#I once out the laser in his water bowl and he splashed himself and got annoyed at me
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rowanhoney · 11 months ago
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the-slasher-files · 4 years ago
Hii, i saw your requests are open so I guess I could try asking,
Can I ask how would Michael and Jason (and the other slashers if you'd like) react finding out that it's their S/O's birthday. Like they noticed how much food they prepared but s/o didn't mention the occasion because it's not that big of a deal to them but still celebrates it in a way.
Hey, thanks for the request! I love this idea and it was really fun to write.. also added more slashers so I hope you enjoy 🔪💕
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How he finds out: when you left your wallet face open with your drivers license out.. boy was curious
Ever since living out at the camp you just kind of forgot about your birthday, it never really mattered, you were happy just as is with what you had
but he plans it for weeks, Jason can’t give you much in the day to day and he just wants to spoil you and give you the best day after years of looking after him
Waking up in the morning you smelt fresh coffee and sweets, which was more than unusual in the cabin
Rolling over to look at the nightstand you found your favorite mug steaming with hot coffee and Jason had put in your preferred creamer, just the way you liked it. Beside the mug was a small little note sloppily marked with drawn hearts and the words “I love you”
Jason melted your heart on a daily biases but this... it made your heart feel like it oozed right out of your ribcage
Propping yourself up to sip the coffee there was a sudden crash in the kitchen making you jump out of bed... was there an intruder?? was Jason in danger??... grabbing the heavy machete that was resting against the nightstand you faltered to the kitchen, hair dishevelled, barefoot, only wearing one of Jason’s ripped oversized shirts
oh... OH.. it’s just Jason cooking??? flour was everywhere, about 10 different bowls were scattered along the counter, the bacon was smoking and the pancakes? were burnt
Turning around owl-eyed, with flour on his mask and tattered clothes, Jason gives his biggest grin and signs “happy birthday!!”
Once you help him with breakfast he will be glued to your side all day.. more than usual.. Jason wants to give you back rubs, hugs and kisses as much as he can
His gift to you is a bracelet his mom had worn, it is the most meaningful gift Jason could ever give, and it’s beautiful
In the evening he will take you to a new trail you had never been on, old camp lanterns to light your way through the woods and into a large meadow. A large blanket covers the damp grass and there is a small basket with all your fav snacks
A picnic to watch the sunset and stargaze... perfect
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How he finds out: Michael knows everything about you, he had watched you for a solid year before you even knew, but it will take him a long time to get comfortable and trusting with you so it will probably be like the 5th year together before he really does something for you
Now Michael is not affectionate and caring is just not in his nature so your birthday is going to be interesting... to the average human it will seem like it is a shit birthday but knowing Michael the way you do it is the best birthday he can give you
All these years together he had done nothing on your birthday so you expected it to just be another day, but nope
Waking up to the smell of fresh tea or coffee (which ever you prefer) a steaming cup was on the nightstand
Michael was still in bed with you which was unusual but it was even stranger when he was running his large hands all over you.. gently
There will most likely be some morning sex but he is oddly gentle, making your pleasure a priority over his own
Michael will allow you to touch him for however long you want and where you want without protest, but ONLY today so take advantage
Going to the living room you will see a present you had been eyeing for yourself for a while now. It could either be a really nice blanket to clothes to cookware to a laptop. Michael is observant about everything so he will notice the tabs in your phone or that time you walked by a clothing store and almost screamed at how nice the shirt was in the window
of course he stole it and there might be a tiny amount of blood on it but who cares lol
That is honestly about the extent Michael will go with you and that’s more than enough for you
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How he finds out: Bo isn’t exactly a gentleman with a lot of things so he really doesn’t mind just asking how old you are or when your birthday is
Most likely Bo will forget when it is the first 2 years but the 3rd year.. oh baby he’s got it now... with the help of Vincent reminding him
Birthdays have never been big for the Sinclair brothers, especially for Bo, he literally has no idea what to do
One of the only ways Bo knows love is through fast pleasure... aka waking up to him eating you out. Like Michael, he will put your pleasure first today and is going to be gentle with you, so enjoy it
Be careful because he might want to spend your whole birthday in bed if you don’t stop him
Your presents will probably be some lingerie he bought you (which is basically his present) and a night out on the town, going to your favorite restaurant and taking you where ever you want
Even in the truck he will let you pick the music which is honestly a miracle
Bo will try to bite his tongue as much as possible and try to be the best gentlemen he can be until you get home ;)
Going home to Ambrose he takes a different road, up a hill that’s long and twisted, Bo just smiles when you ask where you’re going, man is saying nothing for once and it might freak you out
Getting to the destination, it’s a small walk in the woods until there is a large clearing and a small lake to your right, this is where he used to go swimming as a kid and this is sometimes where Bo will disappear to on bad days
He will lead you to the dock and will lay you down, watching the stars and hearing the splashing of the water mix in with the Louisiana nature... It is pure bliss
Bo cannot help himself and will initiate a heavy make-out session
This is the way of showing you he loves you
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How he finds out: Baby boy is far more observant than his brother thank god, so he will probably check your drivers license if you left your wallet out
Vincent will honestly plan something for weeks if he can
Usually he is a night owl but today Vincent will get up nice and early cooking your favorite breakfast, well at least trying, honestly he can make fantastic omelets
Waking up you will see a small tray of food at the edge of the bed, an omelet, bacon, a glass of juice and some small bouquet of native Louisiana flowers he had picked
Along with a little note card saying “happy birthday” probably with some little doodles on the sides making it fancy
Waking into the room Vincent will have either your coffee or tea, handing it to you with a gentle kiss
It will probably be just a slow, gentle, quiet morning with wandering hands, little kisses and soft words
Today he will let you do whatever the hell you want and will try desperately to get Bo to leave you alone for the day
If you want to go for a walk he’ll go with, if you want to stay inside all day in your sweats watching movies that’s perfect.. whatever you want
Towards the evening Bo will come home with your favorite foods, since Vincent hates leaving town. Dinner will be candle lit with soft music in the background. Vince will try to dress nice and in something that isn’t covered in wax
After dinner he will take you to the theater, watching the old movies you grew up on, even though half of the time you are only paying attention to the tongue down your throat  
For some reason my head kept saying slow dancing in the rain, so I guess when you are coming home it starts to rain and you guys slow dance in the streetlight
Once home he has 2 boxes for you, lovely wrapped. In one box it is your very own knife with a carved handle of your favorite animal to match his blades. In the next box is something you had been looking at getting for a long time, a new pair of boots he watched you look for online
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How they find out: Honestly they’re probably just going to ask you
Stu is probably going to be the more outgoing one and screaming happy birthday to you when you first wake up, Billy would just let you sleep in and drink his coffee beside you, running his hands on you and gently whispering happy birthday to you instead
Stu would make you a big breakfast and even try to make you a cake but something would be so off lol.. he tried
Billy just takes a store bought one from the fridge that he had saved just in case this happened
yes, they want cake for breakfast
Whatever you want to do that day they will make it happen, honestly it’s going to be fun regardless with them
An arcade or bowling or crashing some little kids laser tag party is probably going to be it for your afternoon. Winning silly arcade prizes, stu will get you a stupid whoopie cushion and Billy will probably win a little stuffed bear for you
Driving home Billy will let you play your music and he will just drive around the city, just signing your hearts out and laughing and just making memories, watching the nightlife and city lights
Ending up at the City viewpoint, seeing all the lights in the dark never looked so pretty with your boys, it might even leave Stu speechless
Whenever you are ready to come home a horror movie is defiantly on the list, whatever one you want and they will order pizza
Honestly Stu will probably pass out on the couch from the long hilarious day and Billy will quietly drag you to the bedroom.. really getting to show how much he loves you ;)  
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miscellaneous-miraculous · 5 years ago
Painted Lady Chapter 3
Read on AO3 here
*four years later*
The apartment was a mess and Adrien loved it. He loved finding Nino’s headphones in the most random spots. He loved Alya’s ‘conspiracy wall,’ photos and articles pinned up everywhere with sticky notes of every color. She claimed there was a system, but no one except Alya had ever figured it out. He even – no, especially, loved finding Marinette’s stray needles everywhere. It reminded him of when he was younger, before his father became a supervillain and all-around jerk. It also made their apartment feel lived in, something his own home had never been like.
“Marinette!” Adrien dropped his keys in the bowl, kicking off his shoes at the door. “I got the fabric!” It was Nino’s turn to cook dinner if the scent of tajine was anything to go by. Adrien could already feel his mouth watering.
“Thanks!” Marinette called from the mezzanine. Her ‘nest’ as Alya had dubbed it. Marinette practically lived up there during finals or when she had big projects. Adrien had carried her down after finding her asleep at her desk more than a few times. She leaned over the edge, a tape measure draped around her neck and a few pencils stuck in her hair. “I’ll be down in second, I’ve just got to finish hemming this.”
Adrien nodded, turning his attention to Alya and her wall. “Anything interesting happen today?” He noticed a few new sticky notes.
“Miraculous wise? No. Journalism wise? Also no,” Alya sighed, pushing her glasses up. She was still wearing the white button down she’d put on in the morning, but she’d changed from her skirt into a pair of orange running shorts, her plaid blazer tossed over the back of her desk chair. “Any chance Chat Noir wants to graffiti the Eifel tower or something?”
“I think I’ll pass on that one, but I’ll let you know if I see anything on patrol later.”
“Fair enough,” Alya shrugged, returning to her board. “I’ve got a few leads to check again, but I doubt anything new will come up. Still nothing in any international news either.”
“Is bad I just want something happen?” Adrien set down the fabric bag on the couch. “We finally solved the thing with my father, but Lila’s still out there. I just wish we had a clearer target.”
“Me too, Sunshine,” Alya took a sticky note from her wall, eyebrows furrowing. “You’re on patrol later, right?”
“Mind if I tag along?” she folded the sticky note into her shorts pocket.
“Sure, you know you’re free to come whenever, right?”
Alya smirked, “Like I’d ever willingly tag along on a day that’s just you and Ladybug.” Adrien blushed, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck. “There’s a reason we alternate patrol days.”
“Like you and Nino are any better.”
“Try you and Nino,” Alya snorted in laughter. “Last time you two patrolled together all the news stations were covering a brain freeze contest between Chat Noir and Carapace.”
“That I won!” Nino called from the kitchen.
“Did not!” Adrien protested. Alya only rolled her eyes, looking amused.
 “Case in point.”
Adrien was spared replying by Nino shouting, “Dinner in five!”
“I’ll get Marinette,” he said, picking up the fabric bag.
“Don’t get too distracted, lover boy,” Alya said with a wink.
Adrien ignored her, making his way up the ladder. Marinette had several pins in her mouth as she worked on the hem of her dress. It was plain black aside from the two tiny Ladybug stitched over the right shoulder and there weren’t any fancy folds or stiches because of the jacket she’d paired with it. Adrien hadn’t seen it finished, but he knew it was a pink silk bolero that she’d spent days hand embroidering with different flowers. It was the final piece in a collection of six.
“Marinette, Nino said dinner’s almost ready.”
“That’s five minutes of work I can squeeze in,” she said, taking the pins from her mouth.
Adrien sighed, resting his head in his arms as he waited. Then his eyes zeroed in on the basket of yarn in the corner. He had barely reached for it when Marinette said, “Absolutely not, remember what happened last time you got into my yarn?”
“It was one time!” he protested.
“And how many hours of rerolling the balls?” She shook her head, still focused on her work.
Adrien mumbled something about the softness of the yarn before reaching for it again. “Adrien Agreste, I will bring out the laser pointer.”
“Is that a promise?”
Marinette sighed, “Alright, alright, I’m coming.” She laid the pins and tape measure on her desk, shuffling a few papers before making her way down the ladder. “How was your day?”
“It was alright. Finally finished the equation set from the beginning of the week, with a little help from Plagg. Who knew he was so good at explaining Physics?”
“I’ve been around since before Physics was invented,” Plagg yawned. “Now cheese bread, there’s an innovation worth celebrating.”
“I’ll pick some up next time I’m at the bakery,” Marinette promised. “Just try not to eat through it in two days, Mama was worried last time since three out of the four of us are lactose intolerant and it was all gone in a day.”
“You poor, poor humans,” Plagg sighed. “Missing out on all the gooey goodness of cheese.”
“I’m so glad Wyazz just eats lettuce,” Nino said, placing a large dish in the center of the table. He was still wearing the apron Marinette had made him – a green hexagonal pattern embroidered with the words ‘turtle-ly awesome’ and a little smiling turtle underneath.
“Yeah, you and Marinette really lucked out in the kwami feeding department,” Alya said, taking her seat. “Remember when Trixx had me going to the store for frozen mice?”
“I’d rather not.” Adrien shuddered as he remembered opening the freezer and thinking they looked just a little too appetizing for comfort. Marinette might be fine eating flowers but if he ever found a rodent in his mouth, he and Plagg were going to have a serious talk. Especially since he and Marinette had talked about going to the pet store to pick out a hamster once the school year ended.
“I still remember Nino’s screams when he found one on his pillow,” Marinette giggled.
“That was not cool, dude,” Nino frowned at Trixx who merely shrugged.
“I was saving it for later.”
“And you wanted to see Nino’s face when he found it,” Tikki added. It had been her who told Alya that kwamis could eat almost anything, even if they did have their preferences. After that Trixx had been negotiated down to chicken and the occasional sugar mouse.
“Oh, of course,” Trixx smiled indulgently.
“Nino, do you have a gig tonight?” Adrien asked, changing the subject before he could think any more about the possible taste of frozen mice.
Nino shook his head, “Nope, finally got a break in my schedule. Next week’s packed though.”
“Up for some Mech Strike after dinner then? I convinced Marinette to take a break and join us.”
“Since when?” Marinette raised an eyebrow.
“Since just now,” Adrien said, pulling out his best kitten eyes.
The battle didn’t last long.
“As long as you’re prepared to lose,” Marinette said, getting herself more tajine.
“I’d expect nothing less, my lady.”
“Speak for yourself, bro,” Nino protested. They all gave him a look – Nino was notoriously bad at video games. Even though he’d been getting slightly better over the years, he was still no match for Marinette. “Can’t a man dream?”
They all laughed at that.
After dinner Marinette went to set up the game while Alya and Nino did the dishes. Adrien and Alya had been banned from doing dishes together ever since Alya had realized he hissed like a cat whenever the water splashed him, and she found it entirely too entertaining. The moment Marinette sat down Adrien sprawled himself across her lap. “I hope this isn’t some elaborate scheme to distract me,” she said, shifting to a more comfortable position as she ran her fingers through his hair.
Adrien gasped in mock hurt as he placed a hand on his chest, “How could you think so low of me? I simply missed my lady’s company.”
“We spent the entire day together yesterday,” Marinette said with a teasing glint in her eye.
“Exactly, yesterday, today is an entirely different day.”
"Hmm," Marinette tapped her chin. “Well, we could always meet up for some late-night ice cream after your patrol.”
“Ooh, that new place that just opened? With all the toppings?” Adrien’s ice cream usually ended up at least ninety percent toppings.
“Yeah, I’ve been wanting to try it out.”
"Let’s do it then,” Adrien said, practically purring with excitement.
Continue on AO3
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siribear · 5 years ago
alice hauls codsworth back to sanctuary. with half his body blown off, he’s lighter than she’d have thought. but still she half carries, half drags the pile of limbs all the way back to sturges. a raider straggler has the unfortunate luck of meeting her in the woods, only to be gunned down without a thought.
‘fix him,’ she says, covered in sweat and blood, when she all but drops him at sturges’s feet.
he looks like he wants to question her, but thankfully doesn’t. he only smiles at her and nods. ‘he’ll be good as new, don’t you worry.’ he waves over jun long to help him carry codsworth further into sanctuary. ‘and thanks for the seeds. marcy’s already started planting.’
she has notes, alice wants to say, but her voice doesn’t work. instead, she hands over some of the scrap she found. aluminum cans, wires, screws. anything to help. sturges sorts them in the utility belt of his overalls.
she turns on her heel and makes for abernathy farm.
lucy isn’t surprised to see her come over the horizon, but blake and connie do a double take at the sight of her.
‘we didn’t think you’d actually get it. you kinda stop believing in stuff like this, nowadays,’ connie explains. ‘listen, any time you want to trade, you just ask. we’ll take care of you.’
alice forces a smile. ‘and will you join the minutemen? try to trust us again?’
connie and blake look at each other. behind them, lucy is practically bouncing in place.
‘we talked about it this morning,’ blake says. ‘we’re in. we’ll support the minutemen again.’ he looks to connie with the locket hanging from her fingers and smiles. ‘the commonwealth could use more people like you guys.’
‘we won’t let you down.’ alice bows her head slightly. ‘and actually, i’d like to discuss opening up further trade for the future...’
by the end of it, they agree to supply the minutemen with food as long as the minutemen provide protection for the farm. connie and blake return to working the land, while lucy stands next to her, grinning.
‘knew you could do it.’
‘it was easy,’ alice says with a flippant wave of her hand. she hooks her thumbs in her pockets. ‘that locket the raiders stole - they just stuffed it in some toolbox with a screwdriver and some duct tape. didn’t even care about it after they took it.’
‘well, yeah. doubt they could even get fifteen caps for it even if mom’s family has had it for generations.’
alice sighs. ‘that’s the thing. these raiders took something important to someone and pretty much tossed it away. they killed your sister, took it, and treated it like it was trash. it’s... disgusting. morally.’
lucy just stares. ‘you’re really serious about this stuff, huh?’
‘yeah. yeah, i guess i am.’
by noon, alice returns to sanctuary, more caps in hand. however, it’s preston that greets her at the bridge.
‘hey. sturges said i missed you this morning. good you see you made it back.’
‘had to drop something off at the abernathy’s. and,’ she begins with a wink, ‘they agreed to support the minutemen.’
his eyes go wide. ‘really?’
she cants her head to the side, smiling. ‘did you doubt me?’
‘n-no, it’s not that. i just.. can’t believe we’re really doing this. rebuilding the minutemen, i mean.’ he rubs the back of his head. ‘just yesterday we were trapped in the museum, and now this? it’s like a dream.’
alice pauses, considering. to him, this is a dream. to her - ‘we’re just getting started, preston.’
he nods, and she watches his demeanor change. he settles, shoulders squaring. ‘actually, there’s something else i want to talk to you about.’
‘more dark and terrible minuteman secrets?’
preston laughs at that. ‘not as far as i know. but i want to talk to you about... leading the minutemen.’ he holds up a hand when she tries to interject. ‘hear me out. we need a leader, someone who can bring us together. you can do that, you did that.
alice, i’m asking you to be the general of the minutemen.’
she reels. ‘i - me? preston, you just met me. i only learned about the minutemen yesterday. shouldn’t you lead them?’
he shakes his head. ‘i can lead my men through a fire fight, but i’m not general material. you helped us when you didn’t have to. i don’t think you understand how... different, that is.’
her mouth thins into a grimace. ‘that’s kind of sad, actually.’ she clears her throat. ‘look, i want to help you. i do.’ his face falls, and it breaks her heart, just a little. ‘i will. but i want you to think about this, okay? this is all very sudden.’
‘i... understand,’ he says slowly. ‘i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to - ’ he sighs. ‘i need to finish checking the area. excuse me.’
damn, she thinks when he leaves. alice rubs at her eyes, tries not to imagine the bags there, and heads further into sanctuary. the sound of a blowtorch carries across the road from sturges’s makeshift workshop, but alice forces herself not to look. dogmeat trots over with a happy woof.
‘good job delivering those seeds, boy,’ she says, scratching his ears.
he woofs again.
alice grabs a box of preserved snack cakes from her stash of food and heads back to her room. unfortunately, with all the windows blown out and the curtains torn apart, the view from her bed is the workshop. and, of course, sturges knelt in front of a pile of metal limbs, screwdriver in hand as he tries to put together one reminder of her old life.
when sturges takes a break, so does she. half of her snack cakes sit abandoned (at least, until dogmeat gets to them) next to her bed when she leaves her house. she spies jun long struggling to carry two buckets of water from the newly fixed water pump and heads over to help him.
‘thank you,’ he says, quiet enough that she almost doesn’t hear him.
‘we haven’t had a chance to talk, have we?’ she makes her voice light. ‘how are you holding up?’
‘it’s... it’s getting better.’ he shifts his weight when water splashes onto one leg. ‘i’m glad we came here.’ he sets the bucket down at the edge of the garden and she does the same. ‘we - marcy and i - lost our son, before we came here. i promised i’d keep him safe, but i... couldn’t,’ he finishes lamely.
alice takes a steadying breath. exhales. ‘i know how you feel. it isn’t easy.’
jun gasps. ‘but you’re still - you’re still going. you haven’t given up yet.’
‘i can’t,’ she says. ‘i still have people to live for.’
he turns his head, and alice follows his gaze to his wife, weeding the area around her planted seeds. ‘i-i see. thank you. thank you, i understand. sorry, no one wants to see a grown man feeling sorry for himself.’
‘hey,’ she starts, softly, ‘what was your son’s name?’
‘kyle.’ his voice is louder, more sure. ‘his name was kyle.’
dinner calls alice and the quincy survivors to one of the houses without a collapsed ceiling. sturges, jun, mama murphy, and alice gather in the living room while marcy stirs a cooking pot over a small fire. no need for ventilation when half the wall is made of holes. even preston joins them, eventually, though he sits on the other end of the couch, putting mama murphy between him and alice.
she sighs. mama murphy gives her a knowing look, and alice knows it doesn’t take a drug induced sight see the tension rolling off of preston. he hardly looks at either of them, laser musket held tight between both hands.
thankfully, marcy serves dinner soon after, ladling some sort of soup into a scavenged assortment of bowls. jun hands out cans of clean water to each of them. alice pops hers open first.
‘hang on a moment,’ sturges interrupts. ‘now, this is the first time we’ve all,’ he looks to her, ‘been together since we got here. i just wanted to say another thank you to alice for getting us here.’ he raises his can in her direction. ‘to alice,’ he says, and drinks.
‘to alice,’ a murmured chorus repeats. then, louder, is preston’s, ‘to alice.’
she drinks.
the food is disgusting. her first sip sends a shiver up her spine, but no one else complains. the others eat almost enthusiastically, but all alice can taste is barely flavored water. and soggy meat. the vegetables are passable, though all she can manage is one more bite before she has to set her bowl aside. dogmeat eagerly finishes her leftovers once again.
mama murphy grins at her, too knowing, and it sends alice outside with a quick thank you to marcy before leaving.
‘marcy’s food is an acquired taste,’ preston says from behind her.
she turns and makes a face. ‘it’s not a taste i’ve acquired.’
he chuckles. ‘i wanted to say i’m sorry, for earlier. i shouldn’t have put all that on you so soon.’
‘don’t worry about it. i think i’m starting to understand.’ she shoves her hands in her pockets.
‘good.’ he takes a step closer. ‘because i still think i’m right. and believe me, i’ve thought about it.’
she looks up at him, at his earnest eyes, his determined frown. and sighs. ‘if you’re absolutely sure.’
he rocks forward on the balls of his feet. ‘i am! and the benefit of being the last minuteman: there’s no one to disagree with me. general,’ he adds with a grin.
‘if i’m going to be general, i want my own fancy hat.’ she flicks the brim of his. ‘it’s just not fair if my second in command has one and i don’t.’
‘easy enough,’ he says, smile growing. it’s incredibly endearing and makes her want to believe she can do this. ‘there was another settlement that requested help,’ there’s a pause for before but he continues, sparing a glance for codsworth’s... body, in the corner of the workshop, ‘i’ll go with you, this time. at least until sturges finishes putting codsworth back together.’
‘we’ll leave in the morning, then. i need to sleep off the memory of whatever it is i just ate.’
‘roger that, general.’
alice frowns. it’ll take getting used to.
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