#I need more horrory things in my life
ringthief · 2 years
horrifying things make stories more interesting. - I like dark, disturbing plots that make you feel uncomfortable...
but the characters are likable and it makes you want them to have their happy ending and escape whatever horrible thing is happening to them.
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mindbrokengirl · 23 days
btw for any fellow itchio visual novel fans these are the games ive been playing in my bored and horny afternoons while YOU all are not posting enough (-_-) varying quality and cheesiness but i like them. please send me yours i adore gamified sex and body stats and etc.
Ruin Me: highest rec for a longer story focused game. love the little horrory mysteries, and the conceit about being an academic who writes porny theory monographs on the side and is easily provoked into ranting about the legitimacy of studying sex is so real. does make you take the dom role in the main story which is a little awkward for me but its cute enough that i dont mind too much, side stories mostly have you being the sub. protagonist is body and gender customizable from the start.
2. The Fixer: forcefem city!!!! they updated it so u can be a forcefemmed boy or a forcefemmed girl, this rules but honestly doesnt play into the story much. i am not going to justify liking this one to u guys. sometimes things are just better when they lean into maledom and objectification. lowkey took my online porn girl name from the protagonist.
May I Take Your Order: please play this game. im cheating this isnt porn. its guro porn kind of i guess. its my favorite video game of all time and its only like 15 minutes please play it. these two have lived in my head for years and i love them very very much. the author does actually have a genderfuck porn game but its in development so only on the patreon but thats a later problem right now u need to play this one.
Succubus Stories: cute! girly! sweet music to dumb down to! kinda repetitive but who cares! gameplay is 80% sex scenes! no but rly i love games that make the sex itself the thing that u have to strategize and do skill checks about and unlock new moves its just like real life!! im going to be unstoppable once i level up Cock Lust a few more times!!!!
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karinamay · 26 days
Writing interview tag game
Thank you @cinnamontails-ff for the taaaag now I get to ramble about writing hell yes
When did you start writing?
I've been writing stories basically as long as I can remember, and I was a very avid journal keeper between ages like 7 and 21. First time I decided I was going to "write a book" I was 10, and me and my best friend at the time got permission to spend 2 hours or so every week at school to work on it because it was a "good creative persuit", whic was pretty cool. I have been writing fiction ever since, and I think I started writing fanfic around when I was 16 or so, so about 14 yearsish ago.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I write (urban) fantasy/romance pretty much exclusively, but I read all sorts. I do enjoy me some good dystopian, and some scifi here and there, and from time to time I 180 into reading less fantastical literary fiction that borders on nihilistic-satire-black comedy ish (I've read Bret Easton Ellis' entire bibliography, to give an idea). In the end most of what I read is in the fantasy with either romance or found family (or, ideally, both) realm though, I love escaping to magical worlds.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I try not to compare my work actively to other writers'. Of course there are writers I admire and look up to, but there isn't a writer that I want to "write like" really. I write very much like me. And with that, I don't think I've ever specifically been compared to another author? Not that I can remember anyway.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
My current writing setup is in my living room, which is not ideal, it's just because my wifi doesn't reach into my office well enough. I am in the process of moving my shit over there though, so I'm excited to turn that into a bit more of an inspiring space. The only nice thing that I currently have in my writing space is my recently spruced up "bookcase" (I'll put a picture under the cut.)
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Work for it. Nine out of ten times when I sit down to write I don't already have the spark or whatever that I need. (The tenth time is a great day, but it just doesn't happen very often, and it also doesn't actually necessarily mean your writing will be better that day.) When I have sat down on the days when it's not immediately there, and I start writing, it will usually come. It's kind of a stupid writing will come from writing loop that feeds itself, if that makes sense.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Healthy communication is a big one, whether that's between romantic partners or any other kind of relationships. I write a lot about power and corruption and I'm big on found family. None of this is surprising at all. What is surprising to me is that I've started leaning more into creepy/eerie/horrory realms over the past year or so, which isn't really a theme, but definitely a genre I never thought I would enjoy so much.
What is your reason for writing?
Because it's the closest we can get to magic in this world. I get to dream up worlds and people and watch them try and fail and succeed and evolve, give them life, give them reason, fear, doubt, love, everything. It's fucking brilliant, and even though I get stuck and it's frustrating, I will never be able to not do it, because I don't know how not to.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
"I felt like I was there" is something that will always get me, that motivates me to no end. And I love when people start theorising, trying to figure out what's going to happen next. I weirdly get drawn into the theories, even though I know what happens next. I love it.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Huh, I don't know. As someone who really cares deeply about the story I'm writing, I think. And hopefully as someone who captures the voices of the characters they love and who does them justice.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Dialogue. My stories are very dialogue driven, and I take a lot of pride in how the dialogue runs. And hand in hand with that dialogue, knowing when to throw in a bit of humour, especially in a dark story, without it feeling cheap.
How do you feel about your own writing?
Depends on the day, although I'm starting to get to a place where I'm generally pretty happy with it. There are many things I know I can improve on a lot still, but in the end, I do like what I'm writing, and I do think other people do/would like to read it.
It's a work in progress but the vibes are vibing imo.
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