#I need to finish adding italics after I'm out of class lmao
miniimapp · 1 year
Jesse - You Boys Are the (Homosexual) Supporting Cast
Gen;; Fluff - Headcanons
Warnings ;; no ?? i mean,, stress and anger (from reader pov) but not really ??
Proofread + Edited ;; a little bit actually,, mainly when going through and adding the bold and the blue and the italics lmao
Auth. Note ;; bet y'all thought i died.. nah i ain't never leaving i'm just clumsy af and smashed my phone into smithereens,, prolly got y'all tho lmaoooo
Jesse is an insufferable flirt
Which would be fine if you didn't have shit to do
But you do !!
Accepting the roles of stage manager as well as assistant director was the worst choice you could have ever made
So help the world if you ever get your hands on a time machine
The school production may fall apart but at least your mental health would still be somewhat intact
But for now you're stuck with mountains of responsibilities and a sweet fucking annoying distraction
Speaking of said distraction
Jesse plays the lead's best friend and also an asshole who won't let you get on with your work
So he has his fair share of time on stage
But even then, you can barely catch a break
As soon as he steps foot into the wings he somehow immediately finds you
It honestly baffles you how differently Jesse acts in and out of class
Okay but on a real note you can't be at all angry at Jesse
Not when he's being so sweet and charming
Even though he keeps getting in your way
At one point, when the director was sick so you had to take that over whilst being stage manager and assistant director as well you had snapped at Jesse
He hadn't even been flirting with you at that point
Mans was literally just in the vicinity
Apparently that was enough of a crime to warrant your wrath
You absolutely still cringe thinking about that day
You hadn't shouted or anything
No, no you'd angrily whispered
And because you were stressed and upset your voice jumped like 5 octaves
Okay maybe not but it felt that way
You were giving mickey mouse realness
Which we love :D
It just wasn't the time
It's never the time for mickey mouse realness in today's society smh
You were on the verge of tears and mass murder which is always a good combination
(why are you always breaking down around this man fr)
Jesse had stared at you wide-eyed as you shat out a monologue of stress and misplaced anger
And once you were finished, chest heaving and feeling lighter than you had in a while, Jesse sends you an encouraging smile
"Sorry, sweetheart, I never meant to offend ya. Honestly, I was kinda hoping I was breaking up your stress, that's where I was coming from anyway. Still, I only caused you grief, not very fair of me, I'll admit."
You sniffed, awkwardly laughing things off and rubbing at your face
"Sorry for snapping at you. God, why is it whenever we talk I'm always freaking out."
Jesse laughs, a cheeky grin lighting up his face
"It's so I can rescue you from the depths of your despair, like your very own knight in shining armour."
Your roll your eyes good-naturedly, your own smile making it's way onto your face
"Oh, my hero!"
You pretend to swoon and Jesse's smile widens
You give yourself a second to take a breath, realising that, as bad as it seems afterwards, you really needed this
"Thank for, um, listening I guess. I didn't realise how much I needed to get off my chest until I was throwing it at you so I'm sorry but thank you."
Jesse gives a small nod and smile
"Anytime...well, maybe not any but you get what I mean."
After getting over that bump in the road the two of you get on like a house on fire
And you quickly come to appreciate the break in routine that Jesse gives you
You never quite realise how much the stress is getting to you until Jesse drags you away from your scripts and into something else
Something fun
As you two become closer you notice that he's started becoming more.. touchy
Like brushing stray hairs out of you face
Or tapping the tip of your nose
Or giving you a side hug before going on stage
Or leaning up against you to read over your notes
Things like that
And at first you thought they were innocent, unconscious actions
Until of course he started winking at you as he walked on stage
Or smirking at you after smoothing down a stray hair
Or making stupid comments as he moves away
Jesse is absolutely fucking with you
This absolute bitch
You're about to pull up fr
And his flirting continues throughout the whole rehearsal period
And you love it
It gives you happy butterflies in your chest and stomach
It's bearable you suppose...
But his secret winks and smiles directed only at you do get you thinking a little bit
You've never really watched the rehearsals properly
Probably not a good thing to be realising now, seeing as you have such important roles
Oh well, you haven't ruined the show yet
Everything will probably be just fine
Obviously you'd directed and checked for cues when leading everyone backstage but you'd never just watched it
So as the rehearsals left before opening night dwindle to only a few you decide you'll just watch for once
And somehow you've never noticed that Jesse's character has a love interest
Not a problem
You have zero problems
Next question
Okay shut up
It does slightly grind on your nerves watching their confession scene
It's fine.
No worries.
You can handle this.
But it certainly doesn't help that Jesse keeps making eye contact with you when saying his lines
Like,, bro
The director in you wants to scream
He's meant to be confessing to his love interest, not you !!
Make eye contact with the love interest !!
But the rest of you ??
Simply ascending every time Jesse confesses while gazing into your eyes
The dreamy asshole
Not so subtly glad he's looking at you and not at them
It's getting kinda hard to distinguish between reality and fiction
And the heat in your cheeks won't disappear regardless so that's great
Your only saving grace is that Jesse doesn't keep his eyes on you throughout the whole scene
But every time without fail, just before the scene ends, Jesse searches for your gaze and holds it, uttering his character's final line
"My love, for you I would do anything."
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jenanigans1207 · 6 years
Accidental kiss? :)
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Oh my God I had so much fun writing this. It ended up breaking 3k so I hope you like it. THANK YOU for this prompt!!
The music was loud, beating away in Lance’s chest like a drum. He loved it; loved the way it felt like a second heartbeat, loved how fuzzy his head felt. He was leaning against the wall of Hunk’s basement, red solo cup in hand. His head was thrown back with laughter and Hunk was standing across from him, a flush painting his cheeks the softest shade of pink. Pidge was next to him, sly grin on her face as she watched Lance laugh like her silly pun was the funniest thing he’d ever heard in his life. This was what he needed. Midterms had just ended and it had been hell week to say the least— Lance had taken five midterms in two days and his brain was officially mush.
“This party is going great, Hunk.” Pidge said as she waited for Lance to calm his tipsy self back down. It was true, the basement was filled with nearly fifty people milling about, playing pong and just generally having fun. It was the most successful party they’d had to date.” But I can think of one thing to make it better.”
“You’re gonna say truth or dare!” Lance accused, thrusting a finger towards Pidge.
Pidge had been trying to get them to agree to truth or dare since the start of the year and every time Hunk and Lance had refused. Lance wasn’t sure what it was exactly, but he knew Pidge had a plan and he did not want to walk right into what was an obviously set trap. “Of course I am.”
Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was because midterms had just wrecked them all, but Hunk met Lance’s gaze, gave a slight shrug and finally said “I’ll play.”
Lance looked back at him for a long moment. When he agreed, it was definitely because of the alcohol. Pidge was one his best friends, though, so he figured it couldn’t go too wrong. Still, the way Pidge’s grin spread all the way across her face made him a little nervous. He lifted his cup to his mouth and took another swig. He’d never liked the taste of beer but at this point he couldn’t really taste it anymore. Plus, they called it liquid courage for a reason.
“Finally!” Pidge set her bottle down on the nearby table and clapped her hands together happily. “Okay! Are you guys ready?”
“Is it literally just going to be the three of us?” Hunk asked.
At the same time, Lance rolled his eyes, exclaiming “I don’t know what you’re up to but this is so suspicious!”
“Fine, fine!” Pidge waved a hand in dismissal, turning away from them briefly to call to another group of people standing nearby. “Hey! You guys wanna play truth or dare? We’re just about to start!”
The group rushed over in excitement and Lance could immediately understand why. It was his sister, Veronica, and her group of friends. Lance liked them for the most part, but there was one person is particular he hated. He was constantly asking Veronica why she was friends with Griffin and she insisted that he wasn’t that bad once you got to know him but Lance remained unconvinced.
“Can we play, too?” Lance turned to see his RA, Shiro, with his boyfriend, Adam. Technically Lance wasn’t supposed to be friends with his RA but Shiro was really cool and laid back and he laughed at all of Lance’s jokes. And since the party wasn’t in the dorms, Lance had thought it would be okay to invite him.
“Of course! The more the merrier!” Pidge stepped closer to Hunk, making room for them to join the circle.
Lance glanced around at their odd group and felt a swell of happiness in his chest. Suddenly he didn’t care what was about to happen because he was surrounded by some of his favorite people. He leaned to his right, pressing into his sister, and smiled to himself when she pressed back, dropping her head onto his shoulder.
“Okay, rules! You get to pick truth or dare. If you pick truth and refuse to answer, you are given a dare that you have to do. And if you pick dare and refuse, you get truth and have to answer that. Everyone cool with that?” There was a murmur in response of agreement.” Okay, Hunk you start us off and then we’ll go clockwise.”
“Right.” Hunk looked around the circle, taking time to really stare at each person. Lance wasn’t sure why, this was Hunk after all. He was going to ask something completely benign and harmless no matter who he chose. “Adam, truth or dare?”
“It’s early enough in the game that I can choose Truth without being too lame. So, truth.” Everyone chuckled at his response.
It took a few moments and a long drink on Hunk’s part before he asked, “If you had to date anyone in this circle besides Shiro, who would it be?”
Surprised by his boldness, Lance shot Hunk a proud smile. Adam hummed as he thought, looking around the circle himself. Lance sipped at his drink.
Finally, Adam answered. “Lance, probably.”
“Hell yeah!” Lance cried, throwing a fist in the air in triumph. “I’m a ladies man and a mans man! And everybody man!” Veronica nudged him but everyone laughed. He pointed dramatically at Shiro, “Better watch your back!”
Shiro laughed, taking Adam’s hand and threading their fingers together. “Somehow I’m not worried about it. I am worried about your ego though, it’s getting a little big over there.”
“A little big?” Hunk stepped forward so he could see Shiro around Pidge. “Have you met Lance before? It’s always been huge!”
“Hey!” Lance cried indignantly.
“Okay, okay, my turn.” Pidge settled everyone down and then pretended to think of who to choose. It was clear that she knew ahead of time by the mischievous look in her eyes. “Lance, truth or dare?”
Lance was distinctly unsurprised to have Pidge pick him and answered with a simple “Truth.”
The smile that Pidge gave him in response indicated that he had just given her exactly the answer she wanted. Not even the alcohol or the slight fogginess in his head could stifle the dread that came with that look. “Who do you have a crush on?”
Suddenly Lance wished nobody else had joined their game. Pidge knew he had a crush on someone, but he’d been adamantly refusing to tell her who. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust her, it was more that he didn’t want to admit it to himself. Still, as soon as she asked her question he got a flash of violet eyes and a dark mullet that he would know anywhere. Immediately his drunk brain moved from that to flushed cheeks and soft looking lips that he’d dreamed about kissing so many times. He’d memorized Keith so well that he could trace the sharp angle of his jaw completely in his mind. Involuntarily, Lance’s eyes focused past Pidge’s shoulders to where Keith was on the other side of the room, talking to Hunk’s crush, Shay.
“I don't—” Lance cleared his throat, hoping to make him voice sound a little steadier as he looked back at Pidge. “I don’t have a crush on anyone.”
“If you refuse to answer, you have to do a dare.” Pidge reminded him.
“I’m not refusing! I just answered! The answer is nobody!” Lance swallowed, suddenly feeling too hot.
“Then why are you blushing so much?” Adam asked with a grin.
Shiro chimed in, too. “Seriously, give it up. We all know there’s someone.”
“No there isn’t!”
“One more chance to tell us or I get to give you a dare!” Pidge warned.
Lance could only imagine what dare Pidge would come up with for him, but somehow it still wasn’t as terrifying as the prospect of admitting his crush on Keith. It wasn’t that the others wouldn’t understand, because literally everyone had a crush on Keith. He was just one of the masses, no different than everyone else, pining uselessly over someone he’d never have a chance with. Plus. he and Keith had just become lab partners in Chemistry and things were going okay. Lance didn’t want to ruin that by word getting around about his hopeless crush.
With a defeated sigh, Lance met Pidge’s gaze. “Give me a dare.”
To his surprise, Pidge didn’t look disappointed. He had expected her to be upset at missing her chance but, instead, she looked even more pleased than she had before. It was a moment before Pidge gave her dare that Lance realized that Pidge knew exactly who he had a crush on, she just wanted him to admit it. He felt his world crash around him as she said. “I dare you to give Keith a kiss.”
“No, no way, absolutely not.” Lance was shaking his head so fast it made him dizzy. “I will absolutely not give Keith a kiss.”
“Sorry Lance,” it was Veronica, her hand suddenly clasping his shoulder. “But you agreed to the rules at the beginning. You can’t refuse your dare.”
Next to her, Griffin was laughing, practically doubled over on himself. “Kogane is gonna kick the shit out of you, man. “
The world was spinning around Lance and it wasn’t the alcohol. He could feel his hands trembling. This couldn’t possibly get any worse. And yet, still, he knew Veronica was right. He had agreed to the rules, agreed to do a dare if he didn’t want to answer his truth. Something in the back of his mind was ringing, telling him that this was why he’d refused to play this game with Pidge so many times in the past.
“I never said you have to kiss him on the lips,” Pidge amended. “Just that you have to kiss him at all. It can be anywhere.”
Lance wanted to die. He wanted to shrivel up into a little ball and disappear from existence forever. Instead, he steeled himself against what he was about to do. Ignoring everyone around him and his thundering heart, Lance chugged the rest of his beer and set the cup down on the table nearby. He took a deep breath and tried to tell himself that this was okay. He could just blame it on Pidge, or on being drunk. He could blame it reasonably on a lot of things other than his crush. Keith was a cool guy, he would understand when Lance explained it away in class on Monday.
“I hope you’re happy about this.” He said to Pidge.
As he started to march across the room, he heard Pidge laugh, “Oh, I am.”
The lights in the basement were low and yet he could see Keith clearly as he approached. He could see the casual ease with which Keith stood, one hand shoved deep in the pocket of his jeans. Lance paused a few steps away, struggling with all of his might to maintain his nerve and just go through with it. He could get revenge on Pidge later. He watched Keith talk to Shay for a moment, trying not to wish he was the one making Keith laugh. Again his focus drifted down to Keith’s lips. He thought about being bold and kissing him square on the mouth, but he knew he’d never have the guts to do it, no matter how badly he wanted to. Instead he was going to go for a simple peck on the cheek and then retreat to the other side of the room as fast as he possibly could.
Before he could chicken out, Lance took a deep breath and started moving again. He approached Keith as quick as he could, heart thundering in his chest so loudly it was all he could hear. He was three steps away from Keith. Two. One.
“Hey Lance!” Shay said as he leaned in to plant the kiss on Keith’s cheek. He figured no preamble was better. He didn’t want to stand here and stutter out an explanation for why he was kissing Keith on the cheek, he just wanted it to be done. He also didn’t want to give Keith the chance to send him away because he knew deep down that Pidge wouldn’t accept that and he’d have to try again which would be mortifying.
Except, maybe a preamble would have been better. Because Keith turned to look at Lance as Shay greeted him, as Lance was leaning in to kiss his cheek. He turned all the way around just at the right moment and suddenly Lance was no longer giving Keith a peck on the cheek but instead was kissing him full on the mouth. The world came to a screeching halt around Lance and the moment of their kiss seemed to stretch on and on and on and on for eternity.
After what felt like years or maybe even centuries, Lance pulled back from Keith.
“What… the hell?” Keith was looking at him, lips parted in wonder.
Lance tried not to reach up and touch his own lips. Tried not to think about what it had felt like to have Keith’s lips under him. He definitely tried not to acknowledge the fact that Keith tasted like some fruity alcohol drink. Lance had never liked those but damn it was immediately his new favorite flavor. He wanted to taste it again, and again, and five hundred more times after that. He took a steadying breath, trying to focus on Keith and the question he’d asked and not on the way his lips were tilting up at the corner in a slight smirk.
“I, uh,” Lance shook his head, snapping his attention back up to Keith’s eyes. Not that it was significantly better, because Keith’s eyes were gorgeous and enchanting. “I was dared to kiss you. I was planning on just a cheek kiss but, uh, well… that didn’t happen.”
Everyone in the world had heard of sobering moments and suddenly Lance found himself in one. Staring at Keith, waiting for his response, pushed all of the haze out of Lance’s brain. Instead of the fog, his brain was filled with an alarm telling him to get out before Keith had a chance to kick his ass. But he couldn’t move, he didn’t want to move. Not away from Keith, at least. He’d be happy to move closer.
“You were dared to kiss me?” Keith was clearly looking over his shoulder at what Lance could only assume was his group of friends. He raised an eyebrow before focusing back on Lance. “That’s why you did it?”
There was an undertone of… Lance couldn’t name it. He watched as Keith took a step closer to him, and then another. He glanced down to Keith’s hands to find them empty, no solo cup in sight. Lance looked back up and held his breath as Keith came yet another step closer, their chests brushing.
“You didn’t do it because you… wanted to?” Keith’s gaze was fiercely unwavering.
Lance swallowed, certain his entire body was on fire. He could feel his soul leaving his body. “What makes you think I want to?”
“Well, for starters,” Keith leaned a little closer, dropping his voice so only Lance could hear it. Suddenly this was the most intimate moment of Lance’s life and he forgot the rest of the party existed. He could still feel the bass of the music thumping in his chest with his heart and he just prayed that it would keep him alive if his heart failed. “You keep glancing at my lips.”
As if cued, Lance lowered his gaze to Keith’s lips again, cursing himself for being so blatant. For getting caught. “That might be true,” He breathed so quietly he wasn’t sure that Keith heard it. He wanted Keith to hear it, but he also didn’t.
“And what if I wanted to kiss you?” Keith prompted, his lips forming a full smirk now.
“I’d say you were drunk.”
“I’m not,” Keith assured a moment before gripping the collar of Lance’s shirt and pulling him down into a fierce kiss, slipping a hand around his waist and pulling their bodies flush together.
Lance was absolutely certain he had died and gone to heaven but he didn’t care. He threaded his fingers into Keith’s mullet, tugging gently on the strands and marveling at the shaky breath Keith let out against his lips in response. His other hand traveled up and down Keith’s back, feeling his muscles moving under his shirt as he held Lance firmly, nipping at his lip. Lance succumbed, leaning all of weight into Keith. Lance could still taste the fruity alcohol and somehow managed to love it even more than before.
Kissing Keith the first time, though accidental, had been great. But kissing him now, with him kissing back, fingers insistent upon his hips, was so much greater. Every nerve ending in Lance’s body was singing as Keith continued to kiss him insistently, like it was something he’d been wanting to do for ages. Lance tugged gently on his hair again and Keith let out a low groan in the back of his throat. Lance never wanted to ever pull away.
But he had to. Because he had to breathe. If he didn’t breathe, he’d die. And if he died, he wouldn’t be able to kiss Keith again.
“That was…” Lance wasn’t even sure how to finish that sentence. Wasn’t sure he wanted to finish that sentence. He didn’t want anything to end right now.
“Just so you know,” Keith’s lips were flushed from kissing, a pink that matched the blush on his cheeks. Lance reached up and ran his knuckles gently along his cheeks, watching as the color darkened below his fingers. “You’re literally welcome to do that any time.”
Keith laughed and the sound lit a new flame inside Lance’s soul, making him feel alive. “I knew you were oblivious but damn, I didn’t think you were this oblivious.”
“Hey!” Lance defended, stepping back and crossing his arms.
Keith didn’t let go of his hips as he moved, keeping them connected. “Lance, seriously? I went out of my way to trade lab partners so I could have you. I’ve been dropping hints for months.”
“You have?”
With a fond shake of the head, Keith leaned in and gave him another sweet kiss. “Yes. I have. And clearly you have not been picking up on them. But you did kiss me back, so I’m hoping…?”
“That I feel the same?” Lance completed for him, smiling and letting his arms drop to his sides. “I do.”
He let Keith pull him in to a hug then, trying not to shiver as he planted a kiss on the side of Lance’s neck. They stayed that way for a moment and as they did, the world seemed to expand around Lance again. He became aware of the weight of all the stares on him, but he didn’t care. Because this was the best thing that had ever happened to him.
“So, why don’t you take me back to the people who made this happen so I can thank them?” Keith teased with a smile. “At least someone was observant enough to make this happen.”
Lance shoved him but immediately reached for him, pulling him back to his side. “Fine. Shay, you should come, too. I know there’s someone over there who’d love to have you around.”
With a smile, Lance grabbed Keith’s hand, trying not to faint as Keith intertwined their fingers and led them over to the group, trying not to blush as everyone hooted, hollered and clapped as they approached.
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