#I now have a new route to walk to my fave cafe lol
eddito · 2 years
I take back everything I’ve ever said about the 118 having a glass walled locker room because I just walked past my local station and not only does the locker room have glass walls - it’s also street facing!
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kinghoranshit · 4 years
Tell Me a Lie (NH) Ch 3
Word Count: 2,065
Warnings: Swearing
I snapped a pretzel in half and munched on it. I dipped the other half into the small jar of peanut butter and popped it into my mouth before I flipped the piece of paper to the other side. I was deep in editing mode for Stone Cold. 
I had talked to my manager about the upcoming events since there were red carpet dates already locked down for later that year, and she approved them, along with congratulations on the romance. But I was not able to get any definitive days off to truly work on Stone Cold, so I was still back to my weird schedule to get it finished on time. 
Out of bad habit, I clicked my power button on my phone and looked at the screen for anything to distract me for a short second. There was a message from Niall. 
N: Yoo, it’s go time . 
L: Really? What about publicity photos?
N: This is gonna work better . I’m gonna use one of our old selfies . 
L: Haha You mean from backstage in Chicago? That was like 6 months ago... 
N: It’s the only recent once we’ve got , Kelly . 
It’ll work 
L: I guess you’re right.
N: I am (: 
Be ready for it . 
Now, an Instagram notification came up and I already knew who it was from. I pulled down my notifications bar to see it and tapped it. I swear my heart stopped at the caption. 
@NiallOfficial: You know I don’t like lying to you all, but I’ve kept this a secret . For the sake of wanting our first few months to be only us . Well , those few months turned into a full year . I couldn’t be happier with this woman ! She makes me feel like I’m on cloud 9 . She even makes the golf losses better haha
He’d also tagged me. It was another requirement for social media; all posts had to be tagged. I was suddenly super nervous. This was actually it. There were so many new follows, likes, and comments on my account, and people were commenting congrats underneath Niall’s; though it wasn’t hard to miss a few of the mean wishes. 
K: So…. this is really it?
N: Yup . You got this , Kelly !   
K: There weren’t that many restrictions to the socials, surprisingly…
Do I have to follow people back? 
N: Haha no ! Follow who ya want 
K: Cool
A Twitter notification popped up on my top bar. I pulled it down to see Niall had tagged me in a photo there as well, and it was similarly worded to Instagram. At least it wasn’t a total copy and paste, that wasn’t necessarily Niall’s style. The Twitter notifications also started to flow in and I knew there had to be some way to filter them or this was going to be overwhelming.
K: Please tell me there’s a way to filter the notifications 
N: Absolutely , under your settings there should be a way to just get ones of people you follow 
If you get verified , I’ll help you with those 
K: Who said anything about me getting verified? 
N: Kelly , don’t act so cavalier love . It’ll happen eventually . 
I’ll walk you through it , I had Modest to help me and you’ve got me to help you
K: Duh duh DUHHHH
N: Okay , if you don’t want it I won ‘t give it to ya 
K: You know you will anyway
You loooove me 
N: Augh
You’re right 
I finally gathered the courage to thoroughly go through my Twitter notifications. I figured that the most recent ones may not be necessarily nice since I had been MIA for a few days after Niall’s initial post. But could they really blame me? I didn’t think so. 
My Twitter followers went from literally 450 to 38K. Just cause I was Niall’s “girlfriend”? That’s just… I couldn’t lie, I never followed the boys’ girlfriends or PR girlfriends, whatever they were to them. I didn’t have much to say to this. 
I decided to make a tweet first before doing anything else. 
@kellygarden: Sorry I’ve been MIA y’all. About to get interactive though! How about a Q&A? Hashtag #AskKelly :) 
I used the time of people asking questions to go through some of those following me and follow a few. And when I say a few, I mean a few. I might do a follow spree at some point and do a hundred or a couple hundred people. 
I about shit my pants seeing some of those who were following me that I was already following. Like Tom Holland, all the 5SOS boys, the other lads from One Direction, and Selena Gomez. Holy shit. What? Why? I was having a hard time believing this, but I couldn’t stop a smile from crossing my lips. So unreal. 
I searched my hashtag now and looked at some of the questions, replying to some. 
@Fuckmeniall: @KellyGarden Was it love at first sight? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Fuckmeniall First off, love your @ . It was more like love at first coffee - we met at a cafe in London :)
@DamagedQueen: @KellyGarden Hw old r u? Wt do u do? #AskKely PS luv ur layout<3
@KellyGarden: Aww thanks so much! I’m 24 and a novel editor for a publishing house in London. 
@Jocylnbitch: @KellyGarden I don’t really like you, but I have a question about Niall. What’s he like in bed? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Jocylnbitch: Glad to hear your opinion about me. And I don’t think that’s any of your business. 
@Rylanroll: @KellyGarden R u a virgin? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Rylanroll Are you old enough to be asking this question? But no, I’m not.
@Hannable: @KellyGarden If you could clone yourself, would you? Why? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Hannable I would. As selfish as this is, I’d have my clone to do my work so I could go see the world and be with Nialler.
@Uplousass: @KellyGarden Have you met the other boys yet? Freddie? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Uplousass Props for the @, I’m dying! *laugh crying face emoji* I haven’t... and I’m not going to force any of them to meet me if they choose not to. 
@NiallOfficial: @KellyGarden How far are you up my ass? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @NiallOfficial I would be Hella far up if you weren’t so far up mine already :P
@Michael5SOS: @KellyGarden CAN I MEET YOU?! ASDLFKAS #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Michael5SOS DLKASLGA YEAH IF YA WANT 
@lukecummings: @KellyGarden Have you ever written fanfiction? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @lukecummings I have, but they’re cringy af. I’m not kidding on that. They will never resurface the web. 
@Astheticnolan: @KellyGarden What are you favorite smells on earth? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Astheticnolan COFFEE, books, rain, You&I perfume, flowers, Niall’s cologne
@Haywire: @KellyGarden What’s your music taste? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Haywire My music library is on crack. I could be listening to 1D, then it could go to Skillet, Ed, Counting Crows, M83, etc. It’s a wide range, except no Country.
@Luke5SOS: @KellyGarden Is that lame band 5SOS not in your music library? :(
@KellyGarden: @Luke5SOS Pft yes, yes they are in my music library. It’s full of lame bands lmfao
@Daylight5SOS: @KellyGarden Have you talked with the other boys? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Daylight5SOS Yeah, Louis. 
@Louis_Tomlinson: @KellyGarden Do look forward to officially meeting you. Freddie son says hi.
@KellyGarden: @Louis_Tomlinson I look forward to it as well. Stay safe you two x.
@Penofhope: @KellyGarden Favorite genre to write? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Penofhope Fiction. YA. Mainly Fantasy and Sci-fi. 
@Clotheswhore: @KellyGarden What's your aesthetic? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Clotheswhore By your @ I’m going to assume you mean my clothes aesthetic? I’d say it’s a little bit of everything - I can’t stick to one thing lol
@Niallsride: @KellyGarden Do you drive? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Niallsride I do. Both car and motorcycle/bikes.
@Monaymaker: @KellyGarden Do you drink? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Monaymaker I do socially.
@Harry_Styles: @KellyGarden I look forward to meeting you. Niall is a lucky guy. All the love. H. #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Harry_Styles Thank you so much, H! Soon I hope x.
@Horanyass: @KellyGarden How many kids do you want? Gender ? Would you like to have them with Niall? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Horanyass 2 or 3, any gender, and if I happen to have my kids with Niall then I’d be happy about it :)
@Styleskid: @Kellyiebabes Fave bromances of 1D and 5SOS? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Styleskid All the ones with Luke and Niall, Cashton, and Lilo. 
@5Saucelove: @KellyGarden Pancakes or waffles? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @5Saucelove Waffles all the way! X.
@Horanhasmyheart: @KellyGarden Have you heard any songs off Niall’s upcoming album? #AskKelly
@KellyGarden: @Horanhasmyheart Nope, he’s super secretive about it. I’m gonna be just as shook as all of you! Looking forward to it! 
I looked at all the ones I answered, smiling a bit at a few of them. I didn’t realize how many I answered or how much time had passed. I had to be on a work call soon, which could go until midnight because of the time difference. 
@KellyGarden: Gotta get back to work. Thank you all for the questions! I’ll be doing another one of these soon, yeah?
I didn’t wait for any of the replies before I locked my phone and set my laptop up for Zoom. 
I huffed, observing the cherry patterned and floral dresses in my hands, and the pile of other choices I thought about taking to LA. I was so indecisive right now. How many outfits did I really need? Five days worth, but on top of some clothes for clubbing possibly, and pjs. But if I packed something I didn’t want to wear, I didn’t really want to wear the same thing. Why was I like this?
I huffed once again and flopped down onto the mass. I leave tomorrow and need to get this sorted out. After another half hour of stalling, I willed myself to get back up and actually pack. I decided on six solid outfits, on top of one clubbing fit and pjs. It seemed like the safest route.
N: Get in loser , we’re going to see Paps 
K: Hah hah like oh my god they don’t even go here 
I finally just packed. How’s LA? 
N: Kelly, you’re such a procrastinator 
LA is ready for you 
K: But I don’t know if I’m ready for LA 
N: Ooo so cliche , you’re both ready. 
See you tomorrow x
K: See you tomorrow xo
As much as I’d love to say I could handle getting myself to my flight on my own, I couldn’t. I hadn’t flown in a few years and that had been with a group of others. I was flying by myself now, and I have to do all the checking in and such as well. 
I took a deep breath as I approached the security check line. I set my purse and backpack in one bin and my duffel in another before setting them on the metal rods that would take it through a detecting machine. I waited for the woman to wave me through the detecting machine, and I went through fine. I mean, I didn’t have anything that would set it off. 
Once my stuff came through the other end of the metal rods line, I grabbed it and put the bins in the pile that was started. When I started walking away to find my gate, I realized I was stupid to be so nervous about going through the line. 
Finding my gate wasn’t hard. It helped that the Cedar Rapids Airport was small. There’s like eight gates. I settled myself in a seat to wait until boarding was called. I took my phone out and busied myself with Instagram and Tumblr; I just scrolled through my feed, liking and reblogging stuff. 
“Gate B is now boarding. If you are first class, you have a separate line. If you are G1 for the coach cabin, you can now board.”
That was me. 
I took another deep breath, grabbing my three bags, and I walked over to the woman. She took my ticket, ripping off the part she needed, and then handed it back to me. “Enjoy your flight.”
“Thanks,” I replied. 
I walked through the terminal and onto the fairly small plane. It was more of a jet. I found my seat and settled everything. I followed the directions given by the fly attendant as I waited for the plane to actually take off, and finally, we moved to be on the runway and ascended into the air. 
Next: Ch 4
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