#I notice this stuff cause Kirk and McCoy bring attention to it
magna-bratta · 1 year
Ok what is UP w Scotty’s love life??
First we have Who Mourns for Adonais, where my boy just throws himself at a god willy nilly for poaching his girl, and Kirk has to remind him to be professional several times.
Then in Wolf in the Fold, we get this from McCoy:
“Don’t forget, the explosion that threw Scotty against the bulkhead was caused by a woman. […] Matter of fact, considerable psychological damage could have been caused. For example, his total resentment toward women.”
First of all, wtf. A girl causes an explosion and you come to hate all girls??? My dude??? Even saying it’s due to head injury is a bit much, I don’t see traffic accident victims coming to hate all cars? And the prescription is to hang out with girls until you stop hating them??? What kind of 60s sexism is this???
Then The Lights of Zetar opens with Kirk saying:
“When a man of Scott’s year falls in love, the loneliness of his life is suddenly revealed to him. His whole heart once throbbed only to the ship’s engines, he could only talk to the ship. Now he can see nothing but the woman.”
So the takeaway here is:
1/ Kirk and McCoy are very concerned about Scotty’s personal life. Not only because they’re his friends, but also because he’s vital to the ship’s operations and
2/ He’s a fucking powder keg, and it’s somewhat to do with his age. Devoting 2/3 of his life to a ship leaves him pretty immature romantically. Even if the hatred in Wolf was caused by a concussion, his behavior elsewhere demonstrates that he gets so intense about love that he forgets self-preservation, sound judgement and his usual sense of duty.
No wonder these two have to babysit him. My man goes 0 to 60 in 3.5. He’s very sweet to his love interests, yes, but his total devotion makes him a liability.
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philcoulsonismyhero · 5 years
One of these days I’m going to learn how to make gifs Specifically so I can make Silent Witness gifs that aren’t bloody Harry/Nikki, I am fed up
Things that are infinitely more interesting than a tired Will They/Won’t They that ended in a Nope, They Won’t:
The genuine and loving and multifaceted and complicated friendship that Harry and Nikki have with each other completely independent of the wibbly unspoken romo thing
Harry and Leo’s bickering but deeply caring friendship that’s endured through innumerable rocky patches caused by them both being stubborn asshole idiots
Nikki’s friendship with Leo which took longer to develop because she joined the team later but became just as deep and has its own variety of drama
Leo’s whole existence in general? Where’s the love, he’s Great and also tragic and very drily funny and he had a great friendship with Sam Ryan while she was around that deserves so much more attention
Sam Ryan, while I’m on the subject! Loved her, wish she’d gotten to meet Nikki
The trio with their fascinating habit of switching off between the classic Spock/Kirk/McCoy trio roles (logic/balance/emotions) depending on who’s most Involved(TM) this week, but usually settling out with Nikki as the relentless McCoy, Harry as the angry Spock and Leo as a Kirk who will pick a side as often as mediate
Nikki as a person in her own right, this brilliant insightful scientist who frequently gets herself into trouble because she believes in telling people’s stories and damn the politics, who struggles with her need to have faith and how hard her job makes it to hold on that faith
Harry as a person, bloody hell, I could talk for hours about how he’s this incredible three-dimensional character who’s the rationalist and the sceptic and also loves so deeply that he gets his heart broken again and again by cases and friends and lovers but he never stops caring, and even though he tries to cover it up with glib jokes and sarcasm and his sharp temper you can see how much he cares because he wears his emotions on his sleeve and is allowed to cry and generally exhibit deep emotions so much more than that character archetype usually is
Any of the fascinating thematic stuff that the show gets into, like how different people react to death in general and personal loss specifically
The fact that Harry is Clearly Bi and yet somehow the writers didn’t notice
All the fascinating what-ifs if you keep Harry and Leo around but still bring in Jack and Clarissa because they’re Incredible and we’ve been Robbed by not getting to see Harry come to visit and immediately become instant best friends with Clarissa
I could go on forever!
The show is so much more than just that one ship! And I’m not saying don’t ship it, knock yourself out if that’s what you enjoy, I’m just a crotchety aromantic who couldn’t give a shit about will they/won’t they plotlines and Really Wishes that there was content for all the other elements of the show because they are brilliant and underrated. Where are my gifsets of Harry’s ridiculous jokes and of his banter with Leo and of the team doing their trio thing? If I wasn’t snowed under with art stuff I’m serious that I’d be learning to gif out of spite by now. There! Is! So! Much! More! To! This! Show! Than! One! Ship!
/end rant
I’m doing my once-every-few-months intense crime drama obsession thing, don’t mind me
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omg-imagine · 7 years
⊱ Six Gifts ⊰
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Summary: It’s your birthday and Jim loves giving you gifts.
Fandom: Star Trek (AOS)
Pairing: Jim Kirk x Reader
Words: 3,235
A/N: It’s my birthday today and I wrote a little fluffy Jim Kirk fic to celebrate! As usual, sorry for any mistakes. Enjoy!
For those times when the mornings are rough…
You woke up to an empty bed, which was a little unusual since you were used to waking up with Jim right beside you.
Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you then let out a groan as you sat up in bed, silently dreading the fact that you have work in thirty minutes.
Although you loved being a nurse, the past week had been unbearable since you had to attend to your long-houred shifts running on little to no energy thanks to the broken replicator in your cabin– the only good replicator on the ship. Unfortunately, you didn't have time to run up to the commissary and make yourself a cup of coffee. Even if you did, the coffee there didn’t do much to help you stay awake.
After finally getting out of bed, you padded around the room looking for Jim but you realized he had already left. That’s when you picked up the intoxicating scent of freshly brewed coffee and you turned your attention to the hot beverage waiting for you in the kitchenette.
With the cup in hand and up to your lips, you drank the coffee in delight. It was the best cup of coffee you’ve had since coming aboard the Enterprise and you weren’t sure how Jim was able to make it. Once you downed every last drop, you washed and dried the cup before placing it back in one of the cabinets. Out of the corner of your eye, you became aware of a new device sitting on the counter.
The device was certainly not a replicator– it was a Keurig coffee brewer and those things were hard to find nowadays. You knew of it from your grandparents, who had called it one of the best inventions from way, way back in the past.
Right next to the coffee maker was a bag of coffee mix and a note addressed to you.
I’m sorry for running out before you woke up. You looked so peaceful sleeping there and I couldn’t bring myself to disturb you.
I hope the coffee is still hot by the time you’re up. It costed an arm and a leg to get that antique, but isn’t she a beauty? I made myself a cup and it definitely beats the replicated stuff here.
Enjoy the coffee maker, it’s yours to keep. Let’s just say it’s one of the few little gifts you’ll receive today.
For now, duty calls. I’ll see you at dinner tonight, Angel.
And most of all, happy birthday.
- J
You placed the card down and decided to brew a second cup before getting ready for work. Your birthday was off to a great start and you were going to have to thank Jim later.
For those times when you’re stressed out…
Lunch time rolled around and you found yourself sitting in the commissary along with Nyota. You usually ate with Jim, but the man was apparently too busy on the Bridge to take a break.
“How’s your birthday so far?” Your friend asked as she took a bite out of her sandwich.
“It’s great. Leonard’s being nice to me today and it kinda feels weird,” you answered.
Uhura chuckled. “Well, aren’t you lucky. If that’s the only way McCoy can be somewhat a ray of sunshine, I’d wish it were my birthday everyday.”
You two continued eating your food until Spock arrived at your table with a present in his hands. “Good afternoon, (Y/N). I have brought you a gift from the Captain. He apologizes for not being able to join you for lunch but he promises to make it to dinner tonight.”
“It's alright and another present?” You commented as you were handed over the wrapped box. Tearing away the wrapping paper and uncovering the lid, your eyes widened at what was inside.
“May I ask what it is?” Spock questioned and you took the object out of the box.
“Uhh, bubble bath,” you responded unsurely. “James T. Kirk got me a bottle of bubble bath.”
“There’s a note here,” Uhura pointed out as she gave you the piece of paper.
I know what you might be thinking. Of all the things I could give to you, here’s bubble bath. But worry not, my dear, for I had put a lot of effort into this gift.
This is one of the finest products out in the world of spa and you’re going to appreciate it for what it can do.
Remember those instances when you told me how exhausted and sore you are from working all day? Well, this particular bubble bath is known for being able to provide stress-relief and relaxation. It’s got essential oils and natural ingredients that is good for you.
If you don’t believe me, read the bottle. I got all of that information from the label. Honestly, I don’t understand how it works but the saleswoman recommended this to me.
It smells nice though.
- J
You twisted the cap open and breathed in the scent. Minty– just like Jim. “I could benefit from this.”
“Aww, that’s really sweet of him,” Nyota said before turning to Spock. “How come you don’t get me nice things like that?”
The confusion on Spock’s face caused you to laugh and you laughed even harder when he was left tongue tied.
For those times when all you need is peace and quiet…
You shuffled into Leonard’s office with tired feet and plopped down on one of the cushioned seats right in front of his desk. Kicking your feet up on his table, the CMO let out a sigh and put his PADD away.
“Y’know, you're becoming too much like your boyfriend and I'm not too keen on that,” Len spoke and you could only chuckle at his statement. “It wasn't a joke, sweetheart.”
“I figured,” you replied, letting out a yawn. “And so much for thinking that I wouldn't get the McCoy scowl on my very special day.”
Len rolled his eyes before reaching down and opening the cabinet to his left. He pulled out a bottle of scotch as well as two glasses, and proceeded to pour you and himself a drink.
“Isn't drinking on the job against regulations, Doc?” You reminded but you graciously accepted the glass and took a sip.
“It’s a little too late to answer that question now, (Y/N). Besides, you've got an hour until you're relieved of duty and you said so yourself, today's a very special day.”
Len raised his glass and you clinked it with yours. “Indeed it is.”
In the midst of your drinking, Leonard remembered something. “Oh, I almost forgot. Kirk stopped by while you were on break.”
“Really? What’s he up to? He left early this morning and missed lunch.”
“I don't know. He didn't stay long to chat. Anyway, he told me to give you this.”
A tiny wrapped box was slid to you and you looked up to Leonard. “Well, open it. I'm kind of intrigued.”
Once you got the wrapping paper out of the way, you took off the top of the box and were confused to see a set of earplugs. Taking out the accompanying note from the box, you began reading the explanation for this strange gift.
Yes, they are earplugs. Noise-cancelling earplugs. Well, not entirely, more like drown-out-the-sounds-of-Leonard-hassling-you-during-your-shift earplugs.
Don't worry, I got myself a pair too and they work just enough for me not to hear Bones’ incessant heckling about the importance of getting my physical done.
I thought you may need them because you seem to get more stressed out with Bones around. Whenever you feel like working without listening to your boss’ negativity, pop these into your ears.
Hopefully, you don't use them on me.
- J 
You bit back a laughter as Leonard eyed you curiously from across the table. “Let me see that.”
Handing the note over to him, you already had a feeling of what was about to come. “That son of a– is he for real? How old is this man, twelve?! My god, I can’t believe the immaturity of our captain. When I see him in the Medbay next time, I won't hesitate shoving a hypodermic needle up his–”
You quickly placed the buds into your ears and listened to the muffled sounds of Leonard complaining about Jim, or at least that’s what you thought he was doing.
For those times when you miss home…
By the end of your shift, you had two and a half hours until your dinner with Jim. You decided to pass the time by visiting Scotty at the engineering room. You haven't seen him in awhile so you figured it wouldn't hurt to stop by and say hello.
“Ah, why if it isn't (Y/N),” the Scotsman greeted as you stepped inside his office. “Happy birthday, darling.”
“Thanks, Scotty,” you replied after he gave you a kiss on the cheek. You also noticed Chekov and Sulu standing nearby. “I didn't expect you guys to be here. How's everything?”
“It's been good,” Chekov answered delightfully. “And by the way, I would like to wish you a happy birthday as well.”
“Same here,” Sulu added. “And we're not just saying that because Jim threatened to kick us off the ship if we didn't acknowledge it.”
“Oh, no need to worry. Jim wouldn’t pull a stunt like that.”
“I don’t know, (Y/N). He seemed pretty serious back there,” Scotty chortled. “Speaking of Captain Perfect Hair, I have something that he wanted to give to you–”
He excused himself for a moment before returning with a large present in his arms. “Be careful, it’s a bit heavy.”
You looked to the two other men standing nearby. “Do you gentlemen have something for me, too?”
“Nope,” replied Hikaru. “Jim said this is the last one.”
Once you opened the box, you were surprised as you pulled out a potted flower. Marveling the bright pink hues of its petals, you then picked up the card that was sitting on the bottom of the box and read it to yourself.
You told me that you love chrysanthemums because they reminded you of memories growing up. You especially love the pink ones since you and your mom would grow them in your backyard.
I know you miss being with your loved ones on Earth. Your job isn’t easy and I admire you for sacrificing so much to be here.
That being said, I am pleased to tell you that Starfleet is giving us some time-off in a couple of weeks. It’s only for a few days but we can certainly take advantage of it and visit your family. I wish it were longer, but this was the best I could do.
Anyway, I had asked your mother to send the flower over to Yorktown and I was able sneak it in when the ship docked there. For now, let it be a little reminder of your home, and the family and friends who are proud of you for what you do.
P.S. Don't ask me how I kept it alive since then. I'm just glad it did.
- J
“The Captain really loves you,” you heard Chekov say and you nodded. “I hope I find a love like yours.”
“Aww, you will, Pavel,” you assured, setting the note down on a nearby table.
“Who knew James Kirk was such a romantic?” Scotty added, to which you snorted.
“I didn't realize he was this romantic until today,” you said, sniffing the chrysanthemum and it really did remind you of home.
For those times when you just have to write it down on paper...
You returned to your quarters a little less than an hour before your dinner with Jim at the observation deck. Taking advantage of the time, you took a quick shower and got yourself dolled up for the night.
As you stood in front of the closet thinking of what to wear, you settled for an outfit that you had bought at a store during the last shore leave. You haven't worn it since you tried it on but it still fit your body perfectly. You knew that this one in particular would blow Jim’s mind away.
After putting on your clothes and brushing your hair, you then searched for your shoes that would match your outfit. What you didn’t expect was it to be already laid there by the foot of the closet door with a gift bag beside it.
Slipping your shoes on, you then sat on the edge of the bed and opened the gift bag. Inside was a bounded notebook with your name beautifully etched on the front cover. As you flipped through the empty lined pages in the book, a note fell out and landed onto your lap.
One of the things I love about you is your mind. You have so many thoughts and ideas, and everything that comes out of your mouth is pure gold. I find myself wanting to listen to you for hours because of the things you say. You know just the right words to calm me down or keep me in line.
I got you this journal so you can jot down whatever it is inside your head. Writing can be therapeutic and a great outlet for those days when we’re too busy to see each other and there’s something bothering you that needs to be let out.
Be it your problems or those poems you enjoy coming up with, write it down. I promise to not read it unless you say otherwise.
- J 
You smiled to yourself as you turned back to the first page of the journal. Thinking back to the first night you met Jim, you would have never thought that life would be this way now.
You remembered being a young cadet sitting in a busy bar when the infamous Jim Kirk appeared and worked his charm. You had heard about him from your other friends and knew that he would be trouble.
The two of you became really good friends but you brushed off his many flirtatious attempts at you.
Then one day, you finally said yes.
You were being hit on by some drunk creep and Jim was there to defend you. It suddenly escalated into a fight and by the end, he was left with a broken nose and bruised knuckles.
That night, you finally went to dinner with him as a way to say thank you. It turned out better than you expected it to be and you realized that there was a special connection between you.
And for the past two and a half years of being together, it’s still there, stronger than ever.
Checking your PADD for the time, you noticed that you had about twenty minutes left until you had to meet up with Jim. Without much thought, you grabbed a pen from the nightstand drawer and started writing about your day and how much Jim meant to you.
Dinner on the observation deck had become one of your favorite things to do ever since you started dating Jim. Everything about that moment was perfect– the two of you were sitting across from one another and enjoying the best meal a replicator could replicate. It was a lovely way to end the your birthday.
“Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” Jim asked before taking a sip of his wine.
You glanced up from your pasta-filled plate to Jim, a smile playing on your lips. “You did, twice actually.”
“Let me say it for a third time then, you look beautiful.”
“And you’re not so bad yourself,” you giggled. You were lucky to have someone as handsome as Jim. The man was breath-taking with his perfect face and perfect hair. And those eyes– very blue and very easy to get lost in.
“Did you like the gifts?”
“Very much. I love how you put a lot of thought into them. I still can't believe you were able to get us some time-off.”
“I figured you and I need to get off this ship for a little bit. Plus, we haven’t seen your family in a while and I think it’s time for a visit. Honestly, I tried my best with the gifts. I’m not the best gift giver out here and I was nervous that you would think that they were silly.”
Shaking your head, you reached for his hand and intertwined your fingers into his. “They weren’t silly. You could have been the typical boyfriend and bought me jewelry. Instead, you went the extra mile by making sure every gift was unique and had a special meaning behind it. This has been the best birthday ever.”
Jim smiled, his eyes crinkling the way you loved them. “I’m glad you think so. You deserve it.”
When dinner ended, you and Jim stood in front of the large glass window and watched the bright stars passing by. His arm was around your waist, pulling you flushed against the warmth of his body as he stole kisses here and there.
“It would have been typical if I gave you jewelry?” Jim teased and you gazed up to him.
“Not you, Jim. You are and will never be typical,” you clarified, placing the palm of your hand on the side of his face. “Give me anything in the world, big or small, and what would only matter to me is that it came from you.”
Jim grinned as he took your hand and pressed a tender kiss on the back of it. “What would you say if I have one last gift for you?”
“Honey, you gave me five already. I feel so spoiled.”
He took a step back, his eyes fixed on you. “This one is the most special.”
Watching speechlessly, you couldn’t stop the tears from forming as Jim pulled out a velvet box from his pocket. You couldn’t hold those tears back when he knelt down in front of you and presented you with the most beautiful ring you have ever seen.
“(Y/N), you are the best thing that has happened to me. I love you and I can’t imagine spending a day without you by my side. Will you marry me?”
“Yes!” You quickly answered and Jim got up from the floor. He slipped the engagement ring down your finger just before you pulled him down, his lips meeting yours. When the kiss finally broke, you both were beaming. “We’re engaged.”
“I know,” Jim replied, his mouth forming a slight smirk. “We should celebrate.”
“We definitely should,” you agreed without hesitation. “Do you want to take a bath with me?”
Jim chuckled at your question. “Sure, darling. But may I ask, why a bath?”
You grasped his hand and began leading him out of the observation deck. “Because I just got a new bottle of bubble bath and I want to test it out with you– just to relax a bit. Once we get married, this is going to be one hell of a ride. Hope you’re ready for that, Kirk.”
Jim spun you around and you were now face-to-face with your new fiancé. His lips brushed softly against yours as he spoke. “I was born ready.”
For those times when it’s us against the world forever…
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“Better Hands” - Part 3
“Better Hands” - Part 3
( Part 1 / Part 2 )
My Masterlist - Here
Leonard “Bones” McCoy x Reader
Word Count: 2473
Key: Y/N = Your Name, L/N = Your Last Name, H/C = Your Hair Color, E/C = Your Eye Color
Warnings: Talk of Abuse, Mentions of Abusive Ex, Cursing, Talk of Injuries,
Summary: After being in an abusive relationship, you have been able to turn your life around thanks to the help of the team. But when you have to go back to your ex for some of your things, some shit goes down.
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Author’s Note: So this is my first Star Trek piece and I’m super fuckin nervous about it. I’m not a huge Trekkie, but I am a fan of the newer films. Those are what I base my fics off of unless stated otherwise. But yeah, I hope you enjoy!
Special shout outs to @goodnightwife and @the-witching-hours12-3 for beta reading and being helpful during my hiatus. <3 Please go check out their works!
If you would like to be tagged in any of my future pieces (All Works, Specific Fandoms, or Specific Multi-Parts), please let me know! And as always, feedback is greatly appreciated!
- DreaSaurusREX
Tags: @goodnightwife @the-witching-hours12-3 @theeactress @feelmyroarrrr
Waking up in bed with Leonard always made you smile. You weren’t a morning person, but if you woke up to the love of your life every morning, you could start to really enjoy them. His warmth, his protective, comforting hold on you, even his voice before bed or when just waking up. You loved everything about it. But something was off this morning.
You were laying on your side and he was behind you with his hand gently on your hip instead of tightly wrapped around you. You realized that it was probably because he was worried about putting too much pressure on your wounds. Thank god he let you take some sort of sedative to help you sleep through the pain. There was no way you could have slept well without it last night; the pain from the bruises and cuts plus the new stitches made it difficult to get comfy.
Intertwining your fingers with his, he started to stir awake. You tried to turn around to face him, but instead flinched from a sharp pain in your shoulder. As soon as he heard you hiss in pain, Leonard was sitting up and worried. You tried to lay on your back, to just grab his hand, and tell him that you were fine.
“It’s okay. I’m okay. Just kind of forgot about everything. I wanted to see your face.” You managed to chuckle and smile through the pain. Leonard chuckled along with you before kissing you softly as if he was afraid of hurting you more. He pulls away, but you  pout playfully. Leonard gives you a confused look.
“What’s wrong, darlin’?”
“What the hell was that ?” He looks at you with a growing smile, he starts to lean down while you rest your hand at the base of his neck and run your fingers through his hair. The kiss becomes a bit more heated and you both forget about your injuries for a minute. It wasn’t until Leonard tried to snake his hand around your back that you were reminded . His hand had hit a  sensitive bruise on the back of your ribs, causing you to arch away from his touch and quickly pull away from his lips. Leonard started to apologize.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart! I guess I got lost in the moment. I--” You cut him off with another short kiss before pulling back and responding.
“It’s fine. I’m fine. I’ll survive.” You tried your best to smile. He looks at you like he didn’t believe you 100%.
“I know you will survive. You’re a fighter.” He kisses you one more time before getting up from the bed. “Now, you stay there. I’m gonna make us some breakfast and bring it back in here.” You start to shift yourself to an upright position when Leonard turns around in the doorway and points his finger “I mean it, (Y/N). Stay.”
But of course you don’t listen.
You got up to go to the bathroom. After relieving yourself, you wash your hands and try to tame your lion’s mane of hair. After a couple minutes of finagling, you end up just throwing it into a ponytail. While looking in the mirror, you decide to slip off your shirt and see the stitches. The only other time you had gotten stitches was when you sliced your hand open yesterday. But this one was way worse. The trail started by your left collar bone and traveled across your left shoulder blade and down a part of your back. You tried to remember how this even happened.
You didn’t even care about your stuff anymore. You just needed to run away. You were headed to the door when you felt his grip on your shoulder. His grip slipped and his nails clawed down your shoulder and back before he regained his grip and threw you to the ground.
You shook your head and tried to forget about it all. Everything was such a painful blur, you weren’t even sure if that was what happened. All you know is that Tim beat you again, he is the cause of these injuries, and it was over.
Slipping your shirt back on, you felt another twinge of pain. Hopefully Leonard will have some medicine for me or else this healing process is gonna be fuckin hell.
Somehow you made it to the kitchen. You found that you had a sort of limp. Leonard was making pancakes because he knew they were your favorite. You lean against the wall to get rid of some of the pressure on your leg. Your side began to hurt, so you rested your hand against it in an effort to soothe it.
“Hey, so what painkillers can I take?” Bones just about jumped out of his skin. He apparently didn’t hear you coming into the kitchen. He takes the pan off the burner and turns to look at you, worry and a little bit of annoyance instantly filling his face.
“What the hell are you doing out of bed, darlin’? You should be resting ” You didn’t even need to say anything. You just gave him a look that said “Really? You had to know that wasn’t gonna stick.” He just sighed and walked past you to his medicine cabinet to pull out a specific bottle. He gives them to you and you try to read the name. It was some long, complex, scientific name.
“When do I take these and how many?”
“Twice a day with food. I recommend two with breakfast and two with dinner.” You just nod and try to make your way to the table. Leonard notices your limp right away and has you take his arm. He helps you get comfortable in the chair before going back to the kitchen. He comes back a minute later with a cup of your favorite tea, just how you like it.
Only a few minutes after that, Leonard comes back with two plates of pancakes and a couple strips of bacon. You two eat and chat like normal. You almost forget about your cuts and bruises until Leonard mentions them.
“I don’t want you going into work. Not until you heal more.” You tried to argue but he was firm. He really didn’t want you to hurt yourself more. But you hated not working or doing anything.
Leonard’s communicator started chirping. He answered and you knew what would come next. He was either needed on the bridge or in the medbay when he was called this early.
“I gotta go to the medbay. Apparently there aren’t a lot of staff there yet and some guy just came in and needs stitches. I’ll be back later okay?”
“So I’m not allowed to go back to my place?”
“You can go back there once you heal more. But I want you to stay here so I can watch over you and be there if anything happens that needs immediate attention.” You just nod as he comes around and kisses your forehead. “So I will see you later. You stay here and rest. If you need anything, I’m a call away.”
“Be safe out there.” You call out as he heads out the door. He turns around and calls back.
“I always am!” Flashing that swoon worthy smile before rushing to the medbay.
You knew he wanted you to just lay around and rest. But you just couldn’t do nothing. You had to get up and move. You finish your breakfast and then make your way to your room to change into your uniform and grab your tools.
Like hell you weren’t going to work.
Leonard clocked in and met with one of the nurses that was working. She told him that there was a man in exam room 3 who might need stitches. Leonard opened the door, found the patient’s info on his data pad and froze. Tim Daniels. (Y/N)’s ex. He looked up from the data pad and saw the idiot on the biobed. Leonard tried his best to keep a neutral tone while he stepped into the hallway and called Jim.
“Kirk here.”
“Jim, get your ass to the medbay. Tim is here. And if I go back in there, I may just punch the living daylights out of him.”
“I’m on my way with two other guards.”
It only took a few minutes for Jim to come through the sliding doors of the medbay with two strong security guards. They found Leonard in front of an exam room with his arms crossed. The four of them didn’t even need to talk, they all just walked into the room. Tim straightened up and spoke when he saw the captain and the guards.
“Capatin. What the hell is going on?”
“We know about what happened to (Y/N). And we know it was you.” Before Tim could say anything, Leonard spoke.
“She went to your quarters to get the last of her things, and you lost control.” Leonard was fighting the urge to take the needle and poke his eye out. But instead, he started to stitch up Tim’s hand.
“What the hell are you talking about.” Tim really was trying to play innocent. Jim was going to say something authoritative, but Leonard beat him to it. Somehow he kept his hands steady and continued to sew the curved mark on his hand together, but his voice was threatening and full of fury.
“Do not play dumb with me right now, boy. (Y/N) has bruises all over her body. She has cuts all over. And she has one cut in particular that I had to stitch up last night. She told me everything. So you are lucky that I called those three in here, or else I’m sure you would be needing more than stitches.” The entire room went silent.
Leonard didn’t look up once, focusing on finishing the stitches. But if he did look up, he would have seen Tim working something out in his head. There was only a minute of silence until Tim spoke up.
“Oh. So you’re the doctor boyfriend that (Y/N) mentioned among her other fuckin successes.” No response from Leonard. Only a couple more stitches to go. But then Tim kept talking. “You know this is cause of her, right? That fucking bitch bit me. She bit me and kicked me in the crotch. Who the fuck does that?” Bones stopped stitching and just tied the thread off before stepping away to the other side of the room to input something in the data pad.
“He’s good to go.” Leonard was directing his statement to Jim, who signaled for the guards to take him. But of course, Tim had to get one more punch in.
“You know, she talked about how much better she was doing. How you were helping her get her life together. But as soon as I grabbed her, she turned back into that weak little priss.” Tim had a smile on his face, enough to throw Leonard overboard. Jim knew what was coming and gave a look to the guards. They tightened their grasps on Tim’s arms as Leonard made his way quickly to him.
Leonard didn’t fight often, but when he did, he didn’t hold back. This was one of those times. It was only one quick punch, but a solid one, right to Tim’s face. Before letting him go, Leonard grabbed Tim’s face and looked him right in the eye with a gaze of pure hatred.
“If I hear you say anything else about (Y/N) or if you come near her or if you have any communication with her, this punch will feel like nothing compared to the hell I will rain down on you. You got that?”
Tim nodded his head furiously, obviously scared. No one had ever actually landed a hit on him. Leonard let’s go and looks at Jim. Jim has a look on his face that consisted of a bit of shock and fear. He had seen “protective Bones”, but this was a whole new level.
The guards walked out of the examination room with Tim, but Jim held back for a second. He put a hand on Leonard’s shoulder.
“He won’t have any chance of getting near (Y/N) anymore. I’m sending him back to shore and requesting to have him reassigned to a different ship. But he may not even be let back on a ship after I tell them the damage he’s caused. We got him, Bones.” Leonard just nodded and leaned against the counter.
Jim started to head out to catch up with the officers, but he turned around to leave one more comment.  
“And Bones? Nice punch.” Both men chuckle a bit at that.
Bones realizes that he has been so busy with this shit that he forgot to call Scotty and tell him that you were going to have to take a week or two off of work. He made his way to his office and sat down in his chair, finally able to breathe after dealing with that asshole. He pulled out his communicator and rang Scotty.
“Scotty here.”
“Hey, its McCoy. I just wanted to let you know that (Y/N) won’t be reporting for a week or two cause of her injuries.” There was a moment of silence on Scotty’s end until he spoke up, confused.
“What are you talking about? Her hand isn’t that bad. She came in an hour or so ago and has been helping me in one of the tubes.”
Bones went silent. He tried to breathe and not get upset, but he couldn’t help the annoyance and anger that was growing.
“What do you mean she is working?”
“She came in and reported for work. I saw that her hand was still wrapped up, so I told her we would be working together since she isn’t back to normal. I left her for a few minutes to try to finish a bad sensor while I ran back to grab a tool I forgot.” Bones sighed and groaned in annoyance. “Is there something else wrong with her that you two aren’t tellin’ me, McCoy?”
“(Y/N) has more injuries than her hand. Just- What tube is she in?”
“F-24. I’m about halfway back to her now.” Scotty knew something wasn’t right, so now he started running back to the tube.
“I’m on my way. Do not let her leave.” He closed his communicator and grabbed a medical kit. Knowing you, you probably already overworked yourself but haven’t noticed it yet. Leonard ran to the lift and took it down to the tubes.
“Dammit, (Y/N). You better be alive and in one piece.”
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hurt-spock · 8 years
Beast- Chapter 1 & 2
I was requested to write this a while back and I did the first chapter, then started a second before going iffy about it. 
As I’ve revisiting some of my older stuff, I re-read this and dded some more to it. It became a bit of a debate between Spock & Kirk and about the importance of reporting a rape- something I agree with. So, not sure I’ll post this to A03 but time will tell. 
Warnings: Non-con
He could call out.
Ensign Anderson was close by. The trees and undergrowth were thick and the wildlife within was teaming with life. The noises of the forest had been enchanting. But he still recognised that if he yelled, Anderson would hear him above the sounds of nature.
The Ensign was a young, mostly inexperienced, crewman who had been on two landing party missions so far. The first had involved said landing party bringing back a slightly toxic specimen as Anderson had misread the decimal point for safety. The second time he had caused offence to the native people and it had taken some work to convince them that they were there out of respect and to learn about their people.
Spock had been certain that this assignment would be much better for him.
Previous reports and exploration had found no hostile natives, no dangerous specimens in this area, just a lot of interesting and safe species to collect data on.
He wondered if it had been one of the other members of the Science crew here if he'd have already called out for assistance.
Yet he doubted he would. He would be putting that crew members life in jeopardy and that was unacceptable.
The humanoid males had surrounded him, four of them who stayed in crouched positions as they watched him with dark eyes, long hair obscuring most of their features. They were smaller than most human males, from what Spock could observe, and they wore no clothing. The planets atmosphere was warm with two suns present, one a little further than Earth's own and one much further out.
It kept the planet in a constantly warm state with long hours of daylight.
They told him in their native tongue that they had been watching them since their arrival. Spock was their leader.
Two of them moved in on him with incredible speed and he did not fight them off, allowing them to go through with whatever ritual they had. They pulled at his arms until he fell to his knees and then a third, strong and powerful for such small humanoids, was grabbing his legs and the first two pulled him down by the shoulders.
His lack of fight to start with, he realised, had been a mistake and even with as much effort as he could manage, he could not move them.
The fourth of the group lowered itself down beside him and pulled at his trousers. It clearly didn't understand the concept of clothing and merely pulled on the fabric with rough hands until the fabric ripped beneath it's almost claw like hands.
He could feel the air, cool to his own temperature preferences, against the exposed flesh of his stomach. Then he heard the sounds of ripping as they continued to remove his clothing. They stopped when they exposed his genitalia, they seemed confused for a moment, before they quickly flipped him over and continued with the removal of his clothing. He felt his underwear being shoved down, exposing him.
He kept his head to the side, the smell of soil rich as he breathed it in as he gasped for breaths. Terror clung to his heart but he forced himself to breath calm, deep breaths.
Panicking would not help the situation.
The ones holding him down gripped tighter and he couldn't help but tense himself at the inevitable.
The pain was almost enough to make him call out. He wanted to crawl away from it, but he couldn't move an inch, they held him so tightly.
The male made small, animal like grunts as it thrust forcefully. Spock could hear his own grunts of pain in his throat and forced himself to stop, concentrated on anything but the pain, took his mind away from what was happening to him and thought about the situation logically. It was nothing more than a show of dominance. An animal like urge to show who was stronger when threatened.
He kept his mind away from what was happening, let himself be washed over with a numbness, like his mind and body were apart from one another. He could feel his body moving with the thrusts but he could not feel the pain of it.
He could taste the soil, he realised dimly. The earthiness as his mouth opened to draw in shallow breaths, everything felt far away and distant.
He wasn't sure if it was some sort of shock from the attack or trying to keep his mind off of his own pain, but he was alarmed by his minds own slowness. He felt pain in one arm as sharp nails bit into his flesh. Confusion from one of the humanoids as green blood trickled from the slight wound on his arm and then the hot mouth as the same one that inflicted the wound tasted the blood.
It scowled at the taste and wiped its mouth messily, green blood smearing across it's face.
Spock wondered how much longer it would last. It seemed like he had been enduring this for hours, though he knew it was minutes. The humanoid impaling him made frustrated thumps on his back with its fists. Spock felt hollow as he felt the bruising fists vibrate through his body. He pounded on him again before he shifted his position slightly and continued the abuse.
It finally came to an end as he felt the hot fluid spurt out inside of him. He had a brief flash of fear as he wondered if they had actually finished with him, but then he pulled out and stood over him and Spock's arms and legs were released. The others stood and they silently crept back into the undergrowth.
He couldn't move at first. But then his logical mind kicked back in and he knew he needed too. He pulled himself off the ground and crawled over to a tree and sat with his back against the bark. He pulled his clothing to cover himself the best he could. He was decent though he would be unable to move without risk of exposure however for the moment, he did not care.
He needed to sit and piece himself back together. He needed to be logical, he needed to suppress his emotions and he needed time to be able to achieve it.
“Commander?” Came the shaky voice of Ensign Anderson.
Spock knew without a doubt that the Ensign knew what had happened here, and judging by the look on his face, he witnessed some of it. “Ensign,” Spock acknowledged because he didn't know what else he could say right then.
He crept a little closer, kept low and quiet, cautious and alert.
Spock noted he still had his sample case with him and he moved over to where Spock's had fallen to the ground. He took Spock's case which was full of samples already and removed his communicator.
“This is Ensign Anderson, requesting one to beam up from my location.”
“Received Ensign. Standby.”
Anderson closed the communicator. “I'll be right back. Don't move.”
And with that, Anderson was gone.
Alone, and grimly aware of the fact after having the comfort of a fellow crew member briefly, Spock pulled out his phaser and set it to stun.
Anderson headed quickly to the science lab, thrusting the case into one of the others working there. “Orders of Commander Spock, can you record and file these for him.”
Ensign Jones looked somewhat confused that Anderson had been picked to do a task for Commander Spock, but thought nothing else of it. They all knew that Spock believed they all had potential for greatness.
Sighing, Jones got to work.
Anderson picked up a new empty case and removed the compartments for the samples. He then retrieved some standard pants, checking the computer for Commander Spock's size, and stuffed them in the case. He let out a nervous breath before heading to sickbay.
It was busy enough in there. Not with patients, though there were a few, but general work being completed by the staff. He sought out the CMO and headed over, intercepted by a nurse before he got more than a few paces.
“Excuse me, can I help you?” she asked politely.
“I need to speak to Doctor McCoy.”
She glanced to where he was looking and smiled sympathetically. “I understand. I can get you a male nurse to ease your discomfort,” she suggested helpfully. He scowled at her and brushed her aside.
“I need Doctor McCoy.” he insisted, raising his voice to get the man's attention.
The Nurse blushed as all eyes were on them. “I'm sorry Doctor,” she said as he came over to them.
“It's fine, I'll handle this,” he said, his face serious. The nurse departed and he turned to the Ensign. “What's the problem?” he asked, his eyes running over the young man looking for injuries.
“I need your help, Doctor.” He said seriously.
“What's wrong?” McCoy's tone was a little impatient.
Anderson started to walk out of Sickbay and indicated the Doctor follow him. He sighed but followed him anyway. Once outside, he didn't stop walking, but he stayed close to McCoy, speaking quietly even though the halls were mostly empty.
“It's Commander Spock. He needs your assistance down on the planet.”
“He's hurt?” McCoy noticed weariness in Anderson's body language.
“Did he send you to get me?” McCoy asks.
“No, Sir. But he needs you.”
McCoy didn't ask anything else, just followed the Ensign's lead.
Spock was aware that he was shaking. He couldn't stop himself, no matter what he tried.
He could feel the dampness from the leaked fluids below him and he wanted to move, to sit somewhere else, but it seemed such a waste of energy, so he stayed where he was. He closed his eyes, he was certain it was just for a moment, but he jolted when he heard the sound of the transporter, indicating Anderson's return. He felt reassured by his return, although he realised he was going to have to come up with a plan to get back to the ship at some point.
It took him a moment to register two bodies that had beamed back. His confusion was clearly evident.
“It's McCoy,” The Doctor said, wasting no time in getting the tricorder out. Anderson stayed a few steps away, keeping a look out. “Kid, where's the rest of the landing party?”
“They were off checking out a clearing near some water.”
“I think we should get them back to the ship.” McCoy said.
“Yes, Sir.”
“They will want to know why,” Spock said.
“It's covered, don't worry,” McCoy assured him.
Anderson watched as McCoy waved a piece of equipment over Spock's lower abdomen. He let out a quick breath before taking his communicator out again. “This is Ensign Anderson. Myself and Commander Spock have discovered an injured animal of the planet with a sizeable wound. Commander Spock has called Dr McCoy down for samples and to get a look at the animal before we beam up. The rest of the landing part is to beam up on his command.”
“Received,” came the calls back “Ready to beam up, Sir.”
McCoy took out his own communicator and held it open for Spock “Energise.” he said, managing to sound close enough to normal.
McCoy snapped it shut before taking out some hypos. “Okay, this will get you past the pain, so you can walk back to your quarters with me and this will give you a boost of energy so you don't collapse on the way there.”
“All very well, Doctor, but my attire is going to be harder to explain.”
“No,” Anderson interrupted. “Um, sorry Sir, I took the liberty of dealing with that already.” He opened the case and removed the pants.
“Good job,” McCoy said. He turned back to Spock. “We'll give that a few minutes to work and then we'll beam up.”
While they waited, McCoy pulled the new pants up over Spock's torn ones. “We should go now,” he said.
McCoy nodded. “This is McCoy, Three to beam up.”
“Aye. Stand by.”
Within seconds they were back on the ship.
“Anderson, could you take these to the science labs, Spock, I want to hear more about your theories on what you think that animal was..” McCoy was saying, the whole time they walked through sickbay, not giving anyone a chance to speak to them.
Despite the Doctor's order to go to the science labs, Anderson followed behind them, feeling strangely protective over his Commander. He got to the door before Spock's quarters before he realised he should stop.
Spock wandered inside, but McCoy noticed the boy stop.
“I'll be right in, Spock.” McCoy said.
Spock nodded as the door closed between them. McCoy turned to Anderson. “I've  got to take care of him properly now, okay?”
Anderson nodded. Stupidly, he felt tears prick his eyes, as though all that had happened had only just hit him.
Adrenaline was wearing off and what had actually happened became all too real. He felt his lip wobble and felt an idiot for being so weak in front of the CMO.
“Everything you did- that was the right thing to do. Okay? Don't ever doubt that.”
“It wasn't though.” He said. His voice cracking. “I- I got there and saw what they were doing to him and I-I didn't... I didn't try and stop them.”
McCoy looked sympathetically at him, which Anderson hadn't expected. He expected anger or rage at his confession.
McCoy let out a sigh. “Look, they over powered him and let me tell you, a Vulcan is a hell of a lot stronger than a human. So if they over powered him you bet your ass they'd have beat the hell out of you too.” He let out another sigh. “I have to go and take care of him right now okay, but when I'm done, I'm coming to find you and I need you to tell me what happened, okay? So go to your quarters and wait for me.”
He swiped away the tears that had streaked down his face, sniffed and nodded his head, and in second he was gone.
McCoy turned and entered the room. Inside, Spock was stood stock still, doing nothing. “Spock?” he said gently. He took out another hypo and shot it into Spock's neck. It took seconds for the drug to take affect and Spock was slumped in his arms. He managed to get him to his bed and lay him down.
He turned the temperature in the room up, to make sure Spock would be comfortable.
Chapter Two
“Hey, you mind if I sit here?”
Anderson looked up from where he was sat, breakfast uneaten in front of him. “Oh, go ahead.” He was tempted to get up, leave the newcomer to the table, but before he had a chance to do anything the young man in front of him was offering a hand. “I'm one of the new recruits. My names Charlie.”
He shook the offered hand. “Emmanuel Anderson. Everyone calls me Anderson.”
“Emmanuel's a great name.”
He chuckled. “I'm not so sure.”
“You look like you had a rough night. You been hitting the bar?”
“No, I just... had a bad night..” He spotted Dr McCoy enter the room, followed by the Captain and to his surprise, Mr Spock. He was clearly staring and the trio, enough for it to be a little odd.
Charlie looked in the same direction. “You a little awe struck by the Captain?”
He laughed nervously. “Yeah. I guess so. I erm, I need to go. It was nice meeting you Charlie.”
“You too.”
And with that Anderson abandoned his breakfast and headed out of the room.
When Bones stepped out of Spock's quarters after having spent the whole night making excuses as to why he shouldn't leave he didn't expect to literally bump into Jim just outside the door.
“Just the two I was looking for,” Jim said. “Join me for breakfast please, gentlemen.”
McCoy looked back round to Spock who raised one eyebrow and then gestured for McCoy to go first. He followed Jim as they walked to breakfast in a mostly comfortable silence, Kirk asking some pleasantries of McCoy as they went.
McCoy noticed Anderson's awkward exit shortly after they arrived, he looked to Spock who either hadn't noticed or had done an amazing job of acting like he hadn't noticed. Either option was entirely plausible.
“So Bones, what were you doing visiting Spock so early in the morning? I didn't think you liked anything before 7am ship time,” Kirk said, grinning at the man before taking another bite of his omelette.
“Just trying to coerce Mr Spock into his next physical exam,” McCoy said.
“That is a lie, Doctor.”
Kirk looked between the pair as McCoy glared at Spock, a silent communication happening between the two.
“Care to elaborate on that, Mr Spock.”
After continuing the eye contact with McCoy some more, Spock turned to regard the Captain. “Not presently, Captain. It is of no great concern.”
McCoy clearly had a difference of opinion to Spock about that as his face turned ruddy in anger and repressing said anger.
“I think I need to hear this, gentlemen.”
“Sir, now is not an appropriate time,” Spock intervened.
“Well my appetite is sufficiently ruined.”
“Not here, Jim,” McCoy adds, guessing that Kirk is expecting them to start talking now.
“Can we go somewhere then?”
In one of the ready rooms, Kirk agreed to sit while McCoy insisted in having a word in private with Spock outside before they spoke to Kirk. They eventually arrived back inside, Spock coming and sitting opposite Jim. McCoy lingered beside Spock before facing Jim. “What he has to say is his to say alone, Jim. I'll come and see you later.”
Jim frowned slightly. “Very well.”
Spock waited for the door to close then ordered it locked. Then, more surprisingly, he ordered the privacy code enabled for the room. No one but the Captain, Spock, McCoy or Scott would be able to access the content of the room, classifying the conversation that was about to take place.
“Doctor McCoy did not want me to discuss this matter with you. However, I feel that you should know, Captain.”
“Go ahead, Spock.” Kirk said, his face blank.
“Yesterday on the planet I did not encounter an attacked animal. I was attacked by a group of humanoid creatures-”
“Attacked?” Kirk repeated, his eyes quickly travelling Spock's body for a telltale injury he had missed.
“You will see no physical evidence, Captain. The attack was a primitive display of power, sexual in nature.”
The words stopped everything. Kirk just heard them. And nothing else. They rang over and over in his mind. “It was...” was all he muttered.
“The doctor said you would have an issue with this. Jim, I wish to assure you that I am perfectly fine-”
“You're not perfectly fine, Spock! You were just-” and he cut himself off, afraid to say the words.
“Jim, I received excellent care from Doctor McCoy. He was not visiting me early this morning, instead staying over night in my quarters. We spoke about the incident. About the way it is used as a weapon of power over others. It was a violation, Jim, but a violation of the body. The mind of a Vulcan is everything, and mine remains untouched. In fact, the skin to skin contact with the creatures allowed me an insight to the beings. The are simple. There was no malice except an attempt to frighten off a larger specie they did not understand. Therefore we should ensure that it is noted that this planet not be disturbed.”
“Spock, no matter how you have reasoned this, I can't just let this go.”
“Is it not my choice, Jim?”
“Yes, but-”
“In different circumstances, I agree that punishment is necessary. In this instant, where a specie does not understand complex social interactions as we do, I believe we would be doing more harm to them. Please, speak to Doctor McCoy. He does agree with me on this matter.”
“Spock, for years, this sort of thing was allowed on Earth. Women, who were weaker and more vulnerable, were made to suffer by man. And in the end, not just women. It can happen to anyone, male or female and by any one.”
“Yes Jim, I am aware of Earth's history.”
“You're missing the point. When all of that happened, so many times people would not speak out- for fear.”
“I can assure you Jim, I am not afraid.”
“But you won't make those responsible pay!”
“Because they do not understand. They are not civilised, not even slightly. You would have me take them to court? Do you wish for me to get my own revenge, or allow you to seek vengeance for me?”
“That is what you are suggesting.”
“Jim, please. If this had happened in a civilised society, I would seek a punishment. I do not believe we will achieve any satisfactory conclusion by going that route in this situation.”
“Spock, I promise I will discuss this with Bones, but I am still far from happy about this.”
“Noted, Captain.”
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