#I personally like chocolate flavoured ice cream too 👍
askblueandviolet · 4 months
Hey blue or mayor- I got a question.
What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Mine is chocolate.
Also here have this *put flower crown on his head*
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putschki1969 · 4 months
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Live Title & Promo Visuals Revealed
To commemorate the 5th Anniversary of Wakana’s solo debut, a special band live will be held for the first time in 3 years! The official title for the live was announced today!
Title: 『Wakana 5th Anniversary Live ~The “VOICE” Stories~』 Date: May 12, 2024 ◆1st Stage◆ Open 14:45 / Start 15:30 ◆2nd Stage◆ Open 18:15 / Start 19:00 Venue: I’M A SHOW (capacity: 398 seats) Starring: Wakana, Satoshi Takebe (Music Director/Piano), etc. 【Ticket price】 All seats reserved 8,500円 ※An additional 600円 drink fee will be charged at the venue Advanced Ticket Lottery: March 11~March 17 General Sale: March 30~
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2024/03/08 Instagram post by Wakana
I went to a wonderful studio the other day🌿 It was a lovely room with lush greenery and plenty of light. It was fun to fantasise about where I would place my furniture if I lived there 😌💕(Source)
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2024/03/10 Blog post by Wakana おしゃべりガーデン第7回目‼︎〜卒業とチョコチップと「The “VOICE” Stories」〜
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Talk Garden Vol.7!! ~Graduation, Chocolate Chips, and 「The “VOICE” Stories」 ~
The 7th episode of "Wakana's Talk Garden" has been uploaded! Thank you for sending me your "graduation memories"~(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) Maybe the topic was a bit tricky this time so there weren't a lot of submissions🤣 But I definitely related to a lot of your stories about things that you want to graduate from and finally leave behind 😭✨ (I certainly want to get rid of my late-night cravings for Korean food)
By the way, I was surprised that I couldn't recall which song our choir was singing at one of my graduation ceremonies even though I was sure that I would remember such a detail. I vividly remember singing at the graduation ceremony as a member of my junior high school choir. I had a pretty loud voice but most of the other members were rather quiet so I would always hide somewhere in the back because otherwise I would stand out too much with my singing😂 (Sorry teacher, please forgive the antics of an adolescent). However, back then there was a boy in our local boys' and girls' choir and he would always make sure to sing with a loud and firm voice. I looked up to him with great respect and thought he was incredibly courageous, he honestly was my hero✨😂 (I was still hiding in the back but he encouraged me to sing with all my might) All the parents mentioned that they were amazed by how well our voices could be heard (*´-`) Despite all of that, I totally forgot what song it was 🤣🤣 That's the most important part! ! *laughs* Oh well, that's how life is...(I'll ask a friend next time💌)
Before I read all of your graduation stories , I went on a tangent about Baskin-Robins ice cream. It went on for quite some time so please be prepared! ! 😂 It was about my favourite chocolate chip ice cream which I had to get as soon as it came out! ♡ it was my first time in years to eat this flavour ♡ (If you add your favourite ice cream flavour in the Baskin-Robins app, you'll receive a notification when it's released). I also tried the newly released matcha brownie flavour 🍨 It was so delicious! 😳 But for some reason...I can't really recommend this particular combination of flavours🤣 It’s better to eat them individually!!👍
Well, the next talk theme is... there will be NO talk theme! 😂 I feel like everyone was having a hard time thinking of stories for the talk themes🥺 I didn't intend to inconvenience anyone...😇Please forgive me...😇 So next time, just throw some random messages at me! Don't even think about it, no matter what it is, just submit it and let me talk about it. So if you have anything you want to ask me or want me to talk about, please don't hesitate! \\\\٩( 'ω' )و //// Really anything is fine! 🤗💕 I’ll be waiting💕
Also, the official title for my upcoming 5th Anniversary Live has been announced✨ The full title is Wakana 5th Anniversary Live ~The “VOICE” Stories~! The title of my first tour after my solo debut was ``VOICE'', it was about having my “voice” heard and expressing my “voice”. Back then, there were so many things that felt new to me, and I'm sure it was the same for all of you. Five years have passed since then and I have come across several new "voices" within me. New thoughts and feelings were born within my heart and expressed through my "voice". And of course I've been supported by the voices of encouragement from many people throughout all these years. For these reasons, I decided to name the live The “VOICE” Stories, I want to create an environment for people to hear my new “VOICE”. I will be sharing various thoughts and sing songs from the past five years. I would be happy if you came to experience this special moment together with me. Please come to “I'M A SHOW” in Yurakucho on May 12th! ! The live promo visual has also been released🤗✨
All right, that’s it for today! Until next time~☆( *'▽'*)/
Wakana’s Talk Garden #7
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Episode #7 »»—— CLICK ME 🎁 CLICK ME ——««
Vol 7 Topic “Memories of Graduation”
For next month’s episode which is scheduled to air on April 10th, the topic is “Something I Want to Ask Wakana/Something I Want Wakana to Talk About” The submission deadline is 03/31.
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sketchguk · 2 years
Goodeveing! I met my crush and talked to him for a while! 😭 I tried everything you and your friend told me to thanks guys for Saving my ass 😭 We sat down and talked and he asked about my job so I thought I can ask about his too and he was so excited to talk about it! He was saying he wants to climb ranks quickly but it's not so easy and all. Then I told him that I watch those videos you linked me 😭😭😭 I told I have a friend who's interested in aviation so she sends me stuff sometimes sadshhhsssa and I showed him the pilot atc vids and he was sooooo happy 😭 he was saying everyone does that atleast once and when they do it all other pilots will start making fun of them hdssssss he doesn't make announcements but he hears about a lot of this happening! Then i asked him about the Boeing and Airbus thing and YO. THIS MAN. LOST IT . his eyes just went so wide and he was like OHMYGOD LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT IT 😭 and he spoke for 20 minutes straight 😭 he said he likes boeing because it has autopilot but a lot of controls the pilots do on the own! So it's like FYLING MY AIRPLANE and in Airbus a lot is automatic! He was saying some pilots think it's very macho and great to fly a boeing because you're doing most of the work 😭 he showed me a video of a controller saying "I thought you guys fly a Airbus for a second" and then the pilots say "Nah we fly real planes" 😂😂😂😂😂😂 he wants to do training in Boeing! What plane does your friend's bf fly? If he flies boeing he's macho otherwise he's not 😂😂 kidding! all pilots are cooool ahahaaa. You don't need to know all that I was just rambling omgg hhdada then I waited for h to ask me if i need something and My sister with her friends were going to get icecream so they were asking us what flavour we want, and he asked me Do you want vanilla? And do you want me to any toppings? And I said no but your number maybe 😭 the way I said it didn't make sense but I was just waiting for an opportunity 😭 and he went like 😳 . wow I didn't see that coming. And then he gave me the number 😭😭😭😭😭 I can't believe sending you asks saved my life 😂 thank you guys so much !!!!! I messed up with the number thing it was not as smooth as your friend but I did what I could and it surprised him ! He also said thanks for talking to him about planes and stuff hhdadas he said he feels soft that I talk about his passion AAAAH HHDADASSA I hope he texts me soooooo I want to talk to him soon 😔 thanks guys againnnnn - 🍰
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It's the way that we could co write a research paper about boeing vs. airbus at this point lolll. I'm glad that the conversation topics helped you out !!!! "A friend who's interested in aviation" - that's me that's me that's me !!!! 🙋🏻‍♀️ (although, the only thing I'm really interested in is getting u a hawt pilot bee eff)
And I hope that you got to talk about yourself plenty too <333 Did you get to share anything exciting???
My friend is invested in this relationship now 🥰 or at least I will subject her to listening because this is fun loll. And she said her bf flies a boeing 777 and 787, whatever that means 😭 my air force father must be so disappointed in me, but it is what it is, ya know??
You did the number thing !!!!! I think it worked out pretty well the way he asked questions LOL. I LOVE ice cream !! Did you get vanilla??? I personally believe chocolate is superior but every opinion is valid <3
That's so funny how we secured you his numberr. Imagine one day, you have to tell him the story of how Tumblr user sketchguk and anonymous friends gave you the advice to be a smooth bombshell 😎👍
You won't text him first?!!! I hope he does though (soon). But if not, I think you should send something <33 I don't know if he will hold the expectation that you'll send a text first because you asked for his cell (unfair if you ask me because we did the hard work of securing that number 😤) .
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