#I originally only started it out as musings back in 2022(?) as an anon on someone else's blog.
a018233 · 4 months
My original idea was that the reader only became a rental partner because they were inlove with a host that influenced them to join the industry. But I wanted it to be more open so people can self project on the reader, so I scrapped that.
I'll spoil you some of the asks I got:
Luca is one of Andrew's friends, he got too suspicious and went through Andrew's cellphone and found out that reader is from a rental service. He thinks it's funniest thing ever, in his humble opinion. He kinda figured you were out of his league. So as a joke he decided to rent reader out but now he can understand why Andrew is always bringing you up in every conversation and creepily mumbling your name under his breath.
Ithaqua is one of your very first clients, he only rented you out because a fancy indoor rock climbing place offered a couples only get in free event, and he really wanted to go. But then he found himself enjoying your company, so he keeps renting you out. You guys had more a friend relationship that formed out of the rental service, he gained a crush on you and had a close relationship with you, but soon his jealousy catches up with him and he realizes he wants more and doesn't want you to a be rental anymore.
Joseph is also one of your longterm clients and also formed a relationship with you out of the rental service. It's more of a sugar daddy situation. He's one of the few yandere's of the harem that *isn't* delusional.
Eli just got out of a longterm relationship, and Norton cheers him up by letting him use his rental date with you, and quickly Eli finds himself booking you time and time again where the the lines are blurred between what's real and what's not. He actively believes your into him just as much as he is into you.
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askspiritfukase · 2 years
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Updated: 11/29/2022 (new info in asterisks)
So I heard there might be more new users on Tumblr. The Vocaloid ask blog community here has been sputtering for a while now, and I realized it might be intimidating to get involved. As an active participant in the ask blog community since 2013, I thought I could share some tips.
Disclaimer: I am basing this off of my personal experience in the VOCALOID ask blog community. I don’t know how other ask blog communities are faring or what their conventions are.
What is an ask blog?
In this context, it’s a blog where you roleplay a character and respond to people’s questions. Tumblr’s ask and submission boxes make this very simple. While an ask blog can technically be text only, I really recommend you get creative and make your own image responses. Most people draw, but some people back in the day used to use MMD. 
What is a muse?
I don’t know if this term is still used outside of the Tumblr ask and RP communities, but this basically refers to the character(s) you roleplay. Many mods feel personally connected to their muses and may even feel that their muses have a mind of their own. Don’t worry about it too much, but if you come across ask memes for “mod and muse,” they’re just referring to you and your character. Incidentally, “mun” also means “mod” so you’ll see posts using that sometimes too.
Choose a character!
If this is your first tumblr ask blog, I highly recommend starting with one or two characters you really enjoy drawing. Starting off with too many can become overwhelming. If you want to expand your character and world focus, you can always do that later!
Your character does not have to be fully fleshed out, but giving them some background and personality is definitely a good start! If you need inspiration, look up voca synth modules and songs! You can even use an original character that’s been featured in a voca synth original.
Ex: Ask25jiMiku, AskMeltdownRin, AskReincarnationApple, AskSynthVShian (all these blogs don’t exist as of writing this post)
Choose a name!
You can get creative, but I suggest choosing names that make your character easy to identify, especially if you’re using an original character featured in a Vocaloid song. I also recommend adding “Ask” somewhere in there so people know at a glance that you’re an ask blog.
Sideblog or main blog?
I highly, HIGHLY recommend you create a new main blog for your ask blog unless you don’t plan on updating often. You’re more likely to gain attention while using a main blog since you can follow back other ask blogs and send asks. Sideblogs cannot send asks at this time.
Figure out your blogging style
Many voca synth ask blogs I’ve seen fall roughly into one of two categories: Plot-focused and ask-focused.
Plot-focused blogs: These blogs take a more active role in providing information to audiences. They may even act like an interactive webcomic. Some blogs follow the course of a main storyline, while others may have only a series of smaller storylines and arcs within the blog. They can focus on a select number of characters and launch themselves into their own events. The mod may have clear endings in mind for these events, but audiences can influence what information is revealed by sending asks, such as the character’s thoughts. Overall, while asks are important to this blog, major events may occur even without much of their influence.
Ex: vocalads
Ask-focused blogs: These blogs take on a more passive role in providing information to askers. They may not have preset storylines that the characters will take, although they might have developed backgrounds. Without asks, these blogs might not reveal much information and may not update at all. Events can still occur, but they’re often triggered by asks(ex: magic anons) or through interactions with other ask blogs rather than started on their own. These blogs feel less streamlined and tend to go more with the flow of asks and interactions.
Ex: My ask blog, and 85% of voca synth ask blogs I’ve seen fall into this category. It’s the most common type by far.
Of course, you do not have to adhere strictly to one or the other, and there have been those that were a mix of both. You could even come up with something totally new that I haven’t thought of! But if you need a starting point, decide how you want to reveal information to your askers.
Lay down some rules
Do you have limits? Do you not want to be bombarded with asks about a specific topic? Make a page or post detailing these rules!
*Announce your ask box is open!
The final step is to let people know you’re open! You can make a simple post with an image of your character and an “ask box open!” message. Others can reblog your post and spread the word. If you have more energy, you can get more creative with your “ask box open” post, like making it into a short comic or something. 
Ex: askvfurawa’s, My blog’s 
Is your ask box open?
Seriously, it’s a common mistake so check your blog settings. And make sure your anons are on since people can be shy! If you feel safer with them off though, that’s okay too.
Provide some information
An “ask box open” post is a great way to get the word out there that you’re open for business, but it might be difficult for people to send you asks without more information. Make a quick profile for your character! Fill in some basic information about their likes and dislikes, what they do, etc. For mobile users, utilizing the pinned post feature is perfect for this.
Think about how your characters live their lives
When you answer asks, it’s also important to think about what your character might be doing as they answer their asks, as well as providing some extra information that could pique interest.
Are they cooking as they’re answering the ask? Are they in the park? Did the ask remind them of something they saw last week? Providing simple answers can be okay, but it may be hard to pique the interests of askers if that’s the majority of your responses. If you’re providing simple answers because you feel pressured to answer asks as soon as they’re sent—don’t! Well-thought-out responses are always better than a bunch of rushed ones!
Reblog ask memes!
Ask games exist on various social media, but you can find many on Tumblr tailored to ask and RP blogs! You can also reblog “M!A lists.” A “M!A” refers to a “magic anon” which is a special anon that is sent to change the conditions of a blog for a certain duration of time. For instance, an anon can send in “M!A: Character is turned into a mermaid for 3 days.” M!As are not mandatory to accept, and you can alter the duration if you feel you cannot handle it. You can also make your own ask memes or M!A lists. If you don’t accept M!As, be sure to list that in your rules or blog description.
As a bonus, ask memes can help spark character interactions or interactions between mods!
Ex: M!A List, Muse ask meme, Another Muse Ask Meme
Send in asks yourself
The asks you send to other blogs don’t necessarily have to be in-character but if you want to start interactions, sending in-character asks are a great way to do that. Additionally, if you send asks to others, they might return the favor. *In a similar vein, if you follow other ask blogs, there’s a good chance they might follow back. If they don’t, they might just need to get to know you better by seeing you around the community and stuff first!
Vocaloid Community events
Octoberloid is the main Vocaloid ask blog event still running, but there’s Vocatines and a few other stray events here and there! The host of the event will usually make a main post detailing what will be occurring, the venue and timeline, and what to tag your posts if you’re participating. These events can be a great way to have your characters interact with others! Feel free to start your own event as well or revive any old events!
Ex: Octoberloid, Vocatines, Vocasummer
Keep things in character
It’s generally recommended not to use your ask blog as a personal blog. The occasional OOC post is okay, but reblogging loads of OOC art and text posts that don’t relate to your character is discouraged. This is particularly true if you don’t tag your posts properly with “OOC.” There used to be weekly events on ask and RP blogs called “Munday” where you could ask the mods questions. This probably still exists in other communities but it’s pretty dead on the Vocaloid side of things. There are even ask memes centered around Munday! If you really wanna talk and show things about yourself, how about reviving Munday here?
Ex: Munday ask meme
Tag wisely
I don’t know if this is still true, but back in the day, only the first 5 things you tag would actually show up in the tag search. Everything else was for your own archiving purposes. I still think this is a good rule of thumb. Tags I recommend using are #ask, #vocaloid, #vocaloid ask blog, and the name of your character. I also tend to tag the asker out of habit so people can search their own name.
However, if you’re producing a large quantity of posts in a short amount of time because you’re making low-effort sketches or making a lot of text posts, I recommend reducing how many tags you use so you don’t spam the tag search.
I HIGHLY recommend you tag all your asks with something. Tumblr has a chronological order feature but as far as I know, it only works with tags. For example, I tag all my asks with “new ask.” If you want to see all my asks in chronological order, you can type in “askspiritfukase.tumblr.com/tagged/new ask/chrono” and BAM! For mobile users, you can add this to your pinned.
And of course, you can add your own thoughts as mod in the tags if you want. I’d encourage this compared to writing your thoughts in the captions, but that’s just a personal preference. Do what you feel is fun!
*Don’t make too many ask blogs!
*No matter how much you like the characters, making too many ask blogs might be spreading yourself thin and it’ll be hard to keep track of. While I think you should do whatever’s fun, it might not be good to accidentally overwhelm yourself either. From experience, it doesn’t feel good to open another, brand new ask blog only to abandon it within a few weeks. So just a word of caution!
Trim your posts!!
If you at least occasionally use Tumblr on desktop, download xKit and the addon “editable reblogs.” It works best if you use the text post feature to post your ask and art responses. Basically, it enables you to trim your responses in interactions which is important in sparing everyone’s dashboard from novel-length posts. If your ask response is gonna be particularly long, use a read more!!
Stay within fandoms
This might be more etiquette than anything but generally, ask blogs stay within their own fandoms but it isn’t a hard rule. *I mostly bring it up in case you try following ask blogs from other fandoms but they don’t follow back or want to interact. Some blogs are completely chill with it! OCs are a bit of a gray area so I can’t speak much for them. 
Communicate behind the scenes!
If you’re interacting with another blog, you should communicate behind the scenes if you want a successful interaction. In my experience, interactions without mod communication tend to die quickly.
Join the community with some friends!
A lot of the fun in ask blogging is in making connections and having your muses interact with your friends’ muses.
Reblog the end of interactions
Let’s say you and another blog are interacting and the interaction has ended on their side. Even if you have nothing left to add to the interaction, I recommend still reblogging their post so that readers of your blog will be able to have context since your audience may not follow your partner’s blog. This is something I used to not do and I have since regretted it.
Try to have legible text
I’m guilty of having spent years using chicken scratch but in all fairness, my main art program didn’t have a textbox feature. If your handwriting is naturally neat, then perfect! If not, and your art program has text features, use them! Just make sure your font is easy to read.
Don’t worry about consistency!
Ask blogging should be a hobby that encourages you to experiment without pressure. You can make your art as consistent as possible, try a different thing with every ask, or even just use uncolored lines. I’ve found that what’s most important is the thought put into the response.
Because this is a hobby, don’t worry about being inactive!! I’ve gone months without updating. It’s normal!! This should be a low-stress fun activity, and there’s no shame in having breaks :)
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adiabolikpastel · 9 months
Hello Everyone
I cannot believe we are here again all ready - honestly it feels like just yesterday I made the 2022 New Year post. Once more this year has been a ride, and while not much action has happened on the blog - Tumblr has been a buzz with new OCs appearing! I love seeing all the content of others and getting to know their stories.
This post will be a reflection of what's been going on here on the blog - fair warning there is not much, but I think it's good to look back at what's been done. That way we can look forward to what's to come!
As always, everything will be under the cut. Thank you all for a great year, and I look forward to seeing more from you, and giving you more of the story in the new year!
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January '23
8 post
Despite all odds, we started off really productive! This month began the Loren Family Character Inspiration Series; I'll link the other post as we come across them through the year. Honestly I loved being able to do this for Callista's Story, it helped me in working out the other members of her family, and how they would all relate to her and one another.
This month we also started Yuuki's official story posting, with the Prologue of her route. I love how it came together, and I cannot wait to finish getting all the CGs done for the rest of the story. If you want more info on the process or the progression let me know!
I also published a musing for the Wolf Kingdom for the [Excruciating Duplicity] involving the Full Moon. This was so fun to do! I think that the ED universe is where I'll really explore other Kingdoms - and this was a really fun way to do it.
February '23
4 post
No original content this month, all re-blogs. Big shout out to @madamesungalaxa for all their art!
March '23
12 post
@summercreolefanfictioner graced us with the ideas of a modern AU college Kanato this month. Which I loved reading and musing over, thank you for much for that! The triplets got a special birthday merch drop along with a Classic Bitter Sweets drop. Marking the first drop of the year!
Finished Yuuki's Prologue for her story, again, very happy with this. Cannot wait to continue, I have a lot of the actual parts mapped out, just waiting to get art done for the CGs. We got an ask about the existence of mytho/supernatural creatures in the universes. There was also a great ask about Callista's family dynamics and the role Yui could possibly play in the [Excruciating Duplicity] Universe.
April '23
6 post
We had a few art re-blogs, and focused this month mostly on the illusive twin OCs that are in the works. An anon asked about their role in the universe, and how they fit in. I loved answering this, because it opened my eyes to how - self gratifying the twins were, and that I wanted to fix that. Each OC I make, I want them to be in the story, I want them to matter - not just be there for me to look at (Rose is like that, but she does have a place in the story I swear).
We also had the big life / blog update post. This is where I got to share my personal updates as well as the blogs - things are not too different now as they were then. Hopefully once all this school non-sense is finished and I only have a job to worry about I can get things done.
May '23
15 post
Shout out to @coldmoontea for their beautiful gender swaps of the boys and moms - they were all so beautiful and stylized. We got out second line drop for the Bloody 13 Knights. And the rest of our post were actually blog driven - yay us!
Should have spaced it out more, but we did finish the Lorene Family Character Inspiration post - pts. 2 | 3 | 4 . Again, I cannot express how much I loved doing these. It was such a great way to explore characters and think about how I wanted to them be - while giving you all a familiar way to associate them. If you ever want to see more for other OCs just let me know!
We got a lot of ask this month - and I cannot thank everyone enough for that. First, we got the big merge of the Carnelian Blood & the Excruciating Duplicity Timelines, and a follow-up ask about it, and then another after that!. Really love the ideas presented in these. Especially how through this fight would bring about the end of the old regime of Kings, giving way for the next generation.
The next was a very sweet ask, that took me way too long to answer - but I loved it. This anon asked about outfits and preparations for a ball for all the OCs. It is fun to explore and look at how all of them dress and experience the same event differently.
June '23
12 post
Yuuki's birthday month! What better way to celebrate than a story dump of the darkest point in her story, yay! Joking aside, we looked at the Lost Kanuki Kid this month, and I finally got to give you all the details about them - and what that did to Yuuki.
Outside of that we did some fan art re-blogs, and were GRACED with the Dark Night Priest line drop. Good lords, wat that a good one.
July '23
5 post
All re-blogs, except for a shout out to all of you! We got a little boom in followers, and it warmed my heart to see so many new faces.
August '23
7 post
We were blessed again with another line drop of Night Pool Party - honestly I swear Rejet loves to keep us fed. The rest of the month was cute re-blogs for art. We did get one special ask about Callista and Reiji - how each celebrate the others birthday! It was actually from this ask that I ended up making the changes I did to her story.
7 post
Another. Line. Drop. Darkness Familia. No words Rejet! You are spoiling us at this point. I also got to meet the adorable @hoshikoyuuki ~ So happy to have more OCs around, what's more another Yuuki!
October '23
2 post
Rejet. Another one. Really!?!?! Charm Flavor came out and I just - the growth in the boys is so crazy. They look so mature in this line.
November '23
7 post
Bloody. Bad. Longing. that's all I gotta say.
In blog news, we made the big announcement about Callista's story. I was really late for a Halloween Ask - it was so nice to write about their activities. It's so fun to see the characters change each year! There was a really fun ask concerning Yuki and Yui, which I loved writing about - my little stalker boy.
The biggest ask we got was one about the Academy in Tormented Reverie Another Daydream. Every time you guys ask about it I get so excited, because it's such a huge project to do. There are a lot of aspects that go into writing in general, but making an entire long standing Academy - it's a lot to think about. You guys help me make the school real, and I love to work on it with you!
December ' 23
7 post
Secret Display & Bloody Banquet Rejet really said - these last half of the year we are feeding everyone each month.
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And with that, we bring 2023 to a close.
It's been a rather up and down year, but it's nice to see all that did get accomplished! While we didn't do all I wanted, we didn't do nothing - so that we can be proud of.
I want to give everyone a huge thank you again for sticking with me all year, and from years before and each year to come. You all are amazing, and I honored to be apart of the DL tumblr community - even if I am less active.
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creatorofclay · 6 years
Mobile information
Basic RP rules and courtesies. No god modding, unless it’s something small to move the story forward.
Personal blogs do not reblog my threads, ooc posts, or headcanons. You are welcome to follow, reblog art or memes or things that I specify can be reblogged. Please please don't reblog any of my threads and RPs.
Mun =/= muse. I promise I am far better than this disaster man.
Dark themes may be present here. And in the same vein: I support writing problematic themes. This does not mean I support them IRL, it just means I support writing them in a safe space. Take that however you want.
I am open to anyone and I don’t have any exclusives, but please bare in mind that I do follow my muse. Sometimes he focuses more on certain threads than others.
DO NOT like a post multiple times or unfollow and refollow multiple times to get my attention. No one likes to see that and I WILL hard block you for it.
I am not mutual exclusive. What does this mean? It means that following is not a requirement to rp with me and that I may not follow back right away. When someone new follows, I don't always jump on and follow right away. It keeps my dash clean to people I know or talk to and interact with. Now, if you are mutual exclusive and you follow me, meaning you want to write with me, I encourage you to reach out. I do that when I follow people I want to write with, whether it be sending asks or liking starter calls or even sending a message. (I don't really do starter calls, I know, but asks are always open, even anon) If you follow because you want to write me, TELL ME.
IN ADDITION TO THIS: If you do wish to message me to start an rp or something, do NOT just message a short message or single word. If you have something to say, I would rather you say it up front. I don’t appreciate the little messages that are just meant to get my attention.
I may be open and non selective, but I DO maintain the right to deny rping with you. Especially if I know you are someone who has had issues with people in the past, immaturity or not respecting boundaries or just plain ignoring what someone says. 
To any and all Gavin muses: Default of my blog is that Elijah is an only child. I will absolutely be your brother if you'd like, I just ask that you let me know it is your intention so we can work out their relationship and childhoods (if they were together, if they knew, etc). it's the only thing I absolutely ask we plan out ahead of time. 
I work evenings(typically) in retail full time IRL so my time can seem scarce or sporadic sometimes. I only ask that you be patient with me, but you are also welcome to poke me if you feel like it’s been a while since I responded. I try to get to everything in a timely manner.
I don’t have any triggers, and I tag everything that is triggering in my posts. If you need something specific tagged, don’t be afraid to ask me. You can send an anon even, if it helps. All triggers are tagged "tw trigger" from me
My side blog is a Simon blog! @itisnothingtodie! He used to be his own account, but when my activity shifted over here to Elijah, I figured it was best to keep him much closer. He is still very low muse at the moment, but if you are interested in him feel free to message me there!
I also now have @finalfcrm, which is my special RK900 blog! My special boy, interact at your own risk ;)
Also be aware if you follow him I follow back from this blog.
Icons are gifts from the lovely @rob0badge uwu
Be gentle with me I am soft. But, I am always happy to make new friends! 
Chloe is also a muse here!!
Private/By request only for any long form RP and any sort of friendships or romantic ships. Everything with her should be discussed before hand to help me out. (Chloe isn't as straight as Elijah, so anyone is welcome. Chloe is welcoming to all love and new to relationships outside of her home. Just bear in mind courting her means dealing with Elijah to some extent)
Asks to Chloe are open to EVERYONE. You need only specify if it is for her. Asks by default are answered by Elijah.
I will not rp Chloe with any Elijah blog at all. This is because her personality is based very heavily on Elijah’s, and my portrayal of him naturally, so it won’t make much sense for her to be one way when other Elijah’s are not the same as mine. (@repliicantceo is the only exception because Eli and Elliot are not actually Elijah)
Chloe was meant to have her own set of tags, but I've changed my mind about that lmao All interactions will still be tagged either Elijah ic or Chloe ic. She will still have her own musing and aesthetic tags
When it comes to shipping…
I am multi-verse and multi-ship, however I will only ship with female muses.
All romance will only be with those over 18 please.
I ship chemistry above all else. If you feel like our characters could have something, let me know! We can talk it out to see how it would go! And also at the same time, I encourage you to follow on if your muse has a crush. Unrequited drama can be very interesting.
Be aware that if you include yourself into a verse with a certain muse I already ship with, there will be drama and choices will have to be made. All interactions are default verse Elijah unless specified otherwise.
That being said... I am also open to poly-shipping if it interests you~
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My name is Ash, I’m 26, she/her pronouns, and I (still, i know) have a deep love for Detroit: Become Human.
My primary RP blog in the fandom was Simon for months, but, Kamski has always been an interesting character to me. He’s exactly the kind of villain/antagonist that I really like. Mysterious, ulterior motives, and fascinated by the main character in some way.
I am incredibly shy, but I’ve been trying to come out of my bubble, but, don’t be afraid to approach me with something if you want. Even if its just to ramble about something in your life or a headcanon you came across. I love it all.
I have a discord, it is much easier to reach me there. Just ask me for it. I am always online on mobile, don’t let the offline status fool you. 
Verses/Timelines found here!!!
muse relationships here!
Elijah Kamski was born on July 17th, 2002. He attended the Universirty of Colbridge at a young age and was a bright pupil to Amanda Stern. After graduating at the age of 16, he went on to found CyberLife, moving to Detroit to begin his research into creating domestic intelligent androids. It took years to develop his formula for thirium, but he was finally able to use it the way he wished.
In 2022, his android became the first to pass the Turing Test. Kamski’s thirium 310 solution proved to the world that the artificial beings were ready to move to production. The original, RT600 model, became Kamski’s star, and one he treasured. She was his personal assistant as he worked to create more and more androids, watching his company grow.
His status and company grew and grew, creating a name for himself and putting androids in every home, workplace, and office they could. He was proud of his work, but he always had a curiosity with more. He wondered if the machines he created could someday develop their own consciousness like the sci-fi novels he so loved growing up. Could it really be so easy as a single thought or number change? What if his own Chloe became her own person? Would she stay or would she leave him? Could she be her own person in the real world?
All of his questions couldn’t be answered before his mentor from his university, and good friend, Amanda Stern passed away in early 2027. With her help, he had been trying to answer his own questions, but, both of their busy schedules, along with her sudden illness, got in the way. Kamski was devastated, but, luckily he had a few good friends, including a painter who came to be better known in the 2020’s.
Determined to prove his theory about the consciousness of machines, Kamski proposed to his company the idea of sparking an android revolution. He already had the pieces needed, the perfect leader and a space to control it should things get out of hand. But, the executives didn’t like the idea. They thought he had lost his mind with his grief and was just seeking other outlets. But, sparking an android revolution without any real way to stop it was a terrible idea for business. They old Kamski maybe he just needed a break from it all, give himself time to grieve on his own time. Kamski took the action to heart as a betrayal and stepped down from his position.
He continued to work for the company for a year or so, working on his side project in secret. During this period, he retrofitted his “perfect leader” instead to be a caretaker for his dear friend after he was in an accident. No longer worrying about trying to spark the revolution, he left the programs needed for it inside him, but, took away his connection to the main program he would need to control it.
Finally deciding to officially leave the company, Kamski took his original RT600 he built, as well as a couple ST200s, to keep him company as he isolated himself from the world in his home. His house was built on the edge of the lake, overlooking the peninsula that the CyberLife tower was built on. He saw fit to still keep watch on his old company, if only for curiosity’s sake…
As for Chloe herself…
The RT600 spends her days at Elijah’s side, caring for him and making sure his life doesn’t fall apart. With a personality penned by Elijah Kamski himself, she resembles her creator in more ways than one. She can be just as clever, just as sneaky, and is absolutely protective of those she cares for. A loyal machine with the freedom of a deviant, but she’d never truly leave Elijah.
(To be updated if necessary)
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