#I need a tag for this rad rad dealer
beelspillowpet · 4 years
The Boys Reacting to MC Telling Someone Off!
You go, MC! You don’t take shit from anyone!!
The scenario is that some stranger is being racist/ homophobic/ sexist/ transphobic towards you, and you SNAP!
Note: In Belphie’s prompt you can still be Gender Neutral, but I had to imagine AMAB for it’s contents. Forgive me!
Lucifer was walking you home from RAD. You stayed a little late after the meeting to finish up a bit of homework. On the walk home, a car pulled and started driving at your walking pace, howling suggestive obscenities at you.
How rude. Didn’t these lowlifes know that it’s disrespectful to catcall? He grits his teeth angrily, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye. Poor you, you must be so uncomfortable.
Not. You stop in place, which causes them to slam on the breaks of their car. Before they can start asking for your number or to get in the car with you, you go off. You’re much more reserved with your voice, but your tone is frightening. Lucifer hearing you be so eloquent in describing what you’d do to them if they ever bothered you again was not something he expected he’d enjoy hearing. But here he is.
Pride? UP! It seems you got some backbone in you, threatening demons like that. He’s glad you are adjusting to life in the Devildom so well.
You and Mammon were enjoying your time at the casino. He usually goes alone but this time you managed to convince him to come with you.
The dealer at your table has been giving you both shifty eyes for a while now. Mammon’s luck is just getting worse and worse. He doesn’t seem to entirely notice it yet, blind through his frustrations, but you pick it apart quickly. The dealer is intentionally giving you both bad hands.
You nudge Mammon at the start of another round. His eyes follow yours to the dealer and suddenly he’s watching them like a hawk. After that round was lost, he’s about to pop a gasket.
Seeing Mammon angry wasn’t anything new, but the expression on his face made his anger contagious. He slammed the cards down on the table and went off before a word left Mammon’s mouth. he watched you with such passion, calling the dealer out. Needless to say, he’s glad you tagged along with him that night.
You both were at an Anime Convention. You decided to cosplay as one of Leviathan’s favorite characters from an anime you both picked up recently.
You both were enjoying your time there, taking photos, and shaking hands with other cosplayers and fans. You even got a few gifts as a thank you for some of the photos.
It was when one of the “fans” came up and asked for a photo that the problem started. They put their arm around you, and leaned in uncomfortably close. Levi watched from where he sat as the two of you began to take the photo. He heard a racial slur uttered from the fan and nearly lunged at them to attack.
What stopped him however was you, shoving them away and shouting about how disrespectful and unfunny that was. Levi watched with glee, his Henry being so brave in the face of bullies! Afterwards, he asked if you were alright, and treated you to a nice lunch away from all the noise.
You and Satan were both enjoying your time at a cat café. He seemed particularly invested in a kitten that curled up at his foot and was now purring. A grouchy older woman seemed irritated that a man was so emotionally invested in a kitten.
Satan was used to these comments. He learned by now to ignore them, and didn’t seem bothered by it at all. He was much more occupied petting the sweet kitten, who he almost wanted to take home with him had Lucifer not banned him from keeping pets.
You on the other hand, were not having it. You turned in your seat to the older woman and asked what her problem was. This caught Satan off guard, who figured up until now you were ignoring her too. Apparently not.
Things escalated and the woman, feeling threatened, decided to leave on her own accord. Pride wasn’t his sin, but to say he wasn’t proud of you for standing up for him nonetheless was very much appreciated. At least he knew he could count on you.
You and Asmo were at a huge party in town. There were some party-goers who were extremely drunk, and weren’t very fond of Asmo’s dress matching with yours. They commented specifically about how men shouldn’t be wearing dresses.
Asmo has dealt with people like this before, so he’s quick to ignore their comments. Arguing has only made these sorts of situations more stressful for him, and it’s not like he cares too much about what disgusting people think of him. He’s assured of his beauty by thousands, he doesn’t care what bad apples have to say!
You, on the other hand, do. And Asmo loves you for it. You immediately slam the breaks on whatever you were doing, turn to the two drunk party-goers, and yell at them that if they don’t like the way Asmo dresses, they should just leave. Asmo is loved by many humans, demons, and even angels, and no one loves people who treat others with no respect based on how they dress.
The argument goes on for just a bit longer before the drunkards are escorted out. Asmo has never been happier in his life. You didn’t need to, but you stood up for him. And even confirmed for him that yes- the world loves him for who he is and what he does. He’s sure to go all out (as if he was ever holding back) on the dresses, skirts, and bows now more than ever, thanks to you!
You and Beelzebub were are Ristorante Six, enjoying a meal together. It had been a long day after Beel’s game and he was starving. More than usual. He casually ordered at least five of everything on the menu.
It’s not like you were just barely eating yourself. You had gone through a few plates as well, unashamed of how much food you were able to put away. it was nothing compared to Beel, but he liked that you weren’t afraid to go all out on food as well!
HOWEVER, one disgruntled couple a few tables down did not seem fond of that. You heard a few comments here and there about your “piggish” behavior. Beel seemed to notice and was quite irritated about what he was hearing. He even stopped eating at certain points to be sure he was hearing right.
He was about to throw something at them in a fit of rage before you stopped him. You spun around in your chair and shot the couple a menacing glare. When you spoke, you were firm and terrifying, telling them to mind their own business and move away if they can’t handle you enjoying yourself with your favorite demon. Beel never seemed so happy to hear you standing up so firmly for yourself.
You and Belphie were waiting at the bus stop. You both wanted to get home as soon as possible to get some well needed rest after a long day at RAD. Absentmindedly, you sat in Belphie’s lap and he wrapped his arms around you. You couldn’t help but notice the disgruntled person who was also waiting at the bus stop with you.
Belphie wasn’t having that shit. Instantly was ready to pop off the second he realized that person had a problem with you in his lap. He snarled, showing his clear frustrations.
You stopped him calmly, by patting the top of his head and shushing him. He gave a mild complaint, but you continued to silence him, telling him that it was alright. You’ll handle this. He wasn’t sure what you meant until you stood up, and grabbed the person,
You were telling them that if they’ve got a problem with you and Belphie, then at least be brave enough to be more vocal about how much of an idiot they are. Your relentless tirade went on until the bus arrived, and by then the person was afraid of getting on the bus with you. Belphie was glad he had you to call his.
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Below the cut are various plots I would like to do. If anyone is interested in taking on one of them, please shoot me a message. I hope that you all find something that piques your interest, and that everyone will want to join me in plotting. I’ll mark out plots as they get taken, so people are up to date. In the meantime you can check out my what I do page and possibly send me some requests and ask while you’re at it. Thank you for looking!
Book Inspired Plots:
Harry Potter Series by JK Rowling: I am up for some many different kinds of Harry Potter plots. I love these characters and this world immensely. I am totally open to both canons and original characters.
It by Stephen King: So I adore the movie and the book a lot, and I need a Ben and Bev 1x1 in my life. Can someone make this happen? Please? (Please let me use Jessica Chastain as older Bev.)
Macbeth by William Shakespeare: I just want a Macbeth and Lady Macbeth inspired ship because I am terrible.
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro: Let’s cry over clones and lost loves and maybe make a mumu or a small group together.
The Secret History by Donna Tartt: Please. I love this book. Obviously. I would love a small group that’s a murder clique. Could be canon or totally original characters.
Stephen King Inspired Plots: Just anything Stephen King inspired would do with me tbh. 
The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger: This book is angst personified and I just love it.
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte: I am gothic romantic trash and this book has been a favorite since I was 14. Come be trash for this book with me please.
Comic Book Inspired Plots:
Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson 1x1: I have played Mary Jane before and I miss her. I would love to have a Peter to play opposite her again. So far I have Madelaine Petsch and Jessica Chastain planned for college-aged and older MJ.
Kate Bishop/Tommy Shepherd 1x1: I just love them. Kate is my baby. Tommy is precious. Let’s make it happen.
Movie Inspired Plots:
10 Cloverfield Lane: I love this movie and would adore something based on it. I think it would work well for a mumu/small group.
Ginger Snaps: Werewolves, sisters, drug dealers, and angst. Sign me up for this. We could even make this a mumu/small group. I’m game for either.
Basically anything from this list I wrote.
Musical Inspired Plots:
Little Shop of Horrors: Come be my Seymour and make me swoon. Audrey and Seymour were my first musical OTP. Anything based on them would be adorable.
Spring Awakening: A modern SA AU? Please. Ilse is my child. This would make one rad small group. People still say rad, right?
Song Inspired:
“From Eden” by Hozier: There is so much potential here, and I need it.
“Carin at the Liquor Store” by The National: This song owns me these days.
Television Show Inspired Plots:
Twin Peaks: Mumu or small group inspired by Twin Peaks and it’s characters? I think that would be one damn fine idea. 
Stranger Things: Give me high school Joyce and Hopper and 1983 Joyce and Hopper too. Please and thanks. 
The X-Files: Someone be the Mulder to my Scully or the Scully to my Mulder or someone who wants to go hunt aliens and all that jazz.
My plot ideas tag can be found here if none of these are interesting you. Thank you for looking!
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vriess · 5 years
In early April, there was the first “Mega Sale” of the season at the local fairgrounds. I usually go a few times a year, typically ending up at the booth with old trading cards and spending far too much on things like packs of Dinosaurs Attack! that I plan to write about but keep putting off.
This time I am only about a month late and finally getting to tell you all about the majestic wonders of a medium-sized town’s “Mega Sale”
Here we go!
This is new…and frightening. On the outside of the building is this sign, featuring Rummage Vintage/Collectibles and….Direct Sale Companies. For those who don’t know, Direct Sale Companies are a fancy way of legitimizing Multi Level Marketing (MLMs) programs, also frequently known as Pyramid Schemes. You have heard of Amway, Avon and similar, but there are many many more out there and they all have the same method. Get you to buy in to more than just the products but get you to sell the products yourselves, as the person who recruited you gets more money the more you sell, and then you get to recruit people so you get more money, etc.
MLMs have been prevalent in the past at these but this was a new level.
They were everywhere. These are just the tables that didn’t mind me taking a picture of their tables. The others were very adamant that no photos were taken because they are used to spread “propaganda” or “smear their company’s names”. I get some people enjoy these products, and that is fine, but this is insanity.  3/4 of the tables were MLMs, every one of them promising free stuff if you do a free in-home demo/party/makeover/tasting with your best friends. This made hunting for rad treasures a bit harder.
In fact as I looked at my wider shot photos of the building, they are almost indistinguishable from the photos posted above.
I found a really neat pen table full of fountain pens and old inkwells. Plus these awesome Garfield Pens! I didn’t grab any but my wife did, she got some shark fountain pens because sharks are awesome.
I found this incredible WWF PowerPenz Cyclone Pen that  has discs you can use to battle with other pen havers? But it called me a Bozo, so I had to have it. for $3, who would be able to resist? Other pens in the WWF line include such legends as Kane, HHH and Val Venis. Yep. The Big Valbowski can battle the Undertaker when you are in study hall!
One thing I love but never understand about these sales are the junk dealers. Tons of rusted tools from a time long gone and random bits and pieces that are covered in dust older than I am. I am sure there are people that buy this stuff but every time this vendor is at the sale, nothing ever seems to change. How could this be worth lugging around, paying for the space and then packing up at the end of the day? Remember this is a one-day affair here, so these tables and bins have to be packed up after the seven hour show. At least I know if I need a funnel or a hoe I know where to go.
The usual vendor where I get my retro trading cards wasn’t there, much to my chagrin. We were making our last once-overs and I noticed the side room was open…and like a personal heaven, this is what I saw:
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This vendor occasionally shows up with a corner setup, but this time he got the side room all to himself and his action figures and retro toys.
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Classic comics, book and record sets, LEGO toys and so much more. This was an incredible spread.
I never was really into GI Joe but I always loved the breadth of the playsets and vehicle lines. The Star Wars figures and WWE figures were neat but they weren’t my target. I always am looking for the usual. ALF, Ghostbusters (Real or Filmation only), Gremlins, POGs and My Pet Monster stuff.  Well those and anything funeral or hearse related for my son. He’s a weird kiddo.
Those WCW Nitro TCG cards were calling my name but I don’t really need more TCG cards cluttering up the house. I needed other clutter and finally came across a few clutter-worthy gems.
Wolfman from the Monsters line and two fright feature Ghostbusters (egon with the requisite broken tie) but with accessories! Winston came with his appropriate ghost, but egon for some reason came with the Ecto-1 ghost. Either way, a great deal for $8 total for all 3.
The same vendor also had a really neat Real Ghostbusters retractable vinyl sun shade that had to come home with me.
These were HUGE in the 80’s along with foldable sun visors for your windshield. You could get them for pretty much any popular property out there including ALF and the Simpsons. This was only $6 and I was very happy to have it, even though it didn’t come with suction cups to put in my car immediately. Apparently they are pretty easily found on eBay for very fair prices, but the thrill of discovery is what made this one worth it.
We went to leave the show and my wife’s eye was caught by some necklaces with neat clasps on a table, and I was taking a few more shots for this article, when I saw a Ghostbusters something in my phone’s camera that I would have completely missed otherwise…
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Why yes, that is a $5 price tag on that Stay Puft toy. Even in the neglected condition, it was more than a steal! A bit of cleaning and it will look good as new!
This was a surprisingly successful event for me, and my wife even found a set of red depression glass cups for $6.
Hopefully there are less MLMs at the next sale, and more random 20+ year old packs of cards to open!
Thanks for joining me on this adventure through the MEGA SALE!!
  {Blog Post} Mega Rummage Madness In early April, there was the first "Mega Sale" of the season at the local fairgrounds. I usually go a few times a year, typically ending up at the booth with old trading cards and spending far too much on things like packs of Dinosaurs Attack!
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bittenpath-blog · 5 years
48cm:Rick Vosper: E-Bike Market Reality, part two: Inside the 'Invisible' EBD
In part one of this series, we discussed a core reality facing the IBD channel in the e-bike market. Although its share of market is growing, IBD brands still only represent a 25-30 percent of e-bike unit sales in the USA, depending on whose numbers you use. The ones shown here are from the BPSA’s sell-in data and the consulting group eCycleElectric (ECE), respectively. 
The other 70-75 percent of the market represents some 120-150 active e-bike brands, according to ECE managing director Ed Benjamin. Market share is further broken down into consumer-direct brands (including e-bikes from car companies and bikeshare providers) and an emergent independent sector, which I’ve labeled the EBD (as opposed to the e-bike sector of the traditional IBD, or EIBD).
It’s the EBD niche I want to unpack in this installment, both because it provides the most direct competition for traditional IBD brands and dealers, and because it offers the greatest opportunities for synergy as well. But part of the challenge is that no one, not even e-bike industry insiders I talked to, have any idea how many of these EBD businesses there are. There’s a lot of volatility in the space, they agree, with EBDs continuously popping in and out of existence like quantum particles, and about as predictably. 
So, who's number one?
At the BPSA/PeopleForBikes E-Bike summit in February, a data capture report from The NPD Group showed the leading EIBD brands as Trek, Specialized, Electra, Raleigh and Giant, in that order. This is a major shift from 2015, when the leaders were Stromer, Raleigh, Specialized, Haibike and Trek. Clearly the balance of power is still very much in flux. 
On the EBD/Direct side of the business, Benjamin is reluctant to discuss details, although he agrees major players include Pedego and Rad Power. Overall, he says, the EIBD and EBD markets are about equal in size, while the consumer-direct segment controls about half of all units, but significantly less in terms of dollars. Traditional mass market stores like Walmart aren’t even on the radar screen, he says, and few of the large sporting brands. And that spells opportunity for brick-and-mortar retailers of all persuasions.
There’s a little fudge factor in these numbers, since some primarily direct brands are also sold by EBD and even EIBD retailers. But the bottom line is: the traditional designations of independent, sporting and mass channels are breaking down, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the booming e-bike market.
Of the main non-IBD brands Benjamin tags as industry leaders, Rad Power is entirely consumer-direct, aside from the sales floor at its Seattle headquarters building. And then there’s Pedego, which has a sales model all its own. Two of them, actually.
“One of the things that's made us so successful is we don't have the bicycle industry mentality. I come from the auto industry, and we brought that model to the e-bike business. It's not necessarily better, it's just different, but it works for us,” said Pedego founder and CEO Don DiCostanzo.
It’s obvious DiCostanzo has given this speech a time or two before, but it hasn’t damped his enthusiasm. As he says, the Pedego retailer model is based on the automobile dealership: an independent retailer 100 percent devoted to the Pedego brand. In exchange for that exclusivity, he explains, Pedego retailers have a protected-by-contract exclusive sales area and enjoy sales and marketing support beyond what IBD brands traditionally provide. 
The traditional designations of independent, sporting and mass channels are breaking down, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the booming e-bike market.
Business is good, DiCostanzo claims, and getting better. “We currently have 108 Pedego retailers in the U.S. and Canada, including five or six opened since the first of the year. (That includes) two regular IBD retailers who’ve opened separate Pedego locations, and eight locations we own outright. We anticipate growing (the total) to about 150 in 2019.”
There’s another piece of the Pedego puzzle starting to fall into place, too. A hybrid retail model, a dedicated Pedego store-within-a-store concept, targeted at traditional IBDs who are willing to make Pedego their exclusive e-bike line. "We have applications from 15 retailers, currently signed three, working for a total of 10 in 2019 as proof of concept,” DiCostanzo says. “After that, we’ll see how it goes.” 
“We did $50 million out of 108 stores last year with zero store failures,” he concludes, “and that makes us bigger (in e-bike sales) than Trek. Maybe not Trek and Electra together, but certainly bigger than Trek.”
“One of the things that's made us so successful is we don't have the bicycle industry mentality." — Don DiCostanzo.
Since Trek doesn’t publish sales numbers, there’s no way to determine the accuracy of this statement. But $50 million in e-bike sales from a single brand is nothing to sneeze at, either. As a bench mark, recall that we mentioned in Part One that the NPD Group estimates retail e-bike sales, through all the channels it measures, at $143 million for 2018.
Once again, we need to be clear about what’s being measured. NPD’s $143 million estimate includes retail dollar sell-through from participating retailers, sporting channels including Dick’s and REI, selected consumer-direct companies, and Amazon Direct (although not third-party retailers on Amazon). More to the point, it specifically does not measure sales in the EBD channel, including Pedego’s. Here’s the complete explanation from the BPSA/People For Bikes E-Bike Summit last month (note that although it’s labeled confidential, the slide is also labeled for “External Public Use”).
When cycling cultures — and products and brands and channels — collide.
I’ll unpack all this in more detail in the final part of this series, which is scheduled to go live Monday, April 11. But for the time being, I’d like to focus on a single question: Will the e-bike ultimately become an integrated part of the traditional bike business (as mountain bikes have done), or is it sufficiently different that it will become its own semi-independent channel (as with BMX or triathlon)?
Let’s start with DiCostanzo:
“People who buy Trek bikes do it because they're Trek customers and their family all rides Trek. But among potential e-bike customers coming into our stores, they don't even recognize the name. And if they do, they don't associate it with e-bikes. (…) At the end of the day, bikes are all commodities, and the differentiator is how the experience is delivered to the customer and the support the brand gets from the home office.”
On the other hand, this is a man who’s launching a project to seed his product into traditional bike shops, so it sounds like Pedego’s founder is in the semi-independent camp.
I also spoke with Noel Kegel, president of the Wheel & Sprocket group of stores in Wisconsin and Illinois. W & S has 10 locations, including what its website describes as an “E-Bike Superstore." Kegel is a thoughtful guy, and he articulates his experience clearly.
"The e-bike superstore was an experiment,” he says. “We separated it with a separate entrance, separate sign, separate manager, and separate marketing, sort of making it a different store. Though it was in the adjoining space in the strip mall to our regular store, and had a pass-through to it, the experiment was to see if there was a different customer and a different experience that we could tap into.
“In five years, 10 years, they'll come in saying 'I'm looking for a bike' and they'll mean an e-bike."— Noel Kegel.
“After one season experimenting, we’ve concluded to discontinue the stand-alone e-bike store. What we learned talking to customers and in focus groups was that the Wheel & Sprocket brand was primary to the e-bike portion. Most of the people coming into the e-bike store said they were coming in looking exclusively for an e-bike. But when we measured the stand-alone's sales against our Appleton store, a high-performing traditional location with a significant e-bike inventory, the mixed environment performed every bit as well.
“In five years, 10 years, they'll come in saying 'I'm looking for a bike' and they'll mean an e-bike. The hard line between e-bikes and traditional bikes is blurring quickly — this will no longer be a niche. I suspect that might be challenging for the e-bike only shops of the world, where customers can only get that product and not all the other parts, accessories and service that go with it. Or maybe the family comes in and the mom is interested in an e-bike and the dad wants a road bike and the kids want something else.”
So Kegel seems firmly in the “one happy family” contingent. But perhaps by virtue of its size, his Wheel & Sprocket stores enjoy an advantage the enormous majority of traditional bike shops don’t: they can be very selective which brands are represented on the floor. Currently, Kegel explains, his stores carry e-bikes from Trek, Riese & Müller, Felt, Tern, iZip and Yuba. 
Finally, I put the same question to NBDA president Brandee Lepak. Here’s her take:
“As an association, we need to take a pause and think about what really helps our IBDs sell as many bikes as possible. And of course the same goes for EBDs too. We'd love to have EBD stores join the NBDA because we all learn from one another when we share best practices. I've seen an incredible opportunity for us in our own retail business (with e-bikes) and I'd like other retailers to have that opportunity, too."
Three industry leaders, three different views of where all this is heading for the traditional IBD channel. 
But the upshot is not just that the e-bike is here to stay and represents a large and fast-growing opportunity. It’s not even about IEBD vs EBD vs mass or direct. The big picture here is that the e-bike has the power to disrupt the traditional bicycle business at every level and across all markets, just as surely as the mountain bike did in the ‘80s and the drop-bar 10-speed did 20 years before that.
And that’s what we’re going to talk about in part three.
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fxgacious-blog · 8 years
really  LONG  CHARACTER  SURVEY.   RULES.  repost ,   don’t  reblog  !    tag  10  ! good  luck  !   TAGGED.  @vrepit-sa   TAGGING. @viridisleonis, @techspecialistofvoltron, @lothcir (won’t let me tag you but whatever, idgaf), and anyone else who wants to
FULL  NAME :   tixxis zharor NICKNAME :   tix AGE :  two hundred and sixty three BIRTHDAY :   never celebrated it and does not remember, was never raised to consider birthdays significant ETHNIC  GROUP :  kariian (go look at @vrepit-sa‘s kariio posts, they’re rad af and the source of this headcanon) NATIONALITY :   empire-galran, subrace-kariian LANGUAGE / S : primarily central galran & kariian, but has a familiar and more than working knowledge of many alien languages on a first-hand basis (without need for a translator and does not have one) for the sake of more accurate cryptography and encryption SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :  pansexual ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION :  grey aromantic RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :   single and wholly uninterested HOME  TOWN / AREA :  – CURRENT  HOME :   qewreka high-security apartments, aoria t-42 PROFESSION :  arms dealer
FUR: varying between violet and lavender, kit markings still noticeably prevalent (varied in color; mauve, plum, lilac, byzantium) EYES :   canary yellow FACE :  high cheekbones, facial symmetry, generally narrow, strong jaw LIPS :   full, cracked, and scarred in two places from being deeply split COMPLEXION :  heavily freckled under fur BLEMISHES :  n/a SCARS :  extensive scarring on right cheek in the form of claw marks, earned from continuous insubordination; deep and uneven keloid scarring along her throat, inflicted by another fighter in the arena as a result of lack of focus; many scars from various lacerations earned in the arena, training, and missions; several small facial scars as well as a crooked nose as a result of a break that did not heal properly TATTOOS :  n/a. HEIGHT :   6′0″ WEIGHT :   142lbs (has considerable muscle for her size, but is technically underweight and relatively small) BUILD :   athletic, lithe, lean FEATURES :   noticeably smaller than average, large ears ALLERGIES :   n/a. USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :  just a mess of poorly managed mane hair, kept relatively short as a result of scarring on left side preventing proper hair/fur growth USUAL  FACE  LOOK :   pissed keeps fur around face properly trimmed for the sake of personal comfort – letting it grow without care generally leaves it long enough to get in her way and make her uncomfortable USUAL  CLOTHING :   when out of her normal attire (pre-aoria, armor – aoria verse, bodysuit and eighty layers of jackets), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 are examples
FEARS :   being touched, small spaces, insignificance, irrelevance, being forgotten ASPIRATIONS :   to give herself a purpose, to be remembered (whether it be fondly or with anger), to better herself, to earn her own pride POSITIVE  TRAITS :   ambitious, innovative, confident, adaptable, methodical, analytical, cerebral, intelligent, imaginative, self-assured, exploratory, thorough, resilient, adventurous, athletic, brave, careful, charming, determined NEGATIVE  TRAITS :   aggressive, bossy, cynical, envious, greedy, impatient, manipulative, cruel, impulsive, insecure, possessive, sarcastic, selfish, unstable, lustful, vengeful, deceitful, suspicious, vindictive, callous, obstinate, fickle, hateful, egotistical, corrupt MBTI :   istj -- the examiner ZODIAC :   unknown TEMPERAMENT :   choleric SOUL  TYPES :    warrior, strategist, engineer ANIMALS :   snake VICE  HABITS :    drinking, lip biting, growling, foot tapping, cracking knuckles, jaw clenching, eye-rolling, head tilting, humming, promiscuity FAITH :  n/a GHOSTS ? :   n/a AFTERLIFE ? :   n/a REINCARNATION ? :   n/a ALIENS ? :   definitely not POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT :  aligns with jack shit, does not care EDUCATION  LEVEL :    extensive
FATHER :    kolir zharor (deceased) MOTHER :    aravra zharor (unknown) SIBLINGS :   n/a EXTENDED  FAMILY :   n/a NAME  MEANING / S :    n/a HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? :   n/a
BOOK :  tixxis has read every book she has ever found, no exaggeration. as such, it’s hard to narrow down favorites; they generally include topics like psychology, sociology, tactical analysis, engineering, mathematics, history (mostly military), cryptography studies, criminal case studies (preferably unsolved), foreign languages, and technical/mechanical diagrams. while it’s seemingly unlike her, however, she also has a fondness for poetry -- especially in foreign languages, as she finds the cultural differences interesting. MOVIE :   n/a 5  SONGS :  n/a DEITY :   n/a HOLIDAY :   isn’t particularly interested in galra holidays, but likes researching the significance of foreign holidays MONTH :   n/a SEASON :   n/a PLACE :    her drawer-bed and ‘balcony’ (if you could call it that) on aoria t-42 WEATHER :    cold, not humid, still, quiet, calm SOUND :   welding torches, footsteps in snow, liquor poured over ice, clatter of coins and jewelry, beeping (in the ‘nothing is wrong and this is the noise my tech is supposed to make’ way, not the ‘help me everything is going wrong and these are your last warnings’ way) SCENTS :    hard liquor, blood TASTES :    see above FEELINGS :   silk, smooth metal, precious stones ANIMALS :    tixxis pretty much enjoys any animal, generally from a scientific and analytical perspective, but likes fish both for taste and hunting and appreciates the challenge of hunting larger prey (and the company of animals with similar temperaments to her own) NUMBER :  n/a. COLORS :   purple, black, red, navy blue, gold, silver
TALENTS :  mechanics, engineering, cryptography, programming, scientific research and development, invention, long-range combat/sniping, infiltration, manipulation, tactical analysis, martial arts BAD  AT :  close combat, subordination/accepting authority, physically overpowering another with strength alone, handling anger TURN  ONS :   domination, submission (occ.) begging, biting, bloodplay, electrostim, humiliation, exhibitionism, choking, dirty talk, gagging, forced nudity, hair pulling, iceplay, bondage, titles (master, sir, etc.), knifeplay, marking, praise (receiving), scratching, spanking, teasing, stripping/putting on a show, whipping, blindfolds, collars, degradation, rape play, slapping, servitude, leather, lingerie, lace, orders, orgasm/pleasure control, punishment/reward, competition, fireplay, beating, objectification, someone stop her TURN  OFFS :   weakness, inexperience (although taking innocence is fun for her -- she just gets bored of it quickly), lack of confidence HOBBIES :    sparring, programming, engineering, crpytography and creating her own codes, learning languages, binge drinking, weapons development, sex, target practice, hunting TROPES :   arms dealer (former reds with rockets for sale/gangland gun runner), bad samaritan, the baroness, beta test baddie, black cloak, the chessmaster, chronic backstabbing disorder, combat sadomasochist, complete monster, the corrupter, even evil has standards, the gadfly, asshole victim, hope crusher, magnificent bastard, manipulative bastard, smug snake, you have outlived your usefulness QUOTES :     “ you know how wives, no matter how cleverly their unfaithful husbands lie, almost always see through them? why do you think that is? it’s because they make excuses, that’s why. humans are creatures that are extremely sensitive to artificiality. so if a husband who never talks about work suddenly starts complaining about staying late... that unnatural-ness makes the wife think there’s something more to it, and so on. it’s the out of place words uttered to hide the truth that actually expose the lies even more. so do you know how one can make someone think the truth is a lie? by boldly, unreservedly offering up the truth.  ” ---  “ sometimes, if he possessed the right information, he neither had to do the job himself nor pay to have it done. a lot of people lived with secrets that could destroy them, and if you knew their secrets, you could manipulate them to do things for you that reduced them to the condition of puppets. ” ---  “ please, don’t torture me with cliches. if you’re going to try to intimidate me, have the courtesy to go away for a while, acquire a better education, improve your vocabulary, and come back with some fresh metaphors. ” ---  “ most people tend to think the best of those who are blessed with beauty; we have difficulty imagining that physical perfection can conceal twisted emotions or a damaged mind. ” --  “ stop what? cheering you up? or is life supposed to stop because you did something horrible? i’ll tell you the real, horrible truth. no matter what you do or how bad you feel about it, life just goes on. life doesn’t give a fuck that you’re sorry or upset or deranged or tormented. life just goes on, and you gotta go with it, or sit in the middle of the road and feel sorry for yourself -- and i don’t see you doing that. ” --  “ when it comes down to it, i let them think what they want. if they care enough to bother with what i do, then i’m already better than them. ” ---  “ if loving someone is putting them in a strait jacket and kicking them down a flight of stairs, then yes, i have loved a few people. ” ---  “ if you have nothing, then you have everything, because you have the freedom to do anything without the fear of losing something. ”
Q1 :   if  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own  movie,   what  would  it  be  called,  what  style  would  it  be  filmed  in,  and  what  would  it  be  about ?           A1 :   it would be space alien catch me if you can.  Q2 :   what  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ?           A2 :   anger and unrepressed sexual tension. Q3 :   why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ?           A3 :   because i can’t watch something with aliens without making an alien.   Q4 :   what  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ?           A4 :   alien, asshole alien, pretty and strong asshole alien. nah, but developing her with the freedom to use the vastness of the vld universe was pretty much what attracted me the most.  Q5 :   describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse.           A5 :   i would fucking hate tixxis in person. Q6 :   what  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ?           A6 :   lack of morals, sarcasm, we’re both fucking tired Q7 :   how  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ?           A7 :    she’d probably both relate to me and want to kick my nose into my skull Q8 :   what  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ?         A8 :    sendak and pidge are my faves so far. Q9 :   what  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ?         A9 :    music, quotes (as you can see from the eighty seen above), my own emotions, (re) watching vld, etc. Q10 :   how  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ?           A10 :    toof cuking long
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Below the cut are various plots I would like to do. If anyone is interested in taking on one of them, please shoot me a message. I hope that you all find something that piques your interest, and that everyone will want to join me in plotting. I’ll mark out plots as they get taken, so people are up to date. In the meantime you can check out my what I do page and possibly send me some requests and ask while you’re at it. Thank you for looking!
Book Inspired Plots:
Harry Potter Series by JK Rowling: I am up for some many different kinds of Harry Potter plots. I love these characters and this world immensely. I am totally open to both canons and original characters.
Macbeth by William Shakespeare: I just want a Macbeth and Lady Macbeth inspired ship because I am terrible.
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro: Let’s cry over clones and lost loves and maybe make a mumu or a small group together.
The Secret History by Donna Tartt: Please. I love this book. Obviously. I would love a small group that’s a murder clique. Could be canon or totally original characters.
The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger: This book is angst personified and I just love it.
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte: I am gothic romantic trash and this book has been a favorite since I was 14. Come be trash for this book with me please.
Comic Book Inspired Plots:
Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson 1x1: I have played Mary Jane before and I miss her. I would love to have a Peter to play opposite her again. So far I have Madelaine Petsch and Jessica Chastain planned for college-aged and older MJ.
Kate Bishop/Tommy Shepherd 1x1: I just love them. Kate is my baby. Tommy is precious. Let’s make it happen.
Movie Inspired Plots:
10 Cloverfield Lane: I love this movie and would adore something based on it. I think it would work well for a mumu/small group.
Ginger Snaps: Werewolves, sisters, drug dealers, and angst. Sign me up for this. We could even make this a mumu/small group. I’m game for either.
Basically anything from this list I wrote.
Musical Inspired Plots:
Little Shop of Horrors: Come be my Seymour and make me swoon. Audrey and Seymour were my first musical OTP. Anything based on them would be adorable.
Spring Awakening: A modern SA AU? Please. Ilse is my child. This would make one rad small group. People still say rad, right?
Song Inspired:
“From Eden” by Hozier: There is so much potential here, and I need it.
“Carin at the Liquor Store” by The National: This song owns me these days.
Television Show Inspired Plots:
Twin Peaks: Mumu or small group inspired by Twin Peaks and it’s characters? I think that would be one damn fine idea. (Currently working on a Twin Peaks inspired group.)
The X-Files: Someone be the Mulder to my Scully or the Scully to my Mulder or someone who wants to go hunt aliens and all that jazz.
My plot ideas tag can be found here if none of these are interesting you. Thank you for looking!
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Below the cut are various plots I would like to do. If anyone is interested in taking on one of them, please shoot me a message. I hope that you all find something that piques your interest, and that everyone will want to join me in plotting. I’ll mark out plots as they get taken, so people are up to date. In the meantime you can check out my what I do page and possibly send me some requests and ask while you’re at it. Thank you for looking!
Book Inspired Plots:
Harry Potter Series by JK Rowling: I am up for some many different kinds of Harry Potter plots. I love these characters and this world immensely. I am totally open to both canons and original characters.
Macbeth by William Shakespeare: I just want a Macbeth and Lady Macbeth inspired ship because I am terrible. 
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro: Let’s cry over clones and lost loves and maybe make a mumu or a small group together. 
The Secret History by Donna Tartt: Please. I love this book. Obviously. I would love a small group that’s a murder clique. Could be canon or totally original characters.
The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger: This book is angst personified and I just love it. 
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte: I am gothic romantic trash and this book has been a favorite since I was 14. Come be trash for this book with me please. 
Comic Book Inspired Plots:
Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson 1x1: I have played Mary Jane before and I miss her. I would love to have a Peter to play opposite her again. So far I have Madelaine Petsch and Jessica Chastain planned for college-aged and older MJ. 
Kate Bishop/Tommy Shepherd 1x1: I just love them. Kate is my baby. Tommy is precious. Let’s make it happen.
Movie Inspired Plots:
10 Cloverfield Lane: I love this movie and would adore something based on it. I think it would work well for a mumu/small group. 
Ginger Snaps: Werewolves, sisters, drug dealers, and angst. Sign me up for this. We could even make this a mumu/small group. I’m game for either.
Basically anything from this list I wrote. 
Musical Inspired Plots:
Little Shop of Horrors: Come be my Seymour and make me swoon. Audrey and Seymour were my first musical OTP. Anything based on them would be adorable.
Spring Awakening: A modern SA AU? Please. Ilse is my child. This would make one rad small group. People still say rad, right?
Song Inspired: 
“From Eden” by Hozier: There is so much potential here, and I need it.
Television Show Inspired Plots: 
Twin Peaks: Mumu or small group inspired by Twin Peaks and it’s characters? I think that would be one damn fine idea. 
The X-Files: Someone be the Mulder to my Scully or the Scully to my Mulder or someone who wants to go hunt aliens and all that jazz.
My plot ideas tag can be found here if none of these are interesting you. Thank you for looking!
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