#I need a proper name for this wip its on the third rewrite now
Find the word
Thanks to @elbritch-kit for the tag. Go follow them, seriously.
The words I have are 'hug', 'warm', 'hands', and 'stars/moon'.
I only have one WIP with a decent ish number of words in it, so these are all from the unnamed story about the mountain and the interloper.
Sobena flooded back into Irena’s consciousness, fragile but all the same, welcome. Her presence behaved oddly like liquid glass, slowing Irena’s racing thoughts and sticking them together so that she could examine them, and filling the cracks and dark places so that the things that lurked there couldn’t bother her but could still be seen.
I’m so glad you’re back. Irena wasn’t sure how to hug a voice in her head, but she’d decided to take Sobena’s presence as a sign that everything was going to be fine now. She had a plan, and Sobena seemed to approve, so now they just needed to act on it.
I’m sorry I had to leave you. There was a wall we could not go over, under or around, despite all our efforts. We saw what happened only after you called upon us, but could do nothing to prevent it.
That was chilling. But you don’t know why?
Another thought occurred to her. Explorers out in the wilds of Syberia got so cold they thought themselves to be warm and took their clothes off. A strange delirium would kick in; they would even see fires and hear people calling their name as the frostbite sucked the life from their flesh. It wouldn’t happen to her though. She was far too sensible for that.
She was trying with numb hands to unbutton the sheepskin overcoat when she heard a voice.
“Do I need more, healer? It doesn’t taste so bad.”
Wojbor seemed to have noticed Jaromira’s stethoscope, and was reaching for it with pudgy little hands as Jaromira drew up more of the solution into her dropper. Instead of smacking his son’s hands away Stanek lifted Wojbor into the air with one hand on his chest and held him there. “Look at you! You’re a little bird! Can you fly?” as Wojbor cackled and waved his arms, Stanek continued. “You can’t reach it from up here, can you?”
“Mouth open, Stanek. Might want to put Wojbor down since I’m giving you your second drop now.” Jaromira was looking fondly at the pair of them, though Irena thought she detected a little exasperation as well. Performing a medical treatment with a baby in Stanek’s arms wasn’t entirely wise.
“Stanek, take Miss Magda up to her room.” Jagna disentangled a key from her belt with her free hand and tossed it to him. “Please, feel free to lock the door.” As Magdalena let herself be led none too gently away, Irena blew out a heavy breath, letting the rage drain out of her. “What are we going to do with you?” Jagna asked, guiding Irena outside more or less by force. “It’s one thing to smash my mugs on a normal night, but when Konstantin is home and playing for the first time in seven years? Have a little restraint.”
Irena’s breath lingered in the night air, frozen and still. The stars and near-full moon leant them just enough light to see by. Irena wrapped her arms around herself, and gritted her teeth. They wouldn’t be out long. “Magdalena… she said that Konstantin is corrupt, and that Tomira is wicked and uncivilised, and then she started talking about Jaromira and I— I don’t know why but I lost my temper.”
Jagna’s eyebrows moved by a fraction. “She wouldn’t be the first to say that about Tomira and her family. Some people are vile. She nearly started a brawl with Pribik a few nights ago too. Insulted the Mountain and a few of the others, told him he should look elsewhere for comfort, and said a few things about his wife on top of that. I thought he would lay her out. I’ve never seen him angry before. Stopped him stuttering for a while though.”
I can't remember who I'm mutuals with and rather than play with my anxiety I'll leave this open to anyone else who wants to try. If you feel like having a go the words are rain, yellow, frown and escape.
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charmtion · 4 years
Tagged by: the lovely @esther-dot 🌻
Tagging: @sonderlust45 @sansaravenclaw @chocolateghost @woodswit + anyone who fancies a go!
Ao3 name: Charmtion.
Fandoms: ASOIAF/GoT + a dabble into the Punisher universe over on my pseud! 🐺💀
Number of fics: 55.
1. Fic you spent the most time on: Extra Credit. Posted it all within the space of about a month, but this fic (and the entire Querencia universe) took up my days, man! I was thinking it up constantly. For a long time. Tweaking it. My first proper modern au. Will always feel very special to me because of that. Plus! Professor Snow?? Need I say more?!
2. Fic you spent the least time on: Wolfsong. My third ever Jonsa fic  — and the first I’d written with a smutty smoky edge. Just a short little one-shot under a 1,000 words. Flowed right from my fingertips.
3. Longest fic: Flowers of Autumn [103,010 words]. Long before Jonsa took hold of me, I was (and still am) a Ned Stark fangirl through and through. This fic was the second in an au series where Ned isn’t quite honour incarnate — and therefore not as prone to fits of mercy-madness that saw him killed in-canon i.e. he has a badass (OC) lover called Nell don’t @ me she was my heart when I was writing this and still is.
4. Shortest fic: We are Lost, Together [800 words]. My very first Jonsa fic, aaaaah the beginning of it all... 
5. Most hits: Wild is the Wind [16,429 hits]. My first multi-chapter Jonsa fic. There’s an air to this work that I still love despite its imperfections  — probably because on a personal level at least, I can see and feel myself getting so much more familiar and comfortable in how to handle these characters and write them in a way that works for me.
6. Most kudos: Wild is the Wind [637 kudos]. Hey — it’s a big number for me! + I adore every single person that took the time to leave a little heart there, thank u honeys. 🥰
7. Most comment threads: Shelter As We Go [232 threads]. More on this below 👇
8. Fav fic you wrote: oh hi again Shelter As We Go 👋 This story is in my bones. Always, forever. It is so different to anything I’ve ever plotted or planned before; I genuinely feel as much on a journey writing it as the lovely people that read it.  Especially in times like these, I’m grateful to have a world to get lost in  — the SAWG verse is exactly that. As a lovely, lovely reader has so beautifully put it: this story is like having a warm cup of my favourite tea during a cold winter day – there’s nothing quite like it… for one that spoke to my frosty English heart on a spiritual level ☕🇬🇧 and also it’s just everything I ever hoped this fic would be: a safe, warm place where Sansa grows into herself: a fierce, fire-haired goddess ready to take back Winterfell with her wildling lover at her side, yaaas queen!
9. Fic you want to rewrite/expand upon: Querencia universe always! No rewrites  — just additions. Professor Snow and Sansa fucking Stark. My dream-team always. I’ve lots planned for them!
10. Share a bit of your WIP or share a story-idea that you’re planning: Next chapter of Shelter As We Go. Grappling with plot-points a little at the moment, and trying to pinpoint exactly when I want to end up where if that makes sense. But it’s coming along. Dreams. Tormund being the best boi as always. Jonsa forehead kisses for life. Moving south toward the Wall  — and all the beasts and bastards who lurk behind it… aaaah! Till then, here’s a little excerpt:
Leans low. Chases his fingertip, his thumb away from her brow. Sets his lips there instead: the gentlest touch of his mouth to her skin before he presses his brow lightly to her own. Closes his eyes. Breathes her in. Feels her stir.
“Quiet now,” he rumbles. “I’m here.”
— that’s me done! I liked this. It was fun. I do enjoy a good ramble as is plain to see... always happy to chat/answer asks if ever the passing fancy takes you! Okay! I will stop now. Take care. Eat well. Focus on the tiny joys. Be kind. Love + light to you all. ❤️✨
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inyoursheets · 4 years
writer asks
tagged by the wonderful @bourbon-ontherocks, @mego42 and sorta by @sothischickshe whose attempt to tag me made me laugh 
ao3 name: 
nomind. im not even sure why at this point
ive only published good girls fics on ao3, but there may or may not still be some terribly written unfinished hp fics (probably x reader) made by thirteen y/o me floating about online somewhere.
number of fics: 
i keep thinking the answer is like, three, but it’s actually five. that’s how memorably my fics are lmao
fic i spent the most time on: 
oh, for sure my latest, warm water. ive never spent this much time plotting, editing, thinking things over. as evidenced by the rest of the fics ive published lol
fic i spent the least amount of time on:
i thought it was maybe the spanking fic but that one actually sat unfinished in my drafts for a long time now that i think about it, bc it wasn’t gonna get its own fic, it was supposed to be part of chapter two of the never have i ever fic . i think it was how do i even... say that? bc once i knew what i was trying to say with it, it got real easy to write, but im not sure! 
most hits:
this is so funny bc i had no idea -- i expected the answer to be warm water, but that one is just barely third, almost fourth! the winner is actually my super self-indulgent never have i ever fic that i can’t believe so many people fuck with, some time in your sheets
most kudos:
now that one is warm water
most comment threads:
also warm water! and everyone is so sweet! but also so frustrated! which is very fair haha, im frustrating myself by writing this tbh. but i think the frustration is gonna be worth it. i hope?
most bookmarks:
once again, warm water
highest total word count:
warm water and im very excited about the fact that i've only published like, half, and i still have to write a couple of scenes, some of which i expect to be pretty girthy. im so happy i finally managed to start a (proper) multi-chapter fic.
favourite fic i wrote:
i think either how do i even... say that? bc the subject matter matters to me and actually grew out of my own need to process some things -- verbalizing what you want during sex is scary ok! -- and i think people also took it that way? there have been some really kind comments on it, specifically about the message i was trying to convey/stumbled upon while writing, so that is wonderful! i actually never responded to any of those comments bc i suddenly got self-conscious about author comment etiquette and im thinking it would look weird to do so now, but i am really surprised and humbled by them!
 or warm water for reasons im not gonna go into until ive finished it, but yeah, it gets a special place in my heart, too, trust me on that. it also unfolded in such a great way as i was writing it, it really took a different turn from what i had originally planned out, which has been such an interesting process and it really made me feel joy to be writing again, you know? when characters/scenes just sorta take over? so it’s been definitely the most enjoyable to write i’d say. but also the least haha, which makes it so special.
fic i want to rewrite/expand on:
i feel like my very first fic could lend itself pretty easily to being expanded and becoming a proper AU, it would be pretty hassle-free to continue, but i don’t know if that’s a path i wanna go down. maybe some time in your sheets bc i did weave in that they’d been fucking regularly and i kinda liked their dynamic there, but my goodness, it’s so plotless! all my smut fics are so plotless! technically even the spanking fic could like, get another chapter of more spanking, but what would be the point? 
maybe how do i even... say that? would be the most interesting to continue, to see how beth learns how to vocalize her wants and needs in bed, how she grows in that, but idk if i am equipped to write such a thing. hmm. im gonna think about it, after i finish the beast that is warm water.
share a bit of a wip or story idea you’re working on:
so ive got some dialogue between beth and stan sitting in my drafts bc i love a beth/stan friendship, but it didn’t fit in anything else i wrote, nor will it fit with an AU like warm water. im excited to use it one day, not bc the dialogue is any good (it honestly wouldn’t surprise me if literally none of the actual dialogue ever makes it to the actual fic) but i love the vibe in that scene. they discuss d*nsie, so unfortunately that fic must include that douche canoe, so that’s sad
what i also have is a barely-there rough draft/idea for a beth/rio/rhea threesome fic (mostly inspired by one particular sex position i wanna see them in) that is gonna take a while to actually write bc as @foxmagpie has pointed out it’s really hard to try and make that not be completely ooc, and i think im not gonna start until finish warm water.
and that’s that! im tagging @missmaxime @fairhairedkings @sothischickshe (who i now realize probably already did this?) and @sdktrs12 if you feel like it!
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