#I need to lighten my mood okay HHH
sentryvt · 2 months
Throwback to when I ported Lord Shaxx's model to VRM format just so I could make him dance Dance port by JohnyL btw, software used is VRMLiveViewer
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wincore · 4 years
FAVORITE PEOPLE??? u r gonna make me cry stop :’) ur my favorite author/blog so i guess we’re even 🤔🤔 i’ve been busy but okay!! my quarter is wrapping up right now so i’ll be on break soon & can hopefully catch up on some content heh
GRADUATE SCHOOL??????? BIG BRAIN MOONIE!!!!!! THIS IS SO EXCITING!! i’m so happy to hear that you’re figuring things out & omg i don’t even know what the preparations are for that but i hope everything is going well!!! that’s seriously so cool
“i literally write like 👁️_👁️” LMFAO STOPPP ur writing is wonderful it makes me smile and cry and then smile again 😌😌 WHAT HAVE U BEEN UP TO LATELY WRITING WISE!! any particular tropes ur into?? random inspos??
- tata!!
PLSS every time you send an ask, i’m trying to telepathically send love waves towards you!!!!! if my words don’t convey it enough i will have to use an abundance of heart emojis ♥💘💖💗💓 
ooh!! im so glad you get time to yourself !!! hope you relax and have fun 🥰 is there any content you usually go to without thinking when you wanna take a break?? i just recently caught up with the nct dream content so my mood has been lightened and my stress literally disappeared :D 
HHH i was preparing for interviews and discovered that most of the companies i wanna work at usually hire graduates for the posts i’m interested in so it looks like i’ll have to be doing some more of studying 🥴 the only preparation i have is for the gre and for this scholarship interview which can cover my entire tuition fee so  (>﹏<) hope i work hard enough to get it!! otherwise, i seem to be fine academically (i think??)
oh boy tata!!! you’re opening the pandora’s box here!!!!! ☆o(><;)○ i have so many things im trying to explore in writing at once that i needed to sit down and sort out my priorities!! im trying to finish the soulmate au for jaehyun except they’re not soulmates (it’s called romeo roulette) and it’s kind of like realism in soulmate aus?? like there’s not a lot of fantasy aspect to it apart from the fact they have literal tattoos telling people who their soulmate is LOL it’s literally set in an office. 
buuut coming to fantasy, i have ideas for modern magic/magical realism where it’s really just mundane people magic and not. flashy stuff. ( ̄  ̄|||) ceo sicheng and ceo jaehyun fall in this category but then again. it’s more focused on the business aspect (???) and it’s already set in a slightly different universe hhhh so i might end up removing the magic part (it’s really just some people with powers of persuasion, deceit, etc etc) if it turns out too tacky?? let me know what you think!!! i personally do like the idea if it’s mixed with a bit of crime themes 🤩
im also determined to make the rock band dream 00 line a series so. either lead guitarist haechan or bassist jaemin is next 😙
and again. i’m like more into writing lighthearted romcoms these days bc they’re relaxing for me 😬😬 there’s the fashion designer taeyong i promised myself i would write LOL i even have a pretty romcom-esque plot for it <3 there’s also this au inspired by “You’ve Got Mail” for nomin set in college and i have never written love triangles before so this is fully up to god or whoever is upstairs hhhh there’s also one for bff2l sicheng which is (temporarily) called “how to overcome the fear of falling in love” which is the exact opposite of How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days LMAO and the last romcom one is fake dating au jaemin where i have a plot promise..
lastly, im finally returning to writing the requests from november i feel bad for putting them off for so long LOL the first is soccer player sungchan let’s goooo
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“You really need me to? You want me to hit you?”
Lux is wringing his hands together, nodding. “Yes, i-if you can, don’t know wh-, what else to do, guess I could - could try to hit my head against the wall or, or a door, but, don’t think I could, could make myself go through with it.”
Emory shudders at the mental image of Lux building up his courage silently only to slam a door into his own face, or bang his head against the wall until he got dizzy and collapsed. No, if he has to choose between this and that, he’d rather do the damage himself, careful and measured.
“Okay, uh, how should we do it? One at a time, take breaks? Or all at once to get it over with? How many times should I… should I hit you?”
Humming in thought and clearly trying to mute his own nerves about this, Lux runs a hand through his curls. “Mmmh, uh, I don’t know. Had a bloody lip, and, and the start of a black eye, don’t - don’t think anything was broken, but it hurt a lot, can’t be sure… the hhh, the h-harder you punch, the less times we gotta… I gues, I guess let’s try one, and see how it goes?”
“Okay.” Emory offers his hand and nods toward the couch. “Let’s sit down, okay?”
Lux nods after a moment’s hesitation and takes Emory’s hand. As he’s guided over to sit, Lux finds that he wants to be closer to Emory, wants to keep talking and be held and put this off, just not do it, take the consequences. But that cop saw him injured from a beating, and drove him home, and he might come back, might check on Lux. If he sees that Lux is entirely healed within a day of being hurt, he’ll be recognized as a warlock. He’ll be taken away, hurt, maybe killed… they can’t risk it.
They’re sitting down now. Lux keeps losing focus. Emory’s probably - definitely - nervous. He doesn’t want to do this, doesn’t want to add onto the list of realistic, awful things that give Lux nightmares.
“It’s okay, Em. I - I know you don’t want to. I can take it, I promise, I know it seems like I can’t, but - I really can. Have you ever punched somebody before?”
Emory grins, trying to lighten the mood. “Second grade, Lance Fletcher. Stole my yogurt at lunch, so I decked him. He didn’t cry, but I did.”
That gets a light laugh out of Lux. “Okay, well, don’t cry this time. Show me how you make your fist.”
“I know how to make a fist.” Emory does so, tucking his thumb under his other fingers and holding it up proudly.
“Yeah, you know how to break your thumb. Put it on the outside, like this.” Guiding his boyfriend to form a proper fist, one that won’t get him injured, Lux sobers up. “Um, so, aim for right here.” He taps a finger against his left cheekbone. That’s where his attackers struck him last night. “Try to hit my cheek. It’s okay if you hit my jaw or something, but if you hit my nose it’ll probably bleed. Really put your strength behind it, I don’t wanna have to do it too many more times, I’ll get - more flinchy. You ready?”
Emory’s nod is slow as he processes what he has to do. “What should I do after? I shouldn’t touch, right?”
“No, don’t touch, I’ll reel from it and then I, I might be more nervous. But we’ve gotta finish this, okay? I won’t make this harder on you, I won’t ask you to stop, but we’ll take it slow.”
“Okay. I’m ready. Honey, I’m sorry. I really wish we didn’t have to do this.”
“I know, it’s okay. Go ahead, just do it, it’s okay.”
Emory forms his fist again, shifts his weight where he sits, reels back. Lux’s expression flickers into one of fear - he can’t hold that back, he can’t keep a poker face when he knows he’s about to be hit - and then contact is made, knuckles slamming against the side of his face, and Lux’s head snaps to the side. It hurts, the pain blossoms how it always has, familiar and sore… but it’s not as bad as he was imagining. Not as bad as a big, heavy, eager fist seeking to punish. He’s certainly had worse.
He doesn’t realize that he’s been reeling for too long until Emory’s hands are on his shoulders, pulling him to sit up and stop hiding his face against the cushions, tugging Lux’s hand gently away from where it cups his cheek to check for blood. There is none. Lux isn’t sure how long he was hiding away. He hopes he wasn’t making sounds. He got distracted, didn’t know he was that scared.
“You okay, Curls?” Emory asks, holding Lux gingerly. “Was that too hard? I’m sorry, I thought you were ready, I didn’t mean to scare you, I’m not angry, you know that right?”
God, maybe Lux whimpered. Maybe he made soft, keening sounds as he hid his face and curled up. Emory’s so worried. “Yes, I know, I’m s-sorry, got - I’m focused now. I can still do this, I promise. That was good, you - did a good job.” Lifting a hand, he presses gently along his cheek, feeling the source of the hot throbbing that comes after a hard impact. It’s not nearly enough. “We, we gotta do more. Maybe, mmmh, maybe two in a row? Real quick, and h-hard again like that.” Remembering all the beatings he’s had in his life, Lux’s heart sinks. Three punches will not be enough to match the damage from last night. That’s why he healed it, frantic and panicked, once he’d stumbled inside and hidden himself well enough deep in the house - it hurt a lot, and he was afraid of the damage, and he just wanted to escape the sudden, too-fresh pain.
“Em, you’re gonna - you’re gonna have to do more than that, I think.” What a terrible thing to ask. But he’s glad that it’s terrible, glad it isn’t easy for Emory, or easy to ask. “Just, just… hit me, a lot, until it looks - bad. Just, nnh, just, beat me.”
Emory’s eyes widen. “No, no, I’m not going to do that. I can’t do that. Can’t you just make it look like I did, with magic? Or, can’t we at least take it slow? I can’t beat you, Lux, you - you got scared over one hit, how can I hit you more?”
It’s fair for Emory to be so alarmed, so resistant to the idea, but it’s also starkly, terribly frustrating. No one’s ever had trouble with the idea of hurting Lux before. Punches seem to come easier than words, sometimes. Lux can’t help thinking Emory’s a bit stupid for not getting it. For not saying okay and hitting him hard, many times, and only calming down when Lux is a mess of blood and tears and sorry, sorry, I’ll be good, I understand, I’m sorry.
Like always, the anger he feels, mild and halting even from the start, melts into fear. “I don’t want them to know, to f-find me, where I live,” He answers, staring at Emory with nothing short of desperation in his eyes. “The cops. They’ll, they’ll take me away, and - I, I can’t, I can’t even think about it, getting hit is so much better than that, I need you to, to help me, so they don’t - I w-want to stay here. I don’t want to go.”
Emory’s expression softens, and he takes Lux’s hand again, squeezing it gently. “Can you blame me for trying to back out? I love you, Curls, I don’t want you to be scared. Especially of me.”
Lux’s brows furrow slightly. “I, I’m not used to… no one’s ever… I’m a lot m-more used to, to getting hit, than getting told that.”
“That’s why I make sure to say it. I want to help you, I’m going to help you, just please don’t be scared of me after, okay?”
“Okay. I know you don’t want to, and you’re worried, so, so I won’t be scared, ‘cause you’ll stop when you can.” Lux sounds like he’s trying to convince himself, but he sits up straighter and nods, and the conversation is closed. “I’m ready,” He informs evenly, watching Emory’s face instead of his fist this time.
Emory takes hold of Lux’s shoulder with his left hand, bracing his boyfriend and holding him steady. Holding him in place.
The first punch lands, and Lux can’t reel as far as he did last time, can’t hide his face away. It hit his cheekbone, struck the bone densely - the second blow comes immediately, up by his eye, and that’ll bruise well, it’ll be dark and noticeable, which is what they want.
The third punch knocks Lux’s head straight back and he raises a shaking hand to his nose to find the fresh hot well stemming from there to be blood.
“Should I stop?” Emory breathes, hesitating, fist curled again.
“No, more,” Lux answers instantly, more scared of cops yelling and dragging him out than a bloody nose.
“Hands down, then. Please.”
He’s tented his hands over his nose, trying to protect it, to stem the bloodflow. Lux didn’t even notice. He keeps losing focus. Doing as he was asked, the warlock lowers his hands and flinches right as the next punch lands, knuckles smashing against his jaw and making his teeth clack together. Blood is welling in his mouth, now.
It feels so fast, now, it builds up in a pile of pain on pain until Lux’s mind catches up and he knows that he was just hit one, two, three more times. Is this enough pain yet? There’s a lot of blood, it feels like, although his mind always exaggerates when he’s frightened.
Two more blows, and it stops, and Lux takes a wobbly, shuddering gasp.
“We’re done, I’m stopping, no more,” Emory says rapidly, emotionally, like he was waiting to be relieved of his duty and instead was left alone to bear the weight of it. His thumbs brush across Lux’s cheeks, but come away with no stain of blood - tears. Oh, oh.
Lux crumples forward and tucks his arms in close hiding his face in his hands and tucking himself against Emory’s chest, sobbing with all his heart. Hands rub his back, and he hears Emory’s voice above him, warbled and foggy through the volume of his own messy crying. This form of being beaten felt very safe at first, and now it feels much more painful than being pinned and hurt by strangers. The blood and tears feel stiflingly hot and sticky in his hands, so Lux pulls them away from his face to hide it against Emory’s shirt instead, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend’s middle.
“Lux, Lux, it’s okay, you’re okay, I’m so sorry, I didn’t want to hurt you, we agreed on it but I still - I shouldn’t have - you remember, you know, we agreed, you know that right? I would never - I’m not angry, it’s okay, shh, it’s okay, I’ve got you, you’re fine, you’re safe, Curls. I promise, no more, you’re safe now.”
Lux can form only hitching whimpers and moans against Emory’s chest, nodding and hugging tighter, clinging with a fierce need to be comforted.
“It’s okay, you can cry, cry it out, it’s all done. You were so brave, honey, shh, shh, I’m right here.”
“Nnnnh, nnh, E-Em, Em, is i-, is, is it o-ov-v-ver n-now?”
“Yes, it’s over, I promise it’s over, it’s all done.”
“All d-don-ne?”
“Yeah, Curls, all done.”
“N-, no m-, no m-more h-h-, hhh, hitting?”
“No more. No more hitting, ever, ever again. It’s oka-” Emory pauses when a knock sounds at the door. The sound makes Lux jump, and then cling tighter, his sobs picking back up in earnest. “Shh, it’s okay Lux, I’m gonna go answer the door. Let go honey, I’ve gotta answer it. They won’t know, okay? Get some tissues for the blood, throw them out, then come to the door. I’m gonna keep you safe. I promise, no one’s taking you away.”
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honeybee-babe · 5 years
Sharing is Caring (Except When You’re Sick) Part 4
Part four of my collab Sick!Klaus and Sick!Luther fic with @hargreevesstyles!! It can also be read on her blog. :)
As Vanya zoned back into the conversation, Diego was in the middle of scolding Klaus who had accidentally spilled his soup. “Be more careful, Klaus. You burned your leg pretty badly!”
“Sorry I was fucking sneezing, Diego! It’s kind of hard not to burn yourself when you’re eating boiling hot soup and you have to sneeze every two seconds,” Klaus explained.
Diego bit, “How about you put the bowl on the table like a normal person?”
“Why are you being a dick?” Klaus shouted.
The room fell silent.
“Seriously, Diego, fucking lay off. You keep saying you’re concerned about me but all you’re doing is yelling at me and making me feel shitty!” Klaus ran his hand through his hair. “It’s making me more miserable than the incessant sneezing!”
Diego didn’t say anything.
“Whatever, I’m going upstairs,” Klaus muttered.
Vanya interjected, “No, don’t. Come on, Klaus, stay down here. Finish up your soup and then I’ll go into the living room to watch a movie with you.” Klaus didn’t say anything, he just kept staring at the ground. “I’ll let you pick and I’ll make us popcorn.”
“Fine. But only if Diego won’t be there,” Klaus snapped. “Ihh-hitschue! Fuck! Hihhh...huhh….”
“You alright, Klaus?” Allison asked as Klaus’ breath continued to hitch.
“Fucking fanta-hahhh-fantastic….oh god….hihhh….”
It was Vanya’s time to shine. Without calling attention to herself, she tried to channel the energy and the waves around her. She focused as hard as she could on using the energy to vibrate along Klaus’ septum. Klaus looked like he was on the cusp of sneezing when Vanya got an idea. She ceased her powers all together, and Klaus’ hitching breaths halted.
“Oh my god it tickles so bad,” Klaus whined. He scrubbed as hard as he could to repel the itch. Vanya controlled the waves again and sent a malicious vibration zooming around Klaus’ entire nose, and then she stopped it almost a second later. Klaus’ breath hitched wildly and he then lost the sneeze.
Vanya was amused with her powers, so much that she honestly had forgotten that she was toying with Klaus.
“I ha...a...have to sneeze so...hihhh….so fuckingbadly-hahhh….oh my,” Klaus sniffled. He took a tissue and blew his nose. Vanya tried to use her powers to push energy out of Klaus’ nose, seeing if that would help him clear his nasal cavity any better. And it did. Klaus was left a little sniffly, but he could breathe.
Now that Vanya knew she could do that, she went back to messing with Klaus’ need to sneeze.
She teased him for another few minutes or so and then she really realized what she was doing. Klaus had tears running down his cheeks, his nose was running wildly and he had a tissue poised in front of his nose--not quite touching his face, more like hovering in front--so he could catch the impending sneezes, if they ever came. When Vanya saw how miserable she looked she realized she needed to give him the satisfaction he was craving. So, she did all she could to intensify the tickle with as much power as possible.
As if on cue, Klaus’ breath hitched wildly, deeper than he normally would, resulting in an abnormally powerful sneeze from his frail body.
“Huhh’ENXtshyuu!!” His curls bounced wildly as his face snapped forward into the tissue. Vanya flinched; she hadn’t expected that out of him. None of his siblings had. They stared at him in surprise, spoons held halfway to their lips.
“Jesus, Klaus—”
“N-not done - heh! HhhrETDZshiew!” Klaus snapped forward into the tissue again with a slightly less powerful explosion. “HiehHTShiew-xnGST! Fuhh-nXGTshyuu-fuck!” As they died down in intensity, they increased in rapidity, falling one on top of the other. “Hih’eshyuu-nXGt! xxngt-ishyuu! Hh’tschiuehh!” In a last ditch effort, Klaus pinched the damp tissue around his nose. “hh’xgtsh! ihh’ngxt! Hh’nxshiuu - hih!” He paused for a moment, mouth agape and eyes squinted, before his shoulders settled down again and he released the breath in a sigh. “Sorry,” he mumbled, voice small as he rubbed at his nose with the remnants of the tissue.
“Sorry, what was that about not being sick?” Diego asked.
Klaus rolled his eyes. “You know, you could say, like, bless you, or something. You don’t need to skip straight to the bitchy comments.”
“You’re sick! That’s all I’m saying.”
“I’m leaving. For real this time. Vanya, sorry, I’m not in the mood for a movie.”
Without giving anyone else the chance to speak, Klaus stood up and strode out of the room.
“Diego, what the hell?” Allison rose her voice.
Diego said, “He’s sick!”
“Give him some fucking sympathy then!”
“Hhh-hhieshhiew!” Came from the hallway.
Vanya called, “Bless you!”
There was no response, just the sound of stomping on the stairs and then the slamming of a door.
Vanya added, “Really, Diego, you have to give him a break. This honestly seems more like allergies than it does a cold. He might not be sick, and even if he is you have to lighten up on him!”
“No, he needs to take care of himself! If I have to see him in a damn hospital bed one more time, I-“
“Diego he has a cold! And he might not even actually have one!” Allison argued.
Diego tried, “I-I...I’ve just seen him really sick. It’s always bad. H-h-he gets so weak and...and he…”
“Take your time,” Vanya said.
He took a deep breath. “I’ve seen Klaus almost dead too many times. When he’s sick it gets bad fast. I can’t see him like that it-it breaks my heart!” Diego explained. “It’s easier to show my concern through anger than it is through actual concern.”
Both Vanya and Allison felt a pang in their hearts. Diego and Klaus had remained in touch and all of the others knew it. They were the closest out of the siblings, well except for Ben who literally was almost always with Klaus.
It didn’t surprise either of them that Diego’s anger was really just poorly disguised worry.
“Still, Klaus is...fragile. He’s gone through a lot,” said Vanya.
Diego knew that and he understood it perfectly well. There was just something inside of him that became overwhelmed with concern whenever Klaus wasn’t feeling well or if he got hurt. Diego was always the one there for Klaus when he overdosed or when he was mugged or when it was the middle of winter and Klaus didn’t have a home. He had seen him with pneumonia, bronchitis, hypothermia, and several bad injuries. Diego knew that whenever Klaus caught something little it would become something nasty because he never took care of himself.
This always led to Diego becoming overprotective and being on edge for the entire time that Klaus was sick, and it only got worse as it happened more frequently. Maybe it was the fact that Diego knew nothing about this illness. He hadn’t seen Luther at all yet and he figured he might as well go and see what Klaus was up against.
“I’m going to go see how Luther’s doing. I’ll stop by Klaus’ room on the way back and see if he’ll let me talk to him,” Diego announced.
When he arrived in Luther’s room, Five was sitting on his bed chatting with the ill boy. Diego knocked as he walked in.
“How you doin’ Luther?” He asked.
Luther rasped, “Been better. What are you doing up here? Who’s watching Klaus?”
Diego chuckled softly. Luther was always trying to make sure his team was doing well. “He and I aren’t on the best terms right now. I’ll check on him later though, okay? How are you really feeling?”
“It’s so awful, Diego. I’m pretty sure my skin is melting,” Luther said. He coughed productively into his elbow.
“You should get to bed, Luther. I’ll grab the humidifier from Klaus’ room,” Five said. Before Luther could protest, Five blinked out and back in with the humidifier. He set it up quickly.
After a few minutes of talking to Luther, Diego could see the good it was doing for Luther’s cough. The dry air in his room must have been suffocating him before. Diego moved closer into the room and sat down on Luther’s desk. He wanted to be close to him but there was no way in hell he was going to let himself catch whatever it was Luther had.
Somehow for a guy as big as he was, Luther looked gaunt. His face had an alarming pallor which threw Diego off greatly. Luther’s normally stern expression was replaced with an exhausted one, as if he hadn’t slept in days. Diego guessed that he probably hadn’t been able to sleep well for the past few nights.
“Hh...Klaushandmeatissue-hhK’TschOO! Hh-k’ISHHIEW!” Luther sneezed into his blankets, then accepted a tissue from Diego.
“It’s Diego, by the way. Not Klaus,” Diego said.
Luther wiped his nose as much as he could. “Sorry, I think my fever is messing with my brain.”
“It definitely is. You should have heard him earlier,” Five laughed. “Speaking of, though, we should take your temperature again. It’s been a few hours and you’ve had some medicine in you for quite a while.
Diego picked up the thermometer and handed it to Luther so he could do his thing. After the thermometer beeped, Luther said, “100.7, that’s not bad.”
“Yeah, well it’s still not good.” Diego took the thermometer and put it in his pocket, making himself a mental note to fucking clean it this time. “When can you have more fever reducers?”
Luther shrugged.
The Hargreeves’ were not the best at understanding the concept of time--save for Five--especially when they were ill. Diego did the math in his head and told Luther his schedule of doses, but then he doubted that Luther would ever remember any of it so he wrote it down on a sticky note next to his bedside table.
“Will you check up on Klaus for me?” Luther asked. “I haven’t seen him in a few hours and...I don’t know. I don’t want him to be feeling as miserable as I do.”
Diego nodded, “You got it, big guy. Call me if you need anything, or just get the human teleportation device to grab it for you. I’ll come back in a little while and tell you how he’s doing, okay?”
After gaining confirmation from Luther, Diego walked into the hallway. Instead of turning into Klaus’ room he walked into the bathroom first. He didn’t really know how to wash a thermometer properly but he took a washcloth and soaked it in warm water and a tiny bit of soap and scrubbed down the tip of the thermometer. After a few good scrubs Diego decided it should be clean enough and he took it to Klaus’ room.
He went to open the door but it was locked.
“Klaus, can you open up?” Diego asked.
Diego sighed, “Please, I just want to talk to you. I want to apologize, okay?”
“I don’t want to get up.”
“Manifest Ben for two seconds and have him do it?” Diego suggested.
Sure enough, Ben opened the door. Diego was about to thank him but he disappeared quickly. He looked at Klaus and frowned.
“Hey,” Diego said.
Klaus muttered, “Hi. What was it you wanted again? To bully me some more while I’m already not at my prime?”
“Why aren’t you at your prime?”
“Forget it, Diego. I didn’t mean it.” Klaus turned his head so he didn’t have to make eye contact with Diego anymore.
So, Diego forgot it. He said, “I just wanted to say I’m sorry about earlier. You were right, I shouldn’t have been so rude to you, it’s just...I get so worried about you, Klaus. You know that I’ve seen you several times on what I thought would be your deathbed. When I see you getting sick or even having the potential of getting sick...it scares the shit out of me. I’m always scared that if you get a cold it’s going to turn into pneumonia and then it’s going to kill you! You’re j-just so...so unpredictable and your body seems to hate you and it terrifies me!”
Diego didn’t even realize that he was ranting until he finished. Klaus had his crooked old smile on his face.
“It’s alright, Diego, don’t worry about it. I know you were just looking out for me.” He set his knitting needles down and pushed himself up on his elbows, patting the space beside him on the bed. Diego  reluctantly sat down, just barely perched on the edge, still tense with guilt. “I’m sorry, too. I overreacted, you know how I can get when I’m - when people take care of me.” Diego relaxed a bit and cracked a smile.
“Yeah, I know. Remember December of 2015?” Klaus actually shuddered a bit at the memory; Diego had made him to go to the hospital on Christmas Eve, and he’d ended up spending four days there, with the worst pneumonia of his life, coupled with unintentional withdrawals. And he’d been a total dickhead to Diego every time he’d come to visit, accusing him of holding him hostage and “ruining Christmas” for him.
“Ahh, jeez. Why did you have to bring that up? You know I’m -ht’shjuh! Enxgt-eh’tschiew! Sorry.”
“Bless you. Yeah, I know.” Diego was reminded of his purpose there, and he held he thermometer out for Klaus. With a sigh, Klaus put it in his mouth. He’d resigned himself to the fact that he might have a fever when the warmth he thought had come from eating the soup didn’t go away after a half hour.
When it beeped, Diego grabbed it from him before he could read it. Even despite their previous conversation, he didn’t trust Klaus to tell the truth if his temperature had risen.
“99.5.” Diego’s face fell, and he looked at Klaus with worry. “That’s a fever.”
“Well, shit.” Klaus looked towards his crossed legs, refusing to meet Diego’s gaze. “I guess you were right. Sorry for being such a little bitch.”
“Hey, don’t be sorry.” Diego took the thermometer back. He bit down on his lip as he watched Klaus shrink in on himself a bit. “Hey, Vanya and Allison are gonna watch a movie, if you still want to. I don’t think they started yet.”
“I don’t know,” Klaus’ voice was small. “I’d probably ruin the movie by sneezing every five seconds.” He rubbed at his nose harshly as if he needed to prove his point any more than he already had.
“They’re gonna watch Legally Blonde 2.” Klaus perked up a bit at that; they all knew it was his comfort movie. “Come on, let’s go get you medicated and then I’ll make some popcorn.”
“Ugh, fine!”
Before they could even start the film, Diego had to run to the store to buy more corn kernels (Klaus insisted on homemade popcorn), actually make the popcorn, and run upstairs to check on Luther. Which led to him calming down a panicky Five (“It only went up .3 degrees, he’ll be fine!”), and giving his brother another fever reducer before insisting he call it a night. If anyone asked, he definitely did not tuck Luther in.
By the time they’d popped the film in, it was 9 pm, and Diego was exhausted. He was squished between Allison and Vanya on one couch, with Klaus sprawled across the other all by himself. He also had his own bowl of popcorn, which he’d claimed was a necessity now that he was confirmed to be sick, and he might be contagious.
To no one’s surprise, Five turned down their offer to join them. Klaus wasn’t sad about it; he’d bitched about the “tonal inconsistencies” and continuity errors the whole time they’d made him watch it the last time Klaus was sick, and the whole film had lost its charm.
Within the first half hour of the film, Diego was starting to drift off. Klaus’ surprising lack of sneeziness (thank you, Vanya) only made it easier for him to fall asleep for minutes at a time. Still, he refused to go to, bed. They all knew he was only staying up to make sure Klaus went to bed at a reasonable hour. Vanya had taken to lightly touching his shoulder every few minutes, in response to which he would suddenly stir and mumble, “I’m awake!”
It wasn’t until he started snoring for the third time that Klaus finally lost his patience and manifested Ben, who yelled at Diego that he would watch over their sick brothers while he slept. Allison and Vanya giggled as Diego frantically nodded and ageed. He checked Klaus’ temperature one final time (“99.2°, let’s hope it stays that way”) before calling a night.
Not long after he left, Allison announced that she was going to bed too. And although she pulled off a convincing fake yawn, Vanya and Klaus both shot each other identical looks. They knew she was just going up to check on Luther. Vanya confirmed that suspicion after the film ended, when she went up to check on him herself, only to find Allison already quietly fussing over him. She watched as Allison pulled the blankets up to his chin, noting his new t-shirt and the clean set of sheets on his nightstand. Once again, Vanya slipped out of the room just as quietly as she’d came in.
Klaus hadn’t managed to make it upstairs to his own room before he started dozing off on the couch. He was tired anyway, and the pills made the ghosts a bit quieter. And with Ben at his side humming some silly old song, it was impossible for him to not fall asleep.
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samthewrestlingfan · 7 years
Thank you for being so patient with me about getting this update out!
Please enjoy Part 4 of BELIEVER! 
...issa good one ;)
(18+ only!)
Characters: Finn Balor/OC
Warnings: Angst, Smut, Occult, Aggression.
Taglist: @wrestlingbabe, @alexahood21, @caramara3, @camm-wow, @isawthesights, @blondekel77, @panda-girl1999, @wweburnitdown, @nickysmum1909, @thirstiswet, @meremaidqueen, @thedeboniardevistation, @soulofaravenheartofawolf
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"Finn. what are you gonna do?" I followed his quick pace down the hallway to Hunter's office.
He ignored me. "Finn, please talk to me." I begged.
"Finn!" I shouted. He stopped and turned around, revealing eyes as black as the ocean.
He brought his face close to mine and seethed, "I'm doing what needs to be done."
Keeping it short, Finn barged into Hunter's office. "You better have a good--"
"Shut up." Finn growled.
I stood in silence and in fear, not of Finn, but of what could happen if he continued to speak to HHH like this.
"This was delivered to Ella's room last night." He threw the box containing the heart onto the desk.
Hunter covered his nose at the odor. "Who sent this to you?"
"Well it wasn't fuckin' Santy Claus, that's for sure." Finn snarked.
I stepped forward to place my body between them, "Hunter, Wyatt has come completely undone. He's stalking my every move. I don't know what else we can do."
Finn spoke without looking at me, "You could let me kill da bastard for starters."
I instinctively backhanded his arm, "You're not committing homicide on my behalf just so you can get yourself locked up... or worse."
As much as I would love my Wyatt problem to be eliminated, I couldn't risk something happening to Finn because of me,
Finn rolled his neck muscles around and took deep breaths to calm himself. As his breathing steadied, I felt Balor trying to make his way to the surface.
"Enough! At this point, I don't care how he's dealt with..." Hunter spoke, "Just make sure you do it quietly."
A dark smile spread across Finn's face as Hunter continued to speak. "I'll handle your absences from TV, don't worry." HHH looking into Finn's eyes, "I expect this to be handled, Balor."
A sinister chuckle escaped Finn's lips as he smiled ear to ear, "Done."
Finn gripped my hand, ushering me toward the door, when I felt someone else coming. "Wait..."
I heard the click-clack of heels approach the door. In a moment, Stephanie blocked our only exit. "Not so fast, you two."
Stephanie moved to Hunter and took his side. "Wyatt is a much larger problem than we originally anticipated."
Steph pulled a piece of parchment out of her back pocket and unfolded it, placing it on the desk for all of us to see.
My eyes read moved over the paper, growing wider as I realized what I was reading.
"Soul Apperation?" I questioned. She nodded, exchanging a worried look with HHH.
"Ella, he called you Abigail all those weeks ago because to him...you are Abigail." She pointed at a particular paragraph;
The soul that is to be restored needs a vessel. One whom is gifted, and powerful. The vessel must not belong to another, for if the soul residing inside should fight...you will lose. Once the ritual has begun, it must be completed. If it is not, the soul to be restored will be lost  forever, cursed to wander the depths of hell for eternity.
I looked up to her, "Am...Am I the vessel?" I asked, voice shaking. Stephanie nodded, placing a hand on my hand, "He wants to put what is left of Abigail's soul inside you. This way, she would have your power, your body...she could manifest again."
I looked to Finn, "What do we do?" I asked hoplessly.
Finn put a hand on mine, "I'm going to do whatever I need to do to keep you safe, Ella." He put his hand behind my neck, pulling me into him and placing a long kiss on my forehead.
and in that moment...I believed him.
I felt it. I felt the desire to keep me safe surging beneath his skin. I felt the pain, and the anger he felt when he thought I might be in danger. I felt his love, his genuine love for me.
I stood under the stream of scolding water trying to rinse away the past few days. I had actually finished showering  15 minutes ago, and just couldn't seem to leave the sanctuary of my steamy hotel bathroom.
Your mood has lightened significantly, wouldn't you say?
I scoffed at the voice inside me, "Considering I have a homicidal warlock after me? I'd say I'm feeling pretty calm."
The voice laughed, You still don't understand, do you my dear?
I turned the knob to shut the water off. "I guess not, why don't you enlighten me? And for the love of God please, no more riddles."
I heard a sigh, The Queen has been reunited with her King.
My body froze as I wrapped the towel around myself. "Wha-what is that suppose to mean?"
Ella, he has been waiting for you. For centuries Balor has searched for you. In every decade, in every one of his lives. He has searched for his Queen. You are his Queen, Ella.
I stumbled back, bracing myself on the edge of the counter. "i-I don't...I-I can't be--I'm not a Queen."
You are not a Queen, Ella. You are his Queen. A demon King needs his better half--his equal. In every past life you have ever had, you have been his, but for centuries he could not find you. Until now.
"I am no demon!" I shouted, quickly shielding my mouth so Finn wouldn't hear.
I never said you were. You are now what you have always been, and yet you are more than ever before.
My head was spinning, and it probably didn't help that it was about 1000 degrees in my bathroom.
I quickly opened the door, slamming it shut behind me, and leaning against it.
"You okay? Thought you drowned in there, Love." Finn chuckled as he packed his duffel bag.
"What? Oh I'm fine, I was just relaxing. Needed some air." I quickly and breathlessly spoke.
Finn zipped his bag up and walked to me. His eyes searched mine for a moment, before he placed his hands on either side of my face.
"Ya don't look that relaxed, Babe. What's wrong?"
With his touch on mine, I saw the jolts of electricity bouncing between our skin. "Huh," I thought to myself, "That's new."
I was suddenly very aware I was in nothing but a towel. "Uhh, nothing. I'm okay. Finn. I promise." I lifted my hand to stroke his cheek, and beard.
Finn turned my palm towards him and kissed it gently. "You're so beautiful, Ella." He whispered while his hand thumbed my cheek.
In that moment, it was as if time stood still. I felt a chill rip through my chest and felt my eyes shift to the bright emerald they usually are.
Finn dropped his hands to my waist and placed his forehead against mine. "An ceann a bhfuil mo anam."
A small smile filled my face, "What's that mean?"
Finn returned the smile, "That you have my soul. For as long as you'd like it, it's yours."
My eyes found his, and before I knew it, his lips found mine. "Ella..." He breathed.
"Shh, I know. I know." I let the towel fall to the floor as Finn lifted me into his arms.
He brought me to the edge of the bed, laying me down on it. Finn lifted his shirt off and threw it behind him, then returned his attention to me.
"You're perfect, Love. Every inch of you." He ran both hands up either thigh, causing goosebumps to cover my skin. "Let me take care of you, Ella." Finn gruffed in a tone so sexy, I thought for sure I'd come right then.
I nodded, shaking at his touch. He kissed my lips, moving to my jaw, down my neck, dipping to my breast taking my nipple in his mouth and nibbling it gently.
Finn placed hot, wet kisses down my stomach, and right above my pussy. His tongue darted out over and over against my clit, and I can't lie, the boys got skill.
"Finn...oh my God." I moaned his name into the dimly lit hotel room, feeling him smile against me. He worked my clit and brought me right to the edge, then stopped, winking at me as he retreated.
He moved so he was stood in front of me, "I've been wantin' this for so long, Love." Finn spread my legs with his knee, and looked at me with hungry eyes. I nodded, giving him consent, and he pushed forward into me.
"Fuck's sake, Els." Finn chuckled causing me to blush. Finn held my hips down and drove his cock into me. "Ella you're so tight, Love." Finn leaned down placing his chest on mine as he fucked me. He moaned in my ear before flipping me over.
"Finn, fuck..." I groaned as he his my spot over and over again. He snaked an arm in front of me as he pounded me from behind and rubbed my clit fiercely.
"Finn, Oh my God, I'm gonna come!" I shouted into the pillow. He brought his mouth against my ear, and spoke. "Come for me, Love."
On his command, I felt my lower abdomen explode, and elation take over my whole body. God damn, Finn was fucking amazing. Literally.
"Oh fuck, Babe." I felt Finn tense up, and explode inside of me. He kissed down my spine as he slid out of me, collapsing on the bed.
As our breathing steadied, he pulled me into his arms. "That was amazing." I breathed.
Finn laughed, "Waaaay more than I ever could have imagined. And believe me Ella, I have imagined that about a thousand times."
I slapped his chest and stood to my feet. I found a PC grey shirt and threw it on. I noticed Finn staring at me from the bed, "What?" I asked with a smile.
He shook his head. "You're so fuckin' perfect. That's what."
"I'll be right there, I'm just gonna check out." I said to Finn as I waited in line in the lobby to check out.
"You're sure?" He asked.
I nodded, "Go on Hercules, load up the rental. We've got a lot of driving to do."
He laughed hesitantly, unsure of leaving me alone was a smart move. "5 minutes. Promise."
Begrudgingly, Finn left with the bags, and before I knew it I was up. "Checking out of 128 please."
I tapped my fingers at the receptionist as she typed on her computer.
"You're going to get him killed, ya know."
I turned around quickly to see Alexa. I scoffed in her direction, "Why do you always show up when I'm in a good mood? Do you sense the joy and just have to ruin it?"
She laughed sarcastically, "Listen I'm just trying to make sure your booty call doesnt get murdered because of you."
I felt my blood boiling in my veins. "Alexa I warned you. Stay out of my business or else."
She put her hands up in defense. "Look Ella, we both know Finn is smitten as a kitten for you. That's great and all, but don't you worry about how vulnerable that makes him?"
I recoiled slightly, "Enough."
Of course, she continued. "You Ella. You are what makes him weak. He'd do anything to keep you safe, with complete disregard for his own life or anyone else's."
My whole body relaxed at her words. "Do you really want Finn's blood on your hands if--when something happens to him?"
"Ma'am? You're all set." The receptionist inturrupted my daze.
"Thank you." I said, quickly grabbing my credit card and ID. I left Alexa standing there, smug look and all. Was she right? If something happens to Finn because of me, I could never forgive myself.
I walked to the car, hopping in the passengers side. "Ready, Beautiful?" Finn asked with a smile.
I forced as normal a smile as I could, "Yup, let's get going, Handsome."
Finn pulled out of the parking lot, placing a hand on my thigh as he drove. I placed mine on top of his and squeezed it.
I don't know what's going to happen when we see Bray, but Finn isn't going to lose because of me.
I'll bet my life on it.
An ceann a bhfuil mo anam: The one to have my soul.
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17mounteens · 7 years
21&34 Also maknae line + ksy for fav hairstyle and color(:
thank you for sending these 💕 we’ve done soonyoung for the member asks here {link}
21. Favorite song cover? 
Scooter » oh gosh hmm I have a very special place for vocal unit’s version of After School’s Because of you so probably that! (but also friday night!)
Memesol » me: tries not to say their cover of suju’s u but caNNot not say it, so, yeah…u…
34. Favorite piece we’ve written? 
» Answered here ♥
What we like about them in general:Scooter » he is a sunshine I love everything about him he deserves the best I LOVE MY BOOMemesol » I like everything about him :( he’s like a vitamin hh just looking at him makes me smile :(
Our number 1 favorite thing about them:Scooter » (”my favorite part about seungkwan is…” /smacks his butt/) HOW SWEET AND CONSIDERATE HE IS he always makes everyone feel included and makes sure no one’s feelings are hurt :(Memesol » he cares a lot about everyone, like the members and the carats - he has a big heart is what I’m trying to say I guess
What we first thought/noticed about them:Scooter » I’m not sure but!! one of the first things was how funny he was :( he really lightens up the moodMemesol » I thought he was very loud… like I didn’t like him that much at first but NOW MY TASTEBUDS HAVE REFINED
Do we bias them:Scooter » …I ult him he is my most precious sunshine I have so much love for him SO YES I BIAS HIMMemesol »  no …  but Scooter loves him enough for me too ;)
Our favorite outfit they’ve worn:Scooter » THIS BEAUTY honestly I had just said how I wished he’d sometime wear ripped jeans LIKE THAT and like a day or two later that happened…. BUT ALSO THIS and all the outfits where he’s worn the “beautiful enough” shirt ;u; (+ this I’m sorry I love everything)Memesol » did you know I love it when he wears pink…well, now you do because this is my fave outfit
Our favorite hair style/colour on them:Scooter  » DARK HAIR styled however honestly but I do love me a dark color on him, but he also looks so good with the current hair ;u; Memesol » the pink he has now, styled exactly like that I LOVE IT
Our  favorite ‘moment’ from them:Scooter » this is kind of like many moments but like he does this THING where he shakes his head in an attempt to fix his fringe and it’s the cutEST THING like he kinda looks at his fringe while he does it and might try to fix it with his fingers afterwardsMemesol » tHE PART FROM 8:36 ONWARDS IM HOWLING (when he sings when they open the door hh at 10:09)
What we think people should appreciate about them more:Scooter » his visuals his kindness his everything LOVE BOO SEUNGKWAN !!!!Memesol » visuals too!!!!
Our favorite piece we’ve written about them:Scooter » um literally all 3 smuts I’ve gotten to write + late night cuddling + morning fluffMemesol » this sorta fluffy au by Scooter :( mY HEART IS IN PAIN BECAUSE OF THIS
A headcanon:Scooter » He needs to hear and see that you love him on a regular basis, and similarly shows his feelings towards you as much as he possibly can.Memesol » Would confess his love for you with small gestures, like humming a love song to you while you’re sleeping.
What we like about them in general:Memesol » This is such a difficult question, as someone who’s bad with words but he is just a good person in general - he’s pure and supportive and handsome head to toe :( He’s highkey an inspirationScooter » he’s really adorable and funny, like when he’s kinda in his own world and all :( ♥
Our number 1 favorite thing about them:Memesol » hiS GUMMY SMILEScooter » his love for boo’s ass bc i relate I’M KIDDING but like he’s really down to earth and I really like that about him
What we first thought/noticed about them:Memesol » /soft voice/ he was really cute oh my god like hE WAS JUST SHININGScooter » he really stood out from the rest + “oh this is who memesol likes i see ;)”
Do we bias them:Memesol » oh do I  Scooter » no but :( through Memesol kind of !! you know
Our favorite outfit they’ve worn:Memesol » any and all where he’s worn red but aLSO THIS Scooter » hmm could be this one 🤔 but also
Our favorite hair style/colour on them:Memesol » the Ceci photoshoot hair, you know, dark and wavy-ish… hhh A ManScooter » the hair he had during the Pretty U era was really cute ;u;
Our  favorite ‘moment’ from them:Memesol » “just lerfect, perfecti i mean” nOT JUST HIS TYPOS but just everytime he gets embarrased…idk that’s not really a specific moment but how am I supposed to choose :(Scooter » “how does chicken heal your heart” and bUBBLE VERNON
What we think people should appreciate about them more:Memesol » fIRST OF ALL his singing voice  and his kindness :( i feel like a lot of people just…stan him because he’s half white…ngl…Scooter » probably singing too! like honestly most of the time he sings “badly” it’s on purpose :( he’s got such a nice voice alright
Our favorite piece we’ve written about them:Memesol » thiS making out scenario but then the shower sex scenario I wrote too…Scooter » THE BIRTHDAY SCENARIO IS SO CUTE + this smut 👀 (ALSO FLUFF)
A headcanon: Memesol » Hansol bringing you flowers randomly, although he thinks it’s the cheesiest thing one can do in a relationship.Scooter » He sings a lot in the shower, so it’s pretty often that you have a lot of fun listening to him while he belts out whatever song he’s feeling at the moment.
What we like about them in general:Memesol » his bright personality but also how he works hard and haS SO MUCH ENERGY AND IDEASScooter » his personality and positivity! 💕
Our number 1 favorite thing about them:
Memesol » his lauGH Scooter » I’ll have to go with his laugh too it’s so contagious and PURE
What we first thought/noticed about them:Memesol » “who is this smol” LITERALLYScooter » …the hair, it was the mansae mv okay
Do we bias them:Memesol » yus…very much soScooter » no :(
Our favorite outfit they’ve worn:Memesol » hHH this oneScooter » THIS ONE
Our favorite hair style/colour on them:Memesol » brown and parted :( the one like on the outfit piC A+Scooter » I’m so basic honestly but sdjnskf dark and slightly styled 
Our  favorite ‘moment’ from them:Memesol » thIS WHOLE INTERVIEW HE’S FUNNYScooter » “Jeonghan hyung’s baby”
What we think people should appreciate about them more:Memesol » rapping skills like although he isn’t in the hiphop unit…boy can rapScooter » maybe how much he contributes to seventeen as a member of the performance unit? and also rapping skills!
Our favorite piece we’ve written about them:Memesol » hHH Scooter said the first kiss one and I’ll say the same I loved writing it :( but then also this accidental hickey onEScooter » the fluff where Jeonghan finds you cuddling BUT ALSO THE FIRST KISS ONE
A headcanon: Memesol » Would beg you to shower with him so often because that’s when he gets lonely.Scooter » Before he can go on stage, he needs to hear your opinion on his performance. 
» ✨ 5k ask game ✨ 
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