#I no longer have a wip folder because. and this nearly made me start crying skdjdjd but BECAUSE the behemoth alone has three folders
ongreenergrasses · 4 months
WIP Tag Game
tagged by @lyricfulloflight, thank you! RULES: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
well let’s see here. This is what I got for you
something filling half the notebook that has no title but is large enough that it cannot be discounted
the sun persists in rising (aka the behemoth)
love lies bleeding AU
on gender
for some reason you’ve taken it upon yourself to practice this and I don’t know why (parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5)
a proposal apparently?
a sequel that just doesn’t need to exist
diner fic
tagging @aphroditestummyrolls @ghoulangerlee and anyone else who would like to!
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bereft-of-frogs · 4 years
37 and 38 for the writer asks ♥️♥️
37. Talk about your current wips.
Looks at WIP folder. Sobs.
There are...so many of them. So many. The folder is chaos. I really need to apply some order to it, go through and see which ones
But here are the ‘realistically these I might actually finish’:
- the lingering whumptober prompts. I really only have one scene left to write in ‘15. Into the Unknown (possession)’ but it’s the most like...magical action-y scene, and needs a complicated emotional bridge so I’m a bit stuck. I have not been able to think about pwp so those ones are on hold indefinitely. (along with the sort of perpetually almost-done ‘grotesque fic’ that I will finish someday, but it also keeps getting longer and longer and I get no closer to the end.)
- I had an idea for the ‘hallucinations’ prompt as well, and then I scrapped almost the whole thing and started over. but things are going much smoother now. It’s going to end up being an...unexpected thematic trilogy with ‘spare me over’ and ‘where is your sting’ (I just need to pick the next folk song about death to snag the title from lol)
- I just did a pretty detailed outline for the next fic in ‘the nine in the tree’, which is meant to be like...a genre challenge. A magical mystery in the style of a Nordic Noir. So that should be pretty fun, and I’m hoping to get it out before the next Doctor Strange movie comes out, so I have some time.
- God, I really want to finish my pretentious-ass ‘death gods magnum opus’ Supernatural fic, but the research for that is getting complicated (because, as mentioned, it’s going to be fucking pretentious, no one should have told me that you can use footnotes on ao3)
- there’s also a...collection of a few fics that I’ve been working on and...I’m not quite ready to share because they might turn out to be nothing, might just be like other self-indulgent snippets that never find their plots and live on my hard drive for a decade just for me to read over occasionally, but things are going rather well...so there’s hope there ;-)
I haven’t updated the WIP List in a while, but there are more in there that are at varying stages of completion/motivation to complete. I’ll probably update it at some point this week. (Along with possibly updating my theme...I’ve never quite been a fan of the color scheme and it’s been a couple years since I changed it.)
38. Talk about a review that made your day.
Ah, well, usually all of them make my day. But like, especially when I get comments on older fics. Like, never feel that it’s too late to comment on a fic you enjoy, I always love getting them on older fics. Especially because it’s often ones that I feel like are underappreciated. So yeah, even if it’s been a couple years, please feel free to comment! I especially cherish those ones! (I mean, if the last time the fic has been updated is sometime in 2006 and you point out that you were 3 years old at the time of that last update......okay the writer doesn’t necessarily need to be reminded of the passing years in such a way. That might be okay to let lie. That one was on my old ffn account.)
But tbh, the single review that made my day was the first time someone gave me a frog in a comment. I’m pretty sure I have it screenshotted somewhere, it absolutely delighted me. I felt bad too, because on the same day, someone had left me this amazing two part review and I was nearly crying and then I got the frog and I was just like *GASP* A FROG. There have been several frogs since, but it was that first one that absolutely slayed me.
[writing asks!]
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