. He had to take a deep breath as the wind blew your hair away from your neck. You knew exactly what he was doing as there was no need for him to breathe at all, however you tried to ignore it. You climbed into the bed, taking the duvet closer to your chest. It created a small imaginary distance from him, shielding you from his glaring eyes but you knew that if he wanted to he would tear it apart together with you.
You gave him a look of wonder because for what was he exactly here for? The expression made the vampire snapped out of whatever trance he was in. “I came here to talk to you.” Hyunjin answered simply.
You frown. “Talk to me?” You quoted. “About what?”
He gave a weird look, almost like in thought, before he sighed. “Anything…” He walked up at you, stopping just at the end of the bed. “I just want your company.” Hyunjin almost sounded desperate and how he towered over you, it reminded you of something.
How he looked at you that night and how he made you feel. You knew that it was just your imagination, a dream and it didn’t particularly ended well for you but the way he made almost everything look so appealing…His sultry voice and his eyes, lips, hands — your eyes flicker to his rings, wrapped around his long fingers.
Looking up from the dark color of the duvet, you could see that he had moved a little closer to you with just a moment of your unawareness. He leaned his weight on the column of the bed’s canopy, just where your legs were. “Minho said you enjoy reading.”
“Yes.” You said carefully. How can you be surprised?
He hummed at your answer, warmness spreading inside his chest because you shared something in common — and of course he couldn’t forget about your love for animals…
Glancing momentarily at the one book on the nightstand, he could see bookmark peaking out from it. “What book did you picked?”
Biting your lip, you also look at the book before placing your hands in your lap, playing with your fingers. “Would it be bad if I said Dracula?”
Hyunjin laughs, genuine smile on his lips and you couldn’t help yourself but marveling over it. “Interesting, I wonder why the sudden interest in vampires.” There was still the same smile on his face, though now teasing you.
You were so taken back by his reaction that your own lips started to tug at the corners. “Hey, don’t laugh.” You tsked, eyebrows furrowed. “It’s more interesting to why you even have this book in your library.”
“Certainly.” He nodded, still amused.
A sudden big gush of cold air flew from the still open balcony inside the room. It made goosebumps appear on your skin and just as quickly as your reaction to the sudden cold appeared on your body, the man before you took action upon seeing it. “Are you cold? I will close it.” Hyunjin didn’t even give you time to answer, walking to the windows to close it.
Your hungry eyes stared at his back and even from here you could see the muscles underneath the tight shirt. If only he knew that the shivers weren’t only from the cold. The vampire turn around slowly after closing the balcony, looking right at your laying figure. There was so much to say but neither of you knew where to start.
But you however had enough of this killing silence, feeling the way your heart skipped a beat after glancing at him. “I’m sorry but I was just going to bed and —“
“I understand.” He didn’t even look angry nor sad with your words, not like at the dinner. “I will talk to you some other time…”
You nodded again, still being slightly tongue tied. Again watching him walk away from you made you feel empty. Why were there so many mixed feelings? You really don’t know what you want from him…maybe the truth.
Just as walked pass your bed you stopped him with your hand raised. “Wait!” He immediately turned around, almost like waiting for you to say that. “Can I ask you something?” The man in question kept quiet, giving you room to speak.
You also went quiet, basking in the silence. The only noises being the wind banging on the closed windows and you could even hear the frequent dripping of water coming from the bathroom. To your surprise he still kept quiet and unknowingly to you also enjoying this moment. Maybe it was just because he could look at your figure so freely as you were to occupied with your thoughts. You always have to be the one to destroy every pleasant moments like these…
“That night if those men didn’t appear what would you truly do…I know that you already answered but—“
“I am failing to understand…”
Oh, but he did. He knew exactly what you were talking about.
“You were watching me before, syzing me up…” God, what are you doing, you two were doing so good and now you are messing it all up…
Your mouth was open still, both of you waiting for the million dollar question. But you couldn’t immediately form it, the glare he was giving you made you scared to even think about it. He was giving you a warning look but you still said it anyway.
“Were you going to drink my blood?”
A sneer falls over his features and you wondered how this same face could even form a smile minutes ago. “Why are you asking such question?” He tried to warn you to not go further but the damage was already done. Why can’t you leave things in the past? Was it because you were human that you couldn’t let go so easily?
You watch how his knuckles turned white around the column and you were afraid that he might crush it into pieces. What if that was your throat instead? “I just want to know…did you really have no intention of drinking from me?” You can’t be in the wrong for asking this…
“I can’t answer that.” Whispered Hyunjin, head hanging low and praying that you would just let this go for his and your own sake.
“Yes, you can.” You declared slowly, duvet falling over your body as you sit up to get closer to him. Was he shaking?
Your scoff rings inside the room next, head shaking at his stubbornness. You both know the answer already but you need to hear it from him. Maybe it could finally make you hate him…He on the other hand had a really hard time to contain himself. You don’t even know that you were playing with fire right now. Someone so afraid yet blindly teasing the snake with a bare foot at the same time.
“Just tell me damn it! Would you kill me if they didn’t showed up?”
“No! I was just—“
“Just what?” The question comes out sharper than you intended.
Finally Hyunjin look at you. Long hair covered his eyes, shielding the vibrant color dancing in them. The silence now didn’t sound the same as before. It was exactly the silence before a storm. You suddenly realized what you had done but it was too late now. You completely turned him around. The way he looked right now, perfectly mirrored the way he had looked at you the very first night you met. “You’re—your blood.” He pulled his hand away from the column and even in the darkness you could see the dents in it from his fingers. “I’ve never smelled someone so delicious as you before.” Closing his eyes, a sigh dangerously close to a growl left him. “And you were just in the perfect position — all alone and oh so mesmerized.” Opening his eyes again, he listened to your loudly beating heart. “If they didn’t come…if you wouldn’t scream for help.” He stopped himself from going further, you both know that this confession is all you need. “I couldn’t kill you after that because it was the first time I have felt bad about my possible victim…and also seeing you in such pain — I couldn’t possibly continue it.”
Your face crunched up, his raw words bringing out the mentioned pain to the surface but you decided to stay strong for a little longer. “So you would’ve just killed your soulmate or whatever you call this and you wouldn’t even know.”
Next, so quickly that you even had time to blink, he was on you. From the end of the bed, he suddenly appeared before you. His body covered yours and you couldn’t do anything but look into his wild eyes. He was so so close, you could feel his breath fanning over your lips as he spoke up. “Be quiet.” He growled, his red eyes glaring into yours and after a long time you felt like fainting from fear again. Was this how his victims felt? Your chest that raised with your every breath, touching briefly his but you were too afraid to move away.
“You’re not listening, I said vampires can sense the bond easily. So I apologize that your fucking warm fresh—“ His tongue trailed over his bottom lip slightly, glancing at the noticeable vein on your neck. “— pulsing blood pumping inside you is in the way, hypnotizing me so much that I wouldn’t even mind sucking every last drop.” He tilts his head at you. “You wouldn’t even mind…would you, Y/N?” His teasing tone was gone just as soon as it appeared and because of his words you didn’t even feel the hand bruising the skin of your leg.
The tears in your eyes couldn’t be contained anymore. “Sorry for not letting go of the past so easily, sorry for not forgetting that I met my so called soulmate the night I was almost raped and then killed by — you…” Spitting out the word, a pathetic whimper comes out next from you and not because of your crying but by the immense pain in your leg. His left hand gripped your right thigh so hard, that you couldn’t even find the will to fix the skirt of your nightgown that was now bunched up at your waist.
Something in him broke at your tears. What did he do? ‘What have I done’, you thought. The irises around his pupils cleared, face falling into shock. You have never seen such a raw emotion from him before. His now blue eyes glance at his hand. He never meant to bring you pain by his touch but the way your skin spilled over his fingers from how much he gripped it, made him sick to his stomach. He withdrew his hand, like you’ve been the one to burn him and when you sob out in relief he thought he will die again just by that godawful noise.
Both of you could see the obvious handprint on your skin, making you grasp the skirt of your nightgown, letting it fall over your exposed legs. “Get out…” You whispered, his eyes as wide as yours. “Get out!” Screaming the words at him, made Hyunjin almost fall to his feet before you and he had no other choice but to follow your orders.
‘What have I done?’, you thought again, swallowing your sobs. Maybe you really don’t deserve to be loved…
author’s note:
for my lovey right here: @hanonlymeuu
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teal-fiend · 4 months
cw: drug / alcohol mention, fatal vore, g/t
preds who eat prey not for food but for entertainment.
much like you don't drink wine to quench your thirst, eating prey isn't for sustenance, but for the experience of having someone in your belly
there's potential for safe vore here if you want. but i don't so lol
I think this idea works better with g/t because tinies don't get in the way as much
They are expensive obviously, and maybe they're illegal too. after all, you're eating a person - a tiny person, but a person nonetheless. So you don't always get the opportunity to indulge.
You are invited to a fancy party by a rich friend. It's not really your crowd, but you're bored, and you don't really have party-friends. The people you hang out with are more like board game night people.
But you know in your heart that you love to get stupid drunk with strangers. So you accept the invitation from your new friend.
It's a nice apartment, it's huge and modern, mouldless, unlike yours, and it's huge, a huge, sunken living room with furniture that was made for this space rather than thrifted or taken off the side of the road.
there's champaign and harder alcohol, and you can smell weed and see harder drugs. You might be a little out of your element. You don't do drugs, and you don't really want to do drugs.
You say this to your friend, who is glued to your side. Actually, you are glued to theirs. You don't want them to run off without you, because you don't know anyone here besides them, and you don't trust yourself to make friends with these people without their help.
Your friend assures you that you don't have to do any of that, but there is something that you might be interested in. Not drugs, but not something entirely morally good or legal. You are extremely skeptical, but you go along anyway
they lead you to a quieter room, an offshoot from the main party. the lights are dim and there's a small gathering. they all seem to be waiting for something, and now you and your friend are waiting with them.
Soon someone enters the room with a glass cage. It was hard to tell what was inside. Your heart sunk a little. Tinies.
Your friend whispered to you a lot of information quickly. These were tinies for eating, and you were allegedly going to eat one too. It's for fun, they explained. It's something to do besides drugs, and they were certain you would like it.
And you couldn't help but agree, even if it felt a little wrong.
You pre-gamed a little too hard and so you feel like you should, even if it wasn't the best choice.
You hadn't had dinner yet either; you had spent all your money on alcohol. Maybe it was your hunger, maybe it was the peer pressure; the fact that no one else objected, in fact they seemed incredibly eager. the room's eagerness only fuelled your own.
When you looked up again, some of the tinies were already gone. Swallowed down. You turned to your friend, who told you to watch, and within a few seconds, they scooped up a tiny and sent it down their throat. It seemed so easy.
Now it was your turn. You picked it up, it wriggled so much. You didn't know what to do, you put it towards your mouth, like a baby bird who didn't know how to feed itself.
Someone chuckled and asked if you had ever done this before. You felt your face flush. Your friend ignored them, but grabbed your hand which held the tiny, and guided it into your mouth, making you push it into your throat. Then with another firm hand, they stroked your throat until you felt yourself swallowing reflexively. It was a lot - it felt like a big chunk of steak heading into your stomach - how could your body tell it was meat? it tasted like human skin, but it was sliding down into your chest and then you felt a pinch in your belly.
a few people who were watching you cheered. You were kind of like haha thanks, but mostly you were focused on what was going on inside. You felt a little winded, a bit too full. You pressed a hand to your belly gently, trying not to feel sick. then you felt a bunch of air bubble up in a too-loud burp. You covered your mouth, embarrassed.
Some laughter, making you feel all the more flustered.
You got a strong pat on the back, "you swallowed too much air," you friend told you. No shit
You took a sip of your beer and when it got to your stomach, you felt some fresh squirming.
"I can feel wriggling," you tell your friend,
"yeah, that's the point," they grin. "here" they put their hand on your stomach, and rub up and down a couple of times. the fluttering feeling in your stomach is much more pronounced, and your stomach is being pushed both by the prey and your friend's hand. You gasp.
Your friend pats your stomach, "there you go"
You try to shake yourself out of it, the shock, all the feelings happening right now, "will I have to spit it up later?" you ask
"not at all, in fact, it's already too late by now, it's already covered in your stomach acids. No one else is gonna want to eat it later. It's all yours"
You felt some type of satisfaction hearing that. The wriggly morsel was yours to keep.
Throughout the rest of the night, it was pretty much a normal party experience. you got a few belly rubs from strangers, who somehow knew what you ate. And each time it happened, you could feel the tiny wriggle against your stomach, and against your hand.
Did you really look that full? And the lights were low - how could they see? Was it something about how you carried yourself that let them know you had prey in your belly?
Whatever, it was fine, you stayed pretty late, but not exceedingly late. You and your friend left at the same time.
You took an uber home, and as you settled into your quiet bedroom, you could really hear what was going on in your gut.
Full of various types of liquid, mostly alcoholic, and grumbling as it loudly digested the tiny from earlier.
You got up to brush your teeth. You heard your belly sloshing and glorping with your every step. You blushed, hoping that no one heard it. But your roommates were surely asleep.
You cleaned your teeth and drank a big cup of water, only adding to the bloat you had going on. You put a hand to your belly, and found that it was much more round than usual.
Back in your bedroom, you took a look at yourself in the bedroom mirror. Your silhouette was quite altered. You turned to your side and saw a perfect circular curve. You really did look bloated.
Sure, you drank a lot. And you did eat a tiny person, but was that really enough for this? You ran a hand over your tummy, and you felt a thick growl vibrate under your hand. It wasn't just liquid, there was something substantial in there. Maybe the tiny wasn't as tiny as you remembered. You did swallow it whole, maybe that caused you to seem so full. There was a lot less surface area, since it was all in one piece. That would mean it would take much longer to digest, and since it was all in once place, it would make a bigger impact on your physical appearance.
You looked at your stomach and idly wondered if the prey at fault was still alive in there. You dug your hand into your belly, rubbing it thoroughly, trying to catch it squirming like it had earlier. but all you got was a hefty belch.
Sighing pleasantly, you stumbled into bed. You bundled up the covers, positioning yourself in the most comfortable pose, letting your hands sit on your stomach, so you could feel it's fullness, as you drifted off to sleep to the ambient sounds of your digestive system working on your dinner.
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redriotinggg · 9 months
CW for food, eating habits, and eating disorder (?)
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thinking about usopp having a really weird relationship with food when he returns to the crew after boin.
he digs into the meals sanji prepares with the same enthusiasm he always has, but the chef notices the sniper is much more careful in how much he consumes. quietly, sanji watches for weeks as usopp eats just enough to fill himself. before sabaody, usopp would gorge himself on food, drink, and dessert until he physically couldn’t eat any more. he’d fight luffy tooth and nail for every bite. now, sanji sees usopp eat no more than one and half servings of a meal before pushing his remnants luffy’s way. he watches as usopp, who used to be as much as a meat enthusiast as luffy, piles his plate with more vegetables than protein or carbs. usopp, who sanji knew to love cake and ice cream, now limits himself to one slice or a single, small bowl.
so sanji adapts. he experiments with the quantity of food he gives the sniper until he gets it just right. he doesn’t say anything about it to him—eating and food habits are personal, after all. as long as he’s eating, it’s fine.
usopp tells him what changed of his own accord, one night when he’s on watch and sanji comes to deliver a midnight snack.
“i’m sorry for not eating as much of your food, lately,” usopp says, sipping on the tea sanji had brought.
“i overindulged on boin,” he explains. “the whole island was made up of some of the most delicious food i’d ever had. it was a trap, of course. so the island could lure fattened prey into its belly. but i fell for it at the beginning. just gorged myself on anything i could get my hands on. the stuff that grew on boin was addictive. i never went hungry. but…
“i lost myself to the island in a lot of ways. the worst was when i lost myself to the food. every time, i knew i should stop but i just couldn’t. it’s like my mind and body weren’t my own. it was terrible.
“i got big. i didn’t hate my body or anything, i just hated that it felt as if i didn’t have control of it anymore. that i didn’t have control of myself. it’s a terrifying thought at any time, but being alone and knowing that luffy and the rest of you were waiting for me, and waiting for me to come back stronger while i could barely get a handle on my own eating habits scared me more than anything. how could i be useful to the crew when i couldn’t control my own appetite? it was so, so hard. i had to be more disciplined than i ever have been.
“and now i’m back here and your food scares me ‘cause it’s better than anything i had on boin or anywhere else. i’m scared that one day i’ll lose control again, so i’ve been super careful. i’m sorry if i’ve hurt your feelings or anything. it just… hasn’t been easy.”
the two sit in silence for a while as they both reflect on usopp’s words. eventually, sanji speaks up, his visible eye meeting both of usopp’s. he rests his hand atop usopp’s, curling his fingers around the digits.
“thank you for telling me. as humans, our relationship with food can get really weird, at times. sometimes for a long time or even forever. but i’m glad that you’re eating despite what happened. and i promise that everything will be okay. you won’t lose control of yourself again. and if you do, i’m here to help. all of us are. but from now on, when you eat you don’t need to think, okay? just let me feed you and enjoy. i’ll take care of the rest.”
usopp looks at sanji, eyes wide with numerous emotions flickering across his face. he’d almost forgotten this in his two years away. how it feels to be cared for by someone who wants the best for you. to be seen so fully by someone who will do anything to keep you happy and safe. tension falls from his shoulders. the burden he has been carrying upon them has been relieved.
“okay,” usopp says with a tremble in his voice. he sniffles and blinks back tears. he leans his head on sanji’s shoulder and returns the grip on his hand. “thank you.”
sanji’s reply is silent as he rests his head atop usopp’s. anytime.
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skin-of-my-teeth · 2 months
A Heavy Offer
Tags: Wolf Namjoon, Bunny Koo, feedism, predator/prey, flirting, they're so cute and they're both fat <3
Tubby prey hybrid Jungkook secretly watches POV feeding videos late at night.
He lays in bed with a little bun paw on his soft belly, slowly rubbing, as he gorges on snacks while he favorite predator streamer tells him he's a good little prey and that he's fattening up so well.
Jungkook knows he shouldn't like it, but part of him doesn't care. The wolf hybrid is so thick and hot, with a heavy gut of his own.
Jungkook finds that the only way he wants to jerk himself off these days is while watching a feeding video. While feeling his tummy push out with snacks. Listening to his favorite wolfie purr that his little prey is fattening up so well.
The cute bun is rounding out from doing this so often. He rewatches old videos and always pays for the new ones. His favorite way to cum is with his slowly thickening gut squishing under his chubby fingers and his big feeder wolf purring in his headphones and whispering what a fat, yummy prey Jungkook is turning into.
Imagine his absolute petrified arousal when Jungkook runs into Namjoon in person at a cafe.
And the wolf peeks over at him, his gaze appreciatively enjoying the cute, fattened prey.
Jungkook is panic eating a muffin at his favorite cafe, unsure if he should go over. What would he say? "I've gotten so fat from your videos-" he blushes as he shoves more food into his bunny cheeks. The wolf rumbles with enjoyment as he watches the little fatty gorge himself.
In the most recent video, Namjoon showed his little feedee preys his own gut for the first time. Lifted up his shirt and rubbed at the fat. Told them that he was this big from being such a greedy predator. That Jungkook, his plump prey, going to make him even fatter... Jungkook came right into his hands.
Jungkook begins chugging down his milkshake when the wolf finally gets up and pads over in his direction. Jungkook can't help the way that his face flushes. Red chubby bunny cheekies. Love handles forcing up his too-tight shirt. The cutest, fattest little bunny. How could Namjoon not go over and flirt with him?
Namjoon is quite the chub slut himself.
Namjoon comes up to the bun, leaning against the table where Jungkook's upper belly gently sits on top. "Hi cutie~" His voice is so much better in person. Jungkook thinks he might combust as he has to tilt his head up to look at him. The wolf is... so much larger than he thought. In every way. "B-big..." tumbles out, cheeks flushed red, bunny ears flopped, eyes wide.
The wolf chuckles and sits next to him. "It must be nerve racking to be approached by a predator-" he misreads Jungkook's panicked scent. "I promise I don't bite." He grins. "Not without your consent, anyway."
Jungkook whimpers. He actually whimpers. Namjoon takes a look at the bun's empty drink. "Can I buy you another?" He taps on the empty milkshake glass. "One is never satisfying enough for me."
Jungkook finds himself nodding, his little doubled chin jiggling. The wolf beams at him. "Sit tight, little prey." Namjoon goes to order and Jungkook considers running out the door. His huge crush on the feeder wolf... the one who makes content specifically about fattening prey to eat... He doesn't know what to do. Should he stay and... explore? See what the wolf is like in real life. Maybe it's just a kink. Jungkook would be lying if he wasn't curious. He's so curious.
The predator is back before Jungkook can sort through his thoughts, and he squeaks as a thick strawberry milkshake is placed in front of him by a large hand, and along with it, a fat slice of cake.
"Bun deserves a treat." Namjoon smiles as he sits back down. Jungkook's cheeks heat again. Is he... trying feed him up? He must be- oh gods. "Eat up, darling." Jungkook takes a huge forkfull at the order. He's so used to this voice encouraging him to fatten himself. He loves it so much. He chews and swallows obediently before he even realizes that he just obeyed without question, and his cheeks burn even more red.
The wolf is so patient with him. He doesn't seem to mind that Jungkook is nearly mute with adrenaline and excitement. He sets his chin in his hand and watches the cute bunny gobble down the cake, and then tuck into his milkshake. "So... do you have a name?" Namjoon smiles, and it's so different than the smile that Jungkook is used to seeing, all slinky and predator. The wolf's smile right now is... cute.
"Kookie-" he blurts out. He needs to be cool and sexy, but all he is right now is slightly stuffed and flushed, with the table digging into his belly. He shifts and tries to tug down his shirt where it's rolling up.
"Oh that's adorable. Hi, Kookie. I'm Joon."
Jungkook wants to melt. He's only ever known him by 'Alpha'. Joon is such a cute name for the so, not-cute wolf...
There's a long silence as Jungkook's bunny brain buffers.
"If it's not obvious... I'm interested in you," Namjoon playfully nudges Jungkook's shoulder with his own. "Are you looking around too, or do you have a mate? I'll back off, no problem. I'm a respectful pred."
Namjoon is anything but respectful in his videos.
Jungkook gulps down his shake, and leans back with a soft whine. "I drank that way too fast-" he hiccups, "I'm nervous talking to you-" he burps into his fist and then squeaks. "E-excuse me-"
Namjoon can't help the purr that rumbles in his chest. Jungkook takes a deep breath, trying to calm his jumpy prey heart. Be honest. Calm down. It's fine.
"I'm single." He peeks at Namjoon.
"That's suprising. Such pretty prey are usually snatched up."
Namjoon looks like he just won the lottery. Jungkook feels like he just won the lottery.
"Well... I used to get more attention when I was skinny. Predators like bunnies with tiny, little waists. And I'm not so little anymore-" he chuckles and gives his tummy a pat, watching Namjoon’s gaze slip down to take in how round and jiggly he is. How full of sugar and cream he is, promising to fatten him heavily. Namjoon purrs deeper.
"Not all predators have that opinion, bun."
Jungkook wants to whine again, but he just hiccups. There's so much cream sitting in his belly, weighing him down. He never drinks two of those massive milkshakes. Much less chugs them.
He tries to be the bold version of himself that he is in his fantasies. He shoves his shyness to the side as best he can and musters his courage.
"I'm interested in you too. I like big boys. Bigger than myself." He makes a show of taking Namjoon in. To his delight, the wolf's cheeks tint a pretty, adorable pink. The surge of power that floods Jungkook makes him grin. It quickly bubbles into hedonism as Namjoon next words sink into him.
"You'll get much bigger than me if I have my way with you..."
Jungkook can practically feel the cream in his tummy turn into warm, jiggly chub as Namjoon speaks and so openly admires him. It's like Namjoon’s gaze is making Jungkook fatter. He squirms, but swallows down his prey instincts flaring up with heat.
"You... you'd better prove it then-"
The wolf's eyes glimmer that this tubby little prey basically just challenged him to fatten him up.
"Give me a chance, little bun, and I will."
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sl33paholics · 3 months
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Forever Banished In The Shadows
A little drabble for my cutie patootie, Jonathan ❤️ (okay as I post this, this is wayyy longer than I expected lol)
Warning(s): mentions of blood and gore, emotional distress, Dio Brando, references to cannibalism, jojo being driven to insanity in general
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He should've been stronger.
He should've been wiser.
Succumbing to his loss against his vampiric-turned adoptive brother, Dio, Jonathan was ready to die in a pool of his own blood and be torn apart by his vampire brethren he would have welcomed the pain if it meant getting rid of his agony and tormenting his foes until they were all gone from his life. If anything, the battle between them made him fight harder so he wouldn't have to look at his brother's twisted face. Dio's eyes held no pity for Jonathan. Instead, they were filled with satisfaction and disgust.
Although, Dio took pity on the man. How rare. To see the man he's been dedicated to take down and overthrown, now in front of him bleeding out and the life in his eyes slowly fading away, even if Jonathan looked like such an arrogant cockroach that Dio wouldn't hesitate to crush him. He almost felt bad about it. Almost. After all, his brother has never cared for people outside of himself and what he could do for himself.
As if his life was beginning to flash before his eyes, Dio rammed the stone mask onto Jonathan's face as the blue haired male felt the familiar cold metal touching his skin, and piercing through his skull making it impossible for him to remove, or escape.
That was the moment where the heroine, Jonathan Joestar, died.
It had been months since that incident. The blue haired man is now a slave to his brother, Dio. The horrific moments he'd seen of the abuse of the stone mask being used onto others, seeing them become mindless victims and monsters without a will of their own. Doing awful deeds to the innocent and causing havoc in the town.
The way he'd see his brother suck the blood of women. Seeing their half naked bodies with dark, gaping bloody holes in their necks as they laid on the floor dead, or even throwing them and having those mutated animals feast on them as if they were nothing but prey waiting for their master to be done with them.
Jonathan felt trapped. Well, he is.
He could no longer eat human food, the need for hunger is no longer there and being surrounded by those with such a rich scent of blood made the man want to drink it right from their veins and devour them all. His body craved the sweet taste of blood. Even when JoJo doesn't drink any, he finds himself wanting more of it. And when he doesn't get enough, he wants to kill them all. It felt like suicide. Destroying his body so others won't have to suffer his uncontrollable wrath.
That was until Dio got tired of him. He found no use of keeping a man who wasn't useful. So, he threw the poor soul into the streets, just to make sure that JoJo could not do anything anymore.
Jonathan had to fend for himself. Finding shelter was a living hell. He had to resort into cannibalism to survive. He didn't want to, he didn't know how or why, but every day he woke up in the middle of the night craving some fresh blood from strangers, Jonathan would immediately devour the person in one sitting. As soon as he finished the last drop, he would vomit his guts out.
It felt wrong. JoJo was frightened of himself.
Now, here he is, salivating heavily in front of a broken mirror as JoJo's body shivers, feeling the need to feed again, the urge that was becoming stronger and stronger each time. The thirst that Jonathan couldn't ignore. If he wanted to get enough blood to live a decent life, he had to find a way. But, how?
How did he survive before? There's no point in asking himself that question since he already knew.
By the door, his lover can only watch as they sob silently, the tears streaming freely down their face and didn't say anything, they only watched Jonathan struggle to keep himself together knowing how hard it is for him and that it's killing JoJo inside. They knew that he was doing this for a reason. To keep himself safe, to keep both of you safe watching the man cough up blood.
Jonathan promised himself he wouldn't become a blood thirsty freak like Dio or his men, but at what point can he restrain himself any longer? When will he stop fighting against nature? When will he finally succumb and give in to its call?
The answer, Jonathan knew, was very soon.
It had started with his lover.
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bubblespalace · 8 months
My Original Character in Diabolik Lovers//💋🤍🕊️
TW// mentions of not having enough food or rest.
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🩸Name: Bella Wayland
🥀Race: Nephilm: Half angel, Half human.
🌬️Appearance: Bella has super long, curly black hair. She's always super pale and thin because she doesn't have time to eat. She wears a black dress, fit for battle and is always carrying knifes and daggers on her that are marked with runes to help her kill demons. She's tall, 5'9, which makes her intimidating. She has golden eyes, that shine in the light. Strong Italian accent, and speaks Italian and English.
🖤Personality: Calm, Intelligent, Powerful, Cocky, Flirty, Focused, and Caring all at once. She really is good at matching other people's energy. She's an ambivert. She's very closed off around people and doesn't trust easily.
🤍What she calls the diaboys: Shu-Golden Boy/Shoe, Reiji-Four Eyes/Smartie, Ayato-Christmas Eve, Kanato-Puppeteer/Kid, Laito-Christmas, Subaru-Car/Emo
🌹About/Backround: Bella was raised in the beautiful city of Idris until the Circle attacked the Nephilms leaders, The Clave. Her parents died in the battle and she was taken in by a man, who started her harsh training her when she was only two years old. However, her father was a bad man, he was the Leader of The Circle, Valentine Morganstern. She changed her last name to Wayland to separate herself from him.
-Bella and John, her mentor, moved to Milan. She lives in the Milan Institute for Shadowhunters when she is not battling demons. She is one of the strongest Shadowhunters to exist, due to the fact that she has extra angel blood.
-Due to this, she is severely overworked by The Clave. She is used to only getting a meal a week and not getting a lot of sleep. She doesn't know what a lot of things for leisure are, like movies and TV shows. But she knows music because she has had to go to an opera undercover more than once.
-She's been fighting almost all her life. She's very hardcore and doesn't really even know the definition of the word "relax".
-Because she has strong angel blood, her blood is some of the best tasting on Earth. It can also give vampires special abilities, like being able to use runes. It can also enhance the abilities they already have. That's why she is weary of vampires. She doesn't want them to drink her blood and go power-crazy.
-Men fall for her left and right because of her mysterious ways. She's used to having to deal with simps.
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💌How she met The Sakamaki Brothers.
-Bella was on a mission in Japan, trying to kill a wanted demon, when she stumbled onto their property accidentally. She ran into Kanato, who smelt her blood quickly and knew just what she was.
"Ah, Teddy? Do you smell how sweet her blood is? I'm quite tempted to take a bite... But then I would ruin her porcelain skin... Fufu... What a shame, I might just have to drain you first, then make you into my new doll."
-It was then that Bella realized he was a vampire. Bella fought Kanato off well until Subaru walked out of his rose garden to see what all the yelling was about.
"Tch, found a new prey, haven't you Kanato-kun? She looks like a Nephilim... She better taste good."
-Bella was malnourished at the time. She may have been strong enough to fight Kanato, but Subaru knocked her out in 30 seconds flat. They dragged her inside and brought her to the living room. Shu, who was lying on the couch as always, opened one eye and glanced at her and the other two men. He seemed almost shocked by how pretty she was. He closed his eyes again.
"As long as she's not noisy, but Reiji might take an interest in her, he's always wanted to experiment on a Shadowhunter before."
-Then, Ayato and Laito walked in, probably on their way back from Yui's room. Laito looked at the passed-out woman in Subaru's arms.
"Fufu, she's quite pretty Subaru-kun~ I might just steal her from you~ Her blood smells delicious."
-Subaru blushed and studdered out his tsundere response. and set her down in the other armchair. Ayato looked at her closely, smirking.
"Tch, she isn't flat like Chichinashi, that's for sure. She's at least a C."
-Reiji walked out of the shadows, looking annoyed because of another unannounced guest, but he perked up when he realized she was of angel blood.
"Although she is trespassing, I suppose we can keep her, but she will be on thin ice."
Bella soon learns that these are The Sakamaki Brothers. When she does, she knows better than to run for it quickly. She's buying her time, when she sees the right moment, she will escape.
She makes friends with Yui, who becomes like a little sister to her, she always directs the boys away from her when she can. However, she may start falling for the six vampires in the process, and they might start falling for her.
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gensokyogains · 3 months
Oki... I have... A personal request..........
Sakuya proving that her size has not caused her to neglect her particular variety of inhumanity...
(A bit dark as a warning, buuuut...)
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Catching prey the way she used to wasn't possible anymore. Remilia had always said food prepared in frozen time tasted poorly, so Sakuya had typically hunted prey actively. She would track them down, through narrow alleys and dark streets, striking when they were alone. However, as the pounds piled on and taking a single step proved challenging, that was no longer an option.
Instead, the easier way was to put on an act. Pretending to be flirtacious and easy, the enormous girl would spend her evenings at bars across the village, searching for anyone interested in her overblown figure. She would trade drinks, pass along secrets, and feign a rising interest in whoever was courting her.
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It was easy to pretend to be embarrassed over her size, brushing away compliments with just the right amount of tact. How could they like someone that sat across four bar stools at once? Who would be attracted to a gut that filled her lap and spilled past her knees? Would anyone think well of a girl that had thighs heavier than her date?
Her prey would stay interested, insisting her was gorgeous, wanting to prove that they were speaking the truth. All she had to do was ask them show her how they felt, and their fate was sealed.
It would be a long and slow process to lead her back to their home, but Sakuya would oblige. The difficulty she had walking was the only part of this show that wasn't an act, her buried knees struggling under her enormous heft. She would squeeze through their front door, following them to their living room.
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She would act shocked an embarrassed as they brought her food, asking if they really wanted her bigger. In the end, she'd eat, blushing and moaning as she was fed. Keeping herself near to their furniture, she'd eventually drag them both to the floor. Stuffed and glutted, she'd let them keep pushing whatever food they had at hand past her lips, all as she got into position.
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She'd moan, squirm, and pin them beneath her, gut weighing on their torso, fat ass and legs burying the rest of them. Her heft would crush them slowly, pinning them down as her love handles spilled over their arms, shoving them to the floor.
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They wouldn't have time to notice her face go slack, or even feel the knife pierce the base of their skull. A cold, efficient kill that left no struggle, meaning the meat wouldn't spoil at all. The clean cut was easily bandaged, and it would keep far better than her previous methods of killing had done.
Though it might take her a few hours to get off the floor, she does have one more task to finish before heading home back to Remilia with her prize.
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Those cabinets are still full of snacks...
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vorish-wonderland · 2 years
Floyd is upset, bored, and hungry. Riddle just made a replica of an old shrinking potion from the Queendom of Hearts. What could possibly go wrong?
Includes: soft/safe vore, Floyd being himself, unwilling prey
✮✶Let's Play Hide & Seek~!✶✮
Jade and Azul have very strange ways of punishing Floyd sometimes.
He ate some food he wasn't supposed to, so you know what they made him do? They made him stand perfectly still for two hours while holding plates of food in both hands, and everytime he made a movement the timer reset.
So now, he was upset, bored, and hungry.
And then, he realized exactly how he can kick this boredom!
"I'll go talk with Goldfishie! That'll be fun!"
Meanwhile, Riddle was trying to study something, just trying to get his work done.
Studying in the library is usually quite peaceful. Right now, he's studying early potions. The one he's currently attempting to replicate was first documented in the Queen Of Hearts' domain, a clear and tasteless liquid in a bottle with no label other than "Drink Me". It's said that whoever drank it would shrink immediately.
Now he just needs someone to test it on...
"Hey Goldfishie~!!"
Oh dear Seven.
"Goldfish, Goldfish, Go~old~fish~ie~!" Riddle sighed in annoyance. Floyd is the last person he wants to be around him while he has an experimental potion with him. "Hey hey, what are you doing right now?"
Then, Riddle had a good idea.
"Well, Floyd, I was just about to test this potion I made! Would you mind drinking it for me?" Riddle asked, a forced smile on his face.
"Sure, I guess. But only if you give me food after, I'm really hungry..."
"Of course, that can be arranged."
Floyd grabbed the small vial and poured the liquid into his mouth. He swished it around for a bit, before looking like he got an idea.
He grabbed Riddle's face, and kissed him directly on the lips.
Riddle was surprised. Not only by the sudden kiss, but also by the rush of liquid entering his mouth.
Riddle swallowed without thinking.
"Agh- What was that for, Floyd?!" Riddle angrily asked.
"I thought it'd be more fun to see your potion used on you~!" Floyd said, a wide smile on his face.
It was a slow process. Riddle got smaller, smaller, smaller... as Riddle shrunk, Floyd's mouth was starting to water.
"Like I said, Goldfishie, I'm feelin' hungry~ And you, lookit you! You're so small and cute, why I could just eat you up right now~!" Floyd licked his lips. "But that's no fun, is it? So Goldfishie, I think I have a fun idea... why don't we play hide and seek~?"
"H...hide and seek...?" Riddle cautiously asked. He finally stopped shrinking, and he was now about the size of a large goldfish.
"Yeah! You hide, and I try to find ya!" Floyd explained, a smile on his face. "If you win and I don't find you, then... ehehe... I won't eat you~!"
Floyd crouched down to Riddle's level as his stomach growled.
"I'll give you 30 seconds to hide, Goldfishie~"
Floyd closed his eyes, and started his countdown.
Riddle had no idea where he could hide. Of course he'd much rather not play along with Floyd's games, but what other choice does he have in this scenario?!
Riddle jumped down from the chair he had been standing on. It hurt his legs when he landed on the floor, but thankfully not enough to keep him from trying to hide.
There's a book lying page-down on the floor over there! He could probably hide under that, right?!
Riddle ran as fast as he could towards the book. He tried his best to lift the book so he could hide under it, but it was so... heavy at this tiny size.
"Ten seconds Goldfish! Better have a good hiding spot!"
In a panic, Riddle got down on the floor and army-crawled under the pages of the book, hopefully that'll hide him well enough.
"Eh, it's close enough to zero. Ready or not, here I come~!!"
Riddle's heart was beating out of his chest. He knew that Floyd wasn't lying or joking, he's seen Floyd eat people before. Seeing that was like a scene straight out of one of those horror movies he's seen Ace watch. The sounds, oh Seven, the sounds. Muffled begging for help and mercy mixed with squishing and gurgling and... oh, it was terrifying to watch. And sure, Riddle always saw those people completely safe and unharmed the next day, but... still, it's horrifying to think about.
"Hmm... where are you, Goldfish~?"
Floyd's eyes darted over to the book on the floor.
"You're really bad at hiding, you know that~?" Floyd asked, causing Riddle's heart to drop. "Then again, maybe I just have an unfair advantage." Floyd picked the book up off the floor, to find Riddle's tiny trembling frame. "Us morays have a heightened sense of smell, for hunting purposes... you actually smell really nice! Like roses... I wonder what Goldfishie will taste like~!"
Floyd grabbed Riddle by the leg, and picked him up off the floor. Riddle was pulled through the air, now dangling precariously above Floyd's open mouth.
"Floyd... you can't be serious about this... r-right...?" Riddle nervously asked.
"Hm? 'Course I am! I'm real hungry, y'know~ And you happen to be the perfect size~!" Floyd giggled to himself.
"No no! I-I'm still too big! There's no way you can eat me without choking!" Riddle desperately yelled, even though he knew that wasn't true.
"My throat and stomach are pretty stretchy, actually~! I'm sure you know I've eaten full-sized humans before, y'know, as a punishment for contract breakers... something as small as you won't be a problem at all~!"
And then, he dropped him.
Floyd played around with his defenseless little Goldfish. He swished him around, pressed him against the roof of his mouth, teased him with his razor sharp teeth, tasted every last inch of his body...
And then, he swallowed.
It took a few tries to get all of him down, but eventually, that poor little Goldfish was sent sliding down his throat.
Riddle was not having a good day.
He was large enough to make a small bulge in Floyd's middle, but thankfully (for Floyd, not so much for Riddle) not enough to be seen without his shirt off.
He contently laid down on the floor of the library, a hand on his stomach, a blush on his face as Riddle tried to move around.
"FLOYD, GET ME OUT OF HERE THIS INSTANT!" Riddle yelled, punching at the walls of Floyd's stomach.
"Ehe! That kinda tickles, Goldfishie~!" Floyd laughed. "And relaaaaax, you're safe in there."
"Safe? SAFE?! Do you not pay attention in biology classes?!" Riddle yelled.
"Merfolk biology's a lot different than human biology, Goldfishie... just trust me, you'll be safe." Floyd explained. "I just wanted a snack. Ehehehe... and you filled me up perfectly, Goldfish~"
"You know, that's not exactly a very 'comforting' thing to say to someone you just ate." Riddle sarcastically said.
"Whatever. I hope you don't mind me keeping you inside me for a while, hehe, you just feel so good in there~ Maybe you should make a contract with Azul! I sure would love for you to break contract so I get to eat you again~!" Floyd happily said.
"I personally never want to go through this again. It's uncomfortable, tight, hot, and very wet." Riddle pouted.
"Oh shush, it's not that bad. Now stop complaining, just let us both relax~"
Riddle sighed.
There's not exactly anything he can do about this.
He'll have to find some way to get back at Floyd for this some day, but for now...
It's probably best to just give Floyd what he wants. Who knows what he'll do if not...
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kiskyz · 2 years
Halloween ToT Event
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This got a lot more suggestive than I planned and mean luke, happy late halloween! (to be proofreadlater)
“…Subduing willful, overconfident prey is what I’m best at.”
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Walking through the halls, a tray of food in your hands, you passed the animal heads you had previously killed.
You opened the door to the basement and made your way down.
“Perfect timing.” A man chained behind bars laughed at you.
You cocked a knowing smile at him, “Yes the full moon’s about to come out. I’ve always been curious about what happens to a werewolf during a full moon.”
“My consciousness is becoming blurry.” He responded.
You watch as he licks the cuts in his arms.
“Chains really suit me…” He laughs.
“As long as you're chained like that, you're as harmless as a puppy.” You tease him, setting down the food in his cell.
“Hah?!” He directs his view away with a look of anger.
You grab some cloths to treat his wounds.
Opening the cell he tenses. 
“Relax…” You dip the cloth in water.
“They’ll probably quickly heal themself, but if you want to.” He shrugs.
You dap his cuts and he lets a painful gasp. You continue your work when his ears catch your eye.
What would happen if you…?
“Hey, wait. Hold up! Put those hands down!” He yells out.
You stifle a laugh and continue to his tail.
“NO! The tail is worse!” He yells out.
“Is it the wounds?” You laugh. “No. That can’t be it, haha!”
“You know…” He goes off and turns away from you.
“Subduing willful, overconfident prey is what I’m best at.” 
You hear the breaking of chains and before you have time to react, your arms are pinned above your head.
Was he faking being caught all this time?!
You struggle against him, before giving up, “What are you doing to do?”
You can still find a way to get out of this. Preserve your energy, think rationally.
“What am I going to do? To… bite you, of course.” He laughed, before pain erupted from your shoulder.
“It looks like… we’ve become one.”
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“Fear not. I will not hurt you.” A person walked into the room. “Still not willing to eat? It has been several days already.” 
You looked at the man, no, the monster.
This monster forcefully turned you into… into being like him, all in the name of love. Your a monster. He’s a monster.
You looked away from him, but in return he got closer to you. 
“Look,” He slit his hand, “Just drink.”
You couldn’t deny how good he smelled. How your mouth salivated at the open wound. The blood oozing out.
“You need not restrain yourself.” He put his hand towards you.
You turned away.
Don’t move.
You can’t…
“Mmm..!” Vyn responded to your bite into his hand.
You couldn’t control yourself, but oh how you didn’t regret it.
It was absolutely divine. 
Grunts sounded through the room as you continued to drink.
You couldn’t stop. Drunk on the taste. Drunk on the feeling. It gave you a rush. 
How could you have been missing out on this?!
“Hm, are you not naughty? Slow down…”
You continued at your pace.
“So this is how it feels. Strength leaving your body, but so blissfully.” He smiled.
You finally pulled away.
You were disgusted with yourself.
It tastes so good. You're a monster.
“Have you had enough already?” He looked at you.
You cringed at his words and he wrapped his arm around you.
“You won’t be able to leave me anymore”
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How ironic it is for a succubus to be seduced by a human.
“How do I defend myself against succubuses?” You ask him.
“Oh? Where is this coming from?” Marius smiled amusingly. “Well… Look at me.”
You did as he said and in return he snickered, “Hmm.. Do you feel like you want something more?”
You flushed and grabbed his horns.
“H-hey! Mm…” His stutter caught you off guard. “Not the horns.” 
“Is that a challenge?” You smile, starting to caress them.
Oh, how enchanting you are. How arrogant.
He grabbed both your wrists, pulling them away. You let out a surprised gasp, slowly look at him.
“Devils are dangerous creatures, but they all have a weak point. Do you want to know what it is?” He asked you.
“U-uh.. Yes?” You tried pulling your hand away, but to no avail.
“When meeting their beloved, they’ll sacrifice themselves and…” He went off. “they’ll do anything to have their beloved.”
You, mistakingly, looked at him with confusion. Ignoring any hints he was trying to drop.
Looking straight into his eyes.
“Want to escape?”
A daze came over your mind. All you could think of was him.
“You won’t be able to leave me anymore.”
“After all… If I can’t control my actions it means that… I may harm you in the future.”
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You knew early on.
Your brand new android had… weird quirks? 
He reacted like a human. He flushed when you got close, tensed at times, etc. 
To be fair you confirmed your theories pretty quickly.
“Looks like you're right. My internal program seems to have caught a virus.”
Yet his confirmation just added to the thrill.
“What are you thinking, master?” Artem walked into the room with a book.
“What is that?” You asked coldly.
He was dejected at your reaction, but answered, “A book I wanted to try and read with you…”
You turned to the otherside of the bed.
“Hey I know you're mad about… all this, but-” 
“All this?!” You repeat angrily. “You're holding me against my will, Artem. You’re going against my orders!” 
“I warned you though.” Artem looked away.
He’s right.
You recalled your conversation from earlier.
“Are you sure you won’t get me fixed, master?” Artem asked setting down the breakfast he made.
“No, no… It’s fine! I feel more relaxed.” You take a few bites of his food.
“Thank you. After all… If I can’t control my actions it means that… I may harm you in the future.” He admitted.
“I’m sure you won’t.” You reassured him.
Oh, what an utter fool.
Never, would you have guessed you’d be handcuffed to a bed. 
You tried commanding him one more time, “Release me.”
Artem set the book on the table, looking sad.
“Artem. Now.” You struggled against the restraints.
“I’ve read before, a way to help calm humans… A way to…” He blushed, “Make them feel happy.”
You gagged at his words.
“I love you master. I’ll protect you from everyone, including yourself.”
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thekrows-nest · 1 year
Dear Wimdy, I have come with a question for you (related to Krow)
What would Vampire!Krow be like? Little Pointers (if needed!): - Would his appearance change in any way? - Would he bite/feed (from) Dove? - How low or High would his need for Blood be? - Would his personality be influenced by this and change in any way? - Would he still paint?
Oh boy another au ask. Okay, let me see...
I'm gonna go with the idea that he was recently turned, as opposed to being like, a century old or something (I'm able to better keep some things with his backstory easier, also recent turned vampires don't get a lot of love). It'll also be somewhat of an opportunity to go into how I like to personally do vampires. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ So if things seem different than how you usually know vampires, that is why.
Read more since it's gotten a lil long and I really need to try to remember to do that more when I ramble. m,fvnb;xkf
- Would his appearance change in any way? No it really wouldn't. Vampires need to blend in with humans as much as possible, since that is their main prey (however, animals and their blood will do as well). But, if a vampire manages to live a while, their appearance does slowly change over time, and their feeding face becomes more monstrous. The key word is 'if' though. Most vampires just... do not make it past a couple centuries...
- Would he bite/feed (from) Dove? Again like in canon, he'd only bite (and thus feed) from Dove if he had their explicit permission to. If they don't want him feeding from them, he won't do it, even in his more 'unhinged' state.
- How low or high would his need for Blood be? He'd be a recent turnee (at most within the past couple years), so he'd still be retaining a great deal of his humanity and thus wouldn't have as high of a lust for blood. He still needs to subsist off of blood like any other vampire though. He tends to feed off of just... rando's, and he tries to be careful not to needlessly kill anyone. Also no, a single bite wouldn't turn anyone. It is much more of an involved process to make a vampire.
- Would his personality be influenced by this and change in any way? A very good question. The bulk of his personality would remain the same, but I think in a sense vampirism would... kind of make him more depressed. He can't go out in the day/sun any more. He can't eat normal food or drink any more (he's tried, it tastes awful no matter what it is, and soon after vomits it back up violently), and basically having a near constant voice in the back of your head to just kill and feast on every single person you go by is... maddening to say the least (remember what I said about how much don't make it a century or two?) Sure he might have some neat little abilities no human could ever do, but it isn't at all worth the trade off in losing sunlight, food and other things thinks Krow.
- Would he still paint? Before meeting Dove, yes, he would try to but... not have much success, like in canon. He would still try to do other art as well. But again, not much success. Similar to canon, meeting Dove would be a beacon of hope for him, but twofold in this au's case. Both inspiring him as an artist, but further inspiration to try and deal with his vampirism for the sake of Dove.
Oh and fun tidbit. Yes, he would still have the color changing eyes like in canon, so yes he'd still have the jealousy issues. But now he's a vampire so... Good luck Dove.
EDIT: this is all old before I had the other vampire Krow stuff but I'll still keep this for funsies. But this all isn't exactly canon for the vampire!Krow au
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mrultra100 · 2 years
Ultra’s Ramblings: Ultraverse V-Twins Headcanons
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So, as of the time I’m writing this, we’re still in Spooky Season. I feel like now would be a good time to share some headcanons for my own personal take on the Vampire Twins from Johnny Test. To clarify, my version is a lot different than their original counterparts in canon (Things like being older, having a more curvy and pudgy/buff body, etc), and all of it are attempts to make Susan and Mary far more interesting and fleshed-out characters than they were in the actual show.
Mary’s favorite Pokémon is Guzzlord. One would expect Lunala to be her top pick, but she’s more into the black hole-belly monster from another dimension
Despite her chonky build, Mary can be very fast when she wants to be (Like with all vampires). Her electric powers can increase her speed even more when she needs to.
Vampires all have a shared weakness of garlic, being allergic to it. Despite that fact, garlic bread is one of the few garlic-related foods that they can stomach relatively easily. Eating too much of it can make them sick tho, as Mary had found out the hard way in the past.
Being the massive nerd that she is, Mary has dabbled in cosplay a few times. Bayonetta, Jack Skellington, and Wilhamena are some of her favorite characters to go as.
Similar to how many species of venomous snakes inject venom into their prey with their fangs, Mary can actually deliver an electrified bite with her fangs. Other ways of Mary using electricity to fight include letting out flares of electrical energy from her body, using her own spiky ponytail as an electrified kanabo, delivering electrically-charged hip checks with her fat butt, or even using a form of electromagnetic telekinesis.
While she likes to hunt and prowl around for prey, alot of the people that Mary sucks blood from are actually WILLING victims, smitten with her beauty. She was surprised when this first started happening, but Mary let it slide and playfully monologues her hunts, all with a Transylvanian accent. Please, don’t spoil her fun.
One of Mary’s biggest pet peeves is people referring to dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals as nothing more than monsters. She WILL go ballistic if you call T. Rex a “mindless killing machine”.
Mary loves it when someone rubs and squeezes her squishy and chubby belly. Expect her to purr alot when this happens.
Mary loves pumpkins…alot. She tends to gobble alot of pumpkin pie, is a pro at pumpkin carving, likes pumpkin-scented candles, and even has a set of pumpkin-themed lingerie under her dress!
Unsurprisingly, Mary’s main in the Darkstalkers games is Morrigan. It should be pretty obvious as to why…
While English is her main language, Mary has been trying to learn how to speak in Japanese lately. This started when she tried to sing a few songs in Japanese during karaoke night.
Mary’s personal favorite genre of music is rock, especially symphonic metal. She even has a custom-made acoustic guitar that she made herself.
Many of Mary’s close friends often refer to her as “Bloody Mary”. The pun is not lost on her at all.
Due to how wide her body is, Mary has trouble going through doors. To solve this problem, she enters a room by rising from the shadows.
Mary would definitely use her massive breasts to hold drinks in. Not only would it be funny to her, it makes it alot easier for her if she’s handling something else too.
When it comes to kissing, Mary can be quite passionate (albeit a bit…sloppy at times). Care must be taken when taking her sharp teeth into consideration tho.
When it comes to her favorite animals, azhdarchid pterosaurs are usually Mary's first choice.
Similar to her sister, one of Mary’s main hobbies is being a mad scientist. She’s also a rock artist/DJ and kaiju merch collector.
Not only is she bisexual, Mary is also polymourous. She tends to be flirty and get frisky with multiple partners, especially women.
Mary is a huge foodie, especially with burgers, pumpkin pie, ramen, and tacos. A good way to befriend her is to prepare some of her favorite food.
In terms of height, Mary is the taller of the duo, being a couple of inches higher than Susan.
Put up a laser pointer in front of Mary, and she'll be obsessed with it, like an overgrown kitty.
Surprisingly for a vampire, Mary happens to be a good swimmer. There have been times where she used her hair to pull pranks on people, with her favorite being her hair being used like the tentacles of a sea monster to grab people.
Mary isn’t really a fan of the Jurassic World trilogy, mainly because of how she’s disgusted by how the movies treat dinosaurs as generic movie monsters.
Mary’s favorite fruit is a ripe watermelon. Some have made the comparison between a watermelon, and her own, uh…melons. Mary, being proud of her huge breasts, doesn’t mind at all
Susan’s nickname (Especially when wrestling) is the Infernal Star. This nickname alone is already enough to make her a formidable opponent, due to how intimidating it is.
Similar to how Mary can speak in Japanese, Susan can speak fluently in Spanish.
The fire that Susan controls is made of magnesium, which can burn at 3100°C. This firepower is hot enough to melt even steel, and when applying her magic, Susan can use this volatile blaze for fireballs, fiery claw slashes, and even powerful, compressed beams of pure heat that she fires from her jaws, similar to Shin Godzilla’s Radiation Heat Ray.
Speaking of which, Susan has the ability to coat HERSELF with her fire, having it act like a suit of armor. She also uses this ability to accelerate herself at high altitudes when flying. Yet, somehow, Susan’s clothes don’t burn away when she uses this ability, thanks to her magic.
The usual exercise routine that Susan goes through is like this; The usual like push-ups, crunches, and squats, then she does ridiculous things like using logs 20 times bigger than herself as lifting weights, pushing a whole train with only her jaws, and even doing jogs….while on fire.
Fitting of her pyromantic powers and hotheadedness, Susan is a big fan of spicy food.
Despite how much of a stern hothead she is, Susan deeply cares for the people that she loves most, especially with Gil.
Both of the V-Twins’ living shadows can be imbued with their mistresses’ respective elemental powers, with Susan’s being able to conjure up shadowy will-o-wisps.
Susan’s favorite starter Pokemon is Litten. She tends to heavily relate to Incineroar, alot. She’s also a cat person, so that makes things easier.
In terms of classical music, Susan is a natural pro with a piano. She and Mary have worked together on making music many times in the past.
Susan is normally not a big fan of water. At all. She’s even terrified of the ocean too! Although, she likes to cool down in hot springs.
Susan and Gil both had a curious roleplay session once; The usual scenario of a vampire seducing a bride…Only with Susan as the countess, and Gil as the BRIDE. It’s a bit weird, but we’re not judging.
While it’s not as massive as Mary’s, Susan’s breasts are still big and soft. Gil even uses her ample bust as a makeshift pillow when cuddling.
In her spare time, Susan tends to her collection of spiders, scorpions, and other arachnids. She takes pretty good care of her pets.
Susan happens to enjoy a good fire by the chimney, especially during the cold winter months.
Susan is a fan of anime from the 1980’s. In fact, she personally jives with the vibes and aesthetics of the 80’s.
While Mary has helped out a bit, Susan is the main creator of the Enigma-tron 2600, a sentient supercomputer that can turn into a powerful robot. People even consider Susan to be Enigma’s mom.
Another invention that Susan made is a sleak, Tron-like techno suit. This suit is also made up of nanobots, similar to the nanometal seen in the Godzilla anime trilogy. This allows Susan to conjure up weapons, and bat-like wings made of the stuff from her suit.
While it’s a rare sight to see, Susan and the other Porkbelly vamps all have tiny, spread out, bioluminescent dots on their skin, allowing them to glow in the pitch black of night. Susan’s tend to glow a vibrant purple.
In terms of where she and Gil stand on the whole dominant vs submissive scaling, Susan leans more towards the former. Gil is really into it tho.
NEVER challenge Susan to an arm-wrestling contest. Aside from how vampires tend to have super strength, all of that working out makes it even more easier for Susan.
Susan and Gil are in a loving relationship, and she doesn’t like it when anyone, including a certain fat, bling-obsessed rapper, interferes…
When on land, Susan is able to run at 180 mph, making her a real speed demon to be reckoned with.
While she’s mostly straight, Susan tends to be enthralled by hot women every now and again.
Susan is the wrestling champion of Porkbelly for 5 years running so far. She has to train alot if she wants to keep that title!
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rametarin · 2 years
A problem I’m too lazy to solve at the moment.
I say lazy, but I simply don’t have the time. But, hey Math Side of Tumblr. Help me out with a problem.
This is Farmer Dag.
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Farmer Dag is a funny little man. Farmer Dag is a vampire farmer. Farmer Dag doesn’t like preying on human beings, and so Farmer Dag grows agricultural animals to consume their blood in substitution for people-blood.
Farmer Dag wants to raise animals. Now, this is compounded a little; For magical, mystical reasons, just because an animal provides a greater volume of blood, not all animals are equal. In fact, human blood is the baseline of good quality blood. Lesser animals, despite having more blood, produce less quality blood.
Farmer Dag can drink 12 rats, 6 chickens, or a third of a cow in life energy per day.
“But cows have a lot of blood... He should get more nourishment than that from a single cow. Or pig. Or horse”
Farmer Dag knows. It does not make much sense. The world is a cruel place full of darkness. That is how it works, whether Dag likes it or not. Not very fair, is it, Dag?
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Stiff upper lip, Dag.
Dag can farm any meat animal for blood. The biggest yields are from chickens or rats. You’d think bunnies would be easy, but no; bunnies have almost no blood at all. Rats do, though.
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In order to be entirely independent from drinking humans for susstenance and always having enough on hand to feed himself, Dag calculates. He needs to drink the contents of 24 chickens a day, if he brings himself to being so hungry he can’t even think straight, and if not, having blood left over to secure himself a little.
This comes to roughly 8.76 thousand chickens a year. Realistically, if Dag lives an ascetic existence and only rises per night, he won’t need to slake his thirst that much. A more reasonable estimate is around 1/4th of that. But, you never know; the excess could be profitable, and would ensure he can get very hungry and always have no messy mistakes in order to get his fix.
Dag needs to figure out a system he can create on a budget, just using the labor of one supernaturally strong, fast and enduring person, to maintain a system that produces 24 chickens per day for his own purposes.
Chickens eat roughly 1.75 pounds of feed a week, or 91 pounds ( 41.27 kgs) of feed per chicken, per year. That’s roughly $4 per year a bird, or $182,000 just in chicken feed, for all 8,300.
Every day his chickens are alive, they’ll need to eat, shit, drink and roam around doing chicken things.
Your mission is to create a system that will allow Dag to have as few chickens alive as possible at a time while reaping as many chickens per day as will satisfy him. The idea is to have access to no less than 24 chickens a day, and no more than is necessary for this role. Minimizing expenses per year, where possible, and creating profit where he can.
Presume Dag has mortal contacts that can handle the business aspect.
What would the ideal amount but minimum amount of space for maximum yields for the Vampire Chicken Farm?
Or for that matter, the Vampire Rat Farm?
Vampire Cattle Ranch would be easy; One good drink per day per head of cattle, four cows per day. Roughly 280 cows, rotating them every 70 days, and Dag would have a decade of secure food, provideded everything went well enough. Unlike the chickens, the cows are strong enough to be drank from (a sip, honestly) and still survive enough to be drank from again in two months. Just need a lot of acres for them to roam.
But something like a rat farm could be hidden in plain sight, even below the ground. Rats need less sun and sanitation (and similarly, the body needs to be less clean to function) and still produce blood. And they could eat garbage. Or... dead chickens.
Anyone wanna thoughtcraft with this?
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leggerefiore · 2 years
Genuine Hybrid AU question.... 👉👈
Since those who are pregnant tend to get weird cravings, then would emmet/ingo's s/o get *very* specific cravings during their pregnancy?
Like Galvantula Emmet panics when they try to LITERALLY EAT ELECTRICITY and he's gotta rush over to stop them from putting a plug in their mouth that's connected to a socket thing- "Darling I love you verrry much but pLEAse never do that again-" Has definitely caught you licking a battery, while it is SIGNIFICANTLY less dangerous that almost electrocuting yourself, he still has to remind you that it isn't safe.
Frosmoth Ingo's s/o isn't as in much danger since all they crave is just shaved ice, snow, or ice cubes. Probably would end up eating primarily cold foods/drinks which end up causing his s/o to be almost as cold as him like 24/7. If you're pregnant during the winter months then he will for sure find you snapping icicles off of the outside of your shared home and crunching on them like a carrot. You'll get weird looks asking for ice cream of all things during *winter*, and even stranger looks when you're sitting outside in freezing weather wearing casual clothes and eating a non-flavored snow cone. "Dear, this is the third time this month." "I'm sorrryyyy (ó~ò)"
I was gonna make a joke about Chandelure Ingo's pregnant mate asking what the equivalent of eating someone's life force is (ie; what food could substitute for human souls) or tempted to somehow eat fire/flames/ashes and making poor distressed Ingo need to keep an eye on you more than usual so you don't go and swallow FIRE. "My love... please refrain from trying to eat your toasted marshmallow while it is still on fire-"
As for Eelektross twins....
"I'm going to taser the fish-"
Again- probably mostly seafood related diet but a funny thing to think about since Eelektross paralyze/electrocute their prey before eating it.
Now that I've gotten into really thinking more about these concepts... they make me wonder if you'll sorta behave similarly to your hybrid mate?
Galvantula Emmet- you like staying in darkened areas with magnetic fields while being cocooned (is that how Joltiks/Galvantulas act?) Emmet's Joltiks love to swarm and protect you over the smallest of things they perceive as 'threats'. They'll even bring you little gifts they find like buttons, berries, bits of ribbon/cloth, gemstones, really just anything the Joltiks know is safe for you to keep.
Frosmoth Ingo- cold temperatures become your favorite places to be, sometimes even luring you to open the fridge/freezer door and just stand in front of the cold air (Ingo has to be the one to keep you at a normal human body temperature since all the cold could cause some serious risks to your health). In a similar way to Chandelure Ingo, only being near him or cuddling with him placates you.
Chandelure Ingo- the complete opposite of Frosmoth Ingo. You suddenly want to be in all too warm places that pose a safety risk; sitting in a bathtub full of the maximum temperature water your shower can be set to, feeling not quite warm enough ever (except for when you're in direct contact with Ingo), wrapping yourself up in so many blankets that would make a regular person sweat at the sight of, etc. You nearly gave him a heart attack after asking his Chandelure to set you on fire-
Eelektross Twins- maybe wanting to be around or in water a lot more than considered normal. Sunbathing quickly becomes a habit that they happily join you in. Both lads always watching you like a hawk when they deem it safe for you to swim with them, but not too far from shore, as one of them will always have a hand on you as precaution. And since I love the idea of Emmet & Ingo doting on their precious mate... they'll bring other water pokemon- which of course they make 100% sure pose no threat- to swim with you.
Sorry for the long post I got an adrenaline rush and funneled it all into sending you this... (//ˊᵕˋ//)🤍🖤
see anon, you're better than i. i wish going to say "yeah i guess s/o gets the urge to eat galvantula hybrid emmet's spider food in his web" also don't apologise! i love when people send in their personal hcs and thoughts!❤❤❤
I think in the case of Chandelure Ingo, it would be more so trying to consume his flames (because they should contain human souls) and him going "No!" and like stopping you. He is terrified when he sees "human soul taste like what?" in your search history. His precious Litwick offspring will not need that. They can eat human foods because they are a hybrid. He will be bottle-feeding them if it gets down to it. (WHAT IF IT WAS AN URGE TO EAT WAX???)
It's funny for the Eelektross hybrids because you're actually not supposed to eat too much seafood while you're pregnant, nor can you eat raw fish. But actually, in the case of developing Tynamo hybrids, it's better and encouraged! So long as it's safe for the pregnant party.
It's more like Galvantula Emmet's web has a slight electrical pulse that he made... It's very weak and not dangerous at all, but since you kept asking him for it. He's happy to leave you cocooned, but Ingo reminds him that it's good for your body to move around. You will be removed and made to go on walks. I love the idea of the Joltiks becoming your sworn protectors (outside of Emmet) and getting 'violent' when someone gets too close. (They get a light shock and hissing spider.) The little gifts are adorable, but they mostly just lie on you and enjoy the pulse on the web.
Frosmoth Ingo's partner out in negative 3 degrees celsius/26 degrees fahrenheit just vibing in a baggy t-shirt and shorts. Ingo is approaching with a thick blanket to swaddle you in and drag you back inside. He understands that the Snom hybrid is demanding colder weather and you body is adapting well, but hypothermia is always threat! He is happy to cling to you and keep your body pleasantly chilled. A lot of his time will be consumed by making sure the baby is at safe temperature when they are born.
Chandelure Ingo on the other hand... Well, heatstroke concerns him. Especially as you turn on the heat when its 38 degrees celsius/100 degrees fahrenheit outside! Then you crawl under three duvets! He's turn the heat off and limiting you down to one blanket and cuddling you. It's then you feel content, snuggling into the inhuman warmth of his body. He holds you close and relaxes. He didn't think Litwick hybrids messed with human biology that much...
The Eelektross twins honestly will get a kiddie pool for you put some ocean water in it, then let you sit in that. They understand it's the babs playing with your urges and because it's a nonhuman pregnancy they are going to get weird, but they will not be letting you drown. Also, feisty fish men blocking off an entire section of the beach because it is too close to their pregnant mate. Emmet just skipping floating and crawling on his arms, throwing up sand wildly, to chase someone away. Ingo just pulls you close and glares.
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whoaffle · 3 years
Hancock and Nick Valentine headcanons...
Got sucked into the Fallout 4 vortex, so here are some headcanons for non-feral ghouls and 2.5 gen synths, specifically Hancock and Nick!
Hancock will sometimes crave raw meat: Feral ghouls like to prey on humans and other animals to feed on fresh meat, and that urge manifests to some extent on non-ferals as well: they feel a strong desire for raw red meat sometimes (although it doesn’t have to be fresh and definitely not human). Imagine finding Hancock eating little strips of raw Brahmin meat at 2am.
Hancock has night-vision*: Well, maybe not full night-vision, but certainly better than a human’s! He still cannot see in pitch black rooms or anything, but he will see much more clearly in the woods at night than a human would. Applies to all ghouls, in fact.
Nick has the sense of touch on his metal parts: I suppose it would be rather hard for him to interact with objects with his metal hand if his sense of touch was limited to skin-covered parts, so I headcanon his uncovered metal parts would also experience tactile sensations somehow. So if you hold his tiny metal hand, he will feel it!
Hancock is much faster than a human: Feral ghouls will just sprint at you at unimaginable speeds, besides moving their limbs pretty fast and dodging attacks very efficiently, so I can’t help but imagine non-ferals would also have this enhanced speed, both in terms of reflexes and movement speed. Hancock may not show, because of how chill he is most of the time, but he could move really fast if he wanted to, besides being so damn good at dodgeball!
Nick is pretty stronger than a human*: Probably due to having a metal skeleton? That man is stronger than he looks! He can easily carry another person in his shoulders, even if it’s an adult man. Not gonna say he could carry you in your power armor, because he wouldn’t be able to hold it firmly enough and with enough balance to do so, but a smaller object with the same weight would be OK to lift for him!
Hancock has relatively bad hearing: Actually all ghouls do. My take is that ghoulification increases your senses of sight and smell, but your hearing will deteriorate, after all, you do lose your external ear cartilage. If you say something to Hancock and he goes “huh?”, don’t worry! It’s not because he’s stoned, he simply didn’t hear you. (He is also stoned, of course, but that’s not the point).
Nick doesn’t have a heartbeat, but a purr: Instead of a beating heart, Nick has a motor and a coolant pump, so if you lean your head on his chest you won’t hear that “tu-dum, tu-dum...” sound, but instead, a constant low-pitched vibration, very similar to a cat’s purr! Yes, you read that right: detective Nick Valentine from Fallout 4 purrs like a kitty. :)
Although Nick doesn’t require sleep, food or water, he can sleep, eat and drink: This is actually supported by the fact that Nick has animations eating noodles, drinking from a cup while idle and has a bed in his office (there are two beds at the agency, one is Ellie’s and the other has gotta be his own). Falling asleep, for Nick, is similar to entering a hibernation period for a computer. Also, his eyes may remain open, but won’t glow in yellow like when he’s awake. When he wakes up, his eyes will slowly light up and his motor will start making a louder noise.
Hancock has suicidal tendencies: Actually supported by the bug(?) that if you leave Hancock alone in a settlement, he may die randomly upon your arrival to said settlement, saying “one... last... trip...” right before falling down dead on the floor. I interpret that as Hancock committing suicide via overdose if unattended for too long. Other things that support this headcanon for me are: his past history of drug abuse when in difficult moments of life, his choice to ghoulify himself as a destructive response to self-hatred and the fact that in my game at least he asks to get back traveling together every time I walk near him - much more frequently than my other companions.
Nick may overheat if he can’t cool down properly: Just like any machine, if Nick’s coolant system is malfunctioning, or if he’s working harder than his coolant system can handle cooling down, he will overheat. Besides becoming hot to the touch, this may also result on: 1- trouble processing thoughts and speech, 2- delay in movements and responses, 3- headache, 4- eventual shutdown (passing out).
The only reason Nick still remembers Jennifer Lands’ death and human Nick’s rivalry with Eddie Winters is trauma: We know from the holotapes that human Nick was traumatized and went after treatment for his trauma, resulting on the brain scan that was later on loaded into synth Nick’s body. So we may as well deduce that the scan was of Nick’s brain before healing from trauma. We also know from the Far Harbor DLC that Nick’s memory cannot keep long-term information, which is why he forgot his interactions with DiMA from over 100 years before. If he can’t remember 100 year old memories, he shouldn’t remember anything from human Nick’s life... The reason he does is because it’s a literal trauma, so it’s imprinted on him even after everything else has been forgotten and even thought Nick’s sense of self and identity is no longer tied to human Nick and his experiences. He has flashbacks and nightmares about these memories.
Hancock loves cuddling more than he loves his own life: Maybe not more than he loves drugs, though. But really, he loves cuddling so so so much! This is partially inspired by how romantic he is. I’d say he’s one of the most romantic companions I’ve dated, he says really sweet things when you sleep with him and when you ask him about his thoughts or your relationship... So I thought it suited him to be very fond of physical contact, specially cuddling!
I guess this is what I have for now!
I love Nick and I love Hancock so fucking much! I guess I love Hancock even MORE than Nick, which is impressive considering how much I love Nick! ^^ Anyway, hope you guys liked these?
*contradict lore suggested by game quotes / mechanics.
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